View Full Version : The Unit

2013-07-28, 04:56 PM
Somewhere outside of San Francisco

It is way too early in the morning when the alarm clock awakens you, not only interrupting your sleep but also summoning you to an emergency briefing. As usual, the underground complex that houses the multinational group simply known as 'The Unit' is brimming with activity, even at 0400 am.

For a group that exists to combat supernatural threats, threats the normal populace does not even believe in, the whole group is surprisingly high-tech. There are entire rooms stuffed with data analysts staring at their computer screens, trying to filter relevant data out of seemingly irrelevant news.
That they have by their side books that deal with demonology and other, even more outlandish themes, is a contrast you have all gotten used to.

Still, an emergency alert is always serious business...and you all hope that it is not a drill. Currently, you are the only team on site, with three of the others busy in Asia and the fourth lost in some alternate hell-dimension.

The fact that it is no one else but Lovecraft himself awaiting you in the briefing room, quickly proves that this is real. The head of the Eldritch Division intensely dislikes having to deal with the common 'grunts' face to face.

Nonetheless, he gives you all a polite nod as you enter, clearing his throat before he speaks.
" A good morning to you all. Before we begin, a question. How familiar are you with Egyptian history? Particularly the heresy of pharao Echnaton?"

2013-07-28, 05:22 PM
Tapping his ankh against his head.
"Egyptians I don't know much. Nor do I know much of the eldritch what now. Though I read somewhere that Houdini dealt with some of that mess under the pyramids."

Dmitri's Russian accent is thickly covered with a San Francisco dialect.

2013-07-28, 05:55 PM
Gaius, at attention, lit cigarette hanging from the side of his mouth, speaks up with his familiar Brooklyn drawl, "I've done a mission or two previously in Egypt, sir, but of the more mundane type. I do know a thing or two about mummies and Egyptian mythology, but only enough to appreciate that, if you'll excuse my French sir, I don't know sh!t."

2013-07-28, 06:49 PM
"Eh bien pardonner mon français, mais par rapport à moi que vous êtes surqualifié."

2013-07-28, 07:08 PM
"Je parle un peu français. Je ne suis pas un idiot. Mais tu es drôle." He grins at Dmitri, then looks at Lovecraft, and snaps back to attention. "My apologies, sir."

2013-07-29, 08:45 AM
The immortal author's eyes bore into you with a sharp glare for a moment, but he decides not to comment. Instead, he activates a screen behind him, which shows an ancient Egyptian mural depicting two regal beings with strangely elongated heads.
" Pharao Echnaton and his wife Nofretete, or Nefertiti, tried to abolish the traditional worship of Ra and the other gods in favour of a single god called Aten. They built a magnificent temple to their new sun deity and enforced their new faith rigorously. It did not take. After Echnaton's death, the priests of the old faith quickly regained their position and Echnaton himself was posthumously disgraced. Which was probably for the best, because Aten was not a deity, but something far worse. He is one of the qlippoth, the Abandoned Ones. A cosmic mistake left over from the creation of the cosmos."

2013-07-29, 12:54 PM
(Wait Dmitri may know nothing about Egyptian history but I do. Do you mean Akhenaten of the Amanara period? Because I have the eyes of his wife from a statue on my person. How about them odds)

2013-07-29, 01:46 PM
Alendor didn't really feel the need to join in the conversation, he just watched the others, observing their behavior. He was a new addition to the Unit, and he was still finding his place. He carefully listened to Lovecraft's words, trying to remember all he could about Egyptian history, but that was not his area of expertise. If he asked about a Strigoi, Bauk or Drekavac he would have quite a few things to say, but Africa was simply not his region. Still, he tried to be as useful as he could. He listen to the author's words and when he was finished Alendor decided to join the conversation.

"So, this Pharao Echnaton is active again?"

2013-07-29, 03:40 PM
" Not exactly. Echnaton was...taken care of quite a while ago." The screen changes and shows a picture taken at night. There is a massive riot going on - as you are all aware, Egypt is not a good place to be right now - and something has just exploded in the background. The image centers on the explosion and slowly, by the magic of digital photography, the brightness levels around the explosion dim until a figure can be seen within the fireball. It is vaguely humanoid, though it has no gender to speak of. Its skin is bright white and where a human face would be simply sit three gaping orifices literally leaking light.
" This is a Sunchild. One of Aten's servitor creatures. Which means that someone must have stumbled upon some very unsavory rites."

2013-07-29, 04:45 PM
"So do we capture or kill?" Dmitri asks dropping his fake accent.

2013-07-29, 05:49 PM
" Kill", Lovecraft replies coolly. " Kill any and all qlippothic creatures you can find. Find the ones summoning them and arrest them. Gather all their occult paraphernalia and bring it back here. A transport has already been arranged. Flight Deck 5."

2013-07-29, 06:10 PM
"Alright anything you can tell us about the creature? Is it immune to bullets or explosive rounds? Also can I get some explosive rounds.Maybe some holy water and chocolate. Nothing can resist chocolate."

2013-07-29, 07:13 PM
" These beings are capable of releasing great bursts of blinding, burning light, making them effectively walking tanks. Fortunately, they can be hurt by conventional weaponry, unlike many other qlippothic entities. But you would need lots of it. Holy water and religious icons are useless against qlippothic beings. They are older than any gods."

2013-07-29, 08:39 PM
"Right I shall need a anti-tank rifle. Perhaps some grenades. Sun block and an umbrella. Russian skin and Egyptian sun don't play well together."

(So do I hit the weapons locker or start filling out some forms for weaponry?)

2013-07-29, 08:51 PM
//since The Unit is a privately funded operation, getting gear is much easier. No need for forms.

2013-07-30, 01:37 AM
Right than picking all that up than.

"So who wants to go put a couple rounds in a sun child's head. Wait are we killing a kid by doing this? Powerful or not kids deserve better than us. "

2013-07-30, 02:40 AM
Lovecraft gives him another glare - really, he should patent those - and calmly states, " These things are not children. Their name is a direct translation from an Egyptian text calling them 'Descendants of the Sun'."

2013-07-30, 06:18 AM
"A dispatch mission? I have no problem with that, I've done a few already." He did more than few, but he didn't want to brag, he would rather show his talents in the field.
"All I need is a good shotgun, and maybe a silver blade. And some silver bullets wouldn't hurt. I have everything else I might need in my backpack and I'm ready to go."
Alendor was always ready, he didn't stay in one place long enough to unpack. His backpack had all he needed, some bandages, few magical trinkets and tools, dried rations, fresh water... His mother made sure to teach him to always be ready for anything, and she was a great agent. He never understood why people need time to pack.

2013-07-30, 04:17 PM
" This is not a pure dispatch mission. We need, allow me to stress this, need the summoning rites. If anything, this has an even higher priority than taking out the Sunchildren", Lovecraft says, " any further questions?"

2013-07-30, 05:03 PM
Gaius looks at the photo thoughtfully, his cigarette wiggling in his mouth. "The Sunchild is not the big problem here. It's a killable thing. The big problem is whatever or rather whoever summoned or released it. Do we know anything about who or what might be behind it? Do we suspect a cult, a powerful individual, a hostile government?"

2013-07-30, 05:07 PM
" We suspect either the supporters of the now-toppled government or the enemies of the same. Now, while there have been instances in which Muslim sorcerers have summoned aid, that usually took the form of angelic beings or djinn. This is not typical. Someone must have supplied them with the knowledge of how to summon a qlippothic creature. Alas, there are a number of insane people who would be more than happy to do such a thing."

2013-07-31, 12:24 AM
"Understood, sir. So to clarify their questions, this thing is destructive and dangerous, but has no special weaknesses or resistances? Just hit it hard before it can fry you? One more question - Is it always like a walking nova, or is that something it... activates?"

2013-07-31, 12:30 AM
"Understood, sir. So to clarify their questions, this thing is destructive and dangerous, but has no special weaknesses or resistances? Just hit it hard before it can fry you? One more question - Is it always like a walking nova, or is that something it... activates?"

"Any special immunities we should know about?"

2013-07-31, 04:59 AM
" These creatures surround themselves with an aura of light, which they can intensify at will to a temperature of about 300 F. They are also capable of releasing directed bursts of searing light at a distance, these can achieve temperatures of up to 500-600 but the Sunchildren do not sustain these for long. They are, as all of this would suggest, immune to heat and fire. Water has no adverse effect upon them."

2013-07-31, 11:51 AM
Right as hideous as it would do we have any of those suits they use to go to volcanos with? Those little outfits can handle a couple thousand degrees."

2013-07-31, 11:53 AM
"Is it even possible for them to turn their light off? If so, then it's not possible for them to masquerade out in public. If they can, then what do they look like when they do?"

2013-07-31, 03:41 PM
" They cannot turn their light off, which is a good thing since their natural form induces nausea and hallucinations in a normal human - a trait common to all qlippothic beings. However, from what we have gathered, whoever summons these beings can cloak them in human guise for a short period of time, enough for them to get into position for an attack. As for the suits, I am afraid that is not an option since the whole operation is classified Level 5."

Level 5, as you know, means that your involvement must be kept a secret and you are not supposed to draw attention to yourselves.

2013-07-31, 03:53 PM
"Oh good I feared it would be easy. Welp last one to the ship has to clean residue when it explodes on us."

Dmitri gives a mock salute and rushes to the ship.


How do we handle dice explosions?

2013-07-31, 07:58 PM
As his team mate scrambles out of the room, Gaius snaps to attention respectfully. "Anything else we should know, sir? If not, permission to deploy, sir?"

2013-08-01, 02:55 AM
" Permission to deploy is granted. Good luck", Lovecraft says, nodding.

As he has previously stated, the copter, a black, sleek monstrosity, is already waiting with the pilot - a young woman of 24 years - practically jumping into the cockpit the moment you arrive. " Take a seat and strap yourself in", she cheerfully suggests, " next stop: land of the pyramids, pharaohs and things best left forgotten forever...."

2013-08-01, 03:44 AM
That was all Alendor needed to know, he had no questions. When Lovecraft dismissed them he replied with a slight head tilt, while gently hitting his chest with his right fist. That was how he was taught to salute his superiors, he didn't even think if it was appropriate greeting in the Unit. He followed his teammates without speaking a word. He gave a nod to the girl as he entered. Putting his backpack down he took the seat that was closest to the exit. Some habits are hard to shake, he thought to himself.

2013-08-02, 02:59 AM
The flight itself forces you to face off against a much more implacable enemy than all the supernatural critters combined: boredom. For several hours, all you can do is sit there and wait.
It comes as a surprise to you that, when the pilot announces the arrival in Cairo, she still sounds as cheerful and chipper as before.
Even from your high vantage point, you can see the city in turmoil. Ever since Mursi got deposed by the military, there have been almost daily riots, with all the violence that accompanies them...

2013-08-02, 12:37 PM
Dmitri wakes up wrapped in a straightjacket. "Wah I'm up." he takes it off as though it was an average jacket.

2013-08-03, 07:15 AM
" Okay, get ready, we're going down. I'll attempt to land on the roof of Amoun Hospital. I'm afraid you're going to have to make your way down and through the streets on your own, though. So far, vehicle support is negative, I already asked. The streets are full", the pilot announces and quickly makes good on her words, settling down on the empty airfield on top of the hospital. Deep down below, the streets are seething with people.
It appears to have gotten much worse by now. there are sounds of gunfire and explosions in the distance and several thick clouds rise to the skies.

2013-08-03, 03:12 PM
Gaius punctuates the hours by occasionally flirting with the lady pilot. He has a blue-collar, bawdy sort of coarse charm, the kind that does well in a Jersey dive-bar. He comes and goes every so often whether she responds positively or not. He knows that he's hopping off this chopper one way or another in a few hours, so he doesn't particularly care if she's interested or not. She's the most interesting thing in the there.

When it's time to hop off, he takes one last look at her, and yells over the noise, "Thanks for the lift! You have a good flight back, sweetie! I owe you a drink if we ever cross paths again! Toodles!" He blows her a kiss before hopping out of the chopper onto the hospital.

He immediately switches into business mode, his assault rifle drawn, and he starts checking the security of the hospital roof, and assessing the situation on the streets in the immediate vicinity of the building. He also looks for their options for moving to street-level, doors to to the hospital, fire escapes straight down, etc. Finally, he's curious if there's any realistic chance of avoiding the chaos of the streets by sticking to the rooftops (which may or may not have any chance, depending on how dense the buildings are).

2013-08-03, 07:59 PM
//please give me a notice check, then :)

2013-08-03, 08:12 PM
Skill [roll0]
Wild [roll1]

2013-08-04, 04:44 AM
Rooftop to rooftop is a no-go in this area. Gaius can see the fire escape which would lead straight down into the back alley of the hospital. Unfortunately, there is just too much chaos in the streets to really allow for a tactical overview.

Just take the current riots in Egypt and assume the supernatural agencies involved have escalated things a tenfold.

2013-08-04, 07:13 PM
"Okay Yankee doodle lets go through some things. 1. Waving badge around is good way to get hit.
2. Saying you're an American or acting like a tourist is a great way to get hit.
3. Talking about Football and comparing it to American Football is a great way to get shot.

So we've got three attacks and three of us, three guys popping out of nowhere staying close together and going to each attack is very fascinating to those who cause the attacks. So I say we split up each of us takes one attack. Look at the creatures way of getting into that spot and getting out. Something that big hopefully doesn't teleport. If it does I'll take my bullet to the head now because this'll be impossible. Try not to get shot."

Dmitri puts on a pair of aviator shades and unfurls a parasol. "Accursed sun, they hear Russian magician and think hey let's send him to Egypt. Trying to cook my perfect skin." Dmitri breaks out all manner of sprays for himself. Bug, sun, crocodiles.

2013-08-04, 09:53 PM
Gaius looks at Dmitri with a bemused expression, not sure how to take his humor. "I'm well acquainted with reconaissance missions in hostile foreign situations, but, uh, thanks for the advice? I'm of the opinion that us splitting up to investigate the sites of the attack is an excellent way of one of us getting killed an the other two having no idea what happened to them. I say we stick together."

2013-08-04, 10:18 PM
Gaius looks at Dmitri with a bemused expression, not sure how to take his humor. "I'm well acquainted with reconaissance missions in hostile foreign situations, but, uh, thanks for the advice? I'm of the opinion that us splitting up to investigate the sites of the attack is an excellent way of one of us getting killed an the other two having no idea what happened to them. I say we stick together."

"Well each of the attacks were in the same area. We can radio each other every five or so minutes. Also nobody knows who we are, so no one is expecting us and anyone who is expecting us and knows who we are will kill us together or not." Dmitri hikes up his bag one of those collapsible chairs he uses to hide his rifle.

2013-08-05, 03:40 AM
Alendor was not amused Dmitri's jokes, they had a job to do, and he didn't like when his teammates were not serious about it.
"You really like complaining, don't you? I would vote against splitting up, this things are no pushover, we should work together. Besides, don't you know what happens in horror movies when people split up?"
You would think that his last comment was a joke, but his face remained serious, with no trace of a smile.

2013-08-05, 05:10 PM
"Fine but vhen ve get caught I'm blaming you two. Let us make vay for the latest attack Dmitri vants him some fresh tracks."

(Decided to put a v where the W's should go for the accent. Also do we have a casualty list and a time and date of attack?

2013-08-05, 09:44 PM
"Hey ladies, over here!" Gaius waves his companions over to the fire escape. "Going down." He stows his rifle so that it's not immediately obvious, figuring that walking about streets full of rioters with a military weapon is probably a bad idea. He makes sure his pistol and knife are readily accessible, however. Then he starts climbing down the fire escape quickly. When he reaches the bottom, he scouts out the alley way with professional efficacy.

2013-08-06, 09:04 PM
Dmitri takes a long look along the sky line checking for tall buildings and good vantage points.

Rolling shooting for this because I'm looking for a sniping point.


Wild Die

2013-08-07, 04:11 AM
Dmitri's vision is partially obscured by the smoke and the brightly coloured flashes of light that tear through the darkness. It's hard to make out a good sniping point from here.
The alleyway is clear, with only a vagrant huddling in a corner, looking up with mild surprise but no shock. Apparently the man has seen enough in his time to take your appearance in stride.
He mutters something in Arabic at you.

//let me know if one of your characters speaks Arabic.

2013-08-07, 04:21 AM
Alendor looks at Dmitri with a surprised look.
"Is that another one of your jokes?"
He checks if the silver blade is strapped safely and hides his shotgun under his coat. Following Gaius, he slides down the fire escape and checks the alley.
"Anyone wants to take the lead." He asks while observing his surroundings.

2013-08-07, 05:39 PM
Dmitri takes a quick look around for a sewer.

"Dmitri is master magician,escape artist, and illusionist. Dmitri is not a comedian." He pushes himself to the front of the group. "Ve go now"

2013-08-08, 12:34 AM
Gaius grunts at Dmitri, and moves ahead to the corner to the street, and takes a look out, without going out into the street. He does it casually enough that an onlooker would likely think nothing of it.

2013-08-08, 06:33 AM
The streets are packed with people. Not all of them are protesters. Some are just ordinary folks with business outside. Many are fleeing the scenes of violence.
But the tension in the air is palpable. Those of you who have been in combat before know the distinctive feeling that comes with widespread violence, but this is another category entirely. Something is here...something vast and vile.
Even ordinary folks can feel it.

2013-08-08, 07:28 PM
"Ah reminds me of home. If Soviet Union was located on surface of sun. The crowds, the fighting, the anger, if only we had barking dogs and men asking for papers I'd start craving mama's cooking." Dmitri pushes his way to the latest attack if only he could use his intangibility and walk there. Oh well. He takes a scan of the square while he makes his way to the blast zone, looking for high up buildings, sewer grates, manholes and fire hydrants.

(What should I roll)

2013-08-09, 06:02 AM
Give me a streetwise roll.
By the way, I would ask you to remove the "s in your link to your charsheet in the OOC thread. This way the link does not work properly.

2013-08-09, 05:06 PM

Wild die.

2013-08-12, 10:50 AM
Dmitri's years of experience with the abyss of the city streets have prepared him well for inner-city recon. Quickly, he manages to make his way through the crowds, gliding in and out like a bat through the treetops, at the same time marking sewer entrances, good vantage points from higher up and the rare few hydrants which have not been damaged already.

Suddenly, only about 50 metres from your position, a massive explosion shakes the ground, throwing the crowd into disarray, with some throwing rocks in the general direction, others fleeing from the blast. The smell of charred flesh, burning oil and...something rank and inhuman fills your nostrils.

2013-08-13, 01:09 AM
Dmitri snaps his fingers, than snaps again, than one more time. Than he shouts something that seems rude in russian. "Go find good point for shooting." as Dmitri rushes off to a vantage point, pushing through the crowd. He was a tall but not strong and it wasn't easy for him.

If I can make it to the door of one of my vantage points in one turn than I'll pick the lock if not I'll wait.

2013-08-16, 04:07 AM
Yes, Dmitri can make it to the door in one round, give me a roll for picking the lock if you have not already done so.

What is the rest doing?

2013-08-19, 05:09 AM
In response to the explosion, Gaius immediately fights against the crowd swarming away. He works his way forward closer to the disturbance, finding a parked van roughly between himself and the blast. He presses his back tightly against the shield, bending his legs to lower himself below any windows, and quickly retrieves his assault rifle from it's stowed position. Only then does he risk a look over the hood of the vehicle.

2013-08-19, 02:22 PM
Notice check from Gaius, please.

2013-08-19, 03:46 PM
Notice [roll0]
Wild [roll1]

2013-08-21, 01:48 PM
Gaius, unfortunately, cannot see anything over the glare of the fires the explosion has started. Except maybe, that they are a bit too bright...

2013-09-05, 12:51 AM
Dmitri snaps his fingers, the magic rushes through him becoming one with him. The universe is now his plaything. He pushes through the door and rushes up the stairs.

2013-09-08, 06:21 AM
From up there, it is far more easy to make out more details. Apparently, several vehicles have been blown up by whatever attacked. People are running, panicking, trying to get away from the explosions. Meanwhile, the...thing surrounded by the flames glows brighter, the light eclipsing its vaguely humanoid form as it hurls a ball of fiery light at the nearest group of people...

Gaius' turn

2013-09-09, 01:10 AM
Gaius moves around to the other side of the vehicle, looking for a different angle. Before he looks back out, he pulls out a pair of sunglasses, and puts them over his eyes.

He looks out from the side of the vehicle, crouching close to the ground, and if he has a shot, he fires.

Shooting "double-tap" [roll0]
Rifle damage [roll1]

2013-09-11, 11:30 PM

Gaius pops over again and his rifle barks off another several shots into the blinding light.

Shooting "double-tap" [roll]1d10+1[/vroll]
Rifle damage [roll]2d8+1[/vroll]

2013-09-11, 11:32 PM
Try this again
Shooting "double-tap" [roll0]
Rifle damage [roll1]

2013-09-14, 10:41 AM
The high-velocity bullet slams into the creature - who, up to this time, had been unaware of Gaius - sending it reeling backwards. Immediately, the aura of blazing light intensifies and around the creature, the concrete begins to bubble and burst.

Nice hit! Dmitri's turn

2013-09-14, 12:25 PM
At his lovely vantage point Dmitri readies his gun with an anti tank round and aims at his new foe adjusting for wind resistance and distance.

2013-09-18, 06:11 AM
The glare, smoke and confusion and the fact that the silhouette of the Sunchild refuses to solidify to ordinary observation make it quite difficult to actually hit the thing. The bullet leaves a nice hole in the concrete to the creature's left, though...

Now, however, you have the eldritch monster's attention. A high-pitched shriek fills the night, eclipsing the clamour and screams of the humans down on the street easily. Something like a hand points at Dmitri and a beam of searing, white light rushes forward!

Rolling to hit:

Damage: [roll2]

Luckily, it narrowly misses, instead liquefying the bricks next to him...

2013-09-20, 11:16 PM
Seeing the damage the Sunchild did with it's last shot, Gaius, plops back down behind the car. "Holy ****!" he curses. He makes a dash to a further away car, then takes another few shots before ducking back under cover.

Shooting [roll0]or wild [roll1]
damage [roll2]

2013-09-20, 11:17 PM
Oooo, the Wild die exploded! rolling again! [roll0]

2013-09-20, 11:19 PM
I think I may have hit with a raise. If so, here's the extra damage.

2013-09-25, 11:11 AM
The high-velocity bullet does not miss it's mark this time, striking the glowing form of the luminescent horror, sending it hurling backwards a few steps before it can right itself once more. Suddenly, every sound vanishes into the background as the creature utters a howl so utterly inhuman it causes a mass panic in those people still close by.
Then....a supernova illuminates the night. For just a brief moment, you are all blinded by a flash of searing light so intense it feels as if your eyeballs are boiling in their sockets.
You barely manage to look away before you lose your eyesight forever. When your vision finally clears, you can see that the area where the creature had been is glassed over. Within a radius of 30 meters, nothing is left standing....

Combat is over, congrats! Have a bennie.

2013-09-25, 11:40 PM
Gaius moves forward to inspect the crater, his gun ready for more action. After checking that the coast is clear. He looks up to Dmitri and gives him the "all clear" signal.

He looks around for any sign of anything useful, clues, evidence, etc. After a moment to satisfy his combat instincts, he pulls out a cigarette, lights it, and takes a deep pleasurable drag.

2013-09-26, 12:03 AM
"You take a near death experience with a slow one." Dmitri notes the cigarette, his nerves were shaking but it was the job he had to focus. Someone had just pulled a disappearing act and he was a master magician. "Boss did not mention it teleporting so Dmitri is here to figure trick." Dmitri begins to search for a manhole or somewhere the beast could disappear to.

2013-10-03, 07:45 AM
Notice check for Gaius, please

2013-10-03, 10:55 PM
Notice check
[roll0] or Wild [roll1]

2013-10-08, 10:52 AM
Gaius manages to find traces of glassed-over concrete scattered in a straight path away from the site of the explosion. Apparently, the Sunchild's powers over illumination have allowed it to become invisible, although it is obviously heavily wounded, " bleeding" pure heat.

2013-10-12, 12:09 AM
"Sonofa..." Gaius curses softly. He waves to his companion, "Over here. The bastard got away. Follow me."

He proceeds to track the sunchild's trail as best he can, the cigarette dangling from his mouth in stern concentration, his rifle at the ready.

Tracking I assume? [roll0] and Wild [roll1]

2013-10-12, 12:12 PM
Dmitri follows gun at the ready and pulls out a radio to his mr. lovecraft. " Sir you neglected to mention this beast could turn invisible."

2013-10-13, 03:05 AM
" That might be because none of the ancient texts speak of this ability" comes the curt response.

The trail leads Gaius further into the heart of the city, past a trail of not only glassed concrete but also a few injured or dead civilians, most of them with severe burns. The thing might be invisible, but it obviously still emanates incredible heat.

The further you move into the city, the more people cross your way and the more armed insurrectionists and/or government troops you can see. If you do not wish to run afoul of them, stealth is once again the order of the day.

Meaning I need the appropriate roll from you :)

2013-10-13, 04:03 PM
Gaius makes his way through the city trying to keep himself from being blatantly noticeable. He stashes his rifle away, but has his pistol out and held low by his leg.

Stealth [roll0] or Wild [roll1]

2013-10-13, 04:07 PM
Spending a Bennie to re-roll that!
Stealth [roll0] or Wild [roll1]

2013-10-13, 04:08 PM
Woohoo, rolling the exploding Wild dice!

2013-10-13, 04:10 PM
Sorry! that didn't work for some reason. Rolling the exploding Wild die again.
Wild [roll0]

2013-10-15, 11:39 PM
"Put a sticky note on it than, so the next two people who go off to die will last a little longer."

2013-10-19, 08:02 PM
Gaius manages to avoid the notice of both armed parties, following the trail of carnage through the inner city...until he notices that the trail leads directly to the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities...

2013-10-26, 11:50 PM
"I vill go around back so we can surround this beast. I'll radio in every minute, if I fail to message expect the absolute worst. Codeword for monster is Souveneir, code word for cultists with this monster is filthy americans." Dmitri makes his way to the back.

2013-10-29, 11:52 PM
Gaius shakes his head in exasperation at his comrades sense of humor.

He follows the trail up to the Museum.

OOC - Does the trail go right up the front door, or somewhere else?

2013-11-16, 09:35 PM
Dmitri in hopes of reviving this game makes his way around the museum looking for a place where the monster might exit.