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2013-07-29, 10:30 AM
Welcome to the Towers and Thralls game thread!

2013-07-29, 10:56 AM
Alright, so i guess level and class is pretty much down, so now all the questions needed for character generation:

How high is the point buy?
Same point buy for thralls?
Same point buy for believers?
How do i generate hp?
Do I get gestalt to shore up weaknesses?
Flaws and traits? Allowed? If yes how many of each?
Level 8 still in place?
Do I get to choose and make my own thrall and followers?
Wealth by level as the chart?
Any special house rules I should be aware of?
What books and so are allowed? I 'normally' tend towards all wotc books but no dragon mag.

I think i got most if not all of the questions down :D
I should be able to have the characters up withing a day or so.

2013-07-29, 11:14 AM
5.Yes, if you think you need it...but remember the PsC class and Gestalt rules.
6.Yes, two and two.
7.Level 8
11.Any WotC stuff.

Thrallheard Fix:Lost thralls are replaced within 24 hours. Believers arrive and are replaced at a rate of the thrallherd’s leadership score per day, with the lowest level believers arriving first. If the thrallherd is in a location where thralls and believers cannot reach, none arrive until she moves to a location where she can be reached. A thrallherd establishes a resonance with his thrall and suffers if the thrall is killed. For 48 hours following the loss of a thrall, a thrallherd suffers one negative level. This negative level may not be healed by any means until 48 hours have passed since the thrall’s death, at which point it fades naturally. Should the thrallherd’s new thrall die while the thrallherd is still suffering a negative level, he acquires an additional negative level, and the duration of any negative levels gained through losing a thrall resets to 48 hours from the time the most recent thrall was lost.

Clerics are always proficient in the favored weapon of their deity, even if martial or exotic. Temples train their priests in the use of their deity's favored weapon.
Dodge grants a flat +1 dodge bonus to AC .

Initiative is rolled once at the start of a combat encounter.

Shield bonuses are added to touch AC.

Clarification: An unconscious creature is not hindered from making a Will save. In the case of harmless effects, or in the case of spells that affect willing targets only, the creature is considered willing

No form of metamagic reduction may reduce the spell's level below its original, or in the case of a heightened spell, below its heightened level. This rule has no effect on metamagic feats that, in and of themselves, reduce a spell's level (such as Sanctum Spell).

Creation magic:By default, magic that summons or creates objects have as an additional material component a piece of material that was once part of a creature or object of the type to be summoned/polymorphed. Pieces of certain exotic monsters will have a high market value. (So Eschew Materials will be ineffective). Only some divine magic can ignore this.

All spells with the (Healing) descriptor, including Heal, all Cure spells, Raise Dead, etc, are now back in the Necromancy School, as they were in earlier editions.

Negative energy harms the living and heals the undead, while positive energy heals the living and harms undead. Note that pure energy is also dangerous to use as too much energy (negative for undead, positive for the living) is also harmful.

Illusion Spells: Detect magic does not automatically reveal illusion auras of spells higher level than it; instead, it grants a saving throw with a +4 bonus to disbelieve the illusion. Under no circumstances does detect magic reveal a magical aura on an object that the caster cannot see due to invisibility or similar spells, or the aura of the invisibility spell itself. In order to determine the location of a magical aura, it must remain still for three full rounds of concentration; any movement of 5 feet or more spoils the attempt and requires the caster to begin concentrating once again. A character can not believe in her own illusions, even if she wants to. Illusions that produce a percentage of their effect when a target makes their save, such as Shadow Conjuration or Shadow Evocation, cannot have greater than a 100% effect on a target after a successful save. No effect produced by an illusion can produce a greater effect after a successful save than it could produce with a failed save. You can only emulate spells you know or have in your spellbook with shadow evocation and shadow conjuration.

Polymorph:Changing your body and brain is an inherently risky business. Every [interval]* a character spends in a form with a type other than his own, he must make a Will save, with a DC equal to normal DC of a spell of this level, +1 for each [interval] they’ve spent in the form, +1 for each of these saves they’ve failed. As they start failing these saves, they begin forgetting their own identity. Each failed save causes the caster to lose 1d4 random spell slots or prepared spells. If the caster fails 5 saves, he becomes permanently convinced that he is a creature of the type they've shapeshifted into. They discard all memories of their past life (including feats, prepared spell slots, spells known, and more) that don't "fit" with their new form, and begin acting in a manner appropriate to the new creature, even if the spell ends. This condition can be cured by any spell capable of curing insanity. A caster who’s failed at least one of these saves must make an additional save to dismiss the spell.

It's especially difficult to maintain your mental balance in the heat of battle. Even if a spell's duration is more than one minute/level, when in combat, the subject must make a save every two rounds.

A druid's Wild Shape is subject to these limitations. A class without strong spellcasting, however, like the Wildshape Ranger or Beastman treats the interval of his Wild Shape as one step higher-- without prior access to such strong magic, they have to train much more intensely to make use of the ability, training which includes expertise in maintaining their mental balance.

The [Interval] is based on the normal duration of the spell, and shown on the table below.

Spell Duration [Interval] 1 round/level 1 round 1 minute/level 2 rounds 10 minutes/level 1 minute 1 hour/level 10 minutes 1 day/level 1 hour

Teleportation:Teleportation spells of 4th level or lower (which includes dimension door) can’t transport you further than you can see. The range of these abilities is reduced to line of sight. You can’t use them to transport onto the other side of a closed door, or if you’re blinded, or if it’s too dark to see. You can use them to transport through a window (as you can see what’s on the other side)

You can only teleport a number of miles equal to your caster level. (When teleporting through the use of a racial ability, the distance is limited to a number of miles equal to your total HD.)
Teleporting characters or objects disappear instantly, but teleportation takes a number of rounds equal to the number of miles traveled (minimum of 1 round). During this time, characters at the destination of the teleport can make a Spot check (DC 20). If the check succeeds, they are aware of the incoming teleport. If the distance of the teleport is a mile or less, characters at the receiving end of the teleport will only have a surprise round in which to take actions before the teleport is completed.

If the caster does not have a full hour of study on a location, the chance of the teleportation success is only 20%, plus one percent per caster level.
Teleport Destination: The caster must have a clear mental picture of the teleport destination. For the best results the caster must physically be in the target location for a full hour and make careful notes of the sight, sound, smell and feel of the area. The caster must pick a mostly static location, one that does not change with the passage of time. A destination only remains valid if less then 50% of area remains the same to match the mental picture in the casters mind. Small changes, such as a tree blowing in the wind have no effect, however cutting down the tree makes the destination invalid for a caster that has the tree as part of their mental destination picture.

Summoning:The strain of binding and controlling a summoned creature imposes a cumulative -1 penalty to caster level for each creature currently summoned.

When casting a summoning spell, there is a 1% chance per spell level that the spell goes horribly awry and summons something else entirely. The exact nature of the mistake is left up to the DM, depending on the power of the spell and what the desired result was. Occasionally, this results in something insignificantly weak, such as a celestial chipmunk. Other times, your summon monster II delivers a hezrou. The new creature is not bound by any sort of magic, and may break the summon at any time it wishes and return to its home plane. It cannot be dismissed by dismissing the spell.

Magic that summons have as an additional material component a piece of material that was once part of a creature or object of the type to be summoned/polymorphed. Pieces of certain exotic monsters will have a high market value. (So Eschew Materials will be ineffective).

The fatigued condition imposes a -2 penalty to caster level and a -1 penalty to spell save DCs. The exhausted condition imposes a -6 penalty to caster level, and a -3 penalty to spell save DCs. The caster level penalties cannot reduce a character's caster level below one-half its normal state.

2013-07-29, 11:57 AM
Hmm the point buy seems a bit, low. Seeing as a 16 is 10 points and an 18 is 16... Or am I using the wrong way of calculation?

Also arcane/psionics transparency, this makes knowledge psicraft and spellcraft the same skill yes?

And how about reducing the cost of powers to below the original cost?

2013-07-29, 03:47 PM
25 is standard? After all 34 is powerful. Or did you want 27?

Yes psionics is 'just like magic' and 'is magic'.

What about reducing powers?

2013-07-29, 06:17 PM
Aye 25 is standard, but wotc kinda messed up standard. I feel like 28-34 is the sweet spot for pb, but I guess that is just me.
I was thinking of grabbing some reducers, but now that I think about it, being able to grant 2 powerpoints at the cost of 1 seems kind of stupid. Never mind.

My dear thrallherd is coming along nicely. I decided for gestalting, with warblade. For the extra health and sweet sweet counters.

Also can I put in a psion level beside the thrallherd level where I lose a manifestor level?

2013-07-29, 06:56 PM
Max health at first? If yes then the last roll can be ignored.

If I can gestalt psion//thrallherd for level 6 then substitute this for bottom roll:

Okay, Eliphas Mastiff (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=71746) is almost done, just missing the last calls on health and all those mundane things I always tend to forget. Will make his companions tomorrow.

2013-07-30, 10:41 AM
Max health at first.

And the enveloping pit? You know that is a relic that you can't use, right?

2013-07-30, 01:55 PM
I can't use the relic power, that is true, however I can use it as a hole for putting prisoners and misbehaving goats in.
Just need a way to turn people into goats.

Gah why must I be so bad at settling for a thrall...
Perhaps I will make the Believers first.
Ill just start with making a list and fill in as I finish.
First 2: The 'Twins', Dread Necromancers. (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=71781)
Next 5: The Nameless (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=71785)
Last 1: Jeff (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=71787)

Rengis the druid (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=71811)

Edit: Been a bit more busy than expected, the thrall will have to wait a day, while I figure out what his role is supposed to be.

2013-07-30, 10:35 PM
Wow, I missed how broken the Enveloping Pit is. I just assumed that you could not use a relic unless you worshiped the deity of that relic. But guess the guy who wrote/edited the MiC was an utter and complete idiot. But guess that just makes him an average WotC employe. Though, oddly, they were done right in Complete Divine. Well, just makes one more fix for D&D and another house rule to add.

But anyway, you can have it....

2013-07-30, 11:06 PM
Just need to get the thrall done with, does the "The cohort should be equipped with gear appropriate for its level." part give it wbl as a pc, the 19k or some other amount? Also i used 27 pb for Eliphas, it seemed appropriate.

Also why would you assume something that made total sense? But in all fairness I think the dedicated power, which is kinda worthless most of the time. I mean a feat AND a hd requirement to save a few gold pieces on a semi-useless item? I personally think that the pit and the raptor arrow are the two relics that aren't worthless :P

2013-07-30, 11:35 PM
NPC wealth/gear can be found on table 4-23 page 127 of the DMG.(it is not in the SRD). 27 pb is fine.

2013-07-30, 11:39 PM
Okay, I thought I heard about npc wealth, but had no idea where to look. I should really be sleeping...
Oh well might as well take a look at some D&D.
I want a bard, but I want undeads too... Why don't bards get undeads, or clerics get bardic music.
And I ended with a druid instead. Character and such is done.

2013-08-01, 01:05 AM
Your character sheet has no powers or maneuvers? You have them somewhere else?

Your history has you being a Spellnight and researching spells.....but your character is not a spell caster? Maybe more like a Mindknight and discovering powers?

2013-08-01, 06:43 AM
All the powers and maneuvers are there, you just need to press the small box that says display spells and powers.

Well since there is psionic/magic transparency I thought it didn't matter what he called himself. Magic is magic and all, so yeah, if you really want me to change it I can, but spellknight sounds better than mindknight, imo at least.

The researching part is more of a, well, researching part. To take over the world you do need to know about the spells/powers that might help you, and the ones that might be a problem, discovering powers just seem to kind of happen...

2013-08-01, 07:38 PM
Ah, missed that little box...lol.

So looks like your all ready....so ready to start the game?

2013-08-01, 08:03 PM
Yes, let's do just that.

2013-08-03, 01:25 AM
Your from Green Hill, a small village in southern Damara. In 1222 DR it was a very quiet, idyllic place. Guards, such as the Spellguard kept the lands safe and clear. But by 1350, things had changed. The Spellguard was long gone, the country invaded, and Green Hill was full of refuges. Needlessly to say it was a far different time. By the time you retreated to the tower and came back out, 1360 DR, the invasion was over, but the damage to the way of life of your past younger days seemed destroyed forever.


History Notes:

Current year:1360 DR

Eliphas born: 1222 DR

Trapped in pit:1250 DR

Freed from pit:1350 DR

OOC:Just wanted to post some information to get started.

2013-08-03, 06:32 AM
I have a nice bard as a cohort, and also knowledge history, what do I know about the current defenders of the area, and any items of power said to be hidden around here?

Know history:
In case it's useful:

Bardic knowledge.

Edit: Wow Jeff has the first 20 rolled. He is going to be useful.

2013-08-03, 11:31 AM
The Army of Bloodstone provides much of the default defense for the whole realm of Damara. There is a army castle just outside of Valls.

Avasir's Eye

Based upon his encounter with a possessor of the Ice-Eye and his subsequent research and discovery of the existence of the other Eyes, the great mage Avasir set about to create an Eye of his own. The Eye's powers are dormant until the holder presses it to one of his eyes, then its powers and true nature reveal themselves. Upon touching one's eye with the Eye a harmless burst of magical energy occurs. Once the smoke clears the Star Sapphire seems to have grafted itself into the character's eye socket. The character then falls into a coma for three days, during which time he learns how to use all of the powers of the Eye. Any attempt to remove the Eye during this coma results in another burst of magical energy, does damage to whomever is attempting to remove the Eye, by whatever means. The Eye cannot be removed, not even a Wish or the intervention of the Gods will affect the Eye. Once the character awakens he knows how to use the Eye, which appears as a softly glowing, bluish gemstone with a white starburst center embedded in the character's eye socket. Avasir foresaw that keeping the powers of the Eye static would cause problems in the long run. He himself managed to defeat several possessor's of the other Eye's once he learned of their powers and devised spells or strategies to counteracted them. Therefore the first power of Avasir's Eye is its ability to steal and incorporate other spells or powers into itself.

IcerazorThis unholy short sword has a blade of ice that constantly drips numbingly-cold water. When it scored a critical hit, the end of the blade snapped off and remained in the body of the target, the sword immediately reformed a new blade end. This lodged portion of the blade inflicted the body with negative energy per as long as it remained in the target.

Naturaly the invasion, war and hard times have left a great many items lost.

2013-08-03, 05:01 PM
"Jeff, assemble my entourage. There is some questions I would like to ask the good people of Green Hill." a voice hoarse from disuse calls out, this is the first time in months Eliphas has bothered with talking.
What to pursue, the eye or the sword... The eye will most likely be under heavy guard so perhaps the sword would be best for a start.

As Jeff starts to gather what they need from the tower Eliphas calls in Rengis from his patrol. We need to get going soon Rengis, please get back here.

So I will be using plain dark orange for speech from Eliphas, for thoughts Dark orange with italics, for commands to minions I will be using Dark orange with italics and underline. If spoken no italics.

So for now Eliphas will gather his underlings and head for Green Hill.

I supposed He does not know the exact location of Icerazor, so for now He will just ask around town.

2013-08-03, 09:31 PM
Jeff can tell you that Icerazor was last known to be welded by, Sayamorel Daracyn, a dark blackguard of Auril, in defense of the lands in one of the final battles of the Bloodstone Wars. Sayamorel has not been seen, and is presumed dead, with Icerazor either with his corpse or his killer.

2013-08-03, 10:56 PM
Upon receiving the news about Icerazor, Eliphas turns to Jeff and says in his hoarse voice: "All the more reason to go to Green Hill Jeff. Perhaps we can find a guide."

2013-08-04, 09:11 AM
Green Hill The town is located on a site that has been home to Halflings for years, but the current inhabitants moved into the site with in the last couple years. Located in the center of a large formation of rocky hills, the city is a natural fortress that is easy to defend and soon became a popular resting point for caravans bringing goods from the other lands bt ground travel.

The small town of your youth has grown much over the years, but not for the better. Buliding were added in random patterns and over dozen of stlyes, so the town is a mess. Worse many of the buliding are run down and not kept up. Plenty of junk and trash is scatered about the streets and grass.

2013-08-04, 10:03 AM
Upon arriving to his old town Eliphas frowns: "Jeff look what they did to this once beautiful place, such a shame." he says in his raspy voice. Deciding for establishing some sort of base of operation he sends off a thought to the druid; Rengis, take three of the unnamed and a twin and go find us a place we can stay. Feel free to use violence, no prisoners. Just try to be subtle about it.

As the group splits up into two Eliphas, Jeff and the rest heads towards the nearest inn, Jeff leading the way. Find me some information about the Icerazor Jeff. For now we are just a traveling group of adventurers.

2013-08-04, 12:42 PM
The Imp and the Wolf Inn is a good sized inn, located right at the south edge of town. It looks fairly new (maybe 10-20 years old) and is made of mostly gray and brown wood. The common room is a nice mix of halflings and humans drinking and eating and making plenty of noise.

Jeff moves about the inn, doing the typical traveling bard act. Soon enough he meets another bard or two and get to chatting.

2013-08-04, 04:16 PM
Eliphas sits down in the most quiet corner he can find and mutters to the twin accompanying him: "Be a dear and find us something to drink." He then sits down and quietly scans the room for anyone who seems capable of being a threat, should problems arise.

2013-08-04, 08:44 PM
Everyone that you see is armed, right down to the young servers, who each have at least a couple daggers strapped to their dresses. About half the folk are even amored. Most folks have swords and axes, with some other weapons.

There is armed and amored half Orc by one wall, watching the room...not drinking or eating.

The bouncer, also a half Orc, looks very tough....though he is one of the few with no weapons you can see.

One table by the kitchen door has three human males in black robes that are covered in yellow star patterns.

2013-08-04, 09:43 PM
"So much fear these days, even the children are forced to wear weapons, such a tragedy." Eliphas' remarks to one of the unnamed. As he waits for the twin to return he absentmindedly scans the room with his thoughts, seeing the room in a new light.

Using mindsight to find out if anyone in the room has an int score greater than 12. And what the int score of the two Half-orcs are. And also if anyone is hiding their true form.

2013-08-05, 02:53 PM
Everyone in your sight is who/what they look like. The bouncer half Orc hasan 11, the other half Orc has a 14. The robed men all have 16. Everyone else is in the 10 to 12 range.

The twin returns with the drinks.

wow, guess mindsight is a poorly written feat that needs a nerf .....

2013-08-06, 10:35 AM
As he accepts the drink from the twin he thanks her in a raspy voice. After taking the first sip a slight frown can be seen on his face.

As he waits for the bard to finish doing his things Eliphas just quietly drinks his drink and looks out for signs of trouble.

Mindsight is perfect for spotting invisible and hiding foes :D

Sorry about the delay, I thought I posted before going to bed, seems like I did not.

2013-08-06, 12:13 PM
roll a local knowladge for Jeff....the site is down so I can't look up his sheet.....

The place does not look like much of a place for trouble, just a place for locals to meet.

Though a couple minutes later a happy halfling in brown leather armor enters the common room and says some hellos and hand slaps.

your mindsight tels you the halfling is a copper dragon.

The new halfling quickly gets a group around him buying him drinks and asking for jokes to be told. The halfling takes three drinks and tells away jokes that have most of the room laughing.

that is not the part I think needs a fix....it is the knowing the INT score.....and having type so auto, that should be an opposed check.

2013-08-06, 12:30 PM
Jeff has a +4... or 5? Let's go with +4 until I can check it.

A dragon, here? Let's hope he is as friendly as he seems.

For a moment Eliphas considers the best choice of action, action by proxy it what he does best, and so the action he chooses.

You, unnamed, go ask the halfling to join you at a table, drinks are on you. Put your mask on.

As the unnamed asks the halfling to join him, Eliphas echoes the words via telepathy. "Please follow me to the table, I wish to speak with you."

Well getting the telepathy to make it work is not that simple, but while on the subject, what is the dragons int? It might be a bit too good, but maybe a concentration check against a dc = int? Or a psicraft as it's telepathy?

2013-08-06, 12:46 PM
dragon/halfling INT 18

The halfling nods and follows the nameless back to the table, sitting down with a full mug.

2013-08-06, 01:06 PM
As the nameless sits opposite from the halfling, Eliphas questions the Haflling through telepathy.

So what is one such as yourself doing here in Green Hill? It is rare seeing one of your kind. Dragons are not that common after all.

2013-08-06, 07:51 PM
The ''halfling'' looks at you and raises his eyebrows as he gets your telepathic message.

Says the halfling telepathically "My Kind are at least as common as halflings with telepathy, and the ability to see true shapeshifted forms. It's not so uncommon for one of my Kind to seek the enjoyment of smallfurs. Though we normally can evade detection."

2013-08-07, 07:39 AM
Ah I see, telepathy is a side effect of my interests. I am a rare items collector, and I do enjoy collecting them myself. You wouldn't happen to know the location of the item I am currently after would you? It's a sword called Icerazor it was lost a great many years ago and I intend to find it. Although his normal voice is hoarse, his telepathic voice is much more refined, his way of speaking much like that of the melodic elves.

When he answers Eliphas expends the psychic focus of his psicrystal to activate inquisitor for +10 on his sense motive. The crystal will regain the psychic focus at the beginning of it's next turn.
This puts his total modifier to +21.
Just in case.

Is it Faerûn where dragons are not color coded for convenience?
I.E. Metallic = good and Chromatic = evil

Also I presume you roll the sense motive.

Also can you discern where telepathy originates from?

And knowledge arcana on copper dragons:

2013-08-07, 11:19 PM
Halfling/copper dragon "Telepathy as a side effect? Interesting. And a rare items collector....why, I myself am also a rare items collector. Always have my eye out for a nice new addition to my horde. Icerazor, yes I have heard of the weapon. A couple of stories and a couple of jokes, but I know nothing of fact of the weapon."

You'd roll for things like skill checks unless: 1)you don't know about the check or 2)It would just speed things along for me to do it. Like if your looking for something, it is kinda obvious that I can just roll a spot check, without waiting for you to post you want to do so.

Realms dragons are color coated....and they have more colors.

The average lay person can't do much other then detect the direction telepathic contact comes from, as the rules say it is ''just like speech''. Magic can detect such things, of course.

Copper dragons are the most humorous of all true dragons. Their ability to play pranks, tell jokes, and create riddles is legendary. They like dry, rocky uplands and mountains to lair within. This does from time to time put them into conflict with red dragons and blue dragons, who also enjoy a similar environment, but they usually use their wits to out think their foes and work hard to embarrass them and make them give up.

Copper dragons are capable of flight, but prefer to climb, and have an acidic breath weapon.

2013-08-08, 04:26 AM
Ah, I am terribly sorry to have wasted your time then, thank you for taking the time to speak with me. as he stops thanking the dragon he wonders if it was such a great idea to send Rengis out to secure a base of operations, with a dragon around it could cause some problems.

Ah alright, thought sense motive and bluff checks and such were exceptions as if I rolled low I would almost never discover a lie, where if I rolled really high the opposite would be true, but I'll just roll it now then.

Sense Motive:

2013-08-08, 06:55 PM
The halfling/dragon "Oh, it's never a waste of my time to meet another small fur. It is why I'm here after all. But should you come across an item or trinket you wish to sell, keep me in mind, my horde can well use some spice. I'd love to have an evil item or two, if you should ever come across one. Fair well."

Well, sort of true...but then even if you roll like a 2, they might only have like a plus one in the skill anyway. You really never know with opposed checks.

2013-08-09, 05:03 AM
I will be sure to keep that in mind, how would I get into contact with you, I do not know how long I will stay in the region.

2013-08-09, 05:47 AM
Halfling/dragon "Oh, you can just leave a message with any bar keep or inn master. I make social rounds quite often. Come into any common room in town and you are likely to find me."

2013-08-09, 05:35 PM
I will, I am sure we will meet again. I didn't catch your name though?

2013-08-09, 09:52 PM
"As a smallfur I am know as Halfred the Happy, to my Kind I'm Zafinadriandranando, or just Zaff for short." says the halfling/dragon.

2013-08-10, 05:52 AM
Dragons and your long names, I will leave it for you halfling persona then. Do take care. with that Eliphas lets the unnamed do as he pleases.

2013-08-10, 08:41 AM
Your herd mixes with the crowd of locals and enjoy themselfs. As time passes, people enter and leave the common room. The Imp and the Wolf Inn is never quite busy, but seems popular with the locals, though most don't stay long.

Jeff moves back over to you: "Most of the locals know the basic story of the weapon. Sayamorel even passed through town a time or two. Some locals claimed to know him, but I think they were just saying that. We are not the only ones looking for it, though. A young cleric of Auril is also looking for it. Most locals favor the story that the weapon was lost on the battle field, but Sayamorel's body was never found."

2013-08-10, 10:06 AM
Any idea if the cleric would be willing to team up? Getting another body between danger and us would be worthwhile. Also locating the body would be worthwhile if we an pick up a speak with dead. I'll spend some time tonight to use some divinations tonight. Do try to find the cleric though and send an unnamed to check on Rengis.

2013-08-10, 11:20 AM
Jeff"I did not get many details about the cleric. I'll ask around some more." he nods and heads back to make the rounds in the coom room, as he sends a nameless away.

2013-08-10, 11:47 AM
Eliphas then returns to his drink, watching for other interesting creatures to enter the inn.

Knowledge Religion check on Auril:

2013-08-11, 02:36 AM
Auril (AWE-ril) is most powerful in those regions that are affected by deep winters or crouch at the edges of the Great Glacier. She is worshiped primarily out of fear. She is a fickle, vain, and evil creature whose cold divine heart remains untouched by any hint of true love, noble feeling, or honor. She often toys with those who offend her, trapping them in snow storms and then driving them insane by tantalizing them with visions of warmth and the comforts of home before she freezes them to death. Her eternal beauty is cold and deadly the flower of womanhood preserved forever in a slab of arctic ice-with sensibilities to match the ice.

2013-08-11, 06:42 AM
I do hope her priests aren't all as fickle as their master. It would be much more pleasant to have a warm body between us and whatever waits at the sword. Guess he would not object that much to turning into a cold body between us and them. Eliphas thinks at the twin.

2013-08-11, 08:34 AM
Rengis enters the common room and comes over to you. "We found a couple of abandoned farms on the south edge of town. Most are badly burned, but one is fairly intact and could make a good base. "

2013-08-11, 09:23 AM
In a raspy voice Eliphas addresses Rengis: "Make it so, also we are looking for a cleric, of some importance. Worships Auril. Probably not too pleasant. But might be able to lead us to the sword."

2013-08-11, 09:51 AM
Rengis listens carefuly and nods. "Do you wish to run the farm as a cover? Mayhap we could get some animals and crops? Or you want to keep the deserted look?"

2013-08-11, 10:39 AM
"Just let it look deserted. As long as we stay within the law I do not see any problems arising." Eliphas mutters, the sound barely audible over the noise of the bar.

Do get some of your animals to check the amount of guards, and how often they patrol, and where. We might have to use the veil of night in case of problems.

2013-08-11, 11:14 AM
Rengis nods and heads back outside.

Jeff comes back over to you, "As far as anyone knows, Zakiya the cleric of Auril, does not live anywhere. She wanders. But most agree she comes through town once a week or so, and often stays here. She is not here now, per the innkeeper."

2013-08-12, 03:58 AM
Well, I guess we are staying around for a couple days. Jeff, use the time to find whatever information you deem useful. Keep an unnamed around, just in case.
Rengis, control as many critters as you can and get as much information about the movements around town, special attention to late night shipments, and guard rotations.
Take whomever you need.

2013-08-12, 10:56 AM
They each give a small nod and head off to do their tasks.

As time passes, the common room gets quieter, as people leave, and few people show up.

2013-08-12, 02:32 PM
As the room slowly empties out and no one interesting shows up, Eliphas leaves the Inn and heads for the farm, making sure to avoid any direct run-ins with people, using his telepathy as a radar.

When arriving at the farm he looks around and finds a quiet place where he starts manifesting divination, after he checked for intruders.

He will use Divination, Psionic to ask the following questions:
Is waiting for Zakiya the cleric of Auril the fastest way of getting to the sword Icerazor?

Would I be able to find Avasir's Eye faster than Icerazor if I started looking for it instead?

Is there anyone in particular I should see that would help me find Icerazor?

Never having used divinations before, do tell if the questions are too vague, or badly worded. I do realize that I only specified the fastest way to get a hold of the items, this is because Eliphas cares little for the lives of his companions, and frankly believes himself to be strong enough to survive basically anything.

Also are we using the sacrifice rules from Book of Vile Darkness, in case it gets relevant?

2013-08-12, 03:23 PM
The town is fairly quiet, so you have no problems avoiding anyone. The farm is a simple one story wooden building house, an outhouse and a barn. The house has a kitchen, common area, two bed rooms, and a cellar. One of the bed rooms is a nice place to stop and rest. There are no intruders at the farm.

1.No, finding her would be faster then waiting for her.
2.No, you are closer to finding Icerazor then Avasir's Eye.
3.Yes, Zakiya.

Your divinations are not vague at all. Too vague would be like ''How do I find Icerazor".

My own divination of the future tells me Eliphas is the type of character that might need to use sacrifice, torture, and other such things. So yes, the BoVD has some stuff we can use.

2013-08-12, 03:39 PM
"Rengis, get your birds, or whatever critters you found, on the lookout for the cleric too, this takes priority over everything but making sure we aren't attacked where we are. Also send some unnamed with masks to dig up some bodies, we are going to make ourselves an altar. Twins, with me. Rengis, anyone who lives alone, around here? Preferably not someone spectacular. I feel like Auril would lend us a hand if we send her a soul as offering.

With that Eliphas and the two twins head outside into the darkness to find the unlucky one to be used in tonight's ritual.

Making sure you were comfortable with it, BoVD is 18+ after all.

Changing Iron heart surge to Mountain hammer for the rest of the evening.

Also I read that my psicrystal RAW has feats, seems like something I should ask about and stat out if it is true.

2013-08-12, 05:11 PM
Rengis"Most of the local farms are familes, but I'm sure there must be a loner or two. I'll have them look around."

Well, you are over 18, right?

It is not true, psicrystals don't get feats. It is just the crazy gamers that say ''the rules don't say that psicrystals don't get feats, so then they do!" Psycrystals gain none of the normal things for a creature that advances it's HD, but they do get feats as that is cool, makes no sense. Psycrystals do not advance like normal creatures.

2013-08-12, 05:21 PM
Find someone, even someone who lives alone or secluded will do.

Yeah, Will be 21 at the end of the month.

Okay, I just wanted to ask. Also if I get a thrall with craft magic doodads, he pays the exp and such right? If not Dark Craft xp might become really useful later.

I'll check in a couple times tomorrow, but in 10 hours or so I will be without net until I get home friday, just so you know I didn't just ditch the game.

2013-08-13, 06:45 AM
Rengis heads off for a couple minutes, but soon comes back "The house over across that field only has one person living in it." He points.

The weird thing is that leadership/ thralls are not characters. They can never gain XP and are locked to the leader/master. But if you can't gain xp, then you also can't loose xp.

One of the suggested fixes would be for the master to pay 75% of the xp cost. And that is not such a bad cost as you get the creation feats and work done for free.

2013-08-13, 11:27 AM
Then we go over there, Rengis, Unnamed, Jeff, with me. as the last rays of light disappear Eliphas manifests Touchsight and moves towards the house, using mindsight to look out for anyone nearby. As he reaches the house he tries to locate the one in the house.

Turns out the bus has internet. So like one hour of internet. Heh.

2013-08-13, 09:43 PM
The house stands alone, it's not a farm house, just a small house in a field.

A human, Int 8, is in the back of the house. The house is only about 20x20 and is dark.

2013-08-15, 04:07 PM
Walking to the door of the house, Eliphas points at the door and wills it out of the timeline for a short period of time.
He then silently steps into the house and quickly locates the human, he then targets the human with a Dominate.

This is assuming nothing surprising happens.

Concentration check to not display any signs of the castings:
Time hop on door, DC 18
Dominate, Psionic, spending psi-crystals psionic focus to auto succeed,
DC 19 will to avoid being dominated.

2013-08-16, 12:25 AM
It is a simple house once you move through the doorway. A human male is asleep in the bed near the back wall.


Even asleep the human tries to resist your domination, but his resistance is feeble and he is easily dominated.

2013-08-16, 07:32 AM
Your service is needed. Follow us. Eliphas brings the human with him back to the farm, holding concentration on the spell, still watching for others.

Rengis, prepare some spells for moving earth and soil, I want a functioning basement by this time tomorrow. Also I want a place somewhat secluded in the woods for the primary altar. After all even if we get what we want, we might have to come back at some point.

Does Auril have any enemies that would be, as far as I know, willing to help me accomplish my own goals while denying Icerazor to her priestess? Preferably one that accepts sacrifices, and if not, does Auril?
knowledge religion:
Perhaps knowledge History for earlier incidents:

Going to use the bones and such to make an alter.

2013-08-17, 08:34 AM
The human follows, of course.

Rengis "I will need rest to pary for more spells, but I will do so.".

Auril is CE and accepts sacrifices.

2013-08-17, 09:18 AM
Do so when we are done with the ritual, I hope to gain some amount of favor with Auril, I just pray she views competition between her followers as weeding out the weak. If not, Eliphas shrugs Then we are probably going to encounter some problems later. But for now we need an altar in the woods somewhere, any suggestions?

Eliphas continues with the retinue towards the woods, ordering the unnamed that was sent to gather the bones needed for the temporary altar, to meet with them, as discretely as possible.

2013-08-17, 10:47 AM
Rengis'there are plenty of clearings in any woodland,"

The woods around town are naturaly cut and show signs of use, but only going a couple dozen more feet gets you into the wild.

2013-08-17, 11:19 AM
It's temporary, we just need a place to conduct the ritual for tonight. Afterwards you will have to make an underground place of worship. thinking aloud to himself: "Whats taking them so long.

2013-08-17, 11:33 AM
Rengis leads over to a nice flat plot of ground, between some lightly wooded hills. The nameless show up with the bones and everyone helps make an altar. Rengis even makes a 'snowflake' out of sticks.

2013-08-17, 12:02 PM
In a rasping voice Eliphas addresses the druid"You have done well. Gag and tie our dear guest, the ritual will begin soon." as the human is tied down and gagged Eliphas starts the ritual to Auril, his whole retinue gathered to witness the sacrifice. As he nears the climax of the ritual he manifests an energy wall of cold, a ring of ice envelops the bound human. "Auril, Queen of Air and Darkness, I bring you this sacrifice, I seek your servant Zakiya, and I beseech you for your help in this matter. Guide me to her and more sacrifices will follow, the flame of life will be quenched in your name!" Eliphas stands back, out of breath from speaking more than he has in years, awaiting a sign from the goddess.

Knowledge religion check for the sacrifice:
There are some extra modifiers, don't know which applies so I am not adding any.

Edit: Wow that is one good roll.
Also I forgot to answer to the xp thing for followers, that sounds fair.

2013-08-18, 11:44 PM
The poor guy dies in the sacrifice. A cold wind whirls from above around the bone altar and drops a fine layer of snow over the area. Some of the snow whirls around and forms into a small, four foot tall white and gray skinned humanoid creature with thin, leathery wings, small horns, and a mischievous smile. He wears little more then a belt and a side pouch.

"Ahhh, why well met" says the creature with a bigger smile.

2013-08-19, 12:49 AM
His voice barely audible after the ritual Eliphas nonetheless addresses the newcomer: "Greetings, and who might you be?" his throat hurting from overuse, the discomfort easy to hear.

Trying to identify the guy: Knowledge (Whatever is relevant), I suspect the planes, or religion. So I will roll both.
[roll0] Planes
[roll1] Religion

Also his int and type.

2013-08-19, 05:04 PM
Either of them rolls work...
He is obviously an Ice Mephit Int 16, type outsider

Shishkov"My name is Shishkov and as I said, well met, well met. I thank you for making the blood portal. Always gives me a special chill to swim through fresh cold blood. Not always easy to get here to the Prime, you know. One can often be left out in the cold...get it? Left out in the cold! Oh suffering snowflakes, I do make a jolly romp."

2013-08-20, 06:42 AM
Eliphas smiles and changes to his normal mode of conversing: I did not mean to be rude, It has been a long time since I communed by words. I am Eliphas Mastiff. I seek the weapon Iceracor, and the priestess Zakiya is said to be able to lead me to it, you wouldn't happen to know anything about either of these? And you are welcome, the pleasure is all mine. As an afterthought Eliphas adds: How long are you staying?

2013-08-20, 11:45 AM
Shishkov continues to speak out-loud in common "I won't be staying long. But you will forgive me mortal time always confuses me. And yes, Icerazor and, yes Zakiya. I know a bit of both. More of Zakiya, met her many times."

Shishkov reaches into the pouch at his side and pulls out an icicle. He tosses the icicle up into the air. The icicle floats in mid air for a couple seconds, then spins around in place for a couple seconds and finally points north. Then the icicle falls to the ground.

"Ah, of course, makes sense." says Shishkov as he hops down and picks up the icicle and puts it back into his pouch. "I don't think you can help, " he says as he flaps his wings "You have a place where me can meet up later?"

2013-08-20, 01:08 PM
I do, I will be at a farm nearby. Do tell about the two, if you have time, if not, don't let me keep you. Eliphas sends images of the farm, and a suggestion of keeping hidden when he goes there.

He orders the Unnamed to clean up the temporary altar for now and to bury the corpse if anything remains.

2013-08-20, 05:39 PM
Shishkov gives a nod and says "I will be back soon," and with a good flap of his wings he leaps into the air and flies off to the north.

The unnamed clean up the area.

2013-08-20, 05:56 PM
As the unnamed cleans up Eliphas starts moving back to the farm.
Make sure no one follow us back. It would seem things are moving rather quickly. Today has been most giving, this is a good omen Eliphas thinks to himself, satisfied with his progress.

2013-08-20, 07:02 PM
Your minions clean up the area. There is no one in the area.

It is just over three hours later when Shishkov flies in through a window with a bit of a chill wind. He pulls a small chunk of ice from his pouch and tosses it on the ground where it quickly grows into a man sized flat and thin piece of ice with the image of a human female in white robes in it.

The image says "Hello? Who are you? What do you want of me?"

2013-08-21, 05:27 AM
His throat still raw from earlier Eliphas nonetheless speaks with the hoarse whisper that is his voice: "Well met Priestess Zakiya, I am seeking a mutual alliance, to uncover the sword Icerazor, my interest in the sword is primarily symbolic. I have been in seclusion for a decade, this undertaking is my return to the world, and I wish to form an alliance with you and your patron. Hence me contacting you.

2013-08-22, 02:33 AM
Zakiya of Auril"Why would one such as you seek Icerazor? You look like no warrior. What is a symbolic interest? Who is your patron deity? I can take it that your not a follower of Auril.

And an alliance? To what end? There is only one Icerazor, so only one of us can have it."

2013-08-22, 05:16 AM
"I seek the sword simply to see if I can, as of right now I am woefully unaware of the dangers I can expect. I am going after other artifacts when Icerazor has been uncovered. I am as of now undecided as to a patron deity. As for only being one Icerazor I find that where treasure is treasure goes, there should be enough trinkets.

2013-08-22, 08:34 PM
Zakiya of Auril"Interesting. I'm close to finding Icerazor, closer then I have ever been. But things were not looking good. I was going to need help. Then by the cold wind of Auril you come along. I think I can see part of her plan. Very well, I'm all for joining with you. Your in Green Hill, yes? I'm a couple dozen miles north of you. How long would it take you to get up here? What resources to you have?"

2013-08-23, 04:18 AM
"As of right now? With me is half a dozen novices of varying abilities, and Rengis a druid of some power. Personally I have some skill at magic. I am somewhat spent from the nights activities, but I guess we could be there sometime tomorrow."

2013-08-23, 06:02 AM
Zakiya of Auril "I only have two more places to check. One or the other must be it. I can feel it getting colder. I must be close. But there is no immediate hurry. So take your time. You know White Elf Rock? I'm sure you can find it. I'll stop by a noon each day."

2013-08-23, 07:03 AM
"We'll be there." Eliphas says, the last of his voice giving out. Directed at his retinue Eliphas hands out orders for guard rotation, telling Rengis to drop plans for making a basement. Addressing the Ice Mephit Thanks for the help, feel free to wreak whatever havoc, that is not on us, that you seem fit.

2013-08-24, 10:50 AM
Zakiya's image on the ice shard fades away, and the shard shatters into tiny bits of ice that melt away within seconds.

Shishkov"Ah, yes, a little blood before I go back to the cold. " With a flap of his wings he leaps out the window and into the sky and out of sight.

2013-08-24, 11:07 AM
Jeff, make sure there are at least one person awake and on guard at all times, I am going to sleep, we will be moving out in nine hours. If you need, Rengis should have a decent amount of critters you can make use of. after giving the order Eliphas finds the spot furthest away from a possible point of entry and goes to sleep.

2013-08-25, 07:33 AM
the thralls set about their tasks as you go to sleep.

You sleep is full of vague images of a large empire, bulit around cold and ice. Massive snowflake pictures fill the images. You see a halfling and several female humans in white. Several dozen ice mephits. And dozens of humans, hobgoblin, halfling subjects.

The night passes...and the sun rises over the lands again.

Rengis makes a simple meal for everyone.

2013-08-25, 08:34 AM
Seems like a patron has revealed itself, ice does make for some beautiful towers. a grin forms on Eliphas' face as he goes through his morning rituals.

As they eat Eliphas start handing out orders: Jeff take two unnamed and get us a couple carts, we might need them, also get some rations, and cold weather outfits.

Twins, take the crate and spread the sand around out where we built the altar. Eliphas folds out the enveloping pit to allow them to get the blacksand, the forest is about to become a darker place.

Addressing his entire retinue We will be leaving as soon as preparations are done, Auril is our patron as of yesterday..

As he dismiss the thralls to their various duties he smiles to himself: The winds of change are blowing.

2013-08-26, 12:55 AM
The thralls move about, doing the tasks as you commanded.

A couple hours later Jeff returns with two carts pulled by donkeys, rations and fur outfits.

There is a cool chill to the air today.....

2013-08-26, 02:44 AM
We head out to White Elf Rock now, unless someone has something they would like to say before we head out. Eliphas leaves the question hanging in the air for a few minutes before ordering the thralls to pack everything up and put the crate back in the the enveloping pit, before heading out towards White Elf Rock.

2013-08-26, 01:07 PM
No one has anything to say, and moves out when you tell them too. Rengis has no trouble getting a bird or two to tell him where the ''big white rock is''. There is no road, however, so moving along with the carts is slow.

You get to White Elf Rock, that turns out to be a large white oval shaped rock in the middle of a grassy field, at about noon. Two human females, in white robes, sit on the rock and watch your group approach. Neither of the two females is Zakiya.

2013-08-27, 04:09 AM
As he spots the women Eliphas quietly puts on his mask and instructs the twins, Jeff and Rengis to do the same. As they draw close enough for his telepathy to reach them he makes sure they are not hiding their true form.

All the unnamed wear masks normally, so no reason to mention that, also scanning them for int/race.

2013-08-27, 07:24 AM
The women are both human females with intelligences of 14 and 15, and charismas of 7 and 8

They both stand, arms ready at their sides, though they seem to have no obvious weapons drawn as your carts approch.

"Hail travelers! Whatfore might be thous path on this fine day?" one of them asks.

2013-08-27, 07:30 AM
Eliphas orders one of the Unnamed to speak for him: "I am meeting up with an associate here, and for what reason have you found yourself here today?"

Using telepathy to tell him what to say.

2013-08-27, 06:03 PM
"I am Bukhval, and this is Iziaslava. We are followers of Auril and of Zakiya. We were told to await the coming of a masked one, and I would assume that was you. Zakiya is neerby, we can take you to her." Says one of the women.

2013-08-28, 05:32 AM
Being on his guard Eliphas expends his psicrystals psionic focus to help him see through any lies the women might be telling.

Using inquisitor to get +10 on sense motive.
In case they are telling the truth the Unnamed will accept and the group will follow them.
Psicrystal will spend it's next round to become focused again.

2013-08-29, 10:55 PM
They are telling you the truth.

They lead you along for a short walk into some light woods to the north. They don't say anything. After an hour, you come upon a dark white tower made of pure ice.

Iziaslava whispers something to the ice door and it opens Listen check if you'd like

The main room of the tower has three large hairy humanoids with clubs in it. They watch you enter, but don't take any action. Bukhval leads you up the stairs to the second level where you see Zakiya of Auril and a human male in hide armor standing at a table looking over some maps.

2013-08-30, 03:45 AM
Once again Eliphas has an Unnamed speak for him:
"Well met, as you have probably guessed I am Eliphas, except for the bear, he is simply a bear. I am looking forward to working alongside you." The Unnamed who spoke bows slightly as he stops talking.

Checking everyone we pass for race/int, also looking for hidden threats.

2013-08-31, 12:13 AM
Zakiya of Auril "Ah, yes, well met. I look forwad to working along side you as well. It just give me a cold chill.

Your just in time. I might have found Icerazor." she points to a map on the table with a set of strings and wood pegs on it. "It is within the marked off area. And the only thing there are the Dark Eyes. A tribe of hobgoblins. The only thing that is troubling, is I have not found Icerazor in the open. And that is odd."

Zakiya of Auril, and the man with her are both humans, INT 16 and 11. The three hairy humanoids are Mox(Bugbears) with 8,8 and 9.

2013-08-31, 04:19 AM
Another Unnamed continues: "Well fate seems to have taken a liking to me recently, and do tell why you think that Icerazor would be found in the open, it's been gone for some time. If someone have claimed it as a trophy it might be stashed away."

Jeff, Rengis, take a look at the map, make sure you can reconstruct it later if need be.

2013-08-31, 11:17 AM
Zakiya of Auril "Well, hobgoblins have a very military based way of life. I can't see one of them keeping a great weapon like Icerazor just sitting locked in a chest. They would have it one display and use it. What good is a weapon that is not used. I can be sure then the war cheif of the tribe does not have it, he would show it off for sure. The same would go for the shaman. So another tribe member must have it. The thing is how to get in and find it."

2013-08-31, 06:21 PM
Another Unnamed steps forward and continues: "I presume you have tried divinations? It is after all what lead me to you. We could also try to look around, I have some forest critters we can use for scouting, also how many Hobgoblins live there? Could we take them on by using hit and run tactics? Also catching a couple and making them talk works wonders."

2013-09-01, 12:14 AM
Zakiya of Auril "I've sent plenty of spies in, none have found anything. So it must be hidden out of sight. The tribe is some 300 hobgoblins, about half that in goblins and a couple dozen more ailed monster kin. I've been trying to avoid flashy things like starting a war. And I'm not sure any hobgoblin we grab would know anything useful....but worse then that, grabbing one will set off the hobgoblins that something is up. I was thinking of just going and seeing if I could talk to the war chief."

2013-09-01, 03:46 AM
"No divinations then? If you deem talking to the war chief the best course of action then let's go ahead and try that. When do we we move out?"

2013-09-01, 07:37 AM
Zakiya of Auril "I'm not sure the hobgoblins even have it. I have used up my divinations for the day to narrow it down to this area. I worry talking to the war cheif might tip off whoever has it. I was trying to think of a way to trick them to bring it out into the open. I..we..sure can't take on the whole tribe. Any ideas?"

2013-09-01, 09:05 AM
"Well if we knew who had it this would be easier, I am still for the capture and following torture and sacrifice of a hobgoblin. Also I am specialized in week-long battles of attrition. Perhaps an assault of some expendable minions to force whoever has it out into the open. Also is it hobgoblins or orcs that have that ridiculous rule that lets you challenge their leader for the control of the tribe, if it's hobgoblins I am sure we could do that easily. Or simply dominate him. With a day or so of preparation we could gather up a host of critters, bolstered by the bard they just need to hit to deal devastating damage to the rank and file."

2013-09-01, 12:18 PM
Zakiya of Auril "I'm not sure what good a captured hobgoblin would do. Why do you think that would be a good idea? You need to be careful, hobgoblins are quite lawful with checks and patrols. A missing hobgoblin will be missed. I like the idea of attacking the tribe, but where would we get the forces. I don't know much about 'attrition', I'm more for frontal attacks.

From what I under stand, hobgoblins do have the right of challange, but only by other hobgoblin war leaders. Not just anyone can do it.

Though I'm starting to see why Auril got us together. We are a good match for each other. We just need to work out how to do things."

2013-09-01, 04:10 PM
Directing his thoughts directly towards the cleric:
This is my preferred mode of communication. I will reveal to you anything you might need to know. Besides telepathy I can read peoples true identity, no disguise I have encountered does anything to hinder it. I can also somewhat comfortably read peoples mental capacity. These followers of mine are not here from their own free will, they are bound to me through sheer willpower. I command them as one would command a tool. My group consists of a bard who can invoke fire in allies weapons, two necromancers who can heal us through a profane ritual we have all undertaken, a druid with great control over critters and of course me, I used to be a swordsman of some renown, but my body is no longer as fit for battle as it used to, my psychic powers are somewhat useful though. As for attrition, whenever a minion of mine dies, I can attract one within a day or so. Auril has granted me patron-ship and I have accepted. As for the hobgoblin, I would use him as a sacrifice, what better way to reveal the connection from hobgoblin to a sword of ice than by uniting blood and ice in Aurils name?

2013-09-02, 01:56 PM
zakiya of Auril "making the whole tribe a sacrifice sounds good to me.

My powers, granted by Auril, are mostly physical. Over such things as ice and cold and weather and beasts. The other two women are followers of Auril, but arcane spell casters. Vorn here is my champion, follower of Auril, and my pick to weld ice razor . The mox are all clan less fighters. In both muscles and magic my group is physical.

Your idea of a sacrifice sounds like a good idea. And it is one I would not have considered. It shows the wisdom of us working together. How will you grab one?"

vorn"a hunter. A tribe of warriors needs fresh meat daily. They make fine targets"

2013-09-03, 12:09 AM
Once again having an Unnamed speak for him Eliphas answers:
Personally I would use a dominate spell. Or we could simply ambush a whole patrol and make them surrender. Then of course there is the option of knocking them out instead of flat out killing them, but I have birds under my command and we should be able to locate a hunter fairly quickly, and if I can just get close I should have no problem convincing him to walk back here and tell us whatever he can before laying down on the altar. A moment of silence falls before one of the twins continues: "Oh and I met a bronze dragon back at one of the inns. He posed as a halfling. He seemed fairly harmless for a dragon.

2013-09-03, 09:15 PM
Zakiya of Auril"Sounds as if you can grab a hobgoblin hunter without too much trouble. The third level of the tower has an altar. We can make things ready, while you grab them."

2013-09-04, 05:03 AM
"You are right it does, well, time to put the plan into motion then."

Rengis locate a hobgoblin, one who is alone if possible and lead me to him.

2013-09-04, 09:05 PM
It only takes Rengis about an hour to come to you and say he found one, and a couple minutes after that he leads you out into the light woods. Through the trees, and to a wooded hill top. Where he points and shows you a hobgoblin in hide armor, some fifty feet down the hill, slowly setting and checking traps along the tree line.

2013-09-05, 04:08 AM
Eliphas starts casting his spell, quickly looking around with his telepathy for any other threats.

Dc 19 concentration check for hiding signs of manifesting, taking 15 through using my psicrystals psionic focus.
Psicrystal will use next round to become focused again.

Hobgoblin has to make a dc 19 will save or be dominated.

2013-09-05, 08:38 PM
Hobgoblin save

The hobgoblin puts up a good mental struggle for a few moments, but then his resistance fails and he becomes dominated.

There is nothing else in the area except plant and animal life.

2013-09-06, 03:50 AM
Follow me, I have great plans for you. Eliphas starts to lead the hobgoblin back to the tower.

2013-09-06, 10:57 PM
The hobgoblin follows you, of course.

The third level of the ice tower is a chapel. The room is quite cold and filled with ice and snow. White tapestries of winter pictures cover the walls. Ice crystals hover in the air, vibrating slightly to make a low humming sound. A large altar makes up the middle of the room, with a large white stone slab in front of it.

2013-09-07, 03:34 AM
Quickly scanning the room for signs of others Eliphas orders the Hobgoblin to lay down weapons and armor before entering the room.

He then starts wandering around the room, waiting for Zakiya to show up.

2013-09-07, 12:30 PM
Zakiya of Auril, along with the rest of her group, come down the stairs from the tower roof as you enter the room. Zakiya smiles when she sees the hogboblin and watches as he walks into the room. She looks over to the altar, "We are ready if you are, " she says with a smile.

2013-09-07, 03:09 PM
Having a twin speak for him Eliphas makes his opinion heard: "You are the warrior, no questions for the Hobgoblin about their defenses and such? You want the honor of doing the sacrifice or may I?"

2013-09-08, 09:25 AM
Zakiya of Auril"I does not hurt to ask the question: Hobgoblin what do you know of Icerazor?"

You tell the hobgoblin to answer, but, he says "Nothing?" Zakiya then describes Icerazor as a ''a sword made out of solid ice'', and the hobgoblin answers that he has never seen such a weapon.

Zakiya of Auril"As we figured, who ever has it, is keeping it hidden. But...I'm I right in thinking that no hobgoblin would hide such a powerful weapon?"

Doomed hobgoblin "NO! Any hobgoblin that had a powerful weapon would show it off and use it. But a goblin would hide it. They like to hide things."

Zakiya of Auril"How many goblins are in your tribe?"

Doomed hobgoblin"Not know number, but at least two bodies full."

Vorn "That would be at least fifty. That is five for each hand and foot, and five for the chest. One body is 25."

Rengis "It makes sense. A goblin scanvenger picking over a battle field, like rat or buzzard."

Zakiya of Auril"You may have the honor of doing the deed. Unless you can think of another question. I think we have what we need to know."

2013-09-08, 11:12 AM
"This just got a bit less interesting, 50 goblins should not pose that much of a problem." Eliphas then turns to the hobgoblin; Lay down on that slab of ice. Tie him up. The cold will consume his life.
After the hobgoblin has been tied up, Eliphas calls forth a wall of frost, concentrating on it until all signs of the hobgoblins mind has disappeared.

In his hoarse voice he starts chanting, just before the wall springs into being: "Mistress of frost, please grants us your vision, show us where we must go, show us the road to Icerazor!"

Knowledge religion:
[roll0] I have not added the bonuses from followers, altar and such, so the actual number may be higher.

2013-09-09, 05:06 PM
i am out of town and away from my books so I can t look up anything until later

2013-09-09, 06:21 PM
That is alright ^^

2013-09-11, 12:17 AM
Ah, +5

The hobgoblin dies as a burst of cold fills the room. Ice crystals fill the air and from a vision:Dozens of hobgoblins in pure white armor charge into a village of humans and halflings...slaughtering them.

Then the ice crystals explode in tiny flashes of light....and as the light touches everyone, they feel a chill.

The spell cast on everyone is Lesser Visage of the deity and grants a +4 to Charisma and restiance to cold and fire of 10.

2013-09-11, 11:53 AM
"Seems like we will have to make the hobgoblins join us, I do believe that they would make a splendid addition to our forces. How does one go about impressing hobgoblins?" one of the attending Unnamed exclaims.

2013-09-12, 12:09 AM
Zakiya of Auril "I've not really considered what I would do after I found Icerazor. But it seems Auril has had more of a plan all along."

Vorn "The Dark Eyes, the hobgoblin tribe, were once part of the Army of Darkness that invaded Darmara. Like most hobgoblin tribes they are very martial and live a life in the military. But they lack direction and purpose. They are a lost army. So they were more then happy to join the Army of Darkness. But when the Army of Bloodstone won, they were again left with no direction. They could not even figure out that they should have withdrawn to Vassa, they just stayed here.

They should be happy to have a purpose. "

2013-09-12, 07:12 AM
"You had not considered what you would..... The Unnamed paused, although deliberate, it was obvious that it was because of wonder at the lack of foresight. "Icerazor is just a step towards the final goal, and you had not even considered what to do after? But for now lets focus on acquiring the army, how do we convince the hobgoblins that they should follow without asking stupid questions. Do they have shamans that guide them? I need to know as much about how they make their decisions, who makes them, and who influences them. That or we could just show them the might of Auril. I think that would be the best idea, you seem to favor this way of action." as the Unnamed stops talking Eliphas thinks to himself: I do hope Auril is not punishing me for daring to call upon her...

2013-09-12, 11:08 PM
Zakiya of Auril"I've had the dream of building a army, even a nation. I just never really thought about how to go about it."

Vorn"The authority of the tribe is split between the War Chief of the tribe and the Wiccan. In general, they work together, but not always. Either one can shift control of the tribe. The War Chief is the easy target, as he simply wants power. The Wiccan will be more complex. "

Zakiya of Auril "It would be no problem for us to create a storm to physically intimidate the hobgoblins."

2013-09-13, 03:44 AM
The same Unnamed begins speaking: "A storm you say? Sounds like a great plan, and then what? We go and appear before the warchief and tell him to join our holy cause? Actually it would not surprise me if it DID work. But let's go tell them to join us, if it fails, call up the storm."

2013-09-13, 10:01 PM
Zakiya of Auril "I have got it! A good harsh paralyzing winter storm. The physical manifestation of inactivity and doing nothing. To say that if they sit around too much longer it will be too late. That they much march, go to war or die!"

2013-09-14, 04:18 AM
"Are we really interested in starting a war right now? And for that sake, against whom? I am all for the wanton destruction that you favor, but violence for violence's sake just does not seem very helpful to our cause."

2013-09-15, 08:50 AM
Zakiya of Auril"You are right, we don't want to start a war right at this moment. It is a great thought. We just want to get Icerazor from the cowardly goblin that is hiding it. But how to find that goblin?"

2013-09-15, 10:48 AM
"Start a war on the Goblins? As a training exercise." A twin suggests.

2013-09-15, 11:34 AM
Vorn "The goblins are part of the Dark Eye Tribe. they do the things that the hobgoblins won't do, like cooking and cleaning. A hobgoblin hunter will kill a stag, but a goblin will cook it. They are quite a nice linked circle."

Zakiya of Auril "We could pick another target...like another tirbe of humanoids like orcs."

2013-09-15, 02:28 PM
"I have been locked up inside my tower for decades, I really do not care who we attack, pick a target and let's see how many of them survive." the words are spoken with malice dripping from them by one of the Twins.

2013-09-16, 09:10 AM
Zakiya of Auril "The White Grass orc tribe should do just fine. We can get the storm started up within the hour."

2013-09-16, 09:58 AM
"Sounds like a plan then, you would not happen to have some very white robes would you? Me and my retinue only have these brown ones. They do not seem to represent our new-found allegiance" The other Twin exclaims.

2013-09-16, 02:32 PM
Zakiya of Auril "Oh curse me for having the fashion sense of an ogre. That is easy to take care of, just have everyone stand close together."

Iziaslava and Bukhval each cast a spell, and then move about and touch everyone with a brown robe. Each robe changes in color to white.

Zakiya of Auril "There...what do you think?"

2013-09-16, 04:30 PM
"Perfect. Now at some point we just need to change our armor into various hues of icy blue, looks are important when trying to take over." The first twin once again talking.

2013-09-16, 10:55 PM
Zakiya of Auril "Ice blue armor, I like that. I like the idea of having a distinctive look. Have you given any thought to a name to call our self's?

2013-09-17, 01:39 AM
"Since we are yet to acquire the power and inevitability of an encroaching glacier, I think we should tick to something not too imposing, we should try not to attract too much attention. But the Legion of Ice doe have a certain ring to it. Jeff is the one who handles public relations though." The words come tumbling, the twin trying to keep up with Eliphas' thoughts.

2013-09-17, 07:03 PM
Zakiya of Auril Legion of Ice does have a nice ring to it. I'll admit to not being so great with public relations...good thing you have some one to do it."

2013-09-18, 05:20 AM
"I try to cover all bases. Which is why I greatly appreciate your physical take on things. Legion of Ice it is, now let's go start a clan war."

2013-09-18, 11:43 PM
Zakiya of Auril "I think we make a good match. We will need about an hour to get the storm going. Do you want to head over to the Dark Eyes and be the 'voice'?"

2013-09-19, 08:24 AM
"That would perhaps be for the best. A storm never comes without something interesting happening."

My damn laptop has decided that being charged is no longer a thing, it will take some time before I have a computer at my place so my updates will become spotty until I get it fixed.
So yeah, a week or so of spotty updates.
Not much I can do at present I am afraid :/

Edit: My desktop computer is now up and running.

2013-09-20, 09:46 PM
Welcome back. Desktop computer? What is that? Lol....

Zakiya of Auril and the other spellcasters get together and start to chant, pray and prepare to spellcast. Sending out a small air elemental to find and give the target area for the storm.

2013-09-21, 02:09 AM
Don't you be hating on desktops :P
Desktops! (https://www.google.dk/search?q=desktop+computers&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=lkU9UofNHsHIhAfkk4D4BA&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=979&dpr=1)

Eliphas and his retinue sets out for the hobgoblin camp, but first he politely asks Vorn: I would like for you to join us, you do not seem to be of the spellcasting sort, and we could use another strong sword.

2013-09-22, 07:39 AM
Vorn"I will join you. There is nothing for me to do here.

Vorn moves over to join your group, taking point, as you move out. Moving at a quick pace, you can make it to the edge of the hobgoblin camp within an hour. Just as a large dark cloud forms over the camp.

2013-09-22, 02:12 PM
"This is going to be great, I am sure they will welcome us with open arms." Jeff says as the edge comes into view.

2013-09-23, 10:09 PM
The hobgoblin camp is a collection of fur, hide and cloth tents arranged in a large circle. The camp is very neat and organized, with lots of patrols.

Just a couple minutes later the dark cloud has fully formed, and the thunder snow starts to fall......

2013-09-24, 03:46 AM
Should have found a way to address them all at once, oh well no matter. using his telepathy he instructs the group that unless Vorn wants to do the talking, Jeff will speak.

But first we need to get their attention. Rengis if you could please invoke your call lightning so it is ready should we need it.

2013-09-24, 12:08 PM
Addressing everyone
Just a thought, but you can address everyone using telepathy. You can spread everyone out and send them all the same message telepathically, and then have them speak the massage aloud.

Vorn "I'm a man of action, not words."

Rengis casts call lightning.

The winter storm starts to create snow and blow it around the hobgoblin camp.

2013-09-24, 12:47 PM
Looking around him, Eliphas decides that now seems to be the best time to meet his new subjects. Motioning for all to follow him he starts making for the center of the camp. He instructs Jeff to start playing his horn, half to announce their presence, half for the edge it will grant them if it comes to blows.
He then manifests a Vigor and a Share pain, both affecting him and his psicrystal.

Using 3 pp on share pain and 8 on vigor.

As per their new allegiance I don't suppose Jeffs dragonfire inspiration can be shifted to ice instead of fire?

2013-09-24, 06:00 PM
The hobgoblin guards have no problem seeing your approach and raise the alarm. At least two dozen 'first responders' show up in less then a minute and form a half circle. They stand ready with spears and crossbows.

Then six bright, white bolts of lightning shoot out of the sky and hit the ground in front of you, but off to the sides leaving you a clear path. The bolts freeze the ground and cover it with ice. The hobgoblin's are quite shocked and surprised.

You can change the energy type if you'd like, but damage is damage. But we can say the 'blessing' changed it.

2013-09-25, 05:14 AM
With one voice all the Unnamed, The Twins and Jeff says: "Stand aside, our business is with your Warchief, too long have you done nothing, we are here to change that, The Goddess have declared it to be so."

Alright, ice damage it is.

2013-09-25, 10:09 PM
A nice, cold wind blows just in front of you to 'clear a path'. The hobgoblins mumble to each other, but move to the sides. They then escort you into the camp, with their weapons at the ready. Slowly they head towards the biggest tent, of course.

In side the tent is the Warcheif, seated on a throne of bones, surrounded by his 'court'. A good 30 hobgoblins are in the tent, plus 12 more guards. All the hobgoblins keep careful watch on you and your group.

2013-09-26, 04:28 AM
As the rest speak with one voice, Eliphas echoes it with his telepathy to all present:
"Warchief, we come here with the words of the Goddess of Ice, we come to offer you another chance at glory, a chance to take your place in a world to come. We offer you a war to fight, fight for the Ice-Queen, or be prepared to face her wrath."

2013-09-26, 06:52 PM
The Warcheif, as well as all the rest of the hobgoblins lean forward to listen. They seem quite interested in what is being said.

Warcheif "Continue"

2013-09-27, 03:07 AM
"Your tribe has settled down, you have shied away from open warfare, you have allowed a tribe of ORCS to grow within the territory that should be yours, are you content with sitting on your throne, watching your clans young grow old without ever tasting the glorious taste of battle, is this how you want to be remembered, or will you be the first one to join the banners of the Ice Queen, will you shed the first blood in the conflict that is to come, or will you sit upon your skull of thrones, only adding what few travelers are stupid enough to stumble into your camp? This will be the only chance, set out for glory, or be trampled beneath the glacier approaching.

2013-09-28, 07:36 AM
As the hobgoblins hear your words, it is clear that many agree with you: you see plenty of nods, hear lots of grunts and watch as they tighten their grips on their weapons. The Warcheif, looks unhappy at first..but then looks around at the reactions of most of the other hobgoblins. then by the middle of your speech he is nodding and grunting too.

2013-09-28, 08:22 AM
"The first thing thing that will need to happen is the cleansing of the White Grass tribe, they have stolen a sword destined for the Champion of Ice, show your dedication, erase the orcs from existence and find the sword. The Ice Queen requires sacrifices, so take prisoners those who cannot fight. Drench your swords in blood, let the battles to come clean out the corruption of weakness that has been festering in your ranks, go forth in the name of Auril!"

2013-09-28, 08:30 AM
The hobgoblins listen quietly, avoiding making any noise, until you say 'Auril'. Then a couple hit thier weapons either against thier armor or the ground, then a few more, them more, then more.

The warcheif, looks around at the hobgoblins and nods. Then stands as says "Death to the White Grass!"

The hobgoblins then hoot and yepl when he says that.

2013-09-28, 09:34 AM
"We will return at midnight, have the sword and the sacrifices ready by then, if you do well you will witness a display of her power." with that Eliphas turns around and starts walking away, leaving the warchief alone with his final instruction:
The Sword is most likely in a goblins possession, do not disappoint the Queen.

2013-09-28, 11:12 AM
The warcheif looks at you and gives a nod, and a little mental 'grunt'. The hobgoblins start to move about and make plans for war.

2013-09-28, 11:26 AM
The Retinue sets off back towards their new headquarters. Letting the Unnamed chat among themselves as they are out of view from the camp. Sending a mental message to Vorn, Jeff, and Rengis: That went surprisingly well, I gave him a hint that a goblin was most likely in the possession of the sword. Tonight will be interesting.

2013-09-28, 11:45 AM
Vorn sends the message back to you "I got the impression that the tribe was a bit restless. I was sure the Warcheif was going to dismiss us, until he saw all the others reactions. Then he wisely joined in. It's possible there was a bit of a disagreement, but few would go publicly against the war cheif. We tipped that scale."

2013-09-28, 12:00 PM
Well this way does work out better than simply dominating the warcheif, or slaughtering him in front of the rest. I was hoping to see a bit of your combat prowess though. But if everything goes well, the sword as well as plentiful sacrifices will be waiting for us tonight. according the message is an uplifting feeling of floating.

2013-09-28, 12:47 PM
Vorn flexes his arms a bit "I'd be happy to engage you in a duel, if you'd like. with a large smile. "or slay something or someone...." he says looking over the group.

2013-09-28, 12:51 PM
I'm afraid this old body is in no condition for physical warfare anymore, when I acquire a new one I will be happy to trade blows. And for the rest, only Rengis would put up any kind of resistance, but we will most likely need both of you at full power. For now let us get back to Zakiya as fast as possible.

2013-09-28, 11:19 PM
Vorn just smiles and nods.

It is a short walk back to the ice tower.....

2013-09-29, 01:56 AM
Eliphas immediately seeks out Zakiya to tell her the good news.

2013-09-29, 08:05 AM
Zakiya is waitng in the main room of the tower with everyone else for the news. She listens carefuly as you tell her what happened.

2013-09-29, 09:11 AM
Finishing up a retelling of what happened Eliphas finishes up with: So tonight, we are going back there to see if they succeeded or if they got cold feet and try to set up an ambush, no matter the outcome, sacrifices will be had.

2013-09-30, 04:50 PM
Zakiya of Auril"That all sound like it went well, very well. The others and I will take some rest before tonight. The spellcasting took a lot out of us."

Vorn"It is most unlikely for the hobgoblins to do anything like trickery or an ambush. They are more honorable and military minded. Hobgoblins have at least that going for them."

Zakiya and the other spellcasters rest.

Unless you want to do something, we can move on to just before midnight (11:30 pm)

2013-10-01, 05:26 AM
So you are telling me that the hobgoblins are stupid as a race? Ambush is one of the most efficient military strategies when fighting superior foes. Good to know a whole race suffers from stupidity that even ogres have figured out.

Let's just move it to just before midnight, Eliphas will take the time to regain powerpoints as well.

2013-10-01, 07:17 PM
Vorn "I would not say hobgoblins are stupid, but they have a strong sense of honor. They like to meet foeshead on and defeat them in fair fights. So they avoid using ambushes, yes."

The rest of the day and night passes.....until it gets to just before midnight.

2013-10-02, 04:58 AM
Time to move out, anything anyone wants to add before we go? Also after this I have another objective I would like to look into. Eliphas waits for a few seconds for anyone to speak up, then starts moving towards the hobgoblin camp.

2013-10-02, 06:58 PM
No one has anything to add. Everyone just nods and heads out towards the hobgoblin camp.

The hobgoblin camp is quite alive with light and noise. Huge bonfires burn everywhere and hobgoblins dance and sing and tell stories. It is easy to spot a large group of orcs, gathered together in a field, all tied together with heavy ropes and a couple of guards. The orcs all have white lines of body paint on them.

Vorn"I think they did well."

2013-10-03, 07:04 AM
Smiling underneath his mask Eliphas sends a thought to Vorn: I think you are right, be careful though, you might need to prove yourself worthy of Icerazor. he continues walking straight towards where he thinks the warchief is.

2013-10-03, 07:16 PM
It is not too surprising that the Warchief is to be found right at the center of the massive celebration. Dozen's of hobgoblins move about cheering and having a good time.

The Warchief spots your group, and calls for silence. the hobgoblin's quickly tone it down. The Warchief stands and says 'Today, tonight was a good night. Before this night we simply grew in the ground like a weed, but now we once again stand tall like a mighty tree. Once we were a weapon, tossed aside and left in a field, and now we are war itself.

We went to the White Grass Orcs and challenged them. They met our challenge and the battle was fierce and bloody. But the Dark Eyes won the field of battle!" He pauses to let the tribe hoot and holler.

"And we have our mysterious allies to thank. They told us of the time to attack, and they like a soft breeze set fire to the Dark Eyes flame!" He pauses to let the tribe hoot and holler.

Vorn "I'm ready" thinks simply.

2013-10-04, 01:47 AM
As the warchief finishes Eliphas' retuinue starts speaking with one voice, his own telepathic speech adding another voice: "You have done well, you have risen from your slumber and the lands will be yours. Tonight you have shown your prowess, your skill, your fury. The Goddess of Ice have seen what you can do, now all that is left to seal your loyalty to her is the sacrifice, from this day on, you have been reborn from the blood of your enemies. Not seeing any signs of the sword Eliphas instructs Rengis to scan the area for signs of Icerazor.

Spot check:

2013-10-04, 05:21 AM
You(he) obviously don't spot a sword made of ice anywhere in the celebration.

The Warchief listens and nods to your words, as does the rest of the tribe.

Warchief "Bruntorak! Enter my son!"

A large male hobgoblin in plate armor comes out of the darkness leading a goblin. The goblin carries a wrapped up hide blanket. The tribe cheers, and then gets quiet.

Bruntorak"The raid was truly great for our tribe. When my own sword broke on the back of an orc, what wondrous sight did appear?"

Bruntorak grabs the hide blanket, knocking the goblin down.

"This!" says Bruntorak as he unwraps the blanket to reveal a sword made of solid ice that he holds over his head. The tribe cheers!

2013-10-04, 07:19 AM
With one voice the group answers: "The mighty sword Icerazor, Auril has truly favored you, if you wish to champion her cause with Icerazor, The Dark Eyes have not only proven themselves strong, but also favored by the Goddess. Through battle you have proven yourself and through battle you will continue to do so, know that the honor of carrying Icerazor is the honor of the strong, should you ever falter in your faith, should you ever grow brittle, you will be shattered by those who have remained strong."
Being silent for a few long moments Eliphas lets the message sink in:
Should the bearer show weakness; tear him apart.
"You have shed your blood for the Queen, so now, it is time to shed the blood of those that did not even have the courage to die on the battlefield.

Eliphas sends a short message to the Warchief, nothing more than a mental picture, of the captives, lined up and decapitated by Icerazor, the blood collected, then used for painting the unholy symbols of Auril on the most favored warriors.

2013-10-04, 03:27 PM
The cheers and hoots of the hobgoblins stop and all is quiet to hear your message. Each hobgoblin is still and lets your message sink in.

The Warchief nods after getting your message, and he sends forth a bunch of orders. Gathering the the most favored warriors, moving the captive orcs, moving bonfires and such. It only takes a half hour for the organized hobgoblins to be ready. Orcs lined up, kneeling in the dirt, each before a hobgoblin warrior.

Bruntorak welding Icerazor moves along the line of orcs with a smile. Then he slowly cuts the head off each one. Iziaslava and Bukhval collect blood on their hands and draw unholy symbols on the hobgoblin warriors. A small group of hobgoblins watch them and then duplicate the result on some more warriors. The warchief also gets a blood unholy symbol.

2013-10-04, 04:47 PM
As they start sacrificing the orcs Eliphas leads the choir in a wordless chant letting the priestesses lead this sacred ritual. After all, Eliphas is only a leader and not a priest.

Sorry meds are getting to me tonight.

2013-10-05, 11:19 AM
Zakiya steps forward to lead the ceremony. The hobgoblins quickly get caught up and pray, cheer and yelp as needed.

2013-10-05, 12:49 PM
As he leads the others he silently thinks to himself:
If this goes well, I should be able to track down the eye fairly quickly, and with that I can start building up a personal powerbase as well. If I can get some giants converted to our cause as well that would greatly bolster our strength. That dragon however will need to be dealt with, hopefully he will be sympathetic to our cause, or leave us to our own devices.

2013-10-06, 09:08 AM
The celebration continues for a couple more hours. The hobgoblin's don't drink very much, but soon enough get tired. Soon, enough things die down and get quiet. The tribe moves to their tents and goes to sleep.

Zakiya selects and empty grassy hill near the camp and brings out the tower of ice and causes it to grow to it's normal size. She and the others rest there for the night.

2013-10-06, 04:29 PM
Deciding against spending the night with the hobgoblins Eliphas joins the priestesses in the tower.
Deciding it for letting Zakiya in on his plans he sends her a quick message:
Our next objective is aquiring the Eye of Avasir, if you would inquire as to it's whereabouts it would greatly help our cause. He then finds a place to rest, today was an eventful day.

2013-10-07, 04:20 PM
Zakiya nods An eventful day. I can greatly use the rest. We can plan more tomorrow. And figure a way to get Icerazor away from that hobgolbin and to Vorn."

2013-10-08, 07:03 AM
Vorn should just challenge him to a duel, and win. If he can't take it from the hobgoblin, he does not deserve it. Proving his worth is something he, as well as the rest of us, will have to do. But let's continue this tomorrow. Eliphas finds a quiet places to sleep, ordering the unnamed to take turns standing guard.

2013-10-08, 07:12 PM
Everyone sleeps and rests for the night. The hobgoblins, naturally, sleep in a bit. As does almost everyone else, other then some guards, the unnamed and the mox.

Afternoon of the next day rolls around as the hobgoblins clean up. Of note they make a huge fire pit to burn the dead orc bodies.

2013-10-10, 10:45 AM
Eliphas lets them have a day of rest, but makes himself and his small group visible so anyone who wants an audience can ask for one. He spends the time thinking over what he knows about the eye, about what his small group knows about it. Ordering it into a sort of map to find out where it might be.

Sorry for the delay, irl got in the way.

2013-10-10, 04:28 PM
Plenty of the hobgoblins look at and notice you and the group, though none come over.

2013-10-11, 02:47 AM
Staying where he is he waits for Zakiya to report in with any information she has found about the eye.

2013-10-11, 04:41 PM
Zakiya casts divinations in the afternoon. And then comes over to you. "I drow by the name Evlyaxius Ger'Weliari was the last one to possess the eye. But he no longer has it. No one has it. It is north of our current location. After that the location get vague. It might very well be in the Underdark, or at least under ground."

2013-10-11, 06:41 PM
As Zakiya shares her findings, Eliphas forms a list of things to be done for the recovery of the eye.

I want the eye for myself, and I don't plan on bringing our leadership into question by committing a bunch of the hobgoblins to the hunt, we will have to find a distraction for them, perhaps leave Vorn in charge of it so he can prove to them that he is a force to be reckoned with. Or perhaps we could just leave them here with Vorn to help finish out their training for the conquest to come, but the eye is a top priority. Any high priority targets in the area you have been wanting to take but lacking the raw power to?

2013-10-11, 07:05 PM
Zakiya "I think it would be best to keep the hobgoblins ''on ice'' for a bit and let them cool down. Letting Vorn get to know the tribe is a good idea. It is just his kind of thing.

I was going to see about converting a couple hobgoblins. I've gotten plenty of questions about Auril. There is at least some interest. "

2013-10-11, 07:28 PM
I thought as much, now as for the eye, will you be joining us or will we be on our own on this endeavor? I trust Vorn will not be foolish enough to betray us, so leaving the tribe with him for a while does not seem like it should cause any problems. As for converting them I find that to be a fantastic idea. Perhaps if you go with us we should leave one of the other priestesses here to advise the tribe, and by advise I mean convert. As he sends the message to Zakiya it is accompanied by images of ice formations that is as deadly as they are pretty. I fear that we might not have too much time before some outside force intervenes however, we have amassed quite a bit of power in a very short time, if we succeed in acquiring the eye It will grant us another boost in power.

2013-10-12, 03:31 PM
Zakiya "I'm the only cleric, the others are wizards. Vorn is loyal to a fault, he will do as I wish. He is directionless on his own. It might be better for me to stay here and work on converting the tribe. And looking out for foes,"

2013-10-12, 04:07 PM
It might be best, but I will most likely have need of your divinations. Sacrificing people is all well, but if it's located in the underdark it might interfere with finding suitable targets. But right you are, can you spare a wizard, the extra mind will be most useful, especially if he has some way of long range communication.

2013-10-13, 08:27 AM
Zakiya "The wizards have long range communication. We should look into getting some items to do that. Iziaslava can go along with you, she can send and get messages. I can still use divinations even if I'm not with you, after all.

2013-10-13, 10:55 AM
True, we will then start the journey as soon as she is here. Do try your best to get further information on the eye. If you run out of clues, try to locate some of the other eyes, I will be going after them eventually. Eliphas waits for the wizard to arrive while instructing the thralls to get everything ready for the hopefully short trip.

That color is waaaay too bright, can't read it at all on the white background! :smalleek:

2013-10-13, 06:23 PM
It only takes a couple of moments for Iziaslava to come over. "I'n ready when you are, she says."


2013-10-14, 04:09 AM
Lets get moving then, I presume you know what we are looking for. Do tell if you have more information. Eliphas then sets off towards the north, praying that it will go well.

Getting a wisdom teeth removed in a couple hours, so I apologize if my next couple posts come late or don't make any sense. Dunno how many painkillers I will be on.

2013-10-14, 06:13 PM
Iziaslava "I know about the Eye. Created by the great mage Avasir. I'll use what magic I can to help find it. i've vaguely heard of a drow town in, or under, the mountains know as Uziar. "

Oww! Temporary Wisdom damage 1d4 lol

2013-10-15, 11:20 AM
Drow, that sounds positively enervating, those backstabbing elves are a true pain to deal with. Hopefully we won't have to.

It's not as bad as I thought it would be. yay.

2013-10-15, 02:58 PM
It's travel, walking across the cold fields and grasslands. You don't see much signs of any civilization, but there is plenty of wildlife about.

It will take a good week (5 days) to walk to the mountain range. Unless you wish to travel faster.

2013-10-16, 07:15 AM
Should have gotten a bunch of horses. We will see if we can find something when we get back.

Eliphas and his small group will walk on foot.

2013-10-16, 05:15 PM
It is an uneventful week as you walk along the rocky grasslands. After that you enter into the rocky foot hills of the mountains.

Rengis comes over just after you start moving on the morning of the sixth day We are being followed. We just picked up two skeletal vultures. Some of the birds spotted them. They are keeping pace right behind us. sends, but he keeps walking and does not turn around and point or make any such movement.

2013-10-17, 01:53 PM
Eliphas keeps walking, not reacting outwardly. How many, and what are we being followed by? Chances are we will have to deal with it no matter what it is, but better to be prepared.

2013-10-17, 03:59 PM
Rengis "A pair of skeletal vultures. Animated undead. At least that is what they look like. They are most surely not living beings.

2013-10-18, 02:31 PM
Jeff, start playing, get the birds buffed up, Rengis deal with the vultures. If the birds can't bring them down use spirit jaws to do it. Eliphas gives the orders as he continues walking, although a bit slower to let the two other carry out their orders.

2013-10-18, 05:15 PM
Jeff starts up the music and the Reg gives the command for the birds attack. A couple of birds die, but after a couple minutes the skeletal vultures are reduced to piles of bones and fall out of the sky.

2013-10-18, 06:03 PM
Now if you could find out who is around to gain something from those vultures that would be great, and perhaps replenish your supply of birds.

2013-10-19, 08:33 AM
Rengis Replenishing the birds is easy. There are plenty around. But how to find the master of the skeletons?

2013-10-19, 09:33 AM
Eliphas clicks his tongue against the top of his mouth Should have let the vultures lead us to them, damn, try to send out some of the birds, someone employing undead are either well entrenched or well hidden, let's hope for the first option. Hopefully they didn't get any intel through the vultures.

2013-10-19, 11:20 AM
Rengis 'The dead, or undead tell no tales....I've sent some birds off and around. Nothing stands out yet. They, whoever they are, does at least have our location. And chances are they will send more spys."

2013-10-19, 12:14 PM
Well at least we know they spent some resources being linked up with the birds, that or they didn't get any information as they were destroyed, but I suggest we keep our eyes open and double the guard when we sleep, if they want to speak with us I hope they don't plan on doing so through undeads, I hate those critters.

2013-10-19, 02:19 PM
By the morning of the sixth day, you enter the mountains.

Iziaslava"Now where too?"

2013-10-19, 03:41 PM
Now you contact Zakiya and hopefully she will have received some information from the Queen, if not we go with the idea that the eye is underground, hidden somewhere around here in the underdark.

2013-10-19, 08:26 PM
Iziaslava sits now and casts a spell. And waits. Then after a bit comes over to you.

"No one has touched or used the Eye in years. So there is not much of a trail to follow. She suggests we interrogate some locals. But for an interesting note, a couple of groups of undead skeletal vultures have been flying around the ice tower. "

2013-10-20, 04:22 AM
Well lets hope Zakiya has enough sense to control them, she is a cleric after all. Well if that is the case then lets find and question some locals. Rengis, see if you can find some.

2013-10-20, 08:31 AM
Rengis heads off for a bit to stand by a large pine tree. After about an hour he comes back over. "There is a small dwarven farming town just over the rocky rise to the east. Looks like a large mushroom farm. They might even have underdark connections."

2013-10-20, 09:06 AM
They are not going to enjoy what comes next. Eliphas grins as he motions for the others in the direction of the farm.
They will serve or die, I almost feel sorry for them.

2013-10-20, 10:59 AM
It is a short walk over to the dwarf farm. There is nothing like a road to the farm, but there are a couple narrow and rocky paths.

The 'farm' itself is a bit more like a small walled fortress. A square stone wall ten feet high surrounds the stone houses inside. There is a double iron gate that goes through the wall, both lowered and closed. Two towers, each 30 feet high, rise from the north and south corners of the square wall. The 'fields' that are underground but well marked with openings. The fields form a four squares around the square center where the bulidings are; there are no bulidings on/over the fields.

Roughly three dozen dwarves move about the farm, everyone working.

2013-10-20, 11:29 AM
Jeff do be ready to add some cold to our attacks if it comes to blows. Though I would avoid it if possible, I suspect they won't take nicely to the threats that will come if they do not do as I wish. Eliphas orders an unnamed to knock on the door and politely require entry.

2013-10-21, 01:09 PM
Is the nameless approaching the gate by him self with the rest of the group out of sight? Or is the whole group going up to the gate?

2013-10-21, 02:47 PM
The whole group is standing within 30 feet of the gate with one nameless approaching, should have made that more clear, will try to be more specific next time ^^

2013-10-21, 04:39 PM
A fairly plain looking dwarf in brown burlap clothing co,es over to the gate, but does not open it. "Hail travelers! What can we do for you?" he says in common

There are at least two dwarves in each tower, and they make lots of slow noise as they rest heavy crossbows on the stone ledge...not exactly pointing at your group....but almost.

2013-10-21, 04:58 PM
Tell them we are looking for rumors about some kind of magic item that is rumored to be somewhere around here, ask him if we may come in and ask around.

2013-10-21, 05:56 PM
Dwarf Gate Guard "We don't know nothing about nothing. And even more nothing about magic. We don't like strangers here. Ye may not come in, and you best just be moving along to where every it is you came from."

2013-10-22, 06:27 AM
Silently brooding Eliphas hides the the signs of manifesting the power and tries to affect the dwarf.

Psionic charm, upped to last for day/level instead of hours/level for a cost of 5, reduced by thrallherd level to a cost of 2. Dc 18 will to resist. Expending his psicrystals psionic focus to take 15 on the concentration check to hide the signs of the manifesting.

2013-10-22, 11:51 AM
Just to note, the DC for concentration check to hide the signs of the manifesting is 16(base 15+power level of 1=16). Your concentration is at +16. So you would not have any trouble making that roll and you could save the psicrystals psionic focus.

The dwarf gate guard grits his teeth

The stubborn dwarf resists charm effect.

2013-10-22, 03:06 PM
Tsh, I wonder if I should try something a bit more powerful, better preserve some strength though. Eliphas once again throws his will towards the dwarf, a hint of irritation is sent out to all his thralls through the link.

Same as last except no blowing psicrystals focus, and I guess if this fails, initiative is probably in order. Also this charm costs 5 pp.

2013-10-22, 06:02 PM
The dwarf gate guard grits his teeth

And becomes charmed.

2013-10-23, 07:30 AM
We don't mean you any harm, we just want to ask around and rest for a short while, we will be our of here again before you know it. Eliphas sends a pleasant voice to the dwarf, trying to convince him to open the gates.

2013-10-23, 07:10 PM
Dwarf Gate Guard "Oh, I know your a good and friendly folk. But I'm telling you, as a friend, I can't let you in. They will kill you. We, er, they don't like your kind here...you know, not dwarfs. I can ask around for you..later when I'm off duty."

2013-10-23, 08:09 PM
Thank you very much, I will return in a couple hours then. Eliphas motions for the others to leave, and they walk out of sight of the village.

Addressing the wizard Eliphas explains:
The dwarf should be charmed for half a dozen days or so, he said he would ask around, hopefully he will find something, if not we will mark it on the map for conquering in the future. Also they seem to be very hostile to non-dwarfs.

Instructing Rengis to send the birds out in larger and larger circles around them to find any signs of caves or settlements and of the skeletal vultures.

2013-10-24, 10:31 PM
Iziaslava shakes her head "I don't like dwarves. I think we should avoid them, or just kill them."

Rengis sends his flock out and around. Naturally the mountains are full of caves. "There is a large building over in the next valley east. But to the west there are several skeletal goats on a mountain side. The birds that got too close died. "

2013-10-25, 04:37 AM
We'll try the building to the east, let the west be our backup plan. And the dwarfs might be dwarfs, but converting them is still a priority.

2013-10-25, 09:53 PM
Rengis leads the group through the rocky mountains. There is no path, but he tries to take the easiest route. After another hour you can see the building in the distance.

It is a very plain stone square building. It is quite open with large windows. Only a single winding 'rough path' leads up to the building that sits quite high on a large out coping of rock that comes out of the side of the mountain. The 'path' is quite narrow, maybe wide enough for just one person at a time.