View Full Version : Planewalker[epic] (peach)

2006-12-13, 04:33 AM

5 levels in four base classes that can be advanced by multiclassing rules to its full potential (ie monks arent allowed to go this route as by taking another class they can no longer advance in monk)
13 ranks in planar knowledge

hit dice d6/level

skillpoints 2+int bonus /level

special- from this point on character gains 1/5 exp

{table=head]Level|Base Attack[br]Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special
+8|planar location
+8|planar adjustment
+9|planar location II
+9|Planar adjustment II

HARMONIZE - All base classes gain one effective level granting any abilities that confer from the class and bonus feats but not hit points or saves or attack bonuses(ie you get your fighter bonus feats, wizzard spell progression, psionic points and progression)

Planar Location- the plane walker gains the ability to know where in the universe she is at any given moment.

planar adjustment- the plane walker gains the ability to treat other planes as her home plane.

planar location II- the plane walker can find any path to any plane with this level of ability.

planar adjustment II- the planewalker can shift planes by walking and concentrating on the desired plane.

outsider- the plane walker is forever treated as an outsider to the prime material plane with all the benefits and drawbacks that entails.

2006-12-13, 05:29 AM
Boah, way too hard.

I can build a Druid5/Cleric5/Wizard5/Psion5 and be effectively a Druid20/Cleric20/Wizard20/Sorcerer20 at level 35, INCLUDING the possibilities to cast epic-level spells in all four classes. Broken.

Additionally, the Outsider ability of level 40 directly counters the Planar Adjustment ability, making it virtually useless.

2006-12-13, 03:00 PM
it was intended to be hard

it was designed to reach deitific proportions and involving yourself in universal campaigns. your forgetting that in order to qualify you have to gimp yourself early on where most of your spells would be useless against what your facing. a minor globe of invulnerability will protect from all spells you could cast, and what self repecting 20th level villain is going to not have a minor globe of invulnerability available.

the difference between treating other planes as your home plane is this: you dont suffer the non native effects like taking cold damage on the plane of ice or being blinded on the positive plane. by the time you reach outsider ability your spending more time traveling other planes than working in the primes and it does say only unto the prime material plane that you are an outsider.

2006-12-13, 04:20 PM
It's scary. Too scary. I would impose a 1/5 xp penalty on anyone trying to take this class, because suddenly with one level you gain 5 instead. Thus, while you advance slower, you gain levels of power just like everyone else.

2006-12-13, 04:30 PM
that is acceptable

2006-12-13, 04:41 PM
I really like the flavor of the class it would be tough getting there.

2006-12-14, 01:04 AM
Remember you don't actually increase in Base Attack Bonus at epic. You get Epic Bonuses to Attack and to Saves. If your BAB actually went up, you'd keep getting more attacks.

2006-12-14, 02:32 AM
the table is a quick list of the epic advancement of Bab and saves. if you look it dosnt have the additional attacks one would get at a base class.

2006-12-14, 04:31 AM
it was intended to be hard

it was designed to reach deitific proportions and involving yourself in universal campaigns. your forgetting that in order to qualify you have to gimp yourself early on where most of your spells would be useless against what your facing. a minor globe of invulnerability will protect from all spells you could cast, and what self repecting 20th level villain is going to not have a minor globe of invulnerability available.

It may be hard to get there, but if Your character manages to survive till level 30 it's the ubermonster! This thing is much more powerfull than any other epic prestige class I know and it's got no cap on gaining 4 class levels per class level, i.e. at level 60, the character is a level 45 spellcaster in four casting classes! I can't imagine any reason not to play it, since it won't be the greatest problem to wiggle through the first levels.
As for the villain: There are other means of defeating people than just raw spellpower, be creative! You also have a party, full of dangerous level 20 players...

the difference between treating other planes as your home plane is this: you dont suffer the non native effects like taking cold damage on the plane of ice or being blinded on the positive plane. by the time you reach outsider ability your spending more time traveling other planes than working in the primes and it does say only unto the prime material plane that you are an outsider.

But an Outsider is an Outsider on every plane except its home plane! Let the type change to Outsider(Native) and You still get what You want.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-14, 04:40 AM
But an Outsider is an Outsider on every plane except its home plane! Let the type change to Outsider(Native) and You still get what You want.

No, an Outsider is an Outsider on every plane; it just has the (Extraplanar) subtype on every plane other than its home plane.

2006-12-14, 10:02 AM
i cant believe i missed the fact that a word got left off on my harmonize description until now.

harmonize is limited as it doesnt say each level thereafter. at level 35 you hit the max of 20th level caster in your caster classes and that is where you stay.

i did limit the outsider type to only the prime material plane. this means the character does not become an outsider but is treated like she did with regards to the named plane ie the prime material plane.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-14, 11:31 AM
i cant believe i missed the fact that a word got left off on my harmonize description until now.

harmonize is limited as it doesnt say each level thereafter. at level 35 you hit the max of 20th level caster in your caster classes and that is where you stay.

i did limit the outsider type to only the prime material plane. this means the character does not become an outsider but is treated like she did with regards to the named plane ie the prime material plane.

She wouldn't have the (Extraplanar) subtype on the Prime Material, though, so it wouldn't do a thing.

No, Banishment targets the (Extraplanar) subtype, not the Outsider type.

2006-12-15, 12:09 AM
With some modifications Farlgort can work towards this in High Seas. I like Cowinator's 1/5 th XP idea, as well as capping it at 35th level. At that point I'd put your PC on an immortal path, to eventual retirement. The monsters I need to come up with by then usually threaten the whole solar system.