View Full Version : Fire Emblem: The Tower of Earth (IC)

2013-07-21, 12:22 AM
The Recruitment Thread:
The OOC Thread:

Explore the inverted tower Kia Dimtu and plunder its riches.
Rumor has it that the one to conquer the tower will receive a wish from
Zi Dingir Gi, but really, you've got other reasons to be here.

Sunlight pounds down, oppressive heat an almost physical force. Stinging winds set gusts of battered dust to dancing across the desiccated earth and your eyes water as the distance blurs away into a watery haze. For the longest time, your only companion in these blasted lands has been the sound of your own labored breathing. But even that is fleeting, your breath stealing away as the distinctive shape of a ruin pokes out in the distance. Beside you, your five companions pause as well, taking in the sight.

This is it, the entrance to a Kia Dimtu, a subterranean super-structure that burrows an unfathomable distance into the earth's bones. Home to all manner of lethal creatures, traps, it houses treasure nearly beyond imagination - and if the promises of wealth, power, fame, and glory weren't motivators enough... well, having one's heart's desire granted surely was.

A small frown tugs at your face as you espy a ramshackle set of tents near the ruined entrance level. Competition.


Wandering Creatures et al Stats
Female Mage : 21HP; 11ATT, Fire
Male Mage [blue]: 17HP; 14ATT, Thunder
Male Mercenary [blue]: 24HP; 11ATT, Slim SWD

Male Mage [gray]: 16HP; 12ATT, Fire
Male Shaman [gray]: 18HP; 15ATT, Flux
Male Thief [gray]: 16HP; 7ATT, Slim SWD
Male Mercenary [gray]: 20HP; 11ATT, Iron SWD
Male archer [gray]: 20HP; 14ATT, Iron BW

Ghast: 41HP; 13ATT, Poison CLW
Ghast: 37HP; 15ATT, Poison CLW

Mauthe Doog: 19HP; 9ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 22HP; 7ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 20HP; 10ATT, Fiery FNG
Player Stats
[B]Liza Grey, level 2 Cavalier (bow)
000/100 EXP
21 HP, 10 STR, 5 SKL, 10 SPD, 0 LCK, 6 DEF, 0 RES, 7CON

Iron Bow – 45/45 [5wt, 6mt, 85% hit, 0%crit] E
Chest Key - 1/1
Door Key - 1/1

Dark Affinity

Aracelis Forktail, level 2 Myrmidon
000/100 EXP
20 HP, 7 STR, 4 SKL, 8 SPD, 0 LCK, 10 DEF, 0 RES, 8CON

Iron Sword - 46/46 [5wt, 5mt, 90% hit, 0% crit] E

Wind Affinity

Muldoon of the Stockades, level 5 Knight
000/100 EXP
22 HP, 8 STR, 7 SKL, 5 SPD, 1 LCK, 9 DEF, 2 RES, 13CON

Steel Lance - 30/30 [13wt, 10mt, 70% hit, 0% crit] D

Ice Affinity

Madame Baladwell, level 4 cleric
000/100 EXP
26 HP, 8 MAG, 0 SKL, 0 SPD, 12 DEF, 12 RES, 6CON

Heal - 30/30 E
Vulnerary - 3/3

Ice Affinity

Zzalazz the Lesser, level 5 Shaman
000/100 EXP
22 HP, 9 MAG, 5 SKL, 5 SPD, 2 LCK, 5 DEF, 5 RES, 7CON

Flux - 45/45 [8wt, 7mt, 80% hit, 0% crit] E

Dark Affinity

Marina, level 4 Wyvern Rider
000/100 EXP
23 HP, 4 STR, 5 SKL, 6 SPD, 2 LCK, 7 DEF, 4 RES, 12CON

Hand Axe - 20/20 [12wt, 7mt, 60% hit, 0% crit] E
Vulnerary - 3/3
Door Key - 1/1

Ice Affinity
Party Gold: 130
Individual Gold: -

Rising Phoenix
2013-07-21, 04:19 AM

The heat was hot, but the air was full of sound (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Umpntgd66iM)...

The young swordsman wiped his sweaty brow and scratched his goatee.

"I...I... why couldn't they have built this place somewhere more agreeable?" he asks his companions "You know next to a pub...or a fast flowing river... I am even missing the frigid weather of my ancestral home."

But there was no turning back... it had been a long journey cross two continents and an ocean. He had to do this and so did his five companions. He had met them a mere four days ago in a bustier and greener town... Some looked...unstable... but they needed to work together and none of them seemed to be of a bad sort... except Marina... the gaze she gave him made him feel that she would gobble him up in a bad kind of way... Her wyvern could certainly do that in a literal manner.

2013-07-21, 12:21 PM

The sun beat down upon the self-styled aristocrat; its imposing presence making the whole ordeal all the more uncomfortable. Liza Grey was never one hundred percent sold on the idea of delving this particular dungeon, or any dungeon in particular for that matter, but if there was wealth to be had in this world, it lied at the bottom of these ruins, nestled snugly and in one place for the would-be tomb robbers to come and have their fill. The allure of the treasure overpowered her common sense, and as such not only did Liza agree to accompany these folks when they mentioned their quest, but she volunteered and donated what little money she had left to squander to the group to purchase provisions. She gravely regretted that decision at the moment, but she had already traveled all this way, and spent all but a pittance of her savings; she had no choice but to follow through now.


"I...I... why couldn't they have built this place somewhere more agreeable?" he asks his companions "You know next to a pub...or a fast flowing river... I am even missing the frigid weather of my ancestral home."


"I agree, but I seriously doubt anyone would find an "agreeable" place with all the sorts these ruins bring. Look" Liza lifts her finger to point to the various tents. "Murder-hobos and vultures, them mercenaries. They lack the refined etiquette necessary to bring any semblance of order to these boom-towns. Let us clear them from our path and ensure we reach the treasure first.

Party God
2013-07-21, 01:09 PM
Zzalazz was no stranger to arid climates. The rolling steppes that his tribesman dominated had their fair share of uncomfortable breezes, like the hot breath of a fanged beast. But this sand...

"All this damned sand flying everywhere. I swear, there's sand in places that haven't seen a woman in six seasons!"

Zzalazz would not let a little sand come between him and his title. He would not leave this place before he conquered it. Even if that meant that this tower would be his tomb.

"I agree, but I seriously doubt anyone would find an "agreeable" place with all the sorts these ruins bring. Look" Liza lifts her finger to point to the various tents. "Murder-hobos and vultures, them mercenaries. They lack the refined etiquette necessary to bring any semblance of order to these boom-towns. Let us clear them from our path and ensure we reach the treasure first.

"Etiquette is no boon to those in our line of work. Manners fall flat in the face of might. And this will be the first test of Zzalazz's might! They shall crumble before our onslaught!"

2013-07-21, 01:29 PM

Those crazy kids! These ruins are only for old people, and their guests! And I don't remember inviting you! I remember when I was a girl. This ruin used to be a magic shop. It was my favorite magic shop....

2013-07-21, 03:03 PM

Those crazy kids! These ruins are only for old people, and their guests! And I don't remember inviting you! I remember when I was a girl. This ruin used to be a magic shop. It was my favorite magic shop....

Liza merely blinks in a mixture of both astonishment and utter confusion. I... I... What? Madame, do you even remember where we are?


"Etiquette is no boon to those in our line of work. Manners fall flat in the face of might. And this will be the first test of Zzalazz's might! They shall crumble before our onslaught!"


"There is always room for basic etiquette and principles. It is what separates us from the beasts that roam the land, and keeps us a step ahead of unintelligible savages. If I had the time, I would love to talk more about this but it would seem we have company.

2013-07-21, 03:51 PM
The Tower of Earth – 0001

Player Movement
Aracelis triggers a trap on [18,6] – An ominous click sounds alongside Aracelis’ footfalls, barbed spines snapping up from beneath the sand to slash and pierce his feet. Aracelis takes 8 damage.

Aracelis triggers a trap on [18,7] – An ominous click sounds alongside Aracelis’ footfalls, barbed spines snapping up from beneath the sand to slash and pierce his feet. Aracelis takes 8 damage.

Aracelis triggers a trap on [18,8] – An ominous click sounds alongside Aracelis’ footfalls, barbed spines snapping up from beneath the sand to slash and pierce his feet. Aracelis takes 8 damage – Aracelis tumbles to a halt, blood leaking from his tattered feet. Aracelis’ SPD has decreased by 2 points.

Marina attacks Female Mage : Marina misses.
Retaliatory flames scorch the flier [7 damage] and Marina withdraws, putting some space between them.

Baladwell heals Marina: 7HP
Male Mage attacks Liza
Lightning cracks out of clear skies, blasting Liza Grey to the ground [42 damage].
Baladwell & Marina: +4
Baladwell & Zzalazz: +3
Zzalazz & Muldoon: +3


Wandering Creatures et al Stats
Female Mage [blue]: 21HP; 11ATT, Fire
Male Mage [blue]: 17HP; 14ATT, Thunder
Male Mercenary [blue]: 24HP; 11ATT, Slim SWD

Male Mage [gray]: 16HP; 12ATT, Fire
Male Shaman [gray]: 18HP; 15ATT, Flux
Male Thief [gray]: 16HP; 7ATT, Slim SWD
Male Mercenary [gray]: 20HP; 11ATT, Iron SWD
Male archer [gray]: 20HP; 14ATT, Iron BW

Ghast: 41HP; 13ATT, Poison CLW
Ghast: 37HP; 15ATT, Poison CLW

Mauthe Doog: 19HP; 9ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 22HP; 7ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 20HP; 10ATT, Fiery FNG
Player Stats
http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FE%20Misc/Close%20Horizons%20Characters/MarcelineE.gif Dying 3
[B]Liza Grey, level 2 Cavalier (bow)
000/100 EXP
-21/21 HP, 10 STR, 5 SKL, 10 SPD, 0 LCK, 6 DEF, 0 RES, 7CON

Iron Bow – 45/45 [5wt, 6mt, 85% hit, 0%crit] E
Chest Key - 1/1
Door Key - 1/1

Dark Affinity

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Justin.gif Dying 3
Aracelis Forktail, level 2 Myrmidon
000/100 EXP
-4/20 HP, 7 STR, 4 SKL, 8 [b]6 SPD, 0 LCK, 10 DEF, 0 RES, 8CON

Iron Sword - 46/46 [5wt, 5mt, 90% hit, 0% crit] E

Wind Affinity

Muldoon of the Stockades, level 5 Knight
000/100 EXP
22 HP, 8 STR, 7 SKL, 5 SPD, 1 LCK, 9 DEF, 2 RES, 13CON

Steel Lance - 30/30 [13wt, 10mt, 70% hit, 0% crit] D

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 3

Madame Baladwell, level 4 cleric
015/100 EXP
26 HP, 8 MAG, 0 SKL, 0 SPD, 12 DEF, 12 RES, 6CON

Heal - 29/30 E
Vulnerary - 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 3
Marina: 4

Zzalazz the Lesser, level 5 Shaman
000/100 EXP
22 HP, 9 MAG, 5 SKL, 5 SPD, 2 LCK, 5 DEF, 5 RES, 7CON

Flux - 45/45 [8wt, 7mt, 80% hit, 0% crit] E

Dark Affinity
Muldoon: 3
Baladwell: 3

Marina, level 4 Wyvern Rider
001/100 EXP
23 HP, 4 STR, 5 SKL, 6 SPD, 2 LCK, 7 DEF, 4 RES, 12CON

Hand Axe - 20/20 [12wt, 7mt, 60% hit, 0% crit] E
Vulnerary - 3/3
Door Key - 1/1

Ice Affinity
Baladwell: 4
Party Gold: 130
Individual Gold: -

2013-07-21, 04:31 PM

There is a low rumble echoing from Muldoon's chest as his companions chatter, the heat of this place was making him more irritable than usual.

"This isn't a duel, this is a fight, etiquette doesn't matter, individual might counts for little more than that. Strategy is what wins battles. Proper application of force, not that children would understand..."

2013-07-23, 06:01 PM
The Tower of Earth – 0002

Player Movement
Zzalazz attacks Male Mage
Darkness washes over the mage [11 damage], but he gamely returns fire, flashing lightning sending sand spraying as it goes wide of the mark.

Muldoon attacks Male Mage
Sharpened steel transfixes the mage [15 damage], the man dropping to the ground in a bloody heap as Muldoon tears his lance out of the mage’s chest. Searching the corpse yields a usable, though slightly bloody, package of vulnerary.
A blue robed woman hurries past, hand in hand with her black-haired protector, casting nervous glances behind. The reason for her flight becomes clear seconds later, as a putrid odor assaults your senses and sets your eyes to watering.
Baladwell & Zzalazz: +3


Wandering Creatures et al Stats
Female Mage [blue]: 21HP; 11ATT, Fire
Male Mage [blue]: Dead [11, 2]
Male Mercenary [blue]: 24HP; 11ATT, Slim SWD

Male Mage [gray]: 16HP; 12ATT, Fire
Male Shaman [gray]: 18HP; 15ATT, Flux
Male Thief [gray]: 16HP; 7ATT, Slim SWD
Male Mercenary [gray]: 20HP; 11ATT, Iron SWD
Male archer [gray]: 20HP; 14ATT, Iron BW

Ghast: 41HP; 13ATT, Poison CLW
Ghast: 37HP; 15ATT, Poison CLW

Mauthe Doog: 19HP; 9ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 22HP; 7ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 20HP; 10ATT, Fiery FNG
Player Stats
http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FE%20Misc/Close%20Horizons%20Characters/MarcelineE.gif Dying 2
[B]Liza Grey, level 2 Cavalier (bow)
000/100 EXP
-21/21 HP, 10 STR, 5 SKL, 10 SPD, 0 LCK, 6 DEF, 0 RES, 7CON

Iron Bow – 45/45 [5wt, 6mt, 85% hit, 0%crit] E
Chest Key - 1/1
Door Key - 1/1

Dark Affinity

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Justin.gif Dying 2
Aracelis Forktail, level 2 Myrmidon
000/100 EXP
-4/20 HP, 7 STR, 4 SKL, 8 [b]6 SPD, 0 LCK, 10 DEF, 0 RES, 8CON

Iron Sword - 46/46 [5wt, 5mt, 90% hit, 0% crit] E

Wind Affinity

Muldoon of the Stockades, level 5 Knight
030/100 EXP
22 HP, 8 STR, 7 SKL, 5 SPD, 1 LCK, 9 DEF, 2 RES, 13CON

Steel Lance - 29/30 [13wt, 10mt, 70% hit, 0% crit] D
Vulnerary – 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 3

Madame Baladwell, level 4 cleric
015/100 EXP
26 HP, 8 MAG, 0 SKL, 0 SPD, 12 DEF, 12 RES, 6CON

Heal - 29/30 E
Vulnerary - 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 6
Marina: 4

Zzalazz the Lesser, level 5 Shaman
010/100 EXP
22 HP, 9 MAG, 5 SKL, 5 SPD, 2 LCK, 5 DEF, 5 RES, 7CON

Flux - 44/45 [8wt, 7mt, 80% hit, 0% crit] E

Dark Affinity
Muldoon: 3
Baladwell: 6

Marina, level 4 Wyvern Rider
001/100 EXP
23 HP, 4 STR, 5 SKL, 6 SPD, 2 LCK, 7 DEF, 4 RES, 12CON

Hand Axe - 20/20 [12wt, 7mt, 60% hit, 0% crit] E
Vulnerary - 3/3
Door Key - 1/1

Ice Affinity
Baladwell: 4
Party Gold: 130
Individual Gold: -

Party God
2013-07-23, 10:42 PM
Zzalazz pounds his chest in ritualistic triumph, acknowledging the fallen foe in his tribe's traditional manner. "Ahaha! First blood! Well done, Muldoon - for an old man. We make a good team when it comes to 'applying the proper amount of force'. Don't you think?"

2013-07-24, 12:09 AM
"First blood? Are you blind or just stupid?" Muldoon pulls his spear out of the mage's torso, "Horse-girl is down, and our foes outnumber us by many, this is no time to celebrate."

2013-07-26, 10:20 PM
The Tower of Earth – 0003

Player Movement
Mariana rescues Aracelis

Baladwell rescues Liza
The Ghast’s stench is nearly overpowering, a sticky sweet malodour that reminds you of a fleshy, pulpy, fruit split open under the sun. The black haired protector exchanges words with his charge as they take a moment to gather their breath.

Mauthe Doog attacks Male Mercenary [gray]
Dog and man circle each other warily, dancing sword keeping the snarling beast at bay but failing to create enough space for a decisive strike. Beads of cold sweat roll down the swordsman’s back as the distinctive odor of a Ghast announces its presence.

Male Thief [gray] opens a Treasure Chest on [20,11]
A wide grin splits the unshaven man's face, eyes glittering with reflected riches as he rolls a solid golden coin between fingers.


Wandering Creatures et al Stats
Female Mage : 21HP; 11ATT, Fire
Male Mage : Dead [11, 2]
Male Mercenary [blue]: 24HP; 11ATT, Slim SWD

Male Mage [gray]: 16HP; 12ATT, Fire
Male Shaman [gray]: 18HP; 15ATT, Flux
Male Thief [gray]: 16HP; 7ATT, Slim SWD
Male Mercenary [gray]: 20HP; 11ATT, Iron SWD
Male archer [gray]: 20HP; 14ATT, Iron BW

Ghast: 41HP; 13ATT, Poison CLW
Ghast: 37HP; 15ATT, Poison CLW

Mauthe Doog: 19HP; 9ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 22HP; 7ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 20HP; 10ATT, Fiery FNG
Player Stats
http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FE%20Misc/Close%20Horizons%20Characters/MarcelineE.gif KO
[B]Liza Grey, level 2 Cavalier (bow)
000/100 EXP
-21/21 HP, 10 STR, 5 SKL, 10 SPD, 0 LCK, 6 DEF, 0 RES, 7CON

Iron Bow – 45/45 [5wt, 6mt, 85% hit, 0%crit] E
Chest Key - 1/1
Door Key - 1/1

Dark Affinity

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Justin.gif KO
Aracelis Forktail, level 2 Myrmidon
000/100 EXP
-4/20 HP, 7 STR, 4 SKL, 8 [b]6 SPD, 0 LCK, 10 DEF, 0 RES, 8CON

Iron Sword - 46/46 [5wt, 5mt, 90% hit, 0% crit] E

Wind Affinity

Muldoon of the Stockades, level 5 Knight
030/100 EXP
22 HP, 8 STR, 7 SKL, 5 SPD, 1 LCK, 9 DEF, 2 RES, 13CON

Steel Lance - 29/30 [13wt, 10mt, 70% hit, 0% crit] D
Vulnerary – 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 3

Madame Baladwell, level 4 cleric
015/100 EXP
26 HP, 8 MAG, 0 SKL, 0 SPD, 12 DEF, 12 RES, 6CON

Heal - 29/30 E
Vulnerary - 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 6
Marina: 4

Zzalazz the Lesser, level 5 Shaman
010/100 EXP
22 HP, 9 MAG, 5 SKL, 5 SPD, 2 LCK, 5 DEF, 5 RES, 7CON

Flux - 44/45 [8wt, 7mt, 80% hit, 0% crit] E

Dark Affinity
Muldoon: 3
Baladwell: 6

Marina, level 4 Wyvern Rider
001/100 EXP
23 HP, 4 STR, 5 SKL, 6 SPD, 2 LCK, 7 DEF, 4 RES, 12CON

Hand Axe - 20/20 [12wt, 7mt, 60% hit, 0% crit] E
Vulnerary - 3/3
Door Key - 1/1

Ice Affinity
Baladwell: 4
Party Gold: 130
Individual Gold: -

2013-07-31, 07:09 PM
The Tower of Earth – 0004

Player Movement
Zzalazz attacks Female Mage
Darkness washes over the mage [12 damage], sending her to her knees. The weak bolt of flame that she sends in return is easily deflected away, where it fizzles out, harmless.

Muldoon attacks Ghast
Steel punctures the Ghast’s leathery hide, impact blunted by the calcified plates sliding underneath its skin [7 damage]. Half hanging off of the knight’s spear, the creature pushes itself forwards along the shaft, driven by an unholy hunger. Fetid claws slash and scratch at the knight’s face through his visor, barely missing his eyes [4 damage, poisoned].

Madame Baladwell heals Muldoon
Muldoon regains 4HP.

Marina attacks Female Mage
For the second time in the day, Marina’s thrown axe goes wild, its return spin accompanied by a gout of searing flames [7 damage] that, once again, drives the wyvern rider off.
Male Mercenary [blue] attacks Marina
Face twisted with anger, the black haired swordsman pursues the fleeing wyvern rider, still trailing flames as she attempts to gain distance from his charge. With a cry, he hurls himself unto her mount and drives his sword up into one of the wyvern’s wings, tearing through leathery membrane [15 damage]. The mercenary ducks under Marina's frantic swing and continues to saw at the wing, finally inflicting enough damage that the beast careens into the ground [5 damage]. Aracelis tumbles from Marina’s grasp, rolling to a stop some few meters away from her downed mount.

Mauthe Doog attacks Zzalazz
Distracted by the sight of a flaming, falling, wyvern, the shaman is caught largely off guard by a blur of fangs and rust-colored fur, the creature’s slavering maw finding some difficulty penetrating his thick robes, but managing to wound him nonetheless [4 damage]. His answering blast of dark magic goes wide as the creature latches onto his arm, shaking viciously as through to try and snap it [4 damage].

Ghast attacks Muldoon
The sun-bloated creature continues to claw at the knight’s face, through a simple turn of the head is sufficient to render its attacks ineffective. Still, the creature’s stench is like a second physical blow, and Madame Baladwell becomes ill behind the knight’s frame, falling to her knees and heaving up the remnants of her last meal [poisoned]

A surprise boot to the muzzle allows the mercenary [male mercenary, gray] to disengage, the man retreating from the approaching Ghast [retreats off of 20, 6], the rest of his team close behind. With an angry series of snarls and barks, the two Mauthe Doogs pursue them, eager to leave the shambling Ghast behind.


Wandering Creatures et al Stats
Female Mage [blue]: 9/21HP; 11ATT, Fire
Male Mage [blue]: Dead [11, 2]
Male Mercenary [blue]: 24HP; 11ATT, Slim SWD

Male Mage [gray]: 16HP; 12ATT, Fire
Male Shaman [gray]: 18HP; 15ATT, Flux
Male Thief [gray]: 16HP; 7ATT, Slim SWD
Male Mercenary [gray]: 20HP; 11ATT, Iron SWD
Male archer [gray]: 20HP; 14ATT, Iron BW

Ghast: 34/41HP; 13ATT, Poison CLW
Ghast: 37HP; 15ATT, Poison CLW

Mauthe Doog: 19HP; 9ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 22HP; 7ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 20HP; 10ATT, Fiery FNG
Player Stats
http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FE%20Misc/Close%20Horizons%20Characters/MarcelineE.gif KO
[B]Liza Grey, level 2 Cavalier (bow)
000/100 EXP
-21/21 HP, 10 STR, 5 SKL, 10 SPD, 0 LCK, 6 DEF, 0 RES, 7CON

Iron Bow – 45/45 [5wt, 6mt, 85% hit, 0%crit] E
Chest Key - 1/1
Door Key - 1/1

Dark Affinity

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Justin.gif Dying 2
Aracelis Forktail, level 2 Myrmidon
000/100 EXP
-4/20 HP, 7 STR, 4 SKL, 8 [b]6 SPD, 0 LCK, 10 DEF, 0 RES, 8CON

Iron Sword - 46/46 [5wt, 5mt, 90% hit, 0% crit] E

Wind Affinity

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Meeji.gif Poison 4
Muldoon of the Stockades, level 5 Knight
042/100 EXP
20/22 HP, 8 STR, 7 SKL, 5 SPD, 1 LCK, 9 DEF, 2 RES, 13CON

Steel Lance - 28/30 [13wt, 10mt, 70% hit, 0% crit] D
Vulnerary – 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 3

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Eiloria.gif Poison 4[/purple]
Madame Baladwell, level 4 cleric
031/100 EXP
[color=red]24/26 HP, 8 MAG, 0 SKL, 0 SPD, 12 DEF, 12 RES, 6CON

Heal - 28/30 E
Vulnerary - 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 6
Marina: 4

Zzalazz the Lesser, level 5 Shaman
021/100 EXP
14/22 HP, 9 MAG, 5 SKL, 5 SPD, 2 LCK, 5 DEF, 5 RES, 7CON

Flux - 43/45 [8wt, 7mt, 80% hit, 0% crit] E

Dark Affinity
Muldoon: 3
Baladwell: 6

http://i.imgur.com/uoMjzXg.png Dying 3
Marina, level 4 Wyvern Rider
002/100 EXP
-4/23 HP, 4 STR, 5 SKL, 6 SPD, 2 LCK, 7 DEF, 4 RES, 12CON

Hand Axe - 20/20 [12wt, 7mt, 60% hit, 0% crit] E
Vulnerary - 3/3
Door Key - 1/1

Ice Affinity
Baladwell: 4
Party Gold: 130
Individual Gold: -

2013-08-05, 07:09 PM
The Tower of Earth – 0005

Player Movement
Baladwell heals Zzalazz
Zzalazz regains 8HP.

Zzalazz rescues Aracelis
Female Mage delivers a coup de grace
Male Mercenary rescues Female Mage [blue]
A gout of fire ends the pinned wyvern rider’s life, the mage taking a brief moment to rifle through the deceased’s baggage before being scooped up by her protector.

Mauthe Doog attacks Baladwell
The near-rabid creature detaches from the retreating shaman, latching onto what it perceives to be the nearest prey. Its jaws snap at the cleric’s robes, completely ineffectual at penetrating the divinely blessed material.

Ghast attacks Muldoon
Hardened, filthy, nails once again find their way into the knight’s more lightly armored joints [4 damage], the man’s returning shake causing ichor to spray out from the transfixed creature [7 damage]


Wandering Creatures et al Stats
Female Mage [blue]: 9/21HP; 11ATT, Fire
Male Mage [blue]: Dead [11, 2]
Male Mercenary [blue]: 24HP; 11ATT, Slim SWD

Male Mage [gray]: 16HP; 12ATT, Fire
Male Shaman [gray]: 18HP; 15ATT, Flux
Male Thief [gray]: 16HP; 7ATT, Slim SWD
Male Mercenary [gray]: 20HP; 11ATT, Iron SWD
Male archer [gray]: 20HP; 14ATT, Iron BW

Ghast: 27/41HP; 13ATT, Poison CLW
Ghast: 37HP; 15ATT, Poison CLW

Mauthe Doog: 19HP; 9ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 22HP; 7ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 20HP; 10ATT, Fiery FNG
Player Stats
http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FE%20Misc/Close%20Horizons%20Characters/MarcelineE.gif KO
[B]Liza Grey, level 2 Cavalier (bow)
000/100 EXP
-21/21 HP, 10 STR, 5 SKL, 10 SPD, 0 LCK, 6 DEF, 0 RES, 7CON

Iron Bow – 45/45 [5wt, 6mt, 85% hit, 0%crit] E
Chest Key - 1/1
Door Key - 1/1

Dark Affinity

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Justin.gif KO
Aracelis Forktail, level 2 Myrmidon
000/100 EXP
-4/20 HP, 7 STR, 4 SKL, 8 [b]6 SPD, 0 LCK, 10 DEF, 0 RES, 8CON

Iron Sword - 46/46 [5wt, 5mt, 90% hit, 0% crit] E

Wind Affinity

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Meeji.gif Poison 4
Muldoon of the Stockades, level 5 Knight
055/100 EXP
15/22 HP, 8 STR, 7 SKL, 5 SPD, 1 LCK, 9 DEF, 2 RES, 13CON

Steel Lance - 27/30 [13wt, 10mt, 70% hit, 0% crit] D
Vulnerary – 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 3

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Eiloria.gif Poison 3[/purple]
Madame Baladwell, level 4 cleric
048/100 EXP
[color=red]22/26 HP, 8 MAG, 0 SKL, 0 SPD, 12 DEF, 12 RES, 6CON

Heal - 27/30 E
Vulnerary - 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 6
Marina: 4

Zzalazz the Lesser, level 5 Shaman
021/100 EXP
22 HP, 9 MAG, 5 SKL, 5 SPD, 2 LCK, 5 DEF, 5 RES, 7CON

Flux - 43/45 [8wt, 7mt, 80% hit, 0% crit] E

Dark Affinity
Muldoon: 3
Baladwell: 6

http://i.imgur.com/uoMjzXg.png Dead
Marina, level 4 Wyvern Rider
-4/23 HP, 4 STR, 5 SKL, 6 SPD, 2 LCK, 7 DEF, 4 RES, 12CON

Hand Axe - 20/20 [12wt, 7mt, 60% hit, 0% crit] E

Ice Affinity
Baladwell: 4
Party Gold: 130
Individual Gold: -

2013-08-07, 07:53 PM
The Tower of Earth – 0007

Player Movement
Zzalazz attacks Mauthe Doog
Zzalazz’s dark magic goes wide, the beast’s jerking movements throwing his aim off.

Muldoon attacks Ghast
An armored boot disentangles the wildly grasping creature from his lance, the Ghast staggering back, out of range of his follow up thrust.

Baladwell heals Muldoon
Muldoon regains 7HP. Baladwell gains 16EXP.
Male Mercenary retreats off of [20, 3]
A final dirty glare is sent towards the struggling party, before the man and his charge turn and flee.

Ghast attacks Muldoon
An inhuman howl tears its way out of the Ghast’s throat, as it puts on a previously unseen burst of speed and leaps onto the knight, its claws raking at his less armored joints [4 damage]. The knight’s wild return swing batters at the thing’s side, failing to do any notable damage. Sickened by the creature’s stench, Madame Baladwell becomes, once again, violently ill.

Mauthe Doog attacks Zzalazz
The canine hurls itself back onto Zzalazz, seemingly enthused by its prior inability to wound Madame Baladwell. It’s all the shaman can do to put his arm between its slavering maw and his throat [4 damage x2].

Muldoon & Baladwell: +4


Wandering Creatures et al Stats
Female Mage [blue]: 9/21HP; 11ATT, Fire
Male Mage : Dead [11, 2]
Male Mercenary [blue]: 24HP; 11ATT, Slim SWD

Male Mage [gray]: 16HP; 12ATT, Fire
Male Shaman [gray]: 18HP; 15ATT, Flux
Male Thief [gray]: 16HP; 7ATT, Slim SWD
Male Mercenary [gray]: 20HP; 11ATT, Iron SWD
Male archer [gray]: 20HP; 14ATT, Iron BW

Ghast: 27/41HP; 13ATT, Poison CLW
Ghast: 37HP; 15ATT, Poison CLW

Mauthe Doog: 19HP; 9ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 22HP; 7ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 20HP; 10ATT, Fiery FNG
Player Stats
http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FE%20Misc/Close%20Horizons%20Characters/MarcelineE.gif KO
[B]Liza Grey, level 2 Cavalier (bow)
000/100 EXP
-21/21 HP, 10 STR, 5 SKL, 10 SPD, 0 LCK, 6 DEF, 0 RES, 7CON

Iron Bow – 45/45 [5wt, 6mt, 85% hit, 0%crit] E
Chest Key - 1/1
Door Key - 1/1

Dark Affinity

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Justin.gif KO
Aracelis Forktail, level 2 Myrmidon
000/100 EXP
-4/20 HP, 7 STR, 4 SKL, 8 [b]6 SPD, 0 LCK, 10 DEF, 0 RES, 8CON

Iron Sword - 46/46 [5wt, 5mt, 90% hit, 0% crit] E

Wind Affinity

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Meeji.gif Poison 4
Muldoon of the Stockades, level 5 Knight
057/100 EXP
16/22 HP, 8 STR, 7 SKL, 5 SPD, 1 LCK, 9 DEF, 2 RES, 13CON

Steel Lance - 27/30 [13wt, 10mt, 70% hit, 0% crit] D
Vulnerary – 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 3
Baladwell 8

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Eiloria.gif Poison 4[/purple]
Madame Baladwell, level 4 cleric
064/100 EXP
[color=red]20/26 HP, 8 MAG, 0 SKL, 0 SPD, 12 DEF, 12 RES, 6CON

Heal - 26/30 E
Vulnerary - 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 6
Marina: 4
Muldoon: 8

Zzalazz the Lesser, level 5 Shaman
023/100 EXP
14/22 HP, 9 MAG, 5 SKL, 5 SPD, 2 LCK, 5 DEF, 5 RES, 7CON

Flux - 43/45 [8wt, 7mt, 80% hit, 0% crit] E

Dark Affinity
Muldoon: 3
Baladwell: 6

http://i.imgur.com/uoMjzXg.png Dead
Marina, level 4 Wyvern Rider
-4/23 HP, 4 STR, 5 SKL, 6 SPD, 2 LCK, 7 DEF, 4 RES, 12CON

Hand Axe - 20/20 [12wt, 7mt, 60% hit, 0% crit] E

Ice Affinity
Baladwell: 4
Party Gold: 130
Individual Gold: -

2013-08-08, 09:08 PM

Turn 0007
Muldoon attacks Ghast
Muldoon deals 7 damage. Ghast retaliates: misses.

Zzalazz attacks Ghast
Zzalazz deals 9 damage. Ghast can't retaliate.

Baladwell heals Zzalazz
Zzalazz regains 8HP.


Ghast attacks Muldoon
Ghast deals 4 damage [poison]. Muldoon retaliates: misses.

Mauthe Doog attacks Zzalazz
Mauthe Doog deals 4 damage. Zzalazz retaliates: hits; deals 13 damage. Mauthe Doog attacks again: hits; deals 4 damage.

[Ghast poison cloud poisons Baladwell/Zzalazz]
Turn 0008
Poison damage to Muldoon/Baladwell/Zzalazz [2/2/2]

Zzalazz attacks Ghast
Zzalazz misses. Ghast can't retaliate.

Muldoon attacks Ghast
Muldoon deals 7 damage. Ghast retaliates: misses.

Baladwell heals Zzalazz
Zzalazz regains 10HP.


Ghast attacks Muldoon
Ghast deals 4 damage [poison]. Muldoon retaliates: hits; deals 7 damage - Ghast dies! Muldoon picks up [234 gold]. Muldoon reaches level 6 - +1HP, +1STR, +1SPD, +1DEF!

Mauthe Doog attacks Zzalazz
Mauthe Doog deals 4 damage. Zzalazz retaliates: hits; deals 13 damage - Mauthe Doog dies! Zzalazz picks up [rough fur]
Turn 0009
Poison damage to Muldoon/Baladwell/Zzalazz [2/2/2]

Baladwell heals Muldoon
Muldoon regains 18HP. Baladwell reaches level 5 - +1HP!
Turns 0010-0011
Poison damage resolution, party travels to town [4/4/4 damage]


Wandering Creatures et al Stats
Female Mage : 9/21HP; 11ATT, Fire
Male Mage : Dead [11, 2]
Male Mercenary [blue]: 24HP; 11ATT, Slim SWD

Male Mage [gray]: 16HP; 12ATT, Fire
Male Shaman [gray]: 18HP; 15ATT, Flux
Male Thief [gray]: 16HP; 7ATT, Slim SWD
Male Mercenary [gray]: 20HP; 11ATT, Iron SWD
Male archer [gray]: 20HP; 14ATT, Iron BW

Ghast: Dead [6,16]
Ghast: 37HP; 15ATT, Poison CLW

Mauthe Doog: Dead [4,17]
Mauthe Doog: 22HP; 7ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 20HP; 10ATT, Fiery FNG

Player Stats
http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FE%20Misc/Close%20Horizons%20Characters/MarcelineE.gif KO
[B]Liza Grey, level 2 Cavalier (bow)
000/100 EXP
-21/21 HP, 10 STR, 5 SKL, 10 SPD, 0 LCK, 6 DEF, 0 RES, 7CON

Iron Bow – 45/45 [5wt, 6mt, 85% hit, 0%crit] E
Chest Key - 1/1
Door Key - 1/1

Dark Affinity

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Justin.gif KO
Aracelis Forktail, level 2 Myrmidon
000/100 EXP
-4/20 HP, 7 STR, 4 SKL, 8 [b]6 SPD, 0 LCK, 10 DEF, 0 RES, 8CON

Iron Sword - 46/46 [5wt, 5mt, 90% hit, 0% crit] E

Wind Affinity

Muldoon of the Stockades, level 6 Knight
020/100 EXP
15/23 HP, 9 STR, 7 SKL, 6 SPD, 1 LCK, 10 DEF, 2 RES, 13CON

Steel Lance - 24/30 [13wt, 10mt, 70% hit, 0% crit] D
Vulnerary – 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 3
Baladwell 20

Madame Baladwell, level 5 cleric
014/100 EXP
09/27 HP, 8 MAG, 0 SKL, 0 SPD, 12 DEF, 12 RES, 6CON

Heal - 23/30 E
Vulnerary - 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 15
Muldoon: 20

Zzalazz the Lesser, level 5 Shaman
071/100 EXP
08/22 HP, 9 MAG, 5 SKL, 5 SPD, 2 LCK, 5 DEF, 5 RES, 7CON

Flux - 40/45 [8wt, 7mt, 80% hit, 0% crit] E
Rough Fur

Dark Affinity
Muldoon: 3
Baladwell: 12

http://i.imgur.com/uoMjzXg.png Dead
Marina, level 4 Wyvern Rider
-4/23 HP, 4 STR, 5 SKL, 6 SPD, 2 LCK, 7 DEF, 4 RES, 12CON

Hand Axe - 20/20 [12wt, 7mt, 60% hit, 0% crit] E
Party Gold: 364
Individual Gold: -

Rising Phoenix
2013-08-09, 01:33 AM

"...my...head...body... it... hurts... Five more minutes mother... I don't wanna go to sword dance practice."

2013-08-09, 01:41 AM

You young whippersnaper, and your fancy sleep! We're going to get the coppers on these crazy kids. Breaking and Vandaling. I'll show those crazy kids.

2013-08-09, 03:43 AM

"Where am I? Last thing I remember was lining up a shot and then it was like I was hit by an elephant!"

2013-08-16, 12:35 PM
The Tower of Earth – 0012

Player Movement


Wandering Creatures et al Stats
Female Mage : 9/21HP; 11ATT, Fire
Male Mage : Dead [11, 2]
Male Mercenary [blue]: 24HP; 11ATT, Slim SWD

Male Mage [gray]: 16HP; 12ATT, Fire
Male Shaman [gray]: 18HP; 15ATT, Flux
Male Thief [gray]: 16HP; 7ATT, Slim SWD
Male Mercenary [gray]: 20HP; 11ATT, Iron SWD
Male archer [gray]: 20HP; 14ATT, Iron BW

Ghast: Dead [6,16]
Ghast: 37HP; 15ATT, Poison CLW

Mauthe Doog: Dead [4,17]
Mauthe Doog: 22HP; 7ATT, Fiery FNG
Mauthe Doog: 20HP; 10ATT, Fiery FNG

Player Stats
http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FE%20Misc/Close%20Horizons%20Characters/MarcelineE.gif KO
[B]Liza Grey, level 2 Cavalier (bow)
000/100 EXP
-21/21 HP, 10 STR, 5 SKL, 10 SPD, 0 LCK, 6 DEF, 0 RES, 7CON

Iron Bow – 45/45 [5wt, 6mt, 85% hit, 0%crit] E
Chest Key - 1/1
Door Key - 1/1

Dark Affinity

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/Justin.gif KO
Aracelis Forktail, level 2 Myrmidon
000/100 EXP
-4/20 HP, 7 STR, 4 SKL, 8 [b]6 SPD, 0 LCK, 10 DEF, 0 RES, 8CON

Iron Sword - 46/46 [5wt, 5mt, 90% hit, 0% crit] E

Wind Affinity

Muldoon of the Stockades, level 6 Knight
020/100 EXP
15/23 HP, 9 STR, 7 SKL, 6 SPD, 1 LCK, 10 DEF, 2 RES, 13CON

Steel Lance - 24/30 [13wt, 10mt, 70% hit, 0% crit] D
Vulnerary – 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 3
Baladwell 20

Madame Baladwell, level 5 cleric
014/100 EXP
09/27 HP, 8 MAG, 0 SKL, 0 SPD, 12 DEF, 12 RES, 6CON

Heal - 23/30 E
Vulnerary - 3/3

Ice Affinity
Zzalazz: 15
Muldoon: 20

Zzalazz the Lesser, level 5 Shaman
071/100 EXP
08/22 HP, 9 MAG, 5 SKL, 5 SPD, 2 LCK, 5 DEF, 5 RES, 7CON

Flux - 40/45 [8wt, 7mt, 80% hit, 0% crit] E
Rough Fur

Dark Affinity
Muldoon: 3
Baladwell: 12

http://i.imgur.com/uoMjzXg.png Dead
Marina, level 4 Wyvern Rider
-4/23 HP, 4 STR, 5 SKL, 6 SPD, 2 LCK, 7 DEF, 4 RES, 12CON

Hand Axe - 20/20 [12wt, 7mt, 60% hit, 0% crit] E
Party Gold: 364
Individual Gold: -