View Full Version : LA +0 OR +1 race with the longest life span?

2013-07-21, 06:26 PM
I'm looking for any races that can live well into half-millenias or more.

Jett Midknight
2013-07-21, 06:27 PM
Human Monk 20


2013-07-21, 06:28 PM
Elan fit pretty well, Old at 400, Venerable at 1000. LA 0.

2013-07-21, 06:31 PM
Elan and Warforged are both functionally immortal, as are Wildren (or whatever they're called in 3.5e, the Fey race in Races of the Wild).

If templates can come into play, slap on Necropolitan.

2013-07-21, 06:33 PM
Elan and Warforged are both functionally immortal, as are Wildren (or whatever they're called in 3.5e, the Fey race in Races of the Wild).

If templates can come into play, slap on Necropolitan.

Killoren are the race from RotW.

But yes, those races have the longest lifespan-- forever. Or at least until you get killed.

2013-07-21, 06:35 PM
Human Monk 20


Not only is that about the worst possible way to get immortality, high-level monks still die of old age, so you aren't even getting immortality. /thread nothing.

2013-07-21, 06:35 PM
Human Monk 20

/threadNope. They don't become outsiders. They're still whatever type they were before. They just lose the ability to gain benefits from spells like Enlarge Person. Never take monk 20. It's a major debuff, since monks almost certainly need Enlarge Person to function.

And as mentioned, elan and warforged are immortal. They have no maximum age.

Any druid can extend their lives through the Reincarnate spell, and anyone with access to a psychoactive skin of proteus can periodically revert to a young adult body if they so desire.

And there's a feat called Wedded to History in Dragon that makes you immortal.

2013-07-21, 06:37 PM
If templates can come into play, slap on Necropolitan.

I know it often gets used that way, I just have difficulty with the perspective that being dead, but mobile, equates with living forever.

Quality of life issues arise.

Jett Midknight
2013-07-21, 06:38 PM
Not only is that about the worst possible way to get immortality, high-level monks still die of old age, so you aren't even getting immortality. /thread nothing.

I know. It was meant as a joke since, as you said, not only is that the worst way to get immortality, but you have to take 20 levels in Monk to get it.

2013-07-21, 06:39 PM
I know it often gets used that way, I just have difficulty with the perspective that being dead, but mobile, equates with living forever.

Quality of life issues arise.

You tend to get over it after the first couple of centuries.

Elan is probably the easiest, though.

If it doesn't HAVE to be a race, there's a feat in Dragon magazine called Wedded to History that can make any character unaging.

2013-07-21, 06:42 PM
Umm... Elves? Their lifespan is close to a thousand years long and they're right there in the PHB.

2013-07-21, 06:45 PM
Killoren are the race from RotW.

But yes, those races have the longest lifespan-- forever. Or at least until you get killed.

Ah, yes, Killoren. Thank you for that.

Actually, if I remember correctly, there's another Fey race in one of the monster manuals, but oddly enough they do have a limited lifespan. I always assumed that Fey creatures are immortal, but that apparently does not have to be the case.

2013-07-21, 06:49 PM
There is a subrace of humans that stop aging at young adult or adult, I can't remember the name.

2013-07-21, 07:15 PM
I'll second about Elves, they are just awesome (both in lore and breaking the game).
Also, they live for lots of years.

They could live a thousand years if they take care (and it wouldn't be so difficult). Player's Handbook :D

2013-07-21, 07:35 PM
The Ruathar prestige class will extend any races lifespan. Gotta be friendly with some elves though.

2013-07-21, 07:43 PM
Uldras can live to be as old as 850. They're also proof that Fey aren't always immortal. Hrm...

2013-07-21, 07:52 PM
Ten levels in Cloud Anchorite(Frostburn) gives Immortality of the Mountain(SU). Its immortality for any race.

Thrice Dead Cat
2013-07-21, 07:57 PM
The Ruathar prestige class will extend any races lifespan. Gotta be friendly with some elves though.

I'll throw my two cents to this. The 1.5 multiplier to your age at the 3rd level isn't much, but works for the OP's desires. The special requirement is a pain for people lower than 8th level, though.

Ten levels in Cloud Anchorite(Frostburn) gives Immortality of the Mountain(SU). Its immortality for any race.

If it's based on altitude, I say add Spelljammer and laugh.:smallbiggrin:

The Viscount
2013-07-21, 08:00 PM
Dragonborn will add on 400 years to any being's lifespan, as it resets you to younger age regardless of what your original was.

2013-07-21, 08:29 PM
Ok now here is the curve ball, what race would serve as a judge before gaining any class levels do you think? Which race best fits?

2013-07-21, 09:08 PM
Ok now here is the curve ball, what race would serve as a judge before gaining any class levels do you think? Which race best fits?

Most races would have members of almost any job among them. Any culture that uses a trial system as opposed to a dictatorial/survival of the fittest mentality for punishing crimes would have judges. I don't think any one race would have many more judges than another, assuming both races have trials.

That being said, if you had a hodgepodge culture I feel a dwarf would fit the archetype fairly well. Pretty long lived, too, relative to the other PHB races, (excluding elves.)

Erik Vale
2013-07-21, 09:17 PM
Elan, Imortal and as varied as humans. Just pick a human judge, Elanify, and reteach law.

2013-07-21, 09:22 PM
If you mean who would be naturally good at being a judge, I think we will be looking at a decent Wis bonus. Jermlaine get +6 to Wis, as do Anthropomorphic Bats and Toads.

Obviously you are going to want to be reasonably just. For me I would probably be looking at Lesser Aasimar. Only a +2 Wis bonus, but that is still pretty good. Plus the favoured class of Paladin suggests a racial penchant for enacting justice.

EDIT: Actually this brings up a followup question. Are you looking for someone who is a good-biased judge, such as a normal society would hope to have, or rather a cosmic balance type judge, who doesn't necessarily favour good over evil?

2013-07-21, 10:14 PM
Warforged make great judges. Why, they ARE the law.

2013-07-21, 11:28 PM
Warforged make great judges. Why, they ARE the law.




2013-07-23, 03:56 PM
EDIT: Actually this brings up a followup question. Are you looking for someone who is a good-biased judge, such as a normal society would hope to have, or rather a cosmic balance type judge, who doesn't necessarily favour good over evil?

I want a judge that has spent nearly 200-300 years being a judge, and has started to reach venerable age and has kind of started losing his mind a bit, and uses the lawful neutral aspect to direct that he actually thinks that he is doing is right and that it is a travesty that criminals can get out of their jail time/slavery/punishment whatever it is by dying.

Mithril Leaf
2013-07-23, 04:14 PM
I want a judge that has spent nearly 200-300 years being a judge, and has started to reach venerable age and has kind of started losing his mind a bit, and uses the lawful neutral aspect to direct that he actually thinks that he is doing is right and that it is a travesty that criminals can get out of their jail time/slavery/punishment whatever it is by dying.

That seems like it would fit the Axani rather well. They're planetouched types descended from Lawful Neutral Outsiders. Presumably they would have the same age category as an Aasimar. They are Dragon Magazine content however, and found in issue 297. +1 LA.

2013-07-23, 04:15 PM
I want a judge that has spent nearly 200-300 years being a judge, and has started to reach venerable age and has kind of started losing his mind a bit, and uses the lawful neutral aspect to direct that he actually thinks that he is doing is right and that it is a travesty that criminals can get out of their jail time/slavery/punishment whatever it is by dying.

Warforged don't sleep. He could likely be losing his mind after several centuries of essentially sitting around with little to do and just thinking too much.

2013-07-23, 04:31 PM
I think that planetouch, being outsider, are immortal too.
So aasimar and tiefling.

2013-07-23, 04:35 PM
I think that planetouch, being outsider, are immortal too.
So aasimar and tiefling.
Aasimar, tieflings, and other planetouched are native outsiders, meaning that they age and die like mortals.

2013-07-23, 04:39 PM
They do tend to have slightly longer lifespans, though - Aasimars can live to be 150 years of age, and that's forty years longer than a human's maximum.

I wonder how much longer Fey'rii live compared to normal Elves...

2013-07-23, 04:53 PM
They do tend to have slightly longer lifespans, though - Aasimars can live to be 150 years of age, and that's forty years longer than a human's maximum.

I wonder how much longer Fey'rii live compared to normal Elves...

I wonder what would be the lifespan of a dragonborn Fey'ri ruathar?

Grim Reader
2013-07-23, 07:05 PM
If it doesn't HAVE to be a race, there's a feat in Dragon magazine called Wedded to History that can make any character unaging.

Nope. Feat has no such effect.

2013-07-23, 08:13 PM
Nope. Feat has no such effect.
I keep hearing it mentioned. What does it actually do?

2013-07-23, 08:19 PM
I keep hearing it mentioned. What does it actually do?
It lets you play an ancient character, giving you access to one of the ancient backgrounds detailed in Dragon 354 (which are Apostle of the Forgotten, Elder of Legend, Golden Ager, Hand of Prophecy, Survivor, Throwback, and Wanderer), each of which has a small mechanical benefit.

The usual reason for doing so is that getting an ancient background means that you get to pick how you came to be an ancient character. The issue says that there are two broad methods for being so old. The first, referred to as "Stranger in a Strange Land," means that you have skipped an enormous span of time in some way (say, in stasis). The second, referred to as "Cheating the Reaper," is the big draw, because it means that you simply don't age. The issue suggests giving the Endless trait as a mechanical representation of the character's un-aging nature.

So, most people take Wedded to History to make themselves live forever, though taking the feat does not necessarily make you do so.

2013-07-23, 11:42 PM
I keep hearing it mentioned. What does it actually do?
What Karinth said is spot on. If you want to look at it yourself though, it's in Dragon 354 and the article starts on page 51.

2013-07-24, 02:05 AM
There is also the Kissed by the Ages spell that makes you unaging as long as you wear the focus item.

2013-07-24, 02:33 AM
I was just thinking about the kissed by the ages spell, It is great to cast on an item familiar or on tattoo ink... just pay someone to cast it for you and poof your back story spans millennia. And as we should all know spending gold is easier than spending a feat