View Full Version : Solo Runelords IC

2013-07-23, 03:10 PM
1st of Rova, 4707 AR


Easy dominating the center of the coastal town, the new Sandpoint Cathedral is a point of pride for the merry citizens. It is only fitting that it officially opens on the Swalltail Festival, a Desnan holiday celebrating the begining of Autumn complete with storytelling, feasting, and all-around revelry. The smells of food are prevalent in the air, as food is being served for free, in almost a competetive way. The owners of each of the town's taverns bring out their best meals, hoping to garner the most attention for their culinary trademarks. The general concensus of the crowd, however, seems to be that the Rusty Dragon's curry-spiced salmon and winterdrop mead are the clear winners, much to the propietor's (Ameiko Kaijitsu) delight.

The morning hours of the celebration are mostly spent listening to speeches from Mayor Kendra Deverin, Sherrif Hemlock, and the cathedral's head priest, Father Zantus. They each encourage the festival attendees to enjoy themselves, with the Sheriff reminding everyone to be safe around the evening bonfire, and Father Zantus requesting a moment of silence to remember the lives taken when the previous chapel burnt to the ground 5 years ago.

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15678411#post15678411)
Please describe what the PCs do as they enter town

2013-07-23, 03:50 PM
Vinres moved from stall to stall on the town street, glancing about with little curiosity. The man had intended to do business with the local blacksmith, but the unexpected arrival of the festival has taken him away from his workplace. This frustrated him slightly, but there was nothing that could be done. Things were peaceful in town, so he supposed that staying overnight for another visit would not be terrible.

Aereil Made an active attempt to experience everything the town had to offer. She tasted every stalls food, enjoyed conversing with the locals, and listened to the speeches intently. All of it was so new to her, and she loved every minute of it. Once the excitement died down, though, she remembered her goal. Moving up to the side of the podium, the elven maiden began her quest to find the Priest from the speech before, intent on asking him for information on the local ruins.

Kalimi watched the festivities with a curving smile enveloping her face. She loved events like this, they were always so joyous and mirthful. Desna's followers were so very generous, even with the costs the Cathedral must have brought to them this festival was marvelous fr such a small town. That and having the place of worship be open to those of other faiths, it truly was a kind gesture. That wasn't why she was here though, she was here for ART. Kalimi went about questioning the people present, trying to figure out where she could find the manager for the local theatre

2013-07-23, 04:42 PM
The happy sounds of the festival left a jaunty tune in the air coupled with the delicious smells of the Mistress Kaijitsu's cooking leaving the sunny sea side town with a delightful feeling.

As the hulking Vinres wanders around seeking Master Steel the village smith as a tail of small children follow him asking to lift them up, show his muscles or other such feats of barbaric strength. The older villagers give him a slightly wider berth - cautious of a barbarian in their midst. All save Madam Kaijitsu who is quick to approach "Please... sit. Have some curried fish. Enjoy it. You must be hungry and you look thin - with no woman to cook for you!"

The townsfolk were quick to speak with the young bookish elf. All with a tale or theory on local ruins. Be it elven, dwarven, Shoanti or giant. As she rounds the small stage erected in the village square she can see Father Zantus - the young priest in his blue robes bending carefully over the small mesh cages containing the butterflies. Standing to his full height he grins and offers a hand and a small bow. "Good lady - you look new to our town. How can I help such a pretty young lady?" his slightly myopic eyes obviously not picking out the pointed ears and almond shaped eyes.

The eyes of many of the young farmers follow the young tielfling as toting the long glaive and with a slightly exotic appearance she is very noticeable - even amidst the festivities. A few questions get scowls from the local women but grins and offers of accompaniment from the young men and soon she is standing on the mainstreet outside the theatre. The Sandpoint Theater is a massive playhouse; the front of the building, well marked by a rather large awning, is located on the side facing Festival Street. A well worn path makes its way from this grand entrance to the doorstop of Cracktooth's Tavern.
As she approaches a florid man in bright clothes walks out from the awning and bows low upon seeing her. "The Gods themselves shine upon me as Selyn herself has appeared. I have the fortune to be Master Cyrdrak Drokkus - the owner of this humble theatre. How can I help you- and help you I will no matter your words...

2013-07-23, 05:25 PM
Vinres answers the children's questions with a small smile, hoisting up a girl and boy onto his shoulders as he walks along. He might be a hard-faced man, but nobody could say no to such adorable faces. Although he knew he would get worried parents coming sooner rather then later, the burly man understood that his savage reputation was well earned. It doesn't take a kind man to stalk ogres, and to flay goblins. He doesn't mind that, fear just breeds another form of respect.

Looking down, the man recognized the woman that was talking to him. The owner of the Rusty Dragon..or was it 'Smokey'? He forgot, he wasnt a title sort of person. Her face though, THAT he remembers. "That I don't, Miss. Hard to settle down with so many big and lil buggers causing problems out in the wilds. I wouldn't mind trying your food though..from what I'm hearin its close to famous by now" Vinres stated with a crooked smile, attempting to be civil with the woman as best he could.


Aereil smiled in return to the holy man, nose scrunching slightly as she heard the faint flutter wings coming from the afore-noticed cages. "Oh I most certainly am, sir! I heard about your towns festival, and saw a lucky opertunity to visit" the woman chirped happily, looking about but keeping her eye on the man always. "I heard about Sandpoint's history from my trip to Magnimar, and I am curious. There are many people I wish to meet and discuss with, but your position as figurehead and religious leader make you a great place to start. When you have spare time, after the festival is not such a drain on you, might we have a talk over tea?" she continued, fluttering her eyelashes sweetly.


Kalimi loved the open excitement this town had, so much. Even the stiff replies from the women she queried didn't put a damper on her mood, she knew she would find her way. Shelyn would guide her to this place of art, music, and laughter. And so it was, the demon girl arrived at her destination with plenty of time to find the manager. This time seemed to be unneeded, however, as the moment she entered the Theatre's local tavern she was met upon by 'Cyrdrak Drokkus'. Such a kind man, so good with introductions. She was glad such a person was in charge of an alter to her goddess. "You may indeed, good sir. I have heard that the Sandpoint Theatre is the best in the area, would this be true?" The girl asked with a coy smile, gauging the mans reaction.

2013-07-24, 05:54 AM
The party left a joyful day for all three visitors. As Aeriel spoke with Father Zastus he nodded and smiled happily at the young elf. "I would gladly speak with you young lady. I'm always happy to speak a scholar. Especially such a polite one. Now if you will excuse me I need to give the festival address."

He nods and smiles patting her lightly on the shoulder before turning and slowly mounting the stage and shouting over the noise of the crowds. "Ladies and Gentleman, excuse me, Ladies and Gentleman, please..." his voice slowly cutting through the hubbub.


Vinres was seated when the Priest rose to the stage, a smile on the young mans face. For the hulking barbarian the salmon curry had been excellent and at the lovely Inn owners insistence he also had a small sealed clay jug filled with another helping of the delicious dish. A second clay jug stamped with a black and white knight from the two knights brewery and filled with tasty ale also nestled in his pack.


Master Drokkus smiled a wide smile "That she is. The best theatre in the region if you'll have people tell the truth. And I am its owner and known to grace the boards myself from time to time. He scowls across at the Rusty Dragon Inn that's courtyard is filled with people. Come to the hagfish with me. Master Quinn will fix us some food and drink and you can tell me of yourself. He offers Kalimi his arm and begins to lead her across the town as Father Zantus takes to the stage. Drokkus shaking his head, uninterested in the festivities.


A sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder, slices through the
excited crowd as the sun’s setting rays paint the western sky. A stray
dog that has crawled under a nearby wagon to sleep starts awake, and
the buzz of two dozen conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn
toward the central podium, where a beaming Father Zantus has taken
the stage. He clears his throat, takes a breath to speak, and suddenly a
woman’s scream slices through the air. A few moments later, another
scream rises, then another. Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange new
voices rises—high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human.
The crowd parts and something low to the ground races by, giggling with
disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and then collapses
with a gurgle, its throat cut open from ear to ear. As blood pools around
its head, the raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from
shrill, scratchy voices.

Goblins chew and goblins bite.
Goblins cut and goblins fight.
Stab the dog and cut the horse,
Goblins eat and take by force!

Goblins race and goblins jump.
Goblins slash and goblins bump.
Burn the skin and mash the head,
Goblins here and you be dead!

Chase the baby, catch the pup.
Bonk the head to shut it up.
Bones be cracked, flesh be stewed,
We be goblins! You be food!

Even as screams and panic begin to engulf the town Aeriel sees a small green shape hiding the corner some 60ft away from her on the edge of the square... a bloody crude cleaver in hand! Goblins!

In the main square...

Aeriel is 60ft away from the 3 gobins coming out the alleyway dogslicers in hand
Kalimi and Drokkus are 40ft away
Vinres is drinking Beer 30ft away

Goblin init [roll0]

2013-07-24, 01:41 PM
Vinres: [roll0]
Aereil: [roll1]
Kalimi: [roll2]

Vinres looks up from his drink, the devilish little voices so easy to recognize. Goblins, what fun. The villagers would definitely be a factor in this, though, and that means thy had to hide. throwing his glass of beer onto the ground with a piercing shatter, the massive man kicked over the table and began shouting to the present by-standards.

"ALL OF YOU, MOVE TO SOMEWHERE SAFE NOW!" he hollered gruffly, Hoisting up his massive ax upon his shoulder and charging to get a wide chop into the nearest goblin scum.


Aereil was very startled by he sudden appearance of the squat, menecing little creatures. Even more so when they murdered that poor canine. Worried for the potential safety of the priest, the elven maiden climbed up onto the stage, spear at the ready if it was needed. Feeling deep inside of her, Aereil gathered up the barest of arcane magicks and projected it foreward as a Jolt of artificial electricity, aiming for another of the goblins.


Kalimi looked back to the man she was accompanying when the chaos began, shooing him away with a small smile. This was no laughing matter, but she would rather not order a potential manager around. "Get behind some cover, sir. Shelyn never gives an artist a challenge that cannot be overcome, but Tragedies are common narratives as well" the woman said with a giggle, taking her glaive in hand with a quick flourish. Muttering a silent prayer, Kalimi nodded as her weapon took on a rosey hue as she began running towards the skirmish.

Vinres- [roll3] Using Intimidate to nudge the nearby commoners away fom the fighting. Free Action Rage (+4 Str, +2 Con), Full-Round Action draw Greataxe plus move, Charging attack. Right next to Goblins, and if 2 or more are adjesent to him then add +1 to hit because of crowd fighting.
To Hit: [roll4]
Damage if Hit: [roll5]
Aereil- Move Action to climb up onto stage and draw spear, standard action to cast Jolt. same distance away from Goblins as before.
To Hit (Ranged Touch): [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Kalimi- Move Action Move plus Draw Weapon, then Casts Magic Weapon on Glaive. Currently 10ft away from goblins

2013-07-24, 02:15 PM
The crowd erupts into panic and mayhem. On the stage Father Zantus curses under his breath shouting "Guards.. guards!" and motioning an arm to ward back the elven sorceress.

In the path of the running axe wielding barbarian the celebrants scatter. A few beginning to draw weapons but most running screaming. around the square and in the distant street other distant green skins can be seen darting about.

Vinres reaches two of the creatures and with a single sweep of his blade hacks the creature into 2 blood pieces. Its little friend - wearing what appears to be a ragged halter top screams in a tinny goblin voice and darts forward to kill the longshanks that just dismembered its mate...

... but the blade merely stabs into Vinres armoured coat

Attack Vinres [roll0] damage [roll1]

The second goblin a few feet away runs from the goblin but sprints towards the young devotee of Shelyn cackling wildly "I'm going to skin some fire hair for my tea...." its dog slicer slashing down at Kalimi even as the glaive whizzes around to intercept... and behads the small creature before it can even reach the beautiful tiefling.

Kalimi's AoO [roll2] damage [roll3]
Move and attack Kalimi [roll4] damage [roll5]

Behind her the Theatre owner gives a small clap... "A glorious opening, what next lovely lady?

2013-07-24, 04:13 PM
Vinres grins broadly, looking down at the pathetic goblin who attempted to attack him with its makeshift weapon. "Pathetic!" he yells out, chopping down at the remaining enemy with vigor.


Aereil frowns as her magic misses entirely, obviously the range combined with the lack of proper metal on the goblin made the spell putter out. Obviously. Enveloping herself in a protective fabric of magic, the elf prepared her spear on anyone attempting to coe near her as she moves closer to the hostiles.


Kalimi curtseys to Master Drokku for but a moment, the praise merely making the moment all the more interesting. Seeing that there was only one more left of the small monsters, the woman charged foreward to take it out if the barbarian is not able to.

Vinres- Attacking the last one, nothing special here.
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Aereil- Casts Mage Armor, and moves towards the fight but keeps at about 15ft distance.
Kalimi-Charging and attacking, if the enemy isnt dead. if not then moving foreward the same way and readying an attack if any more goblins show up.
To Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2013-07-24, 04:29 PM
The last goblin is torn to shreds in a brutal chop as again Vinres hacks down but once... Even as the young elf and the Tiefling approach the fighter you hear a shout from Master Drokkus - "Angel of Shelyn - beware the cart. There are more of them!"

Sure enough as the three of them turn around, some 35ft away by the edge of the charmingly named Chopper Alley the large cart packed with the flammable goods is being approached by 4 goblins and a larger one in finery. As you look on the 4 little goblins prepare their flaming torches and the fancier one begins to sing..

Flame, flames, flames
Cook, cook, cook
Eat the longshanks
Eat the longshanks
Cook, cook, cook


The son invigorates the little blighters who smile cruelly at you..

35ft from Vinres and Kalimi
50ft from Aeriel

PCs to go first
4 goblins arrange X X _ X _ X (so over a 30ft line) with the warchanter behind the 2 on the left

2013-07-24, 05:48 PM
Vinres took no time to ponder the situation, there were enemies and that was all that mattered. Thumping his chest with his free hand in challenge, the hulking male charged foreward once more. When he reached the bundle of three goblins he struck, attempting to maim the one on the right as he bared his teeth at them.


Aereil peered over to the rose tinted woman, grabbing her attention and pointed to the unoccupied group of goblins away from the man. "How about we be the play it smart, no?" the elf said with a giggle, moving forward about 15 feet from the other goblins before preparing for a potential attack.


Kalimi nodded in agreement, following her lead and standing guard over the unarmored woman. "This song...is a disgrace. How dare these little monsters desecrate such a wonderful art!? You hear me, little singer? You are a disgrace!" the woman taunted the Warchanter, sticking her pointed tongue at him in mockery.

Vinres- Charge and attack, rinse and repeat xD
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Aereil: Moving and readying an action with the trigger of them moving past threat range and to attack them.
To Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Kalimi: Moving and Readying an Action, preparing to attack anyone who enters attack range that isn't killed by her AoO
To Hit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2013-07-25, 12:46 AM
The three heroes leap into action with barely a though. The barbarian hammering into the goblins - a single sweep hewing through one of them shattering its tiny body!

The goblin warchanter looked at the massive barbarian and waved a small broken shin bone before whispering "Boo" as the tricksy goblin magic assailed Vinres

Cast's cause fear on Vinres. Will DC 12 please

Even as that's happening 2 goblins move to attack the barbarian to protect their master. Swinging torch and chopper they menace Vinres.

attack with slicer [roll0] damage [roll1]
attack with torch [roll2] damage [roll3] + ref DC15 or cactch fire

Finally the last races towards the women before a single sweep of the glave slices into its chest spilling it to the ground in a flurry of green blood