View Full Version : Item suggestions for multiweapon fighter

2013-07-28, 11:17 PM
I have a Ranger/Fighter/Barbarian front-line combatant with 4 arms who is multiweapon fighting.

So far I have 4 MW weapons, some good armor, and a Ring of Force Shield (modified to be a buckler, and I have Improved buckler defense).

I intend to get some Strongarm Bracers (Let you use weapons 1 size larger) and I have a 3rd party archetype for barbarian that makes me a large creature when I rage.

Are there any suggestions for items to pick up? Pathfinder, 3.5, and 3rd party accepted.

2013-07-29, 12:43 AM
I have a Ranger/Fighter/Barbarian front-line combatant with 4 arms who is multiweapon fighting.

So far I have 4 MW weapons, some good armor, and a Ring of Force Shield (modified to be a buckler, and I have Improved buckler defense).

I intend to get some Strongarm Bracers (Let you use weapons 1 size larger) and I have a 3rd party archetype for barbarian that makes me a large creature when I rage.

Are there any suggestions for items to pick up? Pathfinder, 3.5, and 3rd party accepted.

Items; get really really big weapons. The bigger the better, and start using Power Attack and Two-Weapon Rend.
Items that give you Haste and Wraithstrike are good plans, make up for the penalties, and get the extra attack for even more damage.

(I say this as a lvl 25 Duskblade Barbarian Fighter Warmage Draegloth)

2013-07-29, 09:39 PM
I picked up the Yeti Claws from Super Genius Games's Loot 4 Less line. 1d4 cold damage on all melee attacks. Gloves slot.

Is there anything else that might be extra effective with so many attacks?
Do you know of any non-custom items that would let me use wraithstrike? I do not have any levels in Arcane classes, but I have one level in Ranger.