View Full Version : Command words items

2013-07-21, 04:24 PM
Hey Giants :)

me and some mates are going to play a campaign of 3.5 dnd in eberron, and im gonna be the mr. Utility man as artificer..

been looking at command word items..

and was considering this:

Command word item: Cure Light wounds level 1

1800*spell level * caster level
so 1800*1*1= 1800

would that mean for 72 exp and 1800g (or 900g)

I got a out of combat healing item each round (well in combat too, but its ment as out of combat).

or am I missing something really important (oh I got the feats, we are starting level 5)

2013-07-21, 04:27 PM
You're missing the fact that those prices are guidelines, not hard rules.
Every custom item is subject to DM approval.
That aside, you can get a wand of CLW for less than half that and by the time you use it up the cost for another is trivial.

2013-07-21, 04:37 PM
but as artificer I can make this at level 3 and wands at level 6 so there is a gab where its needed :)

2013-07-21, 05:13 PM
Depending on your DM you can still make the item, you just need to put some reasonable limitations on it.

X charges per day, for instance.

The Healing Belt sets a precedence for that.

Big Fau
2013-07-21, 06:30 PM
Depending on your DM you can still make the item, you just need to put some reasonable limitations on it.

X charges per day, for instance.

The Healing Belt sets a precedence for that.

And the Artificer can craft Healing Belts at 3rd level, IIRC. While those aren't as good as an at-will CLWs, they are still extremely useful items (and can later be cannibalized when you gain Craft Wand).

What level are you starting at, what books are allowed, and have you Googled the Artificer's Handbook?