View Full Version : How much was Malack's robe protecting him?

2013-07-29, 08:27 PM
Reading over the vampire rules it doesn't really seem like clothes should have an effect, and it's entirely possible nale was forcing Malack's little strip show for vindictive pleasure, but it really seems like ripping off Malack's cloak and robe hastened the process. Malack didn't start catching fire till his skin was directly exposed, which makes me think it actually was serving a function by (slightly) prolonging Malack's life.

2013-07-29, 08:31 PM
Not likely. Nale did as he pleased, but remember that, counting the actions that each of them specifically take, it doesn't take more than a round for Malack to be obliterated.

Malack's protection vanishes. He talks a bit, which is a free action. He than uses his single attack action to attempt Slay Living on Nale, which fails. He then talks a bit more and dies.

2013-07-29, 08:31 PM
Reading over the vampire rules it doesn't really seem like clothes should have an effect, and it's entirely possible nale was forcing Malack's little strip show for vindictive pleasure, but it really seems like ripping off Malack's cloak and robe hastened the process. Malack didn't start catching fire till his skin was directly exposed, which makes me think it actually was serving a function by (slightly) prolonging Malack's life.

I got the impression reading the comic it was more of a, well, torture thing. That being more exposed would cause Malack more pain, not that it would necessarily make things faster or change the outcome. Nale being Nale, he would probably go for that.

David Argall
2013-07-30, 01:38 AM
When I have been in games that allowed vampire PCs [non-4e] it was usually assumed that thick clothing would let the vampire survive. Of course, our logic was based in letting the vampire be playable, not on what the rules actually said.

2013-07-30, 02:16 AM
It probably did have an effect, "mechanic wise" in the story. However, the giant has repeatedly said in multiple ways something along the lines that the rules don't matter.

There are no rules. <--No, not even that one!

2013-07-30, 02:21 AM
Seemed like the robe was just barely slowing it down. As far as I can tell, Nale tore off the hood and cloak for two reasons: To humiliate and torture Malack, and to remove any possibility of Durkon returning with the staff in time.

Malack blowing his one attack on something Nale immunized himself to is one thing, two vampire clerics in melee range is quite another. And I doubt that Z has another GDM prepared.

2013-08-01, 01:49 PM
Think about Durkula. He was perfectly healthy in shadow, but only got hurt by the sun when it directly hit him. Therefore, in this universe, it seems vampires can survive in the shade, even when it's sunny outside. His cloak provides shade, so...

2013-08-01, 01:55 PM
A mix of vindictiveness (or vindication!) coupled with trying to hasten the process by exposing as much of Malack's flesh as possible I'd say.

2013-08-01, 02:07 PM
The planning session probably went like this:

Z: "I'll Greater Dispel Magic, then we just make a withdraw action and watch him die"

Nale: "No, we'll have to read crap on the forum for a month about Malack using his cloak to protect himself. I'm gonna chug a negative energy elixir and rip his hood off

2013-08-01, 02:10 PM
The reason to strip Malack's cloak is to enable the image of Malack as a shriveled-up snake frying in the sun, his dignity gone with his protections. It also serves to show the extent of his damage, which we couldn't see when he was cloaked. Other considerations are secondary at best. It's worth noting that we see Malack close up exactly 6 times between when his protection is dispelled and when he is destroyed--one frame per in-combat 'second'.

2013-08-01, 04:35 PM
The planning session probably went like this:

Z: "I'll Greater Dispel Magic, then we just make a withdraw action and watch him die"

Nale: "No, we'll have to read crap on the forum for a month about Malack using his cloak to protect himself. I'm gonna chug a negative energy elixir and rip his hood off


Seriously, I think this forum makes a big difference to the way Rich writes the story. Not to the plot or characterisation, but I'm pretty sure he's forever putting in lines of dialogue/small actions that are designed for no other purpose than to answer/forestall some particularly tedious line of debate.

In 902 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0902.html), for instance, Roy says that the rift "definitely has miles of water with no land in sight? Guy in heavy armor says, "No thanks"." That followed many days' worth of incredibly futile speculation about whether the bottom few pixels of the image we saw through the rift was meant to denote a beach. Into the bargain, it also settles a recurring debate about whether Roy wears heavy or medium armour.

2013-08-01, 04:44 PM
In 902 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0902.html), for instance, Roy says that the rift "definitely has miles of water with no land in sight? Guy in heavy armor says, "No thanks"." That followed many days' worth of incredibly futile speculation about whether the bottom few pixels of the image we saw through the rift was meant to denote a beach. Into the bargain, it also settles a recurring debate about whether Roy wears heavy or medium armour.

Amazingly enough, some people still argue that when Roy said "heavy armor", he could mean something other than "heavy armor" or "Heavy Armor".

2013-08-01, 05:01 PM
The planning session probably went like this:

Z: "I'll Greater Dispel Magic, then we just make a withdraw action and watch him die"

Nale: "No, we'll have to read crap on the forum for a month about Malack using his cloak to protect himself. I'm gonna chug a negative energy elixir and rip his hood off
The thought of Nale reading the forums is pure awesomeness.

2013-08-01, 05:24 PM
Ripping the cloak off is more dramatic.

2013-08-01, 05:32 PM
Ripping the cloak off is more dramatic.

But that means that *gasp* Nale is choosing to do an action because it is more dramatic! Which means he is making a concession to both Elan and Tarquin!!

2013-08-01, 06:40 PM
The planning session probably went like this:

Z: "I'll Greater Dispel Magic, then we just make a withdraw action and watch him die"

Nale: "No, we'll have to read crap on the forum for a month about Malack using his cloak to protect himself. I'm gonna chug a negative energy elixir and rip his hood off

This is pure awesome. I laughed!

2013-08-01, 07:10 PM
But that means that *gasp* Nale is choosing to do an action because it is more dramatic! Which means he is making a concession to both Elan and Tarquin!!

I didn't mean drama was Nale's motivation. I meant it was more dramatic for the story. Nale can't escape the story he's in whether he recognizes "the dramatic" as Elan does or not.

2013-08-01, 08:10 PM
I didn't mean drama was Nale's motivation. I meant it was more dramatic for the story. Nale can't escape the story he's in whether he recognizes "the dramatic" as Elan does or not.
Yea I know what you meant:smalltongue:

Maybe that is how Elan will finally defeat Nale! Elan will point out that Nale has been compelled by his status as a character in a story to act in Dramatically Appropriate Ways, and that will neutralize Nale's driving goal in life (getting revenge on his drama loving father and brother) and Nale will evaporate from existence!

2013-08-02, 11:26 AM
I think the visual of Nale stripping Malack as he died was just fabulous and captured the momentous moment really well. I've got no problems.

2013-08-02, 12:19 PM

Seriously, I think this forum makes a big difference to the way Rich writes the story. Not to the plot or characterisation, but I'm pretty sure he's forever putting in lines of dialogue/small actions that are designed for no other purpose than to answer/forestall some particularly tedious line of debate.

In 902 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0902.html), for instance, Roy says that the rift "definitely has miles of water with no land in sight? Guy in heavy armor says, "No thanks"." That followed many days' worth of incredibly futile speculation about whether the bottom few pixels of the image we saw through the rift was meant to denote a beach. Into the bargain, it also settles a recurring debate about whether Roy wears heavy or medium armour.

The Giant mentioned that he feels forced to do this on a few occasions. For example, having Malack explain out loud to nobody (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0878.html) that there is a speedy-thrall-creation spell in his staff.

2013-08-02, 03:50 PM
Well, it WAS nice to know. Not that I could tell the difference one way or the other.