View Full Version : Looking for ridiculous character ideas

2013-07-26, 05:12 PM
After a near tpk last session, I'm in the need of a new character. I'm looking for a ridiculous character idea. Such as a flying whale that shoots lightning, or a warforge ninja pirate on a t rex. ECL 10, with enough xp to be halfway to 11. Any wotc books and dragon are fair game. Third party situational. The sandwich Psion may be too ridiculous though. Every role in the party is open so any idea works. Thanks in advance! Let me know if you need anymore details. Optimization not required, but would appreciate it. Str of 50 wouldn't cause the dm to blink, to give an idea of how much op is ok.

2013-07-26, 05:17 PM
Feral Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale Half-Dragon? Gets wings, pounce and is terrifically strong. Low hit points though.

Another fun one would be a Thri-Kreen Warblade who dual wields greatswords

2013-07-26, 05:24 PM
Feral Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale Half-Dragon? Gets wings, pounce and is terrifically strong. Low hit points though.

Another fun one would be a Thri-Kreen Warblade who dual wields greatswords

That's more or less what I was thinking for the whale. But with rogue lvls.

2013-07-26, 05:27 PM
I think you could probably swing a pretty funny Tiny creature (jermalaine, petal, or muckdweller are the common choices), who does some battlefield control of some kind and then crawls around with his burrowing dire badger wild cohort to attack enemies isolated by the BFC. DFA comes to mind, some nice AoE early on, but a normal caster of some kind might work, too (as long as the RHD/LA for being Tiny isn't too much).

A Tiny trapmaker is also pretty cool. Stick on some Combat Trapsmith or whatever the normal builds call for, and go to town. Is there a template to reduce the size of a kobold to Tiny? Then you sneak around with your animal friend/mount and place the boom-boom sticks in the enemy's pocketses.

2013-07-26, 05:38 PM
I think you could probably swing a pretty funny Tiny creature (jermalaine, petal, or muckdweller are the common choices), who does some battlefield control of some kind and then crawls around with his burrowing dire badger wild cohort to attack enemies isolated by the BFC. DFA comes to mind, some nice AoE early on, but a normal caster of some kind might work, too (as long as the RHD/LA for being Tiny isn't too much).

A Tiny trapmaker is also pretty cool. Stick on some Combat Trapsmith or whatever the normal builds call for, and go to town. Is there a template to reduce the size of a kobold to Tiny? Then you sneak around with your animal friend/mount and place the boom-boom sticks in the enemy's pocketses.

Hm, I like the idea of putting bombs in people's pockets. I'll look into this, thanks.

2013-07-26, 05:57 PM
Skitterhaunt Sentry Ooze Hairy Spider. Get some LA+0 template that gives you one point of Int. Play as a small ooze-spider. Psion may be necessary, although Warlock could also work (and be hilarious).

Play a Tibbit Psion. Hire a commoner. Pretend that he is a sorcerer and your are his familiar.

Play a Tikiforged from a distant jungle island.

Play a chicken infested commoner.

Play a wizard focusing on summoning and binding. Go malconvoker. Grab thatnregional feat to hieghten the HD limit. Grab that spell from dragon that lets you bind things of 22-24 HD if you know thier truename. Put ranks into truespeak (maybe) and research the truename of some Elder Evils. gg re.

Go Dragonwrought Kobold. Grab Epic Feats, but not any broken ones. Grab a Soveriegn Archetype that doesn't bend the game over its knees, like Wyrm of War (Tiger Claw version). Grab a Psychoses rhat doesn't help you too much -more Nameless than Spellhoarding. Use the rules for qualifying for dragon blooded stuff as a dragon to enter a prestige class from level two. Use the most cheesy loopholes you can find and use them to build a character that isn't overpowered.

Make a build with 20 levels in twenty different classes with 20BAB. You still don't get penalties for multi passing by raw.

Play as an actual dragon - I hear that some of them are decent if you optimise them.

Remember that good=/=fun, but fun=/=bad. Pun-pun is good, but not fun. Fighter 20 is not that fun in and of itself.

Also, Dvati Dragonfire Adepts with metabreath feats and a breath weapon with a duration - such as the feat in dragon that gives any SLA a duration. Also, eighteenfold breath of tiamat.

2013-07-26, 06:09 PM
Pick something that can act as a mount. Get Leadership. Have your cohort ride you. Share the concept with your DM but not anyone else, and see if he will let you roleplay both characters. See how long it takes for everyone to figure out the mount is the real player character.

Bonus points if you can get the DM to break out laughing while the rest of the group looks around confused.

2013-07-26, 06:12 PM
Skitterhaunt Sentry Ooze Hairy Spider. Get some LA+0 template that gives you one point of Int. Play as a small ooze-spider. Psion may be necessary, although Warlock could also work (and be hilarious).

Doesn't work, I'm afraid. Skitterhaunt and Sentry Ooze aren't LA +0 templates - they're LA - templates, meaning that they're not valid for players to use.

A half fiend/celestial Hairy Spider, however, is completely kosher.

2013-07-26, 06:13 PM
A cultist who thinks that it's his literal duty to obliterate something insane ( a Elemental Plane, a major nation, a entire church of an legimant deity. It's his understanding that, with his holy rages of pure anger, he can do his holy work.

The thing is, he starts off as a bard.

Preferably, with DM assistance, this charecter could hide his "real" abilites, as he's not likely to gain another bard level his life, putting the rest of it into barbarian levels. With the help of the game master, the party will, at least at first, not know this: he's just a crap bard. At least, until ,during a big ol reveal of sorts.

2013-07-26, 06:18 PM
In the same vein as Pokonic, I once played a Warmage who pretended to be a Fighter. A terrible, terrible Fighter, mind you, but I was up there tripping with the "best" of them.

It wasn't until we were facing a TPK that I whipped out a fireball, and the other plyers demanded to know when I had bought a necklace of fireballs.:smallbiggrin:

2013-07-26, 06:20 PM
I think the chicken infested commoner may be a winner. That's the kind of crazy I need.

The whole wanting to destroy a plane reminds me of a character I never got to play; goal was to destroy the water plane using dust of dryness he had his followers craft non-stop.

2013-07-26, 06:30 PM
Pick something that can act as a mount. Get Leadership. Have your cohort ride you. Share the concept with your DM but not anyone else, and see if he will let you roleplay both characters. See how long it takes for everyone to figure out the mount is the real player character.

Bonus points if you can get the DM to break out laughing while the rest of the group looks around confused.

The character that just died was similar. I had an awakened tiger as my cohort, but no one knew it was awakened until 5 sessions in it talked. The look on the players' faces was priceless.

2013-07-26, 06:39 PM
That Crazy Cat Lady idea I saw here the other day comes to mind.


2013-07-26, 06:41 PM
Feral Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale Half-Dragon? Gets wings, pounce and is terrifically strong. Low hit points though.

Another fun one would be a Thri-Kreen Warblade who dual wields greatswords

Been there, done that. 1-hitted the BBEG, ticked off our DM. :smalltongue:

2013-07-26, 06:45 PM
Feral Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale Half-Dragon? Gets wings, pounce and is terrifically strong. Low hit points though.

Pull out half dragon, add dragonborn for wings, mineral warrior for DR.

You're a flying dragon whale made out of rocks.

2013-07-26, 06:45 PM
Play a wizard who is totally a slave to his familiar. Make it a cat, and adventure solely for the goal of procuring funds for fancy feast. Spend almost all your money on the cat. Magic items, rediculous toys, ect.

And then use cat-related spells. And use cat puns.

Of course, this can be any animal, just have the main character be completely subservient to it.

Alternatively, an oath-breaker. Try to break as many codes of conduct and class regulations as possible. Like an ex-monk, ex-paladin, ex-druid, ex cetera (pun).

2013-07-26, 06:48 PM
Kobold thrallherd with all your higher level believers as mineral warrior kobolds. This gives them burrow speeds. Keep them in an enveloping pit. It's a huge portable hole, so you can keep food and air down there. Kobolds can squeeze through spaces that a cat could, due to slight build (kobold web enhancement on wotc site).

Open up pit, kobolds come out, burrow all over battle field.

2013-07-26, 07:17 PM
Pull out half dragon, add dragonborn for wings, mineral warrior for DR.

You're a flying dragon whale made out of rocks.

Nope, Mineral Warrior gets ride of your ability to fly. You are a rock whale, but no wingy flight.

2013-07-26, 07:18 PM
Nope, Mineral Warrior gets ride of your ability to fly. You are a rock whale, but no wingy flight.

oh dang, those are pretty mutually exclusive templates

feathered wing graft?

an angel of stone and... whales?

2013-07-26, 07:20 PM
oh dang, those are pretty mutually exclusive templates

feathered wing graft?

an angel of stone and... whales?

The Stone Whangel? Hmmmm.... Or a Wharchon.

2013-07-26, 07:36 PM
That Crazy Cat Lady idea I saw here the other day comes to mind.


This is fantastic. And unlike the chicken infestation, don't have to worry about dm limiting free actions.

I like the oath breaker. We use fractional bab, but I still think it would be a brutal character to play. High saves though, hm.

What if I combine the chicken commoner with the cat lady? Constantly have cats chasing chickens everywhere.

2013-07-26, 07:47 PM
Have you heard of Grimlock, leader of the Dinobots?

Pinkie Pyro
2013-07-26, 07:53 PM
anything stopping you from playing a swarm of paladin bees?

2013-07-26, 08:14 PM
anything stopping you from playing a swarm of paladin bees?

Might be a bit much for the dm, but I'm intrigued. How does this work?

Pinkie Pyro
2013-07-26, 08:21 PM
Might be a bit much for the dm, but I'm intrigued. How does this work?

No clue, I just thought the concept was funny. A swarm is considered one creature, and I didn't see any rules saying that they can't have class levels...

though I can't seem to find the stats for a swarm of bees anywhere... might have to settle for hellwasps :smallsigh:

2013-07-26, 08:51 PM
I remember reading about some guy who played a bear and just maxed out charisma and bluffed everyone into thinking he was human except for one guy who saw through it and was eventually locked in an asylum for thinking that John Bear was a bear.

2013-07-26, 08:53 PM
I do believe that you are referring to the Classic Tale of Sir Bearington:

2013-07-26, 09:04 PM
At the rate you guys are giving me ideas I'm going to have to kill.my character off every week just to use them all. Sir Bearington is brilliant.

2013-07-26, 09:24 PM
Summoner or Nightmare Constructor Dread who is being pushed around and bullied by their Eidolon, a particularly vicious and bloody minded horror. Which is actually a celestial type being who is trying to get undercover by being "barely held under control" and tempting the forces of evil to try to loosen the leash..

2013-07-26, 09:30 PM
Nope, Mineral Warrior gets ride of your ability to fly. You are a rock whale, but no wingy flight.

Dragonborn and Mineral Warrior are both acquired, so you can add Dragonborn after Mineral Warrior and still get wings.

2013-07-26, 09:36 PM

Unarmed swordsage. And when ever you use a manuver, you say something utterly insane as the techniques name.

"Roaring Dragon Bakes Cookies!"

"Angry Lion Files Lawsuit!"

"Delicate Butterfly Levels Mountain!"

That kinda stuff.

Or, Either a Warlock or a Binder, who has max ranks in Sense Movtive, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Bluff, Knowledge: Law, Knowledge: Legal Proceedings, Knowledge: Nobility and Royalty, and Profession: Lawyer.

Think about it for a moment, you'll get it.

2013-07-27, 12:03 AM
Wasn't there a thread about a Barbarian pretending to be a wizard?

2013-07-27, 12:13 AM
Wasn't there a thread about a Barbarian pretending to be a wizard?

thats what i was going to suggest. one of the funniest things i have ever read

2013-07-27, 12:13 AM
Wasn't there a thread about a Barbarian pretending to be a wizard?

Korg the Magical? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=195049)

2013-07-27, 01:37 AM
At one point, I went to the effort to make up monster-as-PC stats for a single Shimmerling. Normally only encountered in swarms. Could be useful for a silly character.

A Shimmerling as a Character

-10 Str (minimum 1), +12 Dex, -10 Int (minimum 1, but see Nearly Mindless), +4 Wis, +8 Cha
Fey type
Fine. As a Fine creature, a Shimmerling receives a +8 size modifier to its attack bonus and Armor Class, a -16 modifier to all grapple checks, and a +16 size modifier to its hide checks.
A Shimmerling's base land speed is 5 ft. It also has a fly speed of 50 ft. (perfect)
As a fey, a Shimmerling has low-light vision.
Glow (Su): A Shimmerling glows in a single color of the rainbow. It sheds light equivalent to a candle when alone. When it desires to hide, it may mute its glow sufficeintly that it will not impede this effort.
Swarm (Ex): A Shimmerling may choose to join any Shimmerling Swarm as it forms, or that has already formed, simply by flying into that swarm's space. It becomes a part of the hive mind, and is not vulnerable to attack until it leaves the swarm or the swarm is dispersed. It may choose to leave the swarm at any time, simply by exiting the space the swarm occupies as a move action on the swarm's turn.
Hive Mind (Ex): While a member of a Shimmerling Swarm, a Shimmerling's mind is a part of the Swarm's Hive Mind. It is incapable of using any of its own class abilities, feats, or skills, though if its own intelligence is greater than 7, it raises the Swarm's intelligence to match its own as long as the Hive Mind remains intact. See the Shimmerling Swarm (MM3 p. 152) for further statistics.
Nearly Mindless (Ex): Most Shimmerlings are unsuitable as player characters, being no brighter than the basest of animals. A Shimmerling with enough intellect to actually formulate proper goals must have at least a 3 intelligence after its racial modifier is applied. Therefore, any PC Shimmerling must put at least a 13 into intelligence before racial modifiers.
Languages: Sylvan. Most of the very few Shimmerlings who seek a life of adventure learn common by spending skill points on the language.
Favored Class: Warlock
Level Adjustment: +2

It is a very rare member of this minute fey race that has the wherewithall to
seek out a life that is more than simple travel from flower to flower to feast
upon pollen and hide and avoid predators. Most only exhibit an intelligence and
purpose when a Swarm forms, and the Hive Mind's purpose all they ever know before it breaks apart into quiessence again. Those few who rise above the intelligence of their peers may become dissatisfied with this life, often realizing what they crave after being a part of a Swarm, and feeling empty and devoid of purpose once their brethren leave the Hive Mind. These unusual individuals leave their quiet forests, seeking out the bigger folk, sometimes for further vengeance, and sometimes for companionship with some who share their yen for...more.

2013-07-30, 09:47 AM
Another fun one would be a Thri-Kreen Warblade who dual wields greatswords

A daipsid or however you spell that word would work better for that, same LA and is already made to dual weild two handed weapons.

Also a couple days ago I read that a guy made a character that through mushrooms as his weapon, how brilliant is that. I think it was SowZ

2013-07-30, 05:41 PM
You could play Fistbeard Beardfist!


2013-07-30, 06:25 PM
You can do fun things with the Tauric template.

Tauric Kobold/Riding Dog with the Dragon wings feat — medium sized with +4 Str, +4 Con

Play a Sorcerer with the Draconic Breath Heritage feat (There's an ACF which gets you Draconic Heritage for free)

You're a true dragon, honest !

2013-07-30, 07:41 PM
A Warforged Warlock who is actually a Gnome in power armor.

If that isn't crazy enough: Warforged Spell-to-Power Erudite (who is actually a Gnome in power armor). Manifest Chained Fusion on the party, followed by Giant Size.

EDIT: Fusion isn't Chainable. There's probably still some way to cast it on multiple targets, though.

2013-07-30, 08:07 PM
This is my suggestion:

2013-07-30, 08:18 PM
You can do fun things with the Tauric template.

Tauric Kobold/Riding Dog with the Dragon wings feat — medium sized with +4 Str, +4 Con

Play a Sorcerer with the Draconic Breath Heritage feat (There's an ACF which gets you Draconic Heritage for free)

You're a true dragon, honest !

...How do you explain the extra set of limbs?

Manly Man
2013-07-30, 08:47 PM
You are a cherry blossom. During a festival, one in which there was a parade of people throwing flowers, a powerful Wizard had cast animate object on a basket of flowers to have them dance in the air as they were thrown; however, before the spell had ended, you were caught by yet another Wizard, one who breathed into you a mind, who gifted you with brilliance, who blessed you with a sense of self with the awaken spell. With but another enchantment, your mobility and thoughts were to be retained, for as long as you existed.

Following the one responsible for your psyche, you trained yourself to be his protector, the eyes in the back of his head, his right hand... his sword. After having been present when your creator had met with a strange man, talking about stranger things, you grew interested, and decided to learn the many techniques of which he spoke. In doing so, you became one of the most competent guardians your creator had ever seen.

However, it was all for naught; with the amount of power you had, you were still no match for the group of men who disabled and soon after killed your maker. You were ignored, as though you were a piece of rubbish, a shred of trash, a nothing. It was then that you swore on the gods above, below, and everywhere in between, that you would take vengeance on those who wronged both you and your master.


Here, we have an Awakened cherry blossom that has two levels as a Rogue, and however many else as a Swordsage, focusing on Shadow Hand stuff, if you wanna make it sound boring.

2013-07-30, 09:08 PM
- A Warforged Binder who dumps Cha and fails all his binding checks, coming under the influence of multiple vestiges at a time that fight with each other for control. He doesn't know that this isn't how pact magic is supposed to work and thinks the influences are a normal part of pacting. He's a bit of a doormat.

- A Dvati Swordsage who is fast gaining a reputation as the world's greatest assassin. His secret of course is that there are really two of him, letting him get the drop on targets who expect there to be one assailant.

...actually that last one wasn't very silly. I'll try again:

- A Hellbred Necromancer who is out to show the world that Necromancy can be used for good. He joins the clergy of a good-aligned deity, and since he can't lose his powers no matter how many undead he creates, they can't find a way to get rid of him. He parks zombies on standby near every orphanage in town in case a fire breaks out.

2013-07-30, 09:20 PM
Joaquim, the awakened elocator kineticist turtle who has a dozen greatswords floating about himself at all times.

(Cross inspired by a certain vampire from Castlevania and Mr. Pokeylope from Psychonauts.)

2013-07-30, 09:58 PM
I've been toying with an interesting character idea... A wizard crafter that accidently placed himself in an item. Monte Cook, who wrote the DMG, also wrote a sword and sorcery book, Book of Eldritch Might. He expands on Intelligent Item rules and an "Item Class." How cool would would an intelligent sword be that floats around and talks and casts spells!? He can even craft magical items! You have to take the proper feats but it is doable. You can create an image of yourself, use telikinetic hands to manipulate objects, cast spells, and if the party is wiped out you can escape cause you'll be viewed by opponents as treasure or some animated sword of the other party members. Being a 10th level wizard you can just teleport away when its convenient and find a new party :).

2013-07-30, 11:38 PM
Be a dwarf. Stat order of importance is as follows. STR>INT>CHA>CON>DEX>WIS. Start with one level of barbarian, then pick up warmage and never look back. Pick up improved grapple, along with extend rage, reckless rage, and extra rage to make it seem like your rage is advancing. Convince your party you're still a barbarian. Later, in some pivotal battle, grab the BBEG, pin him, and sock him in the stomach with a maximized/empowered shocking grasp. Your friends will be really confused. :biggrin:

2013-07-31, 01:01 AM
Play a Pixie Crusader with the Titan Bloodline to weild a gargantuan hammer.

2013-07-31, 01:24 AM
In PF ive been working on a Monkey themed summoner.My Eidolon is a Monkey I summon Celestial Monkeys and Mad Monkeys is the coolest spell ever.If there was anymore ways to add Monkeys to that which I havent thought of then Id say playing it

2013-07-31, 01:26 AM
In PF ive been working on a Monkey themed summoner.My Eidolon is a Monkey I summon Celestial Monkeys and Mad Monkeys is the coolest spell ever.If there was anymore ways to add Monkeys to that which I havent thought of then Id say playing it

Are you a Vanara? (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/uncommon-races/arg-vanaras)

2013-07-31, 02:26 AM
Are you a Vanara? (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/uncommon-races/arg-vanaras)

Well I didnt know they existed but taking a Cha penalty to a Cha based casting class seems counter-intuitive especially when im probably going to be the most experianced player at the table

On the other hand Leadership exists and a Vanara cohort would be a thing

2013-07-31, 02:51 AM
While were talking about pathfinder: be a Barbarian optimised around body bludgeon. Spend your entire adventuring career beating orcs with other orcs.

Martial artist 1/Barbarian X. Sunder spells with your head.

Be a Tetori monk, and play him up as a wrestler, masked or otherwise.

Battle buttler. Or ninja maid.

Play as Ahab.

2013-07-31, 03:37 AM
I know Beartington has been mentioned, i am just gonna leave this here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=280851).

Dvati fiend of possesion, one wears a clockwork armor, the other posseses it. Name them Stark and Jarvis.

2013-07-31, 03:55 AM
...How do you explain the extra set of limbs?

High Bluff skill.

2013-07-31, 04:07 AM
Wasn't there a thread about a Barbarian pretending to be a wizard?

Or the opposite: A Stalwart Battle Sorceror, focusing on using Stone Fist and Greater Mighty Wallop to deliver crazy amount of hurt through bludgeoning damage from the front line of battle?

2013-07-31, 06:56 AM
You could try for Gazebo Jones! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9823824&postcount=132)

2013-07-31, 07:08 AM
For silly character ideas, a fun way I've found to to hit the random button on tvtropes a bunch of times and go from there.

For instance, this progression: Weaponized Landmark (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WeaponizedLandmark), Glowing Eyelights of Undeath (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GlowingEyelightsOfUndeath), True Art Is Angsty (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TrueArtIsAngsty), Humans are Flawed (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HumansAreFlawed), Dark-Skinned Redhead (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarkSkinnedRedhead), Not Growing Up Sucks (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NotGrowingUpSucks), Evil Plan (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilPlan), Functional Magic (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FunctionalMagic)

So from that I get a character concept. "The character is a lich of some sort, forcibly or willingly turned from a child sorcerer. The fact that he is stuck in a child's body causes him a lot of trouble, and he lashes out at the world, creating undead monstrosities based on his perceived flaws with society. His end goal is to find and animate the bodies of some [plot device] in order to use them to make [some location] do [something terrible]."


Ok I made a BBEG, but the point still stands :smalltongue:

2013-07-31, 07:25 AM
If people are putting PF stuff up, Synthesist summoner whose eidolon battlesuit is a Power Ranger/Super Sentai suit. The summoning ritual is his transformation sequence, and all resources and evolution points should be spent in ensuring that things explode when you punch them as often as possible.
After a round or two with a boss use Greater Evolution Surge to grow in size.

2013-07-31, 07:43 AM
At the rate you guys are giving me ideas I'm going to have to kill.my character off every week just to use them all. Sir Bearington is brilliant.

There's a spell from Savage Species, Minor Servitor. It makes Animated Objects only they have mental stats, and therefore skills and feats.

Work with your DM to find a Level Adjust and play as a Small size pile of Shapesand. Shapesand can duplicate corpses or even the unanimated bodies of constructs. Standard action to change a volume of yourself based on your Wis score. You're essentially a construct version of a Doppelganger only you can be Dispel Magic-ed.

As you can appear as almost anything and Dispel Magic will "kill" you quite often, just get Dispelled every week and see how long it takes the other players to realize you've been re-skinning the same intelligent animated object character after every "death". :smallbiggrin:

2013-07-31, 10:40 AM
If people are putting PF stuff up, Synthesist summoner whose eidolon battlesuit is a Power Ranger/Super Sentai suit. The summoning ritual is his transformation sequence, and all resources and evolution points should be spent in ensuring that things explode when you punch them as often as possible.
After a round or two with a boss use Greater Evolution Surge to grow in size.

Alternatively play a Swordsage with Superior unarmed strike and a weapon and armor in a primary color with the called property's.

2013-07-31, 11:17 AM
You want ridiculous? How about immunity to All Damage except Acid damage? This includes non-lethal damage, but not ability damage (at least, not for 3 more levels...).

Race: Fire Gnome (from the Planar Handbook)
Class: Cleric 3/Paladin 2/Bone Knight 5 (Or Cleric 4/Paladin 1/Bone Knight 5 if you're ignoring Favored Class rules, and you can substitute Paladin for any Full BAB class)
Feats: Troll-blooded, serenity if you want to reduce MAD.
Skills: You'll need Knowledge(Local) 2 for some obscure spot in Faerun to get Troll-blooded, as well as Knowledge (Religion), Craft(Armorsmithing) and Ride to get into Bone Knight, so you'll probably want an int higher than 10.

Troll blooded gives you regen 1, bypassed by Fire & Acid. Fire Gnome makes you immune to fire. You could take Half-Green-Dragon as a template to be immune to acid as well, but that's got some severe downsides. Fire Gnomes are LA +1, which can be bought off cheaply at 3rd level, while LA+4 would mean you start with Bone Knight 1 at best. Bone Knight 4 makes you immune to non-lethal damage - which thakns to Troll Blooded means anything but Acid damage.

Oh yes, and you also happen to cast as a 7th level Cleric (or 8th), you've got a horde of undead under your control with class features that support that, and you ride a skeletal horse while wearing armor made of bones. All you need is a unit of Zombie Bagpipers and a Skeletal Death Metal Squad (wielding axes) and you're set. :xykon:

2013-07-31, 11:19 AM
Warforged Wu Jen/Warblade/Reforged/Green Star Adept (may need a houserule)

He's lost his armor plating, and realized it was a terrible mistake.

2013-07-31, 11:39 AM
For silly character ideas, a fun way I've found to to hit the random button on tvtropes a bunch of times and go from there.

For instance, this progression: Weaponized Landmark (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WeaponizedLandmark), Glowing Eyelights of Undeath (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GlowingEyelightsOfUndeath), True Art Is Angsty (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TrueArtIsAngsty), Humans are Flawed (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HumansAreFlawed), Dark-Skinned Redhead (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarkSkinnedRedhead), Not Growing Up Sucks (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NotGrowingUpSucks), Evil Plan (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilPlan), Functional Magic (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FunctionalMagic)

So from that I get a character concept. "The character is a lich of some sort, forcibly or willingly turned from a child sorcerer. The fact that he is stuck in a child's body causes him a lot of trouble, and he lashes out at the world, creating undead monstrosities based on his perceived flaws with society. His end goal is to find and animate the bodies of some [plot device] in order to use them to make [some location] do [something terrible]."


Ok I made a BBEG, but the point still stands :smalltongue:

I find your ideas intriguing, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

...Great, my first random trope was "Powered by a Forsaken Child!"

2013-07-31, 11:52 AM
Anthropomorphic bat ghost 5 (with LA buyoff) psion/thrallherd with the Illithid Grapple feat (x4)

Ia (pronounced eye-yah) is the misbegotten stillborn spawn of an elder evil that sleeps beneath an ocean of stars deep within the plane of dreams. The abomination has slept for so long that it has been forgotten by the rest of the multiverse. The elder god's name is unpronounceable by mortal tongues, though ancient scraps of parchment found by insane scholars refer to it as the Great and Terrible Cthulu, a word that means 'tentacled lord of madness' in the ancient language of creation.

Ia was born dead. Whatever horrid means of reproduction spawned him failed, and his corpse drifted through the ether for indeterminable eons before it fell into the heart of a collapsed star, compacting into a small black gemstone and dragging Ia's soul along for the ride. It surfaced shortly thereafter in the extradimensional space of a haversack, whose owner soon discovered it (much to his misfortune).

The ghostly abomination had seen many great and horrible things while drifting through ruins of etheric cities better left forgotten, but he had never encountered such a being as this fey. Curious, he drew closer, and found himself pulled into the pixie's body, and found that he now had corporeal form for the first time in his existence. Unfortunately for Edath (the pixie), Ia's presence warped him into a grotesque behemoth, binding his soul to the ghostly horror and rendering him all but recognizable from his former self. His face exploded in a mass of tentacles and eyes, as befits the residence of a horror from beyond.

Ia found himself in the land of eternal dusk, the Land of Faerie, a place (in its own way) as wonderful and terrible as the cold depths between the stars, inhabiting the mutated noble of the fair folk. He was driven out immediately upon discovery, and became prey for the Wild Hunt over the course of several months. He only just escaped capture through a (literal) rabbit hole, and in the way of Faerie he found himself falling through the cracks of reality.

That was this morning. Now he's accused of sneaking uninvited into the most exclusive tavern in the multiverse, threatened with extinction if he refuses to make reparations to a barman who is less than willing to understand that perhaps this undead abomination is merely a victim of circumstance.

Ia in his...err...natural form appears as a miniature version of his...father (or whatever descriptor you choose for the one who spawned him). He's a pudgy, pale, ghostly humanoid with a face full of tentacles and a pair of (rather useless) bat-like wings that spread out from his back. His hands are three-fingered claws, and a pair of gill-slits open in his neck, though whether he was meant to be aquatic is rather beside the point. His eyes are much like those of a squid, and his vague stare tends to be off-putting at best, as he never blinks, and his expression is alien and disturbing.

However, despite his recent misfortune, his personality is fairly cheerful, though many of the things he says make very little sense to most people. Insanity will do that to you, after all.

The body he inhabits is that of a pixie of ogre-like stature, its muscles bulging massively on its huge frame. Its hair is a pale ice-blue, and it has retained its withered fairy wings, though they're the same size they were when he was smaller, and are now useless for flight.

Ia was never given the chance to order the drink of life, though if he had he probably would have ordered a draught of cleverness and entertainment, with a chaser of confusion for those around him. Long millennia floating about in the deepest depths of the Great Wheel have given him an aversion to boredom, and he'll often use his intellect to cause trouble just to stave it off. His chaotic nature means that his version of 'entertainment' is rather skewed, however, and those around him are often at a loss as to what to think.

2013-07-31, 01:46 PM
Winged (template in Savage Species) Hadozee (Stormwrack race) Bard, pretty low LA and make sure your musical instrument is a hurdy gurdy.

You are now a flying monkey with one of the most ridiculous instruments ever invented.

2013-07-31, 01:51 PM
Anthropomorphic template from Savage Species.
Winged template from Savage Species.

Chocobo from Dragon 232.

Paint it's feathers black and enjoy. :smallbiggrin: