View Full Version : [3.5] Opinion on 9th lvl feat for a shifter druid

2013-07-26, 03:45 PM
Hello playgrounder, I would like your help in selecting a feat for my character which just reach 9th level. (warning long and detailled explanation)

She's a gestalt character with the following build:
Druid 9//Barbarian 5/Weretouched master 4 (tiger)

Ability score:
Str: 14 Dex: 16 Con: 16 Int: 8 Wis: 20 Cha: 6
(Str is a little low but I got lot of way to improve it)

She's has the razorclaw trait.

She posses the following alternate class feature:

Shifter druid 1 (animal companion is replaced by beast spirit that give various bonus as you level up)
Shifter druid 4 (bonus to init and ref save instead of resist nature lure)
Shifter druid 5 (bonus to shifting instead of animal wild shape) (Yes I know it's much weaker but while I like wildshape for this character I prefer more shifting and I won't change it)
Barbarian Whirling frenzy instead of rage
City brawler variant (DR p349) (lose medium armor, shield and martial weapo, and gain Improved unarmed strike and two weapon fighting (unarmed strike only))

And my current feat are as follow:

Flaw: healing factor (heal 1hp per HD at the end of my shifting)
1st: shifter ferocity (continue fighting while disable or dying if shifting)
3rd: extra trait, longtooth
6th: Superior Unarmed strike
9th: ??????
weretouched master 2: shifter multiattack
weretouched master 4: Great Rend

My plan for level up are full druid on one side, finishing weretouched master (don't know yet if the errata will be used or not), then warshaper 4, and after that probably a little swordsage.
My normal fighting strategy is long term buff in the morning, one or more buff at the beginning of combat depending on situation and then pouncing charge the most dangerous looking threat.

I had a few idea for feat but I'm not sure:
Wild cohort to get back a companion (but the lack of share spell make me afraid it will be too weak)
Raging luck (ECS, grant 1 action point while raging, we're not in eberron but we use action point)
Longtooth elite (RoE, 1 con damage with bite attack)
Shifter savagery (RoE, but the increase damage don't stack with those I already fot form WTM and druid)
Improved natural attack (could be nice on my unarmed strike but does it stack with superior natural attack ?)
Snap kick (an additional attack is always great but that's one more -2 penalty and I already got the one from two weapon fighting)
edit: Minor Shapeshift (could be nice but druid don't have many polymorph spell to prepare)

(I couldn't find any, but if there's a feat that can add non-druid spell to my spell list that could be ideal)

So yeah I really don't know what to choose, I'm waiting on the wisdom of the playground. Any help is appreciate and thanks in advance.

2013-07-26, 04:23 PM
Quicken Spell could be useful. It's value is diminished because you can't use it while raging though.
Rashemi Elemental Summoning works nicely with the beast spirits ability to summon as a standard action. Adds some nice blasting via Orglashes.
Extra Shifter Trait - Dreamsight and Dreamsight Elite are handy but only worth the feats if you absolutely don't want to take spellcaster or summoner feats.
Extend, Sculpt and Chain Spell are always useful.

2013-07-26, 04:48 PM
If you're going for the heavy combat focus and have access to Dragon Magazine material, there is a feat called Beast Strike. It let's you combine your unarmed strike damage to you claw or slam damage. I think you may have to talk your DM into allowing Superior Unarmed Strike to count as Improved Unarmed Strike for pre-reqs...or I could learn to read and notice an ACF/variant gives it to you for free.:smallsmile:

Basically, the use of this is to get iteratives that deal unarmed strike damage plus claw damage. It's a decent mechanic, especially if you can meet the pre-reqs easily. Since you are rolling with a pretty high base attack bonus, this could be pretty useful. It also let's you benefit from both Improved Natural Attack (unarmed strike) and Improved Natural Attack (claw).

This is really only useful if you have the razorclaw trait, I guess, though maybe Weretouched Master is granting you a claw attack ....been a while since I looked at that PrC (good luck with the errata issue, it was significantly nerfed at least twice that I found).

2013-07-26, 05:32 PM
Quicken Spell could be useful. It's value is diminished because you can't use it while raging though.

I think the cost is too high and I have no way to reduce it, in addition I have one automatique quicken spell (3rd lvl or lower) per day with my beast spirit.

Rashemi Elemental Summoning works nicely with the beast spirits ability to summon as a standard action. Adds some nice blasting via Orglashes.

standard action summoning is not beofre 12th lvl but I'll think about it.

Extra Shifter Trait - Dreamsight and Dreamsight Elite are handy but only worth the feats if you absolutely don't want to take spellcaster or summoner feats.

extra shifter trait can only be taken once (normally, I'll get it a second time at 18th but that's a long way away.

Extend, Sculpt and Chain Spell are always useful.

I have a rod of extend and as for the rest I'm not enough of a spellcaster for it.

If you're going for the heavy combat focus and have access to Dragon Magazine material, there is a feat called Beast Strike. It let's you combine your unarmed strike damage to you claw or slam damage. I think you may have to talk your DM into allowing Superior Unarmed Strike to count as Improved Unarmed Strike for pre-reqs...or I could learn to read and notice an ACF/variant gives it to you for free.:smallsmile:

Basically, the use of this is to get iteratives that deal unarmed strike damage plus claw damage. It's a decent mechanic, especially if you can meet the pre-reqs easily. Since you are rolling with a pretty high base attack bonus, this could be pretty useful. It also let's you benefit from both Improved Natural Attack (unarmed strike) and Improved Natural Attack (claw).

I've completely forgotten that one, I'll definitelly ask if it's allowed. (dragon mag is on case by case basis)

This is really only useful if you have the razorclaw trait, I guess, though maybe Weretouched Master is granting you a claw attack ....been a while since I looked at that PrC (good luck with the errata issue, it was significantly nerfed at least twice that I found).

I do have it yes, as for the errata, the original capstone was too strong I think but the errata go too far in the other direction. I'll see what my DM say next level.

Thank you both for your suggestion.

2013-07-27, 10:29 AM
Okay I get a response from my DM beast strike is a no go. I already do too much damage at the moment. So I need a good feat but not one that increase my damage output. Any suggestion ?