View Full Version : help with certain Special Attacks

2013-07-21, 06:49 AM
So I am looking at various classes and PRC that give some special attacks, and they all seem to stack provided their conditions are met.
what I am looking for is
( are these the only ones that provide extra damage )

Sneak Attack
Sudden Strike

( does Sneak Attack, Sudden Strike really stack with each other? )

2013-07-21, 07:09 AM
There's also the Mountebank (dragon compendium)'s Deceptive Attack.

The thing is that Sneak Attack is just outright better than the alternatives (save Skirmish) by virtue of working in more situations and, as a Rogue or Sneak Attack Fighter, progressing the fastest. If you're interested in stacking them, though, then Swift Ambusher is probably your best bet - your Rogue levels are added to your Scout levels for calculating Skirmish damage. So you can get 9d6 sneak and 5d6/5 AC skirmish.

2013-07-21, 09:36 AM
...does Sneak Attack, Sudden Strike really stack with each other?

Complete Adventurer page 8: "The extra damage from the sudden strike ability stacks with the extra damage from sneak attack whenever both would apply to the same target."

2013-07-21, 10:12 AM
( does Sneak Attack, Sudden Strike really stack with each other? )

It isn't really a question of stacking. Each instance of Sneak Attack, Sudden Strike, Death Attack and/or Skirmish (and other variations) asks in each situation "may I apply? Yes? May I?".

If you are, say for the sake of argument, a Sneak Attack Fighter1/Rogue3/Ninja3/Scout1 and make an attack, your Sneak Attack class feature of the Sneak Attack Fighter level would ask:
"Is the target flanked or is the target denied its dex bonus to AC? Is the target NOT immune to precision damage?" If yes on both accounts, enjoy your +1W6 damage.
Then your Sneak Attack class feature of the Rogue levels would ask:
"Is the target flanked or is the target denied its dex bonus to AC? Is the target NOT immune to precision damage?" If yes on both accounts, enjoy your +2W6 damage.
Then your Sudden Strike class feature of the Ninja levels would ask:
"Is the target denied its dex bonus to AC? Is the target NOT immune to precision damage?" If yes on both accounts, enjoy your +2W6 damage.
Then your Skirmish class feature of the Scout level would ask:
"Have I moved at least 10 feet before the attack and is the target NOT immune to precision damage?" If yes on both accounts enjoy your +1W6 damage.

Now, those abilities actually do stack with each other (generally). But this is only important for meeting requirements of feats and PRCs and the various sneak attack variant usually count as Sneak Attack dice for those prerequisites.

So even IF you could find a source of sneak attack or similar that doesn't stack with other variants, you would still get the damage.

2013-07-21, 10:26 AM
so Sneak, Sudden, Skirmish & Death(deceptive) and yes it would presume that all requirements and conditions were met to get them all, so the question still is are these the only ones for extra attack damage style
( not including breath or natural weapons )

The Viscount
2013-07-21, 02:11 PM
If the criteria for all are met, they would apply to weapons, both manufactured and natural, as well as weaponlike spells. Breath weapons are not valid, because they aren't attacking one target, and they don't require an attack roll. As a rough guideline, if it requires an attack roll and deals damage, it's a possible valid opportunity for precision damage.

2013-07-21, 02:51 PM
The idea of a dragon making a sneak attack with its breath weapon, however, is hilarious. "Here, aim this cone of fire at your opponent's vital organs".

2013-07-21, 03:43 PM
was considering a Half-dragon template for breath weapon with

scout5/ninja3/rouge4/mountebank6/Hand of the Winged Masters2

Skirmish +2d6
Sudden strike +2d6,
Sneak attack +2d6
Deceptive attack +2d6

Hand of the Winged Masters
Draconic Senses: At 1st level, you gain Draconic Senses as a bonus feat, even if you don't meet its prerequisite. If you already have Draconic Senses, you can instead take any other draconic feat for which you meet the prerequisite.

Special Attack (Ex): At 2nd level, 5th level, and 8th level, your sneak attack, skirmish, or sudden strike ability deals an extra 1d6 points of damage. If you have more than one of these abilities, you can improve any one ability of your choice (choose each time you gain this benefit).

2013-07-21, 03:47 PM
Why? It seems like you could be much more effective as just a single-classed member of any of those classes, and it's not like any of them are especially rich with fluff that the others couldn't pass as.

The Viscount
2013-07-21, 06:50 PM
Flickerdart has a very good point, as you could get 9d6 of sneak attack with only 17 levels of rogue, and it also means you don't have to worry about meeting all the prereqs. Sudden strike is inferior to sneak attack in every way, so if you want to cut out levels, that's where to cut from. Mountebank's deceptive attack is honestly rather difficult to use. If you like hand of the winged masters, you could always check out what people did with it in Iron Chef. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=255215)

2013-07-21, 07:25 PM
On your source of Extra Damage special attacks, you forgot Iajutsu. You can make a skill check to do Xd6 extra damage, but only on targets that are flatfooted, so basically the first round of combat excepting help. Also have to draw your blade when you use it.

... so it's situational in it's usefulness. But it's there. And any target you hit with Iajutsu would also take any Sneak Attack or Sudden Attack damage. Thus why I gestalted a Samurai/Iajutsu Master//Rogue... not saying it was masterful, but it was fun to throw an entire brick of D6s out with an attack.