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2013-07-24, 05:04 PM
The Prodigy

"You think that you are good? Think again."


Credit to The Wizards (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20041210b)

Races: Any. Although most Prodigies are human.

Abilities: Intelligence is an important ability for Prodigies, because it grants additional skill points, Constitution boosts their hp, other than that they should have high ability, they choose as their Focus.

Alignment: Any except True Neutral. Prodigies usually have strong belief at least in one axis.

Starting Gold: As a rogue.

Starting Age: As a rogue.

Class Skill List: All. (Yes, including Iaijutsu Focus, unless your DM strongly disagrees.)

Skill Points: 8 + Int modifier (x4 at first level)

Hit Dice: d8

Table: Prodigy

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+0|Favored Skill, trapfinding, Ability Focus

+0|Favored Skill, Aura (Least)

+1|Favored Skill, Path

+1|Favored Skill, Luck, Mastery

+1|Favored Skill, Ability Focus

+2|Favored Skill, Trick, Path

+2|Favored Skill, Aura (Lesser)

+2|Favored Skill, Trick, Luck

+3|Favored Skill, Path, Mastery

+3|Favored Skill, Trick, Ability Focus

+3|Favored Skill, Luck, Changing Soul

+4|Favored Skill, Aura (Great), Path

+4|Favored Skill, Luck, Trick

+4|Favored Skill, Trick, Mastery

+5|Favored Skill, Path, Ability Focus

+5|Favored Skill, Trick, Luck

+5|Favored Skill, Aura (Perfect)

+6|Favored Skill, Path, Trick

+6|Favored Skill, Pinnacle of Skill

+6|Favored Skill, Ability Focus, Changing Soul

Class Features:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All Prodigies are proficient with all simple weapons and light armor. They also gain following proficiencies and abilities based on their choice of primary Ability Focus:

{table="head"]Ability Focus|Proficiencies| Abiities
Solitary Paragon (Str)|Martial Weapons, Medium Armors, Shields (except Tower) and 1 Exotic Weapon| Counts as fighter for Fighter feats prerequisites.

Escape Artist (Dex)| Martial Weapons, light shields (with bucklers), Rogue Weapons|Doesn't suffer Armor Check Penalty when using light armors

Sentinel (Con)| Martial Weapons, All armors, all shields| Wearing armor doesn't affect Sentinel's movement speed (like dwarf's ability, if already a dwarf, Sentinel gains a single Exotic Armor proficiency instead)

Genius (Int)| Nothing here. | Genius doesn't suffer from Arcane Spell Failure Chance when wearing Light Armors

Sage (Wis)| Monk Weapons| Sage gains Improved Unarmed Strike and Monk's Unarmed Strike Damage progression

Leader (Cha)| Medium Armors, Light Shields, One Martial Reach Weapon and a Longsword| Their Minion gains the same proficiencies.

Favored Skill: Prodigy excels where others struggle. At every level she may add half her class level (rounded up) to a single skill. She may choose one skill twice, so a full level is added to it, but it is a limit.

Trapfinding: As rogue class feature. Prodigy may search for traps with DC higher than 20 and disable them, using Disable Device skill.

Ability Focus: At first level Prodigy chooses an ability to focus on, she gains abilities based on this choice at levels: 1,5,10,15 and 20. It is a defining choice for these characters.
Level 1 abilities:

{table="head"]Ability Focus| Abiities
Solitary Paragon (Str)| Solitary Paragon gains full Base Attack Bonus (like a fighter of his level) and Weapon Aptitude (like Warblade, allowing him to change feats linked to one weapon to another. For example, Weapon Focus (Longsword) to Weapon Focus (Kukri) with a 10 min meditation)

Escape Artist (Dex)| Escape Artist gains a +10 ft speed bonus and +1 AC (dodge) at levels 1,5,9,13,17 and 20.

Sentinel (Con)| Sentinel gains good fortitude save progression (like fighter) and Steely Resolve and Furious Counterstrike class features like Crusader (ToB).

Genius (Int)| Genius gains a single bonus feat at first level, it can be any feat she qualifies for.
At level 5 she gains the ability to change this feat, for another one she qualifies for, once a day, with a 10 min meditation.

Sage (Wis)| Sage gains a good will save progression (like cleric) and Lore ability (like bardic knowledge, but based on Wisdom)

Leader (Cha)| Minion.

The Leader gains a devoted minion, she may choose one of: Animal Companion, Familiar or a Skeletal Minion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/specialistWizardVariants.htm#skeletalMinion) (in the last case the minion gains additional 2 hp/ lvl).
At level 8 this ability is upgraded,
Animal Companion is treated as if affected by maximized Awaken spell (gaining 18 Int, +3 Cha, gaining 2 hd and changing into a magical beast, the change is retroactive)
Skeletal Minion- the minion gains Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores equal to 10+2d4 (each rolled separately). It gains Turn Resistance equal to half it's HD. The Leader may also choose to properly train it now, as it is not just a mindless tool. Half of Skeletal Minion HD (rounded down) may be treated as Fighter levels (or commoner, if someone prefers that). These levels and HD cannot be retrained or otherwise changed to another class.
The minion gains feats and skills as normal for a creature of it's level. (2+Int skills per level for racial HD, 4 x at first level, Fighter class skills).
Familiar- the Leader gains Improved Familiar feat for free.

Level 5 abilities:

At 5th level Prodigy gains a +2 untyped bonus to the Ability Score she focuses on and:
{table="head"]Ability Focus| Abiities
Solitary Paragon (Str)| Solitary Paragon gains Powerful Build and Slam.

Escape Artist (Dex)| Escape Artist gains a Fast Stealth ability (no penalties for fast movement or running for hide and move silently checks) and free Darkstalker Feat (LoM).

Sentinel (Con)| Sentinel gains Improved Toughness feat, 1 for each Ability Focus iteration. (+2 hp/lvl at 5th level, +3hp/lvl at 10th and so on)

Genius (Int)| Trickster

Sage (Wis)| Turn Creature 3+Wis mod/ day

Leader (Cha)| Leader gains Grace ability (allowing her adding Charisma mod to all saves) and an additional bonus to saves vs Mind-Affecting effects equal to number of iterations of Ability Focus class feature (+2 at 5th level, +3 at 10th and so on). The last bonus is shared with every character which recognizes Prodigy as a leader and is within 60 ft from the Prodigy.

Solitary Paragon gains Slam natural weapon (which can be used with either hand or leg and deals 1d8 base damage for medium character) and gains an additional attack at highest BAB which can be used only with the Slam (if holding two-handed weapon Paragon may free one hand for a split second to deliver the damage). When grappling Solitary Paragon uses her Slam damage, instead of unarmed strike.

Trickster - Genius gains a use of few basic spells as SLA. As in the table:

First column- character level
Other columns - spell levels (0- cantrips, 1st level, 2nd level)
Inside the table- Known/ Use per day, meaning 1/3 = one known, can be used 3/day; 2/4 = 2 known, each can be used 4/day. 3/will = 3 spells which can be used at will.

5th| 3/will|1/3|0|0
Notes: Any xp or material costs must be paid by character. The spells may be chosen from Wizard and Cleric spell lists (without domains), with the exception that healing spells above level 0 cannot be used at will for healing purposes. Instead their per day progression grows by 1 at every time the table lists 'will'. (for example 15th level Genius can use CLW spell to heal 5/day)
These spells can still be used for other purposes (like harming undead with CLW).
Healing orisons, which are still at-will allow healing up to 50% of hp. This ability upgrades at level 10, when it allows full healing with enough castings.

Turn Creature

Sage gains an ability similar to Turn Undead of the Cleric (but Wis based) 3+Wis times per day.
She may choose a group of creatures she can turn from: Undead, Elementals, Outsiders and Animals (last one improving to Magical Beasts at level 10). The choice cannot be changed afterwards.
Turning Undead works like normal and evil Sages can choose to rebuke them instead.
Other types of Turn Creature treat as their effective level (which needs to be beaten with Turn check) either HD of the Creature or their CR (whichever is greater). If a creature has SR, Sage has to beat it with level check first.
In case of Elementals and Outsiders the Sage chooses one Subtype she can rebuke, while being able to Turn the others. (for example an Outsider [Evil] focused Sage, can rebuke outsiders with evil subtype and Turn any other kind.

Level 10 abilities:

At 10th level Prodigy gains a +2 untyped bonus to the Ability Score she focuses on (+4 total with last bonus) and:
{table="head"]Ability Focus| Abiities
Solitary Paragon (Str)| Iron Heart

Escape Artist (Dex)| Escape Artist gains the ability to Hide in Plain Sight as a move action (in any shadow, except the one which belongs to Escape Artist) and Uncanny Dodge (as rogue)

Sentinel (Con)| Shrug it off!

Genius (Int)| Magic Artisan

Sage (Wis)| Divine Form

Leader (Cha)| Supernatural Charm

Iron Heart

Solitary paragon counts as martial adept of level equal to his class level, whenever she would qualify for new level of maneuvers she gains 1 Iron Heart maneuver of this level, for every 3 maneuvers she may also choose 1 stance. She uses Warblade's recovery mechanics.
{table="head"]Character level|Maneuvers
10th| 5 maneuvers (1 from each level - 1-5) and 1 stance (levels 1-3)
11th|+1 maneuver (lvl 6) +1 stance (level 1-6)
13th|+1 maneuver (lvl 7)
15th|+1 maneuver (lvl 8)
17th|+1 maneuver (lvl 9) +1 stance (level 1-9)
Solitary Paragon may choose to take a lower level maneuver in her higher level slot, but not other way around.
All maneuvers are known and readied for the encounter.

Shrug it off!
As an immediate action Sentinel may replace any save with Concentration check. She also gains another Immediate action per turn which may be used only for this ability. (the counter may be used only 2/round, even if Sentinel somehow gains more actions)

Magic Artisan-
this ability works like Imbue Item ability of Warlock class. It allows crafting magic items, without the required spells, using UMD checks as a replacement. DC 15+spell level to mimic an arcane spell and DC 25+spell level to mimic a divine one. For crafting items purposes Genius counts as if she had caster level equal to her class level.
She still has to pay gp and xp cost as normal.

Divine Form
The sheer power of faith of Sage affects her physical form. This is a supernatural ability, which may be activated or dismissed as a free action 1/turn.
At 10th Divine Form grants the abilities of Visage of the Deity spell (SpC).
At 15th level this ability is upgraded to Greater Visage of the Deity (SpC).
At 20th level Sage may use SLA of Half-Fiend or Half-Celestial (both in SRD) depending on her alignment, when using this ability.

Supernatural Charm-
Leader gains a supernatural ability, which works like Charm Monster spell, she may target any single non-mindless creature, although creatures typically immune to mind-affecting abilities gain +4 to saves vs this ability. The Protection from X (for example Evil) spells still suppress the effect and Mind Blank and magic items granting immunity to mind-affecting effects still protect against this ability. The duration of this effect is 24 hours and the Leader can affect with it only a number of creatures equal to the number of Ability Focus iterations (3 at level 10, 4 at level 15 and so on). DC = 10+ lvl/2 + Cha mod.
At level 15, Protection from X spells no longer suppress the effect.

Level 15 abilities:

{table="head"]Ability Focus| Abiities
Solitary Paragon (Str)| Combat Mastery

Escape Artist (Dex)| Vital Knowledge

Sentinel (Con)| Perfect Defense

Genius (Int)| Scroll Specialist

Sage (Wis)| Diamond Soul

Leader (Cha)| Planar Minion

Combat Mastery
Solitary Paragon has mastered combat maneuvers. She may ignore Freedom of Movement effect, when using grapple (although the user of FoM may use the caster level of the effect instead of BAB for the opposed checks). She also acts as if she has all of these feats: Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Trip, Improved Grapple, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder. This ability stacks with the feats themselves.
Solitary Paragon gains also one of these abilities, linked to her Slam attack:
- Improved Grab (like bear), after a successful Slam attack, Solidary Paragon may initiate grapple with the target as free action, without AoO.
-Trip (like wolf) - after a successful Slam attack, Solidary Paragon may attempt to trip the target as free action, without AoO.
- Powerful Charge - When charging or Bull Rushing (after successful attack, or Bull Rush attempt), Solitary Paragon deals 4d6 + Str damage to the enemy. (+1d6 per size category over medium)
- Constrict (like snake)- after successful grapple check the Solitary Paragon deals 2d6+ Str damage (+1d6 per size category over medium)

Vital Knowledge
Escape Artist doesn't only hide or run away... she can also attack.
She gains a Sneak Attack (as rogue) 1d6 damage/ 3 Prodigy levels.
If she passes a Knowledge check suitable for the type of creature she is fighting, she may ignore it's racial immunity to critical hits. DC 10+HD of the target.
If the immunity comes from a magic item, she may use Spellcraft (DC 15+ CL of the item) as a move action to ignore the effect for 2 rounds.
If she beats the Knowledge check by 10, she may attack once as Full-round action, if she hits the attack counts as confirmed critical hit (if protected by magic item, she still needs to pass the Spellcraft checks before), she may use this ability 1/encounter on a single enemy for every 10 points she beats the Knowledge DC.
(For example if she rolls 47 on Knowledge (Nature) when fighting a minotaur (DC 16) she may attack him with the Critical Strike 3 times in this encounter.)

Perfect Defense
Sentinel gains a bonus to AC (Natural Armor) equal to his level/2 + Con mod.
At level 20 she may instead treat half of this bonus (rounded down) as Deflection bonus to AC.

Scroll Specialist

In a way, Genius gains spellcasting ability. She gains a number of "Phantom Spellslots" as listed in the following table:

Spells per day
{table="head"]Level\ Spell Level|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8
She does not gain additional spell slots thanks to high Int score.
DC is Int based, also an Int score is needed for casting as usual (16 to cast level 6 spells, 17 for level 7 and so on)

She doesn't have any spells known, but instead may use them to cast a spell from a scroll, using her own power, not the one imbued in the item.
Each scroll may be used like this only once per day. So if Genius would like to cast 3 magic missiles, she must have 3 scrolls. She uses her own class level as cl for these spells. She still must pay material and xp costs. She may not use metamagic, with exception of Still, Silent and Extend. Still and Silent are free if she passes Spellcraft check (DC 15+spell level for one of these, DC 25+ spell level for both), Extend must be already a part of the scroll (so Extended Mage Armor, would be crafted as a 2nd level scroll, and would use 2nd level spell slot).
Genius may craft a new type of item using her Magic Artisan ability, faded scrolls. They work only for the purposes of the Scroll Specialist ability, you cannot cast a spell from it without expanding a spell slot. When crafting faded scrolls you do not have to pay the xp cost, only half of the market gp price of the item (as normal when crafting).

Diamond Soul
Sage gains SR 11+ lvl. Once per turn, when targeted with a spell, which doesn't penetrate the SR, she may 'catch' the spell and next round redirect it as a free action.
She also gains a Dispelling Touch ability, touch-range supernatural ability allowing dispelling (targeted dispel) magic effects (uncapped bonus to dispel checks equal to class level) which she may use 1/turn as a standard action. 1/turn she may also steal a single dispelled spell for herself.
At level 20 SR rises to 16+ lvl and Sage gains +4 to her dispel checks.

Planar Minion
Leader is known so wide that even the creatures from another plane are interested in serving her.
As a 1 hour ritual the Leader may summon an outsider with 6-12 HD and sign a deal with it, ending in it's complete servitude to Prodigy. (Deal- either roleplayed contract, with set terms... or a 5000 gp cost, if DM allows that/ doesn't want to waste time for deal-making. Note: DM may veto the choice of creature.) Leader may have only one Planar Minion at the time, but the minion gains abilities, thanks to Leader's instructions (you may advance the outsider with chosen class levels up to your HD-3).
All material and xp costs of SLA used by Planar Minion must be paid by the Leader. The Planar Minion loses Abilities like Summon (common to Demons), which would increase Leader's army. (temporary abilities, like Summon Monster spells are fine).
When mistreated Planar Minion may decide to break the contract, in this case Leader may not sign another one for a month.
Leader may change the Planar Minion, but needs to dismiss the current one and wait a week first, before signing new contract (she doesn't receive the money back, of course...).

Level 20 abilities:

{table="head"]Ability Focus| Abiities
Solitary Paragon (Str)| Weapon Master

Escape Artist (Dex)| Shade

Sentinel (Con)| Unbeaten

Genius (Int)| Words of Power

Sage (Wis)| The Sage of Six Paths

Leader (Cha)| Thrall

Weapon Master

The Solitary Paragon fights with excellence, she doesn't suffer penalty for iterative attacks. (Instead of BAB 20/15/10/5 she gains 20/20/20/20)
She may also double the Str bonus to weapon damage (which means she adds triple her Str mod to attacks with Two handed weapon) and may increase her size by one step (as with Enlarge Person) as swift action, she may not use this ability more times to increase the size more than once, she may turn back to her normal size with a free action.
She also adds additional +1 damage for every point of penalty when using Power Attack.
She may treat her slam attack as a normal weapon (she can attack multiple times per turn).
She also gains following strikes, she may use as standard action 1/encounter (or 1/hour outside of combat):

- Earth Shattering Strike (DC 40 Balance): Solitary Paragon breaks the earth with a mighty blow. Everyone standing on the ground in 100ft radius make an opposed check with the Solitary Paragon or are knocked back 10 ft from her and prone. They also need to save vs Daze effect (fort) or suffer it for 2 rounds.

- Pierce the Skies (DC 40 Jump): Solitary Paragon may attack everyone she has line of sight within 100 ft, (single attack per person). She swings her weapon and the sheer force of wind reaches her enemies. (all magic properties, or special abilities like Trip work as well, if she chooses to use grapple, it works as well, but the targets are automatically freed before Paragons next round).
After the use of this ability for 3 rounds the area is filled with a Windstorm (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/weather.htm#winds)- like winds.

- Tidal Wave: Solitary Paragon rolls a single attack, and compares it to AC of everyone in a 100ft long cone (she may shorten the effect, but may not choose targets) who are dealt 3 times her normal damage and are treated as if hit with Trip ability (again Solitary Paragon rolls only once for all targets).
If used on water, after the use of this maneuver a wave rises, which flows 1000 ft and deals 15d6+ double Str mod bludgeoning damage to everything in the way. This part of the ability may be used 1/week.

DC for abilities: 10 + lvl/2 + Str


Escape artist finally reaches the pinnacle of her skills:
- She no longer may be detected by mindsight, which leaves touch sight the only way to automatically detect her. She still can be detected with a Spot or Listen check. Or by more creative means (filling the room with water?).
- She gains Death attack class feature of Assassin (DC 10+ lvl/2 + Dex)
- When Sneak Attacking she deals a single Negative Level with each successful attack. (after 24 hours they allow a save: DC 10 + lvl/2 + Dex)

She also gains the use of following abilities:
- Disguised Nature- after a 1 min preparation, accompanied with Disguise roll, Escape Artist becomes resistant to divination. To find out any information about the Prodigy caster has to beat with caster level check the Escape Artist's Disguise check.

- Wraith step- Escape Artist becomes Ethereal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#etherealness) as a move action, she may turn back corporeal as a move action as well. DC 50 - Move Silently check. (turning back doesn't require a check)

- Dance of Shadows- the Escape Artist gains the ability to jump through shadows. She may jump between shadows in 200 ft range as move action, passing the DC 40 with Hide skill. She may also use this ability in another way, with "casting time" of 1 minute, usable only at night, it works like Greater Teleportation, she may take passengers, DC 60.
1/turn after using the shadow jump ability she may full attack as a standard action.

- Afterimage- the Escape Artist may move extremely fast and in extremely confusing way, which looks as if she were in few places at once. With a tumble check beating the DC 50 she may flank a target... alone. She also counts as if having a number of "mirror images" equal to her tumble check divided by 10. Anyone attacking the Escape artist has an equal chance to attack any of her Afterimages and her. After a single successful hit the Afterimage disappears. True seeing doesn't let to see through the ability, but a Spot check higher than Tumble rolled by Prodigy, does.
This ability requires the use of move action.

- Free Spirit- as a swift action the Escape Artist may act as if under the effect of Freedom of Movement spell for 1 round. DC 40 - Escape Artist.
If passed the DC 60, the effect lasts for 1 minute.
If passed the DC 80, she may run away from Maze or Imprisonment.
If passed the DC 120 she may run away from Trap the Soul or similar effects.


The Sentinel becomes slightly more difficult to kill.
The Sentinel gains the following abilities:
- She is immune to critical hits (this is a class feature and thus it blocks Escape Artist's Vital Knowledge ability)
- She gains Fast healing equal to half her level + Con mod
- She gains Regeneration equal to half her level + Con mod, beaten by Adamantine or Holy or Vile damage. Disintegration effects deal half damage to Sentinel.
- She gains DR/adamantine equal to half her class level + Con mod.
- She gains Energy Resistance (Fire, Acid, Electricity, Cold, Sound) equal to half her level + Con mod.
- She gains Immunity to poisons and diseases.
- She gains immunity to death effects, level drain, ability drain and ability damage.

Words of Power

Genius finally learned the secret holding the most power, the words which affect the sheer existence. Usable as standard action, no SR allowed. The use of skills is needed to correctly use the Words of Power, Genius cannot take 10 or 20 on these checks and natural 1 means failure.
1/day Word of Enlightenment, (as Metafaculty psionic power), no xp cost, DC 30+CR of the target Kn (History)
1/encounter Word of the Lost Way (as the Maze spell, dismissable) Kn (Geography)
1/day Word of Pathfinding (creates a map and allows Search checks for every trap/ hidden passage in AoE) Kn (Dungeoneering) DC 20 + 5/100ft range. (DC 25 is minimum and grants 100 ft radius map)
1/day Word of Creation (like Major creation spell, but with 10 times the quantity) Kn (Architecture) DC 30 + cl (max cl equal to class level)
1/day Word of Finding (Scrying/ Locate Object/ Locate Creature, choose one or more), if target is immune to divination, it still gives a general location, Kn (local) DC 50 or 30+CR, whichever is higher.
1/hour Word of Passage (as Gate [travel only] or Greater Teleport) Kn (The Planes) DC 50
1/day Word of Natural Order (as Summon Elemental Monolith spell), no material cost, Kn Nature DC 50
1/week Word of Life (as True Resurrection), no xp or material cost, Kn (Religion) DC 50 or 30+HD whichever is greater.
1/encounter Word of Battle (Fast Healing 10, Haste and +6 sacred bonus to all abilities for all allies in 60 ft range, for 1 minute) Kn (nobility) DC 20+5/target (min 25 to affect 1 target).

The Sage of Six Paths

Sage gains the Saint template (BoED) (adjusted, if evil)
She also gains following abilities, usable as standard action, based on the many paths she walked in her life. Every effect has it's own pool of uses as listed, but all abilities in a chosen path require the use of a common skill (as listed):
- The Spring of Life (Heal skill):
- Back to life (Revivify+Heal as a combined effect of both) 1/encounter DC 40 skill check
- Path to annihilation- reverse effect: (Destruction as spell) 1/encounter DC 20+HD or CR (whichever greater) skill check

- The Answer Within, Autohypnosis check
- Commune (as spell), 1/day, no xp cost, DC 40 skill check
- Closed Mind- reverse effect: Mind Blank (as spell) 1/day, DC 40 skill check

- The Many Faces, Control Shape
- Shapechange (as spell), 1/day, DC 50 skill check.
- The True Face (True Seeing) 1/hour DC 40 skill check

- The Difficult Path to Atonement, Sense Motive
- Atonement (as spell), 1/week, no xp cost, DC 40
- Retribution (One of: Blasphemy, Holy Word, Dictum, Word of Chaos as spells) 1/encounter DC 40

- The Sight of Freedom, Survival
-Freedom (as spell), 1/day, DC 40
-Imprisonment (as spell) 1/day DC 50 or 20 + HD or 20+ CR whichever is greater

- The Sound of Pandemonium, Listen
-Implosion (as spell), 1/hour, DC 40
- Quiet before the Storm (Time stop, as spell) 1/day DC 50

Save DC of abilities = 10+ lvl/2 + Wis mod


Leader may use her supernatural charm as domination effect, she may also designate one of dominated creatures as a Thrall, which means the effect is permanent and non-dispellable nor reversible (Except with Wish or Miracle).
The thrall must die before the Leader can choose a new one. If ressurrected and if new thrall is already chosen, the previous one is free again.
Leader may also choose to have an additional Planar Minion instead.
The Thrall grows in power as the Leader gains levels, up to Leader's HD-1. If the thrall has a bigger ECL than Leader, it is unaffected. When improving thrall, you may use racial HD or class levels. When the creature ceases to be the Thrall she also looses all bonus HD or class levels granted by this ability. (so yes, you may find a random commoner and instantly change him into a 19th level Wizard, but he goes back to simple commoner life if you free him...)

Aura: The Prodigy gains the ability to project a single aura, with a 60ft radius, it affects all allies within this range, grants morale bonuses and may be changed as swift action. It can't be used at the same time as Marshal auras. The bonus granted by the aura is limited by Paragon class level.

Least- the Prodigy may grant a bonus equal to the modifier of ability linked to her Ability Focus class feature to one of:
- skills based on a single ability;
- Ability checks of single ability;

Lesser- grants it's bonus to:
- all physical based skills (based on Str/Dex/Con);
- all physical ability checks;
- all mental skills (based on Int/Wis/Cha)
- all mental ability checks.

Great- grants bonus to:
- all skills;
- all ability checks;

Perfect- grants bonus to all skills and all ability checks.


The Prodigy gains a bonus to skills, based on the path she chooses, she may take each path only once.

- Mighty Persuasion - Prodigy may add her Str modifier to Cha based skill checks as perfection bonus.

- Flexible Thinking - Prodigy may add her Dex modifier to Int based skill checks as perfection bonus.

- Enduring Mind - Prodigy may add her Con modifier to Wis based skill checks as perfection bonus.

- Speed of thought - Prodigy may add her Int modifier to Dex based skill checks as perfection bonus.

- Mental Fortitude - Prodigy may add her Wis modifier to Con based skill checks as perfection bonus.

- Strength Management - Prodigy may add her Cha modifier to Str based skill checks as perfection bonus.

The Prodigy gains a bonus Luck feat. You can't depend on skill alone...

The Prodigy may take 10 on one chosen skill, even during combat, or if the failure would be catastrophic (exaggerated... unless you try to disarm a really bad trap)

Prodigy finds new ways to use her talents. She gains a bonus skill trick she qualifies for. (if she doesn't qualify for any at the listed level, she may instead hold it and use at the next level up).

Changing Soul:
While Prodigy excels in her field of expertise, she knows that flexibility is also important, she may choose a single ability from other Ability Focus type, up to level 5. She may not obtain an ability twice (but she may choose a different kind of Minion, even if already following the Leader Ability Focus).

Pinnacle of Skill:
The Paragon may take 20 on three chosen skill checks, even during combat etc.

Notes: I really suggest using some sort of fix to Diplomacy skill, when using this class. (or consider it merely a suggestion, not strict rules).

... okay, I will finish it tomorrow.

If anyone has any comments about the class, I would appreciate it.
I would be happy to receive:
- balance notes;
- power level evaluation;
- comparing to other classes;
- between the different paths of Ability Focus;
- suggestions for new class features? (not sure if any more is needed though)

Change log:

24.07.2013 - posting the class and most class features. (90% of Ability Focus line)
25.07.2013- Basic fixes based on Kazy's comments (thanks), added:
- Improved Sage of Six Paths ability
- limited scroll specialist ability
- Ability focus on levels 10 now also grants a +2 bonus to chosen ability score.
- Weapon Master ability;
- Slight Thrall upgrade, making it a little more cohort-like.
- Shade ability;
- Unbeatable ability;
- fixed mistake in wording of Word of Pathfinding.
- Minion ability upgrade.
- added Aura ability;
- added Path ability;
- added Trick ability;
- added Changing Soul ability;
- added Pinnacle of Skill ability;
= class and class features finished!
- added some feats. (2 common for prodigies and Solitary Paragon section)
Rest tomorrow.

26.07.2013 - nerfed skills and feat

2013-07-24, 05:06 PM

Ability Focus feats- if a feat has a descriptor connected to an ability focus (like [Sage] ), only characters with a appropriate primary Ability Focus may take this feat.

Secondary Focus:

Prerequisite: Changing Soul class feature.

Benefit: The Prodigy may choose a secondary Ability Focus, she gains abilities from her secondary focus as if she had 10 level less. (5th level ability at level 15 etc). She may have only one secondary focus.
After gaining class feature thanks to this feat, she calculates it's strength using her full level. (for example, if choosing Leader as secondary focus, at level 11 she gains Minion ability of the Leader, not Grace nor Supernatural Charm, but her Minion is as strong as the one of 11th level Leader).

Wide Path:

Prerequisite: Path class feature.

Benefit: Choose a single path, if it is a physical one, you may add it's modifier to all mental-based skills and other way around.
(For example, if you use this feat for Mighty Persuasion Path, you may add your Str mod to all mental based skills [int/wis/cha] )

[Solitary Paragon]

Weapon of Choice:

Prerequisite: Slam class feature.

Benefit: Solitary Paragon chooses a single weapon she favors. She gains an enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon equal to her Prodigy class level/4 (+1 at level 4, +2 at level 8 and so on). It also counts as a magic weapon when attacking incorporeal creatures or for piercing damage reduction, but not when enhancing the weapon. It is a supernatural ability.
Special: It can be affected by Weapon Aptitude class feature.

Power Distribution:

Prerequisite: Weapon of Choice.

Benefit: The Solitary Paragon learns how to share magic properties of one weapon with another. She chooses a weapon, from now on when she is wielding it, she may share it's magic properties with another one she is using (for example when dual-wielding, for armor spikes etc.) or with her slam attacks. She may change the receiving weapon as a swift action. If she shares magic properties with charges both weapons have a common pool. (no bonus wishes from Luckblade). If the property cannot be applied to the chosen weapon it doesn't work. (like Keen property on blunt weapon).

Special: This feat can be affected by Weapon Aptitude class feature.

Martial Spirit:

Prerequisite: Iron Heart class feature.

Benefit: The Solitary Paragon may choose her maneuvers from one additional discipline, she also gains a single maneuver of the chosen discipline.

Special: This feat can be taken more than once.

2013-07-25, 05:23 AM
Weapon and armor proficiency is just confusing. State what he gains, not what he doesn't.

Casting; At will means spontanous? I thought at will was any number of times per day, whenever you want as a free action. I might be derpin'.:smalleek:

Towards turning I think he should be counted as a lower level than he is, the ability to actually pick what you want to turn is insanely good, even by a genius' standard at lvl5.

Magic Artisan is ridiculously OP; considering this guy is mechanically the best skill monkey ever created. I thought you were talking about this (http://dndtools.eu/feats/forgotten-realms-campaign-setting--19/magical-artisan--1828/).

Same with the 24 hour-hour AoE charm monster at lvl10.

If she passes a Knowledge check suitable for the type of creature she is fighting, she may ignore it's racial immunity to critical hits. DC 10+HD of the target.[/] I absolutely love that thing.:smallbiggrin:

Scroll specialist is pretty nice, but it can get out of hand fairly easy. I suggest that it only applies to a school/4 levels (or something like that) or reducing the slots.

Diamond soul - Explicit that the touch attack is a full-round action, if you can include it in a full-attack, it's borderline too-strong.

The words of power are a great idea, but as I said before, scroll specialist is too abusable, with this on top you're gaining a whole spread of lvl9 spells that would otherwise be impossible for /any/ character to have. By itself is a pretty good idea. But you need to tone down the previous power or this is just icing on someone who's icing on the cake.
[quote]1/day Word of Pathfinding (creates a map and allows Search checks for every map in AoE) Kn (Dungeoneering) DC 20 + 5/100ft range. (DC 25 is minimum and grants 100 ft radius map) That's. One. Sexy. Thing. Spell. Something. The biggest ***** you* to hidden places.:smallamused:

Sage of Six paths and Thrall just pales in comparison to Words of power.

Thralls should count towards a maximum of which you can control.

Other than that, the class concept is really nice, but it needs a lot of balancing and playtesting, even more than what I said; I just marked the main points.

I hope you can make this work. It's a neat idea.

2013-07-25, 10:25 AM
Answers to above post in spoiler, because this post was huge...

Weapon and armor proficiency is just confusing. State what he gains, not what he doesn't.
Hmm I thought it was clear. :smalltongue:
All Prodigies gain Simple Weapons and Light Weapons proficiency.
+ they add additional proficiencies based on the Ability Focus they choose at first level (as in table).

Casting; At will means spontanous? I thought at will was any number of times per day, whenever you want as a free action. I might be derpin'.:smalleek:
At- will means any number per day as the action specified by spell (standard action for most, full round for summoning, free for feather fall etc.)

Towards turning I think he should be counted as a lower level than he is, the ability to actually pick what you want to turn is insanely good, even by a genius' standard at lvl5.
He makes the choice once and keeps it till eternity, counting as lower level doesn't work that well, it makes the ability useless, or the penalty non-existent depending on situation... but I might try too look into it harder to balance the different kinds of Turn Creature ability.

Magic Artisan is ridiculously OP; considering this guy is mechanically the best skill monkey ever created. I thought you were talking about this (http://dndtools.eu/feats/forgotten-realms-campaign-setting--19/magical-artisan--1828/).
No, I mean the ability of warlock which works exactly like that. It is not op, you still need feats (changing feat works for that) and pay gp and xp costs like everyone. The only limit this ability lifts is the need to possess specific spells (for example Bear's Endurance spell for Amulet of Health +2). It is also practically required for his next ability (Scroll Specialist) if there are no scroll shops around.

Same with the 24 hour-hour AoE charm monster at lvl10.

It was meant to be a single target... but I was tired when I wrote that... I will fix that.

If she passes a Knowledge check suitable for the type of creature she is fighting, she may ignore it's racial immunity to critical hits. DC 10+HD of the target.[/] I absolutely love that thing.:smallbiggrin:
Me too. :smallcool:

Scroll specialist is pretty nice, but it can get out of hand fairly easy. I suggest that it only applies to a school/4 levels (or something like that) or reducing the slots.
Hmm... reducing spell slots per spell level wouldn't work (it is already max 4/spell level) ... but I might limit Schools or cap it at spell level 7...

Diamond soul - Explicit that the touch attack is a full-round action, if you can include it in a full-attack, it's borderline too-strong.
Touch attack is standard action (or was meant to be) and can be used only 1/round.

The words of power are a great idea, but as I said before, scroll specialist is too abusable, with this on top you're gaining a whole spread of lvl9 spells that would otherwise be impossible for /any/ character to have. By itself is a pretty good idea. But you need to tone down the previous power or this is just icing on someone who's icing on the cake.
I think I will tone down Scroll Specialist.

That's. One. Sexy. Thing. Spell. Something. The biggest ***** you* to hidden places.:smallamused:


Sage of Six paths and Thrall just pales in comparison to Words of power.

I will probably need to think of something entirely different than Thrall (I think all 20th level abilities would be a set of smaller ones...)
As for Sage, I will think about powering it up... I will probably start from giving him resurrection ability. (probably more often than Genius, or Genius would loose it...)

Thralls should count towards a maximum of which you can control.
They were supposed to, I will fix that. ... also there was supposed to be only one Thrall at the time... (note to self: Check it!)

Other than that, the class concept is really nice, but it needs a lot of balancing and playtesting, even more than what I said; I just marked the main points.

I hope you can make this work. It's a neat idea.
Thanks, I hope it will work too. :smallsmile:

Thanks for the help!

2013-07-25, 05:27 PM
The class seems okay (not good, but okay) for a 20 level class. It doesn't seem to consider a dip though...specifically a 1 lvl dip.

With 1 lvl a wizard gives up some casting, normally a bad thing. However in return they get a feat they can change at will (thus qualify for things they normally shouldn't). This feat can also be rotated through metamagic feats they want. It only takes 10 minutes, if a wizard knows a battle is coming up, in 10 minutes they could have the ideal feat for the fight. This is on top of a class that already gets to choose spells at will. Combine this with the ability to ignore arcane spell failure, and a higher hd than normal and a 1 lvl dip in this makes a powerful caster.

The skill points are greater than any other base class. 10 skill points, and good Int synergy? This means at lvl 1 I could pick 14 skills and have them maxed. If I stay in the class, I keep gaining skill tricks. There are a ton of skill tricks that can be exploited. Getting synergy bonuses is a breeze (usually takes 5 points in a skill) with so many skill points floating around.

At will normally is a free action.

This class is basically designed to outclass other classes, some of which are decently powerful to start with. I'd still take an artificer over this, but you could get pretty close with this class. And you'd have more skill points to boot.

I'd suggest looking at the class and seeing all the exploitable tricks. Especially if a DM accepts your feats.

After all of that, the luck feats are the only real salvation I see. In the mid-ranges the class falls off hard. This increases it's chances of being used for a few levels dip. It is for this reason I'd say look again, and maybe move some of the more questionable abilities later in the tree to make "dipping" not worthwhile.

2013-07-25, 05:52 PM
I'm in the way of reading the abilities, so my review is not complete. Before mentionning anything else, I have to say the first level abilities are mostly powerful (except Sage), but Genius is the worst offender, as it promotes one-level dips.

Alignment: Any except True Neutral. Prodigies usually have strong belief at least in one axis.
Why not True Neutral? Being a genius does not prevent you from being True Neutral, so why wouldn't they have access to the class? I could understand if they were servants of a specific concept or entity, which they aren't.

2013-07-26, 12:03 AM
Why not True Neutral? Being a genius does not prevent you from being True Neutral, so why wouldn't they have access to the class? I could understand if they were servants of a specific concept or entity, which they aren't.

At many times I used a class feature which had alignment descriptor, and it didn't seem like too far of a stretch.

I thought I would put it here. It shows up often...

A spell-like ability usually has a limit on how often it can be used. A spell-like ability that can be used at will has no use limit. Using a spell-like ability is a standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description, and doing so while threatened provokes attacks of opportunity. ;

Next. I will probably change the feat to a normal one, and add the changing ability at level 5 to discorage dips.

As to outclassing other classes... Nope.

The Solitary Paragon outclasses most of base melee classes, but should stay near tob or psychic warrior levels. And it was supposed to work like that.

The Escape Artist outclasses rogue, and it was supposed to be about 1 tier higher. It is probably a little stronger than rogue with right PrC, and without spellcasting multiclassing...

The sentinel is probably the best tank in the system, but has next to none offensive ability. Still near the level of tob classes I think.

The Genius is probably more powerful than others, but it is a spellcaster... Still, save crafting, it is a higher tier warlock, but he is far from outclassing any of the real casters, unless you spellcaster class and it will never be able to outshine artificer.

The sage is an upgraded monk with favored soul accents. The dispeling ability is neat, but I don't think it rises above tier 3.

The leader... Gains minions which is always considered powerful... But I actually might need to power it up around level 5, because it is really weak on its own. I am trying to make a tier 3 marshal here... Which is more difficult than I thought.

I will probably bring the skills to 8+. It was meant to be a skill monkey supreme though, so the tricks would probably stay, maybe in decreased amount though...
As for weak medium levels... It is supposed to be a more or less weak class (with a lot of skills) which gets better and better rewards over time for sticking with it.

As for it being okay, but not good to stay for 20 levels, that's great! If it was good, it would probably mean that this class is overpowered!:smalltongue: