View Full Version : How optimized is this character?

2013-07-26, 06:23 PM
Exactly what the title says. If you have any suggestions on how I could improve her, please say them.
Also, if I derped horribly, please, do tell me.

Name: Lenaia Puresong
Race: Aasimar
Age: 19
Class: Bard10/Paladin5 +1LA
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good

HP: 73
AC: 17 (10+0 Dex+7 Armor)
BAB: +12/+7/+2
Speed: 30-ft
Saves: Fort+17, Ref+17, Will+16

Str: 14+2=16 [+3]
Dex: 11 [+0]
Con: 12 [+1]
Int: 12 [+1]
Wis: 9 [-1]
Cha: 23+6=29[+9]

+1 Holy Thundering Longsword

+3 Chain shirt

Perform(Dance): 6 ranks: 6+9 Cha+2 Feat =17
Perform(Sing): 13 ranks:13+9 Cha+2 Feat =24
Perform(String Instruments): 13 ranks: 13+9 Cha+2 Feat =24
Gather Information: 13 ranks: 13+9 Cha+2 Feat =24
Use Magic Device: 13 ranks: 13+9 Cha+2 Feat =24
Diplomacy: 18 ranks: 18+9 Cha+2 Feat=29
Knowledge (Religion): 18 ranks: 18+1 Int= 19
Move Silently: 7 ranks: 7+0 Dex+5 boots: 12
Spellcraft: 10 ranks: 10+1 Int=11
Heal: 8 ranks: 8-1 Wis: 7
Ride: 7 ranks: 7+0 Dex=7

1st Level: Nymph's Kiss
3rd Level: Melodic Casting
6th level: Devoted Performer
9th level: Initiate of Milil
12th level: From Smite to Song
15th level: Snowflake Wardance
P1- Extra Smiting

Cloak of Charisma +6
Dove’s Harp
Circlet of Solace
Boots of Elvenkind
Ring of Invisibility
Ring of Shooting Stars
Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Handy Haversack-
Everlasting Rations
Everfull mug
Eversmoking Bottle
5 Alchemist’s fire
4 flasks of Holy water
Silver Holy Symbol
Healers kit
100 gold

Languages: Common, Celestial, and Sylvan

Class Features:
Bardic Music-15 times per day:
Spellbreaker Song
Bardic knowledge
Inspire courage +3
Inspire competence
Inspire greatness
Song of freedom
Inspire heroics
Aura of good
Detect evil
Smite evil 4/day
Divine grace
Lay on hands: 45 hit points per day
Aura of courage
Divine health
Turn Undead: 12 times per day
Special Mount: 10 hours per day-
Heavy Warhorse: Snowflake
Init: +1, 44 HP, AC 18 (T: 10, FF: 17);
Spd: 50 ft., Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8;
BAB: +4, Atk: Hoof +6 melee (1d6+4);
Listen +5, Spot +4
Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 6
Endurance, Run
Empathic link, improved evasion, share spells, share saving throws

Racial Features:
Darkvision: can see in the dark out to 60 feet.
Daylight (Sp): Can use daylight once per day
as a caster of her class level
Resistance to acid 5, cold 5, and electricity 5
+2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks

Member of the Harmonious Order

Spells Known-
0th level [Cantrips](3 per day)-
1. Detect Magic
2. Songbird
3. Prestidigitation
4. Daze
5. Mage Hand
6. Lullaby
1st level (5 per day)-
1. Cure Light Wounds
2. Disguise Self
3. Silent Image
4. Unseen Servant
2nd level (5 per day)-
1. Alter Self
2. Cure Moderate Wounds
3. Glitterdust
4. Sound Burst
3rd level (4 per day)-
1. Cure Serious Wounds
2. Dispel Magic
3. Major Image
4. Confusion
4th level (2 per day)-
1. Cure Critical Wounds
2. Invisibility, Greater

2013-07-26, 07:31 PM
As you're part caster its not the biggest, crippling flaw, but you've taken a hit to your Total AB with only a +1 enhancement on the sword, as you're effectively Level 16 but with +12/+7/+2, the third attack is going to miss and the second is more likely to miss than not, while the first isn't a guaranteed hit either.

2013-07-26, 07:52 PM
Your AC is so low, you're going to die if you ever enter melee in a full attack or two, given 73 HP at ECL 16.

2013-07-26, 08:22 PM
She'll hit more often than you might think because of the bardic music giver her a +5. I would say you need to focus a bit more on defense. Also no build without PrC is ever going to be fully optimized.

2013-07-26, 08:47 PM
As you're part caster its not the biggest, crippling flaw, but you've taken a hit to your Total AB with only a +1 enhancement on the sword, as you're effectively Level 16 but with +12/+7/+2, the third attack is going to miss and the second is more likely to miss than not, while the first isn't a guaranteed hit either.
Conflicting advice! I've been told several times in the past that I should never go above +1 with regular plusses and should instead get effects.

Your AC is so low, you're going to die if you ever enter melee in a full attack or two, given 73 HP at ECL 16.
... Yeah... I guess I need to boost my Dex...

She'll hit more often than you might think because of the bardic music giver her a +5. I would say you need to focus a bit more on defense. Also no build without PrC is ever going to be fully optimized.

Do you know good prestige class for a Bard/Paladin?

Ace Nex
2013-07-26, 09:04 PM
OK, first off, it's a cool concept. Bard/Paladins are things we hardly ever see and I love the character concept. Sadly, both aren't exactly great classes by themselves, as they have two separate roles in the party and splitting your focus generally isn't a good thing, but they can be when executed properly.

Stats: Dump STR and boost Int (more skill points) or Con (More hit points). Trust me, by the time we're finished you won't need STR to hit or damage.

Feats: Proper feat choice is generally what makes or breaks a character. First off, you choices are all good for synergy. If you want to do your bard thing they work together rather well, but that being said there are a couple choice changes. Extra smiting is nice, as you can only smite 2/day from your paladin levels alone, but you probably want to go with Divine Might. You're going to have A LOT of turning attempts that probably won't be going to good use. Now you have an outlet, as a free action you can turn one into an additional charisma mod of damage on your attacks. Combat Panache also gives you some interesting options for combat as well. Protection Devotion if you're looking for another outlet for turning attempts allows you to turn your turning attempts into 1 minute long buffs to AC for the whole party that scales with your level. Your feat selections range from singing and casting to swordplay and casting, to swordplay and singing. You're splitting your focus up so that you're suboptimized at everything, but optimized at nothing. There are ways around that, as I will address in another section.

Skills: Looks alright to me. You may want to look into the skill trick where concentration on a spell is only a swift action a round but aside from that it's alright. Skills are where bards shine, and thus outside of combat your RP skill and usefulness will outdo the optimized for combat role. One small tweak is put a couple points into other knowledge, but it's not entirely important.

Items: As far as I can tell, you're undergeared. You should ahve 260,000 gold worth of items at your level.

For a weapon, you want a slashing weapon that can help you hit and deal a nice chunk of damage. I recommend

Laminated Serrated (From Sword and Fist) +1 Keen Greater Dispelling Holy Falchion (49k)- It's base is 2d4+1+2d6 vs evil, threatens a crit on 15-20 for X3 damage, and all magical effects on them are most likely dispelled.

Other enchants are Harmonizing (keeps using bardic music even if you stop), magebane (bane against all arcane caster, very useful), and sacred (if you know you're fighting evil outsiders).

Slippers of Battle Dancing- Some nice boosts, but if you move at least 10 feet you use charisma to hit instead of str or dex. 33k

Cloak of Shadows- (Drow of the Underdark)- 3/day as an immediate action teleport 10 feat or gain 50% miss chance. Also adds +1 deflection bonus to Ac, all for 5k.

+2 Halfweight Full Plate- Yes, this is light armor, and yes, it adds 10 to AC. 25k (+5 Mithril Brestplate is about the same price, but gives same bonus if you want to change it) Glammed for 5k lets you customize your look whenever you want.

+3 Animated Shield- Adds 5 to AC and floats around so you don't need to use your hands. Add twilight to reduce arcane spell failure. 25k

Chronocharm of Translocation (Magic Items Compendium)- Move half your speed (20 feet with slippers) 1/day as swift action. Use both this or Cloak of shadows to teleport behind your opponent and full attack with Slippers for a hefty bonus to hit.

Nightstick- 4 more turn attempts means more turn attempts to burn for damage.

Bow of Songs- If you get stuck at ranged, get this wonderful bow. Cha to hit AND damage in exchange for a daily use of bardic music.

Con boosting items- Higher con means more HP

Belt of Battle- Take your turn again after your turn. More turns means more strikes

Wisdom boosting Item- Yes, I'm serious. Get your wis to 12 and you get 1st level paladin spells, which are awesome. If you don't want to get paladin spells, take the ACF and pick up an extra feat instead.

Ring of Evasion: Making the save against a maximized empowered flamestrike won't matter with 79 HP. Dodge them completely.

Eternal Wands- From Polymorph to Fireball, these are beauties you don't want to live without. Personal favorites of mine are polymorph, invisibility, mirror image, shield, and true strike.

Canaith's Mandolin- Some really great spells and a boost to perform


Here's where the challenge lies. I note you have a bunch of healing spells, in which I say, let the cleric heal. Yes, healing is good, but that's not really the bards or paladins job. Your Lay on Hands with your high Cha can already do that to a relatively insane amount. Healing spells will do rather little. Cure serious would heal 3d8+10 [23.5 average]. The average maximized flamestrike would at this level would hit the entire party for 90 damage. Ouch. here's what I would have

0th- Anything and everything
1st- swap cure light wounds for charm person and unseen servant for Tasha's hideous laughter (save or lose)
2nd- Cure Mod for Mirror Image and Glitterdust for Warcry or Tongues
3rd- Cure Serious for Haste,
4th- Fugue of Tvash-Prull (fugue) for Cure Critical, Imp. Invis is nice, but many things by 16th level will have a way to see you. Instead, maybe try Freedom of movement, Choir, Harmonize greater, or Hold Monster


In combat, everything added up,
BAB (+12 to hit) Snow Dance (+9 to hit) Smite (+9 to hit) Slippers (+9 to hit)
with 2d4+1 (weapon)+4 (str)+1(serrated)+9(Feat)+2d6 Holy
2d4+14+2d6 Crit Range of 15-20/X3 crit
Average Damage on a hit is 25. If hasted, you get 4 attacks in a round and can put out 100 damage in a round without too much difficulty.

AC Jumps up from 17 to 26 (still easy to hit, but not as easy, and you can cloak of shadows out of the way) and can be boosted to with combat panache.

Saves- Still good thanks to paladin Cha to Saves boost

Spells- More potent list

FINAL ANALYSIS- Most of the work was done for me. It's a difficult character to really fully optimize and I didn't want to change much. Most of the issue is gold (which may be DM's fault, or maybe you didn't know about all these items) and some spells, but it's really not that bad. Is it going to flatten most fully optimized 16th level characters? Probably not, but will you be able to buff up the party well, make them shine in combat while dealing a notable chunk and keeping the enemies controlled until your fighters can deal with them. It's a decent build, not entirely fully realized, but decent enough. Outside of combat you'll own the field between diplomacy, bardic knowledge, and skills.

2013-07-26, 09:49 PM
Also, that Paladin mount is useless. Stand Fast (Cityscape) is a much better feature, so you might want to trade your mount for it: giving your party a +9 bonus to a save is pretty useful.

Also, I'm not that good with bards, but I'm fairly certain Sublime Chord is the way to go as far as PrCs are concerned.

2013-07-26, 10:37 PM
OK, first off, it's a cool concept. Bard/Paladins are things we hardly ever see and I love the character concept. Sadly, both aren't exactly great classes by themselves, as they have two separate roles in the party and splitting your focus generally isn't a good thing, but they can be when executed properly.

I liked the concept too, and when I saw the Devoted Performer feat, I was like check please, and I made the character.

Stats: Dump STR and boost Int (more skill points) or Con (More hit points). Trust me, by the time we're finished you won't need STR to hit or damage.

... Okay...

Feats: Proper feat choice is generally what makes or breaks a character. First off, you choices are all good for synergy. If you want to do your bard thing they work together rather well, but that being said there are a couple choice changes. Extra smiting is nice, as you can only smite 2/day from your paladin levels alone, but you probably want to go with Divine Might. You're going to have A LOT of turning attempts that probably won't be going to good use. Now you have an outlet, as a free action you can turn one into an additional charisma mod of damage on your attacks. Combat Panache also gives you some interesting options for combat as well. Protection Devotion if you're looking for another outlet for turning attempts allows you to turn your turning attempts into 1 minute long buffs to AC for the whole party that scales with your level. Your feat selections range from singing and casting to swordplay and casting, to swordplay and singing. You're splitting your focus up so that you're suboptimized at everything, but optimized at nothing. There are ways around that, as I will address in another section.
I got extra smiting as a bonus feat for getting rid of paladin spell casting. I had a limited list of what I could choose that feat from, and I don't know if divine might was on it. Combat Panache seems... interesting, but I would have to take intimidate, which doesn't really work well with my fluff for the character... I like protection devotion.

Skills: Looks alright to me. You may want to look into the skill trick where concentration on a spell is only a swift action a round but aside from that it's alright. Skills are where bards shine, and thus outside of combat your RP skill and usefulness will outdo the optimized for combat role. One small tweak is put a couple points into other knowledge, but it's not entirely important.
...Skill...Tricks...? I have never touched skill tricks. Ever. I'm not even entirely sure what they are.

Items: As far as I can tell, you're undergeared. You should have 260,000 gold worth of items at your level.
... I forgot to account for my LA. *facepalm*

For a weapon, you want a slashing weapon that can help you hit and deal a nice chunk of damage. I recommend

Laminated Serrated (From Sword and Fist) +1 Keen Greater Dispelling Holy Falchion (49k)- It's base is 2d4+1+2d6 vs evil, threatens a crit on 15-20 for X3 damage, and all magical effects on them are most likely dispelled.

Other enchants are Harmonizing (keeps using bardic music even if you stop), magebane (bane against all arcane caster, very useful), and sacred (if you know you're fighting evil outsiders).

I can't say I've even heard of Sword and Fist, so I have no idea what that is, but from what you say, I like the sound of it.
I can't find Harmonizing. What book is it in?

Slippers of Battle Dancing- Some nice boosts, but if you move at least 10 feet you use charisma to hit instead of str or dex. 33

That sounds very nice.

Cloak of Shadows- (Drow of the Underdark)- 3/day as an immediate action teleport 10 feat or gain 50% miss chance. Also adds +1 deflection bonus to Ac, all for 5k.

Slot's taken. I appreciate the advice, big time, but I'm not giving up my Cloak of Charisma. It would be useful if I the slot wasn't taken.

+2 Halfweight Full Plate- Yes, this is light armor, and yes, it adds 10 to AC. 25k (+5 Mithril Brestplate is about the same price, but gives same bonus if you want to change it) Glammed for 5k lets you customize your look whenever you want.


+3 Animated Shield- Adds 5 to AC and floats around so you don't need to use your hands. Add twilight to reduce arcane spell failure. 25k

Okay. Sounds Interesting.

Chronocharm of Translocation (Magic Items Compendium)- Move half your speed (20 feet with slippers) 1/day as swift action. Use both this or Cloak of shadows to teleport behind your opponent and full attack with Slippers for a hefty bonus to hit.

Sounds good to me.

Nightstick- 4 more turn attempts means more turn attempts to burn for damage.

... Okay.

Bow of Songs- If you get stuck at ranged, get this wonderful bow. Cha to hit AND damage in exchange for a daily use of bardic music.

What book is this in? I like the sound of it.

Con boosting items- Higher con means more HP

Amulet of health +2 or +4?

Belt of Battle- Take your turn again after your turn. More turns means more strikes
I actually considered that item when I first started making this character.

Wisdom boosting Item- Yes, I'm serious. Get your wis to 12 and you get 1st level paladin spells, which are awesome. If you don't want to get paladin spells, take the ACF and pick up an extra feat instead.

I already did get the bonus feat for losing my paladin spellcasting.

Ring of Evasion: Making the save against a maximized empowered flamestrike won't matter with 79 HP. Dodge them completely.\


Eternal Wands- From Polymorph to Fireball, these are beauties you don't want to live without. Personal favorites of mine are polymorph, invisibility, mirror image, shield, and true strike.

I'm very meh about erternal wands, but I may get one...

Canaith's Mandolin- Some really great spells and a boost to perform

I have no idea what this does. What book is it in?


Here's where the challenge lies. I note you have a bunch of healing spells, in which I say, let the cleric heal. Yes, healing is good, but that's not really the bards or paladins job. Your Lay on Hands with your high Cha can already do that to a relatively insane amount. Healing spells will do rather little. Cure serious would heal 3d8+10 [23.5 average]. The average maximized flamestrike would at this level would hit the entire party for 90 damage. Ouch. here's what I would have

0th- Anything and everything
1st- swap cure light wounds for charm person and unseen servant for Tasha's hideous laughter (save or lose)
2nd- Cure Mod for Mirror Image and Glitterdust for Warcry or Tongues
3rd- Cure Serious for Haste,
4th- Fugue of Tvash-Prull (fugue) for Cure Critical, Imp. Invis is nice, but many things by 16th level will have a way to see you. Instead, maybe try Freedom of movement, Choir, Harmonize greater, or Hold Monster

... Healing was taken for the fluff of the character, but okay.
Fun. I have no idea what some of these spells you've listed are. It would be helpful if you said what book non-SRD stuff is from. ^^;


In combat, everything added up,
BAB (+12 to hit) Snow Dance (+9 to hit) Smite (+9 to hit) Slippers (+9 to hit)
with 2d4+1 (weapon)+4 (str)+1(serrated)+9(Feat)+2d6 Holy
2d4+14+2d6 Crit Range of 15-20/X3 crit
Average Damage on a hit is 25. If hasted, you get 4 attacks in a round and can put out 100 damage in a round without too much difficulty.

AC Jumps up from 17 to 26 (still easy to hit, but not as easy, and you can cloak of shadows out of the way) and can be boosted to with combat panache.

Saves- Still good thanks to paladin Cha to Saves boost

Spells- More potent list

FINAL ANALYSIS- Most of the work was done for me. It's a difficult character to really fully optimize and I didn't want to change much. Most of the issue is gold (which may be DM's fault, or maybe you didn't know about all these items) and some spells, but it's really not that bad. Is it going to flatten most fully optimized 16th level characters? Probably not, but will you be able to buff up the party well, make them shine in combat while dealing a notable chunk and keeping the enemies controlled until your fighters can deal with them. It's a decent build, not entirely fully realized, but decent enough. Outside of combat you'll own the field between diplomacy, bardic knowledge, and skills.
I'm glad for the help, and I'll have a modified version of the character up tomorrow.
I honestly didn't know about a lot of the things you mentioned, and I did a lot of Googleing while I was typing this response as a result.

2013-07-26, 11:10 PM
Conflicting advice! I've been told several times in the past that I should never go above +1 with regular plusses and should instead get effects.

This is mostly true, but it's predicated to a fair extent on being able to get greater magic weapon cast every day. If you have a party full caster, this should be fine (maybe get them a Pearl of Power), but otherwise you may need to consider providing that yourself.

2013-07-26, 11:57 PM
This is mostly true, but it's predicated to a fair extent on being able to get greater magic weapon cast every day. If you have a party full caster, this should be fine (maybe get them a Pearl of Power), but otherwise you may need to consider providing that yourself.Or you can spend just over 20k on a tooth of Leraje, from Tome of Magic. CL 20 Greater Magic Weapon 1/day.

2013-07-27, 12:08 AM
Can you buyoff your LA? Guessing no but if you can you def should.

2013-07-27, 01:36 PM
Name: Lenaia Puresong
Race: Aasimar
Age: 19
Class: Bard10/Paladin5 +1LA
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good

HP: 93
AC: 28 (10+2 Dex+10 Armor+5 Shield+1 Cloak)
BAB: +12/+7/+2
Speed: 40-ft
Saves: Fort+18, Ref+18, Will+16

Str: 13 [+1]
Dex: 11+4=15[+2]
Con: 12+2=14[+2]
Int: 14 [+2]
Wis: 8 [-1]
Cha: 23+6=29[+9]

Laminated Serrated +1 Keen Greater Dispelling Holy Falchion

+2 Glamered Halfweight Full Plate
+3 Twilight Animated Heavy Mithral Shield

Perform(Dance): 6 ranks: 6+9 Cha+2 Feat =17
Perform(Sing): 13 ranks:13+9 Cha+2 Feat =24
Perform(String Instruments): 13 ranks: 13+9 Cha+2 Feat =24
Diplomacy: 18 ranks: 18+9 Cha+2 Feat: 29
Gather Information: 13 ranks: 13+9 Cha+2 Feat =24
Knowledge (Religion): 18 ranks: 18+2 Int= 20
Knowledge (Local): 13 ranks: 13+2 Int= 15
Use Magic Device: 13 ranks: 13+9 Cha+2 Feat =24
Spellcraft: 13 ranks: 13+2 Int=15
Tumble: 4 ranks: 4+2 Dex-6 ACP=0
Knowledge (Arcana): 13 ranks: 13 ranks: 13+2 Int= 15
Ride: 8 ranks: 8+2 Dex: 10
Knowledge(Nobility and Royalty): 8 ranks: 8+2 Int: 10
Heal: 4 ranks: 4-1 Wis:3

1st Level: Nymph's Kiss
3rd Level: Melodic Casting
6th level: Devoted Performer
9th level: Power Attack
12th level: Protection Devotion
15th level: Snowflake Wardance
P1- Divine Might

Circlet of Charisma +6
Dove’s Harp
Shadow Cloak
Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker of + 2 Con
Chronocharm of the Grand Master
Chronocharm of the Uncaring Archmage
Ring of Evasion
+4 Gloves of Dexterity
Belt of Battle
Slippers of Battledancing
Handy haversack-
Bow of Songs
20 arrows
A chime of harmonic agony
Doss lute
Eternal Wand of Fireball
Eternal Wand of Invisibility
Everlasting Rations
Everfull Mug
5 Alchemist’s fires
4 flasks of Holy water
Healers Kit
Silver Holy Symbol
Spell component pouch
Flint and Steel
53 gold left

Languages: Common, Celestial, Elven, and Sylvan

Class Features:
Bardic Music-15 times per day:
Spellbreaker Song
Bardic knowledge
Inspire courage +3
Inspire competence
Inspire greatness
Song of freedom
Inspire heroics
Aura of good, detect evil
Smite evil 2/day
Divine grace
Lay on hands
Divine grace
Lay on hands: 45 hit points per day
Aura of courage
Divine health
Turn Undead: 16 times per day
Special Mount: 10 hours per day-
Heavy Warhorse: Snowflake
Init: +1, 44 HP, AC 18 (T: 10, FF: 17);
Spd: 50 ft., Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8;
BAB: +4, Atk: Hoof +6 melee (1d6+4);
Listen +5, Spot +4
Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 6
Endurance, Run
Empathic link, improved evasion, share spells, share saving throws

Racial Features:
Darkvision: can see in the dark out to 60 feet.
Daylight (Sp): Can use daylight once per day
as a caster of her class level
Resistance to acid 5, cold 5, and electricity 5
+2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks

Spells Known-
0th level [Cantrips](3 per day)-
1. Detect Magic
2. Songbird
3. Prestidigitation
4. Daze
5. Mage Hand
6. Lullaby
1st level (5 per day)-
1. Charm Person
2. Disguise Self
3. Silent Image
4. Hideous Laughter
2nd level (5 per day)-
1. Alter Self
2. Mirror Image
3. War Cry
4. Sound Burst
3rd level (4 per day)-
1. Haste
2. Dispel Magic
3. Major Image
4. Confusion
4th level (2 per day)-
1. Fugue
2. Harmonize, Greater

2013-07-27, 02:11 PM
Can you switch to a Lesser Asimar? I think they're in the Player's Guide to Faerun book. They're la+0, and (iirc) the difference if that their type changes to humanoid (planetouched)

2013-07-27, 02:28 PM
Can you switch to a Lesser Asimar? I think they're in the Player's Guide to Faerun book. They're la+0, and (iirc) the difference if that their type changes to humanoid (planetouched)

Eh. I don't really mind the +1 LA.

2013-07-27, 02:58 PM
But an extra level is always better. +to BAB, Saves, Spellcasting, and you get that fifth +to an ability score.

2013-07-27, 03:16 PM
But an extra level is always better. +to BAB, Saves, Spellcasting, and you get that fifth +to an ability score.

I was building as a 15th level character. The LA was just kind of... there. *Shrugs*

2013-07-27, 03:32 PM
Do you know good prestige class for a Bard/Paladin?

Sublime Chord for better spellcasting.
If you're Pal 4 then you also have divine spellcasting.
Fochluran lyrist can be interesting if you can negotiate with your DM to qualify for this with a ring of evasion and a ring of Mind Shielding or a custom item of Morale Façade for trumping the alignment requirement. In this case, a dip in Divine Crusader can be useful.

Here's my own bardadin builds:
Bard 2 / Paladin 2 / Bard +2 / Lyric Thaumaturge 4 / Sublime Chord 2 / Unseen Seer 4
BAB 15 CL 18 Fort +7 Ref +10 Will+17 skill points 118

Bard 2 / Paladin 2 / Bard +2 / Lyric Thaumaturge 4 / Sublime Chord 2 / Spellsword 1 / Abjurant Champion 3 / Unseen Seer 4
BAB 16 CL 18 Fort +9 Ref +10 Will +20 skill points 102

You can use Savage Bard instead of Bard for a better Fortitude.

What is the level of optimization in you campaign? What is the tier and op level of the rest of the party?

2013-07-27, 04:10 PM
Sublime Chord for better spellcasting.
If you're Pal 4 then you also have divine spellcasting.
Ah. Well, having just looked the Sublime Chord class up, I'd definitely be interested in it later (Bard is my favorite class), but it doesn't seem like something I would want here... (Fluff reasons.)
2 things. One, look at my wisdom. I wouldn't have spellcasting even if it wasn't for the 2nd thing. I nixed my paladin spellcasting, and got a bonus feat instead.

Ace Nex
2013-07-27, 04:30 PM
I picked up several items from the Magic Item and Spell Compendiums. You can probably find them by typing them into Google and adding "D&D" on the end, but if not there are a few PDFs floating around out there and a few hardcover copies if you're willing to look.

2013-07-27, 04:36 PM
Ah. Well, having just looked the Sublime Chord class up, I'd definitely be interested in it later (Bard is my favorite class), but it doesn't seem like something I would want here... (Fluff reasons.)
2 things. One, look at my wisdom. I wouldn't have spellcasting even if it wasn't for the 2nd thing. I nixed my paladin spellcasting, and got a bonus feat instead.

Then Divine Crusader, it's Cha-based.