View Full Version : Commoner Crawl IC

2013-07-23, 04:27 PM
There's an almighty whirring noise, a flash of light, and four peasants find themselves in an immaculate 30x30x30 room. The walls are whitewashed, and there isn't a speck of dust anywhere. The only things that serve to break the room's uniformity are the four peasants inside it, a single wooden door on one of the walls, and a set of nasty-looking (and equally immaculate) spikes covering the ceiling.

2013-07-23, 04:31 PM
Stirring, Cala swallows the feeling of queasiness in her gut and surveys the room before turning to the others with her.
"Who are you, where am I? How'd we get here??" she probes, eyes darting between the other three.

2013-07-23, 04:34 PM
"What the...?" Billy shouted, looking around the room. Just a second ago he'd finished haggling for his new sickle and was just about to go home when suddenly he was in some room. He took one look at the dirty orc, the ugly dwarf, and the little girl who were also in the room, the spikes on the ceiling, and then to the door.

"I'm gettin' outta here!" Billy ran forward and opened the door.

2013-07-23, 04:50 PM
Taking one look at the spiked ceiling, Cala stammered and chased after the panicked human, sprinting for the door as fast as her halfling legs would move and aided the stranger in prying open the door

2013-07-23, 04:50 PM
The room on the other side of the door is also 30x30x30 and equally immaculate. However, it has four doors (counting the one just opened by Billy), each one at the center of each wall. In the center of it stands a single human-sized skeleton, which wears leather armor and carries a shortbow and quiver.

Grug: [roll0]
Hilde: [roll1]
Billy: [roll2]
Cala: [roll3]
Skeleton: [roll4]

Initiative order is Grug, HIlde, Skelly, Billy, Cala.

DM-y rolls, pretend it's the Necronomicon and don't open the spoiler.
Skeleton Attack roll, if it starts. [roll5]
Skeleton damage, if it hits [roll6]

2013-07-23, 06:41 PM
Grug should have bringed food. Grug sees this dungeon reduced previous contestants to skeletons. The Orc muses to himself, but seeing combat break, he quickly defaults to what he knows - breaking stuff. Grasping the club with both hands, he strikes at the skull. The one with no skin on it.

Attack with club [roll0] damage [roll1]

2013-07-23, 07:15 PM
Grug reaches the Skeleton first, and his blow causes it to shudder from head to foot, as well as a section of its skull to chip off.

2013-07-24, 08:02 PM
"By My grandad's beard!" Hilde exclaims as she is transported into the room, looking about at her newfound companions. "Where are we?" She wonders, her voice as smooth and melodic as a lute, if it hadnt been tuned in 12 years, if ever... And maybe if it were played by a 3 fingered gorilla.

Seeing the skeleton through the door her companions have opened, Hilde does the only sensible thing, running to the nearest corner and cowering in hopes that the crazy half-orc will do something brave and/or stupid.

Sorry it took me so long everyone, this was the first chance I've had to fix things and make a new post on a computer. :smallfrown:

2013-07-24, 10:04 PM
The skeleton drops its bow and slashes at Grug with its razor-sharp (and equally immaculate) claws. The orc, deeply wounded, falls to the ground.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Attack roll 2 [roll1]
Dmg roll: [roll2]
Dmg roll 2: [roll3]

2013-07-25, 09:13 AM
Billy's jaw dropped when he saw the monster on the other side of the door. Never in his life had he seen a walking skeleton, and as he watched it claw down the filthy orc, Billy hoped he'd never have to see one again.

"YAARRGH!" he cried, immediately running for the door on the left. Just like last time, he opened it and stepped through to the next room.

2013-07-25, 09:48 PM
The room Billy opened is of identical proportions to the other two, but it has a door opposite Billy and another on the wall to his left. There's a largish (10x5') table and four matching chairs in the middle of the room, as well as a closet on the right wall. To any reasonably attentive observer's eye, however, what really should jump out are the two 3 foot long centipedes on the ground, 10 feet away from the recently-opened door.

Centipede 1 Init: [roll0]
Centipede 2 Init: [roll1]

2013-07-25, 09:59 PM
Shocked and awed by the skeleton's movements, Cala panics and sprints her fastest to the right side of the room, attempting to open the door as quickly as she could, hopping up to reach the handle as needed.
"Come on, come on, come on, come on!"

2013-07-25, 11:02 PM
The instant Cala touches the handle, an arrow springs from one of the walls and hits her on the neck.

Meanwhile, one of the centipedes hurtles toward Billy, snapping its mandibles on his leg.

Trap tohit: [roll0]
Centipede tohit: [roll1]
Centipede damage: [roll2]

2013-07-25, 11:35 PM
Seeing all the others falling so quickly, Hilde does the only thing she can think of to do, raising her morningstar high in both hands and charging the skeleton in hopes she can bring it down before the centipedes get to her.

Rolling charge attack: [roll0]
Will be at -2 AC the rest of the round. (if she somehow survives!)

2013-07-25, 11:42 PM
The skeleton effortlessly dodges Hilde's desperate blow and slashes at her in return. Its claws rip through her skin and the dwarf falls to the ground unconscious and bleeding profusely.

Atk roll 1: [roll0]
Atk roll 2: [roll1]
Dmg roll 1: [roll2]
Dmg roll 2: [roll3]

2013-07-26, 12:05 AM
I'm up, I think.

For a brief moment, Billy is relieved to see a a rather nicely-furnished and decidedly skeleton-free room.

Then he sees the pair of irregularly sized vermin, and quickly gets bit by one of them. Acting nearly on instinct, he grabs his new sickle and slices at the thing chewing his leg.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-26, 01:29 AM
Billy's sickle slices evenly throughout the centipede, splashing insect entrails all over the once-immaculate floor.

2013-07-26, 08:06 AM
Shocked by her recent brush with death, Cala scrambles back, turning to the skeleton and arming her sling. If she wanted to see her family again, she'd have to stop cowering. With a flick of the wrist, the halfling lets fly a steel ball.
move? Load sling.
standard? Fire Sling.

To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

On a potential Crit:Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Damage: x2

2013-07-26, 01:05 PM
Despite Cala's well-aimed blow, the slingstone that would have injured most living creatures merely harmlessly bounces off one of the Skeleton's ribs. This exertion of strength, however, proves to be too much for the unfortunate halfling, and she collapses on the floor like Grug and Hilde.

The other centipede, in no way put off by its companion's death, also skitters toward Billy and snaps its mandibles at him. The Skeleton also spins around and pounces at Billy, who falls to the ground in a mess of blood and centipede entrails and more blood.

Centipede Atk: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]
Skeleton claw 1: [roll2]
Skeleton claw 2: [roll3]
Skeleton claw dmg 1: [roll4]
Skeleton claw dmg 2: [roll5]

2013-07-26, 01:13 PM
Heartened by the quick death of the first centipede, Billy starts to turn his sickle to the next when it attacks. The sound of the skeleton, however, makes him start in renewed fear, dropping his sickle (and other possessions) on the once-immaculate floor.

The skeleton's bare-bone fingers leave deep gashes in Billy the Haggling Farmboy's soft gullet, and the human drops to the floor. All too soon, he bleeds out entirely, his soul going on to the next great adventure presumed safety of the afterlife.

He is succeeded by his family, who are wondering when he will return with the goods he's haggled for. They will never learn what became of him.

2013-07-27, 02:04 AM
There is another deafening whirr, another blinding flash, and four more commoners materialize inside the first room. A gruesome sight meets their eyes: through an open door, they see a walking skeleton with blood dripping from its claws, the four corpses of their precursors, and two 3-foot long centipedes (one whole, the other in two pieces). Any janitor surveying the once-immaculate room would surely have a heart attack should he see it now.

Olga init: [roll0]
Hucx init: [roll1]
Ragorak init: [roll2]
Shale init: [roll3]
Skeleton init: [roll4]
Centipede init: [roll5]

The (living) centipede skitters onto the dead boy's corpse and begins hungrily eating it.

Dancing Shadows
2013-07-29, 03:51 AM
Ragnorak eyes widen in confusion as to where he is. One moment he is a serving a drink of oil to a some crazy person and the next he is in this horrid place. His heart starts to beat faster as he sees the abomination in the next room. He gulps and runs up to the open door and closes it; panting heavily. That should keep him safe.
He then looks back and seeing the others nearly jumps out of his skin. "W-Who.. Are you?"

2013-07-29, 10:04 AM
Olga looks around confused, and her eyes settle on the carnage before her. Filled with horror, she raises her frying pan high, belts out her ancestral warcry at the undead monstrosity of "Ge' on out o' 'ere! Scoot!", and is about to charge in when the door is shut. She looks around, and says, "This might be the third strangest place I've come around in, and none of you folks look like you know what's going on either. Let's try and get out of here."

2013-07-29, 12:20 PM
"Blood!" curses Kells (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=616913) as he finds himself transported from his hunt to this dungeon. Though disoriented, he is able to make out the mayhem in the next room before the door is closed; a moment later, he sees the ceiling is inexplicably spiked.
He pauses a moment, his brow furrowed in deep thought. "All right, y'bastards!" he cries out after a moment. It dawns on all present that the stench pervading the room emanates from this brute. "I don't know who y'are, and I don't much care," he continues, "But 'til we can figure a way outta wherever the hells this is, we stick together. We can't stay in here," he says, pointing upwards, "and it looks like something on the other side of the door wants to get us. We'll just get it first." Kells snorts and spits something yellow to the side. "We'll set up an ambush. I'll try to get it with my spear as it comes in. You two get on either side of the door, where it won't see you until it's too late." He looks at the scrawny kobold and scoffs. "Scaly here can open the door. Now move!"

Sorry Kells is such a jerk...I promise he's a good guy, it's just that 3 charisma and an orcish upbringing doesn't get you much in the way of manners.

Also, I probably should have kept those earlier attack and damage rolls around...for the record, they were something like a 5 to attack and a 1 to damage. :p

Dancing Shadows
2013-07-30, 02:28 AM
Ragnorak stares in horror as a stinky brute approaches him and starts barking out non sensical orders. He knew about drunk patron's and they were bad enough. But this one probably wanted to eat his bones and drink his blood. Forgetting completely where they are he says, "Uh, I'm sorry, but I think I, uh, here a customer calling for a drink, uh, excuse me."
He then opens the door steps through and screams in horror as he remembers the reason why he closed the door in the first place.

2013-07-30, 02:47 AM
As Ragorak opens the door, he finds the room exactly as it was a moment ago, only the centipede has eaten away a little bit more of the dead boy's flesh.

Dancing Shadows
2013-07-30, 12:13 PM
Ragorak steels his nerve and pulls out his spear. He then screams at the skeleton in the way only a member of his race can do; painfully.

Move: Draw spear.
Standard: Scream.
Scream (touch attack) to hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (Sonic)

2013-07-30, 01:06 PM
The Maenad's scream shatters the rest of the skeleton's skull, and it falls to the ground in a heap of bones.
Meanwhile, the centipede is aroused from its eating frenzy and looks at the newcomers.

2013-07-31, 04:15 PM
Hucx puzzled as to how he ended up in what seem like quite the alienish place. Hereing the word scaley yelled at him he looks at the odd man waving about his spear "Afhg hase hgido?" he says with a questioning look.

2013-07-31, 04:29 PM
Scared away by the Maenad's loud noises, the centipede skuttles away into the room whence it came.

2013-08-03, 05:48 PM
"That did it for that ugly bugger. Let's get out of here." Olga proceeds cautiously into the next room, and stops before the bodies of some other unfortunates.

Spot check: [roll0]
Listen check: [roll1]