View Full Version : [IC] Illithid, Past, Present, Future [1]

2013-07-22, 09:22 AM
Game Start: Demiplane of Union, SLDF HQ, Military Quarter

Having completed your re-training, you are ushered into a massive auditorium, thousands if not millions are in attendance. you are given your seat with a tiny computer interface, probably the most advanced piece of technology you have ever seen, prior to your training. (going from PL 0-3 to PL 7 is quite a headache and took many months of adjusting)

A beautiful voice comes across the comms, her voice calm, soothing, yet unyielding. As she begins to speak the lights dim, and holo-generators silently flicker to life, images of planets, stars and other things stream across the air in front of you.




" These are dark times, our homeworlds are on the brink of destruction, the so called leaders of the five great houses bicker and fight, warring against each other blind to the coming of the illithid. We must unite the survivors of the 'inner sphere' and build an empire to thwart the illithid." 'sigh' This will not be easy, as only humans are the dominant race there, they have never seen any other humanoid races. They do not even know the dangers they are in. Each of you will be assigned to teams, please work together. We must unite the inner sphere by force or by diplomacy. we cannot afford the loss of massive human life. you are all the elite of adventurers, creative thinkers and workers of wonders, masters of combat, espionage, and more.
Zarus is likely the dominant religion, and many do not even realize his influence (Knowledge(religion) DC15 (Races of Destiny)). I understand some of you are casters, and your magic will be impacted greatly above 5th level. However with some effort you should be able to establish enough followers of your Deity to eventually overcome this limitation. Arcane magic is similarly impacted above 5th level, I am not aware of any potential work-around, other then having those spells stored into magical items, including scrolls. Psionics are 'gasp' <long pause> unimpeded. This is terrible news.
More about the cosmology of our Prime.
The only plane that apparently connects with that of the our Prime is Shadow, and it is less than accommodating, other planes might connect but no information is known at this time. Personally I suspect that the positive and negative planes also connect, since healing and inflict spells operate normally. Spells that enable travel to other planes do not function under normal circumstances, again more information is needed. Each group will be given a specially crafted Artifact version of a "Gate Key", Thank you Boccob for your generous donation to our cause. There is no Ethereal Plane Connection, so Ghosts as many of you know them (Knowledge religion DC 16) do not exist. However, Spirits, which have many of the same properties as Ghosts, are present.

Spells like shadow evocation and shadow conjuration, which makes use of the plane of Shadow, are not functional either.

Since the gods worshiped by the worlds you are familiar with are lost on the other side of the veil, how do divine spells and abilities function? Within the confines of mundane Earth, they do function, but draw on a source of power related to the level of belief of the wielder as opposed to the power of some far-off Deity.

Some of you might even seek immortality, or even become deities yourselves, that is a path you must find out for yourselves. anything is possible to an epic adventurer.

Technology functions perfectly fine, even when augmented by magic.
items which are mastercrafted, or items which are masterwork can be enchanted.

We have established a generous rapport with the mercane council of union, you may trade gold for wealth with them for purchases of materials and services. several people working together often have more credit available then individuals. feel free to establish your own chapter, as a subdivision of SLDF, any mercane will be happy to assist your group.

Also a very special thanks to our allies the Star Elves for so generously providing PL7 technology.
submit any questions to me electronically.
< end of transmission >

2013-07-22, 09:23 AM
reserved for Timeline / News.

Week 1 - (PC) Shopping / Preparing for launch.
week 2 - Diplomacy/Combat unifying Federated Suns (Yellow) as SLDF
week 2 - Blue area is in chaos. Atropal was dealt with.
week 2 - Diplomacy attempted with (green) mixed results. secretly supporting SLDF, openly opposing SLDF. Many rebellious types in this sector.
week 3 - 7 No News
Week 8 - (PC) Visit to Githyanki Capital Tu’narath in Astral Plane. Chat with Queen Vlaakith CLVII. Servant sent to verify Facts.
week 9 - Servant of Queen Vlaakith CLVII returned to Tu'narath.
Week 9 - (PC)Meeting with Elves in Sol.
Week 10 - Travel time(PC)
Week 10 - Grand Negotiation with Purple begins.
week 11-15 Purple joins SLDF.
week 16-20 - Red has scientific breakthrough, discovers nanites. nanites nearly consume homeworld.
week 21 - nanites reprogrammed, homeworld rebuilt, with more resources then initially there.
Week 22-24 - blue space nanite swarms "fix" several planets.
Week 25 - Elves have technological breakthrough.
week 26 - Elves share technology PL setting becomes 8 (for PCs)
Week 27 - 49 - Technology upgrades are performed.
Week 50 - Inner sphere united under SLDF.

2013-08-22, 11:09 AM
he would by on island reasearch lab he would be working on dna therpy for deathless and undead

roll research

2013-08-22, 11:13 AM
roll for research duration taking 20


which we will divide by 3 since u can work 24 hours a day

2013-09-16, 09:35 AM
Having graciously received upgrades from the elves,(and doing a little research and upgrades themselves) Bharzan and his crew head back through the last made Gate and continue on with their schedule of a weekly jump into and beyond the Lyran Commonwealth, followed by 6 days of sending out scouts(3 forth, 3 back) and a last day of mission reports and other board meetings.

2013-09-16, 10:26 AM
Having graciously received upgrades from the elves,(and doing a little research and upgrades themselves) Bharzan and his crew head back through the last made Gate and continue on with their schedule of a weekly jump into and beyond the Lyran Commonwealth, followed by 6 days of sending out scouts(3 forth, 3 back) and a last day of mission reports and other board meetings.

things are relatively quiet for several weeks, but on the 4th week a scoutship misses a report in. transponders say the ship simply vanished.

2013-09-20, 06:06 PM
this game seems to have lost interest, if you are interested in the gladiator dark sun game that I am running feel free to join in there


2013-09-20, 08:31 PM
Nah, just waiting for our healer to pitch in. Then it became a while, and I rethought what I posted. Then it becomes a long while and one sorta loses touch with what you intended to do.
Should probably just post soon as I read what happened.