View Full Version : help create / optimize "Blade" the Daywalker

2013-07-24, 09:04 PM
so in watching the series known as "Blade" I have decided to attempt to create a character around that concept. so this is what I am thinking so far.

Race - humanoid - human ?
Template - Half Vampire from SS or LM - ?
Vampiric Heritage [Vampire Bloodline] - UA
class :warblade ?
feat: Vampire Hunter feat LM

2013-07-25, 03:10 AM
so in watching the series known as "Blade" I have decided to attempt to create a character around that concept. so this is what I am thinking so far.

Race - humanoid - human ?
Template - Half Vampire from SS or LM - ?
Vampiric Heritage [Vampire Bloodline] - UA
class :warblade ?
feat: Vampire Hunter feat LM

I would go with major vampire bloodline, but no 1/2 vampire template.
As far as classes go, Blade would work well with the UA "Urban Ranger" class (for urban tracking, good b.a.b., enemy of creatures but also organizations (the Vampires, their Human servants etc...). Probably, for the more martial / wesley snipes part, a selection of martial feats (improved unarmed strike and superior unarmed strike) and (if the idea does not bother you) a 1 - 2 levels dip in monk.

He is a beast with a sword, but I have not seen much TWF to suggest that that is the feat tree he would go for, so ranged attack feats (throwing lots of silver stakes and silver ninja stars and the like, which might suggest a high BAB or a flurry type of attack).

Something like Ranger 11 / Monk 2 would be pretty damn scary, especially with all 3 major bloodline levels.

2013-07-25, 12:29 PM
looking at possibly half elf paragon, major vampire bloodline for just the first 3 i think, thought the warblade would fit several of the fighting styles that the "blade" character uses might look into the ranger aspect for favored enemy vampire effect.. maybe a dip into scout, rogue or something simular - dont think monk fits the aspect of the character though.

2013-07-25, 12:57 PM
Something like Ranger 11 / Monk 2 would be pretty damn scary, especially with all 3 major bloodline levels.

Why the monk levels though? it would nerf your damage from SUS hard. 2d6 at max level to 1d8. unless you wanted some other monk stuff.

2013-07-26, 07:43 AM
OK so this is where the character is at - the DM allows Gestalt and I think everything is correct...

Human -

Gestalt -
level 1: Fighter/Scout
d10 8+intx4+4
level 2: Swordsage/Psychic warrior
d8 6+int+1
level 3: vampie bloodline/Half-Elf Paragon
d8 4+int+1
Level 4: Psychic warrior/Scout
d8 8+int+1
Level 5: vampie bloodline/Half-Elf Paragon
d8 4+int+1

Level 6: Psychic warrior/Scout
d8 8+int+1
Level 7: Swordsage/Fighter
d10 6+int+1
Level 8: Psychic warrior/disciple of Dispater
d10 4+int+1
Level 9: Swordsage/Fighter
d10 6+int+1
Level 10: Swordsage 4/Fighter
d10 6+int+1

Level 11: vampie bloodline/Half-Elf Paragon
d8 4+int+1
Level 12: Psychic warrior/disciple of Dispater
d10 4+int+1
Level 13: Fighter/Scout
d10 8+int+1
Level 14: Fighter/disciple of Dispater
d10 4+int+1
Level 15: Fighter/disciple of Dispater
d10 4+int+1

Level 16: Fighter 8/disciple of Dispater
d10 4+int+1
Level 17: Scout 5/dervish 1
d10 8+int+1
Level 18: Psychic warrior/disciple of Dispater
d10 4+int+1
Level 19: Psychic warrior/disciple of Dispater
d10 4+int+1
Level 20: Psychic warrior 8/disciple of Dispater 8
d10 4+int+1

hb 0 ewp (Great Scimitar)
pw 1 Psicrystal Affinity
ft 1 Combat Expertise
pw 2 psionic weapon
ft 2 Power Attack
ss 2 Weapon Focus (Great Scimitar)
lv 3 Disciple of Darkness
ep 3 quick draw
ft 4 Dodge
sc 4 Mobility
pw 5 greater psionic weapon
lv 6 Vampire Hunter
ft 6 two weapon fighting
pw 8 Deep Impact
ft 8 imp two weapon fighting
lv 9 Flick of the Wrist
bl 10 lightning reflexes
lv 12 Sense Weakness
bl 12 alertness
bl 14 improved initiative
lv 15 improved critical
lv 18 Eyes in the Back of Your Head

exotic One-Handed Weapon
Great scimitar 200 gp 1d8 18–20/×2 8 lb. Slashing
double 18-20 becomes 15-20 , tripple 15-20 becomes 3-20

simple One-Handed Melee Weapons
Mace, heavy 12 gp 1d8 ×2 8 lb. Bludgeoning

simple Light Melee Weapons
Dagger 2 gp 1d4 19–20/×2 10 ft. 1 lb. Piercing or slashing

15 12 14 14 14 10 (32 point buy)
03 06 02 02 02 01
18 18 16 16 16 11 total

damage: +6 divine, +2 insight, +1 bonus, skirmish +2d6, +Wis mod, 6d6 fire+5, +4d6 acid, +11d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness

magic item +2 wis
magic item +2 str
magic item +2 dex

half elf paragon
1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Bonus feat, divided ancestry, elven vision
2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Persuasion , spells/day +1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Ability boost ( any stat +2)

vampire bloodline
lvl 1 +2 on Climb checks
lvl 2 stealthy
lvl 3 str +1
lvl 4 resist cold 5 (ex)
lvl 5 vampire afinity +2
lvl 6 natural armor +1
lvl 7 +2 on Search checks
lvl 8 resist electric 5 (ex)
lvl 9 cha +1
lvl 10 lightning reflexes
lvl 11 vampire afinity +4
lvl 12 alertness
lvl 13 +2 on Sense Motive checks
lvl 14 improved initiative
lvl 15 dex +1
lvl 16 suggestion 1/day (sp)
lvl 17 vampire afinity +6
lvl 18 natural armor +1
lvl 19 +2 on Bluff checks
lvl 20 Damage reduction 5/silver

swordsage, Initiator Level 5, maneuvers known 10, maneuvers readied 6, stances known 3
gain a +2 bonus on Martial Lore checks
1st level, gain the benefit of the Weapon Focus
1st level, gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks.
2nd level, add your Wisdom modifier as a bonus to Armor Class
4th level, add your Wisdom modifier as a bonus on damage
5th level, initiative checks becomes +2

Desert -Scimitar -Tumble.
1 Burning Blade: Boost—Deal 1d6 fire + 1/initiator level.
3 Fan the Flames: Strike—Ranged touch attack deals 6d6 fire damage.

shadow -Dagger -Hide.
1 Shadow Blade Technique: Strike—Roll two attacks, use lower result to deal bonus cold damage.
2 Drain Vitality: Strike—Attack deals 2 points of Constitution damage.
3 Shadow Garrote: Strike—Ranged touch attack deals 5d6 points of damage.

stone -heavy mace -Balance.
2 Mountain Hammer: Strike—Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
3 Bonecrusher: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage, +10 bonus on attacks to confirm critical hits.

Psychic Warrior power points/day 19, powers known 8, max power level known 3rd
Biofeedback: Gain DR 2/–.
Compression: You grow smaller.
Expansion: Become one size category larger
Float: Buoy yourself in water or other liquid.

Body AdjustmentA: Heal 1d12 damage
Darkvision, Psionic: See 60 ft. in total darkness
Dissolving Weapon: Your weapon deals 4d6 acid damage
Thought Shield: Gain PR 13 against mind-affecting powers

Dimension Slide: Teleports you very short distance.
Ubiquitous Vision: You have all-around vision.
Vampiric Blade: You heal half of your base weapon damage.

2013-07-26, 08:49 AM
It has been too long since I saw Blade. I don't remember him teleporting, expanding, or using flaming weapons.

2013-07-26, 09:19 AM
What about something like this:

Blade: Half-Vampire Human Male Undead Stalker 6; CR 7; Medium Humanoid (human); HD 6d8+6; hp 39; Init +7; Spd 40 ft.; AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +6; Grp +9; Atk +11 melee (1d6+9/x2; slam) or +12 ranged (1d4+6/19-20x2; 30ft.; hand crossbow); SA Sneak Attack (+3d6), Smite Evil (+6 dmg; 2/day)); SQ Blood Drain, Blood Dependency, Damage Reduction 5/Magic or Silver, Fast Healing 1 (up to ˝ health), Favored Enemy (Undead +4), Wild Empathy (+6), Animal Companion (Dog) ; AL CG; SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +4; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8.
Skills, Skill Tricks and Feats: Bluff +5 (0 ranks -1 cha +2 racial +4 towards undead), Climb +5 (2 ranks +3 str), Craft (Weapons) +3 (2 ranks +1 int), Heal +3 (2 rank +1 wis), Hide +14 (9 ranks +3 dex +2 racial), Jump +16 (7 ranks +3 str +2 synergy +4 speed), Knowledge (Local) +10 (9 ranks +1 int), Knowledge (Religion) +10 (9 ranks +1 int), Listen +12 (5 ranks +1 wis +2 racial +4 against undead), Move Silently +14 (9 ranks +3 dex +2 racial), Spot +12 (5 ranks +1 wis +2 racial +4 against undead), Tumble +14 (9 ranks +3 dex +2 synergy) and Use Rope (2 ranks); Collector of Stories; Endurance, Enduring Life, Fearless, Hand Crossbow Focus, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Knowledge Devotion, Leadership, Nemesis (Undead), Track, and Two-Weapon Fighting.
Traits & Flaws: Detached and Quick; Pathetic (Charisma) and Vulnerable
Spells Per Day (CL 3): 2 1st-level spells (DC 12)
1st-level Spells Typically Prepared
Deathwatch: Reveals how near death subjects within 30ft. are.
Hide from Undead: Undead can’t perceive one subject/level.
Variants: Undead Stalker (DMG) and Skilled City-Dweller (Web).