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2013-07-24, 11:03 PM
Post for your PC, giving them real life.

2013-07-25, 03:26 PM
Jamal wakes up, rolling out of bed and quickly getting through his morning routine. He smiles contentedly as he can hear his parents thumping around in the adjacent house, glad to know they are taken care of just as they took care of him. Sitting down to his breakfast he takes care of a few e-mails and doing a little paperless paperwork for a few clients.

After breakfast he grabs his jacket and heads out, waving to his Mother as he walks past their house. Enjoying the weather, Jamal casually greets a few people he knows as he walks to Campus. He greets the professor with a smile as he cleans up and enters the Lab and begins checking over the data collected by programs left running overnight.

2013-07-25, 07:02 PM
Jason had woken up rather early, all things considered, for today. It wasn't any special day, since there were no meetings or anything, but Jason still insisted that the workshop at Nexus Industries be open by 6 AM.

Inside, he was poring over notes compiled from various test runs of both the SWARM models and the governing AI used. It was a simple thing, really. The AI would be ordered to collect a certain compound, or perform a certain task, and typically managed to do that. There were some general hurdles, like replicating the SWARM models in an environment with a minute supply of metals, but that could usually be overlooked. After all, he'd learn enough once the first version was out in the market, so he could improve it for Mark II.

Jason swiveled in his chair, staring at the four monitors before him, and took a sip of coffee from his mug. It was going to be another long day at work.

2013-07-25, 09:25 PM
Brian wakes up late after a hard night as an EMT. He pushes his bed out of the way, and sets up the heavy bag in his small basement apartment. He spends a couple of minutes jumping rope and then hits the bag. 1, 2, 1, 2, two muggings last night...1, 2, 1, 2, 3, three gunshots wounds upper thorasic cavity, victim age 8, 1, 2, 1, 2, left hook, a hooker vomited on him after overdosing. On it goes for 45 minutes, crime, pain, misery, it seems like the city is getting worse and worse. Brian pounds out his frustrations like some demented christmas carol..."And a hooker that OD'd!", kind of like a partridge in a pear tree, right? right? Afterwards, it's a shower, some vegetable juice and eggs, and he sits down at his macbook. Time to write...write what? What do people want to hear? They don't want to hear what he's seen, he doesn't even want to think about it.

2013-07-26, 05:56 PM
Some park in the city

Amanda stares up at a few lonely clouds in the blue sky, keeping her backpack held tight to her chest.... thinking of home, well the home she would like to have.

She sits up slowly and silently stares at the children on the playground for a few moments before getting up and heading over to a McDonalds. As she waits for her order she thinks about today... day three after running away. She counts the money she took when she ran away again, twenty, forty, forty-five, forty-six dollars and 33 cents. Amanda figures she can live for at least a couple weeks on this if she eats cheaply. Though going home... that's... that's not an option, at least not for a week, guessing.

The last message she had gotten from her mom before her phone died was "GET HOME NOW OR I'LL CALL THE COPS!!!" so she wasn't really feeling like she would be welcome there. She sighed as she ate her dollar burger and went back outside... at least she had all the time in the world to explore the city for now.

2013-07-27, 11:05 AM
Luis looked upward as he grabbed another rock jutting from the climbing wall, hoisting himself ever higher. He felt the sweat glisten from his body, knowing he would have to be careful to not get any into his eyes. He took a quick glance down and then steeled himself for the final ascent.
"I must look good for the seņoritas today!"

Scrambling to the top of the structure, he stared down at all the new gym members there to check out all the class possibilities for group exercise, making sure to note those with eager and interested faces; then after readjusting his gloves, he quickly jumped down, using the ropes and harnesses to slow his descent.

"And that is how you climb the difficult wall!"