View Full Version : Need communication Magic Item

2013-07-28, 03:21 PM
Ok im playing a 5th lvl Druid in a campaign in which i rule a kingdom, now i need a way to speak with people over vast distances, so i need some items, preferably visual communication.

Big Fau
2013-07-28, 03:41 PM
Aspect Mirrors, Complete Scoundrel.

2013-07-28, 03:54 PM
are custom items allowed? If so, sending on command can get a lot done

2013-07-28, 04:08 PM
the Aspect Mirror is perfect, and cheap to

2013-07-28, 04:11 PM
are custom items allowed? If so, sending on command can get a lot done

Too expensive, there is a much easier way:
A Scrying Shard (ECS) gives you scrying dirt cheap. Now find a way to get Message. The easiest way is a command-word unlimited use magic item. It works just as well as sending (you may need to retry casting it a few times, but that is okay since it is unlimited) and has no word-limit.

2013-07-29, 02:37 AM
Aspect mirrors are the default.

Beyond that, there's a scrying property that allows a mirror to be linked to a shield, so when activated one peering in the mirror sees what the shield faces.

For Dragon Magazine shennanigans, earrings of the wolf allows short-range communication (one or two miles max IIRC.)

For long-range not-time sensitive communication, Quaal's Feather Token: Bird can carry a message to anyone, anywhere, in hiding or not.

2013-07-29, 04:04 AM
Pshaw, everyone's giving you all the 'simple' and 'boring' answers.

Here's all you need:

Ring Gates
Portable Hole (Sure you could use a bag of holding, but don't you want to have style?)

Leave one ring gate at your recipient's place, then hop in your portable hole, and have a servant buddy of yours pass the hole through the ring gate, and you can hop out on the other side and deliver your message personally!

What's that? You want a method that can communicate to a number of different places? Pshaw, just have your ring gate connect to a central hub, that has a dozen others connecting to every corner of your kingdom!

What? You don't want to spend 400,000 gold pieces?

There's also the cheap(er) Crystal Ball with Telepathy. No visual communication though. Only 70,000!

Oh but don't worry, there's also the Helm of Teleportation! Teleport there, and then back. You can visit up to two places a day before returning where you came from! (Only 73,000gp)

Good thing I'm here to tell you all the sensible ideas.

(Oh oh! Don't forget about using a ring of three wishes to have a deity go to your contact and, while imitating your voice and wearing a wig to look like you, deliver your message, only 32,650gp per message!)