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2013-07-20, 11:40 AM
Hunger is king.

It burns at your core, swallowing up all other concerns. It devours everything you once knew or cared about, shrieking bloody murder until it’s sated. Even then, it never really leaves you alone—it just takes its foot off your throat.

Everyone is hungry on Nar Shaddaa. Even the Hutts.


Word’s gotten out. Jarboa the Hutt is looking to take on a new crew. Ship not required.

Everyone wants a piece of Jarboa’s biz. It’s the kind of opportunity that leads to body counts among friendly competition. Running with Jarboa is big time. A high turnover gig. Up or out.

The system is as simple as it is lucrative. When you run for Jarboa, he comes first. Whatever he’s mailing, it’s got prime freight.

Whatever space is left is yours. Wanna run glitterstim to Coruscant? Sex slaves to Cloud City? Water to Tatooine?

Fine--just so long as Jarboa’s package gets delivered.

Some crews make enough money in a year to buy their own planet. Others get boarded on their first run out of atmo.

As for those foolish enough to lose one of Jarboa’s packages in transit—it’s not pretty.

Rule 1: It’s better to be dead than to botch one of Jarboa’s drops.


The bar is dark, but not so murky as to hide the unmistakable shape of the Toydarian floating towards your table. To his side is a raven-haired human with the kind of beauty that can only mean trouble. Behind them is a male Devaronian clad in black tactical gear—a blaster pistol on each hip.

The Toydarian speaks.

“So! You are the new group, eh? The chosen ones! Jarboa knows of each and every one of you.”

He smirks. It’s ugly.

“Yes. Well, it wouldn’t do if we didn’t make some introductions.”

He gestures to his intoxicatingly gorgeous companion.

“To my left is the lovely Ashlyn. She is your overseer. She is Jarboa’s eyes. She is Jarboa’s ears. When she speaks, it is with Jarboa’s voice. “

The Toydarian offers the Devaronian a toothy grin.

“As for Fisk’ar, he controls Jarboa’s package. He is an extension of the only thing of worth on your ship. Do not get in his way.”

He hands Ashlyn a datapad.

“You have been extended a restricted credit line. 100,000 credits, to be used for the purchase of a ship. It may be used to pay for repairs, docking permits, transit taxes, necessary refurbishments, and freight. Consider this full payment for your services.”

The Toydarion begins to flutter away. The Devaronian smoothly follows.

“Your ship must be ready to leave within three days. You are welcome to stay for a single drink, courtesy of Jarboa’s hospitality.”

Henry the 57th
2013-07-20, 12:11 PM
Ashlyn stands at the Toydarian's side as he introduces her and Fisk'ar. She is clad in her favored garb - a deep purple long-coat with matching pants ending in black boots. A bit of gold embroidery here and there adds to the outfit's pleasing look. Surprisingly for a place like Nar Shadda, the outfit is highly modest (and more importantly, protective), showing only Ashlyn's head and hands. It still somehow contrives to make her look attractive, which is of course half the point.

Ashlyn eyes her perspective new companions, sizing them up as best she can. A Twi'lek, a Duros, an Ithorian, a Transdoshan, and a droid. The last of these she only just prevents herself from looking at distastefully. Ashlyn doesn't like droids that aren't her servants. She can't read or touch their minds with the Force. That makes them less predictable.

Irritating. Perhaps a restraining bolt? she wonders to herself, before dismissing the idea. No, it would hardly do to make everyone else more wary of me than they already are. Perhaps later, if it proves necessary. She files the thought away.

Concentrating her hatred for her position under the disgusting slug she works for, Ashlyn attempts to strengthen her connection to the Force. She looks at the group closely, attempting to read their body language to get a sense of where they are emotionally.

Even as all this is going through her head, she puts on her best winning smile for the group. "Hello. As our Toydarian friend said, I am Ashlyn. I'm pleased to meet you." she says in a warm, friendly tone of voice. She extends her hand.

2013-07-20, 01:42 PM
Wounds 0/17
Strain 0/9

So its come to this. Sitting with a bunch of strangers at a seedy dive bar, wearing everything he owns, and taking a job for Jarboa. At least it will get me out of this pit of a city for a while... Rassp thinks to himself as what he assumes is Jarboa's envoy approaches the table.

Rassp's dark orange reptilian eyes flick to each individual, sizing them up. He notes the prominent armament of the one introduced as Fisk'ar. Dual pistols. Must be some sort of fancy showman gunslinger. he thinks.

He listens as the Toydarian speaks the mission line and then flutters away, followed by Fisk'ar. The human female Ashlyn stays behind, and makes an attempt to introduce herself. Rassp looks at her extended hand and grunts some sort of greeting, then turns in his seat, raising a scaly hand to flag down a waitress.

Hutts rarely give anything away, especially booze. One has to take advantage.

2013-07-20, 01:59 PM
Solis slides lithely to his feet, taking the human woman's hand and placing it to his lips, waiting for the flicker of discomfort his appearance brings to humans. Tempted to hold a bit too long, he breaks away for the sake of prudence with a polite nod.
"Solis Tran, Ashlyn. Is my pleasure to meet such an esteemed representative of the great Joarba. I assume you know where we will be taking this most discrete of packages?"
The twi'lek strokes one of his lek'ku with his left hand while reaching for his drink with his right, sitting again with the companions he's made over the last few months.
"We are pleased to have you in our company, great lady. I hope you will make sufficient contribution to our little band."

2013-07-20, 02:05 PM
Etene Wune
Wounds 0/12
Strain 0/15

The Ithorian fiddles with the translator on top of his head, it makes various static noises and beeps until it dials in correctly. "You should try the Sarlacc Kicker here, it's wonderful." As he says this, he leans back in his chair and pulls out a small container of reythan crackers before introducing himself. "Etene Wune, owner.. well, once owner of Etene's Eatery! Snack anyone?"

2013-07-20, 02:19 PM
A pretty Twi'lek waitress saunters over, in a cocktail dress that leaves little to the imagination.

"Can I take your orders?"

A holoprojector set into the table lights up, displaying the drink menu. The prices are missing.

At the top right corner, a small ad shines in blue Basic--"Trusty Tarbin--New and Vintage Spacefaring Vessels!"

On the other side, in competing red script is another ad--"Sharbo's Shipyard--The True Spacer's Choice!"

Henry the 57th
2013-07-20, 02:20 PM
Having experienced the attentions of creatures far more loathsome than the one kissing her hand, Ashlyn holds her friendly expression with practiced ease. Inside, she seethes with anger at yet another indignity she must suffer in the employ of Joarba. For what feels like the millionth time, she imagines him screaming, impaled on the spike of his own palace as it burns around him. The image soothes much of her simmering rage.

When the Twi-lek releases her hand, Ashlyn chuckles a bit at his statement. "I shall do my best, Mr. Tran. Or may I call you Solis?"

She sits down smoothly. "I would, thank you, Mr. Wune. Or do you prefer Etene?"

Ashlyn looks at the waitress. "I'll simply have my usual, thank you." she says, referring to the closest thing this place has to a wine, a dark red-brown drink of uncertain vintage and questionable taste.

2013-07-20, 02:29 PM
Etene Wune
Wounds 0/12
Strain 0/15

The Ithorian's eyes seem to raise and squish in a moment of happiness "I made them myself! Please, call me Etene." The ithorian orders himself zoochberry juice. As he does this, he can't help but notice the ship ads on the menu. "I've seen some clever locations for marketing before but I don't believe these ads are coincedence." He says as he points to the holos.

2013-07-20, 02:37 PM
The waitress looks dumbly at the menu.

"Oh, that? Those ads are on rotation. They change all the time."

Almost on cue, the menu is now shilling a 20% discount on health supplements from a local food mart and a promo for a new holodrama.

2013-07-20, 02:43 PM
Wounds 0/17
Strain 0/9

Rassp looks incredulously for a moment at Etene pulling out a bunch of crackers. "For frak's sake we're supposed to be a bunch of hardened spacers working for a hutt, not some caterers at a hatchling's birthday party!" he exclaims, but reaches for a cracker anyway popping it into his mouth, tilting his head slightly as he finds it rather tasty.

"Correllian Reserve." he says to the waitress, before turning back to regard the holo-ads. "Red or blue eh?" he says. "I'm partial to red." and just like that, the ads are gone.

2013-07-20, 02:51 PM
Etene Wune
Wounds 0/12
Strain 0/15

"Personally, I'm a bit weary of a shipyard that has the word rusty hidden in the first word." The ithorian continues to chomp on his crackers in both mouths before his drink arrives.

Henry the 57th
2013-07-20, 02:56 PM
Ashlyn pops a cracker into her mouth. Nothing special, but it doesn't seem poisonous. Always good to make a good impression.

Aloud, she says, "Thank you, Etene." She smiles again. She does that a lot, really.

A thought occurs to her. "Excuse me, gentlemen. I'll be back in a moment."

Ashlyn casually walks up to the bar, waiting for the bartender to take notice, however long that takes. When he does, she says, "I know you've been ordered to just give us a single drink on the house, but do you think you might be able to make a small exception. Maybe one, two more for those who want them?" She gives a pretty face.

Charm Test

Ability: [roll0]
Proficiency: [roll1]
Boost: [roll2]

Difficulty: [roll3]

Note: I have no idea how difficult this is, so I just assumed maximum difficulty. If it isn't, please discount all rolls above the true amount

2013-07-20, 03:31 PM
OOC: Hard difficulty. Result: 1 success, 2 threat.

The bartender gives her a hard look.

"Let me ask the boss."

He heads over to the Toydarian. They converse briefly. The Toydarian buzzes over.

He frowns, and begins to talk in a loud stage whisper. Everyone in the half-empty bar can hear him. Her new companions included.

"What's this? Jarboa's whore hasn't learned her lesson yet? Now she wants to impose upon his hospitality?! Fine! A parting gift--for Jarboa's favorite entertainer."

He lowers his voice. He grins.

"You may have another round of drinks. On the house."

Henry the 57th
2013-07-20, 04:05 PM
Someday, I will kill you, worm. Ashyln vows silently. Aloud, she simply nods, smile gone.

Returning to the table, Ashlyn sits down, looking a bit sour, but quickly ditches the expression. "My apologies for his rudeness. I simply thought you might like more than one round of drinks."

2013-07-20, 04:12 PM
The waitress returns with a full tray and begins to hand out drinks.

"I've been told you guys get another round? Lucky!"

She smiles and winks at Ashlyn.

"If you ask me, you should go for the top-shelf stuff. We've got some really nice Corellian Ale on reserve."

OOC: Everyone gets a single bonus die to apply to a skill-check of their choice for this session. The finer things in life have their perks.

2013-07-20, 04:48 PM
Wounds 0/17
Strain 0/9

Rassp flashes a toothy grin, sharp teeth making it look none too pretty. He quickly downs his glass and holds it up to the waitress. "Another Corellian Reserve." he says, and looks to Ashlyn. "Scoring an extra freebie from a hutt, now how in the world did you manage to pull that one off?"

Henry the 57th
2013-07-20, 05:04 PM
"A pretty face and a charming smile go a long way." Ashlyn says, chuckling. "And I'd like some of your Corellian Ale." she says to the waitress.

2013-07-20, 05:56 PM
The waitress nods and takes down the orders.

She glances at Solis.

"Can I get you something, handsome?"

2013-07-20, 06:58 PM
Solis directs a smirk towards the waitress and taps the rim of his near empty glass.
"The Whiskey was excellent. I'll take another."
The smirk still stretching his lean face, Solis gives the serving woman one long, lingering examination up and down her body, keeping his lekku absolutely still to hide his thoughts.
I wonder if this is one of those I sold into slavery on this world.
Another look, with an exaggerated lick of the lips.
No, the fight is gone out of this one. She's not fresh enough to be one of mine.

2013-07-20, 07:21 PM

HK-1009 sat quiet during the first round of drinks. He was looking forward to working with the hutt. He needed creds and the hutt was known to be good on giving them out, provided you don't botch the job of course.
He perked up at the mention of 100k credits. "oh the parts some of those creds would buy,"he said to himself.
"well since the Hutt is paying I'll take a glass of Sullustan Gin," he says. He knows how awkward it must seem coming from a droid. So he follows up with "I know what your thinking but it for my friend here," pointing his mechanical finger at the mean looking Trandoshan." He thinks back to what his former partner said, "If we ever part make friends with the meanest looking person in the room, you'll live longer." "I would like my round to go to him if that is not too much trouble?"

2013-07-20, 07:31 PM
The waitress laughs and coos.

"You're cute! Sorry, but I don't think you're on the tab."

She looks at the rest of the group.

"I'll get the rest of those orders right up."

She wiggles her butt on the way back behind the counter--clearly hoping for a good tip.

2013-07-20, 08:04 PM
Wounds 0/17
Strain 0/9

Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all. "Thanks pal." Rassp says to HK-1009. "Not everyday you end up getting three free drinks!" he says, chuckling - a sound that sounds halfway between a snake hissing and gravel sliding down a mountainside.

2013-07-20, 08:07 PM

"I'm not on the tab, so much for her tip," he says out loud. "Sorry Rassp I have heard Sullstan Gin is quite good."
Never having a memory wipe has lead HK to become more and more "Human" since humans are who he tends to gravitate towards in partners. He almost felt a little offended by her comment.

Henry the 57th
2013-07-20, 08:09 PM
Ashlyn looks at the droid. "My apologies. The staff here aren't exactly known for their abundance of courtesy," she looks pointedly at the Toydarian, "Or taste."

"But enough about them. When you've finished your drinks, we should get down to business - where would you like to go to buy a ship?"

Knowledge (Underworld) to see if I know anything about either of the places advertised earlier.


2013-07-20, 08:22 PM
Let's call it average difficulty.

Anybody who wants to can roll Underworld or Streetwise for knowledge regarding these venders. You can also attempt a skilled assist, if you prefer.

(Remember, you can attempt practically any skill check in this game, even if you aren't trained. It just goes off of your base abiliies.)

Edit: I checked the Character sheets. Henry can add a single proficiency die to Ashlyn's roll--making the result a "Streetwise" check.

2013-07-20, 08:38 PM
Difficulty vs. Ashlyn's Underworld Check (http://orokos.com/roll/127226): 2eD: -1 (F/Th, Th/Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/127226)

You know that both are Jarboa affiliates. Tarbin deals in old light freighters, while Sharbo deals with newer and pricier ships. They'll both accept favors for in-store credit--if they like you.

The alcohol goes to Ashlyn's head. Take three strain.

2013-07-20, 09:01 PM
Wounds 0/17
Strain 0/9

Rassp visibly deflates as he finds out the Droid isn't part of the tab. "Worth a shot." he shrugs. "Alright, business it is then. All I know about buying ships is that they are expensive and not to let some sleezeball dealer talk you into buying a wreck."

2013-07-20, 09:19 PM

"I agree! I would rather spend my creds on parts and upgrades than fixing an old ship." "I say we head to Sharbo's."

Henry the 57th
2013-07-20, 09:28 PM
Ashlyn clutches her head briefly as the alcohol proves somewhat stronger than expected. Maybe drinking the second one myself wasn't the brightest of ideas.

She shakes her head a bit to clear it, then looks back up. "I concur. Newer is generally better, and Sharbo generally deals in newer ships."

2013-07-20, 10:05 PM
The waitress swings by to collect empty drinks. When she bends over, she makes sure to give the table an ample view of her assets.

"Thanks for your business, guys! We're closing up for afternoon--gotta get ready for the evening service."

As she leaves, the bill pops up on the holoprojector. Around the "Tip" line is a pink revolving heart.

From the bar, the Toydarian is staring at the table. He doesn't look happy.

2013-07-21, 01:06 AM
"I have no objection to Shorba's, at least to look. I am thinking, though, that giving Joarba's money back to Joarba is perhaps not the best way to profit."

Solis winks at the bartender and places a secured credit chit (for a whole 12 credits) on the table before turning back to his companions.

"There must be competitors. Perhaps competitors who will be willing to undercut a near-guaranteed sale for joarba."

Striding towards the door and resting a hand on his blaster, eyes darting out for enemies, he bares his teeth at the world in what humans might foolishly consider a smile.

In a lowered voice, he speaks to the Duros once outside the bar.
"There is a man I know of, by the name of Rusty. Cheaper ships are difficult to find and his quality is not so poor as his name might have one thinking. Perhaps we should pay this man a visit, after we learn of Shorba's price?"

Streetwise roll to find a competing shipyard
Streetwise for alternate shipyard (http://orokos.com/roll/127261): 2eP: 2 (S, Tr)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-tr.png (http://orokos.com/roll/127261)

2013-07-21, 01:25 AM
Difficulty (Streetwise) (http://orokos.com/roll/127264): 2eD: -1 (Th, F)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/127264)

Result: 1 Crit, 1 Threat.


You know a dealer who specialized in Corellian freighters. His handle is "Rusty Rockets"--he's a bit of a comedian. He's got a wide variety of ships, and he deals with a large number of smuggler clientele--most of his stock comes pre-modded with nice extras, courtesy of past owners. He's got what your looking for, and his prices are as reasonable as they come on Nar Shaddaa.

2013-07-21, 02:57 PM
Etene Wune
Wounds 0/12
Strain 0/15

Etene nods in agreement with the Twi'lek, "I like your style, pitting the vendors against each other will certainly work in our favor. We should get moving."

2013-07-21, 05:24 PM
You make your way over to Sharbo's Shipyard. As it turns out, it's within walking distance. Jarboa's little dive is in the heart of spacer turf.

The lot is huge--filled to the brim with pricey durasteel tonnage. A number of large freighters and capital ships gleam on proud landing struts--including at least two CR90's and a spotless Marauder.

In the middle of the shipyard sits an expensive leather chair and gilded desk. Behind the desk is a surprisingly fat Bothan. Flanking him are four heavily armed guards in vacuum-sealed composite armor.

He looks up from his datapad, offering the equivalent of a Bothan grin.

"May I help you?"

2013-07-22, 02:04 AM
Exaggerating his normally confident demeanor into a cocky swagger and a mildly offended huff when greeted by the rotund Bothan.
"You do not know us? You are having the honor to meet the newest of the great and mighty Joarba's employees!"
Locking eyes with the seated male and baring his teeth, he lets slide out in a softer voice.
"We are needing a ship. A fast ship."

2013-07-22, 11:28 AM
The Bothan genuinely laughs.

"No. In fact, you are needing a cheap ship."

The smile vanishes.

"So you are the new blood Jarboa hired. You're making waves on the holonet, you know. A lot of two-bit vendors would kill for an in with Jarboa's business."

Sharbo waves his hand theatrically, to show off his little fiefdom.

"Look around! Some of the finest ships of the line can be found here. Nimble little fighters, too--fresh off the assembly rotation."

He pauses.

"Usually, I only deal with Jarboa's veteran crews--the risk of loss on my ships is just too great among the rooks. So far, I see nothing to change my opinion."

Henry the 57th
2013-07-22, 02:43 PM
"Perhaps they are rookies, but surely you know me." says Ashlyn.

Charm (http://orokos.com/roll/127602): 2eA+1eP+1eB+2eD: 1 (S/A, A) (S/S) (-) (F/F, Th/Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/127602)

2013-07-22, 07:06 PM
Wounds 0/17
Strain 0/9

The big trandoshan stands behind the group, large rifle slung across his back and burly arms crossed in front of his body. He's not here to cut deals, letting those better with words take the lead.

Though, that's not to say he isn't ready to step in if things need to get a little more...forceful.

2013-07-22, 09:40 PM

HK scanned the room and took notice of the body guards and their weapons. He has a thing for weapons. He enjoys, if you can believe a droid enjoys anything, making them better. He approaches one of them and asks, "excuse me, will you show me your blaster? Have you modified it in anyway?"

Charm roll:

2013-07-23, 01:18 AM
"Everyone should be standing back now, unless you wish to be struck by the debris of poor HK, who never knew how to restrain his curiosity." Following his own advice, Solis prowls to the nearest window, examining the fleet for sale. Slowly, casually, he brushes his long red fingers over the butt of his pistol, the favorite he's ever owned.

2013-07-23, 01:37 AM
"Say, that is a nice blaster. Top notch quality there." The ithorian walks over and chimes in.

: 2eA: 0 (A, A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/127696)

2013-07-23, 05:52 AM

Var was running late and he had been running. His little meet up with some of Jaggus's men that morning, had been both unplanned and rather unpleasant. He was pretty sure one was dead and he could not go back to his room, the last was not a big issue, he planned to leave soon and owned little.

His arrival was rather late and he seemed to miss the new crew, whoever they were anyhow. Not that Var cared, they would get him off this rock and away from Jaggus and his gangs. Luckly that twi'lek waitress knew where the new crew where headed, less luck it had cost him all but 10 of his creds to find out where.

He looked at them from a distance first, rather ragtag looking bunch, not that he could say much. He put a casual swag into his step and walked over to the group, that seemed to be looking at the ship's.

"You must be the rest of Jarboa's new crew" He said "I had some things I had to attend to , it ran a little late. Names Var, it seems we are looking for something pricey. If what I have heard is true, we might not have very deep pockets yet, we might want to look around at something a bit less new"

I would like to do a streetwise to see if he knows of anyone who might have cheaper but reliable craft
Streetwise roll (http://orokos.com/roll/127717): 2eA+1eP+2eD: 0 (S/S, A/A) (S/A) (F, F/F)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/127717)

2013-07-23, 09:45 AM
Sharbo looks around with practiced disinterest.
"You should know that I don't pay my guards for their conversational skills. And they don't take kindly to idle chitchat."

Sharbo nods to the Duros..

"Unsurprisingly, this one has the handle of things."

He smiles at Ashlyn.

"No offense meant, kid, but I'd almost be doing you a disservice if I sold you something. Sure, I could sell you a nice firespray--armed to the teeth and factory mint. But it would be a bit cramped for six. Plus, Jarbo usually wants at least a hundred tons reserved for his personal use, minimum."

Sharbo shrugs.

"Fact is, my niche is line ships and snub escorts. I've got a few medium haulers if you're interested in shipping major tonnage, but you'd probably need to join up with a protected convoy to avoid getting jacked. Plus, you'll either need a sizable bankroll or a short-term loan to fill the barge to capacity with goods."

He pauses.

"Still, I'm never one to turn down a sale-if I can help it. How many creds we talkin'? Two? Three?"

2013-07-23, 12:35 PM
Wounds 0/17
Strain 0/11

Rassp nods at the Duros latecomer. "Alright, let's head somewhere else then, sounds like this place doesn't really have what we're looking for." he says, addressing the group.

He turns to Sharbo, "When we get filthy rich, I'll come back for that firespray."

2013-07-23, 04:20 PM

"My appologies Mr. Sharbo." "I just enjoy weapons, some may say a little too much." With that HK walked towards Rassp and stood consulting his data pad.

2013-07-23, 10:22 PM
Sharbo nods at Rassp.

"No problem. Truth is, you'd probably be best off chasing down some beat-up junker. I could maybe track down a light freighter for you, but the rush order would boost the price.

He offers a conspiratorial wink.

"There are a lot of vendors with an abundance of junkers on lot--the kind of ships that wouldn't draw a second glance from port security. Exactly the kind of ship you want when running for Jarboa. Buy 'em cheap, soup 'em up, and spend the rest on cargo--that's the way to go."

He smiles at Ashlyn.

"I wasn't always a mighty merchant of space-steel, ya know. Once upon a time, I was a fairly crafty runner. It's a good biz--for the young."

Sharbo returns to his desk. He puts his feet up, and watches as the group of newly minted smugglers begin to reappraise their options.

Henry the 57th
2013-07-23, 11:50 PM
Ashlyn smiles back, playing with her hair a little. "Smart men like you like to know the competition. Know anyone specific we could look for?"

Charm (http://orokos.com/roll/127835): 2eA+1eP+1eB: 1 (-, S) (A/A) (A/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/127835)

2013-07-24, 12:07 AM
"How much are you asking for the fighters? It would be good to perhaps provide ourselves with an escort. Not on the current budget, of course, but a relatively forward businessman is a rarity on Nar Shadda. It would be a shame to let such opportunity slip."
Solis flashes a tight smile at the bothan before striding across the floor, a bit impatient.

2013-07-24, 12:08 AM

Var nods and it seems at lest this Sharbo guy is on the up and up, well for a former smuggler in a hutts pocket trying to make cred anyhow. He decides to see if he can milk that a bit

"You seem well informed Master Sharbo, I was thinking something beat up and ...slightly modified might serve us and of course Jarboa's needs better." He pauses as if thinking over how he should put something he is not sure how to say.

" Now, I know Men such as yourself, normally do not send sells to someone else. However, we do need a reliable ship if we ever plan to afford the kind of craft you provide, Very fine and very expensive craft at that. If you could tell us someone who might provide the kinda craft we need, to better serve Jarboa. We would owe you one."

Var Shurgs " A favor from low lives such as us may be worthless to you, but we are not buying from you anyhow and someday a favor from us just may be useful to you..in some small way" Var says with a grin.

Ok, My charm sucks, but gonna try anyhow. I am also not sure how many destiny points we have and while its most likely a bad idea..I am gonna blow one anyhow and lower the difficulty of this.

Charm (http://orokos.com/roll/127836): 2eA: 1 (A, S)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/127836)

ok not as bad as it could have been.. but we have not seen the difficulty :)

2013-07-24, 01:53 AM
: 1eB+2eD+2eC: 0 (S/A) (-, Th) (-, F)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/127858)

Die Result: Treating Henry and Dark's roll as an unskilled assistance (bonus), with 1 challenge die degraded via Fate Point.

Result of the combined roll: 1 success, 4 Advantage.

Options: Can use 3 advantage to recover the -3 strain Ashlyn suffered. Can also suggest other uses for the advantage rolled. (I.e. Extra facts about vendors, a price on a fighter, etc)

2013-07-24, 02:04 AM
Sharbo smiles at Var. It looks predatory.

"Favors are good currency on Nar Shaddaa."

He nods to Ashlyn.

"Sure, I know a guy. Head over to ol' Tarbin. He deals in a lot of refurb freighters. Anything in the YT-line should do the trick. Some of the older ships are harder to handle, but they're usually cheap enough that you can slip new parts in and bring it up to spec. Plus, a lot of the older stock tends to have been given TLC by their previous owners--some of 'em are practically bespoke jobs for black market biz. If you drop my name, Tarbin should give you a hot price."

He winks.

"Hell, I can even give him a call, make sure he knows you guys are connected. Plus, if you're low on creds, he might be willing to work something out."

Sharbo nods to himself.

"As I says, favors are good currency ."

2013-07-24, 02:12 AM
"Spare the call, good Sharbo." Solis says with a backward glance as he gestures his companions towards the door. "We will go visit this man now. His lot, it is close?"
Casting a momentary frown at the back of Var's head, he favors Sharbo with one last grin, predator to predator. Perhaps if I move quickly, I can keep these idioys from enslaving us to two masters, instead of simply Joarba.

2013-07-24, 02:22 AM
Sharbo nods.

"It's close. You can get a fix from the holonet, easy.

If you're headed to Tarbin, I'll give him a call--let him know to expect you. Otherwise, he might take you folk for a bit of a ride."

2013-07-24, 01:39 PM

Var really did not care if he upset the others or not. He needed off Nal Shadda now, not in a day or two and dancing around with things out of the price range was a waste of time. Besides at lest he owed a favor to a smuggler and not another hutt.

To Hell with it Var thinks as he hears the Twi'lek dance around the subject. So Var Grins and decides to piss him off

" A call would be great and the YT lines are good solid ships, I served on one for years. Also, they often have a little extra for folks like us" He says grinning at Sharbo

" As you said, Favor is good currency and we might as well get some use from the cred right. I would rather not take the kind of ride Tarbin is likely to give without a word from you"

Let the Twi'lek fum he thinks to himself, he'll get over it.

2013-07-24, 04:03 PM
Sharbo gives a nod to Var.

"Good man. I'll give Tarbin a call. He should have a few birds tailor-made for the profession. With me vouching for ya, he might even have some work for you. It'll buy you some good will and street rep."

The Bothan looks down at a datapad and types a few things in.

"If he offers you a job, take it. Best way to get ahead in this biz is to be hungry."

2013-07-24, 04:38 PM
"I'm always hungry" Etene reaches for his crackers but then decides it would be best to keep up appearance as a scoundrel. The Ithorian smirks out of his right mouth and puts his hand on his belt, retrieving his datapad. "We better get a move on then, I'm anxious to see what we can find."

Etene walks over to Var and quietly says to him "Aren't you a little worried these two are working together to gouge us on prices or debt? I'm also curious to see what our new friend here just typed into his datapad."

2013-07-24, 07:27 PM

Var looks at the Ithorian, not sure what to make of him. The he quietly says "sure, but not much we can do about it and the man may well give us work. Sharbo here knows the score, knows who we work for and knows we can't afford the goods he has" Var shrugs "That is why I offered the favor, favors can get you everywhere here, even if they are risky to use. We are unknown smugglers, that might come in handy for Sharbo and be wroth more when he cashes in his favor then the drop of cred he could bleed us for."

He looks over at Etene "In this game, on this moon you place your bets and roll the dice and hope things go your way"

2013-07-24, 08:36 PM
"Might I recommend we cease with the slandering of our potential ally directly to his face?"
Deceit and backstabbing, the trade and skill of his people, may be lost on Solis, but the common courtesy aspects tend to remain universal. So easily trampling over them tends to lead to equally wide-spread misery.
"Please, good Sharbo, make the call. We will pay a visit to your friend."
Walking out the door, he beckons to the Duro.
"Var, if you would be joining me."

2013-07-24, 10:01 PM

The prospect of getting a ship that needed repairs brought HK's attention away from his data pad. He most often found himself repairing and upgrading whatever ship he his on. One time when Kandar and him found a job on a luxury casino transport he found a broken blaster turret to tinker with. They almost had a restraining bolt slapped on him until they realized that he actually made the blaster turret work better. He made a few creds inspecting and fixing any others that were in need of repair.
"Old ships can be such a pain, I would rather spend my creds in others ways." HK let out an audible sigh. "Well if we must get an old ship the we must"
Hk moved and headed out the door to wait outside. While outside he looked over his inventory to see what he has and what he may need to buy.

2013-07-24, 10:14 PM

"Let's get a move on then." Rassp said as he strode toward the exit. He gathered that some of his companions were quite eager to get off this cesspit of a moon, and he was keen on doing the same. This whole gig was a huge risk - Hutts could make you very rich or very dead.

But he was still excited to be (part) owner of a space ship.

2013-07-24, 10:47 PM
If Sharbo is insulted, it doesn't show. He simply nods at the Twi'lek to acknowledge the request.

"Consider it done. Safe travels."

As the motley group heads off the lot in search of cheaper transport, Sharbo remains casually perched at his desk, engrossed in his datapads.

Only once the proximity scanners signify the group has left does he allow himself a bemused chuckle.

He punches up a call on his datapad.


Tarbin picks up the com in his office. The place is dark and smoky, with a film of dust on most of the surfaces. It reeks of death sticks--the kind of smell that can only be bestowed by a chain-smoking addict over decades of perseverance.

The voice on the line is familiar.

"Yo, Tarbin. You've got a flock of nerfs headed your way. They're Jarboa's. Fresh meat, but don't let 'em spoil..."

Tarbin smiles. He stands up from his desk, stretching his back. He walks over to the entryway and raps a finger on the transparasteel.

"Spikes! Manka! We got guests inbound. Play nice and let 'em through."

It never hurts to keep a short leash on hired muscle.

As you arrive at Tarbin's the first thing that strikes you is the sign.

A big glow-board is set up by the entranceway. It reads "TRUSTY TARBIN--Vintage Space Rockets and Sprockets." The power source must be spotty, because the first T can't seem to stay lit--insulting Tarbin's reputation and wares with every flicker.

The next thing that strikes you is the contrast. Where Sharbo's operation was all glitter and pomp, the lot in front of you looks more like a sad graveyard. Ships of bygone eras sit on rusting struts--hissing and ticking silently to themselves in their old age.

Not far from the entrance is a shack with a corrugated roof and stained tranparisteel facade. Two street toughs are lounging at the front. Both are human. The girl on the left is strapped and pumped, bulging with muscle. Both her hands are encrusted with rings, and a beat-up heavy blaster is on her hip. The guy on the right looks twice as large and half as smart.

They both eye you suspiciously as you approach.

Henry the 57th
2013-07-25, 12:33 AM
Ashlyn knows that it's never a bad idea to show a little politeness, even to second-rate goons like these. And they can always be killed later, if need be. she adds mentally.

She strides to the front of the group, smiling politely at the thugs. "Greetings. I believe we're expected."

Charm (http://orokos.com/roll/128004): 2eA+1eP+1eB: 4 (A, S) (S/S) (S/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/128004)

2013-07-25, 04:15 AM
Nodding to the guards, Solis continues into the shop, muttering to himself.
"Yes, expected to be buried under a landslide of rusty and broken antiques."

2013-07-25, 06:10 AM

Now this Var thinks to himself Is more like it. He looks over the sad looking shipyard, thinking of how unassuming and sad they look "Yes, this may be just what we need

Var looks over to Solis " As long as they just look like junk we'll be fine. My last ship looked worse, but looks can be deceiving and that is good for us"

2013-07-25, 12:21 PM
Difficulty: Guard Roll (http://orokos.com/roll/128063): 2eD: -2 (F/F, -)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/128063)

Two success, two advantage. If you have any strain left, clear em off. Alternatively, you can have the guards relax a little, or pass a boost die on to the next roll.

The transparisteel door opens up.

"Come on in!"

Inside, you see a grizzled adult human. He looks about 45, with bronze skin and a short black beard. His hair is buzzed, and he's wearing a simple green utility jacket with brown cargo pants. He's also wearing high-quality black leather gloves--they have a slight sheen.

Tarbin smiles at the group.

"So, I hear you're in the market for a cargo ship."

2013-07-25, 12:40 PM

Var looks at the man "Aye, something, well loved , but dependable and useful for smuggling would be nice. we also do not have the deepest pockets just this moment, but heard you might have something like that" He looks back to the others before going on

"what do have in stock that is fast, has good cargo space and maybe a bit modified for our needs?"

2013-07-25, 12:59 PM
Tarbin chuckles.

"Spoken like a true Duros. You can call me Tarbin, by the way. Or Rusty. Or Mr. Rockets. Over the years, I've picked up a lot o' names."

He strokes his beard.

"I got a few options for ya. There's a YT-1250 on the lot. Just came in. Needs some major overhauling, but it'll fly. It's basically stock, so you'll be able to do what you want with it. The speed is fine, and it's got space. Just needs a bit of TLC on the handling mechs, and a more reliable shield gen. I could let it go for, say, 98,000 Creds."

Tarbin winks.

"But, since you folk are comin' in with a recommendation, I'll make you an offer. I got a nice bird on the lot. It's a hobby restore--I've been doing it myself. It doesn't look like much, but it'll match a YT-1300. For a YT-1000, that's saying something. And it's got a few liberties taken with it--the bird comes with a fair amount of...discrete...storage."

He nods to himself.

"I could let you have the "Rustbucket" for 110,000 Creds."

Henry the 57th
2013-07-25, 01:52 PM
"110,000 credits is a lot of money. Are you sure you wouldn't be able to... compromise a bit?" Ashlyn winks at him.

Charm (http://orokos.com/roll/128068): 2eA+1eP+2eB: 2 (S/S, -) (A/A) (A/A, -)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/128068)

2013-07-25, 01:58 PM
OOC:I'll let you reroll the blank green die for a destiny point. You an also downgrade the upcoming opposed roll, which is two red and two purple.

Dice: Tarbin Cool Check (Opposed) (http://orokos.com/roll/128072): 3eD+1eC: -3 (Th, F, F/F) (Th/Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/128072)

Result: 1 Failure, 1 Advantage. You won't get him to lower his price, but he'll offer you guys a job for store credit.

2013-07-25, 02:26 PM
Tarbin shakes his head.

"You won't find a better price on this planet for that kinda ship. Here's what I'll do, though."

Tarbin shifts over to his desk.

"I've been having some trouble with a local spacer crew. I sold them a ship about two years ago. Thing is, they've found some success and it's gone to their heads. They think they can get away with skipping out on their installment payments."

Tarbin presses a button, and an image of a pretty twi'lek female is projected onto the wall.

"This is Helis Barthi. She runs a small smuggling and piracy operation. She's got a crew, but it's nothing you smooth talkers shouldn't be able to handle. To keep it short, get her to pay her bills, and I'll give you some in-store credit."

He shrugs.

"I don't care how you do it. Alternatively, you should know that the law of Nal Hutta allows a creditor to repossess their property if a significant portion of the debtors...pass away. Every member of their crew is on my lease."

Tarbin winks.

"In my business, a ship is as good as credits."

Henry the 57th
2013-07-25, 02:28 PM
"How much credit are we talking here?" Ashlyn asks.

2013-07-25, 02:34 PM
Tarbin shrugs.

"10,000 CR worth of in-store credit--applicable to the purchase of a ship or component upgrades--assuming you do a good job. That's a nice chunk o' change for this type of work--but good ol' Sharbo asked me to treat you nice."

2013-07-25, 04:15 PM

Rassp looks around Tarbin's shipyard. This place is a dump. he thinks to himself. Spotting the toughs brings a toothy grin to the face of the Trandoshan. Instantly his mind goes to combat tactics in a 2-on-1 scenario. He knows five ways to win in a few moments, and five more when they stride into the lot.

Tarbin seems like a used ship dealer, which is what he is. Looking at the two ships offered, Rassp immediately gravitates toward the YT-1000. Yeah it's older, but it has that charm that certain ships have. The price was a little more than they could afford with their credit line, but then Tarbin makes his offer.

The offer brings a twinkle to the Trandoshan's eye. "She will be paying up shortly, Tarbin." Rassp says, the promise of violence bringing a menacing grin to his face.

"Though she might not be so pretty when she comes in."

2013-07-25, 04:38 PM
Solis drums his fingers against the butt of his pistol, looking Tarbin over.
There goes not giving the money back to joarba. And playing the dealers against each other.
Thinking about making their way in the world in a shipped dubbed by its greatest advocate 'The Rustbucket' is somewhat terrifying, but another option presents itself.

"You know, Tarbin, reposessing this ship for you is not so very many steps from simple piracy. What do they have and how much do they owe you? Perhaps, if it is suiting our needs, we could discuss a simple transfer of ownership?"

2013-07-25, 09:44 PM

Hk's loved this place! He could spend days routing through this junk to find components he could use. The "RustBucket" sounded like his type of ship. The one area he was concerned about was the ships Hull it looked pretty beat and he didn't know if he would be be able to pull off a good repair.
HK would have no problems trying to kill a few of Ms. Barthi's crew to get Tarbin's ship back according to Nal Hutta law.
"I must say that getting your ship back "legally" is worth more then just $10k in credits. The odds of us losing our lives are approximately 725 to 1. Perhaps you know someone who could modify to the Hull of the "RustBucket?" for us provided we survive."

2013-07-26, 08:29 AM
Tarbin looks at them coldly.

"The terms aren't changing. If you don't want the job, I'll give it to someone more reliable. Someone who doesn't immediately try to change the terms or shake me down on a simple errand."

He smiles. It's not friendly.

"Here's the thing. You won't find a cheaper ship vendor in Nar Shaddaa. And you definitely won't find a ship that fits your needs within three days if you get the reputation for being unreliable. So far, all you've established for yourselves is that you have expensive taste and shop outside of your price range."

He shakes his head.

"If you do this simple enforcement action, I'll give you a moderate payment in store credit. If you don't, I won't. You've already heard my terms. This isn't rocket science."

The door behind slides open.

"We're done here."

2013-07-26, 03:54 PM

Var is kinda tired of waiting around, he wanted off the Moon and it seemed a fair deal to him, even if the YT-1000 was old, it was something made for their needs

" Tarbin, do you mind if I speak with my new associates? We have never worked together and some may be new to how things work" He says with a grin " You seem to be giving us more then a fair shake, but we need to talk your generous options over among ourselves you understand.

Assuming he is fine with them talking among themselves

Var waits to the group is alone. " I say we deal with him, the YT-1000 is old, very old, but it suits our needs ans the 10k cred would be useful for repairs and other stuff later on.

Street wise and Underworld roll to see if he knows of these people
Streetwise roll (http://orokos.com/roll/128237): 3eA: 1 (A, S, A/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/128237)


Underworld (http://orokos.com/roll/128239): 2eA+1eP: 3 (S, S/A) (S/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/128239)

2013-07-26, 04:04 PM
Underworld:Underworld (http://orokos.com/roll/128242): 2eD: -1 (Th/Th, F)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/128242)

2 Success. I didn't check streetwise, as I figured you wouldn't want to roll streetwise if you prevailed on underworld.

Var: You've heard of the Twi'lek-she's a savvy operator. You know they frequent a dive bar in unaffiliated gang territory--"The Blue Rancor." You know the crew is a bit small, and that they have a reputation for jacking ships due to the fact that one of their crew is a computer whiz. You should have no problems tracking them down.

Tarbin points to the open door.

"Go ahead. I'll be here."

2013-07-26, 04:37 PM

"I'm with you Var. This is a decent deal, and I doubt some pretty little Twi'lek playing at pirate is going to stop us from getting that 10k credit."

"We might not find a deal this good anywhere else."

2013-07-26, 05:31 PM

Var Nods " I know this one, she has a small crew and tend to jack ships due to one of her crews talent with slicers not skill with weapons or skill with a table leg. I hear she and her crew Hangs out at a dive bar. I think we could handle them"

2013-07-26, 05:37 PM
"If you wish that we risk our lives before even picking up Joarba's goods, I suppose I am agreed."
Lowering his voice so not to be heard by any but his new cred.
"Besides, if theirs is being a nice ship, we can simply take it and renegotiate our contract from a position of leverage."
He starts running his hand across his weapons belt, readying everything for the nigh-inevitable combat already playing out in his mind.
If they attract trouble half so well as this group does, they will be desperate to see us gone.

Henry the 57th
2013-07-26, 06:10 PM
Ashlyn nods. "So we're agreed?" Meanwhile, she wracks her brain to see of she knows anything else about this crew.

Streetwise (http://orokos.com/roll/128269): 2eA+1eP: 3 (S, A) (S/S)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/128269)

2013-07-26, 06:25 PM
Difficulty: Streetwise (http://orokos.com/roll/128275): 2eD: 0 (Th, Th/Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/128275)

2013-07-26, 06:35 PM
Result: 3 Success, 2 Threat.

You've heard of the Smuggler. She has a dangerous rep. It was being said around town that they'd recently jacked a CR90. You've also heard they're in tight with a minor Hutt named Jaggus.

One more detail:
It's said the Twi'lek got her start running guns.

Henry the 57th
2013-07-26, 06:55 PM
"Before we go, you all should probably know: word on the street is the smuggler's close to a minor Hutt. Jaggus is his name. They say she's jacked a CR90, and that she got her start running guns. So we should expect they won't be short on weapons."

2013-07-26, 09:02 PM

HK stood back and entered in his data pad all the information that was being said about their targets. He especially made a note about the crews hacker. While HK was no genius when it came to computers he knew enough to maybe use his skills against them if it came to that.
"I'm good to go," HK said as he put his data pad back in his backpack.

2013-07-27, 11:00 AM
Tarbin hardly glances up as the group files back into the office.


Edit: Treat this as occurring after you guys finish your discussion ;).

2013-07-27, 04:12 PM
This part of the group has not filed back yet!


At bring up Jaggus's name Var stops. " On second though, maybe we should pass. I know of that hutt and minor or not he does not forgive insults or interference with his crews. We Might, just might be safe once we are under a more powerful hutts protection. But Jaggus runs many gangs and..well accidents happen that often can't be traced back to him."

2013-07-27, 04:23 PM

Rassp frowns. "If we don't do this we don't get the nice ship since we don't have the cash. I'm for doing it - we've already got enemies simply because we are running for Jarboa, what's a few more? I'm not about to back down from some wimpy little Twi'lek and her powder puff pirate crew."

Henry the 57th
2013-07-28, 12:43 PM
"I think we should go for it. This is Nar Shadda, making some beings mad is just a fact of life if you want to achieve anything important."

2013-07-28, 06:23 PM

Var Shrugs "why not. I never heard of any ties to Jaggus, but if we move fast maybe we wont be feed to his pet Mozoks. Lets take the Job"

2013-07-30, 01:29 AM
"Worry not, good Tarbin. We will return in a day or two with word of your ship. What kind of ship is it, again? The make will aid us in finding it among all the craft on Nar Shadda."
He throws a wink Tarbin's way before walking out to join the crew.
"And perhaps a coat of paint over the Rustbucket while we are being occupied? Blood red should be properly fitting."

2013-07-30, 07:53 AM

"Be back in no time." he says to Tarbin with a menacing gleam in his eyes. "This is going to be fun!"

2013-07-30, 09:39 AM
Tarbin nods.

"Just to be clear, I'm not asking you to find my ship. I know where it is, and I'm fully capable of seizing it myself should the legal circumstances arise."

He pauses for emphasis.

"I'm just asking you to make sure that Ms. Barthi resumes her installment payments. Separately, we simply had an academic discussion about the fact that when debtors tragically pass away, the property that they have not finished paying off returns to the owner."

Tarbin smiles at the Trandoshan with an equally feral glint, and then turns to Solis.

"If you're still confused, my Twi'lek friend, just ask your Trandoshan buddy to explain it to you."

He returns his gaze to the Trandoshan, catching his eye meaningfully.

"Good hunting."

The door behind the group slides open.

2013-07-31, 06:02 PM
An air-taxi lets you off in a back-alley on the outskirts of the "Spacer" district. It's unaffiliated territory--a no-man's land among a battleground of gang wars and constant turf squabbles.

As the taxi speeds off into the sky, you spy a neon blue holographic sign. The animation is crude--a blue sketch of a rancor devouring a helpless stick figure in stop-motion animation. The scene resets after every swallow--giving the poor stick figure no reprieve from its endless doom.

Just under the sign stand two street muscle-jockeys. Behind them is an unmarked durasteel door. A sign at the front proclaims a 10 credit cover charge.

You can also spot a garbage-strewn alleyway along the side of the building. You can smell the stench from where you're standing, but there's also a small sliver of light peeking out from a slightly ajar door.

2013-07-31, 09:22 PM
"I vote we start with drinks. Nothing like spreading a few credits around to pick up some excellent rumors."

2013-07-31, 09:41 PM

HK lets out a loud audible sigh, "Drinks again!" HK looks intently at his data pad hoping to find any information that might aid them about the bar or their target.

Computers roll:

2013-07-31, 10:05 PM

Rassp perks up at the mention of drinks. "I can always go for a few drinks before some planned assault and battery. Let's scope the place out."

Henry the 57th
2013-07-31, 11:05 PM
"I think I may have to pass on the alcohol, personally. The last one did not suit me so well."

2013-08-01, 02:42 AM

Var thought of his last 10 creds, and really did not want to let on how low on funds and how very desperate he was. "Why don't a few of us stay out here? watch the ally, me and the Droid could keep an eye out. It might be best to..Talk to them outside, after they have had their fill of whatever this place is selling."

2013-08-01, 09:41 AM
Treating HK's roll as Knowledge-Underworld: Knowledge Underworld (http://orokos.com/roll/129414): 2eD: 0 (Th, -)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/129414)

Result:You know that this bar has a reputation for violence. It's the kind of place where you can leave a few bodies behind, and nobody will care as long as you pay for the drinks.

2013-08-01, 05:59 PM

OOC: View of the Blue Rancor (on right)

(sign not pictured)

2013-08-01, 09:58 PM

HK stated, "The odds are much better that we try and talk to her outside." "We can surprise her and any she might be with"

2013-08-02, 08:55 AM

"You guys wait by that door, we'll go inside and flush her out that way, and then you grab her. Easy peasy." Rassp says, pointing at the slightly open door in the alley.

Henry the 57th
2013-08-02, 11:11 AM
"Do you think I should go inside? I'm very good at convincing people of things."

2013-08-02, 02:18 PM
"Both of you, with me. The rest, perhaps have weapons ready."
Solis checks the charge on his weapon before passing his credits to the bouncer and pushing inside.

2013-08-02, 03:06 PM

Var moves toward the alleyway. The nods to the droid "Lets go keep an eye out on the rear exit" He says, keeping a head on his blaster.

2013-08-02, 03:25 PM
Like most dive bars, the interior of the Blue Rancor is dark and smoky. The floor is sticky and black--it looks like it hasn't been cleaned since the invention of the hyperdrive. Way in the back, a single short-order cook in a grimy kitchen is frying greasy snacks up for a couple of drunks.

The only other people in the bar are all sitting together at a standalone table. Drinks sit casually on the plasteel surface--a sign of ease. Helis Barthi is in the middle of the group. Her seat faces the bar entrance, and she eyes you keenly as you enter the bar.

On her right is a wirey human, jacked into a modified holodeck. Clustered around the table are four other males of mixed species--two humans, a Gran, and a Zabrak with a nasty facial scar.

The Zabrak shifts his attention to you as you enter from the front door. A low screech is audible as he pushes out of his seat and perches himself at the table's edge--putting himself between you and Helis.

2013-08-02, 10:14 PM

Hk seeing Var's hand on his blaster thought, "oh my this could get bad quick."
Hk then slid on a pair of brass knuckles. He then shifted his attention to the alley and door. "I wonder if I could use anything around here?"

Perception: http://orokos.com/roll/129856

I want to look for anything electronic that I could use to our avantage. Like a control panel on the door.

2013-08-03, 09:02 AM
Perception Difficulty (http://orokos.com/roll/129897): 2eD: -1 (Th, F/Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/129897)

The alley is full of garbage and cooking waste. Your perception matrix finds itself mildly overloaded over concern that a pool of congealed oil might gum up your servos.

You see nothing of use.

Take 1 strain.

2013-08-03, 02:23 PM

"I think i should probably stay where I'm at. This alley is disgusting."

2013-08-04, 06:09 PM
"I am thinking we need to drink, but quickly. Can you get a message to those outside? 'Be ready when we bring them out.'"
Solis drops another 10 credits on the bar and looks around, judging body language for any who might throw in on the side of the deadbeat Twi'lek woman.

Sweep the room (http://orokos.com/roll/130046): 2eP: 2 (S, S/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/130046)

2013-08-04, 06:53 PM
Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/130049): 2eD: -1 (Th, F/Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/130049)

Result: 1 Success, 1 Threat.

Solis looks around and begins to case the place. The gesture is not discrete. Three more chairs screech against the durasteel floor as the other males at Helis' table join the Zabrak in his aggressive posturing.

The slicer lifts an eyebrow at the commotion and the newcomers.

"I'd suggest you folks find another bar. This one's occupied, and you're cramping our space."

It's fairly obvious to everyone in the bar that Helis, the slicer, and the four males at Helis' table are all part of the same group.

Henry the 57th
2013-08-04, 07:46 PM
"Now gentlemen, no need to be so hostile." Ashlyn smiles flirtatiously at them.

Charm (http://orokos.com/roll/130059): 2eA+1eP+1eB: 2 (S/A, -) (Tr) (A/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-tr.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/130059)

2013-08-04, 10:06 PM
Cool (Oppossed) (http://orokos.com/roll/130080): 2eC+1eD: -2 (F, Th/Th) (F/Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/130080)

Result: Failure, 1 triumph effect.

2013-08-04, 10:31 PM
The four male spacers glare at Ashlyn, unmoved and unfriendly.

However, a voice echoes out from behind them.

"Hold on, boys. This one's a chatty minx. You can let her take a seat."

The men part slightly. The Zabrak unceremoniously drags an empty chair over, grinding out an awful noise in the process. He sets the chair directly opposite Helis--an expanse of table between them.

Helis winks at Solis and Rassp.

"Girl talk only, though. No boys allowed."

The four males rest their hands on their holstered blasters. The message seems pretty clear--only Ashlyn is allowed to come closer.

Henry the 57th
2013-08-04, 10:48 PM
Ashlyn walks over and smoothly takes her seat. "How can I help you?" she asks Helis.

2013-08-04, 11:05 PM
Helis smiles and wags her finger.

"No playing dumb, sugar. Nobody wanders into this dive bar here without a reason or an invitation. And I don't recall inviting you."

Helis leans back in her chair.

"If ya'll have made an honest mistake, you can walk right on out--no harm, no foul."

Helis lets her chair come back forward. It slams down with a crash.

"Otherwise, state your biz."

Henry the 57th
2013-08-04, 11:15 PM
Ashlyn gives a cheeky grin. "You caught me. Yes, I wanted to speak with you. Although," she makes a point of looking around suspciously. "Perhaps somewhere a little more... private?"

2013-08-04, 11:32 PM
Helis laughs.

"Look around, sweets. This is my office. It don't get more private than this."

Henry the 57th
2013-08-04, 11:48 PM
"And you totally trust all these... lovely gentlemen for their discretion?"

Deciet (http://orokos.com/roll/130093): 2eA+1eP+1eB: 1 (A/A, A) (A/A) (S)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/130093)

2013-08-04, 11:53 PM
OOC: Treating deceit as unrolled--it's not necessary for simple conversation ;).

"Anything you have to say, you can say in front of my crew. I trust them with my life."

Helis offers Ashlyn a sly wink.

"And yours, for that matter. Now, how 'bout you tell Auntie Helis why you're here."

She gives Ashlyn a sideways glance.

"If you're selling...companionship, I'm not interested."

Henry the 57th
2013-08-05, 01:21 AM
"I'm here to... collect on an outstanding debt you owe. The name Tarbin ring a bell? So if we could just be reasonable sentients about this..." She calls on what little she knows of the Force to try and touch the woman's mind.

Charm (http://orokos.com/roll/130099): 2eA+1eP+1eB: 1 (A, A) (A/A) (S/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/130099)

Overwhelm Emotions (http://orokos.com/roll/130084): 1eF: 0 (LS/LS)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/f-ls-ls.png (http://orokos.com/roll/130084)

2013-08-05, 01:48 AM
Cool Check (http://orokos.com/roll/130102): 2eP+2eC: -2 (A, S) (D, F/F)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-d.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/130102)

Forgotten Difficulty Die (http://orokos.com/roll/130103): 2eD: -2 (F/F, Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/130103)

Result: 1 Failure, 1 Despair, 4 Advantage.

2013-08-05, 02:15 AM
Almost at once, the four flanking spacers begin to laugh. Helis guffaws and slaps her side. Even the slicer chuckles a bit, logging off of his deck and standing up.

Finally, Helis stands up, blaster in hand. The slicer glances nervously towards his deck.

"So...you're debt collectors. Sorry, sweety--you chose the wrong profession. I hate debt collectors. You'd have lived longer as a comfort gal."

[Roll Initiative--Ashlyn, Rassp, and Solis. Those outside the bar are in narrative time until they see/hear combat.]

Ashlyn: You've rolled a bunch of advantage. If you like, you can spend two to take a free action and move back into medium range, next to Rassp and Solis. You can also pass on 1 advantage to the next allied character [1 advantage], or take a boost die yourself for your next roll/assign advantage to a specific character [two advantage].

Henry the 57th
2013-08-05, 02:37 AM
Ashlyn takes the opportunity to dart backwards as they laugh, reaching for her own weapon. "As you wish, then."

I spend two initiative to dart back to medium range, pass one to the next ally, and just keep the last, I guess.

2013-08-25, 03:39 AM
Fluidly, the four spacers draw their weapons. Like a well-oiled machine, they snap into action, raising their barrels and sending a volley of scarlet blaster bolts in the direction of Rassp. Every spacer worth their creds knows that Trandoshans are bad news.

Attack Roll Result:Combat Check (http://orokos.com/roll/132883): 3eP+1eA+2eD: 3 (-, S/A, S/A) (S) (-, -)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/132883)

9 Damage to Rassp, before soak.

Under the cover of the withering fusilade, the Zabrak singlehandedly grabs a bar table and lifts it over his head, slamming it down in front of himself to create a makeshift barrier.

The other three spacers vault and dive behind the newly erected barricade while continuing to fill the air with superheated blaster bolts, covering their minor movement until all four are safely behind cover.

Turn Breakdown: Spacer maneuver: Draw Weapon

Spacer action: Attack

Two advantage=free maneuver. Spacers elect to move to cover.

2013-08-25, 04:15 AM
Solis grins, partially the thrill of combat and partially the whiskey singing through his veins as the fun starts.
"Capture her alive if we can. She'll bring an excellent price as a slave."
At long last his hands free to act, long red fingers dance the heavy blaster pistol up into his palm and practiced eyes get a read on the distance to the standing slicer.
Solis smirks as he pulls the trigger smoothly, the red race of burning plasma directed at the hapless tech.

Maneuver: Draw heavy pistol
Standard: Fire at slicer
1 Success, I'll post the link in the morning.

Henry the 57th
2013-08-25, 02:05 PM
Ashlyn aims her pistol with surprising apparent serenity, shooting at Helis.

Combat (http://orokos.com/roll/132930): 1eP+1eA+1eB+2eD: 1 (S) (A) (A/A) (Th, Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/132930)

Maneuver: Aim
Action: Shoot

5 damage.

2013-08-25, 02:38 PM
Adjusted difficulty on Helis:

Adjusted Difficulty on Helis (http://orokos.com/roll/132935): 1eC+1eS: 0 (Th) (Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/132935)

Result: 1 success. (Challenge replaces one difficulty due to Adversary 1, while defensive rating adds a defensive die.)

2013-08-26, 12:05 AM
Solis hits true, scorching the left side of the human slicer. A charred hole and nasty burn mark the human's ribs as he cries out in pain.

Ashlyn's shot seems to catch Helis on the arm and almost dissipate, leaving no visible trace of blaster damage. A patch of Helis' flight jacket looks slightly darker, though.

Helis snarls at Ashlyn.

"Nice shot, bitch. It almost stings. Maybe next time, you'll use more than a toy pistol."

2013-08-26, 04:22 PM
Wounds: 12/17
Strain: 11/11

Rassp grunts as the volley of blaster fire impacts him straight in the chest. His armor manages to absorb some of the damage, but there are clear singe marks as small wafts of smoke drift off into the air.

"You're gonna pay for that." he snarls as he whips his blaster rifle into his hands, and squeezes the trigger firing off a volley of his own at the spacers hiding behind their cover.

Maneuver - draw weapon
Action - Attack
Attacking the spacers (http://orokos.com/roll/133206): 2eP+1eA: 2 (S/S, A/A) (-)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/133206)

I'll let you take care of the difficulty Revanus, not sure what it would be :smallwink:

Oh, and if I get an extra maneuver because of advantage, I'll use it to take cover behind my own table :smallbiggrin:

2013-08-26, 05:10 PM
Difficulty (Rassp) (http://orokos.com/roll/133212): 2eD+1eS: 0 (-, -) (Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/133212)

2 Success, 1 Advantage (enough to pass on a boost die to the next PC or recover 1 strain, but one advantage short of a free action).

2013-08-26, 05:22 PM
As one of the human spacers jumps up from cover to snap off a shot, Rassp's rifle bolt catches him in the stomach. The plasma burns straight through his abdomen, leaving a large and gruesome hole.

The man stumbles to the left and clatters down to the floor--dead.

2013-08-26, 05:30 PM
The slicer grunts as he eases out of the chair, clutching his side. He glances at his deck, but doesn't attempt to grab it.

Instead, he rushes towards the front door, stumbling behind cover as his hand snakes out to slam the control panel.

The door slides open.

Turn breakdown:Movement: Move to front door.
Action: Open door.

Location: Short distance to PC's.

2013-08-26, 06:17 PM
Hk was getting worried and is trying to focus on what is going on inside.

Perception roll: 1 advantage

2013-08-27, 01:32 AM
Helis stands tall in the middle of the chaos. With a snarl, she raises her heavy blaster and takes careful aim at Solis.

"Eat nerf dung, slaver!"

The blast smashes directly into the padded armor chestplate protecting Solis' heart. The energy-resistant padding diffuses some of the blast, but the extreme heat still results in a nasty burn beneath the armor.

Helis Attack (http://orokos.com/roll/133318): 3eP+1eB: 3 (S, S/A, -) (S)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/133318)

Difficulty (Forgotten):
Helis Difficulty (http://orokos.com/roll/133319): 2eD: -1 (F, Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/133319)

Result: 2 Success

8 Damage - 3 Soak=5 Damage.

2013-08-27, 01:38 AM
The sound of blaster fire carries through the open door, alerting everyone in the immediate vicinity that a gunfight is going on nearby.

OOC:HK and Var hear the blaster shots from Helis. Roll initiative.

Henry the 57th
2013-08-27, 02:34 AM
Ashlyn's rage compels her to remain standing, this time shooting at the slicer by the door.

Combat (http://orokos.com/roll/133330): 1eP+1eA+1eB+2eD: 3 (S/S) (S/A) (S/A) (F/Th, Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/133330)

Maneuver: Aim
Action: Shoot

7 damage.

2013-08-27, 03:23 AM
New Initiative Order:
4 success—PC
1 Crit, 1 Success, 2 Advantage—NPC
2 success, 2 advantage—PC
2 success, 1 advantage—PC
2 Success-- NPC
1 success, 2 advantage—PC
1 Success, 2 advantage—PC
1 Success—NPC
4 Advantage—NPC
2 Advantage—PC

2013-08-27, 03:46 AM
Ashlyn's shot drills a smoky hole through the slicer's shoulder. He grunts in pain, but remains on his feet.

OOC: Boost (http://orokos.com/roll/133336): 1eB: 0 (A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/133336)

Ashlyn nets a bonus die from Rassp's round, resulting in 1 advantage.

The three spacers behind the table continue to pump out a large volume of shots, but their aimed fire suddenly focuses on Solis.

Turn Breakdown:
Maneuver: Aim
Action: Attack (Solis)

Spacer Attack (Destiny Upgrade) (http://orokos.com/roll/133337): 3eP+2eD: 3 (S/S, Tr, -) (-, Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-tr.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/133337)

Bonus (Aim/Oops) (http://orokos.com/roll/133338): 1eB: 1 (S/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/133338)

Critical hit result: [roll0]

Winded--Solis cannot voluntarily take on strain for additional maneuvers or ability activation until the end of the encounter.

Destiny: 3 Dark--5 Light

2013-08-27, 04:01 AM
Standing out in the open, Solis makes an easy target.

A blaster bolt slams into Solis' midsection, just below his solar plexus. The space pirates clearly know a thing or two about shot placement, as Solis feels a fiery sledgehammer smash into his abdomen and rob him of his breath.

The armor glows as the bolt is successfully absorbed, but the smell of charred flesh is unmistakeable.

Solis:1/13 Wounds
13/13 Strain
1 Critical Hit

2013-08-27, 06:47 AM
Solis grunts in pain and shakes his head, his brain filling with the scent of burnt flesh and pain. In the building rage, the only thought he can manage is to spit an insult in his native tongue at the twi'lek who shot him.
"I'll the Dosha eat your heart when I kill you, pathetic woman."

Getting himself moving, he charges Helis, blaster blazing away as he gets into his most effective range, sighting one truly excellent shot high on the female's chest.

Maneuver: Move to close range
Attack Helis, spent destiny point to upgrade

Charging Helis (http://orokos.com/roll/133348): 3eP+1eC+1eS: 1 (A/A, A/A, S/S) (F) (-)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/133348)

Double critical!! 9 damage! Now I'm going to die!
Critical Injury: [roll0]

2013-08-27, 03:01 PM
Helis grunts in pain as the shot catches her high in the shoulder. A portion of the black flight jacket is scorched away, revealing laminate plate underneath.

Solis now finds himself standing on the spacers side of the bar.

Explanation (Do read!): Helis suffers one agonizing wound (58 on the critical hit chart, and a "compromised" (87 on critical hit chart), as well as 9 damage.

Next turn is Super's. ;)

2013-08-27, 03:16 PM
Wounds: 12/17
Strain: 11/11

Rassp flashes a toothy grin as he drops one of the spacers with a well-aimed blast. "Who's next?!" he roars bringing his rifle up again to take another shot at the spacers, looking to take them out one by one.

Rassp then dashes to a table and flips it over, taking whatever cover one can expect from dive bar furniture.

Attacking the spacers, 2nd (http://orokos.com/roll/133428): 2eP+1eA: 3 (S/S, S) (A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/133428)

Action: Firing at the spacers
Maneuver: Moving to cover

if the advantage doesn't get cancelled, I'll pass a bonus die to the next PC

2013-08-27, 03:31 PM
Difficulty: Difficulty (Rassp Attack) (http://orokos.com/roll/133429): 2eD+1eS: 0 (Th/Th, Th) (Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/133429)

Boost die from Solis removed, due to double critical activation:

Result is 11 damage, three threat.

An agonizing cry rings out as Rassp's rifle blast punches a hole through the duraplast table. As the smoke clears, another spacer is sprawled out on the floor, charred to a crisp.

Helis seizes on the moment to move towards the front exit door.

Helis gains a free maneuver, due to the threat roll. Helis is still short range from Solis, and is now in short range to the other PC's. Additionally, the next NPC slot gains a boost die.

Destiny: 4 Dark, 4 Light

2013-08-27, 03:44 PM
Standing in the doorway, Helis flashes Solis an acid smile.

"A parting gift. Something to remember me."

No one else understands the two twi'leks conversing in their native language. However, when Helis levels her blaster at Solis, it needs no translation.

Attack:Fixed Attack Roll (http://orokos.com/roll/133495): 3eP+2eB+3eD: 2 (S/A, S/A, A/A) (-, -) (Th/Th, Th, Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/133495)

Result: 2 success.
Damage: 8-3=5.

Solis drops to -4 wounds. He is now incapacitated until his wounds are healed/brought back up to at least 1.

Critical Hit (for exceeding wounds) [roll0]+10=22. Off-balance--Solis gets a setback die to his next skillcheck.

The shot catches Solis directly above his heart--the same place Helis shot him the first time. The blast has an immediate effect, as Solis crumples to the floor in a heap. On the way down, he hits his head on the durasteel flooring.

His breathing is shallow, but he's still alive.

Helis laughs.

"And now, ladies and gents, I'll take my leave."

Helis dashes out of the front door, drifting out of the line of sight of those still inside the bar.

Turn Breakdown:
Maneuver: Aim
Action: Attack
Maneuever (2 Strain): Move

Location Update:
Helis is standing a short distance away from the bar front entrance/exit. She is medium distance and out of LOS for the PC group and NPC group, neither of whom are standing near the doorway.

She is, however, within LOS of the group in the alleyway, albeit at medium distance.

2013-08-28, 08:33 PM

Hk wanted no part of a fire fight. particulary becuase he doesn't even have a blaster. He see's their target trying to cross the street towards some speeder bikes. "Oh no!" He thinks to himself. Hk double times it to her and swings his metal brass knuckled fist at her.

brawl check-2-success & 2-Advantage
1-movement to short range
2-movement to engaged=2 strain
Strain 9/12

2013-08-29, 02:06 PM
Attack Result: HK Difficulty (destiny boost) (http://orokos.com/roll/133732): 2eC+1eS: -1 (F, Th) (Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/133732)
Result: 1 success, 3 damage - soak.

Destiny: 3 Dark, 5 Light

2013-08-30, 12:26 AM
Catching up with the fleeing Twi'lek, HK lands a solid blow directly against Helis' spine.

A hollow metal sound rings out, as the droid's armored fist collides with a laminar plate. Helis stumbles but quickly regains her footing, no worse for the wear.

Location update:Helis and HK are now engaged.

2013-09-04, 08:08 PM
Etene's eyes blink and he turns his head to get a better look into the building, wincing at the short range blast the drops Solis.
"He should really try harder than that not to get shot."
Running into the building and dropping to the ground next to Solis, he jabs a Stimpak into the tight red neck of the Twi'lek, breathing a sigh of relief when Solis twitches and gasps in a breath.

Maneuver to Short
2 Strain for move to engaged
Maneuver to use stimpak

2013-09-05, 02:03 AM
The sight of a crazed droid rushing from the shadows to attack one of the bar's best patrons is hard to ignore. The two bouncers outside the club rush towards the aid of Helis, truncheons at the ready.

Helis and HK are only a short distance away from the bouncers.

Turn:Maneuver: Draw truncheons
Maneuver: Engaged (+2 Strain)

Action: Attack
Bouncers attempt some durasteel skull-cracking. (http://orokos.com/roll/135044): 1eP+2eA+2eD: 3 (S/S) (S, A) (Th, -)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/135044)

7 Damage-5 Soak= 2 Damage

2013-09-05, 02:37 AM
Meanwhile, the slicer stumbles out of the open front entrance. He limps away at a decent clip, heading for cover.

He hobbles past the growing street brawl and dives behind a durasteel garbage can, only a short distance away from both Helis and the shiny row of speederbikes.

Turn: Maneuver: Move
Maneuver/Action: Move behind cover

PC's are up again :).

2013-09-05, 02:40 AM
Initiative update:

After Var's turn, we start a new round.

So, we have two PC turns, back to back. The first one has to be Var.

The second one can go to any PC character.

2013-09-06, 01:01 PM

Var, seeing their target fleeing away and diving for cover, draws his pistol and takes a quick shot.

draw, and shoot! Sorry it took me an extra day or so to get around this, just not as exciting as playing your own character :smallredface:

Var is shooting Helis (http://orokos.com/roll/135286): 2eA+1eP: 3 (S/S, A) (S/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/135286)

2013-09-06, 02:57 PM
Difficults Roll (http://orokos.com/roll/135303): 1eC+1eD+1eS: -4 (F/F) (F/Th) (F)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/135303)

Result: 1 Failure, 1 Advantage.

Oops. Technically, I should have rolled two Challenge dice (firing at an engaged character upgrades the difficulty). I'll leave the dice roll as it is, though.

Result: 1 advantage to pass on/regain strain with.

2013-09-06, 03:03 PM
The swirling melee throws off Var's aim. The bolt impacts harmlessly against the pavement near HK's feet.

New Round! :)

Henry the 57th
2013-09-06, 08:19 PM
Ashlyn shouts above the noise, trying to make sure all the enemies can hear her. "Are you really going to die for the bitch who just ditched you here? You've seen what happened to your friends." She gestures at the two dead spacers. "And you," she says, pointing at the wounded slicer. "You've been shot twice already for her. How much are you willing to take? Are you going to throw away your life so she can escape? Surrender, and I promise you'll be shown mercy."

Leadership (http://orokos.com/roll/135358): 2eA+1eP: 3 (S, S) (S)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/135358)

2013-09-06, 08:32 PM
OOC: Quick continuity note: The slicer ran out of the bar on his turn. He's currently hiding behind a garbage can in the middle of the street.

So, technically, it's just Ashlyn & co and the spacers who are in the bar.

2013-09-06, 08:37 PM
Roll result: Cool check (http://orokos.com/roll/135362): 1eC+1eD+1eB: -1 (Th) (F/Th) (-)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/135362)

(I built in the bonus from Var's missed shot.)

Result: 2 success, 2 Threat.

"Don't shoot. I...I give up."

A human clatters over the makeshift barricade. He tosses his heavy blaster into the middle of the room.

The Zabrak moves out of the barricades, blaster held limp in his hands.

Suddenly, he lowers the barrel, firing randomly as he makes a run for the door.

He dashes out of the open doorway and to the right, sprinting behind a food vendor's cart.

Turn breakdown:
1 Spacer neutralized.

Last Spacer:
Maneuver: Move (front door)
Action: Move (out the bar and down the sidewalk to the right of the bar, into cover)

2013-09-06, 09:00 PM
Update: PC's have two turn slots up.

2013-09-10, 08:40 AM
HK is taken back that his blow did nothing to Helis he decided to grab a hold of her until his back up arrives.

3 success and 1 advantage

2013-09-10, 11:55 AM
Difficulty: Melee Difficulty (http://orokos.com/roll/135809): 1eC+1eD+1eS: -1 (F/Th) (Th) (-)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/135809)

2013-09-10, 12:08 PM
HK's attempts to grapple, twisting Helis' arm. The servos in HK's arm whine under the stress.

After a brief moment, she breaks free, rubbing her shoulder joint in discomfort.

Turn Result:
HK takes one strain.
4 Damage-Soak dealt to Helis.

Note about grappling:
Technically, Edge of the Empire doesn't have grappling rules.
Instead you can use two advantage when attacking to either knockdown an opponent or trigger disorient 3 (due to brass knuckles) when brawling--this is meant to approximate the effects of grappling.

In this case, the grapple translates to a normal brawl attack.

2013-09-12, 07:17 AM
Solis, eyes shooting wide when the Stimpak sends its sweet flow of bacta into his veins, stumbles to his feet. A few more steps bring him over to the door, where he looks at the scene outside.
A droid... wrestling a twi'lek? I should protect... no, no. She's my target. And she's getting away on...
Weary eyes dart to a waiting speeder with an eager pilot, the insignia on his shoulder an old Twi'lek sign of respect and trust. His blaster follows his eyes and trains on the speeder.
"Old Kytheran JZ-3500. Fast, but not much armor. Those side-struts vent some of the energy and are vulnerable. Armor's not very strong. One good shot fries the system, or at least the steering." Realizing he's muttering instead of shooting, Solis squeezes the trigger of his heavy blaster pistol, then slumps to the ground before seeing the result and hoped-for explosion.

2013-09-12, 04:45 PM
The high-powered shot shears the left control vane away. The swoop bike immediately noses down into the dirt, bucking the rider from his seat and flipping him over the handlebars.

If Helis is going to get away, she's going to have to find another ride.

2013-09-12, 05:14 PM
Staring at the killer droid in front of her, Helis decides to let the bouncers handle the skirmish.

She disengages from the melee, frowning slightly as she notices her "ride" sprawled out on the dusty ferrocrete.

Dashing past the row of swoops, she dives into the packed biker bar, disappearing into the crowd.

Maneuver: Move (Engaged to Short)
Maneuver Move (Short to Mid)(Into the bar patio)
Action: Streetwise Helis (Streetwise) (http://orokos.com/roll/136326): 3eP+1eA+2eD+1eS: 2 (-, S/A, S/S) (A/A) (Th, -) (F)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/136326)

2013-09-12, 05:28 PM
New PC initiative slots are up!

Enemies left in view:
Slicer--Cowering behind a garbage bin.
Zabrak minion: Rushing to his speeder bike.
Bouncers: Playing fisticuffs with HK.

Not to worry--you've killed enough of the enemies to make this mission a success. Rewards + XP are on the way once we mop this up--probably within a turn. :).

Meanwhile, in the Swoop Bar
(Out of sight of the group--Free Maneuver due to Double Advantage):

Helis successfully slips into the crowd, making her way to the fat human bartender. She flips him an emergency hand signal--he nods and hits a button underneath the durasteel beer station. A small trapdoor slides open in the rear of the bar.

Helis rushes through the secret employee exit--the hidden doorway snapping shut behind her.

Free Maneuver due to Double Advantage: Move (Escape to the street)

Helis is now out of the scene. Mini-boss defeated. :)

Henry the 57th
2013-09-12, 10:57 PM
Ashlyn points to where the slicer is cowering. "Someone go and get him! Take him alive if you can."

2013-09-13, 01:11 PM

A predatory grin spreads across the face of the Trandoshan. "I've got him." he says, a gleam in his eye. He flips the setting on his blaster rifle to stun as he rushes past the surrendering spacers to take aim at the cowering slicer.

"I'll try and keep him alive." he says and squeezes the trigger.

Shooting the slicer (stun) (http://orokos.com/roll/136500): 2eP+1eA: 3 (S/A, S/A) (S)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/136500)
Move: Moving into LOS with the slicer. If need be I'll take a strain for an extra move to get into range.
Action: Shoot to stun.

2013-09-13, 01:26 PM
Slicer's Trashcan Defence (Not Recommended) (http://orokos.com/roll/136503): 1eD+1eS: -1 (F) (-)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/136503)

2013-09-13, 01:39 PM
Rassp swiftly bursts out of the bar and into the street, stalking prey.

His loping gate looks downright predatory as the Trandoshan angles behind the ramshackle trashcan that the slicer is using for cover.

The concentric blue rings of a stun blast catch the poor tech-head unaware, sprawling him out on the curb faster than a juiced-up swooper with pink slips on the line.

Turn breakdown:
The stun blast knocks the slicer unconscious with room to spare.
Rassp took two strain to get into close range, and is now standing in the street, in cover.

You can use your two advantage for a free maneuver, to recover the strain you just picked up, etc. :)

Enemies left: Zabrak minion
Club Bouncers

2013-09-13, 06:53 PM
Etene takes more care this time, peeling back the Twi'lek's padded armor and injecting the bacta directly to the muscle under the burned flesh.

Slowly, Solis rises again and holsters his blaster.
"Since I see no corpse, should I assume you have the female bound somewhere to sell into slavery?"

Henry the 57th
2013-09-13, 08:41 PM
Var takes careful aim at the fleeing Zabrak, shooting him in the back with a stun bolt.

Attack (http://orokos.com/roll/136591): 2eA+1eP+2eB: 5 (S/S, S) (S) (A, S)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/136591)

Suffering 2 strain to gain a second maneuver, which is also used to aim. Stun setting. 10 stun damage.

2013-09-13, 10:44 PM
OOC:Var is at medium distance--he would have to move once to use the stun setting.
As such, only one bonus die.

Advantage=1 Success = 2

2013-09-13, 10:46 PM
Hit Result: Difficulty (Short+Cover) (http://orokos.com/roll/136605): 1eD+1eS: 0 (Th) (Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/136605)
4 Success, 1 Threat.

Var's shot hits true. The zabrak stumbles out of his cover, before collapsing into the dirt. He's out cold.

The two street toughs share a glance. Wordlessly, they both break off from the engagement with the droid, running away from the bar that was their former employer as fast as their synth-leather boots will carry them.

Minion turn breakdown:Maneuver: Disengage
Maneuver: Move (flee) towards swoop bar.
Maneuver (2 stress): Move flee down crowded alleyway.

Current location: crowded alleyway across from bar--medium distance from all PCs. Crowd counts as cover.
New Round!

2013-09-17, 09:43 AM

Rassp watches the slicer fall unconscious from his stun blast. His gaze is drawn by the two bouncers fleeing the scene.

We can't have that.

Rassp rushes after them, drawing his rifle up, sighting one of the toughs and squeezes the trigger firing a stun bolt.

maneuver: move after the bouncer guys
action: attack!
Shooting a bouncer (http://orokos.com/roll/137333): 2eP+1eA: 2 (S/A, A/A) (S/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/137333)

2013-09-17, 01:08 PM
Difficulty (http://orokos.com/roll/137359): 1eD+1eS: -1 (F) (-)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/137359)

You've got enough for a critical hit. Shall we trigger it?

2013-09-17, 01:58 PM
Let's do it!

2013-09-17, 03:05 PM
Rassp's blaster fire is quick and precise. Both of the bouncers drop, while the crowd around them hardly notices.

OOC: Combat ended! 10 XP all around! :)

Henry the 57th
2013-09-17, 03:45 PM
Ashlyn darts to grab the surrendering human's heavy blaster, her own smaller one disappearing back into her longcoat. Looking around and seeing no more enemies, it doesn't take long for her assertive instincts to take over. She points the heavy pistol at its former owner, then gestures at the unconscious bodies lying around. "You," she says, "You're going to help me. I want you to drag those bodies in here, then bind the wrists and ankles. Then sit down beside them. You've shown some sense, so I'll let you keep your appendages free as long you don't try anything funny. But try to make a break for it, and..." she gestures meaningfully at the dead spacers. "Now get to it!" she snaps.

As he does, she keeps a wary eye (and pistol) on him. Even so, she starts to drift into her own daydreams, grinning at the thought of the merciless interrogations soon to begin. Enemies' pain and death always make her smile.

2013-09-18, 09:07 AM
Solis rifles the pockets of the dead for any credits, then places his findings along with 50 of his own on the bar.
"Perhaps you are being kind enough to give us the place for an hour? We will be sure to clean up any mess our... overly enthusiastic compatriots may have left."

Turning away from the man, Solis begins fiddling with his blaster pistol. Tools quickly come out and he makes some minor adjustments to aim and tuning.

"I am thinking I need a way to get a bit more power from it..."

Bribe the Bartender (http://orokos.com/roll/137532): 1eP+2eA: 2 (S/A) (-, S/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/137532)

2013-09-18, 01:12 PM

"Gotcha." Rassp says with a twinkle in his eye, watching the bouncers collapse into a heap. "Now that's what I call marksmanship. You all remember this next time you guys want something shot." he says over his shoulder to the rest of the group.

Seeing Ashlyn barking orders at the surviving spacers, Rassp does his best to stand tall behind her and give them a look that says 'hop to it'.

"This better be good enough for Tarbin." he says casually.

2013-09-18, 07:51 PM
The spacer swallows hard and nods. Quick as a flash, he heads outside, dragging in the bodies of the slicer and his Zabraki friend, and propping them up in a booth.

The bodies of the bar bouncers remain outside--the poor spacer being ignorant of the brawl in the street.

Once he gets back in, he looks at Ashlyn.

"I brought 'em in as you asked, Ms. But...uh...."

He looks down dumbly.

"...thing is, I don't got any rope or binders. Maybe ya got somethin' I could borrow?"

He looks up hopefully. In the corner, the slicer moans as he begins to return to consciousness. His holodeck glints dimly in the opposite corner of the bar, untouched and unscathed despite the chaos of the shootout.
The bartender glances at Solis and shrugs, palming the money off the counter.

"Whatever, boss. Just don't involve me or mine, and we don't got no problems."

He goes back to washing out ale mugs.

OOC:Let me know how you want to spend the XP. We also need a way to compensate you guys for the apparent loss of Var/Etune's skillsets.

Henry the 57th
2013-09-18, 10:00 PM
Ashlyn rolls her eyes. Do I have to do all the thinking around here? she darkly wonders. She fantasizes about being stronger in the dark side, of being able to do what the greatest are said to have done: call lightning from their fingers, strangle someone merely by clenching their fists, among many others. She imagines the fool before her clutching futily at his throat and gasping for air. She smiles, then shakes the fantasy off. Remember your training: stay focused on the now.

If you have no bindings, then use their shirts or something. Oh, and there are two more bodies outside. Do retrieve them."

She notices the slicer's moaning. "Ah ah ah." she wiggles her finger as if scolding a misbehaving child. "We can't have your waking up too soon and getting ideas." Ashlyn walks over to him, her small holdout blaster reappearing in her hands. With a flick, she switches it to stun and blasts him again. "There. That should keep him down for a few more minutes."

2013-09-18, 10:39 PM
OOC: Make a social roll, Henry. :)

2013-09-18, 11:06 PM
The spacer nods.

"Yes, ma'am. Whatever you say."

His eyes are wide with a mix of fear and admiration for Ashlyn's force of personality. He proceeds to tightly tie up his former companions with their own jackets. He then practically rushes outside, dragging in both of the bar's bouncers in one go--a body over each arm.

The spacer slides the two thugs down against the wall. The bartender glances at them, and pauses in his glass washing.

"I think ya'll have made a mistake. Those be the bar's bouncers. They're my folk. You can do what you want to the space crew, but the bouncers ain't a part of your affairs."

Henry the 57th
2013-09-19, 12:26 AM
Ashlyn raises an eyebrow. "They ditched you the moment a serious fight broke out. Do you really care so much for them?"

Charm (http://orokos.com/roll/137706): 2eA+1eP+1eB: 2 (A, S/S) (-) (A/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/137706)

2013-09-19, 01:53 AM
The bartender snorts and continues washing out the glasses.

"This ain't a negotiation. This bar's only got one rule--don't mess with the staff. You folk are new--so I'm giving you a pass. But they ain't no part o' your business."

Cool Resist (http://orokos.com/roll/137716): 2eC+2eD: -3 (D, F/F) (Th, Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-d.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/137716)

Net result: 1 adv, 1 crit failure. The stakes are low for this, so it's really just a simple rejection reply unless you decide to keep pushing him on it.

2013-09-19, 02:31 AM

I'll take the despair angle on this, if you don't mind, Revanus

Solis turns towards Ashlyn, modifications apparently finished to the heavy blaster now wavering menacingly at such short range.

"They are being his people, Ashlyn. His crew, as you are ours. I am agreeing they should be left alone. To avoid... precedent."

Henry the 57th
2013-09-19, 11:11 AM
Ashlyn briefly considers shooting the bartender as he yammers. After all, his security personnel are already out and I doubt he would be missed too badly...

She's mildly surprised to hear Solis speak up on the man's behalf. The idea of shooting lingers for a moment, then she dismisses it. He isn't worth damaging my relationship witb the team over. she decides.

Ashlyn nods her head. "As you wish." she gestures to her spacer "friend". "If you'd please return his men to him."

After he's done, she nods appreciatively and lowers his old blaster a bit. "Now please, take a seat. I have some questions for you." Once he has sat down, she continues, "Let's begin by discussing your former boss. Tell me everything you know about her and her operation."

2013-09-19, 12:59 PM
The spacer nods, glumly.

"I ain't been with the crew long, but everyone knows about Helis. They say she was born into slavery, but she killed her way out. I'd believe it. I seen her do some pretty nifty things with a blaster."

He shrugs.

""There's another five of us back on the ship. The real brains behind this operation are Helis and Stevo, the slicer. Stevo controls the bank, and he's how we get in n' out of most ships."

He nods to the Zabrak.

"Jazzon is bad news. He's got a cold heart and plenty of battle scars. His brother Auro is even worse. Auro is Helis' right hand man, and he's not the forgivin' type."

The spacer glances at the holodeck.

"I ain't the smartest hydrospanner in the box, but we just knocked over a small cargo ship. The slicer has some creds on his body, I think. It was supposed to go to the crew after we finished our drinks. Also, we got another nice chunk of change from this job. The money is funny, though. Usually, the slicer does disbursement in credit chits, never straight wire transfers to our accounts--lot's a checks and balances, I guess."

Henry the 57th
2013-09-19, 11:12 PM
Ashlyn keeps a neutral expression throughout the explanation, occasionally nodding but otherwise attentively hanging on every word that comes out of his mouth. When he finishes, she goes back to her questions. "And this," she gestures to the slicer, "Is Stevo, correct?"

Whatever answer she gets, she asks more questions. "And does Jazzon there know any more than you do? Furthermore, what is the name of your ship, where is it docked, does it go by any regular aliases? Do you have any other hideouts that you know about? And where would Ms. Helis most likely flee to from here?"

2013-09-20, 06:08 AM
The spacer nods.

"Yep, that's Stevo. As for Jazzon, I can't say what he knows, but he's been around longer than me. I've only been on the crew for two months."

He glances at Jazzon, a bit of fear in his eyes.

"Uh, our ship's name is the "The Dancing 'Gal." It's a YT-2400. This was our typical meeting place. We've also got a docking bay across town--Bay 94 in the Municipal Spaceport. That changes all the time, though."

He shrugs regarding the last question.

"I dunno where Helis would go. All I can say is, she's probably long gone by now. If we got burned, it was known that it was every being for themselves."

Henry the 57th
2013-09-21, 12:30 AM
"Thank you," Ashlyn says in a surprisingly pleasant tone. "Now please, sit down for while. I have some questions to ask Mr. Jazzon here." When he does, she walks over to the Zabrak and gives him a firm kick in the chest to rouse him, then backs off several steps, keeping the heavy blaster on him. "Wakey wakey."

2013-09-21, 02:47 PM
Absorbing the blow, the Zabrak grunts and spits blood onto Ashlyn's pants. Slowly, he sits up.

He doesn't bother to wipe the blood away from his mouth. His eyes are filled with rage.

Henry the 57th
2013-09-21, 08:02 PM
Ashlyn looks at him impassively. "Listen and listen well: I have neither the time nor the inclination for a prolonged interrogation, so I'll make this brief. Cooperate and I might show mercy. Defy me and the short remainder of your life will consist entirely of pain."

Coerce (http://orokos.com/roll/138215): 1eA+1eP+1eB: 2 (A) (S/A) (S/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/138215)

2013-09-21, 09:46 PM
Difficulty (http://orokos.com/roll/138230): 3eD: 0 (-, Th/Th, Th)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/138230)

The Zabrak's face doesn't show any hint of emotion or fear. However, he nods in Ashlyn's direction, seemingly agreeing to her terms.

Henry the 57th
2013-09-21, 11:26 PM
"Good. You can begin by telling me absolutely everything you know about Helis and her operation."

2013-09-21, 11:35 PM
The Zabrak nods.

"We got a ship. It's real nice. We got a bunch of men. They aren't as nice. Helis is our boss. We've made some money doing what we do. Actually, we've made a lot of money."

He shrugs.

Henry the 57th
2013-09-21, 11:44 PM
Ashlyn's face visibly darkens, and she again wishes she had the power to strange through the Force. This fool is just begging for a good choking. "Perhaps you don't quite understand, Mr. Jazzon. I want useful, specific information from you. If I don't get that, well..." she fiddles with the blaster, "I see no reason to keep you alive. So, please think before you continue."

2013-09-22, 12:32 AM

Rassp keeps quiet, letting the sharp tongued Ashlyn do the interrogations. He just did what he did best, and looked ready to beat the frak out of the poor zabrak at the drop of a hat.

2013-09-22, 02:09 AM
The Zabrak chuckles to himself.

"Oh! Useful, specific information, she says."

He looks her dead in the eye.

"I got two bits of info for ya. See, this crew of ours...we done real good for ourselves. I've only been running with Helis a short while. But my older brother--he's been in it since the beginning. An' I know, for a specific and useful fact, that he's made enough creds to retire a few times over."

The Zabrak spits some blood onto the ground.

"Now, another bit of info. As specific and useful as info comes, mind you. We Zabraki are a loyal lot. Especially when it comes to matters of blood. I can promise you this--you kill me, and my brother will spend every single chip he has to hunt your group down. A nice fat bounty on each of your heads. 'Cause, the way we sees it, ain't no use to retiring when you still got debts to settle."

The Zabrak nods towards the bodies on the floor.

"If Tarbin wants his payments, he's made his point. But if you stage a bloody ganglang execution here...rest assured there's gonna be blowback."

Henry the 57th
2013-09-22, 02:21 AM
Ashlyn snorts dismissively. "Oh please. Spare me the victim routine. You bloodthirsty band of psychotics attacked me with no provocation whatsoever, when I went out of my way to be peaceful with you. I have no doubt your leader and brother will be after us whether or not you die here. But..." Ashlyn's eye gleams as an idea forms in her head. "Give me your brother's contact information. Now. I think I'd like to talk to him."

2013-09-22, 03:18 AM
"His contact information? They're in hyperspace, babe. Or they're on their way back here, with reinforcements. Either way, he's not gonna be taking my calls."

In the corner, the slicer sits up, groaning in pain over his blaster wounds.

Henry the 57th
2013-09-22, 12:38 PM
"Ah, disappointing." Ashlyn says. Without another word, she draws her small blaster again and gives the Zabrak another stun bolt.

Walking over to Stevo, she looks down at him and says, "Hello there, Mr. Stevo. I'll be your interrogator today. Now, I'll make this simple: cooperate, and you might get mercy. Defy me in any way, and the pain you're feeling will seem like nothing compared to what I will do to you. Now tell me all you know of Ms. Helis and her operation."

Coerce (http://orokos.com/roll/138297): 1eA+1eP+1eB: 1 (A) (S/A) (A/A)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/138297)

2013-09-22, 01:36 PM
Opposed Test (http://orokos.com/roll/138309): 2eD: -4 (F/F, F/F)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-f.png (http://orokos.com/roll/138309)

The slicer stares up at her blankly, delirious in his pain. He glances at his deck briefly, and then slumps down to the floor--unconscious.

Henry the 57th
2013-09-22, 05:22 PM
Ashlyn frowns, then examines the bodies of the two fallen spacers for medical supplies, particularly stimpacks. If she finds any, she uses one on Stevo. She also lays out anything else she finds on a table, to be divided between the party.

2013-09-22, 08:10 PM
The cooperative spacer pipes up as he sees Ashlyn rummaging through the mess.

"I dunno if you got anyone who's tech savvy, but you could try to hack ol' Stevo's deck. Might be some info in there."

His voice takes on a desperate edge.

"I'm tryin' to be helpful, see? You'll let me go after this, right?"

2013-09-24, 10:32 PM
Ashlyn finds a stimpack resting beneath a dirty napkin. The sterile packaging is moist and sticky, but the seal hasn't been breached.

She walks towards the prone slicer, her boots crunching over bits of broken glass. With a swift move, she plunges the dispenser into his chest.

The slicer coughs and splutters, before finally sitting up.

"Thanks," he croaks out.

Destiny:4 Dark, 4 Light

Henry the 57th
2013-09-26, 08:10 AM
"You can repay me by doing a little work on my behalf."

2013-09-26, 02:09 PM
The slicer glances nervously between Ashlyn and Rassp.

"Uh...what do you have in mind?"

Henry the 57th
2013-09-26, 11:41 PM
Ashlyn smiles sweetly. "I understand you're the one who makes the payments for your group. Well, I've got some payments I'd rather like made."

2013-09-27, 01:36 AM
Stevo hauls himself up and limps over to his deck. Clearly, he's not interested in putting up a fight.

He settles into a seat, and lets his hand rest over the power toggle.

"The company account I have access to has a 12,000 credit balance, at present. However, there's a hard monthly limit built in--only 2000 of those credits can be disbursed in free credit chip form. Any other amount has to be wired to an established bank account with a minimum of 50,000 credits in reserve."

Stevo glances at Ashlyn.

"I suppose you'll be wanting me to transfer the full balance of the account to Tarbin...?

Henry the 57th
2013-09-27, 01:57 AM
Ashlyn smiles again. "Almost, but not quite. 10,000 credits should go to the good man, of course... But I see no reason we shouldn't get a little bonus out of this."

2013-09-27, 02:54 AM
Solis grins at the thought of such easy profit.

"Remind me to set up an account with such a balance, should we ever do so well. It could come in handy, if we find ourselves again in such fortuitous circumstances."

Finally relaxing his worries about Ashlyn, given the surprisingly small amount of violent persuasion this interrogation has taken, Solis instead turns his blaster on the slicer.

"And you will be so kind as to leave the deck open and unlocked after making the transfer. I'm certain there are some other useful bits of information our good droid companion could find on there."

He nods at the frightened man, chuckling to himself.

"And had you just made this transfer in the first place, you would not be prisoner and these men dead. It is fitting how those who do business poorly are punished."

2013-09-27, 10:43 AM

If the trandoshan was grinning before, his mouth now stood almost open with the promise of credits.

"Smart move Stevo. Smartest you've made today, at least." he says, superiority clear in his voice. "You better give us your contact information too. Might be one day we need a slicer, and the way I see it is you owe us for not leaving you a corpse rapidly cooling on this bar floor." he makes a finger gun (well the best as he can do with his 3 fingered hand) and mocks shooting the poor slicer.

2013-09-27, 10:30 PM
The holodeck beeps as Stevo loads the credit chit up with 2000 credits.

His chair grinds as he slides it out away from the table. He looks pale.

"Take the deck. It's got my contact info inside. But if I don't get some bacta soon, I'm not liable to stick around for much longer."

Henry the 57th
2013-09-29, 12:09 AM
"Of course we'll see what we can do... if you'd be willing to form a little association with us for the future."

Charm (http://orokos.com/roll/139660): 2eA+1eP+1eB+3eD: 2 (S, A) (S) (A) (Th, Th/Th, -)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/139660)

2013-09-29, 05:45 AM
"Etene, Var you will be keeping this man alive until you can find him care, I am thinking. In the meantime, we will return and report success to Tarbin. Meet us at the yard as soon as you have our new friend well square away."

Solis gives another of apology to the bartender, then goes out the door with watchful eyes in case the clever Twi'lek female had already arranged an ambush for them.

2013-10-02, 03:45 PM

OOC: What are you guys doing with Jazzon and the helpful human?

2013-10-02, 10:35 PM
Strip them of everything but a 10 credit stick and send them out into the nar shadda night to be eaten alive?

"We are needing to see Tarbin now. Are you finished with your interrogation, Ashlyn? I am thinking we have enjoyed all the time we can reasonably expect before that woman could mobilize a strike force in revenge. Still being here when she arrives would be... ill advised."

Solis salutes the departing Var and Etene with his blaster before sliding it smoothly back into its holster. He then scoops up all the other weapons he can find and hands them to the trandoshan to carry.

"Spoils of war, my scaly friend. Proof for Tarbin that the signers are finished."

2013-10-03, 01:03 PM

"Thanks buddy." Rassp puts the various weapons in his pack or straps them to his person. He then points his rifle at the spacers they just stripped and motions for them to go. "Alright go on, get out of here. And don't let me see you again, we went easy on you today. There won't be second chances."

2013-10-03, 10:43 PM
Screen Wipe!

Tarbin's office is just as dark and smoke-filled as before. The tan, grizzled man sits with his feet perched on his desk, and offers a nod.

There may even be a hint of a smile.

"I got the wire transfer about an hour ago. Nice work. I was also pleasantly surprised to discover that I now have the option to open up repo proceedings on my old ship. That should keep Helis up-to-date on her tab."

He strokes the thin, dark beard along his chin. His almond eyes rest on each of you, appraisingly.

"Truth be told, I'm pleased with your competency. I think a cool 20,000 creds of store credit is fair comp."

He glances at Ashlyn.

"Don't bother tryin' to twist my arm. It's a good skill to have, but not here."

Tarbin gets up to tap a dirty holoprojector running a newscast. His finger leaves a streak across the image display.

"Word is, Helis and her crew were running weapons for those blasted Rebels. Dirty folk."

Tarbin spits into a nearby ashtray, nudging his desk in the process. A miniature replica of an old ARC-170 on a plexistem display trembles from the vibration.

"Still, shipping ain't a bad idea. You ever need some business, I know a few interested parties who could use a reliable crew. For a modest fixer's fee, of course."

Finally, Tarbin takes his seat at his desk, triggering a much larger holoprojector built into the fibrowood. A large rendering of a Correllian freighter springs to life before your eyes.

"First things first. You came here for a bird."

OOC:You have 10,000 Credits in the restricted ship account that you can use to buy additional components for your ship, in addition to the 110,000 Cred Cost. You may want to leave a little bit for docking/maintenance fees, though those can also come out of your pocket change.

2013-10-06, 08:42 PM
"And everything is working out nicely. Do you have any thoughts as to what you might like to sell us for additions to our 'bird'?"

Solis is still moving stiffly and he breathes deeply between steps.

"What sort of cargo do these friends of yours move? I am hoping for something less likely to get me shot, perhaps."

He bares his teeth in a grin that quickly becomes a grimace as his hand presses against his scorched torso, seemingly trying to pressure the pain away.

"With a decent margin, if possible. Paying off Joarba early would be... sweet, I am thinking."

2013-10-08, 02:55 PM
"Safe cargo, eh? Well, there's something sensible in that, I suppose. It'll give you cover for whatever Jarboa's shipping, at least."

Tarbin nods and hits a button on his console, and a list of standard ship-additions pops up on the holodisplay.

"I got a supplier I could put you in contact with. They're in the water business. They do the whole spectrum--from hardware like deep-source purifiers and mono-cleansers to consignments of liquid and ice to low-water planets. The cargo doesn't start off as high value, but they make their margins."

2013-10-09, 08:59 AM

"Having legal cargo would do well to cover what Jarboa is having us carry. It would also be good to get our feet wet in the whole smuggling business..." he says, laughing and slapping the injured Solis on the back laughing at his own joke.

2013-10-11, 07:22 AM
Solis reels from the otherwise friendly pat, coughing into his hand.

"HK, perhaps you have something you would wish to upgrade first? Or, failing that, it would not be so hard to simply leave the money 'in the bank' as one might say. We can place a special order next time we are on-planet. I'm assuming our credit does not expire, Tarbin?"

2013-10-11, 11:36 AM
Tarbin nods.

"Your credit will remain good so long as I am in business. I've also got a few on-site mechanics, if you'd prefer to use your credit to freshen up the ol' Rustbucket."

2013-10-19, 05:15 PM
Fade to white

You find yourselves back in Jarboa's territory. The bar hasn't changed much over the past few days--it's just as dark and sleazy as you remember it.

Today, you are simply met by Fisk'ar--the Devaronian in charge of Jarboa's package.

He glances lazily at the group as he nurses his own drink.

"I've been instructed to let you know the bar's closed today. Additionally, Jarboa has noted the declining balance on your restricted account and commends you on the purchase of a ship."

He shrugs.

"You've all been making some waves on the street. Some gossip that Jarboa hired a rough crew that shouldn't be tangled with. Nice work."

Sipping from his tumbler, Fisk'ar eyes each of you in turn. His stare is nothing but cold.

"Anyway, here's how this works. Your job is to cart Jarboa's cargo on his terms. My job is to make sure the package arrives. You're not to pry into the nature of what's being shipped. As far as you're concerned, the only thing being shipped is whatever you've got in the hold yourselves. We leave for Taris tomorrow. Here's a short list of plausible goods, along with a contact or two.

With that, Fisk'ar slides out of his booth and disappears into a back room.


Hunting Arms
Water Purification

Historical Tourism
Academic Transport
Planetary Immigration

Jace Mye--(Academic Mission)
Albi Synger (Historical Tourism/Immigration)

2013-10-20, 08:47 PM
"It has been an eventful few days. Thank you for bringing these options and conditions. We will be meeting you at the ship the moment our cargo is loaded."

Solis looks over the datapad, thoughtfully considering the options.

"Water purification is a decent choice, but unlikely to be as profitable. Bacta is worth much in small doses. Filling our holds with containers of it would be well worth the fuel. And those legitimate authorities who may otherwise pose problems would be less likely to stop what appears to be an aid freighter."

He taps the two names, lekku twitching in consideration.

"Until we know our own ship somewhat better, I am believing mixing passengers and illicit cargo is perhaps too hasty.

2013-10-21, 02:17 PM

"I'm inclined to agree with you Solis. Let us focus on cargo - at least for this first trip. Let's not get strangers involved in what is essentially our first run ever."

He considers the options presented to them. "While Bacta would be the most profitable, it would also be the biggest target for pirates which could attract more attention than we want. Not saying I'm scared or anything, I'm pretty sure I could take down a whole mess of them by myself, but you know - for the sake of the mission and all that." he grins.

"Water is very low key and boring, while not worth much creds could be just the thing to divert attention away. Hunting arms, which if I know anything it's guns, strike me as something that would attract the attention of local authorities to make sure we aren't smuggling military grade hardware. Basically I say we risk it with the bacta for a bigger payday, or play it safe with the water. I'm not afraid to go all out, so I'm voting for the bacta."

2013-10-22, 02:14 AM
"A small bribe and a falsified manifest would perhaps reduce the risk of potential assailants discovering what we carry in the first place. I will be speaking with some former colleagues to see if I can find a lead on Bacta. It would be good to turn profit quickly. And if we get shot on the way, healing is more easily arranged."

He fingers the datapad, trying to make sense of the seemingly disparate goods suggested.

"Are you knowing anything about this planet Taris? That would be good in helping us judge."

So I rolled a Triumph, Success, Advantage, and 3 Failures on my Streetwise check to know someone who could get us bacta. Do with that what you will.

2013-11-08, 02:25 AM
A familiar Twi'lek waitress saunters over, carrying a full tray of drinks.

Six drinks, to be exact.

She begins to set them all down on the table.

Behind her, you spy a motley crew of individuals-- a Jawa, flanked by an Ithorian and a Human. The size disparity is...noticeable.

"Hey, Gang! Fisk'ar asked me to tell you that your crew is going to be getting a little larger. Apparently, some of your old members aren't suitable for the job, he said."

She bats her eyes and shrugs.

"Anyway, these drinks are on the house. Fisk'ar thought you all might want to get acquainted. Play nice, m'kay?"

She finishes setting the drinks down, tosses Solis a wink, and heads off to another table.

On your napkin, in cute girlish scrawl, is a bit of writing:
" 'Doc' Riversa--ask about the 'sub special.' "

2013-11-08, 03:53 AM
Saj'wik found herself playing with her special repair patch as she followed the waitress to the table. It was a nervous habit that she was trying to break herself of (after all, playing with the special repair patch could have potentially deadly consequences), but the patch's uneven texture was of comfort to her. If things went too far south, she could always chuck it and run, and wouldn't THAT make for an interesting time . . .

The Jawa cleared her throat slightly, sliding into her pidgin Basic:

"Greeted, shipmates! Am Saj'wik of clan Nkik. Here to help with ship, weapons, machines, to make run better, move faster, shoot bigger [EXPLETIVE ADJECTIVE] holes in [EXPLETIVE PLURAL NOUN]! Are names?"

Saj'wik always felt herself wincing under her hood every time she had to speak Basic. She was conversant enough to know she sounded ignorant, and proud enough to be embarrassed by her seeming-stupidity. She hoisted herself into the booth and grabbed the nearest drink for closer inspection.

2013-11-09, 12:42 AM
Kal Orta

The human of the small group was a young man, who appeared to be in his early-to-mid twenties. He had short-cut black hair, dark brown eyes, and a well-defined jawline. He was wearing a mixture of black and forest green. A typical outlaw’s get-up. He had a bandana tied around his head, and a forest green light cloak on, concealing a blaster rifle slung onto his back.

He carried himself well, as a man accustomed to this kind of environment – even though he would never have dreamed of this years ago. But here he was, amongst thieves and killers. Well, time to make a good impression.

“Kal Orta. You can call me Kilo. I’m the pilot, and I can shoot a rifle.”

He took the least-strong drink and sipped it quietly. One rule: never get drunk in these places.

2013-11-09, 01:33 PM
"Onca," the Ithorian says in stereo from his two long mouths, appraising the others present. His flesh is a light brown, mottled with darker brown stripes. His shiny black eyes don't seem to move, but their stalks twitch slightly. Dressed in dull green with a patched cloak, he openly wears a large blaster pistol on one hip, a satchel hanging from the other. His belt, built for quick-access and utility, clearly contains several stimpacks and reloads. "I'm a doctor, but also a decent shot," he elaborates slightly, reaching for an Antakarian fire dancer.

2013-11-10, 12:08 AM

"Back here again." Rassp says to his two remaining companions, his eyes fixed on the waitress headed their way - with three new individuals in tow. He gave them all a once over as they introduced themselves. Mechanic, pilot and doctor - not a bad bunch to have along.

"Welcome to the party. Name's Rassp." he says, holding up his glass and then downing the whole thing in one gulp, signaling the waitress to bring another. "In case you couldn't tell - I'm the muscle. Something or someone you need dead? Talk to me. Something or someone want you dead? Talk to me." he grinned, sharp teeth making it look all the more menacing.

2013-11-11, 12:33 AM
Hmm, a mean-looking Transdoshan offering protection . . . Saj'wik would have no problem with THAT. Come to think on it, the whole group looked mean, lean, and ready to shoot things full of holes. Saj'wik wasn't personally much for shooting, but she enjoyed the company of those that were.

"Is good meet all!" she began. Well, all except the Twi'lek, but she was sure she'd get to know him by and by, "So, to Taris? Boonies, yes? What to do there?"

As she spoke, she found her eyes roving over everybody's weapons. Saj'wik felt an itch at her fingers, a desire to hold, disassemble, modify, improve. She desperately wanted to add a spread barrel to at least ONE of the blaster rifles her drinking-fellows were carrying. She'd once heard a Transdoshan say that a spread-barreled blaster rifle was a god's middle finger. Saj'wik didn't believe in religion, but she figured that if there WERE gods and goddesses out there, then they deserved as many middle fingers as she could give them.

2013-11-11, 08:10 PM

“Nice to meet you all, I’m sure,” He said, looking over the motley collection of criminals. And he was one of them.

aking another sip of his drink, he followed up on what Saj’wik just asked.

“Well, deliver a shipment for the Hutt, I assume. I couldn’t help but overhear something about bacta. Do you have a line on a buyer and seller? These days, there are enough insurgent groups and militias out here on the Rim that medical supplies should be an easy sell.”

Businesswise, it made sense… but Kal couldn’t help but to try and open up such an avenue. Help those who might succeed where he once failed.

"Have you procured a ship yet? If so, I'd like to get acquainted with her."

2013-11-11, 11:17 PM
"Bacta is one of my areas of expertise," the Ithorian stereos slowly. "If you intend to transport bacta, I have the know-how to keep it preserved, and answer any questions at security points. I brought some along as well," he adds. "For treatment, just in case. Pirates might be after bacta, since the Empire has a tight hold on its manufacturers, but it's still a well-traded, stable commodity."

2013-11-12, 06:04 AM
While sipping his drink, Solis pockets the napkin and then grins at those who've come to join their little group.
"I am having the pleasure of being known as Solis Tran." His predator's eyes swept the new trio. None looked much worthy in a fight. Still, it would be hard to be more disappointing than the twitchy Duros. Perhaps this was a wise trade indeed.

"I am posessing a lead to acquiring enough bacta to make we who haul it wealthy indeed. Who we sell it to will be depending on the other part of our cargo."

He finishes his drink in one pull and settles back into the chair.

"I am again thinking that a less dangerous cargo would perhaps be our better choice. A 'shake-down' run in a mixed company."

2013-11-12, 03:00 PM

The Twi’lek, Solis, made a point. However, it wasn’t one that seemed likely to deter this particular pilot. “He who dares, wins. If you have a lead on bacta, let’s not let that opportunity escape us.”

He reached over and gently tapped Saj’wik on the shoulder. “I guess if you’re the mechanic, you and I are going to be working in close quarters.” His serious business persona was lightened with a smile. Got to start team-building.

2013-11-12, 08:58 PM
Saj'wik wasn't particular about what they hauled (although bacta was profitable no matter what), but the pilot's tap and comment refocused her embarrassingly quickly.

"Ah! Yes, true. Need make ship fly right for you. Keep ship whole. Good, yes. What is ship kind? Need to line cargo area with just-in-case things very fast, to [EXPLETIVE INFINITIVE VERB] [EXPLETIVE ADJECTIVE] pirates and nosies."

The Twi'lek had a point, after all: If they WERE going to run bacta, they should be ready for trouble, and booby-trapping the cargo was Saj'wik's preferred method of dealing with such things.

2013-11-14, 10:34 PM

"We just got a hold of ship a little while ago. Did a little work for the dealer to get a discount. The good ship Rustbucket. Corellian YT-1000. Haven't had a chance to really go over it, but it should serve us nicely. It came equipped with some nice hidden storage compartments, perfect for keeping things safe."

He looks to the Kilo and Saj'wik. "I'm sure its right up your alley."

2013-11-15, 02:24 AM
"I am thinking that explosives we may ourselves fall victim to would be unwise."

He looks at the three new companions.

"If we are to acquire the bacta, luckily for me, we will be needing to pay a visit to a doctor. First, before we go any farther, I am desiring to know what leverage Joarba has against you."

2013-11-15, 08:22 AM
Onta shuffles his frame to look at Solis. "You are knowledgeable in the procurement of medical supplies? By all means - I am happy to assist you with that. It was quite a large part of my old...career, that. And dealing with medical professionals." The Ithorian's tone and manner of speech seems to indicate someone only recently on the fringe, though if the oversized blaster was for show or not, nobody could really say at this point.

Henry the 57th
2013-11-15, 04:45 PM
Ashlyn had stayed to the back, allowing the others to introduce themselves and start chatting, trying to build up an idea of their character. She chose now to insert herself into the conversation. "Greetings. My name is Ashlyn Travisi, negotiator." She wondered if any of the current members would tell the new crew that she was supposed to be Joarba's agent. She hoped not. Bad first impressions and all.

2013-11-16, 02:55 AM
Solis' comment about explosives rattled Saj'wik somewhat. Was her Basic less developed than she'd thought, or had he just used "explosives" and "unwise" in the same sentence? She was all right with flying with rough customers, but she drew the line at crazy people with silly ideas about IEDs and how appropriate they were.

"Leverage?" she asked lightly, sipping at her drink, "Jarboa no leverage. Saj'wik, message says, Jarboa help with hide, now help with sneaky cargoes. Is good trade for Saj'wik. Nobody find, Jarboa employ, make many things. Perhaps could go see ship too? YT-1000 good make, easy to fix better. Must see."

The new presence at the table shut her up again. Negotiator? Saj'wik was curious. All of her new companions looked like they could kill you in a darkened alley, but this one carried herself like she could have you killed in broad daylight and get away with it. Whether or not this would be advantageous was a matter for later.

2013-11-16, 03:17 AM
"I am having a name. Whether he is willing to supply us and with how much may be the work of our negotiator."

Solis scrolls through the datapad with information provided.

"And again, what is being known about Taris? Are we to fly off into the dark without any information?"

He bares his teeth at the new pilot.

"Surely you have once been there, traveller?"