View Full Version : A Great Eye, Wreathed in Green

2013-07-29, 02:02 PM
So, I've been reading through this book's archive, and I came across something that I completely forgot about: namely, the last three panels of this strip (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0698.html).

Knowing what we do now about the Draketooths (namely, that they're all dead thanks to V), who cast that scrying spell? Back in the day, it was generally assumed to be Girard. But now... ?

2013-07-29, 02:03 PM
Sigh, passive voice.

It was Zz'dtri. Note green magic color and Nale alluding later to knowing the Order was in the desert.

Also confirmed by Word of the Giant.

The Giant
2013-07-29, 02:06 PM
On the plus side, I know what I think I need to try to squeeze into a bonus comic for this book.

2013-07-29, 02:08 PM
On the plus side, I know what I think I need to try to squeeze into a bonus comic for this book.

I helped! :elan:

2013-07-29, 02:10 PM
On the plus side, I know what I think I need to try to squeeze into a bonus comic for this book.

But won't that give away the reveal in 789?

2013-07-29, 02:15 PM
But won't that give away the reveal in 789?

Not if it occurs after 789. Some sort of explanation or flashback. :smallsmile:

2013-07-29, 02:30 PM
On the plus side, I know what I think I need to try to squeeze into a bonus comic for this book.

I'll laugh (again) when I'll be reading this :D

2013-07-29, 03:16 PM
On the plus side, I know what I think I need to try to squeeze into a bonus comic for this book.

Please, can this bonus panel, be of Zz'dtri by himself casting a scry? It would be hilarious with just a page of material, it is him sitting their, casting the spell, and that is it.

2013-07-29, 04:23 PM
Nale: "Well, what do you see?"

Zz'dtri: "... White cat."

Nale: *confused* "What?"

Zz'dtri: *shrug*

... And that's it. :smalltongue:

2013-07-30, 02:30 AM
I helped! :elan:

You and the approximately 800,000 prior posters who have asked this question... :smallwink:

2013-07-30, 04:26 AM
Has anyone been keeping a count on the number of people who have asked this question? It must be in the fifties by now at least?

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. This is the same forum where there is a vocal group believing that Belkar is not evil and that Miko wasn't delusional.

Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't seen more threads questioning what Roy's class is.

2013-07-30, 04:56 AM
A Linear Guild scry montage would be nice, showing lovely scenery of the western continent. I liked the OotS search montage in #692 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0692.html) very much.

Maybe we will learn if Samwose und Frudu are still trying to destroy the ming? :smallamused:

2013-07-30, 04:55 PM
Maybe we will learn if Samwose und Frudu are still trying to destroy the ming? :smallamused:

For that matter, the Ming Cycle could simply be a theater production being put on in Halfling lands. A play-within-the-comic would need to have plot-central artifacts too, after all.

2013-07-31, 09:05 PM
For that matter, the Ming Cycle could simply be a theater production being put on in Halfling lands. A play-within-the-comic would need to have plot-central artifacts too, after all.

This, a thousand times this.

2013-07-31, 09:38 PM
Has anyone been keeping a count on the number of people who have asked this question? It must be in the fifties by now at least?

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. This is the same forum where there is a vocal group believing that Belkar is not evil and that Miko wasn't delusional.

Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't seen more threads questioning what Roy's class is.
People join the forum anew and aren't aware of what has come before.

The Zz'dtri/eye connection was easy enough to miss.

2013-07-31, 09:57 PM
Has anyone been keeping a count on the number of people who have asked this question? It must be in the fifties by now at least?

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. This is the same forum where there is a vocal group believing that Belkar is not evil and that Miko wasn't delusional.

Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't seen more threads questioning what Roy's class is.

Roy's a paladin, right?

It actually took me a while to realize it, but then I saw Z cast another spell in the fight and I was like OHHH IT WAS HIM THE WHOLE TIME!