View Full Version : Heavenly Bodies (IC)

2013-07-25, 09:50 AM
The moonless night is hot, humid and swarming with mosquitoes and biting flies. The mighty river twists through the jungle, rapidly pushing an old barge full of survivors East, away from their burning homes. Several tense hours pass before the threat of pursuit fades. The old barge is 75 feet long and 20 feet wide, there are several oars to supplement its single mast with a square sail. There are three large wooden crates on deck. The barge has several sets of fishing gear, nets, a 12 foot wood ladder, a replacement sail, and not enough food to go around. The Barge is infested with small brightly colored lizards. There are so many people packed on to her deck, it's standing room only.

At the wheel is Ludo Alarra Sr and his extended family. Ludo Sr joyously kisses both his sons, and then his sister and both his nephew. He quietly exclaims how lucky they all are to have survived. A stern expression follows, he shouts to the people below,
"We're sailing for a prosperous village downriver, I have experience trading with them. Granite Point is full of good people, I'm sure they will help us. If we maintain this speed, It will take us several hours to reach the village, in the meantime please remain peaceful." Ludo Sr turns to his sons and says,
"boys, a lot of those people on deck are scared and grieving, I need you both to keep things calm. If you can get a head count, it would be good to know who survived and who didn't." The boat shifts back and forth causing passengers to lose balance and fall.

Nazrat has made it on board the Alarra family barge, standing in a tight space between a large wooden crate and a screaming man with a mangled leg. Chaos erupts a few feet away, as a group of farmers hurls insults at two foreign traders.
"What you say?" The younger of the two foreigners places a hand on his weapon.
"You heard me you, fat, rancid, brute, I saw you kill my friend Henry on the dock. I am going to see you pay!" A thin balding man screams. The man throws his hand high above his head, attempting to get the attention of someone in authority. Both traders nervously mumble to each other in an uncommon tongue, snorting and flashing their impressive tusks as they talk. The older man rubs his coarse greying whiskers and says,
"Look, not me or brother murder anyone, it big mistake."
"He saw you murder Henry,when everyone was rushing to escape the village." The farmer points to Nazrat. "Tell everyone what you saw." The mob turns it's attention to him, expecting quick confirmation. Nazrat knows both brothers are innocent.

"Richard? Richard?" A frantic woman pushes through the crowd. She spots Corwyn,
"Oh thank you!" she yells, she kisses a small bunch of grapes on a chain around her neck, she then take a single grape and eats it. She mouths the words thank you again while looking up. The delirious woman reaches her hands forward asking for the child in Corwyn's arms.

Three stout bearded men and a younger man with a fine mustache, stand to one side. They pass a flask between them, one of them speaks up and says,
"Well hasn't this been the damnedest night?"
"Aye." His three companions nod.
"When it comes to resettling and repopulating, what do you think my chances are with that fine blonde maiden? The dirt and ash on her face does nothing to obscure her beauty"
"Aye." His three companions nod.

Across the deck two buxom and charismatic blonde maidens of marrying age chat loudly, their high pitched voices cutting through the surrounding noise. In sharp contrast, standing in silence next to the maidens are five young women. They are veiled in the white shroud of a minor religious order. A very old crippled man sits next to the women on a elaborate cushioned sedan chair. The old man carries a deteriorating upright wooden box, and quietly sings to his devotees. The women are surrounded by a dozen orphan children dressed in white. The broad men and hearty women of several extended farming families fill up the middle of the barge.

On the very last rowboat to escape, trailing very far behind the barge two veteran guards lay dead. Four arrows protrude from each of them. The pool of blood quickly expands, shifting with the movement of the boat. An untrained rookie looks desperately at Matt Grimmson and says,
"I think I picked a bad day to join the guards." The young man doubles over, grunts several times and then throws up violently."

2013-07-25, 10:22 AM
Ludo does his best to move from group to group, keeping people calm and getting a head-count for his father. He stops by the two buxom women who are chatting loudly. "Excuse me, ladies. Are you both ok?" He tries to be subtle in his attempt to charm them. "Lovely ladies such as yourselves probably need somewhere to lay down, collect yourselves." He sits down next to them and 'consoles' them as best he can.

2013-07-25, 10:32 AM
Nazrat walks calmly towards the yelling man. "I did indeed see poor Henry on the docks, and I am filled with grief at his loss. But those two traders had nothing to do with his death - Henry was bleeding badly when he ran into the village, and he was still bleeding while the barge was loaded. His lifeblood ran out while we waited on the docks, none knowing how desperate his wounds were until he simply fell over. These poor men had naught to do with those wounds - it is just your grief that blinds you to it. Can you not see that these good people have lost as much as yourself? Their trade goods are gone, just as surely as our homes. They have naught to do with this miserable war."

Nazrat speaks soothingly, but his words carry to everyone nearby.

2013-07-25, 11:06 AM
Corwyn happily handed the child over to his mother. Pleasure to help, ma'am, he said with a smile. He patted the boy's head once and nodded at the woman. Keep him close, and don't let him out of your sight. Best of luck.

Slipping between the crowd, doing his best to not rile the already upset crowd, Corwyn made his way to the mast. He figured he would do well to get a feel for where they were going. Making sure of his grip, he steadily climbed the mast and then looked out at the surroundings.

Take 10 for Climb, result 15

Climb about 20 feet up and then take 10 for Spot check, result 17

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-25, 03:34 PM
The first time the kid has seen death? A bad day too. Matt's hands tighten on his families sword, silently swearing to honor their duty. He hopes his pa and brothers are alive, could very well be if they got into the water ahead of the flame.

"Gaki, its the first time you've seen death up colse, isn't it?" His tone is not mocking, but understanding, and hes trying to comfort the rookie.

"Being a guard is not the easiest or safest path, but let me ask you something. Why did you join? Me? I joined because of them."

Matt makes a sweeping gesture of the people on the barge.

"When I see them, I see people that need help, that don't know how to face the thugs and monsters out there that don't leave a person to a peaceful life. We are the shield and blade, making sure that they get out alive. Tom and Burt knew that."

All of a sudden, Matt chuckles.

"Not the way they wanted to go, but you should have heard what Burt said. Said that if he died, wanted to at least die in an elvish bed that used to belong to a madien. Course, the lass would still be there with him. And Tom was a drinker. He always said he was born drinking and it was Richards crap ale that was going to do him in."

He shakes his head.

"They gave their lives so family and friends could live. The town is our family, and it's times like these where we have to stick closer together then ever. They went down fighting, so lets just get the bodies ready, and give them a proper send off. Course, knowing those two, it would involve getting blind piss drunk and going to a brothel after the burial."

So, taking 10 on the diplomacy check for 16.

2013-07-25, 06:43 PM
The wind picks up, the boat swings wildly up and down on choppy waters. From his perch on top the mast, Corwyn can see an infinite number of bats, screech across the millions of stars, providing the night's only illumination. Dense jungle lines either side of the river, up to the rocky shore. Otherwise, darkness limits vision to a small radius. Corwyn spots a small light on the edge of his vision behind the barge. It appears briefly and then vanishes. At the bottom of the mast, the mother of the child Corwyn rescued, paces nervously. She holds her young child tightly and close. She yells,
"Richard? Richard?" She plucks a plump red grape from her necklace and whips it at Corwyn.

On the Deck, Nazrat uses the truth to defuse a tense situation. The brothers bow slightly to Nazrat, the older brother saying,
"Ezzduk," He points to his younger long haired companion. "Knock." He says, pointing to himself. Knock and Ezzduk both offer their upturned wrists to Nazrat, indicating respect. While doing this they turn their backs on the mob, a heavy blonde man shouts,
"My bows." He charges forward attempting to rip the composite bows off the back of Knock. Knock easily keeps hold of his bow, throwing the portly peasant to the deck.
"They must have looted them from our home." The same peasant yells, rushing to his feet. quickly running back to the mob, he proudly stands next to his crying wife and four young daughters. The crowd begins to angrily shout.
"Brother, time to go has come." Ezzduk says to Knock, with a slight nod the two begin to shuffle towards the edge of the boat. At the edge of the boat, both brothers drop their armor, preparing to jump into the rushing water.

Both ladies swelter in their heavy clothes, they fan themselves continuously, attempting to escape the jungle heat. Positioning their backs to a large wooden cargo box, makes the women aware of the many eyes upon them. As Ludo approaches the maidens offer big smiles, a melodious voice nearly shouts at Ludo,
"We're fine, just the scariest night of our lives. I am Marigold, this is Annamarie, it's a pleasure to meet you." Annamarie smiles sweetly at Ludo
"Yes, a pleasure." Fearful for their lives, both maidens make pleasant conversation with Ludo. Across the deck a man stares intently at the evolving scene. Raising a flask to his lips only to discover it is empty. He glares at his young beardless companion, then returning his gaze to the beautiful Annamarie, he says,
"It shoulda been me gone over there"
"Aye." His three companions nod.

After a while the rookie stops shaking, his skin returns from a sickly orange-green to his normal olive hue. Responding favorably to the understanding words of his superior, he looks at the two dead men laying face down. He says,
"Yes Sir, those are the first dead bodies I've ever seen. I'm not sure where my mother and younger brother are, if they're still alive. My mother is the reason I became a guard, we had to leave our last home. I wanted to make sure we wouldn't have to leave our new home. He sits silently letting everything sink in. Standing up in the small rowboat, The rookie nearly loses his balance. He then proudly affirms, I promise do everything I can to help the people on that...Where's the barge?" The river ahead twists and turns, the barge is no longer visible to the slow moving rowboat.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-25, 07:20 PM
"Looks like we'll have to row a bit harder. Mind looking for rocks in the river for me Gaki?"

As Matt begins to row, he thinks back on all the good times, the bad times, and thinks of the future. Or rather, how is going to find his family and gut the basterds that burned the town.

"Things happen. Nobody could have seen that army coming, we all thought we were out of the way. Probobly some fancy pants prince or princess out to make a name for themselves. Were just the little folk that got caught up in the crossfire. Now, we have to rebuild."

2013-07-25, 07:36 PM
Corwyn was disheartened; he couldn't see anything, except for that strange, short light. His musings were cut short when he felt a plump grape thump against his leg. Looking down, he saw the mother of the child he had saved looking at him, still yelling "Richard".

Shimmying down as fast as he could, he dropped down next to her and spoke with some concern, Is something the matter, ma'am? Who is Richard; is he your husband? Another son?

Looking around, he tried to spot a face that matched the child's.

Spot check to find someone who looks like the kid.


2013-07-25, 09:37 PM
Nazrat rolls his eyes and sighs in frustration. Quietly casting prestidigitation, he steps between the crowd and the two strangers. He shouts out, with an unnatural reverberation in his voice. "ENOUGH! These men have done nothing to you - if you want to pillage and fight, then return to your homes and fight the soldiers, not their victims!"

2013-07-26, 12:35 PM
The rookie grabs the small lantern on board, he holds the light a yard in front of the boat, low to the water. Rounding a bend in the river he yells,
"Big rock to the left," he pauses then says, "Hey why do you call me Gaki? My name is D1ck, don't get me wrong I really appreciate you saving my life back there." He asks, "Do you need help, I'm a pretty good at rowing? Rock on the right!" As they pick up the pace d1ck says, "I'm worried about my mother, if she is alive and she's on the barge with all the survivors, she might need my help. Rock on the right!" The river snakes again. D1ck continues,
"My family used to farm near the village of Ivanhoe. Until they accused mom of witchcraft, they wanted to drown her in the river. She's not a witch or anything, she's just a bit odd. There's nothing but rocks on your right, stay left." The rowboat moves quickly downriver.

Ezzduk and Knock stand at the very edge, the river rages at the brother's feet. An angry mob screams insults and accusations at the pair. Several men in the crowd are brandishing pitchforks and crowbars as weapons. Knock looks into the swirling abyss, he looks at Ezzduk and say,
"Swim as hard as you can to our homes on the North shore, if we do not make it, I will be proud to battle at your side in eternity."
Nazrat's amplified words shake the crowd, they are heard by everyone on board, everyone's attention shifts to the act of violence about to be committed. With so many witnesses the once large mob now appears smaller, the mood shifts and the danger passes. Knock seeks out Nazrat, the brothers stand next to each other presenting their upturned wrists. Knock speaks,
"Thank you, I owe you life of my brother." Ezzduk then speaks, "Thank you, I owe you life of my brother." Knock says, "We would have died if you did not save us, not one but two. We in your debt, but we leave soon, it not safe here."

"Oi, hands off me woman." A short drunk man wipes the drool and drink from his thick black beard. He stumbles through the crowd balancing himself on a large crate, the crate shifts, rocking back, as if it's only partially full. The drunk man screams, "Move along beanstalk, Ye better leave na, cas no one lay a finger, on these beautiful maidens, without my say!." Marigold turns to Ludo, she actually whispers,
"Ludo, I know we just met, but you've got to save us!"
The berserk bearded man pushes through the crowd, he screams nonsense while shoving people to the ground. Crashing into Ludo and the maidens he attempts to start a grapple. Ludo Sr witnesses the mayhem unfolding on deck, he hands the wheel off and pushes through the crowd coming to the aid of his son.

As Corwyn descends the mast, the mother rushes on her hands and knees, along the deck picking up the plump grape before it gets stepped on. She obtains a small sack from her thick, tangled mess of black hair. She places the grape in the sack and the sack back in her hair. Corwyn does his best to communicate with the disheveled mother, she tells Corwyn,
"The light on the water has two men!" She continues, "Richard? Richard?, Richard father burn!, Granite Point burn!" She scratches the side of her face and looks at Corwyn, she blankly stares ahead, her mouth hangs open, her eyes begin to roll back into her head. She breathes very slowly standing perfectly still for several minutes. The child in her arms turns his head and looks at Corwyn. The infant has unnatural violet eyes and smiles widely. The infant child laughs, then speaks clearly saying,
"Good day to you, it is our great pleasure to experience this day of your time with you. You may call us Azzur, please feel free to communicate with us in the manner of your choosing."

2013-07-26, 01:02 PM
Nazrat turns away from the crowd and towards the brothers, keeping his position between the groups. Loud enough to be heard by everyone, he speaks, though the unnatural changes to his voice are gone.

"I am only glad that further violence was avoided - there has been enough bloodshed and sorrow today. Come, gather your things and we will speak with the owner of this vessel. It is perhaps for the best if we drop you off and let you continue on your way. My fellow villagers are distraught and not in the right mindset to offer proper hospitality."

In a quieter voice, meant for just the brothers, he makes a simpler statement. "It is best we get you off this boat safely and soon, the others are...nervous about strangers right now."

After the brothers gather their armor, Nazrat leads them towards Ludo Alarra the elder, and hopefully the safety of calmer heads.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-26, 01:22 PM
"Its trollish for kid. Don't speak it fleuantly, but I know a few words. And witchcrat eh? Probobly had a bad few weeks and took it out on her. That said, just what kind of odd things? Had a great-aunt who lived in a cyrpt and talked more to ghosts then anyone else. Corse, she's probobly nagging any idiot who broke inter her cyrpt. Dead, but wouldn't put it past her."

2013-07-26, 01:25 PM
Corwyn blinks in surprise at the infant in the immobile woman's arms. I guess that explains the woman's behavior, he thought.

To the infant, he says, It is a pleasure to speak with you as well, I suppose, though all things considered I would rather there be different circumstances. Since you gave your name, I am Corwyn. What are you, Azzur, if I may ask? Are you possessing that child, or is that your true form?

He tries to keep his voice low, so as not to alert other people. They had just seen their home burned to the ground; no need to reveal some magical being in their midst.

2013-07-26, 10:58 PM
"Thank you!" shouts the child, he pauses for a moment, then continues, "first, let us clarify, our name is not Azzur. We do not have names, but many of your people use the name Azzur to refer to us, so this how we identify ourselves to new people, such as yourself. Secondly, you are communicating with many different individuals, each expressing themselves to you as Azzur, do you understand?" The child becomes animated, waiving his arms about,he says, "Also, while we are technically in the child, because we are everywhere, we are by no means possessing the child. This is just an illusion we are using to communicate with you at this day of your time. When we are done communicating it will appear to you as if no time has passed. In a sense it has not. As for who we are, it is difficult to say, like everyone we are many different things. For simplicity it would be fair to categorize us as representation of a certain aspect of the moon you inhabit."

"We have been called upon, to communicate very specific information with you at this day of your time. There is a man named Richard, he is the beloved son and brother of the woman and child before you. He and his companion are on a rowboat struggling to maintain this vessel's speed. If Richard remains on the rowboat, it is highly probable that when he reaches the place you call Granite Point he will die. If Richard is on board this vessel, it is highly unlikely he will die when he arrives at this Granite Point. The woman before you knows this, the knowledge troubles her. We have been asked, by her, to request that you take action and bring Richard and his companion on to this vessel before reaching Granite Point. Do you have any questions?"

The weather improves, the wind dies down, the boat slows, the waves shrink. Nazrat pushes himself through the crowd. He witnesses the captain and his son, wrestling with a short but stout man and two beautiful women. The short man throws himself onto the maidens, then ferociously wrestles Ludo the Elder, before attempting to tackle the maidens once more. Across the deck his three friends cheer him on. They yell,
"Crush his skull Rat!"
"Don't let er get away!"
"I cannot take it, I'm going in!" A ginger man marches across the deck to join the melee.
Both men are clumsy and unarmed but determined to prove their dominance. The ginger man begins to grapple with a bystander, forcing the farmer to the deck. The man known as Rat places Ludo the Elder into an immobilizing pin hold. The maidens make their escape, they run screaming into the arms of Nazrat and the two brothers.

On the Rowboat, D1ck says, "Knowing some trollish must come in handy, how did you learn the words you know?" The two men smoothly navigate the rocky waters. Their conversation continues, "A few seasons ago my mom, she started going for long walks along the river. Sometimes I'd find her out there after dark, having a conversation with a boulder or a waterfall. At first she'd speak to us too but, she doesn't talk much anymore. A lot people in Ivanhoe were bothered by the change in her, the which hunt was started by some of mom's best friends. The town guard protected the which hunters not my mom, so I thought if I were part of my new towns guard, there would be someone looking out for her."

2013-07-26, 11:24 PM
Corwyn blinks as his brain starts to grasp what the being inside the infant had told him. Yes, an aspect of the moon is talking through a child. That makes...some sort of sense...to someone...

Shaking himself lightly, he replies, That is quite a bit to take in, but I do believe you; after all, an infant is speaking to me, and that's odd enough as it is. I am not sure what I can do to get that man onto this ship, but I will do my best. If I may ask a few questions, though, seeing as you said time is effectively stopped:

How long will it be until we reach Granite Point, so that I know how long I have to accomplish this? How far away from this boat is Richard currently? You seem to know many things; I know not if you're omniscient, but would you be able to tell me what the best course of action would be to bring him safely onto this ship? And out of personal curiosity, why will he die when he reaches Granite Point? Is something waiting there that will be dangerous to a single man, but not to a group?

Corwyn figures that it would be best to know all the angles before formulating a plan of action.

2013-07-27, 12:22 AM
Azzur speaks to Corwyn, "thank you! It is our great pleasure to speak with you and share our information in a way you might find helpful. As you say, time is effectively stopped, be aware that the window in which we will communicate with you is not infinite and must eventually end. We understand that it is not normal for you to communicate with parts of nature in this way. It is only by this woman's deep connection to us and intense love for her son, that we are able to communicate with you." The child takes a breath and giggles, he says, "there is one moon on the horizon." The child smiles, pointing to a blue orb breaking the plane of the horizon. He holds three chubby fingers up and says, "Three moons will be visible when you arrive at Granite Point. You will find the village in the process of being destroyed. It is probable, that Richard will die, when he is hit with 9 arrows, as his slow rowboat floats past the hundreds of soldiers attacking Granite Point. It is highly likely that 14 additional people will die as you pass Granite Point tonight, the woman does not seem deeply concerned about these particular people. Many of the villages along this river are being attacked at this time. We can expand on this if you find it useful."

"Richard and his companion are exactly 1945 of your yards to the North West. For the record we are not omniscient, only aware of certain things you are not. There are living beings aware of things hidden from us, as we are aware of certain things hidden from you. It appears probable that stopping the boat would allow Richard and his companion to successfully board." He continues, "When you return to your reality, you will find the captain of this vessel engaged in a grappling contest with an intoxicated mountain man. If you choose to engage this man, be aware his companion has a knife. Alternatively the anchor release can be found at the rear of the ship, near the wheel." The child inhales deeply, speaking slowly without taking breath, "we still have lots of time, as you would say. Is there additional information you would find useful?"

2013-07-27, 06:50 AM
The village will be in the process of being destroyed? Corwyn thinks frantically. He takes a deep breath to steady his nerves.

Just a few more questions. What village near us will not be under attack when we reach it-or better yet, where can we dock that is safest? Um, ah, I think that's all; I plan to try and help the captain shake off the mountain man and his friend, and convince him to at least slow the ship to allow Richard to catch up. At least, I hope I can, Corwyn finishes nervously.

Won't be able to reply until at least noon, probably later; I'll be on my phone, so I could if I had to.

2013-07-27, 09:05 AM
Nazrat looks on the scene before him in consternation. This was getting to be ridiculous. These people needed some kind of leader, to keep this entire exodus from devolving into a mob and turning on itself. He'd been hoping that ownership of the boat would be enough to give Mr. Alarra some sway - but getting into a fistfight and losing was not going to help his case.

Well, deal with the first things first. "Ezzduk, Knock, could you look out for these girls while I...deal with this?" Handing off the frightened women to the pair of travellers, Nazrat moves to break up the fights in progress.

Rather than expend more magical energy, the apprentice wizard draws upon the cantrip he's already cast, grateful that prestidigitation is both long lasting and versatile. Before speaking, he uses prestidigitation to splash the two with cold water - it comes out as little more than a refreshing mist, but in the wind blowing across the deck of the ship it should be quite attention grabbing to all involved.

Then, causing his eyes to flare with light and his voice to rumble in a menacing and inhuman fashion, he calmly states, "OK, break it up. I have no idea what this is about, but I think you should cool off and act like a grown man. You too, red - I don't know what your problem is, but if you lot don't stop fighting you're getting put off the boat."

2013-07-27, 11:11 PM
Azzur speaks to Corwyn, "Yes of course, we are happy to share information with you, we hope you are able to use it to your benefit. The villages along the South shore of this river are all open, to the possibility of attack tonight. Many of the villages along the North shore will react with hostility, and perhaps violence, if you approach them. We do not recommend doing so! There is one exception, a settlement located on a confluence along the North shore, between your location and Granite Point. It is probable that you will be safe at the settlement there, it is also highly likely that the interactions, between your kind and the people of this settlement will be to both of your benefit." The child closes his eyes, he says, "with that, we thank you for sharing this experience of interaction, we have enjoyed it. We wish you a good day!" Azzur ceases to speak, the people around Corwyn go about their business. The child looks at Corwyn with sparkling blue eyes, mindlessly sucking his fingers.

Corwyn rushes to the aid of the captain. A cold spray of water,several determined onlookers, coupled with Nazrat's booming voice, put an end to the fight on deck. An old holy man stops singing, he watches with great interest, studying the colors and characteristics of the magical energies used. Simple peasants scream, reacting with fear, fleeing from Nazrat.
Rat speaks,
"Kay, kay, take er easy, nay be turning me into a frog, or bug! We're done our fighting, I need to barf, pee, and sleep." The short man stumbles away holding his head. His friends follow close behind. Ludo the Elder appears slightly bloodied, his fine clothes sullied. The captain extends his hand to Corwyn and Nazrat, he says,
"Thank you, that man is considerably stronger than he looks. I am Ludo the Elder, this is my son Ludo the younger, we're of the Alarra family. I captain this boat, I confess I'm more comfortable hauling cargo than I am leading a village to a new home. Tensions are high, I fear more violence is inevitable."

2013-07-28, 12:19 AM
Corwyn shakes his head. I hardly did anything, merely came in at the end to help mop up; you should be thanking Sir Nazrat here more than I.

Corwyn gnaws on his lower lip for a moment, thoughts whirling in his head. The captain seems reasonable enough; perhaps if he asks correctly, he won't think him impertinent and dismiss him out of hand.

Captain, if I may have a word? he asks. There's a village near here where the North shore meets another river. I believe that it would be the best place for us to make berth, as it were. I've heard good things about it. Also, and I know this will sound bad, but I would be grateful if you could stop the boat. It would only be temporary, I swear; I promised that I would help a woman get her son safely onto this ship, and I don't see him on the ship. Just for a little bit, I beg you.

Corwyn claps his hands together as if in prayer and bows his head as he finishes his plea.

I wish it weren't OOC knowledge that Richard is a guard; Azzur never said he was. Although, I'm a bit nervous about stopping the boat with the small light at the edge of my vision when I went onto the mast.

2013-07-28, 01:35 AM
Nazrat responds to Rat first. "Just keep out of trouble, or you might end up shaped like your namesake. We've had enough violence for one day - getting into fights can only make things worse. Heck, you look strong and tough - why don't you make yourself useful and break up the fights that keep starting rather than starting them yourself? You make sure that no blood is shed on this boat, and I'll bet you the ladies will find that a lot more interesting than if you act like a bully boy."

Nodding to the ruffian and turning to the older man, Nazrat breaks out into a smile. "I'm just glad I could be of assistance, Captain. This has been a tough day for everyone. And if you're going to be slowing the boat down, I've got a couple of friends who say they want to get off the boat. They're not from the village, so they're getting targetted as outsiders."

Nazrat turns to look at the old man who's studying him and gives a little wave and shrug.

2013-07-28, 11:48 AM
The boat is bathed in the pale blue light of the rising moon. Rat waves his hand dismissively at the offer to help keep order. He leans over the side of the boat and barfs, he wipes his mouth, drops his pants, and begins peeing.

The old holy man folds his hands together and bows at Nazrat, he turns back to his devotees, singing softly to them. Ludo the Elder shakes his head, he says, "this is not going to be easy." The captain gathers, his son, Corwyn, Nazrat, Knock, Ezzduk, Annamarie and Marigold. He leads them to the wheel, introducing everyone to his extended family. Ludo the Elder speaks,
"Stopping the boat is dangerous, stopping on the North shore is suicidal. Humans are considered food by a lot of the people on the North shore." The captain looks at Knock, he says, "No offense." Knock nods, acknowledging the truth in Ludo's words. The captain says,
"our best course of action is to stop the boat here, wait for the stranglers to catch up, before pressing on to Granite Point."

2013-07-28, 01:15 PM
Nazrat shrugs and gestures to the two brothers. "I just thought it would be a good idea to let these two off. If you've got a spot for them to lie low until we make landfall, so they don't act as troublemaker magnets, that works just as well."

It's clear that at the moment, the young man is giving little thought to the future and simply wants the violence to stop.

2013-07-28, 01:26 PM
That's one part done, at least, Corwyn thinks, but there is still the problem of Granite Point.

But what if Granite Point is under attack as well? he asks. You didn't expect your town to fall under attack; what if Granite Point has been taken by surprise in the same way?

He turns to the brothers, Knock and Ezzduk. And you two are from the North shore, and are not trying to eat us. Do you know of a village on the North shore, where this river meets another, that would be willing to shelter us?

2013-07-28, 04:39 PM
Knock and Ezzduk shake their heads, Knock says to Corwyn,
"Our people live far inland,travel from one hunting ground to another. Place where big river meets little river is home of small magical tricksters, we no go." Both brothers shake their heads. Ludo the Elder becomes irritated but agrees to stop the boat along the North shore. He positions the boat in shallow slow moving waters before dropping anchor. The boat turns slowly in the current. The brothers speak to Nazrat, they say,
"You saved life of me and brother, we not forget, take." Knock offers Nazrat an iron ring. The ring is heavy and big, shrinking to size if it is worn. Rows of wedges pointing up and down are stamped around the ring's circumference. Knock says, "ring has powerful magic, it save me life two time, like you, be well friend" Knock and Ezzduk jump into the waist deep water.

The shore slopes uphill away from the river. As the two brothers ascend towards the trees, a small green hunched humanoid emerges from the shadows running wildly at Knock and Ezzduk. The hideous creature swings a branch at Knock, throwing himself off balance. The two brothers use their fists to hammer at the pathetic creature until it falls to the ground. Both brothers kick the creature until it no longer moves, they strip the body taking what little valuables he had. Knock and Ezzduk turn and wave at Nazrat before disappearing into the trees. A larger white second moon rises from the horizon. The light reflected off the heavenly body illuminates everything in view. In the distance a small single light comes into view. The rowboat catches up with the barge. Matt and Richard are brought on board, along with the corpses of the dead guards. Captain Alarra walks away in disgust, before turning back to address the group,
"I have no interest in stepping one foot onto the North shore, I know the confluence you speak of, you can reach it from here on foot. I'm not going to let you go alone, does anyone want to volunteer to get eaten by a troll?" Captain Alarra looks everyone assembled in the eye, underlining the danger of leaving the barge. He says, "I'm willing to wait here until the third moon rises, If you're not back by then I'm sailing for Granite Point. If Granite Point is under attack we will press on to Farrow tower."

The old holy man stops his song and sits in silent meditation. The five veiled priestesses dress the dead bodies in the proper tradition for a fallen warrior. Richard and his mother embrace, his mother begins to cry tears of joy. Richard's mother seeks out Corwyn, she screams "Thank you! Thank you!" She kisses her son and smiles at Corwyn. Richard offers his hand, "I'm Richard her son, thank you." The woman takes off her necklace of grapes, she gestures for Corwyn to take it. Richard turns to Corwyn and says, "The grapes are quite tasty, a single one can replace a meal. If you eat enough you'll see your wounds close before your eyes. Thank you!" Richard Bows before embracing his mother and brother. Richard and his mother slowly walk towards Matt Grimmson, Richard says,
"mom I want you to meet someone, this is Matt, he saved my life on the dock." His mother yells,
"Thank you!" She pulls a small sack from her hair. She attempts to embrace Matt while offering him the sack. The sack contains a plump red grape, a small vial of green liquid and one gold coin stamped with the image of a man on one side, on the reverse an inscription reads,
"Georgius, Soverign of Umton, 801." The woman smiles widely, she marches off the barge into the warm water. Richard calls after her, he turns to Matt for help. His mother wades to the shore, she starts walking East along the rocks.

2013-07-28, 06:22 PM
Corwyn says sincere words of thanks as the woman presses necklace into his hands. He turns and bows to Ludo the Elder, saying, Thank you for listening.

He eyes the Guard Captain, thinking, He definitely won't believe my motivation for wanting to avoid Granite Point. Looking around, he sees the old holy man sitting, and figures that he might as well try a longshot.

Walking quickly to where the man was sitting, he bows respectfully. Wise one, may I have a moment of your time? he asks. I was wondering if I could ask...if you knew anything of the moon on which we live? Whether it can speak with us, using a person as a mouthpiece?

2013-07-28, 08:08 PM
The old man's skin is dark, his long white hair flows over his shoulders. He carries an ancient wood box across his lap. The wood is broken in many places, the box shows signs of continuous repair over centuries. The old man sits silently, opening one eye when asked by Corwyn about aspects of the moon. The old man opens his other eye, he speaks carefully,
"Yes, it is possible to communicate with deities associated with aspects of this moon. It is also possible to communicate with deities associated with aspects of other moons or aspects of the planets and stars. To do this, one must adjust their energy level to match the deity they wish to communicate with. It can take decades of study to master this technique. A deity may also lower their energy level to match the energy level of a mortal, in this way they may communicate with our plane, but this rarely happens. One may only communicate with a deity with the deities consent, even perfect technique does not guarantee an interaction. I have interacted with Nicoloboc, Azzur, and Ormo, each is a powerful being of good, eager to share knowledge and insight. Does this help you?"

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-28, 08:39 PM
Matt frowns a bit. Nearby is troll territory. He might speak a few words of giant, and damn near memorized the phrase "Son of Kovvag", but he's no speaker of trollish.

"Trolls aren't always bad. Not the brightest, but they won't always eat you. And push comes to shove, I might be able to claim a talk with Nro Kharrgukg."

The phrase is distinctly Trollish, but as a dialect of giant, hopefully few would recogznize that it's not a name, or rather, not the name of an single being. No, he is seeking a claim with the trollish Grimmsons. A bloodtie could prove the diffrence between being eaten and being free.

Turning to Richard, he speaks quickly.

"We'll go after your mother, but I'll try getting a few more people with us. Risky, but she seems confindent going there."

Translation; The Grimmsons.
And Diplomacy check; [roll0]

2013-07-28, 08:59 PM
Yes, that is it exactly, Corwyn said with excitement. He takes a breath and continues, Not half an hour ago I spoke with one of the aspects you mentioned--Azzur, it said its name was. Of course, I didn't channel it myself since I am not nearly that powerful. A woman in the village is naturally powerful in the arcane and was worried for her son, so she must have begged it for help; Azzur spoke to me through her younger, infant son.

It told me how best to get Guardsman Richard onto the ship, but it also warned me of dangers on our journey. It said that if we passed by Granite Point, then fourteen people at least would die as hundreds of soldiers pepper us with arrows. It went on to say that if we take refuge in the village at a confluence along the North shore, then we would not only be safe, but the survivors would prosper with the help of those villagers.

Corwyn takes another breath. I'm sure you can understand why I did not bring this up with the captain. Not everyone would believe me. I was hoping that you could speak to them so that my claims will not sound like the ravings of a madman.

2013-07-29, 12:12 AM
Richard watches as his mother travels 90 feet down the shore before disappearing into the trees. Richard jumps from the boat and runs after his mother, chasing her into the jungle. Matt Grimmson is going ashore, he calls out for volunteers to follow him before jumping off the boat. Swarms of mosquito and biting fly surround anything alive. When crushed, the bugs explode splashing an enormous amount of blood. The Jungle is alive with the hum of 100,000 insects. Every pond croaks with abundant frogs, monkeys cry out with loud hoots, announcing the presence of intruders on the shore.

The teacher smiles when Corwyn tells him what he has experienced. The holy man says,
"How very fortunate you are! I have not spoken to Azzur since I was young. I hope they are well. Azzur represents the water on this moon, he is very important and able to do many things. I would keep a close eye on the woman and child, I'm sure they're very special. At this moment she wanders off into the unknown, go journey with her, I will bring the people into alignment with your position. Thank you! " The old man smiles, he places his wood box to the side, he picks up a small drum and begins to chant.
"Mo Hamma Mo Mo, Mo Hamma Mo Mo, Aroma Mo Mo Aroma Mo Mo," the five priestesses gather around him, they continue the simple chant, harmonizing with him. At his feet a dozen children sit listening to the music, they are joined by entire peasant families. After several minutes of chanting the holy man has the attention of everyone remaining on board, except the four drunks passed out on the spare sail. The old man speaks of peace, brotherhood, non violence, co-operation, he speaks of Azzur and tells stories from legend. He shares the story of the encounter had by Corwyn, he finishes by saying,
"Those on the mountain are able to see what those in the valley can not, tell the captain that you are afraid to travel to Granite Point, tell him you wish to visit the village on the North shore, where you know you'll be safe." The service concludes with 18 minutes of songs about mythical heroes and epic adventures. The riled up crowd becomes vocal, they demand to visit the village Azzur recommended. Captain Alarra has no choice but to agree, he retreats to the wheel and his family.

2013-07-29, 01:22 AM
Corwyn watches as the holy man begins to preach to the people on the ship. He bows in respect once, and then dashes off to the side of the boat. Vaulting over, he quickly shimmies down the side and splashes into the shallow water. He has everything he needs in his pack; he has learned to travel light in the past decades.

He sees Matt hurrying off a ways away, and dashes off to join him.

2013-07-29, 08:13 AM
Nazrat thanks the brothers for their gift and bids them safe journey. He looks worried when the woman also leaves the boat - with an infant child no less - but decides it's not his place to interfere.

Nazrat stands quietly behind Corwyn and listens to his exchange with the old mystic. It's not hard to see that something important is happening, but he's not entirely sure how this is all going to play out. Before he can open his mouth to voice an opinion however, Corwyn has already dashed off the ship and is rushing to catch up with one of the village warriors, a newly minted guard, and the old woman.

Looking around at the villagers gathered at the mystics feet and feeling as though he's not going to help things by staying here, Nazrat sighs and hurries after the group. He snatches his bundle from the decks as he goes, thankful that he needs little equipment to travel, and rushes to catch up.

2013-07-29, 08:25 AM
"Father, I'm going to head to the confluence. If nothing else, you know my wit and my word. I may be able to help if things get ugly. And you have more than enough soldiers here to protect the townspeople. Let me help in a way I am actually capable of being useful." Ludo bows to his father and takes him in an embrace. He then climbs slowly over the side of the boat and follows the others into the brush, taking only his book and his sword with him. He grabs Matt by the shoulder. "I can speak Trollish. Not well, but my studies in the royal library have given me the ability to at least interact with almost any spoken language. I'm coming with you."

2013-07-29, 12:35 PM
Matt chases Richard and his mother to the edge the thick jungle, Ludo Alarra, the captain's son offers his special talents to Matt. Matt and Ludo are joined by Nazrat and Corwyn intent on finding the village described by Azzur. Knowing there is strength in numbers the four men band together to search the jungle. Richard and his mother race along an overgrown animal path. Richard chases down his mother, he grabs hold of her taking his younger brother from her arms. He says,
"Mom, what are you thinking it's not safe, we have to go." His mother nods and points in the direction she was going.
"No," says Richard, "I'm taking you back to the boat." Her son's large frame and steady hands are able to keep his mother from going deeper into the forest. Richard begins to guide his mother back the way they came. His mother's eyes begin to search the surrounding darkness, listening for sounds of danger." The light from the moons is hidden by the thick canopy, small beams of light break through in places, providing the only light on the dark jungle floor.

The party discovers Richard and his mother standing along a lightly traveled animal path. Richard holds the infant child while attempting to get his mother to move back to the boat. She appears more agitated than usual, spinning in circles stopping occasionally to put her hand to her ear and listen. The party is attacked, a projectile is launched from far above everyone's head. The heavy ripening fruit shatters on the rocky ground. Leaves fall, another heavy ripening fruit is hurled from the tree tops, an angry 30 pound monkey hoots loudly, shaking the branch he's on, attempting to drive the party from its territory. The howls of the monkey echo across the jungle. Several hundred feet away, a foraging party of nocturnal green humanoids collect mushrooms, small lizards and insects. The monkey's howl is understood clearly, there are intruders in the jungle. Dozens of small twisted men grab clubs and sharpened sticks, they crash through the undergrowth ready for battle.

2013-07-29, 02:00 PM
Glaring angrily at the noisome ape above, Nazrat unslings his crossbow and loads a bolt, while attempting to spot any trouble that the noise might be attracting.

The ring the brothers had given him has been on his finger since he left the boat, though he's unsure what specific protections it offers.

Iniaitative: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2013-07-29, 03:55 PM
Map 1-2
http://thumbnails103.imagebam.com/26790/6436e3267896639.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/6436e3267896639)

Nazrat: Your ring is Force Shield: An iron band, this simple ring generates a shield-sized (and shield-shaped) wall of force that stays with the ring and can be wielded by the wearer as if it were a heavy shield (+2 AC). This special creation has no armor check penalty or arcane spell failure chance since it is weightless and encumbrance-free. It can be activated and deactivated at will as a free action.

Order of Initiative
Ludo Alarra 20
Nazrat 19
Big warrior 15
Warriors 10
Corwyn 9
Matt Grimmson - Roll initiative.

The angry monkey overhead shakes his branch furiously, leaves shower onto the party, several heavy pods drop, cracking on the ground. The Monkey switches between high pitched screams and low hoots. The noise is deafening, the screaming monkey masks the approach of dozens of North shore warriors. Nazrat spots a pair of small humanoids darting between the undergrowth on the forest floor. One of the warriors comes into the open, he throws his sharp stick, like a javelin at Nazrat. The iron ring given to Nazrat by Knock glows with white energy, from the ring emerges a shield made of magical force energy. The magical shield absorbs the impact of the projectile leaving Nazrat unharmed. The magical shield floats effortlessly in front of Nazrat, it moves at his telepathic command. Because Nazrat does not need to wield it the shield does not interfere with his spell casting. The javelin thrower runs for cover, Nazrat spots a different small humanoid wielding a club wildly running forward.

The attacking monkey overhead runs off, dozens of ugly green humanoids rush through a small pond, they fight in small groups of 2-4 attacking everyone. Throwing sticks fly through the air, Every warrior shouts a high pitched scream. A single warrior blocks the path to the north, he appears slightly taller and much more muscular than his kin, he carries a crude stone axe.

2013-07-29, 04:42 PM
"You should leave... you don't need to attack us. We pose no threat to you, and there is no reason for you to be attacking us. Please, leave us be." Ludo makes eye contact with the closest group of humanoids, speaking in an unrecognizable voice. He moves his hands in a small circle, using his index fingers to draw a shape.

Cast Hypnotism, DC12 for any creature who can see or hear him within 30 ft of the group in front of us. Sorry, I can't find the map.

Hypnotism affects [roll0] creatures in front of Ludo.

2013-07-29, 05:39 PM
Map 1-3
http://thumbnails107.imagebam.com/26790/d40704267898245.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/d40704267898245)

Two of the three approaching creatures stand motionless, hypnotized by Ludo's magic. The third hideous creature, lunges forward, it stands three feet tall, it appears to be a male, with wild black hair and oily green skin. He screams in a high pitched whine, he rapidly speaks in an uncommon tongue, pointing his finger at Ludo, flashing his small sharp teeth. He jumps slightly before rapidly advancing 20 feet. Coming in low the creature swings a broken tree branch at the captain's son, slamming the log into Ludo's leg.

Ludo Alarra
The creature's club deals 1 point of damage to Ludo

2013-07-29, 06:24 PM
Nazrat decides to save his spells for the moment and instead opts to shoot the bugger who threw a spear at him. Carefully aiming his crossbow, he lets his shot fly, than rushes to reload. As he does so he takes a step back. All the while, he's crying out to the group, hoping they'll heed his warning.

"I can see a lot of these things, and we're not even two dozen feet into the woods. We NEED to get back on the boat. These things are going to swarm us out here!"

Attack: [roll0] Crit(on 20): [roll1] Damage: [roll2]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-29, 08:28 PM
Matt looks out on the foe. Some part of him likes this, likes to fight, to see the foe dead. Hefting his blade, he moves forward, ready to strike.

Inititive; [roll0]
Attack; [roll1]
Damage; [roll2]

2013-07-29, 08:52 PM
Map 1-4
http://thumbnails103.imagebam.com/26793/e64168267922260.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/e64168267922260)

Nazrat's bolt sails high, missing the small creature, it's red eyes reflect what little light is available. The little humanoid moves forward swinging his club, missing Nazrat. On the path, the biggest attacker screams, he carries a large stone ax, he swings it above his head, advancing towards Richard and his family. Richard carries a steel shield in one hand with his infant brother in the other. The creature slams his ax down hard, denting Richard's shield, nearly sending Richard and his brother tumbling to the ground. The family retreats towards the party, Matt presses forward engaging the hulking monster in combat. Matt lands a heavy blow, but is blocked at the last moment by the stone ax's thick wood handle. The warrior's weapons repeatedly clash above their heads the combatants display stregth and skill.

Two berserk warriors run through the forest, they violently slam their clubs against nearby trees, in a futile attempt to intimidate Corwyn. The two creatures stop slamming their clubs against trees, they advance on Corwyn. One creature goes high the other goes low, Corwyn deflects both attack, but fails to prevent the creatures from flanking him.

2013-07-29, 10:06 PM
Corwyn was taken almost totally by surprise, and now finds himself accosted on both sides by snarling warriors brandishing clubs. A part of him thinks that he shouldn't have gotten off of the ship, but it wasn't like he could just leave a woman and infant defenseless. All thoughts leave his mind except for survival as he deflects two attacks and readies his own.

Breathing as steadily as he can, he thinks to his training. He disengages from the warrior on his left, to better focus on the one to his right. Taking a deep breath, he lets out a battle shout to focus as he strikes his opponent.

Five foot step down and to the right so that I'm no longer being flanked. The Flurry of Blows of my homebrew lets me use an extra attack with any attack action (linked for proof (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=227023)), so two attacks:


Potential damage:

Edit: didn't much matter, anyway. F**king hell.

2013-07-29, 10:44 PM
Map 1-6
http://thumbnails104.imagebam.com/26793/9413d4267926835.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/9413d4267926835)

Corwyn steps off the trail into wet muck, he lands a single devastating blow. The small humanoid's neck breaks, his lifeless corpse falls into a small puddle at Corwyn's feet. A dozen creatures rush past Matt Grimmson, two dozen more can be spotted approaching from the North.

Order of Initiative
Ludo Alarra
Matt Grimmson

2013-07-30, 07:10 AM
Nazrat decides that there are far too many of these creatures for his liking. Fortunately, he'd long ago 'borrowed' his master's spellbook and had learned just the right spell for this occasion. It was a bit more advanced than what he was normally capable of, but long practice with this spell has given him a better than 50/50 shot at pulling it off. With a twist of will, Nazrat disappears from his location and pops back into existence ten feet off the path and closer to the barge.

Now with enough breathing space that the tiny creature was unlikely to stab him while he was concentrating on the spell, Nazrat attempts to cast Web, centering it 45' ahead of him, immediately behind the group of 3 green creatures charging in his direction. While this would miss those creatures closest to him, it would delay majority of the swarm closest to them long enough for escape to be possible.

Caster level check, DC 8, to cast Web: [roll0]

Then, regardless of the outcome, Nazrat yells, "Run for the barge! Someone get that stupid guard before he's swarmed!" Suiting deed to word, Nazrat turns tail and moves 30' straight towards the barge.

2013-07-30, 09:42 AM
Ludo digs deep into his memory to remember something that would help him... suddenly, he remembers in his book the way the thief was able to escape under the help of fog. Running up to Richard, Matt, and the mother, he summons the will he needs, and billows up as thick a mist as he can muster with his concentration, as close to the center of the creatures as he can. "Ma'am, we HAVE to go, we have your sons, lets get back to the ship!"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

He then yells to Matt, "There's too many! I'm hoping that mist will slow them down long enough for us to get back to the barge, but we have to hurry or there's no chance we'll make it!" Seeing one of the green humanoids closest to them, he steps between it and Richard's mother.

2013-07-30, 12:33 PM
Map 1-7
http://thumbnails108.imagebam.com/26803/3d3b4b268022105.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/3d3b4b268022105)

Nazrat alters his location, shifting backwards 10 feet, the ground between the path and the barge is less solid than it looks, Nazrat sinks into a waist deep swamp. Soaking wet and surrounded by snakes, Nazrat casts web. Across the path, long strands of silk shoot from tree to tree interweaving with each other. a dozen small creatures struggle to escape. Ludo and Nazrat call for a retreat back to the barge. The main body of the attacking group approaches, dozens of little green humanoids advance through the jungle.

Nazrat moves at half speed through the swamp

Richard nods at Ludo's advice, he rushes with his mother and brother along the path back to the boat. Ludo casts a spell, most of the party are shrouded in a thick magical mist. Matt Grimmson's family blade clashes repeatedly with the brute's crude stone ax, as the two warriors battle for supremacy. Ludo yells warning to Matt, the time to retreat is now! Ludo attempts to put himself in a good position along the path, the small warriors are agile, they tumble and scurry about. Ludo finds himself flanked by two snarling creatures, the first warrior swings his club and misses. A second club comes down on Ludo, scoring a direct hit, the small rotting club snaps in two, falling harmlessly to the ground, the creature is left shocked and unarmed.

Order of Initiative
Matt Grimmson
Ludo Alarra

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-30, 08:34 PM
Matt sends his blade forth, and then steps back, ready to retreat, but neeeding to buy them some time.


2013-07-30, 09:10 PM
Map 1-8
http://thumbnails104.imagebam.com/26807/b39081268067829.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/b39081268067829)

Two fierce warriors battle on the path, the party begins to retreat for the shore. The path behind Matt is covered by a thick obscuring mist. Matt presses his attack in an effort to aid his allies' escape. The warriors repeatedly slam their weapons together, until a wild swing, leaves Matt open to a devastating critical hit. The hulking beast lands his heavy stone ax onto Matt's shoulder, chain links from his armor fly in all directions, the attack draws blood. The creature smiles, behind the leader a group of small humanoids rush into view. Three small warriors break off from the pack, swinging their clubs at Matt Grimmson, each attack is easily deflected. A row of warriors let loose a dozen small throwing sticks like javelins , two heavy throwing sticks impact Matt's right shoulder, aggravating the previous injury.

Matt Grimmson takes 4 points of damage from the creature's stone ax and 2 points of damage from the throwing sticks.

2013-07-30, 09:28 PM
Corwyn can feel himself shaking as the fog clouds his vision, though he can still see the enemy in front of him. He shifts up and to the left onto the path, discovering yet another enemy as he did so. With another shout to focus himself, he snaps out a fist at each enemy.


Potential damage: [roll2]

2013-07-30, 10:29 PM
"Run, you worthless nemoidian swamp-rats! Retreat only works if you MOVE AWAY FROM THE ENEMY!"

Knowing that his spells will work just as well from the deck of the ship as they will hip deep in a swamp, Nazrat sacrifices all pretenses of offense for getting onto the ship right now.

Double move towards the barge. Once I get within 10' of it, I'll use Abrupt Jaunt to jump to the deck. That may not happen this round.

2013-07-30, 11:03 PM
Map 1-9
http://thumbnails108.imagebam.com/26808/39e7bf268078723.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/39e7bf268078723)

Corwyn moves with ease through the white fog, he steps silently next to an unsuspecting warrior. The creature raises his club, ready to strike, Corwyn fakes with his left, landing a crushing second punch. The small warrior falls dead at Corwyn's feet, his helmet, made from the skull of a small creature, tumbles from the monster's head. A single warrior laughs, he chases Richard and his family down the path towards the shore.

Nazrat wades through the swamp, pushing through to the shore. He emerges through a wall of trees, onto the rocky shore. Nazrat throws himself into the river, swimming fifteen feet, through muddy brown water, before magically appearing on the deck of the barge, startling several peasants.

Oder of Initiative
Ludo Alarra
Matt Grimmson

2013-07-31, 11:48 AM
Ludo takes a small step towards the barge, almost stepping knee deep into the muck. Suddenly, an identical replica of Ludo stands next to him. The new Ludo suddenly takes off running past the first humanoid, into the brush, towards the web. Ludo takes off in the other direction at the same time, towards the barge. "Matt! We're clear, get out of there!" he shouts through the fog as he makes his way back to the barge.

Cast Silent Image. I would like for the Silent Image to provoke the opportunity attack of at least one of the humanoids. If the first one misses and can't "disprove" the image, the second should attack too. DC12 Wisdom save.

Edit: Apparently "g o o k" is a bad word on the forums?

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-31, 11:55 AM
Disengading from the warriors, Matt makes a full withdrawal along the road, to stand alongside Richard and his mother. He readies his blade if more of the creatures show up, even as the visible injuries he had are healing shut quickly, but still need a bit of healing to go.

Full round action; Withdraw. So long as I'm moving away from what I'm withdrawing from, I provoke no AoO's. Thank esoteric movement options.

2013-07-31, 12:48 PM
Map 1-10
http://thumbnails105.imagebam.com/26818/4a529a268176534.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/4a529a268176534)

Ludo's magical double, fools both attacking warriors, both swing their clubs as the image passes. One of the small warriors chases the illusion into the jungle, becoming trapped in the network of sticky webs. The second creature jumps into the muddy knee deep water, chasing Ludo across the swamp. Countless frogs flee, two creatures splash through the shallow water. Ludo and the creature move into a swarm of biting flies, the creatures tear flesh, drawing blood whenever they bite.

Ludo and the creature take 1 point of damage every round they remain within the swarm.

Matt Grimmson withdraws into the fog, the few warriors brave enough to enter the magical effect end up turned around unable to pursue. A band of warriors makes their way South by traveling East of the field of webs. Matt moves quickly along the path, once he is clear of the obscuring mist. He see's Richard defending his family with only a shield, an ugly green creature attacks repeatedly,slamming his club made from animal bone into the young guard's steel shield.

Order of initiative
Ludo Alarra
Matt Grimmson

2013-07-31, 01:00 PM
Corwyn looks quickly to see who remains. His comrades have withdrawn for the most part, and a little ways away he can see Richard and his mother being assaulted by yet another tiny creature. Dashing along the path toward them, he passes Matt and says, I will take care of the warrior; you get the Guardsman and his mother and get them out.

With that, he steps up next to the creature and strikes out again, once with his fist and once with his foot.

Attacks: [roll0]

Potential damage: [roll2]

2013-07-31, 01:13 PM
Looking at the incredibly slow progress being made by the others - really, most of them had barely moved a dozen feat back towards the boat while he was (relatively) safe aboard, Nazrat huffs in frustration. But instead of fruitlessly yelling at the stragglers, he calls to the gawkers on deck, "Prepare for boarders! We've got unfriendly green-skins swarming the shores!"

Even as he yells, Nazrat grabs a handy length of rope - thankful that boats always have plenty of rope, and hopefully this one isn't too important - and drags it with him to the edge of the ship. Calling out to the closest of the stragglers - the guard and his mother, being hounded by a lone greenskin - Nazrat waves them towards him. "You two! Come straight this way! I'll toss you a rope!"

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-31, 03:08 PM
Matt stands by Richard, perpared to strike at any of the attackers that come into reach, and ready to defend his mother alongside him.

2013-07-31, 05:25 PM
Ludo, caught in the knee-deep muck, whispers a small phrase, forces a hand signal while he can without losing his balance, and suddenly, it's as if the mud was not even there. He progressed at a normal pace, well ahead of his pursuer and caught up to the others at the edge of the water. He grabbed Richard's younger brother and the arm of his mother and pulled them to the rope that Nazrat had thrown down.

"Can you get us out of here? I can hold the rope and the child if you can pull us both up, but get this woman up there first!" He yells to Nazrat, handing the rope to the woman. He then turns back to the fighting occurring between the others and the last pair of green humanoids.

Cast Freedom of Movement.

2013-08-01, 01:28 AM
Map 1-11
http://thumbnails104.imagebam.com/26827/9774a2268264985.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/9774a2268264985)

Corwyn engages the irate warrior, allowing Matt Grimmson to take Richard and his family to safety. Along the shore Matt and Richard guide his mother and younger brother to the barge. Ludo Alarra emerges through the thick jungle onto the shore. Nazrat, on board the barge, throws a long hemp rope onto the beach, allowing, Ludo, Matt, Richard and his family to board.

On the path, Corwyn circles the warrior, patiently waiting for his opportunity. The snarling warrior swings high and then low, Corwyn moves in, landing a devastating set of punches, ending the fight.

2013-08-01, 01:31 AM
Seeing the creature fall to his fists, Corwyn quickly turns and makes a beeline for the shore. Seeing the rope and the others climbing it, he takes a defensive position next to Guardsman Grimmson as the others climb aboard.

2013-08-01, 05:50 AM
Map 1-12
http://thumbnails105.imagebam.com/26829/af7919268284485.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/af7919268284485)

With everyone safely on board, Captain Alarra has strong men, use long oars to push the barge free. The boat slowly shifts nudging away from the shore, the oars begin to row. Many strong men on board use their strength to push the boat through the water, into the river's current. Along the shore, a dozen warriors timidly step into the river, only to dart back onto the shore, fearful of the water. The warriors throw rocks and sticks onto the deck of the barge as it passes. The barge sets sail, once again cruising down the river.

When everything is in order and the boat is underway, Captain Alarra embraces his son. He informs the party,
"Due to popular demand, the boat will not be traveling to Granite Point at this time. We will listen to the advice of wise men, we are instead traveling to the confluence along the North shore. There is an island there, with a small trading post, I have some experience dealing with the locals. They're friendly but completely foreign, hopefully they'll help us."

The boat sails uninterrupted until the large third moon appears in the sky. The newly risen orange moon dominates the horizon, shining brightly, brilliantly reflecting off the water's surface. Everyone on board is exhausted and hungry, many survivors take the opportunity to sleep. Sunrise finds the boat stopped along a well maintained dock, on an island less than 100 feet across. The island is densely forested, a wide road cuts through the forest from the dock to the interior of the island.

A small blonde humanoid, driving a donkey cart approaches the boat, he wears a yellow shirt and pants, he lifts his blue pointed hat as a gesture of respect. "Welcome friends," he shouts, "My name is Florn, What do you have to trade with us today? Captain Alarra does his best to explain the situation, Florn shows sympathy, but he says,
"No, no, no, I just can't allow it, we just don't have enough room for everyone, I'm sorry."

2013-08-01, 08:06 AM
Nazrat is nearby as the Captain and Trader speak. He hears what the other is saying, and it's obviously true just looking at the Island...except.

"I understand what you're saying, good sir. It's clear to see that horizontal space is limited on your island - I've seen single houses that were nearly as large. But that is a common problem in the most crowded of cities. And when land is at such a premium, there is a simple solution - build higher."

Nazrat points to the forest covering the island. "You have some very healthy and closely placed trees on your island. Would it not be simple to gather lumber, vines, reeds and other materials and use them to connect the trees together, building platforms and bridges and similar structures, and make a place for people to live overhead? Perhaps even several levels of such. I'm quite certain we could do so without harming the trees themselves."

Before the man objects, Nazrat calmly mentions, "I push this point only because we have been given word by wise men and greater beings that a concordance between our peoples would be greatly beneficial to both."

Finally, Nazrat subsides and allows others to speak.

2013-08-01, 08:24 AM
Ludo steps forward to shake the hand of Florn. "Hello, I am Ludo Alarra, son of the captain here. Look, we have traded with your people for many years, and we have done our absolute best to make sure that anything you have needed, you got. We are in desperate need of food, water, and shelter. At least accommodate the women and children for now. You have space enough for that." He holds the man's hand, looking him in the eye and speaks as smoothly as he can, his hands feeling slightly warmer to the touch.

Diplomacy: [roll0]
If the boat ride counted as rest for sake of regaining our spells, he'll also use Charm Person, DC12 Will save.

2013-08-01, 10:30 AM
Several people disembark from the barge, the island is lush and green. Nazrat attempts to convince Florn of the validity of his plan for a village in the trees, Florn seems skeptical,that such a plan would work. When Nazrat mentions divine prophecy, Florn relents, he says,
"come with me, we have enough food water and shelter for tonight, I'm sure our priest would be eager to speak with you." Ludo Alarra joins the conversation, he reiterates the only moral choice is to help the boat full of refugees.

Large crates are carried off the boat and loaded on to the back of Florn's donkey cart, Florn urges the beast forward, he begins to roll down the road. He says,
"Come friends, follow me." The wheels on the cart begins to turn, Florn disappears into the forest. Florn leads everyone to a small stone fort at the center of the island, its four towers rise above the trees. Florn waves to the guards standing at the gate, the guards nod, an armored humanoid in the back, begins to turn a wooden wheel, which raises the heavy iron gate. The cart passes through into the fort's courtyard. In the corner sits a small brightly colored room, A large ceremonial fire burns several feet in front of the shrine's door. A small humanoid in a fine purple suit, sits on a stair strumming his lute. A tall chiseled human woman walks through the courtyard, she enters through a door along the back wall. The sign above the door reads, "FlinJackflickinhootens." All around, merchants set up there wares, ready for the day's business. Several merchants approach Ludo, asking about the crates full of goods.

Ludo Alarra - Knowledge Local
Ludo thinks back to all the stories he's heard from traders and scoundrels over the years. The island trading post is known around here, as the only safe harbor on the North shore. The trading post is run by a powerful guild of Gnome merchants, they rule by committee. Legend has it that the fort is supplied by or connected to a secret underground gnome city on the mainland.

2013-08-01, 04:04 PM
Corwyn breathes a sigh of relief as it seems like the island's inhabitants are accepting the refugees. As he walks through the courtyard with the others, he takes note of each of the stores and merchants along the edges. Seeing the ceremonial fire burning, he approaches it and asks if there are any sticks of incense to light toward Azzur. He lights one in thanks to the being who had helped them when they needed it.

2013-08-01, 05:15 PM
Corwyn observes each stall as he passes by, a short bald man sets down a thick black cloth, he takes countless gems from his sack, he begins placing the gems in rows of different colors. The next merchant is slightly taller with a dark, thick head of hair, he whistles at Corwyn,
"Are you in need of a special elixir, I brewed all of these myself." He gestures to his table, it contains dozens of small vials, along with several severed animal parts meant to be worn around the neck. Corwyn passes two blacksmiths, one man shouts to another,
"She's still to small, throw more fuel in the pit." Two small men work to get their forge to the proper heat.

In the corner is a one room building, it is painted with many abstract shapes, using red orange and yellow for color. Ten feet in front of the door sits a small, completely bald, humanoid, dressed in red, he tends a small ceremonial fire. The man's hands and head are painted dark red, the rest of his body is shrouded in a crimson robe. He watches Corwyn approach, he says nothing. Corwyn tells the red man, that he would like to light a small stick of incense for Azzur. The red man hands Corwyn what he needs, Corwyn lights the stick handing it back to the priest. The wise man tending the fire, studies the burning stick and the ceremonial fire, before placing the stick in an exact location. Corwyn says a small prayer of thanks, the door to the colorful building swings open, the red man motions for Corwyn to enter.

2013-08-01, 06:25 PM
Corwyn looks from the man in red to the open door, mildly confused. Nevertheless, he nods his head respectfully at the man in red and walks through the door, making sure to take note of everything he could see.

Spot check: [roll0]

2013-08-01, 07:46 PM
Ludo barters what he can for a place to sleep tonight for his family.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

He is quickly losing interest in the sales, though, and longs to seek out the gnomes he had heard so much about. He eventually calls his father over to take over everything and goes off on his own. He takes into account all of the bustle of the marketplace he finds himself in.

Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]

2013-08-02, 12:32 AM
Corwyn prepares to enter the shrine, billows of smoke pour from the open door. With no windows the shrine's only illumination comes from the open door, in the area immediately visible, Corwyn can see fine carpets layered on each other cover the floor. Rows of tiny murals painted in blue cover every wall and ceiling. A stone throne, made for a medium creature sits empty at the back of the room. A small orange ember glows next to the throne, as Corwyn enters the shrine, he can better see the small humanoid sitting at the back of the shrine next to the throne. She puffs heavily on her long pipe, filling the small room with smoke. The seated figure raises her finger, the door behind Corwyn slams shut, the seated figure draws on her pipe, the orange glow gives a hint of the mystics features. Her face and body are covered in red paint, the priest wears only a simple loin cloth, she sits barefoot, cross legged on the floor. The mystic exhales an unnatural amount of smoke, again and again she draws on her pipe, exhaling an extreme exaggeration of the smoke she inhaled. The small woman speaks, she says in a disturbing growl,
"This shrine has been maintained by my family for seven hundred years," she draws again on her pipe, then exhales deeply, the smoke begins to choke Corwyn and burn his eyes. The seated woman continues, "This shrine predates this fortification, or even the settlement of this area by our kin, this shrine began in a forgotten wilderness. Since that time my family has recorded every event to take place at this shrine, down to the smallest detail. Your coming here today, is the most auspicious event thus far, to take place at this shrine. It was a bold act, you have attracted the attention of powerful entities, your actions did not make sense to us, until you linked it to Azzur. My mistress desperately wants to know, how is Azzur? How is her brother?"

Ludo Alarra unlocks the first crate throwing it open. The crate is filled with tobacco, attracting the attention of nearly everyone in the courtyard. Dozens of people gather around, hoping to trade for a sack or two. Ludo masterfully trades the smoke for valuable tools and supplies. After supplying the dark haired innkeeper with a 50 pound sack of tobacco, Ludo secures all eight rooms at the inn for his family and friends. Ludo throws open the second crate, it too is filled with sacks of tobacco. Demand is heavy, the product sells itself, Ludo passes the task of securing a good deal to his father and brother. Ludo explores the small fort, he begins by walking the entire courtyard, human sized doors with an upper and lower handle line the walls. Ludo indulges his curiosity, peeking into a nearby window, inside several local women weave blankets. The next room appears to be an empty carpenter's workshop, Ludo turns the knob, the door swings open. The room is dark, the floor is covered in wood chips, long boards are leaned against every wall, Ludo hears a muffled conversation coming from the back wall. When he investigates Ludo finds a three foot tall, locked, wood door hidden behind a lot of lumber. Behind the door a male and a female can be heard speaking in an uncommon tongue. From the courtyard Ludo hears a commotion brewing.

Nazrat towers over the crowd of small humanoids, assembled around the donkey cart. They watch as Captain Alarra trades every sack of tobacco in the second crate for needed supplies. A sizable crowd groans as the last sack is sold. Captain Alarra addresses the crowd, he says,
"Not to worry folks, I wonder what's in crate number three." When the front panel of the third crate falls forward. A hooded young human female tumbles and falls out of the nearly empty crate, she sends the crate crashing off the donkey cart, landing face first in the mud, she swings around quickly making it to her feet, she draws her dagger. She stumbles backwards, blinded as her eyes adjust to the light, most of the locals scream, leaping for cover. An armored guard yells,
"Close the gate," another guard at the rear begins cranking the gate closed. Archers on the walls and towers ready their arrows unable to shoot into the swirling mass of people.

Matt Grimmson leaves Richard and his family on the boat, along with a handful of other people unwilling or unable to disembark. Richard promises to protect the people on the boat while Matt makes sure everyone else is safe. Matt's greenish skin and red hair attract a lot of stares from the island's local population. Friends whisper to each other as Matt passes by. On the far wall is a strange sign that reads, "FlinJackflickinhootens." When Matt opens the door and looks inside, he is delighted to see a simple tavern. A two foot tall, middle aged man, stands on several crates, behind the bar, he welcomes Matt to FlinJackflickinhootens. Old wood boards cover the floor, stairs in the center of the room lead to the guestrooms on the upper floor. Matt bounds up the stairs, he sees eight basic rooms with two beds each, conditions are cramped furniture is limited. Downstairs, most of the tables are available, Matt takes a seat along the far wall, the tavern is dark and nearly empty, an attractive chiseled brunette human approaches, she smiles and says,
"Welcome stranger, what can I get for you?"

2013-08-02, 06:45 AM
Nazrat wanders the small trading outpost. He's looking around and trying to figure out what it will take to make this tiny island habitable by another dozen or more families.

Building into the trees is a grand idea, worthy of a wizard...but it's long term. Honestly, putting a house into a tree that can fit a family is no small feat (without magic), especially without harming the tree. Each one would take a week at least, he estimates - and that's assuming they can gather the wood quickly.

Perhaps instead, they can make a beachhead on the northern shore, and build up crude fortifications? Then it would be a simple thing to make a pontoon bridge to the island and build up shanties and crude cabins for temporary housing and easy passage back and forth...

These musing are interrupted by a commotion breaking out near the traders - a wild eyed woman with a dagger. Curious, Nazrat wanders closer.

2013-08-02, 01:31 PM
Despite the commotion outside and the screams, Ludo snaps his fingers and traces the outline of his ears. A small ringing sound sharpens his mind and he finds he can understand what is being said behind the door.

Cast Comprehend Languages.

2013-08-02, 01:37 PM
Corwyn coughs out a lungful of tobacco smoke, eyes bleary. Nonetheless, he tries to give a smile at the mention of Azzur. Azzur is well, at least as far as I could tell, he manages to get out. He was very enthusiastic, and extremely accommodating. He was very kind, at least in that he helped us as much as he could, even though we are probably like ants to him.

He hesitates a moment before asking, Are you also a person through which an aspect of the moon can speak to us?

Grimsage Matt
2013-08-02, 08:30 PM
"Just looking for information. Was a guard with the barge that came in, but something bothers me. Whats got the others up here riled up? You hear anything?"

As customary, Matt places 2 copper down, a payment for a cheap ale, customary when asking for the local gossip.

I had 5 silver, just forgot to add them to the sheet.

2013-08-03, 12:09 PM
Seated at FlinJackflickinhootens, Matt Grimmson gathers information from the friendly wench. She tells him that she's the only human that lives on the island, she says,
"My name is Adela, my husband owns his inn, so I've been accepted, after several years, but not by everyone. Living here took a lot of getting used to, it was difficult. Though they'd never admit it, the people who live here are superstitious and xenophobic. Let me fetch your ale, I'll be right back." The athletic woman scoops up Matt's two copper, then wipes the table down. She returns a moment later with a large mug of ale. She continues to make friendly conversation.

Ludo magically eavesdrops on a conversation in progress, taking place on the other side of a small door. A male voice says,
"South shore, inform every member of our council, I have called an assembly on this island."
"Yes father." A female voice responds, her father says,
"I know Jan won't like it, you have to convince him this is the right course of action. Here are the letters you will need to deliver, do you remember the password needed to reveal the arcane writing?"
"Yes father, I will protect it with my life, I will deliver each letter to it's recipient by hand, revealing the magic word only in private."
"Excellent, you need to be brave my dear, go now, be quick." Father and daughter express their love for each other, the conversation ends.

The seated woman walks to the stone throne turning her back on Corwyn, she uses the seat like a table. The priestess stands less than three feet tall, she holds her long pipe with her teeth, folding her hands in prayer, she growls,
"Thank you! Yes, she who creates and destroys, speaks through the female line of my family, she has done so for many generations." She moves her hand in a sprinkling motion, little pieces of kindling fall from her empty hands, onto the throne. She puffs deeply on her pipe, she dumps the glowing ember into the kindling starting a small fire. The room becomes hot, the smoke becomes heavier, the red mystic tends the fire, placing her pipe on the floor, She breathes deeply, then levitates to a position one foot over the small flames, she crosses her legs sitting on nothing, her voice becomes unnaturally low, she booms,
"Greetings mortal, know that it is my great excitement to speak with you on this day of your time, you may call us Tulapi. But of course as you know that is not our name, we do not have a name, We are they who create and destroy. It is our great joy, to observe the different perceptions of creation and destruction, and we thank you for sharing your unique experience with us." Tulapi turns around, her red skin glows, producing a powerful red light, she motions to the walls. Tiny rows of pictographs appear, on every surface. Tulapi breathes deeply of the smoke, she growls, "we have interacted with countless mortals, we will continue to do so, until it is no longer the best thing for us to do. What we do is not special, we will talk to anyone, we enjoy it! To be spoken to by Azzur, truly special, you honor us with this interaction." Tulapi hounds Corwyn for details of his conversation with Azzur, Corwyn does his best to recall everything that was said. She shakes her head, she says,
"No, you will be expelled from this island shortly, this can not be the place Azzur wished you to travel. They are uncomfortable having you in their location without a timetable to leave. They will not permit settlement on their island, powerful families are plotting to resettle your population onto the mainland. The most likely location for resettlement is not what we would describe as safe, but we do see the possibility of the long term survival of a settlement. Shall we expand on this?

Outside in the courtyard, the hooded woman leaps from table to table, causing a commotion. The heavy iron gate slams down, cutting off the woman's escape. Several small armored guards enter the courtyard, wielding short spears, they attempt to push her back into a corner. The agile woman rolls under several tables emerging near the shrine. She deftly flips, swinging herself onto the roof of the brightly colored shrine. Smoke wafts from the cracks around the shrine's door, inside Corwyn can hear her footsteps on the roof. Four arrows impact the shrine, a moment too late. She leaps from the roof, rapidly approaches the red priest attending the fire, she places a knife to his throat. They back away slowly, more guards file into the courtyard, attempting to push her into the corner. She screams,
"Get back!" With her dagger at her hostage's throat, she slowly backs into the tavern, slamming and locking the door. She throws back her hood revealing a partially shaved head, pointing her knife at the mostly empty room, she screams,
"hostages!" Matt Grimmson recognizes the notorious woman. Before the village was destroyed, Matt and the town guards did their best to clear the surrounding jungle of her radical band of violent anarchists.

2013-08-03, 05:21 PM
Nazrat's goes from curious to utterly cold as the woman draws a blade up to someone's throat. With a slight snarl, he dips a hand into one of his belt pouches and pinches a bit of pork grease, rubbing it between his fingers as he gestures at the woman and speaks a strange word. Then, he takes a single deliberate step towards her and stops, raising his voice to draw her attention.

"Taking hostages? Despicable. Who are you? You're not from our village!"

The words don't matter, they're mostly to distract. Even has he speaks, the magic takes hold and coats the handle of her blade in slippery grease, making it quite difficult to hold to someone's throat - and hopefully causing her to drop it entirely.

The woman must make a DC 15 reflex save now to hold onto her dagger. She'll have to make another one on her turn to use it, or pick it up, depending on whether she succeeds in holding it. Unfortunately, it will only last until my next turn (darn being level 1).

2013-08-03, 08:54 PM
Nazrat's spell causes the hostage taker's knife to become slick. She finds it very difficult to hold on to her weapon, it nearly slips from her hands. She deftly plucks it from the air, holding the knife to the priest's throat. She slams the tavern door as she escapes inside.

2013-08-03, 09:09 PM
Corwyn hears the familiar expressions and knows that he is indeed talking to a being related to Azzur. Not that the possession and glowing runes weren't enough, but still. It is an honor to meet you, Tulapi, as it was to meet Azzur. I know not why Azzur chose to speak with me; I am not much special.

After hearing the news that the refugees would have to travel once more, he nods gravely. Whatever information you can give, or however you can expand on that, I would be most grateful. Those people deserve to live safely. How can their settlement survive long term?

2013-08-04, 04:42 PM
Tulapi speaks to Corwyn,
"Of course, we would be happy to go into further detail, to share information, in the hope that our actions will be of benefit to you. Looking into what you would call the future, we can see the high probability of a temple built by members of your group, it seems probable that shrine will remain, lasting millennia. Also we can see the high probability of a settlement founded on that location thriving, lasting several centuries before being abandoned. We see many obstacles along the road, there will be great contests if this road is traveled. We see the potential for great light and great darkness. Both are valid, neither is better, only different. Understand, three different groups have attempted to settle on the location your hosts will offer you. All previous attempts at settlements failed due to violence. With that being said, despite their unsuccessful efforts, helpful remnants of their civilizations can be found throughout the area. Ultimately we see a successful settlement to the benefit to your group. We are eager to see the results of Azzur's interaction with you, we wait in anticipation, hoping that he intends to finally speak to us again. Do you understand? Does this help you?"

2013-08-05, 08:29 AM
Ludo leaves the room and follows the crowd's attention until he sees Nazrat facing down the woman holding the priest. "What the hell is going on here?!" he asks as he catches Nazrat. Ludo watches him cast a spell and the attacker almost dropped her knife. "Leave the man alone, girl. No blood needs be shed. Put the knife down. Whatever you want, we can give you. We mean you no harm."

Local Lore to identify her: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]
Bluff: [roll2]
I have no intention of letting her go if I know who she is.

2013-08-05, 10:45 AM
"Well, Ludo, looks like we've got another situation. I've got a few spells left which might manage in this situation. Think you can distract her while I find another way in? Just mak sure she doesn't feel threatened enough to kill the hostage, yeah?"

Not really waiting for a response, Nazrat moves out of sight of the front door before looping around to come up to the side of the building containing the hostage-taker. He attempts to find a window or back door to sneak in through, or failing that, at least get a good look at the interior and what's happening within.

2013-08-05, 09:51 PM
Ludo recognizes the woman, her notorious gang of bandits has been responsible for a string of robberies and assaults. Their presence on the roads made it dangerous to travel. The woman shouts through the heavy wood door,
"I'm not here to make friends and I'm not here to make enemies, here's what we're going to do. We're going to get that gate open, I'm going to take Red as a hostage, as soon as we're on the mainland, I let him go, I go on my way. No one gets hurt."
She sounds as if she believes Ludo is willing to make a deal.

Nazrat searches for a second way into the tavern. FlinJackflickinhootens is cut directly into the courtyard wall, the heavy wood door is framed by stone. The rear of the building is inaccessible, Although their are no windows on ground level, 10 feet directly above the heavy wood door is an open window. The doors on either side of the tavern lead to shops. On the ground, covered by several crates Nazrat finds a metal cellar door.

2013-08-05, 09:56 PM
Corwyn takes in this information with furrowed brows. I think I understand. So if we go down this road, there's potential for great success or failure. I have met up with a group of above average men, with powers that could help. He describes the group that fought off the warriors, and asks Would it be better for the group of us to stay with the settlement? Would it help them to better succeed if we do that?

Sorry to take so long to reply, got distracted. :smallredface:

2013-08-05, 10:49 PM
Tulapi holds up one hand, she growls at Corwyn,
"The founding of the settlement depends on heroic efforts by everyone involved. It is not clear, if your continued interaction with the settlement, will necessarily be to the benefit of everyone involved. Above average men, tend to attract above average enemies. There are many different paths you may explore, one is not better than the other, just different. You should know, bonding with these extraordinary men, will be of great benefit to you personally. Now go, your companions are currently involved in an effort to save my servant from a woman intent on violence. We will speak again." The red glow stops, the fire goes out, the red priestess tumbles to the floor. The door opens behind Corwyn, the priestess rises to her feet. Moving to the corner, she chugs water from a large clay pot.

2013-08-05, 11:12 PM
Slightly shaken by the turn of events, he nonetheless bows to the woman and strides quickly toward the door. Opening it, he sees the commotion outside, with Nazrat and Ludo in the middle of it. Running quickly over to them, he asks them to catch him up on the situation.

There seems to be two openings, from what you say. Perhaps you, Nazrat, can look on from the window while I go in through the cellar door. If one of you gives a code word, I can burst through the door and surprise her. Hopefully, Guardsman Grimmson can catch on and help as well.

Possible idea: Use Enlarge Person on the hostage to make her lose her grip on him, and then we spring onto her.

2013-08-06, 08:32 AM
"It's our ship, love. You are more than welcome to take it, just let us get our materials off of it and give us the priest. We don't want bloodshed any more than you do, especially not the blood of such a beautiful and talented woman." He looks at Corwyn and shrugs his shoulders.

This should just be a continuation of the previous bluff check, which I hope scored high enough for her to buy my words.

"I think I have her attention..." He whispers to Corwyn. "Go help Nazrat find a way in. I'll do my best to either get her out here or keep her RIGHT there. Good luck and godspeed." He takes a deep breath. "Look... I'm going to come in, okay? I want to talk. I know you don't want friends, but it sure sounds like you could use one right about now. Unless you're willing to come out here, I'm going to come in. ALONE." He says the last word a bit more loudly and winks at Corwyn.

2013-08-06, 08:44 AM
Nazrat nods to Ludo and signals to Corwyn that he needs a boost to get into the window above. He attempts to use that lift to grab the ledge and scramble inside quietly, then looks around to see where he is.

Acrobatics to get in (hopefully this will make a climb check unnecessary, but I'll roll one anyway afterwards - I'm also looking for Corwyn to give me an 'aid another' on this, since I'm basically asking him non-verbally to boost me up.): [roll0]

Climb check (hopefully, I don't actually need this, since I'm really bad at it): [roll1]

And move silent check, because I'm attempting to do this quietly: [roll2]

EDIT: I've definitely been playing too much 4e. There is no Acrobatics skill in 3.5. I suppose I'll just take the climb check, since 'tumble' is highly inappropriate for this - I'm not going to try jumping through the window or anything silly like that.

2013-08-06, 09:30 AM
Corwyn cups his hands and gestures to Nazrat to step into them to push himself up.

Aid Another climb check: [roll0]

2013-08-06, 06:47 PM
Sorry about that, thanks CryWolfCorrupt

Corwyn provides a helpful boost, Nazrat rolls into the upper window, landing on the wood floor with a loud thump. Nazrat finds himself in an unoccupied guest room. In the room there are two beds, a small shelf and a table. Outside the guest room is a hallway leading to seven other empty guest rooms, and a large staircase going down. From the top of the stairs Nazrat can hear at least four people talking in the tavern below. In the courtyard, Ludo argues with the hostage taker, about who is going to act first. The desperate woman demands that Ludo convince the guards to open the gate, before she allows him inside. Corwyn watches Nazrat scramble up the side of the tavern, at Corwyn's feet are two metal cellar doors covered by heavy crates.

2013-08-06, 09:32 PM
Corwyn eyes the metal cellar doors and heavy crates, and makes a split second decision. There is no way I can move those without arousing suspicion, he thinks as he moves to climb the wall where Nazrat had gone up. With a heave, he pulls himself up and tries his best to be quiet.

Climb check: [roll0]

Move Silently check: [roll1]

When he makes it inside, he speaks to Nazrat softly, The other avenue of entrance was unfeasible. What is our next course of action?

2013-08-07, 11:21 AM
Corwyn struggles to climb the rough stone blocks, which make up the courtyard wall. Nearly slipping twice, he manages to pull himself into the second story window. Corwyn gently steps onto the old wood floor, he silently makes it into the hall where Nazrat stands. Nazrat and Corwyn stand at the top of a large staircase. At the bottom of the stairs is the center of the tavern, a few feet from the bottom of the stairs, the hostage taker negotiates though the door.

An entourage of finely dressed locals make their way through the courtyard. An older man with mutton chops, asks a guard standing near Ludo about the situation.

2013-08-07, 11:40 AM
Ludo attempts to keep the woman under control, but he can hear her will breaking down slowly. "Please, I can't let you out of here with the priest's life in danger. You have to understand all I want is for everyone to get out of here alive and unharmed. I just want to come in, no one else. Just me." He slowly opens the door just a crack.

Just in case I need to push her will, I'll attempt another diplomacy check and bluff check to add to her doubts.
Diplomacy: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]
If either of these rolls work and her guard is finally down, I want to cast Charm Person DC12 Wis as well... fingers crossed that these checks work out.

"I'm coming in now... Alone." Ludo wonders what could possibly be taking Nazrat and Corwyn so long to find their way in. He hears a commotion behind him and looks over his shoulder before proceeding inside to see several very well-dressed individuals looking and pointing at him. His unease doubles as he slowly presses the door open a bit further.

2013-08-07, 11:44 AM
Nazrat studies the tableau below with care, deciding his best course. He is startled and almost yelps when Corwyn appears at his side, but manages to stifle it.

Carefully, he whispers, "I have a summoning spell, which can call up a useful minion for a few moments, enough for a distraction to get the hostage away. I also have an enchantment that will make someone much bigger - it would greatly increase a person's grappling ability. Should last about a minute. If you want, we go down the stairs, I place the enhancement on you, and you rush her. Or I use the summoning spell, and you rush her. Either way, we'll need to surprise her to get the hostage away without risking his life."

2013-08-07, 11:56 AM
Corwyn considers Nazrat's words for a moment. I agree that we need surprise, he says. However, my skills focus more on agility and dexterity than strength and brute force, so increasing my size may very well only hinder me. Perhaps you can enlarge the priest, surprise her that way; but no, that's too dangerous for the priest.

Nodding, he says, Summon your minion; I will assume that when you stop talking it appears, and will rush her as soon as you end. With any luck, she will be sufficiently distracted for me to incapacitate her.

2013-08-07, 12:10 PM
Nazrat nods. "The summoning takes longer than a normal spell. Get as close as you dare while I'm casting - the creature will attempt to maul her as soon as it appears, that will be your chance to act. I hear Ludo coming through the door - I will try to time it for when he gets inside, he might be able to help."

Then, Nazrat concentrates on his summoning, attempting to speak the required words quietly so as not to attract attention.

Summon monster (Celestial Badger), behind her so she will be considered flanked by the monster and her hostage. It takes a full round to summon, so on my next initiative it will appear and do a full-attack, w/rage & smite. All that does is change the -1 damage mods to +1 damage mods, with a +2 damage mod on the first attack if she's evil. I'll roll for attacks & damage when appropriate.

2013-08-07, 12:27 PM
Corwyn walks at half speed down the stairs, making sure to be as silent as possible. Once at the bottom, he readies himself to strike when the summon appears.

Move Silently: [roll0]

Readied action to strike (nonlethally, at no penalty) when the badger appears.

2013-08-07, 06:46 PM
For a moment the woman stops talking, the heavy latch on the tavern door is lifted, Ludo slowly pushes open the tavern's door. In the back Matt Grimmson, Adela, and the innkeeper stand next to a large table. The hostage taker leans against the near wall, with her knife pressed tight against the priest's red skin. The hostage taker attempts to negotiate her escape. When Ludo believes he has gained her confidence, he attempts his charm spell. She recognizes the incantation, she's familiar with it. When Ludo asks her to take her knife away from the priest's throat, she complies, by throwing her dagger at Ludo. The knife strikes Ludo's thigh, it penetrates deep, dealing 4 points of damage. The red priest escapes from his unarmed captors grip, he runs out the front door. Behind the bandit, a celestial badger materializes from a golden light. The brawny weasel slashes at the bandit's legs, dragging it's razor sharp claws through her exposed flesh. She cries out in pain, from the shadows Corwyn prepares to strike.

2013-08-07, 06:50 PM
Corwyn hears Ludo walk in, trying to talk the woman down. It does not appear to work, sadly, as he hears a dull impact signifying a thrown object hitting flesh. He rushes down, careless of silence now as he sees the priest scamper away and the holy badger attack the woman. Corwyn moves to flank the woman with the badger and lashes out, seeking to incapacitate.


Potential (nonlethal) damage: [roll2]

And if he downs her with the first strike, of course, he won't hit her again.

2013-08-07, 07:02 PM
Badger attack!

Attack: Claw/Claw/Bite
[roll0] damage: [roll1] (+1 smite damage, if evil)
[roll2] damage: [roll3]
[roll4] damage: [roll5]

All are 20x2 crit.

At the beginning of my next action, the badger fades from reality. Until then, it can take an AoO and act as a flanking buddy.

Having completed his spell, Nazrat readies himself to cast his only attack spell should it be needed.

Ready an action: Cast Lesser Electric Orb if the woman attempts to flee.

2013-08-07, 07:30 PM
Corwyn flies from the shadows into the tavern's main hall. He deals a crushing blow across the bandit's face, breaking her nose. Blood projects from her broken nose as she curses Corwyn. The holy badger slashes viciously at her Achilles tendon, she screams in pain, hitting the floor. The woman produces a smoke stick from her belt, pulling it apart, the room fills with thick smoke. She attempts to escape past Nazrat, up the stairs.

2013-08-07, 07:39 PM
The smoke stick blocks Nazrat's line of sight momentarily, but fortunately her path of escape is right by him. As the woman comes towards him, Nazrat fires off a dazzling ball of electric energy.

Ready action triggered when I see her running.
Ranged touch attack to hit: [roll]1d20+2[/rolll] Damage: [roll0] electricity damage

2013-08-07, 08:29 PM
The electric orb strikes the woman as she rushes up the stairs. The shock knocks her unconscious, her limp body tumbles to the floor. The smoke clears out the open tavern door, curious locals gather around.

2013-08-07, 09:32 PM
Ludo carefully nurses the dagger protruding from his leg. "Ahh, curse her... I didn't think her to be fluent in magic." Silently, he curses himself for being so impulsive and not thinking through things. His tongue had gotten him in trouble again. He tried to pull the dagger out, but the pain was excruciating. He had never taken a blade that way before, and suddenly all of those days of talking his way out of every situation he found himself in came flooding back behind his eyes.

2013-08-07, 10:25 PM
Corwyn sees Ludo nursing his leg and hurries over to the injured man. Here, let me see if I can help, he says as he takes some fabric from his backpack. He firmly grips the knife's handle and pulls it out as painlessly as he can, which is still too painful as Ludo's pained grimace plainly says. Winding the strips of fabric around the wound, he tries to staunch the bleeding as well as he can.

Take 10 for heal check for result of 13; Ludo could aid another for a total of 15.

2013-08-07, 10:56 PM
Ludo's wound is properly bandaged, he's taken to a nearby bench, he rests his wounded leg. Blood pours from the bandit's nose, creating a pool at the bottom of the stairs, she lays face down, unconscious. Adela and her husband approach the party. Adela offers Ludo a powerful liquor to ease his pain. Her husband speaks,
"Thank you, that was amazing! You're heroes, I had a good feeling the moment I saw your boat. I'm Flin, I run this place" The small innkeeper takes the coin purse from his belt, he offers it to the party. "I can't thank you enough," He then turns to the crowd, "I say, a feast is in order, come one and all and feast, in honor of these brave men." He turns back to the party, "my friends, you have my gratitude and hospitality, ask for anything you need." He addresses Ludo, "I will be back shortly with our best healer, you're going to be fine." The innkeeper leaves the tavern, pushing through the crowd.

By nightfall the tavern is filled to capacity, everyone is toasting the day's heroes. The bandit sits uncomfortably in a small cell, cursing her luck, plotting her escape. Ludo's wound is magically closed, everyone is relaxed and enjoying the pleasant evening. Adela jokes with everyone, while pouring gallons of drink. A singer in a purple suit occasionally entertains those gathered by playing a song. Recently he talk-singed a song, only occasionally plucking his lute, it was different, the locals seemed to enjoy it. The courtyard is quiet, a colorful flock of birds roost on an overhang. In the corner the red priest prays silently, tending the ceremonial fire.

The innkeeper's purse contains 64 gold coins

2013-08-07, 11:11 PM
Corwyn gathers Nazrat, Ludo, and Matt into his room in order to explain to them what yet another aspect of the moon had told to him. My friends, it seems as though this place is not where our refugees are meant to to be, as it seems the future is fluid and not set in stone. The higher ups of this town seek to drive our people out, and onto a land that is rather more hostile. Ultimately, though, Tulapi said that the refugees will be successful, though the prophecies have been hit or miss as of late.

As well, Tulapi said that it may be better if we were to not linger with the refugees as they set up their settlement. We are strong together, perhaps too strong; we may attract unwanted attention from creatures wanting to prove themselves.

He shrugs and says, Of course, I will not force you to stay or go; for I do not have many attachments to these refugees, with you, Matt, being one of the only ones. These people do need help getting settled, though, and I will aid them to the best of my ability. What are your thoughts on this?

2013-08-07, 11:31 PM
Ludo rests on his bed, shaking his head. "You're right. I could tell from the first moment being here that we do not belong." He retells the story of what he overheard behind the small door in the other building. "I don't know who this Jan character is, but he sounds like trouble. We should see if we can find this South Shore and find this council. Maybe then we can find out what the hell is going on here." He stands to reach for his bag, grimacing again but working through the pain to overcome it. "If we can find the woman with the letters, I'm guessing a gnome if I remember correctly, and their blasted council of trade lords. Myth back home was that there was some underground Gnome supply group connected to the mainland. I don't know. But I do know that if they're any sort of traders, they know the Alarra name. And if that gets us a meeting with them, then we should take it. Also, I think I should go talk to the bandit woman. She must know something about all of this. After all, she had the foresight to stow away before we were attacked.. she would never have had time to do so while we were all in chaos from the attack." He lifts his leg with his arms and swings it onto the bed. He wishes everyone a good night and attempts to go to sleep. But thoughts of conspiracy and coup plague his dreams.

2013-08-08, 06:56 AM
Nazrat nods thoughtfully. "I'm not sure how much I trust these moon-beings. As powerful and old as they claim to be, they are just as obviously biased and fallible, the same as anyone else. Take what they say as learned opinion and not as gospel. And I think they have their own agendas as well."

Nazrat considers what he knows about the area. "I was already contemplating moving the people to the mainland nearby. Those little swarming monsters we fought on the Northern shore were...unfriendly annoying, but also seemed quite unintelligent and little more than a dangerous nuisance. With a dozen men with locked shield and spear, a couple of archers, and a small team of workers, we could clear a section of shore large enough to build fortifications. With fortifications, the town guards could hold the creatures indefinitely, so long as nothing stronger appeared. The people could then expand from there. And I think after the initial wave of the creatures had been repelled, they would give a colony space. Or else attack en-mass, requiring retreat. Regardless, it may be worth a try. And the traders on this island may be convinced to fund such an expedition and settlement, if they are unwilling to house refugees."

Nazrat shrugs after his long-winded speech. "Just something I've been thinking on."

Grimsage Matt
2013-08-08, 03:27 PM
Matt looks thoughtful. While he had been knocked out while drinking and missed most of this, he is not a man of many words, not a complicated sort.

"I am duty bound to protect the townsfolk. However, there are a few ways that I can protect them. First, I stay among them and act as blade and shield. Second, if my presence would endanger them, then I send a portion of all I earn to them to fund the town guard.

As you say our presence would cause trouble, and it comes from a fairly reliable source, it would seem that the second path would be the one that I must follow. But we must find out what is causing the troubles along the north shore, and what has stirred up its folk to war.

As for the beasts, I would agree with Nazrat. But I would recomend setting more then a few traps, maybe see if hunters and woodsfolk from nearby can be bargained with, maybe strike up a trade alliance with a few of the nearby folk, gain a few allies for the town."

2013-08-08, 04:32 PM
The party enjoys a peaceful night, early next morning, Adela and Flin thoroughly clean the mess from last night's festivities. Flin peers out his open door to a dreary, grey morning. Rain gathers in large puddles, everything is soggy. Across the courtyard the ceremonial fire has been moved inside the shrine's door. The guards shelter in their towers, the townsfolk remain in their homes. Later that morning the party is roused by the delicious smell of frying breakfast meats. Downstairs, the tavern is filled with happy refugees, enjoying comfort, safety, and warm food, for the first time in days. Adela emerges from the kitchen, pushing through swinging wooden doors, balancing four large trays of food. Tables are full of large extended peasant families, breaking bread, giving thanks for their survival. Captain Alarra motions for anyone from the party, wandering downstairs to join his table. A generous helping of food is spread from one end of the table to another. At the table, Annamarie and Marigold, cleaned and properly presented, chat endlessly, while gingerly eating their meal. Ludo's two young nephews pile their square wood plates high, taking full advantage. Ludo's brother sits on his father's left, he ignores the half-eaten piece of bread on his plate. He sits with a concerned look on his face, as he writes several letters on his lap.

2013-08-08, 04:56 PM
Nazrat rises early and gets a seat at the bar to ask for breakfast. Over his meal he makes small talk with the innkeep and staff.

Once the others come down from their rooms, he catches the innkeep's eye and asks, "I'm certain that something was decided last night in regards to us. I am equally certain you know what it was. Care to break the bad news?"

2013-08-08, 05:35 PM
Flin shakes his head, he says to Nazrat, "the rain won't stop, my basement is wet, I'm afraid I'll have to move all my supplies up here. Course the news you want, is coming in right now." Flin points across the room to a well dressed female local. She pushes open the heavy tavern door. Making her way to Captain Alarra's table, she greets the captain, hand delivering a sealed letter. The captain and the messenger discuss details, Captain Alarra inspects the note. A nobleman named Jan wishes to speak with the captain and other village leaders to discuss relocation. The letter requests a meeting at noon in the nobleman's office.

2013-08-12, 12:02 PM
Captain Alarra gathers Nazrat, his sons, Corwyn, and Matt, as they come downstairs. He explains the situation, Captain Alarra wants everyone to come with him to meet with Jan. As the day progresses, the rain continues, a well dressed female messenger arrives at the tavern, she informs Captain Alarra that Jan is ready to meet. The party quickly make their way across the courtyard, though the mud and pouring rain. A wood door made for a medium creature is cut into the stone wall, opening it reveals an elegant office. Tall bookcases line the walls, each one filled with classic works, a small ornate wood desk sits facing the door, to the left a small plainer desk faces the right wall.

The messenger motions everyone inside, she recites,
"presenting Jan Hattenaoten, learned elder, master of the forces of nature, guardian of the shrine of Tulapi, light of our people." Behind the ornate desk stands Jan, he acknowledges the party, he singles out captain Alarra, he says,
"your reputation for cunning in commerce is known to us. It's an honor to meet you, I'm sorry I wasn't able to earlier, I was on business of my own. It seems we have a tricky situation here, I've been told what happened to your homes, I'm deeply sorry. I would have liked to have given you shelter here, that opinion however, is quite unpopular, they say it's unthinkable."

Jan's assistant sits quietly on the left wall, she writes with quill and ink, Jan continues,
"It's not all bad, I'm quite determined to help you," Jan flips through an old brown book, he stops at a specific page. He reads,
"The first of our kind to arrived here, settled on the West shore of the Tibi River. The settlement survived a decade before it was abandoned." Jan looks up, he says,
"My people moved to this island for protection and trade, our old village was built on rich farmland, I think it would be a perfect location to resettle your population. Think about it, either way I've ordered my people to load your boat with supplies. If you accept, I can temporarily post a contingent of soldiers, to help build fortifications and keep the goblins at bay. There's no reasoning with those beasts, they only understand violence. Think about my offer, either way, I've ordered my people to load your boat with fresh supplies. I know the six of you hold great influence, I'm sure your people will follow your lead." Jan dismisses the party to discuss his proposal.

A high enough sense motive check will reveal Jan's intentions

Everyone receives a Masterwork weapon from the supplies Jan offers

2013-08-12, 01:15 PM
Nazrat listens carefully, but does not reply directly. He's quite polite, but decides it's best to keep his own council until he can talk to the others without...immediate witnesses.

Sense motive, just because. [roll0]
Also, most appropriate Knowledge check to determine how best to proceed with such a resettling. [roll1] (I'll assume it's not a knowledge Arcana or Psionics check).

2013-08-12, 01:52 PM
Corwyn also keeps his silence, though his mind is flying. Guardian of the Shrine of Tulapi? Should I mention my interaction with the aspect? he wonders as he selects a finely crafted longbow from the offered supplies.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

Yeah, I got nothing.

2013-08-12, 10:16 PM
The party is shown out by Jan's assistant, she leads the party to the tavern across the courtyard, through the pouring rain. Once inside she introduces herself as Lila, she promises to act as an intermediary between Jan and the refugees. She says to Captain Alarra,
"Jan Hattenaoten is one our wise and trustworthy elders, I'm sure he will do whatever he can to help your people, he's a good man." She continues, "On the morrow, when the rain has stopped we will take a small boat to scout the shore, you can see the location for yourselves." Lila takes her leave, she runs through the courtyard to escape the downpour, she enters a door along the far wall.

The tavern is busy, filled with mostly humans, Flin and Adela struggle up the stairs, bringing soaking wet crates from the basement to the kitchen. Several tables are filled with peasants, playing games of chance with cards and dice, attempting to pass the time. A crowd forms around the entrance of the tavern, concerned refugees demand answers about their future. Captain Alarra informs the people about the resettlement location on the West shore, he tells everyone he plans to visit the site before accepting or rejecting the offer. Many of the villagers express interest in seeing the location.

While Captain Alarra speaks to some people, others question Nazrat about the dangers of settling in a new unfamiliar land. In legend the land is known for the adventures of the hero Irserdes, who encountered mythical creatures like the Pegasus and the Roc, while battling a group of evil mages and their undead minions. Nazrat knows that geographically the new village is close to the old village, with only a few miles separating them as the crow flies. The climate will remain consistent, the terrain is rocky with many changes in elevation. Caves and underground networks will be common, valuable minerals and rare gems may be available. Hunters will find, the game available from the jungle will be similar to the game found on the South shore. However Nazrat knows that magical spirits and savage brutes roam the wilderness, trolls, orcs, goblins, giants and fey. Human nobles have made several attempts at conquering the land, with no success, as a result the land remains in a state of anarchy. Ruins of old forts or settlements can be found in key locations, most likely providing salvageable material. The gnomes of the area built their homes on stilts, for defense and to accommodate the river's annual flood. The thick jungle will provide an excellent opportunity to put in place a city in the trees.

The party has an opportunity to rest, as the rain continues through the evening, finally stopping near dawn the next day. Captain Alarra rouses the party early, Lila and a contingent from the fort are ready to disembark. With everyone assembled, Captain Alarra makes his way out of the main gate to the dock. On board the barge, Richard waves, he directs small locals on where to load dozens of different crates. Alongside the barge is a large rowboat, several local archers sit in light armor, under their blue tunics. Lila and Florn greet the party, the boat pushes off, the solders efficiently row upriver, keeping close to the shore. They come upon a leopard, drinking from the river, one of the archers shoots at it, but misses, the cat escapes into the tall grass. Lila warns that big cats are a real danger to livestock and people. Further up river something else rustles through the tall grass but never materializes, the edgy archers sit back down and continue to row. Finally the boat approaches the site of the old gnome settlement. Rowing the boat onto the rocky shore the contingent disembarks, the land beyond the shore is thick with green vegetation. Among the trees, standing on stilts eighteen feet high is the ruined skeleton of the gnome grand hall. The building is missing it's roof, countless vines crawl along every wall, most of the other buildings have long since fallen. The jungle encroaches on the old village, concealing it among the trees, next to the grand hall is a colossal fig tree, several hundred years old and rich in ripe fruit.

The group pushes deeper into the forest, countless birds sing, occasionally taking flight, sending collected rain water falling from the leaves overhead. Leading the way, Captain Alarra trips, stumbling to his hands and knees, he announces that he has found something. 30 headstones stick out of the ground a few inches, each one is marked with gnome script. Nearby is the ruins of a gnome temple, it's stone walls still standing. The door and roof have long since rotted away, inside a dozen skeletons worth of bones lay scattered along the dirt floor, the shattered remains of a large polished glass mirror lay scattered across the ground. A metal rod has fallen, it lays on the ground, along with the tattered remains of a tapestry. On the back wall, a gold candelabra sits on a stone alter along with an oval polished purple stone.

2013-08-13, 08:30 AM
Ludo walks in slowly, examining the ruins. He helps his father to his feet and brandishes his Masterwork Kukri from Jan's stash. He cuts some of the overgrowth to make it easier for everyone else to come in. His first move is to go and examine the tapestry.

Local Lore: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]
He is also going to prepare Color Spray in case he is startled by something.

2013-08-13, 10:58 AM
Corwyn walks carefully among the rubble of the temple, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

Spot check: [roll0]

Listen check: [roll1]

2013-08-13, 12:33 PM
Nazrat examines the dilapidated building with a critical eye. The first thing they would need to do is create some form of fortification against possible attacks, and starting from a well built structure would make that significantly easier.

"Well, it looks like we can make a good start today. What do you think, post some guards and set to work? We'll need lots of lumber just to get started, and felling trees this old is hard work."

Already, plans are forming in his head for the next few steps - with the prevalance of caves nearby, quarrying stone for use as a more permanent building material should be simple, and stone walls taller than a goblin could jump would make this area a veritable fortress. He planned it out in his head and mentally noted several trees to leave standing as archer's posts. It was unlikely that his 'city in the trees' idea would work out well in the short term - the threat from the goblins was too immediate. But there was plenty of forest to work with, and such endeavors are best saved for when you have very limited land areas to work with. However, archer's nests were pretty easy to set up and worked quite well.

2013-08-13, 06:26 PM
Ludo leads the way into the ruined temple, he rushes to examine the tattered tapestry ignoring everything else in the room. The tapestry is worn, large portions are missing. Red and blue threads stand out against the dull brown, the tapestry displays a seated gnome king meeting a human woman in red, she presents him with a sword. Next the king and his assembled knights are seen charging three large men. Next a scene of the battle, with the king using his blade to decapitate all three giants. Next the gnome king and the human woman are wed, this part of the tapestry is heavily damaged, nothing beyond it remains. The metal rod the tapestry is attached to would stretch the length of the temple, Ludo knows he only possesses one quarter of the story.

Corwyn slowly enters the temple, he notices the shattered mirror, he notices inside the pile of bone, a purple light reflecting back at him. Corwyn examines the artifact, it is a purple gem, less than one inch long, rectangular in shape. It does not appear to be a precious stone, it is engraved on every surface in an uncommon script. Walking with the gem in hand, Corwyn notices the purple gem on the alter, they appear to be made of the same material, the larger stone has is without markings.

Nazrat does not enter the temple, instead discussing his plans for defense with Lila, Florn, and the senior guard. Each of the guards are equipped with axes, Nazrat is informed that a troop can be quickly assembled to start felling trees. Another group can get to work on archer posts in the trees. Everyone stops, an uncanny groan echos against the trees, a loud cracking sound draws everyone's attention. Several hundred yards deeper into the jungle, a colossal tree falls, crashing to the forest floor. Shouts and hoots can be heard, the lumberjacks cheer their success. Florn turns to the guard captain and says,
"Your men work fast." The guard captain wears a concerned look on his face, he draws his bow saying,
"I have not dispatched any men to start felling trees, I will scout the surrounding area, we are obviously not alone."

2013-08-14, 01:36 PM
Corwyn also hears the crash of the falling tree, and jogs over to Nazrat and his comrades. He is able to hear the tail end of their conversation, and draws an arrow from his quiver with trembling hands. He curses; that happens every time he's drawn an arrow.

What is wrong, Nazrat? he asks. Do we have unwanted company?

2013-08-14, 02:13 PM
Nazrat meets Corwyn half way, already heading in the direction of the abandoned building. "Sound like we've got company. Don't know if they're actively hostile, but given where we are we can probably assume so. The guards are going to send some people in the direction of the noise, and I think we should join them, maybe bring the others."

2013-08-14, 02:45 PM
The elven monk nods, though he stows his arrow until the need arises. I shall gather Guardsmans Alarra and Grimmson, that we may face the opposition together.

With that, he bounds through the ruins. Finding Grimmson and Ludo, he brings them back to Nazrat as fast as he can.

2013-08-15, 10:11 AM
"This place seems like an ideal location to build a fortification and it sounds as though the men have already started." When he catches up with Corwyn and Nazrat, there is a troubling feeling in the air. Ludo's eyes shadow over and turn a soft blue. "What's going on? Is there a problem with the people?"

2013-08-15, 10:49 AM
Corwyn, Nazrat, Ludo, and Matt Grimmson, along with a handful of gnome guards, make their way into the thick jungle. Between the tall hardwoods, are countless vines and smaller plants, the path through the jungle is difficult and slow. Several hundred yard into the forest, men can be heard talking in an uncommon tongue, they seem happy, often shouting and laughing. The guard captain and a few of his men, climb to the top of a rocky ridge. The captain motions for everyone else to join him. On the other side of the ridge are six lumberjacks, they wield long metal axes, they are in the process of chopping a fallen tree into many pieces. The large tree's dense leaves once blocked most light from reaching the jungle floor, now powerful rays of light shine through the hole left in the canopy. The six men below have not noticed the party, they appear to be young men, wearing basic animal skins, they're greenish skin and tusks stand out against their otherwise human features. The men laugh and sing, they work hard, cutting the massive tree into manageable pieces.

2013-08-15, 10:57 AM
Nazrat considers the scene below. Most of the green-skinned, scaleless humanoids are descended from the giant races (why, he has no idea, since giants come in many colors, none of them green). He attempts to determine which variety this is. What he wouldn't give for a spell of communication.

[roll0] Knowledge check for race of creatures below. Orc, troll, something else?

He shares what he knows with his companions, quietly.

2013-08-15, 04:39 PM
The lumberjacks appear oblivious to the party on the nearby ridge, they continue to work dismantling the tree. The men work hard, swinging their axes with great strength. Nazrat pays close attention, observing their physical features. All six men are taller than average, between six and seven feet, their features are mostly human, other than their green skin and large tusks erupting from their sizable underbite. Course black hair covers most of their heads, with portions shaved bald. Nazrat recalls the traders from the North shore he met on the barge, they too had large tusks, and skin with a green tint. Nazrat concludes, the creatures below are half orcs, he quietly shares this information with everyone.