View Full Version : Making a Paladin, need some help

2013-07-20, 12:52 PM
Now im finally building a Paladin that ive been thinking about for awhile, i have no particular campaign in mind im just making him, and he has to be at least ECL 5, because hes a Natural Werewolf, and was a Barbarian.

BackstoryZandrick Crowstorm was once an angry young man, he fought, he drank, he even killed a few men, and thats before the moon came up. After the sun went down is when it got really fun. He would turn and run about the city, taking great pleasure in the terror he inspired.

Then one day, some adventurers came into town leading a wagon with a werewolf inside. The creature was a rabid monster, shaking the cage, roaring and foaming at the mouth. It terrified Zandrick, it terrified him more than anything he had ever seen. Zandrick remembered his father saying he was blessed, that he would be a great warrior. Zandrick used to believe that, now he wasnt sure.Zandrick left the city, he lived out in the hills for a year, but instead of feeling better he felt worse. Then the Paladin came.

Zandrick hadnt exactly been self sufficient through all of winter. He had stolen some animals from some of the farms, some animals he had even killed in their pens. The villagers, naturally, assumed that they were next and so sent out a call for help. Help came in the form of Sir Galbrin, who shortly found Zandrick's camp and one of the missing animals.

Galbrin entered the camp and tried to arrest Zandrick. Zandrick would have none of this and attacked Galbrin, killing him quickly and viciously. Thats when Zandrick got a good look at his reflection in Galbrin's armor. He was a beast, just like that creature those adventurers brought into the city a year before. Thats when everything changed, he took an oath that day, an oath to protect people from creatures like himself, to never let the beast in him free.

Its been 2 years since that day, Zandrick lives in a small village far from the city. He lives in a small house with his wife who is with child.

So at ECL 5 (as we dont enforce the werewolf RHD) Zandrick would be a Liontotem Barbarian 1/Paladin 1 with Power Attack

So far this is his Code:

He will defend the innocent and the weak
He will not Unleash the Beast
He will keep his word
He will only fight if forced to

Im not sure what his second bonus feat should be, or what prestige he should go into, all i know for sure right now is that he will NOT be turning into a werewolf, as he believes that to do so would be to lose control (he doesnt realize that he voluntarily let the beast run when he shifted earlier in his life) and that he will be a THF Paladin, most likely with a Dire Wolf Companion. So thoughts? Suggestions? im open to all of them.

2013-07-20, 01:16 PM
Is Dragon Mag materials allowed?

And ToB?

Do you prefer arcane or divine casting, because i think i have a Suel Arcanamach builds that mays suit you.

2013-07-20, 01:18 PM
Dragon Mag on a case by case scenario, and ToB is allowed, but mainly for feats as i do not want to play a Crusader.

Casting for me is a toss up, i usually play more Arcane then Divine, but i like both.

2013-07-20, 01:19 PM
Quasilycanthrope would have less LA and still get you the concept you want, if you don't plan on actually using your wolf form.

2013-07-20, 01:26 PM
Quasilycanthrope would have less LA and still get you the concept you want, if you don't plan on actually using your wolf form.

Or a Shifter. I agree that being a werewolf who never is shifting is really pointless.

2013-07-20, 01:26 PM
Quasilycanthrope would have less LA and still get you the concept you want, if you don't plan on actually using your wolf form.

While the Quasilycanthrope is interesting, its not really what i want, as i would like to tempt myself as a player, and the Quasi just doesnt have the power i need to tempt me to shift.

Or a Shifter. I agree that being a werewolf who never is shifting is really pointless.

Its mainly there for backstory purposes, and as i said to tempt me OOG as it is a lot of power just sitting there waiting for me to just say "to hell with it, i shift and rip it apart"

2013-07-20, 01:41 PM
Werewolf isn't...really a lot of power. If you were, like, a were-dire ape, then maybe, but the wolf's stats are kind of lame.

2013-07-20, 01:49 PM
Full BAB class 6 / Suel Arcanamach 3 / Spellsword 1 / Swiftblade 10

Full BAB class means any combination of Fighter, Barbarian, Ranger, Paladin etc.
In your case Barbarian 1 / Paladin 5

At lvl 20, that makes:
BAB 19 Arcane CL 10 Fort +12 Ref +11 Will +13 Skill Point 86

You need the Theurgic Mount feat from DR 325 to improve your mount using your arcane caster level in addition to you paladin level.

This is focused on fighting with a low casting and the swiftblade features to improve our fighting abilities. The swiftblade capstone (time stop) can be fuel with verstile spellcaster or dragonblood pool.

I'm working on a builds using SotAO to make a divine swiftblade out of a paladin.

2013-07-20, 01:50 PM
Ive never been one to balk at +2 Str +4 Dex +4 Con DR 10/ silver with pounce and 2 claw attacks and a bite

Full BAB class 6 / Suel Arcanamach 3 / Spellsword 1 / Swiftblade 10

Full BAB class means any combination of Fighter, Barbarian Ranger, Paladin etc.
In your case Barbarian 1 / Paladin 5

At lvl 20, that makes:
BAB 19 Arcane CL 10 Fort +12 Ref +11 Will +13 Skill Point 86

You need the Theurgic Mount feat from DR 325 to improve your mount using your arcane caster level in addition to you paladin level.

This is focused on fighting with a low casting and the swiftblade features to improve our fighting abilities. The swiftblade capstone (time stop) can be fuel with verstile spellcaster or dragonblood pool.

I'm working on a builds using SotAO to make a divine swiftblade out of a paladin.

Thats......wow, thats what that is. That is totally awesome but thats not what im going with this character. I honestly may just go straight paladin with him.

2013-07-20, 02:07 PM
Ive never been one to balk at +2 Str +4 Dex +4 Con DR 10/ silver with pounce and 2 claw attacks and a bite

You get the Pounce in human form. 10 DR, +1 to hit and damage, +2 to AC, and +2 to hit is not exactly godlike power, especially when you're paying three levels for it and never use it.

2013-07-20, 02:18 PM
Ok ignoring my Wolfishness for now, any other suggestions for feats or PrCs? I plan on going THW, thus Power Attack, and ill probably take Leaping Charge when i qualify, but other than that i got nothing.

Edit: I've been poking through Complete Champion and the Devotion feats look like they'd be fun, any suggestions for good ones?