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2013-07-21, 05:55 PM
Outland Settlers.

The year is 679 [Imperial] and the small nation known as the Mymera is seeking to expand its borders. As a nation that finds itself to be almost solely populated by humans, it is unwilling to expand into territories to the north or the east, as those are held by dwarfs, and the west; where the elves rule.
So it is that instead they have chosen to press southwards. The only problem with this is that the lands to the south are poor for farming, and only the hardiest of folk can survive for any great length of time.

It is for such a reason that a deal has been struck; any settlers that strike out to the south will not be required to pay tax for three years. Unsurprisingly, a large number of people have chosen to move southwards to avoid the paying of taxes.

It is in one such caravan that you find yourselves; the group of you are traveling for your own reasons, but soon find each other during the trials of the journey.

The caravan that you are traveling with is large, containing some 70 family units, leading nearly 150 beasts of burden; horses, bulls, cows and mules and led by several dozen artisans and bureaucrats to form the leadership of the new town. They bring with them 40 armed and trained soldiers to defend against any attacks or difficulties that strike them on the journey.

You are now three days away from your destination, on the edges of the Blue Forest. It is here that the first signs of trouble begin to brew.

Of all the people that are traveling, it is Lira that first notices anything out of the ordinary. the land is changing over from woods quickly, the trees giving way to scrub and sand.

In the distance she sees a great flash of light, something high up in the sky, unlike anything else she had ever seen before. Soon however, the attentions of everyone in the caravan are drawn skyward, as more flashes are seen high in the sky.

Many people are worried, fearing that it is a portent from the gods, and travel for the day is suspended. a council is called, and everyone is drawn in to discuss what has been seen, and what it could mean.

it is here that everyone now awaits the arrival of the most senior of the caravan's leaders, to hear what they have decided to do.

no one has to wait long;

a hush soon falls over the assembled peoples, and a large man, the soon to be new mayor raises his hands to have everyone's attention.
I have consulted with my fellows, and several of the clerics that are traveling with us to help spread the word of the gods. They do not feel that what we saw were portents of the Gods.
That being said, we feel that something must be done to learn. however, we can not spare the soldiers that are guarding our caravan.
Is there anyone among us that is willing to strike off to explore what happened?

2013-07-21, 07:16 PM
A young woman walking midway though the long caravan looks at the worried faces of men, women, and children, and, taking a deep breath, strides toward the "mayor."

She is average of height and build, pale skin made ruddy by sunburn, large pale blue eyes and wavy blonde chin-length hair. The worn out, age-bleached blue tunic drapes shabbily over chainmail, obscuring any shape of the body underneath. There's nothing striking about her beyond the weapons and battered old helmet she carries.

"Sir, I'm Dearyn of Hartford," she says a little too loudly. "I'm ..." she pauses. Here to protect people? Offer my sword? I shall be the bulwark betwixt your fine citizens and danger? Gods, that all sounds stuck-up. Realizing the man was staring at her, she says, "I'm volunteering," and waits, chagrined, to see if anyone else joins her.

2013-07-21, 07:39 PM
Solara steps forward from the crowd to stand aside the young woman who called herself Dearyn. She wears a full suit of chain-mail armor, with alight coif draped about her shoulders, exposing her slightly pointed ears and bob-cut black hair. Across her back is sheathed a longsword, with the hilt protruding over her right shoulder, and from her left hip hangs a kite shaped shield emblazoned with the silver crescent of Corellon Larethian.

She presses a fist to her chest in the form of a traditional elven salute, nothing but seriousness in her eye. "I pledge my strength, as well as the protection of my Lord Corellon, to finding the cause of these strange happenings." she says in a voice loud enough to carry to the people of the caravan.

Then as an aside to Dearyn while flashing a friendly smile, "I can't be letting others have all the fun now can I?"

2013-07-21, 07:52 PM
Flipping the page to his spellbook, Nathaniel mouthed the mystical words that were inscribed within. It was rote memorization, nothing more, which allowed his agile mind to attend to other matters. He cast his eyes to the gathered group of higher ups in the center of the group of people with mixed apathy and intrigue.

On the one hand, I don't owe these people anything, he thought. What do I care about their worries?

Then again... he hesitated on flipping the final page. I'm dying to find out just what that was. Maybe a meteorite; maybe something more.

Mouthing the final word, he felt the fire settle into his veins, ready to be called on at a moment's notice. He closed his book with a snap and dismounted Rufus, his mule. Sweeping his long black bangs out of his piercing green eyes, he grabbed his stave and strode purposefully over to where a young woman was standing next to the "mayor". Out of the crowd, another woman strode out to stand proudly next to the shrinking first woman. The latter spoke with a purposeful voice and winked toward the other woman.

Well, perhaps my companions will be more entertaining than I'd thought, Nathaniel thought as he stopped next to the heavily armored half-elf. Digging his stave into the ground, he gave a sweeping bow to the mayor. His wide, green robes flowed around his bow, rattling the dagger and various pouches around his belt.

Nathaniel Oromis, formerly of Northington, at your service, he said, gathering on the years of noble tutoring his parents had forced on him. He had to admit that it had its uses. Turning to the women beside him, he gave a slight bow as well as a smile. Looking forward to working with you, miladies.

2013-07-21, 08:18 PM
Surprised by how forward and brash the dark-haired woman is - is she elvish? - Dearyn's only response is, "Er."

When Nathaniel introduces himself, she seems at odds with how to respond. Finally she simply says politely, with a demure smile, "A pleasure to meet you both."

2013-07-21, 08:50 PM
"And I with you as well Nathaniel, but please, call me Solara." Solara flashes another friendly smile at the man. Some sort of wizard it seems, I wonder what skills he will bring to the table. She twists her neck to either side, causing a couple of small pops. "I for one can't tell you how excited I am that something is finally happening, these last several weeks have felt like nothing more than endless walking."

Smiling back at the first woman to volunteer. "How terribly rude of me, I didn't introduce myself!" Proffering her heavily mailed right hand to Dearyn. "I'm Solara, a humble cleric of my Lord Corellon, and you?" Smiling brightly again then glancing quickly around to see who else might volunteer.

2013-07-21, 09:35 PM
Taking the other woman's heavy hand in her own leather glove with frayed stitching, she says, "Dearyn. I'm ... well, I'm just me."

2013-07-21, 09:56 PM
The crowd parts as two figures make their way from the back. The leading is a man, tall with blonde hair and a short stubbly beard. He walks with a quarterstaff, none too formidable a figure. His companion, however, has women clutching their babes and children shrinking back into the crowd as the masses drift away like leaves in the wind. If it were a normal dog they'd be lining up to give her a scratch under the chin, he thought as his wolf companion trailed at his heels.

"If the Lodestone sect can be of help, Aiyee and I will answer the call. Hopefully, upon further inspection, I can judge whether or not these lights be a natural occurrence, and find the source." He brings his fists together in a small bow so that the horseshoe-like tattoos are base to base against each other on the backs of his hands.

He looks to his new companions with an easy smile. "Never underestimate the value of a quiet walk through nature. You may call me Reed. I look forward to our travels together."

2013-07-21, 11:12 PM
Nathaniel looked up at the nature man and down at his wolf companion. It'll be good to have a man who knows his way around the wild, he said with a good-natured smile. Less for me to have to worry about; with him around, we probably won't get lost, he thought to himself.

He smiled at the cleric as his mind worked. I wonder if she'd be as peppy if she knew my specialty, he thought idly. It wasn't as if he'd tell her outright; what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her, after all. Glad to have a priest with us; never know when we'll need healing, eh? he asked.

He turned to the woman who had first stood up and gave her a raised brow. Not a big talker, are we? he asked lightly. Ah, well; we'll have plenty of time to talk on the way.

2013-07-22, 07:42 AM
The man who would be mayor watches almost impatiently as you greet each other, and finally has had enough with waiting, most especially since it would mean the change for you to come to your senses.
"it heartens me that so many of you are so willing so takes this risk. You have my blessing in this journey, though I wish I could give you more.
I and my people shall eagerly await your return, though we must carry on to our destination. I bid you safe travels."

The peoples around you all watch you with a hushed silence, until finally a young girl, no older than perhaps 7 years, runs out from her mothers grasp and offers to solara a wilted flower, something that she must have picked while traveling through the forest.

"please be safe for us." she pleads, giving the wolf a fearful glance before running back to the safety of her family.

2013-07-22, 09:04 AM
"Sounds like it could make a good song. I'm in," Says the bard.

2013-07-22, 10:13 AM
Reed smiles back at Nathaniel with a slight nod, wondering what skills this slight-looking man will bring to the table. He looks around at the quiet, morose faces around. You'd think we were at a funeral for all the sad looks we were getting. I suppose many would consider traipsing off into the unknown with a handful of strangers something of a death sentence...

He takes in his new companions. A party of five, he thinks, if you really count a minstrel for any productivity. To Lira, he says, "The wilds can be an unforgiving place. I hope you can do more than compose music."

Aiyee pants comfortably under the warm midday sun. She pushes her head against Reed's hand, and he ruffles her fur back.

2013-07-22, 10:22 AM
Nathaniel eyed the would-be mayor with slight disdain that was swiftly covered up. He looks just so broken up about not being able to help more, he thought wryly. The would-be mayor reminded him unfavorably of people he had met before in his life, and he hadn't much liked them, either. With another slight bow to the man, he gathered his robes around him and strode back to Rufus to gather his things.

Taking the mule by the harness, he led it back to the group. He got back in time to see the little girl wish them luck and then scamper away. Wilted flowers and tear-filled requests won't keep us safe, little girl, he thought cynically, though he kept his thoughts to himself. The woman, Solara, probably wouldn't appreciate that comment.

Are we all ready to go? he asked, nodding to the newcomer bard. Without waiting for an answer, he got onto Rufus and clucked his teeth. The mule set out at a leisurely pace toward the general direction of the lights.

2013-07-22, 11:41 AM
Dearyn appears nervous with the wolf nearby, and walks ahead, amiably joining Nathaniel and his donkey and making smalltalk.

2013-07-22, 01:09 PM
Lira just smiled, "Do not underestimate the power of song. But no, it is not all I can do. I have a crossbow and a rapier, and I know how to use them. Also, rudimentary spellcasting, but I'm working on that..." She seemed excited. A ragtag group going to fight evil creatures that had been attacking a village. Sounded like many a tale she knew, and she knew lots. This would either be a lot of fun or get her killed... Either one was better than spending yet another week playing her fiddle at a tavern for her room and board.

2013-07-22, 04:22 PM
Reed sounds genuine when he replies, "Excellent, glad to hear it. Looks like we'd best be moving, lest we lose the others." He starts off, keeping a few meters behind Dearyn, having noted her discomfort around Aiyee. Reed mutters quietly, "Don't worry, girl, they'll warm up to us once they get used to seeing you around," full well knowing that the wolf does not understand a word he says.

2013-07-22, 04:46 PM
Suddenly a halfling emerges out of the crowd. Wait for me, I will volunteer as well. In fact the halfling had been scouring the caravan each day in travel searching 'goodies'. He almost got caught a few times and he was feeling the heat already since people were keeping their eyes on him. Being a halfling the humans were right altogether. That was not his main reason to join the group of scouts however.

Smelkie knew he was being trailed to the last city. There was a big chance that his enemies figured he was trying to escape via this caravan of settlers.
Wanting to avoid them he took the risk of setting of with this group, altough with voluntering he knew there would be a chance he would expose himself.
Hence he took precaution by wearing some human childrens cloths he stole.

This can be interesting he thinks looking at the others. Four humans and an elf, i wonder what we will find. I hope there will be a treasure involded. His eyes begin to twinkle a bit .. untill they see the wolf. Adressing Reed he asks How well does your companion follow commands?
After that he looks at the others and just puts a smile on his face as a sort of saying hello. He wont just say his name yet untill they created some distance from the caravan

2013-07-22, 05:18 PM
Nathaniel looked back from his conversation with Dearyn to see the halfling join their band. Hello, little guy, he said with a nod, smiling slightly to show he was mostly joking. Good of you to join us; never know when one might need to fit into tight spaces.

Turning back to Dearyn, he gave a smile and asked, What brings you to the frontier, milady?

May as well get to know my traveling companions, he thought.

2013-07-22, 06:38 PM
Dearyn waves kindly to the Halfling, welcoming him along, but frowns at Nathaniel. "Please, no need to be formal. I'm here because, well, I had nothing keeping me where I was. I wanted a fresh start."

2013-07-22, 08:08 PM
Reed chuckles under his breath at the halfling's question. "And if she's a feral uncontrolled terror that likes to eat children in the night?"

On second thought, you're not being very good at making friends with statements like that.

"I don't really give her commands. I make a request, and she happily follows through. Oft times, the opposite. Aiyee and I have spent the past year together, with long nights perfecting our understanding of each other. I think you will find her quite easy to travel with." He gives her a pleasant scratch behind the ear, a pat on the head, and whispers, "Go on," with a hand gesture out towards the open field. The wolf runs out with her mouth open into the scrub, enjoying the freedom of a safe open field in this early part of the journey. The way her lips are drawn back, it almost likes like she is smiling.

"She won't go far. She just likes to explore, maybe chase some small game."

2013-07-22, 08:21 PM
"More companions are always welcome!" Solara says warmly as the others join the group of volunteers. She takes the flower the little girl offers her with a brave smile, and weaves it carefully around the small wooden holy crescent she wears around her neck.

She falls in beside the one who called himself Reed as they all assemble and begin to leave the camp in the direction of the strange lights they had all seen, calling forward as they all begin moving. "I trust you don't intend to leave us all behind Nathaniel my friend!"

"It's good to see another channeller of the divines joining us." she says to Reed as they walk. "I have a distant cousin who practices the druidic arts, and have always thought his own small miracles were similar in a way to the gifts my Lord Corellon blesses me with. Though he spends much of his time with a great ferocious bear these days." she smiles warmly at the man. "Much the same as your companion follows you... Might I pet her?" she asks enthusiastically, with an almost childlike excitement in her eye.

2013-07-22, 08:32 PM
My apologies, Dearyn, Nathaniel said. Years of etiquette training is hard to shirk; old habits and all that.

And your reason for leaving is so mysterious. Don't tell the bard, he mock whispered. He'd probably hound you for the details.

In his normal voice, he said, But I won't pry. Everyone deserves their privacy, after all.

Hearing Solara call out to him, he called back, You are burning daylight, Solara. We have far yet to go, and fate favors those who take initiative and whatnot.

With that, he turned back to face forward, stroking Rufus' neck gently.

2013-07-22, 09:11 PM
Looking at his new friend, Reed smiles back. "I'm sure she son't mind it when she returns. I'd rather let her about her business for a bit; it helps an animal feel more comfortable in a new environment when they are given a certain degree of freedom." For a second he looks up toward the sky, wondering just how universal that statement might be.

"There are a few in my sect who have taken bears for a companion. They are truly fierce in battle, but no less gentle than Aiyee in respite. So how did you come to travel with the caravan?"

2013-07-22, 10:06 PM
Continuing her conversation with Reed as the group marches into the unknown. "I suppose it would be for the sense of excitement and adventure more than any other reason. The temple i was raised in did not have much going for it in the way of excitement, I was merely glad my Lord Corellon saw fit to give me the strength of arm necessary to take the strength of His protecting hand into the great wider world." She gives him a wry smile. "Though i didn't expect there to be quite so much walking... What about you my friend?"

She flashes a slightly indignant look to the front of the line at Nathaniel on his donkey. -ME burning daylight? the nerve...-

2013-07-22, 11:59 PM
it is not long before the sights and sounds of the caravan fall away behind you.

ahead of you is a seemingly endless spread of lightly hilly terrain, filled with bushes and other scrub.

In the distance you can see that there are far larger hills, the sort that could almost be called mountains. they would be directly in line with where you saw the lights in the sky heading towards.

As you strike out towards the hills, the terrain becomes rougher, and more representative of an arid plain.

your destination seems to be at least three days of hiking away.

I am going to assume that you are more or less walking abreast with each other? with Nathaniel in the lead and Smelkie towards the rear?

2013-07-23, 03:19 AM
As Reed talks about his companion eating children in the night Smelkie raises one eyebrow. I have killed wolves in the past, but I would hate to kill your companion. If I must, I won't hesitate though he says. But when Reed continues he feels more comfortable travelling with Aiyee. I hope so is his answer when Reed says she's quite easy to travel with.

As the wolf runs off Smelkie relaxes and pays more attention to his surrounding that at the wolf. Hope she doesn't see me as game.. I warned the druid though I will use force if necesary. He stays in the back so he can observe the group as they walk towards the spot where the flashes were seen.

2013-07-23, 08:46 AM
Reed ignores Smelkie's threats for now; he's heard worse before. To Solara, he says, "My order sends people to far reaches to gather information about the state of the world, keep connected with modern society despite our druidic isolation. When I heard that an expedition was heading south, I took it as an opportunity."

He picks up his pace a bit and makes his way to the front of the team, keeping an eye out for any interesting trails before they might be trampled by the rag tag band.

Survival check: [roll0]

2013-07-23, 09:20 AM
you know that you are on an arid plain, and that there is enough brush and the like around you to make a comfortable fire, you cant say

your first day comes to a close without event, and you decide to stop for the evening. there is plenty enough brush and material to keep a fire going if you so desire, and with the sun setting behind you, a rudimentary camp is soon put up.

perhaps you should sort out anything else you wanted to do for the day, and if nothing else needs be done, decide on a rotation of watches through the night?
you are after all, out in the wilds. :smalleek:

2013-07-23, 09:36 AM
Dearyn continues her discussion with Nathaniel throughout the day and as they set camp. Mysterious? Pathetic really.

She shrugs at him and smiles, but it seems like she has a hard time looking him in the eyes. "It really isn't interesting. What of you? You don't look the type to be wandering the countryside if you can help it."

Dearyn volunteers to take the first watch, seemingly quite content - practically refreshed - sitting under the open night sky.

With that big Survival bonus maybe you should take 10 while we're doing nothing but meandering the countryside. Just a suggestion.

2013-07-23, 09:59 AM
As the sun went down and the light of the fire grew, Nathaniel got out Rufus' oats and feedbag and set him up to feed. Settling down before the fire, he fished out his trail rations and began to gnaw on them.

Yeah, I don't seem the type, do I? I think I wanted to see more of the world than my small part of it. And, of course, I seek arcane mysteries that may be hidden in the wild: relics of long forgotten civilizations, spellbooks that hold words of wisdom and power.

After a bit, he said, I do apologize, but I need eight hours of rest or else my mind simply cannot grasp the arcane secrets. We do have six people; perhaps I could beg leniency on guard duty?

2013-07-23, 12:32 PM
"Go ahead, I'll take your watch," said Lira, summoning a fiddle from nowhere with a mutter and a gesture. She then began to play, playing a calming tune as she relaxed by the fire.

2013-07-23, 04:18 PM
I will take the last shift. That way i can steal whatever back they might have taken from me. Sitting at the campfire Smelkie takes out his rations as well and starts looking around at his traveling group. There are no familiar faces, thank you Yondalla.

Listening to every one reasons to be here at this moment he doesnt let a word slip about his own. Best way to avoid this is to start asking questions.

What sorts of magic can every one wield? I can not use any sort of magic, but i overheard some of you talking about it and it is clear that you are interested in magic stuff Nathaniel

2013-07-23, 08:22 PM
"My apologies small friend, but if anyone should have the last watch it should be me, I'll need a full nights rest as Nathaniel does if I'm to commune with my Lord Corellon and regain the use of what minor miracles He has blessed me with." Solara says to the small halfling, then as if just remembering. "I don't believe you've introduced yourself to our companions as of yet, perhaps you would like to remedy that situation before asking so many questions of your own?"

Solara moves to one side of the small camp setting up her small bedroll and unencumbering herself from her armor before lying down, not yet falling asleep.

2013-07-23, 09:21 PM
Reed lays his own bedroll out near the fire and prepares for sleep, with Aiyee lying close beside. "I require only a short period of reflection at dawn to harness the powers of nature. I can take one of the shifts in the dead of night."

2013-07-24, 02:15 PM
Settling down on his bedroll to stargaze while he talked, Nathaniel nodded. Yes, our little friend, he said. You know of our names; what's yours, so that we can talk to each other as equals and all that?

With that, he took out one of the few books he had taken from home and began to turn the time-worn pages.

2013-07-24, 02:34 PM
Your night passes slowly, there is nothing interesting out here, and at least as a side effect of that the night is quiet.

Finally the sun starts to crest Far to the east, it's shinning rays illuminating yet more scrub covered field.

There are signs of the passage of small animals around your camp, but they all gave you a wide bearth.

In the distance, you can see what looks like an old structure, perhaps what may have been a farm house long ago. It is only a little off from your heading, although with how open this area is, it is still many hours away from you.

2013-07-24, 04:36 PM
Dearyn wakes in the early morning and without hesitation begins working up some meager breakfast for whoever's interested and clearing up camp. She also wanders a bit away and performs a brief but exciting calisthenics routine.

Returning, she holds her waterskin in the air, haphazardly spatters a quick stream across her face, shakes her damp hair out, and smiles at Nathaniel, crouched over his book. "It's good to warm your muscles up for the day. You might consider exercising something other than your eyes."

2013-07-24, 05:12 PM
before everyone tucks inthe halfer decided that it was safe to 'expose' himself to the group, since there were no familiar faces or indications that they were related to his former guild.

My name is Smelkie Greenhopper. When saying this he unconspiciously looks around at the other to gauge their reactions.

I joined this caravan to find a new adventure. I have always liked to plunge into the deep and this was a good opportunity to give my life a twist for the unknown.

Reluctantly he takes the middleshift with Reed, but unfortunately nothing happens that night.

After waking up, he gets his gear together after having his morning meal. Curious as he is he points out the structure to the rest. Let's check it out, it is on the way after all.

2013-07-24, 08:16 PM
"I'ts good to make your acquaintance friend Smelkie, at least officially." smiling at him in a friendly manner. Noticing his behavior as he introduces himself, -I wonder what it is he is trying so hard to hide.-

Also having made note of the structure near to their path during her morning watch, Solara agree's with the halfling's course of action. "I agree with the halfling, there's no telling what sort of supplies we may be able to procure from the place, I think we should at least take a look." glancing around at the rest of her companions as they go about their morning activities. "That is if no one is opposed to such a slight detour from our path?"

2013-07-24, 10:48 PM
Reed, kneeling in a position facing the rising sun, mutters a few words under his breath and touches the woven brambles about his neck reverently. With that, he stands and stretches his legs briefly. He gives a whistle, and a minute later Aiyee comes trotting forth with a large rodent in her jaws. As Reed packs his things, the hungry wolf bolts down the meal in one piece. She appears energetic, mouth open and tail up in a friendly gesture.

"It would be prudent to search for any signs of current or former settlers. It may paint a picture for those who wish to inhabit these lands in the future," he says, with a look south towards the direction the caravan would have taken. He scrapes up a bit of Dearyn's breakfast and sits with his wolf near the fire to ward off the chill morning air and wake the muscles. "Aiyee and I can take lead again today, look for tracks. We should keep mules in the middle of the party. The deeper we go into these plains, the more likely we are to meet their inhabitants." The words go without saying, but he feels the need to reflect them nonetheless.

2013-07-24, 10:56 PM
Nathaniel yawned slightly as he studied his spellbook. His old habit of staying up late to read had gotten the better of him once more. After restoring his spells, he gathered up his things, happily accepted Dearyn's breakfast, and then broke his camp.

I'm good with being in the middle of the pack, he said in response to the proposed marching order. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for anything and anyone. With that, he hopped onto Rufus and clicked his teeth to direct the mule. And that building is the most noteworthy thing we've come across so far; I agree that we might as well check it out.

2013-07-25, 01:20 AM
Seeing that the marching order is being decided, Solara speaks up. "I'll take the head of the main party then, behind Reed as he scouts, all the better to form the wall between the others and any foes we might encounter as we make our way."

She packs up her bedroll and other gear after having a quick bite to eat, then glances at her pack. "Shall I march fully armored? I would slow down our progress I'm sure, but I would hate to be unprepared should the worst happen..."

2013-07-25, 09:23 AM
Leaving Solara to work out her own concerns, Dearyn responds to Reed's comments:

We should keep mules in the middle of the party. The deeper we go into these plains, the more likely we are to meet their inhabitants

"That's good thinking."

2013-07-25, 09:45 AM
Alright then, let's go. And Smelkie closes the line.

2013-07-25, 04:03 PM
the hours trudge by slowly, but it is not long before the lone building is close enough for you to observes in detail.

it is a fairly run down farm house, the roof is sagging inwards and the north wall is threatening to collapse in on itself. its probable that no one has been here living her on purpose for years.

Reed, Nathaniel, Lira.
You notice that there are some tracks around the building.
survival check please, to learn more.

2013-07-25, 04:12 PM
Survival. [roll0]

2013-07-25, 04:16 PM
Nathaniel dismounted from Rufus and studied the tracks to determine their origin.

Knowledge: Nature to know what kind of creature made the tracks: [roll0]

Survival check: [roll1]
Jeez, this makes me nervous for important rolls.

2013-07-25, 04:23 PM
While Reed and Nathaniel are taking in the surroundings Smelkie looks for the entrance and tries to open the door carefully.

2013-07-25, 04:46 PM
you study the ground, determining that there were four humans, and that the tracks can't be more than a day old. something that is very strange is that one of the sets of track is barefoot.

smelkie approaches the door carefully, wary of the unsafe structure. The hinges are badly rusted, and the door will not swing open easily. there is no lock or knob, so he will have to push upon the door.

roll a strength check if you want to force the door open.

2013-07-25, 04:54 PM
Smelkie wont just push the door open, but look around for alternate ways in.

2013-07-25, 04:56 PM
Reed also follows the tracks, keeping Aiyee close at his heels.

Survival: [roll0]

2013-07-25, 04:59 PM
Nathaniel follows the footprints slowly, ensuring he doesn't lose the trail. Four humans, he mumbled. And one of them was barefoot? In this barren land? A bit odd.

He'll follow the tracks, but not that far; just to get a feel for where they go.

2013-07-25, 05:03 PM
While everyone else is wandering around the house Solara takes a few moments to gear herself up properly, having not put on her armor before leaving camp that morning.

After she has managed to get into her mail and strap her weapons on, she glances around at the rest of the group. "Anyone find anything interesting yet?"

2013-07-25, 05:12 PM
Around to one side of the building is a window that is low enough to scramble through, if you're careful of the remnants of glass that are in the frame.
The inside is the building is a horrible mess, strewn about with the detritus of life, threadbare clothes and bits of broken furniture. In the middle of the room is a space that has been cleared out, and four bedrolls are set out in the clearing. What looks like a rudimentary chest of drawers is stuffed away in the north side of the house.

Reed and Nathaniel follow the tracks around to the west side of the building, where they lead to a roughly patched hole in the wall. The tracks loop in and out from the hole, and head further north, and also east.

you can hear the sound of movement coming from inside the house, it sounds like someone is trying to be stealthy.
You can also hear the sound of rustling coming from the north side of the house,

2013-07-25, 05:24 PM
Nathaniel shrugged as he saw the hole in the wall. It seems as though whoever they were, they left and did not come back. I say we either look at the house in more detail, or simply leave; there appears to be nothing and no one here.

With that, he began to walk back to Rufus, though he kept his eyes peeled. Something didn't feel right; there should have been people here, those tracks were barely old.

I don't know if Nathaniel could hear the sounds, so I tried to have him react as if he hadn't.

2013-07-25, 05:52 PM
Reed's grip tightens around his quarterstaff when he hears the rather suspicious noises. "It deserves a closer look, I'd say. I think I found something. Nathaniel and Solara, over here." When he is close enough to them, he whispers, "I think I heard someone moving about quietly inside the cabin and some rustling on the north side. Keep you eyes and ears open. I mean to find the source of that sound." He starts off to the north side with Aiyee at his side.

2013-07-25, 07:55 PM
Solara quietly acknowledges Reed as he moves away to the north side of the structure "I'll see if I can make my way around from the other side." She begins to move around the house from the side opposite Reed's direction, drawing her sword over her shoulder as she unlimbers her shield. Though she knows she can only be so quiet in her armor, she does the best she can.

Move Silently: [roll0]

I know this probably wont be worth much, but who knows, maybe I'll get lucky! :smalltongue:

2013-07-25, 08:04 PM
Nathaniel looks back at Reed, and then sighs. He takes out his crossbow and feeds a bolt into it. He calls to mind the words that would wrap him in armor of force, ready to cast it at a moment's notice. As silently as he can, he follows behind Reed.

Readied action to cast Mage Armor if a fight starts. Move Silently check: [roll0]

2013-07-25, 08:50 PM
Reed nods to Solara and checks to make sure Nathaniel is behind him. He approaches the area where the rustling came from.

Shillelagh is readied in case of combat. Move silently: [roll0]

2013-07-26, 02:03 AM
As you all creep your way around the sides of the building, you practically end up running right into another group.

You only have moments to register their shabby state of attire, and to see that there are four of them, two on each side of the house, obviously having been trying to flank around you even as you did the same.

initiative is as follows;
Brigands facing solara.
The party.
Brigands facing Reed and Nathaniel.
Going in blocks, so you can all act as you can manage.

There are two brigands on the side of each edge of the building.

The one closest to solara swings wildly at her with a worn short sword.
to hit;
damage: [roll1]

The second brigand hurls a rusted axe at solara aiming for her head.
to hit; [roll2]
Damage; [roll3]

2013-07-26, 02:09 AM
The sword swing misses completely, the weapon burying itself in the soft wood of the wall, the second brigand moving to the side of his companion, staying just behind him and throws his axe, the rusted weapon managing to clang loudly off the clerics hastily raised shield.

okay, the entire party has action now, then the last two brigands to complete the round.

2013-07-26, 02:25 AM
Managing to dodge out of the way of the first brigand's blow, Solara catches the throwing ax against her shield, causing it to glance off with a small scraping noise. Not to be taken down without a fight, she calls out to her companions, who she can hear entering the fray on theother side of the building, as she strikes at the closer opponent with her sword. "I'll handle these two, take care of your side first!"

Attack w/Long sword against short sword brigand: [roll0]

Crit confirm if necessary: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]

Crit Damage if Necessary: [roll3]

Not quite the attack rolls I was hoping for :smalleek: hehe

2013-07-26, 07:52 AM
The sounds of steel on wood and metal are unmistakable on the other side of the house. These are either lumberjacks or attackers, and considering there isn't much forest to be cut down... Solara's shout confirms that these men aren't here to play nice.

Reed touches the brambles around his neck reverently and mutters a few words. He brandishes his quarterstaff and braces for an attack. Smiling down at the wolf at his side, he says, "Well, go on, have your fun!" With a two-note whistle and a swift cutting motion towards the closest brigand, Aiyee is off like a dark grey wind. She bites at the would-be-ambusher with a snarl.

Aiyee's attack:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit Confirm:
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

If bite is successful, free trip attempt:
Trip: [roll4]

2013-07-26, 09:50 AM
OOC: Wow, I don't look for one night and get left in the dust. Where am I? Still outside guarding the mule? Do I hear anything?

2013-07-26, 10:24 AM
As the brigand made the first swing, Nathaniel reflexively cast his Mage Armor as he had prepared to do.

After Aiyee went to attack the first one, Nathaniel maneuvered around so as to get a better vantage point. Taking careful aim to avoid his companion's wolf, he intoned, Color Spray.

From his fingers leapt a rainbow of colors that engulfed the attacking brigands.

I don't know where anyone is, but I'd like to try and get both of them in the 15 foot cone. Just making sure to avoid the wolf. DC 15 Will save.

2013-07-26, 11:31 AM
Lira draws and loads her crossbow.

2013-07-26, 06:20 PM
dearyn is still by the mule, he knows you're under attack, thanks to Solara's warning. Lira can choose which side of the house she wants to get to.

Aiyee's bite latches onto a brigands leg, but her teeth are unable to hurt him, and she is shaken off.

Nathaniel's Color Spray hits both brigands, narrowly missing Aiyee, and they stand still, staring blankly at Nathaniel for a moment before their eyes roll into the backs of their heads, and they both drop to the ground.
you can hear the others fighting outside the house

2013-07-27, 03:14 PM
Dearyn is calmly scratching the mule's floppy right ear when she hears the first shout, and though surprised, she hesitates only a heartbeat to pick up her dented shield before rushing around the building, plopping the battered helm on her head and drawing her old sword.

Facing two motley men, Solara seems to be holding her own, but she was still in danger. Dearyn barely slows down as she takes in the scene and with a ringing shout leaps high, her shield covering her front as she brings the sword down in a powerful blow at the first man in reach.

Dunno if my action takes place the second round or what?

Attack [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2013-07-27, 03:50 PM
Lira goes to the side that Solara did, and fires at the man who threw an axe at Solara.

2013-07-28, 04:18 PM
Daeryn's longsword strikes true, and With the aid of his strong arm to power the sharp blade, he maims the brigand, badly, but not quite enough to take him out of the fight.

Lira's crossbow Bolt strikes the second brigand, staggering him with the force of the impact, but leaves him unharmed.

2013-07-29, 09:28 AM
When Smelkie hears the tumult outside and is drawn by the sound of iron meeting with iron. He doesnt move hastily though, because he wants to avoid being detected and he draws his crossbow and loads a bolt aiming for the brigand with the sword.

Smelkie moves towards Solara. I'm unsure if I can shoot, but I believe not yet. If I can however, I will make my attackrolls in the OOC.

2013-07-30, 09:15 AM
not knowing what has happened to thier companions, the two brigands attack back at the girls they are fighting, hoping still to overcome them.

brigand 1, attacking solara;
To hit;[roll0]
damage; [roll1]

the second brigand, having thrown his axe, draws a wooden club that is adorned with rusted nails, and charges in to attack Dearyn.

brigand 2, attacking Dearyn
To hit; [roll2]
Damage; [roll3]

2013-07-30, 02:28 PM
Lira reloads and fires her Crossbow at the former axe-man.

To hit

2013-07-30, 02:40 PM
Nathaniel sighs in relief as the bandits fall to the ground, unconscious. Quickly, let's tie them up before they regain consciousness, he said, taking out a few lengths of rope. The spell won't keep them out forever.

With that, he kneels down next to the first and begins to bind his hands.

Take 10 use rope for total of 12, I guess. But we'll be around to make sure they don't try to get out.

2013-07-30, 03:30 PM
Solara squares off against the brigand attacking her with the short sword, being sure to keep her shield between herself and the weapon, she lashes out with her long sword again.

Long sword Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm if needed: [roll2]
Crit damage if needed: [roll3]

2013-07-30, 04:38 PM
The little guy of the group has positioned himself in such a way he has a clear shot. As Solara and swing her sword and the bard shooting hastily the halfer takes aim at the bad guy with the wooden club. Carefully taking aim and waiting for the right moment.




2013-07-30, 04:40 PM
As he releases his bolt a light breeze passes and stops when it penetrates the brigand. He never saw it coming.

sorry for the double post, but forgot the sneak bonus

2013-07-31, 11:21 AM
"Aiyee, down!" The wolf, initially ready to tear into the enemy for a mouthful of more than cloth, lies down and quits her attack, though her ears remain pinned back and her fur abristle. Reed nods to Nathaniel. "Precisely what I was thinking. Good work, there." He begins binding hands and feet of the second brigand. I sure hope things are going well for the others, he thinks to himself as he tries his best to secure a few knots.

Also taking ten for... 10. Ready to pounce if they try anything, though.

2013-07-31, 03:48 PM
Settling into a proper combat stance, Dearyn avoids the man's first wide blow with the club and absorbes the second with her shield. She thrusts the shield wide, knocking the brigand's heavy weapon wide and thrusts with her sword under his unbalanced guard...

Attack [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2013-07-31, 04:20 PM
dearyn's heavy blow narrowly misses the brigand, but Smelkie's bolt does not, the heavy shaft sinking deep in the villian's chest, he falls back dead.

the Sword swinging brigand, seeing his fellow drop dead with a bolt sticking in his chest, that seems to have come from nowhere, drops his sword and raises his hands skyward, taking a cautious step away from the angry women he faces.

2013-07-31, 06:33 PM
Dearyn can't cover her surprise as her opponent topples. As the other man drops his weapon, she peers over her shoulder to make certain the bolt wasn't simple a miss from another brigand.

She turns back. "On your knees!" She waits for him to submit before stabbing her sword into the ground, leaving it standing at her side, and kneeling to determine if his partner still has a heartbeat.

Also, activating detect evil.

2013-08-01, 04:00 AM
Smelkie puts a grimas on his face the bastard didn't see that one coming. He loads another bolt and keeps his aim on the other baddie, while Dearyn kneels down. He is ready to fire when brigand makes one bad move. He sits still and waits to see how things will unfold.

2013-08-01, 09:06 AM
The brigand nods and drops down to his knees, one of his hands going to the deep wound in his side, in an attempt to stop his bleeding.

His partner is very dead, a shaft protruding from his chest.

the man in front of you is not evil, but you sense a faint evilness from the other side of the house.

The two men that are tied up are no longer unconscious but they are still stunned.

2013-08-01, 10:31 AM
Nathaniel sees that the man in front of him is now conscious once more, but he keeps his crossbow trained on him.

Don't move, he says, prodding him with a toe. Move, and you get a new hole in your head.

2013-08-01, 11:11 AM
Taking a single calming breath, Dearyn calls out loudly, "Nathaniel!" She looks to Solara. "I'll watch him. Why don't you see what's happened around the building?"

2013-08-01, 06:08 PM
Reed, noticing that the clangor of battle has receded, calls out, "We've got two men over here, down and bound." Leaning on his quarterstaff and cursing himself for so quickly using a day's spell, he glances down at the prisoners as they slowly revive into a state of realization. "I think they will have a pretty good idea of their situation without death threats. We shouldn't have any more need for blood shed."

2013-08-01, 06:13 PM
Smiling at Dearyn following their little skirmish and hearing Reed from the other side of the building. "Better idea, how about we take our new friend here over to meet the rest of our little traveling company? Maybe they'll be able to give us some information about why exactly we were attacked."

Solara glances around at the others nearby as she sheathes her weapon and hangs her shield from her belt, making sure no one was injured that would need immediate attention from her few spells.

2013-08-01, 06:16 PM
Just letting him know where he stands, metaphorically, Nathaniel assures the nature man. And they attacked us first, without provocation. A little incentive to stay still wouldn't go amiss.

They're lucky that they did not resist my spell, else we would have actually had to hurt them, he comments idly.

Sorry to make you waste a spell, haha :smallredface:

2013-08-01, 08:51 PM
Lira merely watches, grimacing at her ineffectiveness, as she feels that it may have proven the doubts about her ability true.

2013-08-02, 06:04 AM
As the ladies take the wounded man to the other two, Smelkie puts away his bow carefully and starts looking around in the house. He starts searching the place, for treasure obviously and for anything that might related to the sightings.


2013-08-02, 06:51 AM
smelkie rifles through the few things that are intact inside the house. he doesnt find anything interesting however until he gets to a chest of drawers that is rather beat up. the bottom drawer of which is locked.

outside, the girls lead the captured man around the house. he has gotten over his initial terror and is now watching you intently.

"Yer not goin to just off and kill me then? like you did the others? I'll pay you, git some coin that ought to by me freedom yeah?"

2013-08-02, 07:12 AM
Smelkie goes through his backpack to grab his tools. He takes his lockpick and tries to open the drawer.


2013-08-02, 07:14 AM
Frowning, Dearyn tells him, "I'm not interested in your stolen money. We want to know who you are what you're doing here - and why you attacked us."

Around the structure she sees Nathaniel and Reed and hesitates - both of these bandits are dead too. I can't believe we just killed these men ... wait. Her innate moral compass leads her to one man and she realizes that he's actually uninjured. "Huh. What did you do to them?"

Placing the three men together, she waits patiently and quietly says to Solara, "We should bury that man. Will you pray for him?"

2013-08-02, 09:15 AM
"More importantly, how many of your friends are waiting in the grass?" Reed keeps an eye out to the surrounding area after sizing up the third brigand. "So a man is dead? I'm sure the soil will be grateful for his contribution." He touches his necklace as a last respect to the man giving himself up to nature.

2013-08-02, 01:29 PM
Hello, wizard, Nathaniel says, waving a hand. I knocked them out with an illusion spell; overwhelmed their senses and knocked them out. I didn't want to give them a chance to attack me; I could've gotten hurt, he finishes, giving a slight chuckle.

As Dearyn speaks of burying the dead man, Nathaniel shrugs and keeps his crossbow at the ready. Listen to the man: do you have any friends waiting to ambush us around?

2013-08-02, 05:59 PM
the man shakes his head. "there are no more of us. we escaped from Burtrand, and made it out here. but there's nothing here, we were hoping there would be settlers trying to make their way."

The brigand on the left that is tied up feels evil to you.


the lock clicks into place, and you slide the drawer open. inside of it are several pieces of unadorned gold and silver jewelry, as well as a pouch of coins, inside of which is 20 gold, and 15 silver.

value counting in the jewelry is 90 GP

2013-08-02, 06:26 PM
"Escape from Burtrand? Why, were you in prison or was there a disaster? And should we expect more thieves, or refugees?"

To the others she says, "And what do we do with them? We can't afford to bring them along, can we?" She eyes one man in particular as potentially troublesome.

2013-08-02, 06:48 PM
the brigand that Reed tied up lifts his head to speak;
"You dont know Burtrand? he has claimed all the lands to the east as his, and calls himself the Thief King. we couldn't afford to pay for our freedom and so we escaped from his lands.

2013-08-02, 07:29 PM
Quietly to Dearyn, "The ground hereabouts doesn't look like it will be easy digging, but with as much dry grass as there is available we could give him a simple pyre perhaps? I'll give him a basic prayer, even the wicked deserve a chance to make things right in the afterlife. Would you help me gather some bundles of dry grass?"

Hearing the conversation taking place between the prisoners and her companions, Solara grimaces at the mention of buying freedom. "I find it odd that one would have to 'buy'their freedom at all, perhaps we should pay this 'Thief King' a visit, provided of course we don't find our true objective before reaching the lands he has claimed."

2013-08-02, 11:36 PM
"The land belongs to no man, least of all a king of his own making. I do believe a visit would be in order. These lads look honest enough. If you were seeking a caravan, there is a large one headed south. They are large enough that the trail should be easy to follow. With hope, you will meet good fortune with them."

2013-08-03, 04:44 AM
Smelkie goes through the drawer and puts the jewelry in his backpack. He takes the pouch in one hand and then exits the structure heading towards the rest.

There is no one else inside. I did find this.. as he holds up a pouch of coins. He drops the pouch on the ground close to a place where everyone is gathered.

Why did these men attack us for no apparant reason, we were only checking out this building. Then walking over to the bandit who dropped to his knees. You! You are a wise man, what do you know about these flashes of light the other day? Can you tell us their origin or what they are?

2013-08-03, 12:14 PM
As the Halfling questions the bandit, Dearyn looks at Reed incredulously. "What are you talking about? You just want to pass them off on the caravan? These are criminals ... doing crime. They're preying on the weak. We can't just take them back, at least not without telling the mayor and guards what to expect of them."

2013-08-03, 01:20 PM
"don't know nothing bout no lights sir, but I do know you've shown us the error of our ways. Ain't that right?"

He glares at his two companions until they start nodding their heads up and down feverishly in agreement. However, when smelkie comes out from the rickety house the third member of the rag tag group throws a fit.

"hey! thats our coin! you little sneaker, we earned that fair and square! give it back or else!"

The second of the brigands elbows the speaker, trying to shut him up.

2013-08-03, 04:17 PM
Ok, so then when you know nothing about the lights there is no use in giving you some of this coin back to make you talk and give us decent indications of you telling the truth.
Walking back to to road a few feet, Smelkie waves the pouch in the air awaiting response. If the brigands do not give any information regarding he will just keep on walking, unless spoken too by members of his group.

2013-08-04, 11:53 AM
Lira attempts to recall if she knows anything about what may have caused the lights. Also, she tries to remember if she knows anything about this "thief-king" that these men aren't telling, having been on the road for the past several months, she may have heard something somewhere.

Knowledge checks

Bardic Knowledge (lights)
Knowledge (royalty and nobility)

2013-08-04, 12:48 PM
Reed faces Dearyn to retort. "Given the swift outcome of this little squabble, I would not exactly call attacking us preying on the weak. What would you do with them? Release them to follow us or slit their throats here?" He throws a sideways glance to the halfing jingling the bag of coins when he says quietly, "Large groups of travelers are known for attracting unsavory sorts. I don't see what large damage a couple runaways trying to scratch out a place for themselves will do... But as you will. I leave their fate in your capable hands." With that he leaves the small company questioning the prisoners and takes a little peek inside the cabin to see what it looks like before heading back to the mules.

2013-08-05, 07:13 AM
the inside of the cabin is a horrendous mess, and everything is bad shape.

lira recalls that she has heard a rumor about some people fleeing north, and something to do with slavers maybe?

as for the flashes of light, you know that the elves have outposts in the foothills of the mountains.

2013-08-05, 07:32 AM
As Reed joins him, Smelkie calls out to the others. Let's go everyone! Let us move forward, these folks aren't willing to help us regarding the flashes. We must find out what is causing them without them.

2013-08-06, 06:35 PM

As she and Dearyn finish gathering together enough dry grass to give the deceased a proper send of, Solara says a few simple words for those who have departed this world. She turns her back to the small bit of smoke and, seeing her companions seem ready to set off even leaving those who attacked them behind, she speaks up quickly. "So what do we intend to do with these bandits, leave them to assault some less wary travelers? I say we at least confiscate their weapons before sending them off, or maybe leaving them tied up in the shack so we are hopefully far out of sight before they make their way free." She grimaces at the thought of simply letting them go free, but doesn't see any other simple options available to them.

"At least that way they would be less likely to follow us and assault us in the night..." She finishes, voicing her concerns in the most direct manner possible.

2013-08-07, 04:56 AM
I don't care what we do with them. They deserve to die for attacking us for all I care. If we decide to let them live, we should indeed take away their arms. I suggest we just let them tied up in their shack.

2013-08-07, 07:57 AM
Dearyn looks at Smelkie, troubled. "We can't just kill them. One's already dead but that was self-defense. But there's no way of giving them a trial here and they could be a danger to the others ... I guess I agree with Solara.

But let's get their descriptions and names to take back to the mayor so everyone knows to look out for them in the future."

2013-08-08, 04:33 PM
"Do whatever you want to them, I don't care. Just don't let this end up with the argument that makes everyone turn on the paladin or whoever and ends up killing half of us."

2013-08-08, 04:40 PM
For what it's worth, I agree with the priest, Nathaniel says. Leave em tied up without weapons, a day's trail rations or so, and leave them to untie themselves. They should be able to eventually.

He shrugs. But I'll go with whatever the party chooses. I will say that: they attacked us first. We do not owe them anything.

2013-08-08, 11:09 PM
"Let's have it and be done, then. We've some daylight left yet to put some distance between ourselves and this ruin. Best we be moving on quickly, I say."

2013-08-09, 03:14 AM
Smelkie is already ahead 50 feet of the group, taking in the surrounding as he is waiting for the others to join him to go forward

2013-08-10, 02:55 AM

"Well assuming no one else has any suggestions..." Solara pokes one of the captives with the toe of her mailed boot. "Up with you lot, get into the building there. Dearyn would you mind gathering their weapons together? I for one don't want to leave then armed and to our rear as we continue on."

She follows the captives into the building, staying wary should any of them try anything, and keeping her sword unsheathed just in case. Once there, she finds the sturdiest part of the structure to tie them to, and takes some time making sure their bons will take them a good long time to get free of. She then leaves the building.

Solara will take 20 on the Use Rope check, though if she is not allowed to, heres a roll for it just in case.

After helping Dearyn gather up the rest of the brigand's weapons, she smiles at the rest of the group. "Now that that's taken care of, shall we be off? I think we should move quickly just in case I'm not as good with rope as I had thought, shame we have to leave that rope though."

2013-08-10, 10:12 AM
Dearyn assists as asked but peers back worriedly toward the shack as the group continues on its way.

2013-08-11, 04:02 PM
I'll stick at the back the halfling says while the groups gets on the move again

2013-08-11, 07:09 PM
Reed silently takes the lead, happy to be away from the dismal little setting. Aiyee pads along softly at his side.

2013-08-11, 09:58 PM
Solara falls in with the group as they move out, placing herself squarely at the rear of the party, glancing over her shoulder as they move out hoping to make sure the brigands have no chance of following behind them before they get out of sight at the very least. If she spots anything coming up behind them she will warn the rest of the group and put herself between them and the possible threat.


2013-08-12, 12:33 PM
Lira stays somewhere in the middle of the group, a bolt loaded in her crossbow.

2013-08-12, 01:38 PM
The day draws to a close. At first everyone was constantly looking over thier shoulders, expecting to see signs of being followed, but when none come, it is only the most vigilant that remember to remain focused.

Still, it is strangely all for nought, as no sign of the would be brigands is seen while on the trail. Perhaps they deliberately choose a different path, or perhaps they have yet to free themselves and seek vengeance.

Either way, it will be a night of keen ears, and quick eyes. If you choose to stop that is.

You make good time, and travel many leagues before the sun dips down behind you, lengthening your shadows greatly. The lower hills o the mountain are much closer, you will probably reach them by mid afternoon on you next day.

reed; make a knowledge nature check please.

2013-08-12, 02:44 PM
May Nathaniel make a Knowledge Nature check as well? He's trained in it, and not to overshadow the Druid but probably has a better check with an Int of 18.

If yes: [roll0]

2013-08-12, 02:47 PM
Over the day's travel, Lira lets the group know what she recalled, though its not much. (See post on last page, she remembered that the elves had places in the foothills, and about hearing something involving people fleeing north, away from slavers or something).

2013-08-12, 03:46 PM
Reed takes in the surroundings as they march.

Knowledge Nature: [roll0]

2013-08-12, 03:49 PM
Reed takes in the surroundings as they march.

Knowledge Nature: [roll0]

Ha, good roll! I'll Aid Another, then, give you a +2; if that's okay, Daungli.

Nathaniel inspects their surroundings, walking up to stand alongside Reed.

What do you think, Reed? he asks, conferring with the wild man on the state of their surroundings.

2013-08-12, 04:27 PM
As Smelkie is setting up his stuff for resting this night he turns to Lira. You think that elves are making these flashes? How would they do that?

Also he offers to take the middle watch again. Once it is his turn he will find a good place to hide in the shadows with a good overview over the campsite. Obviously with a loaded crossbow.

2013-08-13, 09:45 AM
every single bird you have seen in the last day has been making its way west, as have nearly every animal on the ground.

2013-08-13, 10:24 AM
Reed gazes around, the setting sun casting a shadow over his sombre face. He sees something in the dusk light and points it out to Nathaniel. "There, do you see it?" His finger moves, following a robin as it makes its way from hill to hill. He marks its movement until the sun's light obscures his vision. "All of them. Every bird I've seen, they're all headed west. And it's not just them. Each hare we've crossed paths with, all the tracks I've managed to spot, they all go west. Every time Aiyee has left camp to hunt today, she won't go east. There's no game out that way."

Reed turns back to the east, his eyes narrowing as if trying to see through the darkness. "They're running from something... But I can't say what." At this point he hears the clatter of Smelkie unpacking. To the group, he announces, "I don't like stopping here. We're too open, and something is afoot to the east. We should find somewhere with more concealment. No fires tonight. Lay low, and as many eyes and ears open as we can spare while still getting proper rest." I'll be keeping Aiyee close, this evening, he thinks too himself.

2013-08-13, 10:49 AM
Nathaniel nods in agreement at the druid's observations. Whatever we're walking towards, the animals seem to want no part in it, he says. You are right, we should be on our guard. I apologize for being unable to aid in guard duty, but I am of no use to you without my spells, unless you count my aim.

2013-08-13, 12:38 PM
Dearyn takes a shift and remians however helpful she can be.

2013-08-14, 03:25 AM
When Reed points out his concerns the halfers sighs slightly. As the others seem to agree, he starts packing his gear again and adds. Im fine with finding another campsite, as long as we're going to investigate what they seem to be running from. He is excited by he thought of an adventure, what might they be running into...

2013-08-14, 01:08 PM
"Of COURSE we'll investigate it! Its the beginning of an adventure if I've ever heard one. And I have, of course, I'm a bard!"

2013-08-16, 06:17 AM

The sunlight fades quickly behind you, leaving those of you that are concerned with watching the path behind you trying their best to avoid looking into its bright rays.

Despite this, the evening is quite, with only the sounds of yet more animals fleeing to the west.

It seems the would be brigands you encountered chose not to risk tangling with you yet again.

2013-08-16, 06:57 AM
Smelkie wakes up after a good watch shift where he spend most of his time thinking of scenarios that might happen the next day, what would they stumble upon... a dragon, witches there was enough tumult amongst the wildlife again. Oh yes and off course he was standing guard and observing the surrounding.... in a way.

He is excited this morning and quickly, but precise, he packs again after enjoying breakfast. He makes sure everything is in place.

Well now, is everybody ready. Lets go to the mountains!!

2013-08-16, 07:33 PM

Solara stretches as she wakes up, taking an hour or so as everyone eats breakfast and breaks camp to pray to her Lord Corellon as she always starts her day. Standing, she decides to leave her mail in her pack for the day to make for easier marching as they move towards the mountains in question. At the small halfling's question she nods seemingly filled with a purpose this day. "Now is a good a time as any. Let's find out what exactly is going on to make so many creatures behave so strangely."

2013-08-16, 07:40 PM
Nathaniel splashes some water onto his face from his waterskin to wake himself up faster. Yes, my curiosity is quite piqued, he says as he cinches Rufus' saddle. Maybe we'll discover a legend today.

2013-08-17, 07:21 AM
Reed finishes his morning meditations, spending an extra couple minutes of personal contemplation, and rises from his kneeling position. He looks towards the east, again trying to discern potential hazards in the morning light. "I'm glad you agree. I intend to put an end to whatever force is harassing the animals. This has become a priority." He packs his things and calls Aiyee out from her morning hunting with a whistle.

Updated spell list for the day.

2013-08-17, 01:28 PM
"I'd say it was a priority ever since we found out that PEOPLE were fleeing, but if its the animals that got you, ok. To the mountains we go, in either case," Lira comments jokingly.

2013-08-20, 04:05 AM
This time Smelkie marches in front. Because his gutfeeling tells him somehting is going to happen he tries to remain near bushes and shady places, so he can hide or take cover when needed. He is scouting ahead of the group but is too excited to have his senses as sharp as they could be.


2013-08-20, 10:13 AM
sorry guys, i got wrangled into picking up another managers shifts at work and haven't had a day off in a week. :(

at first when you set off, it seems as if the mountains are no closer than they were yesterday, but after several hours they are definitely looming taller over you, and the ground is becoming more rocky, and harsher.

by sometime around high noon, you can make out buildings up above you, watchtowers. and realize that your approach has been monitored.

not too long after the sun has passed its zenith the sound of pounding hooves reaches your ears, and out ahead of you is a party of elves, five strong, well armored and armed, one of them flying a dark green pennant above the party.

their approach is as sudden as their arrival, and they stop a distance away from you, close enough to speak easily, but far enough out that you could not attack them easily.

the lead elf raises an empty hand, and removes their helmet to reveal extremely sharp features and white hair that reaches down to their waist. She speaks to you in clear common, tinged with the musical accent of her kind;

Halt, Who are you to enter our lands uninvited? from where do you come, and whom do you represent?"

they are about 100 feet away.

2013-08-20, 10:58 AM
Should i grab my bow? No that would provoke them.
Shall I talk to them? Perhaps it's wiser to keep my mouth shut for now.

Smelkie gazes at the others as if he was saying, please respond to their questions. In the proces, he looks around to make sure they aren't being surrounded.

2013-08-20, 05:24 PM

Solara steps forward, thinking that her heritage might give her somewhat of a leg up with those she shares at least some blood with, though she has never been the greatest diplomat. She reaches up with one hand, pushing back the light mail coif which covers her head, revealing her lightly pointed ears and short black hair as she walks a little closer to the elf who addressed their party.

Stopping within a respectful distance of the group of elves, she reaches into the top of her shirt where it is revealed under her mail, pulling out the small holy symbol she wears there, the crescent of Corellon Larethian. "We are simply the representatives of a band of settlers seeking a new life to the south. My companions and I mean no harm, under the eyes of my Lord Corellon do I swear this, may He end this servant if ever I should displease Him." she pauses for a moment, giving her words a moment to sink in before continuing. "We hope only to determine the cause of the flashes which appeared in the night sky in this direction some few days ago. There was some fear is was a dark omen among those which make up the caravan we represent, and so my companions and I were sent out to see what we could determine. If you know anything we would appreciate being pointed in the right direction, and allowed passage through your land."

Diplomacy? Hopefully I don't fail too hard, maybe they'll respect the god I represent if nothing else...


Well... that could have gone better... haha

2013-08-21, 10:01 AM
Lira walks up behind Solara, and tries her hand at speaking to the elves. "What she says is true. The flashes in the sky not only worried some of the people in the caravan, but also made me think they may be a sign of trouble that we may lend our assistance in solving."

Also gonna try diplomacy here, use it as an "aid another" check if the roll is bad. [roll0]

2013-08-22, 07:49 AM
one of the elven guards leans in to speak quietly to their leader. she makes a quick hand signal and one of the riders turns his horse around and gallops off towards the mountain.

"you are here to investigate the explosions in the sky? i have not heard of a caravan of settlers near here? are they feeling from the south?"

2013-08-22, 08:16 AM
Smelkie feels a bit uneasy with a rider leaving for the mountains. Will it get reinforcements to slaughter them? He is ready to grab his bow if any hostile action is taken towards the group. For now he keeps quiet and he lets the other do the talking.

2013-08-22, 09:08 AM
"Actually, to begin with, they had been moving TO the south. We did not know of news we have heard since, or of the animals fleeing from there. After meeting with you and investigating these explosions in the sky, we may head back to them and warn them that the free land in the south may not be as much of a good idea as it first seemed." replies Lira, in a respectful tone.

2013-08-26, 09:14 PM
?and so you seek to explore our lands? no one can cross the mountains behind us, they are the barrier that keeps us safe from the uncivilized peoples of the world.

you will follow my guard into the outpost, so that we can keep an eye on you. and then we shall decide what to do with you.

2013-09-06, 04:44 AM
Going to the outpost with these guys feels somewhat like going behind enemy lines. Can these people be trusted? What if they have relations to the guild, he must be really carefull trusting them.
