View Full Version : [3.5] Dvati + Belt of Battle.

2013-07-21, 07:21 PM
So, both twins take the same full round (i.e. one twin moves and the other twin attacks on its position). So, what if you granted yourself another full round action? Just when necesary, of course. Or, if both of them wear a Belt of Battle, you could use it twice per day (or use charges to get standard or full actions).
Of course this would be a poor choice for Bard or Casters, but in a fighting duo (Fighters, Swordsages, even I though about being Monks... Searching for a methood entering Zerth Cenobite).

2013-07-21, 11:50 PM
I am almost entirely sure that both dvati get to move and attack. Meaming that the belt of battle for the purpose you have listed is almost useless. of course the dvati cannot attack and cast a spell so, is worth it for a duskblade or other class of the sort.

2013-07-22, 01:00 AM
buff on one does not buff both.