View Full Version : Alchemy Items as primary damage source(alchemists fire etc.)

2013-07-30, 12:54 AM
Are their any tricks that can be used to beef up alchemical items to be a primary form of combat, in addition are there any better damage items to use other than an alchemists fire, or other sweet alchemy items that aren't to well known?

2013-07-30, 01:09 AM
There are a few variants to Alchemist's Fire. I suggest looking through some of the items suggested here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148101), as there are lots of different things for the alchemically-minded.

The problem with prioritizing use of alchemy in battle is that it doesn't have the same power and versatility other thrown weapons have. The range is only 10 feet, for instance. I'd imagine chucking flask after flask of chemicals would also get expensive after a while.

2013-07-30, 01:39 AM
I've done this as a wizard. It worked great for the first five or so levels.

Make sure you craft your own stuff to keep it affordable.

Use a Gnome Calculus from Arms and Equipment guide. It ups the range to 50 feet, and can be enchanted. It is an exotic weapon, but you're still hitting on a touch attack so who cares.

Eggshell grenades, shapesand, trail bars, Healing salve, and acid flasks. With these you can solve anything.

Eberron has an Alchemist Blade. Go take a look. Lets you put a flask in and use it on a successful hit.

2013-07-30, 03:15 AM
In PF the alchemist/grenadier archetype can add alchemical items to a weapon attack, and most alchemists grenadier or not are better than average at throwing such items.

In 3.5 but not PF, a rogue with quick draw and TWF can be pretty effective at throwing flasks of alchemical fire or some such.

2013-07-30, 03:54 AM
Pathfinder has a cheap magic funnel that allows you to combine two liquid alchemical splash weapons into one bottle.

2013-07-30, 07:48 AM
SPC wizard spells launch item and sniper's shot may come in handy. :smallwink:

2013-07-30, 01:22 PM
I had a character once who used alchemical substances to enhance his arrows. It was a dystopian survival game focused on hit & run tactics. Maybe not exactly what your looking for, but uped the damage by adding it to the base of the arrow and the best part was the range boost.

2013-07-30, 01:30 PM
Depends on how quickly you want to blow through funds :P

Rod of Many Wands: Launch Item/Launch Item/Launch Item nets you 400+ ft. range and you hit with three 10 pound objects a turn. Make it three bags filled with oil and have an alchemist fire item in there and you get 29 pounds of oil for 29d3 (average 60) fire damage a turn on a square for two turns, plus 1d6 for the Alchemists fire. It costs about Edit: 150 GP a turn to do, but it can be used to blanket an area in cheap fire. Much cheaper than 60 fire damage from items would be otherwise, and you can split it up amongst three targets if needed (although you would have to put an alchemist fire pot in each of the oil flask bags.)

2013-07-30, 02:04 PM
As avr said, rogue seems to be the best way to achieve that.
I'm not aware of any ways to lessen the cost of alchemical items, but if they exist, in high op, they can deal arbitrarily high damage (+1d6 for +20 to the creation DC, enter skill optimization).