View Full Version : PF: Training NPCs

2013-07-30, 04:21 AM
Hello everyone
I'm a pretty inexperienced DM currently planning my second campaign and I am running into some situations where I can't seem to find official rules.

I'm all for making my own rules in these kind of situations, but I would love some insight from the wise dwellers of this most esteemed forum. :smallsmile:

My players are going to be put in a spot where it would be clever of them to form and organize a militia of some sort out of some simple peasants. I'm currently planning to make it include a Prof(soildier) check (which I know at least one of them will have) where the rest of the party can assist, but I'm unsure on what kind of DC, results and most of all time frame it should include.

The check is, just to clarify to train a group of commoners to warriors.

2013-07-30, 05:17 AM

modify as necessary to fit your campaign

2013-07-30, 05:29 AM
Wow, dont know how I missed that :smalltongue:
Thanks! :smallsmile:

Any suggestions on how to apply this to a larger number of people, for example if they want to train 20, 50 or even 100 simultaneously or at least as fast and efficiently as possible?

2013-07-30, 06:14 AM
Have you seen the Mass Combat rules (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/mass-combat) yet? I haven't playtested them yet myself, but I believe they might be of some help.

2013-07-30, 06:35 AM
Have you seen the Mass Combat rules (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/mass-combat) yet? I haven't playtested them yet myself, but I believe they might be of some help.

They are what gave me the idea, but I cant seem to find good guidelines.

To specify, I have three players whose characters more than qualify to do the retraining (atm), I now wonder how many they could train simultaneously, what would be feasible?

2013-07-30, 06:59 AM
Knowing the timeframe would be helpful, but if you're going to give them a week, make it sort of a modified Craft check, only throwing in Diplomacy or a relevant Profession skill

Say Player A wants to train 10 men in a week, make it a DC 10 check; if the player meets the check exactly, he trains them in that time frame, if he exceeds the check, it takes less time and he can train more men (if he totals a 20, for example, he can train those same 10 men in 3.5 days).

2013-07-30, 07:14 AM
Knowing the timeframe would be helpful, but if you're going to give them a week, make it sort of a modified Craft check, only throwing in Diplomacy or a relevant Profession skill

Say Player A wants to train 10 men in a week, make it a DC 10 check; if the player meets the check exactly, he trains them in that time frame, if he exceeds the check, it takes less time and he can train more men (if he totals a 20, for example, he can train those same 10 men in 3.5 days).

They way I'm planning it, how much time they spend between adventures depends on them, the campaign has some sandbox elements to it. But my estimate is that they will have two weeks before the threat of this part of the campaign emerges (but some militiamen to protect their settlement would still be handy during this time) and then about two more before it "gets real" so to speak. But it depends a lot on the players.

2013-07-30, 07:20 AM
Ok, so that lends itself pretty well to the Craft style check.

What level are your Players?

3 PC's making successful DC15....we'll call them training checks..... train almost 50 militiamen in a week.

2013-07-30, 07:44 AM
Googling "how long does it take to train a militia" is the kind of stuff that puts you on watch lists, but... I don't know - a trainer could probably whip anywhere between 10 and 30 commoners into "militia"-style shape in a few weeks.

By militia I'm thinking medium bab, light armor only, simple weapons only, shield possible depending on the culture and economy of the setting. Basically the guys wearing leather jerkins and holding a spear or firing a crossbow in the general direction of the enemy.

They won't be professional soldiers and they probably won't stand up to a cavalry charge, but... You do the best with what you got.

2013-07-30, 07:44 AM
Ok, so that lends itself pretty well to the Craft style check.

What level are your Players?

3 PC's making successful DC15....we'll call them training checks..... train almost 50 militiamen in a week.

They will be level 10 at this point, and one of them is a former Colour Sergeant of some reputation. He's a Cavalier/Bard/Battle Herald and at this point he will be joined by a Barbarian and a Fighter/Duelist. There will also be a Cleric and some sort of arcane caster.

2013-07-30, 08:00 AM
So you have at least 2 PC's that should have fair to high Charisma; assuming 10 ranks in whatever relevant skill, they should easily have a 14-18 modifier.

Maybe modifiy the DC to account for the levels of the NPC's?

Each level of Commoner/Expert/Whatever retraining to Warrior adds 1 to the DC per person.

So 10 Level 3 Commoners Becoming Level 3 Warriors becomes DC30. Retraining only 2 levels each reduces it to DC20
So on and So forth.

Do you think you have enough to go on now?

2013-07-30, 08:01 AM
That is a good point - a person who's an experienced soldier and trainer would have a much easier time whipping people into shape than a person who has the experience, but doesn't know how to teach.

2013-07-30, 08:04 AM
So you have at least 2 PC's that should have fair to high Charisma; assuming 10 ranks in whatever relevant skill, they should easily have a 14-18 modifier.

Maybe modifiy the DC to account for the levels of the NPC's?

Each level of Commoner/Expert/Whatever retraining to Warrior adds 1 to the DC per person.

So 10 Level 3 Commoners Becoming Level 3 Warriors becomes DC30. Retraining only 2 levels each reduces it to DC20
So on and So forth.

Do you think you have enough to go on now?

Yes, I think so. :smallsmile: Thanks!