View Full Version : 1st level wizard spells that are great at high levels

2013-07-23, 11:47 PM
LF several 1st level wizard/sorcerer spells that happen to be just as great at high levels (10+) as they are at 1st level. Looking at maybe playing a class that gets an extremely slow casting progression but caster level still= class level.

I suppose I will go ahead and ask for 0 level and 2nd level spells as well, although I think I have a good idea of what 0 level spells to keep learn (prestidigitation ftw!!:smallsmile:)

To make things simple lets say I get 0 level spells at level 2, 1st level spells at level 10, 2nd level spells at level 15, and 3rd level spells at level 20. With spells per day, and caster level= to a wizard of my class level.

Few other things that maybe relevant:
d4 hit die
good fort and will saves
wizard bab
Fly at will as the spell at level 7
Good chance I will go lich template at level 11(level 10 if I can find someway to increase my caster level by 1 so I can make phylactery sooner)

2013-07-23, 11:53 PM
Silent image is pretty amazing. You don't get all that much by taking the advanced versions, because the almighty power of images is all encompassing. If it's a thing you want, true strike basically only gets better as you level, because you get better things to true strike.

Darth Stabber
2013-07-23, 11:54 PM
Truestrike remains very useful, as does truecast.
Magic aura is incredibly still useful, if not more useful as levels progress.
Identify is useful~ish.

Detect magic and prestidigitation are useful 1-epic.

2013-07-23, 11:55 PM
nerveskitter never gets old

there are plenty of spells on the "this spell sucks" list that are just as good at lvl one as at lvl 20 but I don't think you want those.

2013-07-24, 12:00 AM
Benign Transposition
Protection from Evil
Endure Elements

2013-07-24, 12:08 AM
Feather fall, nerveskitter and silent image. Silent image especially; the other two are only great because they let you do something else with your turn.

For level 2 web is *the* spell to go for. Has a great effect even when high level foes save. Less effective against high level high strength foes, but you can at least trade actions with those. If it's more powerful than you then that's a good deal.

Silent image and web are great as standalone combat spells, but since it sounds like you are focusing on something else it would be good to know what that something else is. It sounds like a trick to use the lich's strong combat abilities, which are iffy on a caster lich but awesome on anyone else. For that I'd go for wand of see invisibility, wand of invisibility, eternal wand of false life, and maybe some utility scrolls. Your actual prepared spells would be nerveskitter and feather fall. Later once you get more money you get a rod of lesser quicken spell + glove of storing (or the cheaper splatbook version), and pop quickened true strikes. Scrolls of shield are handy for buff rounds.

2013-07-24, 01:04 AM
Fell Drain Sonic Snap, Power Word: Pain and Grease are good candidates.

2013-07-24, 01:05 AM
Guy is going to be an alchemist (mongose publishing power classes) basically he gains a few niffty abilities every few levels while none of them are actually that amazing,(except flight at will at level 7) he more or less can make potions of increasing spell levels without spending XP, but has to spend more GP. Learns how to make himself a lich at level 9(althought since you have to be caster level 11 to actually make a phylactery I'm not so sure how one would do it at 9th level)

For some reason or another I keep coming back to this class and wondering to myself, can I make this not suck?

2013-07-24, 01:18 AM
Even at higher levels I will prepare a couple color sprays, mostly because I don't want to waste higher level spell slots with that type of offensive spell and I don't want to waste higher level crowd control when a small mob of low level targets are rushing my location. And Color Spray is practically a death sentence for any low level creature caught in it.

2013-07-24, 01:55 AM
Grease never gets obsolete since pretty much nothing has 5 ranks in balance.
They may make the save 90% of the time but they are still flat footed.

2013-07-24, 02:05 AM
Magecraft is handy... just combo it with Fabricate. Grease, as mentioned, retains value. So does Nerveskitter.


2013-07-24, 02:38 AM
I'm a big fan of Magic Missile as a cheap way of dealing with incorporeal undead. Better on a spontaneous caster, though, given that you need 3-4 magic missiles to deal with the CR 9 and lower ones.

Grease- if it can't fly, it's going to fall down. also a nice reflex save vs. lose your sword

Benign Transposition- switching places with allies is always nice

Truestrike- unless against very specific high touch AC builds, this will always let a touch attack land if you take the time (or spell slot) to line it up

Identify- probably the easiest way of figuring out what magical doodads do

Endure Elements- chainmail bikini is practical all year now

Nerveskitter- going first is always good

Unseen Servant- you always have someone to carry your purse! or deliver shrunk items, retrieve trinkets, push buttons, pull levers, administer wedgies

Mage Armor- +4 armor is always nice to have. it's decent mook protection, good vs. incorporeal foes, and lasts all day. and you can sleep in it.

Shield- +4 more armor is actually pretty handy in conjunction with mage armor, as dex +mage armor + shield gets you at least 20 AC, maybe more. Now a volley of arrows from kobolds won't bring you down in a single round. More importantly, though, is the magic missile absorbing property. Those things can be deadly. If you're going to be raiding a mage academy, might be handy to have a shield spell running.

Mount- They carry things at low levels, and at high levels, you can load them up to their carrying capacity with a dragon's hoard, then teleport them and all their cargo out. Light ponies take up two creature slots of transport, but each one can carry 450lbs of loot. That's basically a type two bag of holding.

Hoard Gullet- turns your stomach into a bag of holding for 1hr/lvl. Great way to carry a lot of stuff, especially combined with shrink item. You can now puke up (shrunken) lava, or dozens and dozens of gallons of lantern oil.

Protection from- good for hedging out mind control and keeping summoned creatures of a particular alignment from touching you

2013-07-24, 02:39 AM
Mage Armor for all day protection.
(already mentioned) Nerveskitter for first round of every encounter
(already mentioned) Silent Image
Protection from X to nerf enchantments against you / allies.
Unseen Servant - extra actions!
Mount / Floating Disc - for that one time DM gives you loot of 100'000'000 cp Mount is good for transportation, Floating disc lets you travel over fragile surfaces (like water).
Ray of Enfeeblement - nice debuf. Either enemy relies on Str and looses quite a lot of it or it dumped Str and it may leave it unable to move.
Expeditious retreat - class sounds like it should be able to do this :smallwink:
Benign Transposition - trade places with your mule when someone grapples you.

2013-07-24, 02:48 AM
Wall of smoke seems like it would be pretty useful at all levels.

2013-07-24, 03:48 AM
I'm a big fan of Magic Missile as a cheap way of dealing with incorporeal undead. Better on a spontaneous caster, though, given that you need 3-4 magic missiles to deal with the CR 9 and lower ones.

Magic Missile makes a decent base for Fel Drain, mainly due to the multiple targets over Sonic Snap.

Blood wind is good if you've got a druid or unarmed fighter (monk/Tashalora/swordsage).

Charm person lasts until a) you stop regularly interacting with lower-level characters or b) your DM stops being lazy about appropriate high-level defenses. Likewise with disguise person.

Ray of enfeeblement/clumsiness, if you're smart about who you use them on. Clumsiness on dragons + some other source of Dex penalty/damage has the same end result as shivering touch, without the blatant cheesiness.

2013-07-25, 07:02 PM
Remove Scent - SC
Darklight - Vile
Low-Light Vision - CA
Orb of Acid, Lesser - CA
Rope Trick - PHB
Ray of Enfeeblement - PHB
Nystuls' Magic Aura - PHB
Magic Missile - PHB
Detect Secret Doors - PHB
Mord's Buzzing Bee - SC (No save, spellcaster must make concentration DC 16+SL every round, thanks!)
Power Word: Pain - RofD
Create Trap - RofD (lets trap this door real quick)
Ray of CLumsiness - SC
Persistent Blade - SC (yep he's flanked for the rogue)
NerveSkitter - SC (I need to go first)