View Full Version : Power Level O (M&M 3rd Edition)

The Rose Dragon
2013-07-26, 09:49 PM
Power Profiles has an option called Power Level O, where important characters get a boost in rank to all traits, so that the characters are far stronger and more powerful than normal humans without having to spend power points. The example given is a PLO of 15, which makes 25 tons as light as a softball. This is used to represent settings where normal humans are hopelessly outmatched and the characters only have to worry about their peers.

Now, since I've been playing Asura's Wrath, this kind of modification appeals to me. But I'm kind of iffy on the whole "all traits" thing. For example, I'm not sure how to represent a setting where all the protagonists have Intellect 10 would work out. As such, I'm looking for a list of traits which can be problematic to boost in PLO games. Any input would be appreciated.

2013-07-27, 03:48 PM
Don't think I've seen that option before... which Power Profile was it in?

The Rose Dragon
2013-07-27, 03:57 PM
Power Profiles, the compilation of the individual Power Profile releases. I don't know if it was in any of those.

2013-07-28, 10:11 AM
...I really can't think of much beyond Intellect, really-- most of the other ones would cancel each other out, I think. And if the setting has crazy sci-fi technology, that could even make sense.