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View Full Version : Metaspells: Spells About Magic!

2013-07-30, 07:26 PM
(This version is a slightly out-of-date copy: compare to the current version over at minmaxboards (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=10885.0). which has a few bugfixes, a text-searchable master list, and acknowledgements for everyone who's helped by suggesting new stuff.!)


We all know about metamagic, the process by which spells can be modified through feats. This is an area that has been the subject of intensive study (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=972), and I feel its potential has been quite thoroughly explored.
However, there is another way to modify how spells work that, while known to the community, has received relatively little formal study: spells that modify, interfere with, or otherwise deal with other spells, and more generally, spells that deal with magic itself, as opposed to some direct effect like damage, communications, rampaging bears from nowhere, etc. I propose the term 'metaspells' for this unusual kind of magic. Because, as is widely acknowledged (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=2716), spellcasting in general is one of the most flexible and powerful capabilities in Dungeons and Dragons, metaspells are some of the most interesting spells.

Here I am attempting to gather a registry of all published metaspells and develop a taxonomy of different types. I welcome suggestions for sources to scour/spells to include, suggestions for categories to put them into, and as much feedback as you can muster on the many, many rough edges the idea still has. There are discussion questions, even. They are marked in red, because red is the color of questions to discuss.

What isn't a metaspell?

First, a brief discussion of what probably doesn't belong here. I think that spells that grant a general bonus to some statistic often useful for something other than spellcasting/resisting spells shouldn't go here, even though attack-roll boosters like True Strike can enhance spells requiring an attack roll, damage-boosters like Frost Weapon might enhance spell-created weapons like a Blade of Pain and Fear or arguably Spiritual Weapon, normal AC-boosters like Mage Armor can protect you against spells that require a regular attack roll like Thunderlance, touch AC-boosters like Shield of Faith can protect you against ray spells, save-boosters like Superior Resistance can protect you from spells that require saves, skill check boosters like Moment of Prescience can keep you from blowing a Concentration check, reroll generators like Benediction or Choose Destiny can help with most of the above...it's simply too broad. Ditto anything that forces Concentration checks to cast simply by producing motion, entangling, dealing instantaneous or continuous damage, or grappling.

Also, I'm not particularly interested in listing spells that interact with other spells purely by virtue of their school, subschool or descriptor, like the way abjurations create visible interference with each other after being active within 10 feet of each other for 24 hours, and the way virtually every light spell counters and dispels virtually every darkness spell, and vice versa.

Essentially, what I'm interested in is spells that derive a good chunk of their power and interestingness in their interaction with other spells. And also possibly those that interact uniquely with other manifestations of magic, like the various non-Vancian magic systems, magical creatures and the supernatural abilities they boast, and magical environmental effects.

But mostly spells that are about other spells.

A Proposed Taxonomy

Spell Boosters
Spell Boosters solve problems with MORE POWER.

These spells boost the power, speed the casting, or otherwise straightforwardly aid the use of spells. If it fits the song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CgkWmKJLuE), this is where it goes. I'm also putting SR reducers in this category, as well as any spells that impose a save penalty that's specifically spell-related.

Different Kinds of Spell Boosters

Subcategory: General Spell Boosters
These spells can help with a large variety of spells: they include Arcane Fusion and True Casting. It could be argued that they're the most powerful metaspells, though my personal favorite for that title will be seen a little later on.

Discussion Questions:
Do general action-granters like Celerity count? (If so, do init-boosters like Nerveskitter count?)
Do general ability-boosters like Fox's Cunning count?

List of General Spell Boosters
Sorc/Wiz 1st
True Casting: Standard action, gives +10 to CL for spell penetration on a spell cast in the next round
EagleFoxOwl's SplendorCunningWisdom: boost spell save DCs
Aiming at the Target: Immediate action, +10 bonus on Concentration checks to mantain a spell that requires concentration
Sorc/Wiz 2nd
Create Magic Tattoo: many effects, including +1 CL or weak spell resistance. 24 hours, 100 gp material component
Channel the Mishtai: Can randomly grant +1 insight to CL at a cost of 1 HP/HD. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping. Essentia investment extends duration by minutes.
Suffer the Flesh: Swift-action spell. Deal up to (CL) Constitution damage to yourself to boost your CL by half that much. Doesn't work for Con-less creatures or those with immunity to Con damage, but hello Naberius, among other things. GP cost.

Sorc/Wiz 3rd
Spell Vulnerability: Reduce SR by 1/CL, max 15: Fort negates
Adept Spirit: +1 insight to CL, +2 insight to Will saves, Concentration checks, Intelligence checks, Intelligence-based skill checks for 1 minute. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping, essentia investment can improve every benefit but the CL boost.
Sorc/Wiz 4th
Assay Spell Resistance: swift action, +10 bonus on CL checks to beat one creature's SR
Spell Enhancer: Swift action, the next spell you cast gains +2 CL and +1 save DC
Mystic Surge: an ally gets +1 CL, +2 DC on a spell they cast this round
Sorc/Wiz 5th
Draconic Might: Immunity to magic sleep and paralysis, +5 to Cha (DCs)
Lesser Spell Matrix/Simbul's Spell Matrix: cast a Quickenable spell of up to 3rd level, take 1d6 unhealable damage: up to 10 minutes/level later, cast it as a quickened spell
Spell Enhancer: Casting time 1 standard action, duration 1 round: After you cast this spell, you can cast another in the same round (as if it had been quickened) at +2 caster level. Interesting that it's kind of implemented backwards from all the other spells that do this sort of thing. Extend Spell, Persistent Spell, getting extra swift actions could let it stack...
Extract Gift: Can substitute for casting-ability and Spellcraft, Concentration items in low-item campaigns. Boosting CL may grant permanent enhancement bonuses of over +6 pre-epic: bonus spells, save DCs. XP, GP cost.
Sorc/Wiz 6th
Mass EagleFoxOwl's SplendourCunningWisdom: boost spell save DCs
Greater Channel the Mishtai: Can grant +1 insight to CL at a cost of 1 HP/HD. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping. Essentia investment extends duration by hours.
Sorc/Wiz 7th
Arcane Spellsurge: Shortens spell casting times for 1 round/level. Cast as a swift action if you're a dragon or dragonblood.
Simbul's Spell Sequencer/Spell Matrix: Take 2d6 points of damage. Either pick two spells of up to 3rd level that you can subsequently cast as Quickened spells at any point in the next 10 minutes/level, or pick two spells of up to 2nd level and cast them as one simultaneous Quickened spell.
Mass Adept Spirit: +1 insight to CL, +2 insight to Will saves, Concentration checks, Intelligence checks, Intelligence-based skill checks for 1 minute- to a crowd. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping, essentia investment can improve every benefit but the CL boost.
Nar Fiendbond: Transforms the subject into a half-fiend: grants SR, spell- likes, ability boosts (incl. to casting scores), among other things. XP cost, GP cost, casting time 1 hour.
Planar Bubble: Creates an area around the target creature that emulates their native planar environment. This can include magic planar traits.
Sorc/Wiz 8th

Sorc/Wiz 9th
Wish: Duplicate non-prohibited sorc/wiz spells of 8th level or lower, prohibited or non-class spells of 7th level or lower, or prohibited non-class spells of 5th level or lower. Unique power to undo some magics. Create a magic item of 25,000 gp or less. Give a creature an inherent bonus to an ability score, including a casting stat for +DCs. Undo recent effects, including spell effects. Get screwed by the GM. Massive XP cost.
Greater Spell Matrix/Simbul's Spell Trigger: the love child of Simbul's Spell Sequencer and Contingency. Take 3d6 unhealable damage, store 3 spells of 3rd level or below for 10 minutes/level, during which they can be cast as Quickened- or make 'em 2nd level and cast two at once, or make 'em 1st level and cast them all at once. Also, key a contingency to a 'condition that effects your person' to activate one of the spells or spell sequences.
Node Genesis: Create a node, which can boost spellcasting in a variety of ways. Needs the Node Spellcasting feat. XP cost.
Sorcerer 5
Arcane Fusion: Cast a 1st and a 4th level spell you know simultaneously, without expending additional slots.
Sorcerer 8
Arcane Fusion, Greater: Cast a 4th and a 7th-level spell you know simultaneously, without expending additional slots.

Subcategory: Narrow Spell Boosters
These spells are not useful for juicing up all of the spells, all of the time. They are sometimes spells. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH9IO6iMO78) Some enhance only spells of a certain descriptor, or school of magic, or only spells cast against a certain narrow group of enemies. Some are useful only to spellcasters with certain feats or in certain campaigns. Still, they can be quite useful to specialists, 'concept' characters, or those looking to squeeze every drop of power they can out of their magic.

Discussion Questions:
Are spells with a target of 'any weapon', 'held weapon' or 'one weapon' able to target the effect of a spell like Thunderlance, Spiritual Weapon, and Mordenkaiden's Sword? If so, do they belong here, or perhaps in a separate category like the breath-weapon boosters?
Will Increase Virulence increase the DC of the caster's own Poison spell and similar effects?

List of Narrow Spell Boosters
Sorc/Wiz 1stRaging Flame: makes magical fires and fire spells in a 30-foot radius deal +1 point of damage per die
Quickswim: Increases a base swim speed, including a magically conferred swim speed, by 10 feet.
Sorc/Wiz 2ndSeeking Ray: Ray deals 4d6 electricity damage, ignores concealment and cover, grants +4 on further attacks with ray spells agains the subject
Increase Virulence: Increase the DC of poison from a 'creature' you touch for 1 min/level.
Heart of Air: +10' to fly speed, including magically granted fly speeds: can dismiss to gain feather fall effect: gain light fortification and eventually crit/SA immunity with other Heart of X spells
Fatal Flame: A creature explodes with fire damage on death. Useful 'enhancement' for Summon Monster, since foes get save and SR and allies will be mad at you.
Necrotic Cyst: Permanently implant a necrotic cyst in a target- rendering them vulnerable to other Necrotic X spells, giving them -2 to saves vs. necromancy spells, making them take extra damage from the natural weapons of undead, and making Protection from Evil no longer protect them from mental control. Requires a Mother Cyst (feat)
Soul Boon: Grant a target 1 point of temporary essentia/3 CL, max 5. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping.
Dragoneye Rune: As Arcane Mark, but you can treat the marked object or creature as familiar for purposes of a divination(scrying) spell, and detect direction and distance 3/day. Comically insignificant extra benefit for dragonblooded creatures.
Shadow Spray: Does strength damage plus a -2 morale penalty on saves vs. fear.
Ashstar: Create a magical construct that transforms other sorts of damage- including spell damage- into dessication damage instead, which is resisted very rarely and is difficult to recover from without first drinking water and receiving 24 hours of long-term care.
Vestigewrack: Imposes save penalties on incorporeal creatures, and makes binding checks for pact magic easier, in a 20-ft area.
Sorc/Wiz 3rdMask of the Ideal: +4 bonus to influence a creature you've enchanted or conjured (Planar Binding!)
Distilled Joy: Harvest ambrosia from a joyful creature, which can substitute for XP in magic item creation or increase the CL of a [Good] spell by 2 (stacks with nothing)
Control Darkness and Shadow: Control natural/magical shadows, enhancing or negating magical darkness or creating monochrome Silent Images. Concentration spell.
Sorc/Wiz 4thMark of the Enlightened Soul: Swift-action spell, duration 3 rounds. All spells gain the Good descriptor. All spells of 3rd-level or lower deal +50% damage to evil creatures. A sorcerer can sacrifice a spell slot of 5th-9th level to make it all spells of (spell level - 1) or lower. A good dragonblooded caster can end the duration of the spell to activate a Protection from Evil effect as a swift action.
Touch of the Blackened Soul: As above with the alignments reversed.
Condemnation: stun an outsider that fails a Will save, and lower its SR by 10
Rend Essentia: Deal 1d4+ 1/3 CLs Cha damage or damage to the target's essentia pool, get 1 point of temporary essentia for each point of damage. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping.
Curse of the Elemental Lords: Swift-action spell. One creature/4 levels takes an extra 1d6 points of damage from your spells that deal damage of a specified energy type for 24 hours. Sorcerors can sacrifice an additional sorcerer spell slot to make it an extra 1d6+spell level damage. Dragonblooded creatures can apply the extra damage to their breath weapon, as well. (If they got the breath weapon from a spell, do they add it twice?)
Trance of the Verdant Domain: Fascinates a creature for 3 rounds and makes them take a -2 penalty on saves vs. mind-affecting effects you create- forever, if I'm reading the duration properly.
Aerial Alacrity: Increase a fly speed by 30 ft, improve maneuverablity by one category, gain +1 dodge to AC while airborne. Swift action, 1 minute/level.
Enduring Flight: Fly at normal speed while wearing medium armor or carrying a medium load: if your ability to fly (natural or magical) has a limited duration, double it.
Sorc/Wiz 5thImproved Blink: 50% miss and spell failure cnce for enemies, none for you: ready an action to make an enemy spell/attack auto-fail: spells work vs. ethereal targets
Lord of the Sky: Gain a fly speed or improve an existing fly speed by +10 ft: maneuverability improves to good unless it's already better. Grants swift-action bolts of lightning that slow others' fly speeds to half: can expend to produce a Lightning Bolt.
Precipitate Breach: Create a planar breach or widen one that's already there: this can enhance spells with certain descriptors, make a dead magic or wild magic zone, or have other interestingly magical effects at random. GP cost.
Sorc/Wiz 6thAura of Terror: affects existing frightful presence or fear aura, including a magically-generated fear aura: expands by 10', increases DC by 2, makes the shaken frightened and the frightened panicked
Sherem Transformation: Cast on an unborn female child to give it the ability to take a feat much like the old 3.0 Spellcasting Prodigy, for sorcerors only. If these schenanigans have been going on for ten generations, they can take it again, and it stacks.
Subvert Planar Essence: reduce the SR (and DR) of outsiders in a radius
Sorc/Wiz 7thLifebound: When cast on a posessed creature, forces the posessor to control the posessee completely and enables the posessor to use their spell-like, psi-like, or supernatural abilities, even those not normally usable when posessing someone: if the host dies, so does the posessor.
Soul Link: Combines a Status and a Scrying effect on a touched creature for 1 hour/level: they also take a -4 penalty to Will saves vs. mind-affecting spells and abilities you use.
Sorc/Wiz 8th
Sorc/Wiz 9thTowering Thunderhead: 40-ft cylinder 60 ft tall is as Fog Cloud + Wind Wall, hampers movement. None of these affect the caster. Any sonic or electricity spell of 7th level or below cast by a creature within the Thunderhead is automatically Empowered.
Frostfell: Create a large zone of frigid and icy environment in which, among other things, any cold spells are cast at +1 CL.
Abyssal Rift: Opens up a chasm that gives a +2 boost CL of conjuration spells with the evil descriptor cast within 60 feet of it, among other effects
Sorcerer 1stStrength of the True Form: Immediate action, duration 1 round. If altered 'due to the use of polymorph, alternate form, or a similar effect', use the best of your natural stats and the altered form's for natural armor, DR, or physical ability scores.
Wings of Swift Flying: Add 30 ft to the speed of an existing magical flight effect or power, 40 ft if you're a dragon or dragonblooded.
Sorcerer 6thPrimal Speed: +10' to all speeds, including magically granted fly, swim, burrow, etc. speeds: gain uncanny dodge and eventually improved uncanny dodge with other Primal X spells

Subcategory: Breath Weapon Boosters (and granters)
There is a surprising number of spells that enhance and modify breath weapons. They're basically designed so that sorcererous dragons will have a trick or two to spice up the old fire-breathing trick, but players can plunder the dragons' hoard of enhancement spells by getting a breath weapon of their own to enhance. As with just about everything else, spells can help with that, too.

List of Breath Weapon Boosters (and granters)

Sorc/Wiz 1stBreath Flare: Swift action, your fiery or electrical breath weapon dazzles on a failed save.
Sorc/Wiz 2ndIncrease Virulence: Increase the DC of poison from a 'creature' you touch for 1 min/level. Some breath weapons are poisonous.
Palarandusk's Fire Breath: Boring, unexceptional blast spell in all respects except that it's considered a breath weapon
Sorc/Wiz 3rdDragon Breath: Gain a breath weapon for 10 minutes/level. +1 CL to sorcerors.
Sorc/Wiz 4thRebuking Breath: Swift action, your breath weapon rebukes undead
Blinding Breath: Swift action, your breath weapon blinds on a failed save
Firestride Exhalation: Damage/transportation spell that also counts as a breath weapon
Sorc/Wiz 5thDispelling Breath: swift action, your breath weapon dispels
Breath Weapon Substitution: swift action, BW does a different energy type of damage
Ethereal Breath: swift action, BW hits the Ethereal.
Stunning Breath: swift action, BW stuns
Dragon Breath: Gain a breath weapon (modifiable with many other spells) for 1 round/lvl, but you still have to wait 1d4 rounds between uses!
Burning Blood: Deal damage = CL of a type identical to your breath weapon when weapon damage is taken
Sorc/Wiz 6thLesser Dragonshape: Swift action, 1 round/level, become a red dragon with a breath weapon. (Can be further modifed with many spells...)
Fiendform: Gain weak SR by transforming into a fiendish creature, flight by transforming into a yeth, a breath weapon (modifiable!) by transforming into a hell hound, access to Scare, Stinking Cloud, and Telepathy by transforming into a dretch, and immunity to mind-affecting by transforming into a lemure.
Sorc/Wiz 7thAnimate Breath: Swift action: Energy-damage breath weapon becomes creature, hits things
Sorc/Wiz 8thGreater Stunning Breath: Your BW stuns for 2d4 rounds
Sorc/Wiz 9thDeafening Breath: Add sonic energy, deafening effect to a breath weapon
Enervating Breath: Swift action, BW deals negative levels
Breath Weapon Admixture: Swift action, BW deals extra energy type
Investiture of the Hellfire Engine: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, grants a breath weapon that can be enhanced by other spells

Spell Simulators
Spell Simulators solve problems the right way- by having the right tool for the right job.

These spells can simulate or recreate other spells, usually multiple other spells. They're very useful if you're a spontaneous caster working on a limited budget of spells known, a prepared caster who wants to retain some flexibility throughout the day, or are looking to bypass a barred-school or class restriction. Proper use of spell simulators can permit a spellcaster to dazzle with their versatility, laughing at the limits of your spell list just as Weird Al laughs at the limits of polka. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDzPyS76Gbc#t=15s)

Discussion question: Mirror Move (https://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20000901a) 'allows you to reproduce any general feat with an obvious physical effect that you observed another perform within the past 10 rounds, providing you meet the prerequisites for that feat.' Many spells have obvious physical effects. Complete Arcane's Extra Spell is a [General] feat. How hard should I be smacked for coming up with this?

Different kinds of Spell Simulators
Subcategory: Spells with Dismissal Effects
A number of spells have a useful continuous effect, but can also use an effect that simulates another, related spell. Often, but not always, the spell must be prematurely dismissed to gain the benefit of the other effect, which is usually stronger and shorter-lived than the base effect.

List of spells with dismissal effects
Sorc/Wiz 2nd
Heart of Air: +10' to fly speed, including magically granted fly speeds: can dismiss to gain feather fall effect: gain light fortification and eventually crit/SA immunity with other Heart of X spells
Sorc/Wiz 3rdHeart of Water: Can dismiss to gain freedom of movement effect, among other benefits: gain light fortification and eventually crit/SA immunity with other Heart of X spells
Vision of the Omniscent Eye: Grants vision benefits. If also under the effect of a spell that permits you to see invisible creatures, can end VOTOE's duration to activate a Faerie Fire effect as a swift action: it lasts for 1 minute.
Wingblast: Grants flight for 1 round/level: can end the spell as a swift action to duplicate either Gust of Wind or Obscuring Mist.
Sorc/Wiz 4th Heart of Earth: Can dismiss to gain stoneskin effect, among other benefits: gain light fortification and eventually crit/SA immunity with other Heart of X spells
Voice of the Dragon: Bonus to social skills, expend to create a Suggestion effect: +1 CL for sorcerors
Sorc/Wiz 5thHeart of Fire: Can dismiss to to gain fire shield effect, among other benefits: gain light fortification and eventually crit/SA immunity with other Heart of X spells
Lord of the Sky: Gain a fly speed or improve an existing fly speed by +10 ft: maneuverability improves to good unless it's already better. Grants swift-action bolts of lightning that slow others' fly speeds to half: can expend to produce a Lightning Bolt.
Sorc/Wiz 8thMind of the Labyrinth: Anyone who casts a mind-affecting spell or uses a mind-affecting ability on the caster is Confused for 1 round, Will negates. Can expend as an immediate action to create a shorter-term Dominate Person effect on someone who uses a mind-affecting ability on the caster.

Subcategory: Package Deals
These spells simultaneously combine the effects of a number of other spells, or can be used to simulate multiple spells in sequence. They tend to be higher-level than any of their component parts, or limited to function only in some particular circumstance or at unusual cost.

List of Package Deals
Sorc/Wiz 5thShard-Blessing Aura: Acts as a Lesser Globe of Invuln, also as Protection from Evil for Selune-worshipping sorcerors. 1 rnd/lvl
Kiss of the Vampire: Gain supernatural abilities: Enervation and Vampiric Touch as a melee touch attack, Charm Person, Gaseous Form (self only). Also invert the effect of Cure/Inflict spells and gain a partial vulnerability to Turn Undead. 1 round/level.
Investiture of the Orthon: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, can duplicate Dimensional Lock as an immediate action, has an effect strongly resembling Fire Shield.
Sorc/Wiz 6thCloak of the Sea: Combines the benefits of Water Breathing, Freedom of Movement, and Blur while underwater only
Mental Pinnacle: Gain 3 pp/level, Mind Thrust, Ego Whip, Psionic Blast, Id Insinuation, Psychic Crush, ML = CL, and turn off your own spellcasting for 1 round/level.
Fiendform: Gain weak SR by transforming into a fiendish creature, flight by transforming into a yeth, a breath weapon (modifiable!) by transforming into a hell hound, access to Scare, Stinking Cloud, and Telepathy by transforming into a dretch, and immunity to mind-affecting by transforming into a lemure.
Sorc/Wiz 7thIce Castle: Create a castle with Icicle spells in two designated areas, Ice Slick spells for intruders on the stairs, Obscuring Snow in any corridor or room, obscuring sight.
Necrotic Tumor: On a subject already bearing a necrotic cyst, give a long- term Suggestion on a successful save, or a permanent Dominate Person on a failed one.
Gem Tracer: Create a permanent link between a gem and an object: anyone with the gem can sense the object's location as with Locate Object but with unlimited distance, and can scry on the bearer of the object as per Scrying.
Nar Fiendbond: Transforms the subject into a half-fiend: grants SR, spell- likes, ability boosts (incl. to casting scores), among other things. XP cost, GP cost, casting time 1 hour.
Soul Link: Combines a Status and a Scrying effect on a touched creature for 1 hour/level: they also take a -4 penalty to Will saves vs. mind-affecting spells and abilities you use.
Fiendish Clarity: See through magical darkness up to 60 ft, see invisibility, detect good at will for 10 minutes/CL.
Sorc/Wiz 9th
Undermaster: Grants access to a wide variety of underground-themed spell- like abilities for 1 round/level. XP cost.
Towering Thunderhead: 40-ft cylinder 60 ft tall is as Fog Cloud + Wind Wall, hampers movement. None of these affect the caster. Any sonic or electricity spell of 7th level or below cast by a creature within the Thunderhead is automatically Empowered.
Sanctified 7Channel Celestial: Channel a celestial of up to 12 HD, granting access to their supernatural and spell-like abilities, as well as any spells known
Sanctified 9Channel Greater Celestial: Channel a celestial of up to 24 HD, granting access to their supernatural and spell-like abilities, as well as any spells known

Subcategory: Category Simulators
These spells can duplicate large categories of spells. They are among the most versatile of this very versatile class of spell, but all known examples either permit the target two saves or have a substantial XP cost. And, interestingly, I haven't been able to find a single arcane example outside of core.

List of Category Simulators
Sorc/Wiz 4th Shadow Conjuration: simulate a Conjuration spell of 3rd level or lower, 20% real
Sorc/Wiz 5th Shadow Evocation: simulate an Evocation spell of 4th level or lower, 20% real
Sorc/Wiz 7th Shadow Conjuration, Greater: Simulate conjuration spells of 6th level or lower, 60% real
Sorc/Wiz 7th Limited Wish: Duplicate any non-prohibited school sorc/wiz spell of 6th level or lower, any prohibited-school sorc/wiz spell or any non-prohibited school spell from another class' list of 5th level or lower, or any prohibited-school spell from another class' list of 4th level or lower. Also has the unique power to undo some powerful curses. Other effects as GM rules. Expensive XP component.
Sorc/Wiz 8th Greater Shadow Evocation: simulate evocations of 7th level or lower: 60% real
Sorc/Wiz 9thShades: simulate conjuration spells of 8th level or lower, 80% real
Wish: Duplicate non-prohibited sorc/wiz spells of 8th level or lower, prohibited or non-class spells of 7th level or lower, or prohibited non-class spells of 5th level or lower. Unique power to undo some magics. Create a magic item of 25,000 gp or less. Give a creature an inherent bonus to an ability score, including a casting stat for +DCs. Undo recent effects, including spell effects. Get screwed by the GM. Massive XP cost.

Subcategory: Summoning Things with Spellcasting or SLAs
Probably the most effective and flexible form of spell simulator, these indirectly grant the caster access to additional spells by summoning creatures that have spellcasting abilities of their own. On the upside, this has great action economy benefits, since summoned creatures can act independent of their summoner. On the downside, they don't share your caster level or save DCs, and some kinds of summoned creatures are imperfectly obedient.

List of spells that summon things with spellcasting or spell-like abilities
Sorc/Wiz 3rdSummon Monster III: Summon a dretch for Scare, Stinking Cloud, or telepathy (with Abyssal-speakers, at least)
Sorc/Wiz 4thSummon Monster IV: Summon a lantern archon for Aid, Detect Evil, or Continual Flame, or an appropriate kind of mephit for Gust of Wind, Wind Wall, Soften Earth and Stone, Scorching Ray, Heat Metal, Magic Missile, Chill Metal, Pyrotechnics, Acid Arrow, Stinking Cloud, or Glitterdust.
Summon Undead IV: Can summon an allip, which emulates Hypnotism
Sorc/wiz 5thSummon Monster V: Summon a hound archon for Aid, Continual Flame, Detect Evil, or Message, an achaierai for a damaging Insanity analogue, or a bearded devil for Greater Teleportation of objects.
Lesser Planar Binding: Indirectly grants access to an enormous amount of other spells through the spell-like abilities of the outsider or elemental you call.
Lesser Dragon Ally: Summon a dragon of HD 9 or lower. They'll have sorceror spellcasting and interesting spell-likes. Best for spellcasting: Tome dragon, Dragon 343, 9th-level sorc casting and free metamagic. Can you summon a loredrake? A Spellhoarding dragon? XP and GP cost.
Summon Undead V: Can summon a vampire spawn, which emulates Dominate Person
Lesser Truename Binding: Like Lesser Planar Binding, but its target is CR 6 or less instead of HD 6 or less, it's an opposed Truespeak check instead of an opposed Charisma check, it can't try to escape the binding after initially bound, beating their Truespeak check by greater margins increases the duration, and there's an XP cost. (whyyyyyyy)
Call Zelekhut: Summon a zelekhut to gain access to clairaudience/clairvoyance, dimensional anchor, dispel magic, fear, hold person, locate creature, true seeing, hold monster, mark of justice, and lesser geas. XP cost.
Sorc/Wiz 6thSummon Monster VI: Summon a bralani for Blur, Charm Person, Gust of Wind, Mirror Image, Wind Wall, Lightning Bolt, Cure Serious Wounds, or to indirectly benefit from Tongues. Summon a janni for Enlarge/Reduce Person, Invisibility, Speak with Animals, or Create Food and Water. Summon a xill to travel to and from the Ethereal Plane.
Planar Binding: Indirectly grants access to an enormous amount of other spells through the spell-like abilities of the outsider or elemental you call.
Halaster's Fetch III: Summon a dretch for Scare, Stinking Cloud, or telepathy, then it sticks around afterwards and is probably confused and ticked off at you.
Call of the Twilight Defender: Summons a twilight guardian, which has Transport Via Plants (works with other willing creatures)
Blackwater Taint: Summon a Doom of the Seas, a half-fiend kraken, for its Blasphemy, Contaigen, Desecrate, Destruction, Horrid Wilting, Summon Monster IX, Unhallow, Unholy Blight, Control Weather, Control Winds, Dominate Animal, Resist Energy, Darkness, Poison, or Unholy Aura SLAs. (!) A bizzare spell that grants you indirect access to SLAs far above the spell level you'd be able to access normally. And it's supposed to obey you for the spell's duration, but it *has* no listed duration. And it's a Necromancy spell, not a Conjuration spell, and in particular not a Conjuration (summoning) spell, so I don't think it goes away when the spell ends. Whenever it ends. XP cost.
Sorc/Wiz 7th
Summon Monster VII: Summon an avoral for aid, blur, command, detect magic, dimension door, dispel magic, gust of wind, hold person, light, magic missile, see invisibility, or lightning bolt, or to benefit from its self- only magic circle against evil, speak with animals, and true seeing effects. Summon a djinni for create food and water, a version of Major Creation with permanent vegetable matter, persistent image, or wind walk. Summon a bone devil for Greater Teleport of objects, dimensional anchor, fly, major image, or wall of ice. Summon a babau for darkness, dispel magic, see invisibility, or greater teleport of objects.
Halaster's Fetch IV: Summon a lantern archon for Aid, Detect Evil, or Continual Flame, or an appropriate kind of mephit for Gust of Wind, Wind Wall, Soften Earth and Stone, Scorching Ray, Heat Metal, Magic Missile, Chill Metal, Pyrotechnics, Acid Arrow, Stinking Cloud, or Glitterdust. Then it sticks around afterwards and is probably confused and ticked off at you.
Dragon Ally: Summon a dragon of HD 18 or lower. They'll have sorceror spellcasting and interesting spell-likes. Best for spellcasting: Tome dragon, Dragon 343, 11th-level sorc casting and free metamagic. Can you summon a loredrake? A Spellhoarding dragon? XP and GP cost.
Call Kolyarut: Summon a kolyarut to gain access to discern lies, fear, hold person, invisibility, locate creature, suggestion, hold monster, mark of justice, or geas/quest. Also an Enervation effect. XP cost.
Truename Binding: Like Planar Binding, but it's a level higher, its target is CR 10 or less instead of HD 12 or less, it's an opposed Truespeak check instead of an opposed Charisma check, it can't try to escape the binding after initially bound, beating their Truespeak check by greater margins increases the duration, and there's an XP cost. (whyyyyyy)
Sorc/Wiz 8thSummon Monster VIII: Summon a lillend for 6th-level bard spellcasting and its darkness, hallucinatory terrain, knock, light, charm person, speak with animals, and speak with plants SLAs. Summon a vrock for mirror image, telekinesis, greater teleport of objects, or heroism: summon three for a slow but wide-area 20d6 blast effect.
Greater Planar Binding: Indirectly grants access to an enormous amount of other spells through the spell-like abilities of the outsider or elemental you call.
Halaster's Fetch V: Summon a hound archon for Aid, Continual Flame, Detect Evil, or Message, an achaierai for a damaging Insanity analogue, or a bearded devil for Greater Teleportation of objects. Then it sticks around afterwards and is probably confused and ticked off at you.
Sorc/Wiz 9thSummon Monster IX: Summon a couatl for 9th-level sorcerer casting and its detect [alignment], detect thoughts, invisibility, and plane shift SLAs. Summon a leonal for detect thoughts, fireball, hold monster, wall of force, cure critical wounds, neutralize poison, remove disease, heal, or a damaging Holy Word analogue, or to indirectly benefit from its self-only combination Magic Circle against Evil and Lesser Globe of Invulnerability effect, or its Speak with Animals effect. Summon a hatumala for Greater Teleport of objects, hold person, major iamge, scorching ray, order's wrath, or unholy blight. Summon a night hag for detect [alignment], detect magic, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, sleep, or etherealness. Summon a hezrou for Chaos Hammer, Greater Teleport of objects, Unholy Blight, Blasphemy, and Gaseous Form.
Gate: Indirectly grants access to a ridiculously large amount of other spells through the spell-like abilities of the outsider you call. XP cost.
Halaster's Fetch VI: Summon a bralani for Blur, Charm Person, Gust of Wind, Mirror Image, Wind Wall, Lightning Bolt, Cure Serious Wounds, or to indirectly benefit from Tongues. Summon a janni for Enlarge/Reduce Person, Invisibility, Speak with Animals, or Create Food and Water. Summon a xill to travel to and from the Ethereal Plane. Then it sticks around afterwards and is probably confused and ticked off at you.
Ice Assassin: Permanently duplicate a touched creature (which can have spellcasting, even better than yours): share spells with it, including exclusively personal ones.
Greater Dragon Ally: Summon a dragon of 27 HD or less. They'll have sorcerer spellcasting and interesting spell-likes. Best for spellcasting is a Tome dragon, Dragon 343: they'll have 19th level sorcerer spellcasting. Can you summon a loredrake? A Spellhoarding dragon? XP and GP cost.
Abyssal Army: Summon 2d4 dretches, 1d4 babaus, and one vrock: you get access to Scare, Stinking Cloud, and telepathy through the dretch, darkness, dispel magic, see invisibility, or greater teleport of objects through the babaus, and mirror image, telekinesis, and heroism through the vrock. Nothing here you can't individually get through Summon Monster, let alone more flexible summon spells.
Heavenly Host: Summon 2d4 lantern archons and 1d4 hound archons: you get access to aid, detect evil, and continual flame through the lantern archon and all those plus Message through the hound archon. Nothing here you can't individually get through Summon Monster, let alone more flexible summon spells.
Hellish Horde: Summon 2d4 bearded devils, 1d4 chain devils, and a bone devil: get access to Greater Teleportation of objects through the bearded devil, and additionally dimensional anchor, fly, major image, or wall of ice through the bone devil. Bo-ring.
Call Marut: Summon a marut to gain access to air walk, dimension door, fear, greater command, greater dispel magic, mass inflict light wounds, locate creature, true seeing, chain lightning, circle of death, mark of justice, wall of force, earthquake, geas/quest, and plane shift. XP cost.
Greater Truename Binding: Like Greater Planar Binding, but it's a level higher, its target is CR 14 or less instead of HD 18 or less, it's an opposed Truespeak check instead of an opposed Charisma check, it can't try to escape the binding after initially bound, beating their Truespeak check by greater margins increases the duration, and there's an XP cost. (WHY?)
Sanctified 3Create Lantern Archon: permanently make a lantern archon, which listens to you for an hour and has CL 3 aid, detect evil, continual flame at will. 1d3 Constitution drain.

Subcategory: Other Spell Simulators
These spells simulate others but fall into none of the categories above.

List of Other Spell Simulators
Sorc/Wiz 3rdControl Darkness and Shadow: Control natural/magical shadows, enhancing or negating magical darkness or creating monochrome Silent Images. Concentration spell.
Sorc/Wiz 6thEnergy Transformation Field: Make a permanent 40-ft field that seems to totally auto-negate any spellcasting, magic items, or supernatural abilities within it, absorbs, transforms the energy into a single spell you can cast. XP component, costly material component.
Sorc/Wiz 8thLightning Ring: Generate two weak Lightning Bolts as a free action per round: 1 round/2 CL duration.
Sorc/Wiz 9thReplicate Casting: Duplicate a spell or spell-like ability you've just seen cast, 8th level or lower but otherwise without restriction

2013-07-30, 07:31 PM
Spell Mutators
Spell Mutators solve problems by changing the rules.

These spells don't make other spells straightforwardly better, faster, or more powerful. What they do is make them more flexible, or simply different. Spell boosters make the spells they modify harder, better, faster, stronger: these make the spells they modify sneakier and smarter, breaking the rules (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZS8HwV0XTo) to win. If you're a thinking spellcaster, these are my candidate for the strongest and most generally useful metaspell.

List of Spell Mutators

Sorc/Wiz 1stVentriloquism: Make the verbal components of your spells seem to come from somewhere else nearby
Spell Flower: Hold one charge of a touch spell per limb, rather than only one, for 1 round/level
Weapon Shift: Turn a weapon into another sort, possibly including magically created weapons made by spells like Thunderlance and Mordenkaiden's Sword?
Summon Component: Summons the Material Component for a particular spell. Somatic component only, swift action.
Hidden Ward: Disguise the presence of spells cast on an object- including a magic trap- for 24 hours. GP cost. Duration increases to 1 day/level for those with some Eberron-specific feats.
Sorc/Wiz 2ndSpectral Hand: spooky hand delivers touch spells at a distance for you
Quick Potion: make a flask contain a pseudo-potion by casting this spell, then a spell that can make a potion. Lasts 1 hour/level.
Energize Potion: Transforms potion into a grenade that does 1d6 energy damage per potion spell level in a 10-ft radius burst
Necrotic Scrying: As Scrying, but only on a target bearing a necrotic cyst, and can cast Comprehend Languages, Magic Mouth, Message, Read Magic, Tongues, and Darkvision through it instead of the normal list.
Soul of Anarchy: Among other benefits, be treated as chaotic-aligned for purposes of effects relying on alignment.
Soul of Order: Among other benefits, grants +2 morale to Will saves vs. enchantment effects, be treated as lawful-aligned for purposes of effects relying on alignment.
Shroud of Undeath: Mindless undead think you're undead, intelligent undead aren't sure. Inverts the effect of cure and inflict spells, gives you a temporary vulnerability to turning. 'You are treated as if you were undead for the purposes of all spells and effects that specifically affect undead.'
Whispercast: Swift action. The next spell cast of 5th level or lower requires no somatic or material components, and no verbal ones except for whispering. Expensive foci or material components remain.
Sorc/Wiz 3rdSonorous Hum: Mantains one concentration spell for you, kind of loud
Siphon: Drain 5 charges from a wand or staff to regain a spell or spell slot equal or lower to the highest-level spell it holds. Can drain multiples of 5 for more.
Adoration of the Frightful: Turns any fear spell/effect into a Charm Person analogue
Sorc/Wiz 4thScrying: Enables remote Detect spells, remote Message
Mark of the Enlightened Soul: Swift-action spell, duration 3 rounds. All spells gain the Good descriptor. All spells of 3rd-level or lower deal +50% damage to evil creatures. A sorceror can sacrifice a spell slot of 5th-9th level to make it all spells of (spell level - 1) or lower. A good dragonblooded caster can end the duration of the spell to activate a Protection from Evil effect as a swift action.
Touch of the Blackened Soul: As above with the alignments reversed.
Perfect Summons: Creates area where only good creatures can be summoned: attempts to summon neutral or evil creatures summon torqued-off good creatures
Halaster's Image Swap: Swap locations with your Projected Image.
Fire Stride: Permits transportation through any fires within long range as a move action: does not exclude magical fires that you start, so you can Fireball yourself and use it to step out of the fireplace a block away.
Sorc/Wiz 5thPermanency: make many spells permanent
Haunt Shift: Convert 20d4 HD of undead creatures into haunting presences, difficult-to-detect poltergeists that haunt an object or location
Kiss of the Vampire: Gain supernatural abilities: Enervation and Vampiric Touch as a melee touch attack, Charm Person, Gaseous Form (self only). Also invert the effect of Cure/Inflict spells and gain a partial vulnerability to Turn Undead. 1 round/level.
Sorc/Wiz 6thContingency: A spell triggers given certain conditions.
Transcribe Symbol: move stuff like Glyph of Warding or Symbol of Death with a successful CL check: see Dragon Compendium's Glyph Scriber feat to expand utility.
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability: Transfer the ability to cast one spell/3 CL, max level 1/3 CL, max 5, to your familiar
Steal Summoning: Immediate action. With a CL check, gain control over a creature somebody else summons, control it for concentration+1 round
Scry Location: Enables remote Detect spells, message.
Awaken Undead: Mindless undead aren't mindless any more, regain armor, weapon proficiencies, extraordinary abilities
Shalantha's Delicate Disk: Summons a disk that permanently holds a spell of 5th-level or lower: it can be later broken. Touch spells are targeted on the creature that shattered the disk, area effect spells treat the broken disk's location as their origin. 200 gp material component.
Contingent Spell Lock: Ghostwalk campaign-setting schenanigans for letting your ghost cast spells immediately after your death.
Sorc/Wiz 7thGreater Scrying: Detect spells and messages can reliably be passed through the sensor
Project Image: Make a shadow double through which you can cast spells: must mantain LOS
Kiss of the Vampire: Be treated as if undead for all spells and effects for 1 round/level
Energy Transformation Field: Make a permanent 40-ft field that seems to totally auto-negate any spellcasting, magic items, or supernatural abilities within it, absorbs, transforms the energy into a single spell you can cast. XP component, costly material component.
(Simbul's) Synostodweomer: swift action, converts the next spell you cast into 1d8 points of touch healing per spell level
Planar Bubble: Creates an area around the target creature that emulates their native planar environment. This can include magic planar traits.
Sorc/Wiz 8thSpell Engine: Freely rechoose prepared spells for the day, except those you've already used today. Minor XP component. 10-minute casting time.
Veil of Undeath: Gain many of the benefits and detriments of the undead type, incl. immunity to mind-affecting spells/abilities, ability and energy drain, ability damage, and Fort-affecting stuff that's not harmless or object-affecting, as well as inverting the effect of Cure and Inflict spells
Embrace the Dark Chaos: One-half of the legendary feat loop that can transform specific bonus feats into general ones, including those that impact spellcasting. XP cost.
Shun the Dark Chaos: The other half.
Transcribe Symbol: Permanently transfer an 'untriggered magic sigil (such as a glyph of warding or a symbol of death)' from its original place to another without setting it off. See Dragon Compendium's Glyph Scriber feat to expand utility.
Sorc/Wiz 9thInvoke Magic: Freely cast spells of 4th level or lower in an antimagic field or similar, for 1 round. Costly material component.
Absorption: Ranged spells that have you as a target are absorbed without effect: 1d4+6 spell levels, partial absorption possible. Captured spell energy can power any spell you know/have prepared without counting against spells/day.
Eye of Power: As an Arcane Eye, but visible, and can cast any spell of 7th level or lower through it.
Greater Spell Matrix: Take 3d6 unhealable damage, store 3 spells of 3rd level or below for 10 minutes/level, during which they can be cast as Quickened- or make 'em 2nd level and cast two at once, or make 'em 1st level and cast them all at once. Also, key a contingency to a 'condition that effects your person' to activate one of the spells or spell sequences.
Ice Assasin: Permanently duplicate a touched creature (which can have spellcasting, even better than yours): share spells with it, including exclusively personal ones.
Shrinshee's Spell Shift: +4 to Spellcraft checks to ID spells for counterspelling. Can apply metamagic feats to an ally or enemy's spell, change its range, area, or targets, or counter it normally in addition to a stun effect. 1 round/level.
Greater Spell Matrix/Simbul's Spell Trigger: the love child of Simbul's Spell Sequencer and Contingency. Take 3d6 unhealable damage, store 3 spells of 3rd level or below for 10 minutes/level, during which they can be cast as Quickened- or make 'em 2nd level and cast two at once, or make 'em 1st level and cast them all at once. Also, key a contingency to a 'condition that effects your person' to activate one of the spells or spell sequences.
Elminister's Evasion/Instant Refuge: Super-Contingency.
Awaken Construct: Raise a mindless construct to humanlike sentience. XP cost. Creepy material component.
Wizard 4(Rary's) Mnemonic Enhancer: Prepare up to three add'l spell levels, or call back a recently-cast prepared spell of 3rd level or lower.
Wizard 6Mage's Lucubration: call back a spell of 5th level or lower that was cast in the last 24 hours.
Rary's Arcane Conversion: Exchange a prepared wizard spell for another prepared wizard spell of equal or lower level.
Sorcerer 2Essence of the Dragon: Touched creature gains the dragon type for 1 minute/level: they're treated as a dragon for purposes of spell effects, are immune to magic sleep and paralysis, ignore the frightful presence of dragons.
Sorcerer 5Dragonblood Spell-Pact: Dragonblood creatures can swap known spells of the same level. XP cost.
Sanctified 6Benign Projection: Create an effect similar to Project Image through which only Abjuration, Divination, and Conjuration (healing) spells can be cast

Many spells are designed to hinder other spells, or other sorts of magic. It goes way beyond a simple AMF or dispel.

Different Kinds of Anti-Magic spells
Subcategory: Counter-Divinations
These spells, typically illusions, make divination difficult or impossible to use on the target. And that's not all: the best of them turn your enemies' divinations against them, transforming them into double agents, backstabbers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzTeLePbB08) that feed their casters what you want them to hear.

Discussion question: Do general vision-blockers like Obscuring Mist count?

List of Counter-Divinations
Sorc/Wiz 1stMagic Aura: Make an item detect as if nonmagical, or like a given magic item, or the subject of a spell you specify.
Sorc/Wiz 2ndObscure Object: Divinations on an object automatically fail for 8 hours
Misdirection: Detect spells instead get a reading off of an object within range
Node Lock: Mark a node (a naturally-occurring of underground magic power in FR) as yours, concealing it from Locate Node and making it harder for others to use
Misrepresent Alignment: Conceal the true alignment of an object or creature from divinations: the caster chooses what alignment it detects as.
Sorc/Wiz 3rdNondetection: force a diviner into a CL-off to learn anything about the spell's subject
Sorc/Wiz 4thDetect Scrying: Makes you aware of any atempts to observe you, magical sensors. 24 hours.
Sorc/Wiz 5thMage's Private Sanctum: Makes everything within a volume immune to Divination (scrying) spells
Sorc/Wiz 6th
Sorc/Wiz 7thSequester: Creature or object becomes invisible and completely impossible to find through Divination. Creatures also become comatose for the duration.
Sorc/Wiz 8thMind Blank: blanket immunity to all mind magic and scrying
Prismatic Wall: creates a barrier that prevents 'all objects and effects', and spells specifically, and divination and mental attacks *specifically* specifically, from crossing it.
Screen: Selectively specify what in a large area can be observed by divinations
Sorc/Wiz 9thPrismatic Sphere: creates a spherical barrier that prevents 'all objects and effects', and spells specifically, and divination and mental attacks *specifically* specifically, from crossing it.

Subcategory: Counter-Illusions
On the other side of the coin to the spells that keep your foes from learning anything are the spells that keep them from ever pulling the wool over your eyes. While long-range divinations can be bamboozled, at shorter range there are a wide variety of spells to penetrate illusions. You'll see right through (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nGVaLkCQAg) anyone who tries to pull a fast one with a few of these in your spellbook.

List of Counter-Illusions
Sorc/Wiz 1stEbon Eyes: Subject can see normally in magical darkness, if they can see normally in regular darkness
Sorc/Wiz 2ndSee Invisibility: does what it says
Sentinel's Watch: +5 competence bonus to Will saves vs. enchantment or illusion, among other benefits. +6 to those with some Eberron feats.
Sorc/Wiz 3rdCorpse Candle: Thing from the Addams family appears holding a candle that shows ethereal and invisible creatures
Devil's Eye: See through normal and magical darkness out to 30 feet for minutes/level.
Deeper Darkvision: See through normal and magical darkness up to 60 feet. With that and an hour/level duration, this renders FCII's Devil's Eye obsolete, unless for some ungodly reason you specifically need color vision in magical darkness.
Sorc/Wiz 4thRevelation: Reveal everything in a 20-ft radius burst as with True Seeing, for one round.
Sparkles: Gives everyone in a 10 ft radius/level spread a -40 penalty on Hide checks for a minute/level, effectively negating invisibility.
Sorc/Wiz 5thVanishing Weapon: Weapon's touch dispels summoned or Illusion(shadow) creatures

Sorc/Wiz 6thTrue Seeing: See all things as they are, screw illusionists! Interacts with many spells on an individual basis.
Sorc/Wiz 7thFiendish Clarity: See through magical darkness up to 60 ft, see invisibility, detect good at will for 10 minutes/CL.
Sorc/Wiz 8thGreater Prying Eyes: lots of magic True Seeing sensors make illusionists very sad
Illusion Purge: Temporarily negate all illusions of 7th level or lower in a 5-ft/level radius emanation, centered on you, for 1 min/level.
Sorc/Wiz 9th

Subcategory: Dispel Variants
Many spells are variations on the general theme established by dispel magic. If someone's put a spell on you (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwXai-sgM-s), there's no need to worry: there are dispels for wards, dispels for possession, four different kinds of dispelling walls, even dispels specifically for magical fog. Yes, really. And that's not all...

List of Dispel Variants
Sorc/Wiz 1stDispel Ward: special-purpose Dispel Magic against abjuration magic put on objects or areas only
Sorc/Wiz 2ndDispelling Touch: Touch-range targeted dispel, capped at +10
Arcane Turmoil: As if targeted Dispel magic, and a spellcaster loses their highest level prepared spell/slot on a failed Will save
Dispel Fog: Eliminate nonmagical fog, and magical fog/mist (Obscuring Mist, Cloudkill, etc) with a dispel check. Deal damage to creatures in 'fog or mist form', and force them out of that shape. (whyyyyyy)
Sorc/Wiz 3rdDispel Magic: Cancels magical spells and effects.
Tenacious Dispelling: as targeted Dispel Magic: cast it twice and it can be either targeted or area, and gets a +2 to dispel checks
Sorc/Wiz 4th(Otiluke's) Dispelling Screen: Targeted dispel magic on anything that goes through it. Spell effects not operating on creatures or objects explicitly can't pass through it.
Slashing Dispel: as Dispel Magic, but deals 2 slashing damage/spell level dispelled.
Sorc/Wiz 5thDispelling Breath: swift action, your breath weapon dispels
Wall of Dispel Magic: pass through it, get a targeted dispel. The Underdark version is invisible, but the Spell Compendium version is not.
Vanishing Weapon: Weapon's touch dispels summoned or Illusion(shadow) creatures
Spell Theft: Know every spell affecting a creature, make a dispel check on every one of them, and take 'em for yourself if you win.
Dispel Possession: Force a being possessing a creature out of the host's body, as if it had left them voluntarily: can also be used as a special-purpose Dispel Magic for 'charm, dominate, or similar [effects]' only.
Dispel Water: Dispel non-instantaneous spells with the Water descriptor, on the Water domain list, or those that 'clearly involve water': dismiss extraplanar creatures with the water subtype.
Sorc/Wiz 6thGreater Dispel Magic: does its job good
Sorc/Wiz 7th(Otiluke's) Greater Dispelling Screen: those who go through a wall get a big, bad targeted dispel. Spell effects not operating on creatures or objects explicitly can't pass through it.
Sorc/Wiz 8thWall of Greater Dispel Magic: those going through the wall get a big, bad targeted dispel. The Underdark version is invisible, but the Spell Compendium version is not.
Chain Dispel: Targeted dispel magic on selected creatures no more than 30' apart, CL cap 25
Truename Dispel: As Dispel Magic, but requires the caster to speak the target's personal truename, it tells you what all of the ongoing magical effects on the target do, and you can dispel them or leave them alone selectively without actually requiring a check besides the Truename check you make to cast the spell.[/b]
Sorc/Wiz 9thReaving Dispel: as Dispel Magic with the option to steal or redirect dispelled spells
Soulmeld Disjunction: Like Dispel Magic against all the soulmelds of one creature.
Khelben's Dweomerdoom: Eliminate the target's highest-level prepared spell or spell slot with a successful dispel check. (whyyyyyy)

Subcategory: SR, counterspelling, and similar general-purpose passive or reactive defenses vs. magic
Spell resistance: so annoying when monsters have it, so handy when you do. Clerics do have the titular spell in canon, but arcanists can learn to resist just about anything (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkIryrQZmEA) with all the spells they've got to give 'em SR. And they can counterspell like nobody's business, not to mention all the other tricks up their sleeve.

Discussion Question: Do spells that render the caster incorporeal count? It grants a 50% miss chance to ignore stuff from a corporeal source, including spells, but it seems a bit broad.

List of Passive Defenses vs. Magic
Sorc/Wiz 1stLesser Spider Form: Turn into a Medium fiendish monstrous spider, gain SR 7
Sorc/Wiz 2ndCreate Magic Tattoo: many effects, including +1 CL or weak spell resistance. 24 hours, 100 gp material component
Daggerspell Stance: Gain SR 5 + CL while TWFing defensively with daggers, among other benefits
Sorc/Wiz 3rdSpider Form: Turn into a Large monstrous spider, gain SR 9
Battlemagic Perception: Gain a +5 competence bonus to Spellcraft checks made to ID spells: automatically sense the use of any spell or SLA to which you have line of effect: end the spell to make a counterspell attempt on any spell cast within the nearest hundred feat without requiring an action.
Spell Snare: Automatically negate the next spell or SLA of 3rd-level or lower targeted at the bearer of the object this spell creates. RAW, requires a material component that is probably unavailable outside the Eberron campaign setting.
Sorc/Wiz 4thLesser Globe of Invulnerability: All spells of 3rd level or lower within 10 ft simply fail
Otiluke's Suppressing Field: Designate a school of magic or a spell subtype: any of those spells cast within 20 ft of you need to make a CL check DC 11 + CL to work, as if punching through SR
Sorc/Wiz 5thField of Resistance: Everyone in a 20' radius gets SR 11 + CL
Duelward: for 1 round/level, counterpslling is an immediate action and you get a bonus to ID spells being cast. On the first successful counterspell, Duelward discharges.
Refusal: Spellcasters or creatures with SLAs must make a Will save to enter an area
Mana Flux: Anyone in a 20' radius has a 20% chance of failing to cast a spell, use a spell completion item, activate a supernatural ability
Shard-Blessing Aura: Acts as a Lesser Globe of Invuln, also as Protection from Evil for Selune-worshipping sorcerors. 1 rnd/lvl
Skin of the Steel Dragon: Grants SR 10+CL, 1 rnd/3 levels, immediate action
Improved Blink: 50% miss and spell failure cnce for enemies, none for you: ready an action to make an enemy spell/attack auto-fail: spells work vs. ethereal targets
Greater Spider Form: Turn into a Huge monstrous spider, gain SR 13
Sorc/Wiz 6thAntimagic Field: magic doesn't work in a 10' radius
Globe of Invulnerability: as Lesser Globe, but excludes 4th-level spells, effects
Fiendform: Gain weak SR by transforming into a fiendish creature, flight by transforming into a yeth, a breath weapon (modifiable!) by transforming into a hell hound, access to Scare, Stinking Cloud, and Telepathy by transforming into a dretch, and immunity to mind-affecting by transforming into a lemure.
Greater Spell Snare: Automatically negate the next spell or SLA of 6th-level or lower targeted at the bearer of the object this spell creates. RAW, requires a material component that is probably unavailable outside the Eberron campaign setting.
Sorc/Wiz 7thSpell Turning: Spells targeted on you rebound on their caster
Energy Transformation Field: Make a permanent 40-ft field that seems to totally auto-negate any spellcasting, magic items, or supernatural abilities within it, absorbs, transforms the energy into a single spell you can cast. XP component, costly material component.
Nar Fiendbond: Transforms the subject into a half-fiend: grants SR, spell- likes, ability boosts (incl. to casting scores), among other things. XP cost, GP cost, casting time 1 hour.
Planar Bubble: Creates an area around the target creature that emulates their native planar environment. This can include magic planar traits.

Sorc/Wiz 8thProtection from Spells: +8 resistance bonus to saves vs. spells and spell-likes
Prismatic Wall: creates a barrier that prevents 'all objects and effects', and spells specifically, and divination and mental attacks *specifically* specifically, from crossing it.
Veil of Undeath: Gain undead immunities, including mind-affecting, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and death effect immunities, for 10 min/level
Axiomatic Creature: Permanent transformation grants SR = 2 * HD, among other benefits
Sorc/Wiz 9thPrismatic Sphere: creates a spherical barrier that prevents 'all objects and effects', and spells specifically, and divination and mental attacks *specifically* specifically, from crossing it.
Absorption: Ranged spells that have you as a target are absorbed without effect: 1d4+6 spell levels, partial absorption possible. Captured spell energy can power any spell you know/have prepared without counting against spells/day.
(Elminister's) Effulgent Epuration: Negate one spell or SLA directly targeted on you/CL. Epic magic isn't explicitly excluded. Deific magic is.
Shrinshee's Spell Shift: +4 to Spellcraft checks to ID spells for counterspelling. Can apply metamagic feats to an ally or enemy's spell, change its range, area, or targets, or counter it normally in addition to a stun effect. 1 round/level.
Sorcerer 2Wings of Cover: Disrupt line of effect as an immediate action, negating a single targeted spell, SLA, supernatural ability, psionic power, attack, whatever, and providing a bonus to AC and reflex saves vs. area attacks. Dragonblooded characters or dragons can use it on behalf of adjacent allies.
Sanctified 5
Curtain of Light: Vertical curtain of light energy damages nearby evil creatures, damages evil creatures that pass through it more. Arguably blocks the passage of all spells ('impervious') except for Antimagic Field, Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic, Mordy's Disjunction.
Sanctified 6 Exalted Raiment: Defensive bonuses incl. SR 5 + CL

Subcategory: Active means of interfering with an opponent's spellcasting
It is all very well to be resistant against attack, but 'the highest form of generalship is to balk the enemy's plans, the next best is to prevent the junction of the enemy's plans, the next in order is to attack the enemy's army in the field.' This means that the initiative must be taken, that the enemy must be actively prevented from imposing his will.

Discussion question: Do Silence, Suspended Silence, and other spells that can mess with verbal components [those causing deafness, for instance] count?

List of active spellcasting interference spells
Sorc/Wiz 1stMage Burr: Armor or shield doubles its ASF, makes its wearer take a -5 penalty on Concentration checks.
(Mordenkaiden's) Buzzing Bee: Distractingly loud bee imposes a -10 penalty on Concentration checks, forces a DC 10 Concentration check to cast if there are no other distractions
Sorc/Wiz 2ndDissonant Chant: forces Concentration checks for all spells cast in a large radius, increases the DC of anything else that forces a Concentration check
Distracting Ray: forces a Concentration check if cast on a spellcaster casting a spell. (whyyyyyy)
Mindless Rage: A creature must attack you in melee, can't cast spells or activate command word, spell trigger, or spell completion magic items
Magical Backlash: Deal 2 points of damage, Fort half, per spell level effecting the target
Mindburn: Target loses its highest-level remaining spell, spell slot, or infusion slot each round, duration 1r/3 CL, Will ends. Blows Khelben's Dweomerdoom out of the water so comprehensively it's not even funny.
Sorc/Wiz 3rdBigby's Disrupting Hand: Forces a subject to make a Concentration check DC = spell DC to cast spells
Bedevil: Enemy takes 5% ASF, -1 Concentration for 1 day/level
Amorphous Form: Renders its subject immune to polymorphing and prevents them from casting spells with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components, and turns off *supernatural abilities* and magic items, among other effects. And it's marked 'harmless'?
Sorc/Wiz 4thBackfire: Damages an opponent once if they try to cast a spell, Will negates
Stifle Spell:[/b] Force an opponent to make a Concentration check as an immeditate action or lose the spell they cast
Bloodbriars: Damages a creature when they move, including casting a spell with a material or somatic component
Corporeal Instability: Renders the target unable to cast spells or use magic items, among other penalties.
Warp Truename: Disables a creature's extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities, and renders them unable to cast spells...if you successfully pronounce their personal truename and they fail two different kinds of save. For 1 round/level.
Sorc/Wiz 5thReciprocal Gyre: subject takes 1d12 damage per spell effect on them with a failed Will save, stunned if they also fail a Fort save
Symbol of Spell Loss: make spellcasters or creatures with spell-likes lose their highest-level spell/slot/ability use per round on a failed spell save
Fever Dream: Fatigues on a successful save, exhausts on a successful one: reguardless of save, forces Concentration checks to cast spells: Confuses for one round as it ends. Save DC, Concentration DCs increase if Prickling Torment is already active on subject
Gelid Blood: Impose 50%/25% ASF on spells with somatic components on a failed/made save, among other penalties
Sorc/Wiz 6th
Sorc/Wiz 7thAntimagic Ray: Hit a creature with a ray AND have it fail a Will save and it's trapped in its own personal AMF for 1 round/level
Kiss of Draconic Defiance: Those in a 40-ft emanation from the caster must make Fortitude saves to sucessfully cast: can counterspell a spell of 5th- level or lower as an immediate action without needing to make a Spellcraft check to ID it, expending and ending the spell. Concentration spell.

Sorc/Wiz 8thBestow Greater Curse: One of the listed BOVD options is the permanent removal of all spellcasting ability, spell-likes, and the ability to use spell completion and spell trigger items.
Avascular Mass: Enemy's blood vessels explode out of them, entangle them, force a DC 30 Concentration check to cast
Sorc/Wiz 9thMordenkaiden's/Mage's Disjunction: comprehensively mess up any and all magic items and effects within a large radius. Special interactions with Antimagic Field, artifacts.
(Mystra's) Magic Miasma: as solid fog, but spells cast within the fog are at -4 CL and -2 save DC.
Maw of Chaos: area of chaos damages, dazes, forces a Concentration check to succeed on spellcasting
Unbinding: Negate charm and hold spells of all types, arcane locks and similar closures, and spells that create physical magical barriers...temporal stasis and slow spells...statue spells...shatter magic jars, destroying the soul therein...spells that hold other magical effects, including other spells....magic circles against X that imprison a creature...curses and geas/quest spells if you're of a a higher CL...but not protective spells, petrification, or those magically bound to serve, or an antimagic field. Wide area.
Binding Chain of Fate: Chain of force prevents target from leaving wth an antimagic field, and has *separate and independent* effects that prevent the target from changing form and act as a Dimensional Anchor on them- presumably for those Initiate of Mystra/Invoke Magic/Iron Heart Surge/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil types.
Laeral's Crowning Touch: Make a spellcaster's life horribly miserable with bucketfuls of negative levels whenever they try to cast spells. Duration: year and a day. XP cost.

Subcategory: essential countermagics
Some spells simply cannot be reversed except by certain others. The list of spells that most commonly appear in this role is short and core-only, and they deserve to be in a category all their own: Dispel Magic at 3rd, Remove Curse at 4th, Break Enchantment at 5th, Limited Wish at 7th, Wish at 9th. Know them, love them, because you will use them.

Subcategory: special-purpose tools
Of course, not every spell is generally useful for defense against a wide variety of magics. Some are more narrow, more corner-casey, useful only for the clever planner when they have a good idea of what they're facing ahead of time. These are spells for the crazy prepared. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRFbPM19tOg)

Discussion question: Should this category be further subdivided? How?

List of special-purpose antimagic spells
Sorc/Wiz 1stProtection from [Alignment]: Blocks possession and mental control attempts, prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures
Protection from Possession: Prohibits possession or mental control of the subject: not strictly redundant with the above because it's 10 min/level
Protection from Winged Fliers: Exactly as Protection from Evil, but vs. creatures that have wings and a fly speed instead. (whyyyyyy)
Slow Burn: Magical fire in a 30' area does -1 damage per die
Shadow Mask: +4 to saves vs. light or darkness spells or those that rely on bright light for damage, like Pyrotechnics, plus 50% chance to avoid gaze attacks
Ectoplasmic Armor: 5+ 1 per 4 CL armor bonus vs. incorporeal touch attacks only
Protection from Incarnum: +2 deflection to AC and +2 resistance to saves vs. incarnum creatures' natural weapons or soulmeld attacks/effects.

Sorc/Wiz 2ndSpellcaster's Bane: +2 insight bonus on CL for dispel and counterspell checks: auto-recognize spells being cast as if with a Spellcraft success, and with high Spellcraft ranks detect CL of any spell being cast
Node Lock: Mark a node (a naturally-occurring of underground magic power in FR) as yours, concealing it from Locate Node and making it harder for others to use
Ghost Touch Armor: Armor gains the Ghost Touch property
Divest Essentia: All essentia invested by the target return to their 'default' assignment in their essentia pool. Swift action.
Soul Blight: Deal 1d4+ 1/3CL essentia damage, max 1d4+3, to a target.
Suppress Magic: A single magic item or soulmeld stops functioning for 1 round/level with a CL check. Can invest essentia for a bonus on the check.
Undeniable Gravity/Earthbind: Negates magical or nonmagical flight on a failed save.
Soul of Order: Among other benefits, grants +2 morale to Will saves vs. enchantment effects, be treated as lawful-aligned for purposes of effects relying on alignment.
Gaze Screen: Recipiant gains 50% miss chance vs. gaze attacks
Ethereal Alarm: As Alarm, but only detects ethereal creatures.
Suppress Dragonmark: Turn off Eberron-only magic birthmarks for 24 hours.
Mechanus Mind: Get a +4 bonus to resist mind-affecting spells for 1 minute/CL, among other benefits.
Sentinel's Watch: +5 competence bonus to Will saves vs. enchantment or illusion, among other benefits. +6 to those with some Eberron feats.
Proud Arrogance: +4 to resist charm, compulsion and fear for those of the same race of the caster only.
Vestigewrack: Imposes penalties on incorporeal creatures, and makes binding checks for pact magic easier, in a 20-ft area.
Sorc/Wiz 3rdMagic Circle against [Alignment]: Hedges out summoned monsters, poor man's Mind Blank
Anticipate Teleportation: teleporters in an area are delayed for 1 round, you know they're coming
Control Darkness and Shadow: Control natural/magical shadows, enhancing or negating magical darkness or creating monochrome Silent Images. Concentration spell.
Rend Shadow Weave: Create a permanent Shadow-Weave-Only dead magic zone. Get +2 CL to dispel Shadow Weave stuff when prepped.
Disobedience: Suppresses any effect exercising mental control on a creature for 1 hour/level: charm and compulsion effects that grant ongoing control, a vampire's Dominate ability, etc. Anyone trying mental control must make a Will save or believe that their spell is actually working: the spell's subject is aware of any command issued and may act as they plase.
Glacial Globe of Invulnerability: As Globe of Invulnerability, but only applies to fire spells
Ectoplasmic Feedback: Damage shield vs. incorporeal touch attacks only
Wall of Incarnum: Create a barrier that deals Wisdom or essentia damage when crossed. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping.
Suppress Breath Weapon: Target cannot use their breath weapon unless 'forced' to do so by an enchantment (compulsion) spell of higher level
Compel Breath: Target MUST use their breath weapon as soon as it is capable.
Backblast: As Spell Turning, but 1d4+2 spell levels only, and only spells with the Fire descriptor
Ectoplasmic Web: As Web, but also affects incorporeal creatures.
Resist Taint: Gives a bonus to saves vs. a Heroes of Horror thing.
Khyber Trap: Trap an extraplanar creature for 1 round/level. Needs a focus that is probably only available in Eberron.
Devil Blight: Lightly damages a creature with both the lawful and evil subtypes: confuses baatezu for 1d6 rounds, damaging each round. Baatezu SR doesn't apply.
Bane of the Archrival: Create a 20-ft radius area warded against a single named foe such that they can't enter it- with magical means of movement or otherwise. Those within it gain bonuses to AC and saves vs. them, and it blocks any attempt by them to possess or exercise mental control over anyone in the area. Requires you to speak their personal truename.
Sorc/Wiz 4thDimensional Anchor: prevents extradimensional travel/teleportation in one target
Forceward: 15-foot radius barrier negates all force effects, incoproreal creatures can't get through.
Ray Deflection: Ranged touch attacks are auto-negated for 1 round/level
Perfect Summons: Creates area where only good creatures can be summoned: attempts to summon neutral or evil creatures summon torqued-off good creatures
Glacial Ward: Gain SR 18 vs. fire spells and abilities
Essentia Lock: Makes target unable to shift essentia allocation or form soulmelds. No save.
Rend Essentia: Deal 1d4+ 1/3 CLs Cha damage or damage to the target's essentia pool, get 1 point of temporary essentia for each point of damage. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping.
Unbind Chakra: Sever 1 chakra bind/4 CL from a soulmeld or magic item, deal 1d6 per bind severed. Can invest essentia to increase damage.
Unshape Soulmeld: Destroy a soulmeld shaped by a creature with a CL check: if it's chakra bound, deal damage as well.
Legion's Undeniable Gravity: Negates magical or nonmagical flight for creatures in a burst on a failed save.
Diminish Breath Weapon: Target's breath weapon loses 1 die of damage/CL: can't go below 1, duration 10 min. Special material component increases CL by 2.
Ebon Ray of Doom/Grimwald's Greymantle: 1 round/level, ray, single-target. Anyone using healing magic on the subject must make a CL check DC 15 + your CL or fail. May also disable fast healing or regeneration.
Nezram's Emerald Energy Shield: Grants immunity to magical deafness and language-dependent mind-effecting abilities, and grants +4 bonus on saves vs. spells with the sonic descriptor.
Death Lock: Prevents the target creature from returning as a ghost, specifically, if slain. Mostly a Ghostwalk campaign setting thing: if you can find an actual use for it, more power to ya.
Thunderlance: Spell-generated weapon may dispel protective force effects of 3rd level or lower on hit, among other benefits.
Demon Dirge: Lightly damages a creature with both the chaotic and evil subtypes: stuns a tanar'ri for 1d4 rounds, dealing damage in each round. Tanar'ri SR doesn't apply.
Desert Diversion: Forces 'some forms of planar travel', explicitly including 'dimension door, ethereal jaunt, etherealness, gate, greater teleport, plane shift, shadow walk, teleport, teleport object, teleportation circle, and similar spells and spell-like abilities', to take the caster/user to a desert or wasteland which they cannot leave with any of those spells. After 1 minute/level, they end up where they started.
Sandform: Grants immunity to sleep effects, paralysis, and polymorphing, among other benefits
Sorc/Wiz 5thZone of Respite: Teleportation, summoning, Gates don't work within 20' of the caster
Draconic Might: Immunity to magic sleep and paralysis, +5 to Cha (DCs)
Telepathy Block: Blocks telepathic communication in an 80-ft radius
Vanishing Weapon: Weapon's touch dispels summoned or Illusion(shadow) creatures
Lord of the Sky: Gain a fly speed or improve an existing fly speed by +10 ft: maneuverability improves to good unless it's already better. Grants swift-action bolts of lightning that slow others' fly speeds to half: can expend to produce a Lightning Bolt.
Mailed Might of the Magelords: Better Mage Armor that grants immunity to 2nd-level or lower force spells, grants DR.
Psychic Turmoil: All psionic creatures in a 40-ft emanation lose 1 pp/manifester level/round, Will save halves.
Dispel Possesion: Force a being posessing a creature out of the host's body, as if it had left them voulentarily: can also be used as a special-purpose Dispel Magic for 'charm, dominate, or similar [effects]' only.
Precipitate Breach: Create a planar breach or widen one that's already there: this can enhance spells with certain descriptors, make a dead magic or wild magic zone, or have other interestingly magical effects at random. GP cost.
Spurn the Supernatural: Deactivate one or more supernatural abilities of the target. Concentration spell, permits a save, requires you to speak the personal truename of the target.
Sorc/Wiz 6thGreater Anticipate Teleportation: delay teleporters in a radius from you for 3 rounds, you know they're coming
Ruby Ray of Reversal: Undo those trapped in force effects, de-polymorph, de-petrify, de-magic jar, destroy movement-hampering effects
Transcribe Symbol: move stuff like Glyph of Warding or Symbol of Death with a successful CL check. See Dragon Compendium's Glyph Scriber feat to expand utility.
Steal Summoning: Immediate action. With a CL check, gain control over a creature somebody else summons, control it for concentration+1 round
Fires of Purity: Target gains Improved Evasion for fire effects, damage shield
Subvert Planar Essence: reduce the SR (and DR) of outsiders in a radius
Suppress Flame: All damage caused by fire, incl. fire spells, is reduced to 1 point/die for 1 hour/level.
Incorporeal Nova: Outright destroy 1d4 HD/CL of incorporeal or gaseous creatures, 9 HD individual max
Wrathful Doom: Daze a target for 1 round/level, with a save each round: also damage them if they have an essentia pool. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping.
Aura of Evasion: Grants evasion vs. breath weapons
Fleshbound: When cast on a posessed creature, forces the posessor to control the posessee completely: any attack dealing HP or ability damage to the host creature deals the same damage to the posessor. The posessing spirit can't be killed in this way, but can be banished.
Halaster's Shaking Hand: As Bigby's Interposing Hand, but it can also negate the other Bigby's Hand spells by giving them a handshake/grapple. Halaster is an amusing fellow.
Undeath to Death: Re-kill 20d4 HD of undead creatures in a 50-ft radius burst, Will negates. GP cost.
Control Elemental: Control an elemental with up to 2 * CL Hit Dice. Some special rules for elementals bound in special Eberron ways.
Hidden Truename: The target gains +2 on saves vs. utterances, and anyone trying to research their personal truename takes a -8 penalty on the Knowledge check to do so. Must pronounce their personal truename to cast.
Sorc/Wiz 7thBody of War: Bigger, badder Tenser's. Gain construct immunities, incl. mind-effecting
Necrotic Curse: Those casting healing spells in a 20-foot radius must make a CL check or damage their targets instead. 1 hour/level.
Cacophonic Shield: Create a barrier that forces 'supernatural or spell-based sounds or sonic effects' to make a CL check to pass, damages creatures that cross it
Greater Glacial Ward: Gain SR 25 vs. fire spells and abilities
Ghost Trap: 5 ft/CL field of energy negates incorporeality or etherealness
Lifebound: When cast on a posessed creature, forces the posessor to control the posessee completely and enables the posessor to use their spell-like, psi-like, or supernatural abilities, even those not normally usable when posessing someone: if the host dies, so does the posessor.
Greater Psychic Turmoil: All psionic creatures in a 40-ft emanation lose 1 pp/manifester level/round, Will save halves. For each pp so lost, gain a temporary hit point.
Sorc/Wiz 8thDimensional Lock: Prevent teleportation/dimensional travel in an area
Mind Blank: blanket immunity to all mind magic and scrying
Soulbanned Zone: No incarnum can be used in a 40 ft radius from a touched point.
Mind of the Labyrinth: Anyone who casts a mind-affecting spell or uses a mind-affecting ability on the caster is Confused for 1 round, Will negates. Can expend as an immediate action to create a shorter-term Dominate Person effect on someone who uses a mind-affecting ability on the caster.
Transcribe Symbol: Permanently transfer an 'untriggered magic sigil (such as a glyph of warding or a symbol of death)' from its original place to another without setting it off. See Dragon Compendium's Glyph Scriber feat to expand utility.
Expunge the Supernatural: Permanently deny the target of this spell the use of one supernatural ability. Permits a save, requires you to speak the personal truename of the target, XP cost.
Sorc/Wiz 9thFreedom: Automatically frees a creature from 'spells and effects that restrict its movement', including a laundry list of specific ones. Special complications for Imprisonment or Maze.
Unbinding: Negate charm and hold spells of all types, arcane locks and similar closures, and spells that create physical magical barriers...temporal stasis and slow spells...statue spells...shatter magic jars, destroying the soul therein...spells that hold other magical effects, including other spells....magic circles against X that imprison a creature...curses and geas/quest spells iff you're of a a higher CL...but not protective spells, petrification, or those magically bound to serve, or an antimagic field. Wide area.
Blinding Glory: Negates magical darkness in a 100-ft area, restoring natural light conditions.
Halaster's Teleport Cage: All conjuration (teleportation) spells and SLAs in a given area transport the user to another random location within that area: all attempts to teleport into that area from outside it instead transport the user to another random location within range of their spell.
Sorcerer 2Essence of the Dragon: Touched creature gains the dragon type for 1 minute/level: they're treated as a dragon for purposes of spell effects, are immune to magic sleep and paralysis, ignore the frightful presence of dragons.
Sanctified 2
Luminous Armor: Better mage armor auto-counters darkness spells of 2nd level or lower on contact
Sanctified 3Phieran's Resolve: +4 sacred bonus to saves vs. spells with the evil descriptor
Greater Luminous Armor: Much better mage armor auto-counters darkness spells of 2nd level or lower on contact
Celestial Fortress: Create a Leomund's Secure Shelter effect w/Consecrate (easier undead turning) and Magic Circle Against Evil (anti-posession and summoned creatures) effects

2013-07-30, 07:34 PM
Magic Analyzers
These spells, almost always divination spells, give the caster additional information on inherently magical phenomena, often but not always spells.

Different kinds of Magic Analyzers

List of General Magic Analyzers
Sorc/Wiz 0thRead Magic
Sorc/Wiz 1stIdentify: Determine all properties of a single magic item. Costly material component.
Sorc/Wiz 3rdArcane Sight: Detect Magic but better
Analyze Portal: Get information about a magical portal. Portals are traditionally a FR thing, but they're enough of a fantasy trope to show up elsewhere.
Spellcaster's Bane: +2 insight bonus on CL for dispel and counterspell checks: auto-recognize spells being cast as if with a Spellcraft success, and with high Spellcraft ranks detect CL of any spell being cast
Battlemagic Perception: Gain a +5 competence bonus to Spellcraft checks made to ID spells: automatically sense the use of any spell or SLA to which you have line of effect: end the spell to make a counterspell attempt on any spell cast within the nearest hundred feat without requiring an action.
Analyze Touchstone: Detect and get info about planar touchstones, planar locations that give you superpowers if you take the Planar Touchstone feat and visit them.
Discern Shapechanger: Detects creatures that are disguised, transmuted or polymorphed as a supernatural or extraordinary ability, but *not* with spells.
Sorc/Wiz 5thDuelward: for 1 round/level, counterpslling is an immediate action and you get a bonus to ID spells being cast. On the first successful counterspell, Duelward discharges.
Sorc/Wiz 6thAnalyze Dweomer: Get comprehensive magical information on one object or creature per caster level
True Seeing: See all things as they are, screw illusionists! Interacts with many spells on an individual basis.
Sorc/Wiz 7thGreater Arcane Sight: More betterful Detect Magic-vision
Sorc/Wiz 9thShrinshee's Spell Shift: +4 to Spellcraft checks to ID spells for counterspelling. Can apply metamagic feats to an ally or enemy's spell, change its range, area, or targets, or counter it normally in addition to a stun effect. 1 round/level.
Sanctified 3Telepathy Tap: Overhear telepathic communications

Subcategory: Detect Magic Thing
These spells are variations on the Detect X spell: each detects a particular sort of magic noun.

List of Detect Magic Thing spells
Sorc/Wiz 0thDetect Magic
Sorc/Wiz 1stNecrotic Awareness: Detect necrotic cysts. Must have a Mother Cyst (feat)
Detect Undead: Have you or your family actually seen a spook, specter or ghost? If the answer is yes, then don't wait another minute.
Detect Incarnum: Detect stuff from Magic of Incarnum's special magic system.
Detect Manifest Zones: Detect funky magic zones unique to Eberron within 120 ft.
Detect Dragonmark: Detect magic Eberron birthmarks.
Locate Touchstone: locate the nearest planar touchstone, which can give cool powers when touched by those with the Planar Touchstone feat.
Arcane Sensitivity: Determine if a creature can cast arcane spells, and the maximum spell level it can cast.
Detect Vestige: Detect a bound vestige.
Sorc/Wiz 2ndLocate Node: Find nodes, regions of naturally-occurring arcane power in FR (CL boosts, other uses with a feat)
Detect Aberration: You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.
Sorc/Wiz 4thDetect Scrying: Makes you aware of any attempts to observe you, magical sensors. 24 hours.

Weird, Specific Interactions
These spells interact with specific others in a fashion explicitly specified in the spell's description. These are the corner-casiest metaspells, frequently a bit complex to adjudicate in play. That's exception-based design for you.

Discussion questions:
Do these belong here at all?
What about the specific case of debuff or 'curse' spells that can only be reversed by some specific other spell or list of other spells? Listing them all could be a bit of a pain.
Can Compel Breath force the casting of something like Palarandusk's Fire Breath or Dragon Breath, if the caster knows it/has it prepared?

List of Weird, Specific Interactions
Sorc/Wiz 0thArcane Mark: Needed for an Instant Summons
Sorc/Wiz 1stErase: Removes magical writings like Explosive Runes, Glyph of Warding, etc.
Nightshield: negates Magic Missiles, among other benefits
Ebon Eyes: Subject can see normally in magical darkness, if they can see in regular darkness
Shield: Negates Magic Missiles, among other benefits
Sorc/Wiz 2ndNecrotic Cyst: Permanently implant a necrotic cyst in a target- rendering them vulnerable to other Necrotic X spells, giving them -2 to saves vs. necromancy spells, making them take extra damage from the natural weapons of undead, and making Protection from Evil no longer protect them from mental control. Requires a Mother Cyst (feat)
Sorc/Wiz 3rdRepelling Shield: Negates Magic Missiles, among other benefits.
Suppress Breath Weapon: Target cannot use their breath weapon unless 'forced' to do so by an enchantment (compulsion) spell of higher level
Compel Breath: Target MUST use their breath weapon as soon as it is capable.
Sorc/Wiz 4th
Remove Curse: Removes Bestow Curse, some kinds of cursed items, many other spells on an individual basis
Scrying: Enables remote Detect spells, remote Message
Sorc/Wiz 5thBreak Enchantment: Undoes enchantments, transmutations, and curses, even ordinarily *instantaneous* ones (!) Affects many spells on a case-by-case basis
Shadow Form: Pass through barriers of magical force or 'similar magical obstacles' with 15 ranks in Escape Artist
Nezram's Sapphire Screen of Shielding: As Shield (Magic Missile negation), plus DR.
Sorc/Wiz 6thTrue Seeing: See all things as they are, screw illusionists! Interacts with many spells on an individual basis.
Disintegrate: Can destroy force constructs as well as physical objects
Stone to Flesh: Reverse petrification
Ruby Ray of Reversal: Undo those trapped in force effects, de-polymorph, de-petrify, de-magic jar, destroy movement-hampering effects
Seal Portal: Seal an interplanar portal or gate
Sorc/Wiz 7th Limited Wish: Duplicate any non-prohibited school sorc/wiz spell of 6th level or lower, any prohibited-school sorc/wiz spell or any non-prohibited school spell from another class' list of 5th level or lower, or any prohibited-school spell from another class' list of 4th level or lower. Also has the unique power to undo some powerful curses. Other effects as GM rules. Expensive XP component.
Sorc/Wiz 9thFreedom: Automatically frees a creature from 'spells and effects that restrict its movement', including a laundry list of specific ones. Special complications for Imprisonment or Maze.
Mordenkaiden's/Mage's Disjunction: comprehensively mess up any and all magic items and effects within a large radius. Special interactions with Antimagic Field, artifacts.
Wish: Duplicate non-prohibited sorc/wiz spells of 8th level or lower, prohibited or non-class spells of 7th level or lower, or prohibited non-class spells of 5th level or lower. Unique power to undo some magics. Create a magic item of 25,000 gp or less. Give a creature an inherent bonus to an ability score, including a casting stat for +DCs. Undo recent effects, including spell effects. Get screwed by the GM. Massive XP cost.
Unbinding: Negate charm and hold spells of all types, arcane locks and similar closures, and spells that create physical magical barriers...temporal stasis and slow spells...statue spells...shatter magic jars, destroying the soul therein...spells that hold other magical effects, including other spells....magic circles against X that imprison a creature...curses and geas/quest spells iff you're of a a higher CL...but not protective spells, petrification, or those magically bound to serve, or an antimagic field. Wide area.
Sphere of Ultimate Destruction: Negates multiple force effects or other stuff specifically affected by Disintegrate.
Binding Chain of Fate: Chain of force prevents target from leaving with an antimagic field, and has *separate and independent* effects that prevent the target from changing form and act as a Dimensional Anchor on them- presumably for those Initiate of Mystra/Invoke Magic/Iron Heart Surge/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil types.
Sanctified 8
Restore Soul's Treasure: Restores a magic item destroyed by Soul's Treasure Lost spell in the last 4 hours

Subcategory: Resurrection Preventing
These spells somehow make the resurrection of their target more difficult.

List of Resurrection Preventing Spells
Sorc/Wiz 7thBarghest's Feast: 50% chance to prevent resurrection of a dead creature even by wish, miracle, or true resurrection. GP cost.
Sorc/Wiz 8thBlackfire: Deals Con damage. If a foe is reduced to 0 Con by this spell, only true resurrection or wish can bring them back, and only with a DC 30 CL check at that.
Trap the Soul: Traps the victim alive in a gem, permanently
Sorc/Wiz 9thNecrotic Termination: On a target with a necrotic cyst, do 1d6/CL, max 25d6, on a successful save, and perma-kill them such that Raise Dead, Resurrection, True Ressurection, Wish, and Miracle don't work on a failed one. XP cost, requires a mother cyst (feat)
Unname: Erase a creature from reality: it can't be resurrected except with truename magic. Requires the pronunciation of the target's personal truename.
Soul Bind: Traps the soul of an opponent immediately post-death. The only way out is destroying the gem or dispelling the spell.

Subcategory: Specific Synergy
These spells, generally buffs, have an extra, synergistic effect with other specific spells, most often those explicitly specified in that spell's description. They're even narrower than narrow spell boosters- but they go together with a tiny handful of spells like peanut butter and jelly, like Bonnie and Clyde, like funk and rock. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2nqZCSnN1U)

Discussion question: Do spells that get stronger if cast twice in succession, like Tenacious Dispelling, belong here?

List of spells with specific synergySorc/Wiz 1stNecrotic Awareness: Detect necrotic cysts. Must have a Mother Cyst (feat)
Sorc/Wiz 2ndHeart of Air: +10' to fly speed, including magically granted fly speeds: can dismiss to gain feather fall effect: gain light fortification and eventually crit/SA immunity with other Heart of X spells
Necrotic Cyst: Permanently implant a necrotic cyst in a target- rendering them vulnerable to other Necrotic X spells, giving them -2 to saves vs. necromancy spells, making them take extra damage from the natural weapons of undead, and making Protection from Evil no longer protect them from mental control. Requires a Mother Cyst (feat)
Investiture of the Spined Devil: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, among other benefits
Halaster's Light Step: Like Fly, but slower and max altitude 1 foot. Synergizes with Levitate to produce a slower, lower-level Fly.
Expose the Dead: Increases the save DC of Speak with Dead spells you cast by 2, among other benefits.
Escalating Enfeeblement: Gets stronger if the target is already hurtin' from fatigue or physical ability penalties/damage.
Sorc/Wiz 3rdHeart of Water: Can dismiss to gain freedom of movement effect, among other benefits: gain light fortification and eventually crit/SA immunity with other Heart of X spells
Tenacious Dispelling: as targeted Dispel Magic: cast it twice and it can be either targeted or area, and gets a +2 to dispel checks
Necrotic Bloat: 1d6/CL, cap 10d6, half vile, damage to a target that already has a necrotic cyst
Investiture of the Bearded Devil: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, among other benefits
Investiture of the Chain Devil: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, among other benefits
Sorc/Wiz 4thHeart of Earth: Can dismiss to gain stoneskin effect, among other benefits: gain light fortification and eventually crit/SA immunity with other Heart of X spells
Necrotic Domination: As Dominate Person, but only on a target with a necrotic cyst
Investiture of the Amnizu: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, among other benefits.
Investiture of the Erinyes: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, among other benefits.
Investiture of the Harvester Devil: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, among other benefits.
Investiture of the Steel Devil: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, among other benefits. Nanobot possibilities.
Sorc/Wiz 5thHeart of Fire: Can dismiss to to gain fire shield effect, among other benefits: gain light fortification and eventually crit/SA immunity with other Heart of X spells
Fever Dream: Fatigues on a successful save, exhausts on a successful one: reguardless of save, forces Concentration checks to cast spells: Confuses for one round as it ends. Save DC, Concentration DCs increase if Prickling Torment is already active on subject
Necrotic Burst: A target carrying a necrotic cyst takes 1d6/CL, max 15, or dies outright.
Investiture of the Narzugon: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, among other benefits
Investiture of the Orthon: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, can duplicate Dimensional Lock as an immediate action, has an effect strongly resembling Fire Shield.
Oath of Blood: Enhances a Geas 'or similar spell' such that if the target dies before completing their task, they get to be raised as an undead creature until they finish.
Sorc/Wiz 6thNecrotic Eruption: As Necrotic Burst, but if the subject dies everyone within 20 feet takes 1d6/CL max 15d6, half vile, and are subject to the base Necrotic Cyst spell. Caster must posess a Mother Cyst (feat)
Investiture of the Barbed Devil: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, among other benefits
Investiture of the Malebranche: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, among other benefits
Sorc/Wiz 7thNecrotic Tumor: On a subject already bearing a necrotic cyst, give a long- term Suggestion on a successful save, or a permanent Dominate Person on a failed one.
Investiture of the Ice Devil: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, among other benefits
Sorc/Wiz 8thInvestiture of the Horned Devil: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, among other benefits
Sorc/Wiz 9thNecrotic Termination: On a target with a necrotic cyst, do 1d6/CL, max 25d6, on a successful save, and perma-kill them such that Raise Dead, Resurrection, True Resurrection, Wish, and Miracle don't work on a failed one. XP cost, requires a mother cyst (feat)
Investiture of the Hellfire Engine: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, grants a breath weapon that can be enhanced by other spells.
Investiture of the Pit Fiend: Grants fire resistance that stacks with other Investiture of the X spells, among other benefits
Sorcerer 2Primal Hunter: Mobility skill bonuses: gain uncanny dodge and eventually improved uncanny dodge with other Primal X spells
Sorcerer 3Primal Instinct: Initiative and Survival bonuses: gain uncanny dodge and eventually improved uncanny dodge with other Primal X spells
Sorcerer 4Primal Senses: sense skill bonuses and gain uncanny dodge and eventually improved uncanny dodge with other Primal X spells
Sorcerer 6Primal Speed: +10' to all speeds, including magically granted fly, swim, burrow, etc. speeds: gain uncanny dodge and eventually improved uncanny dodge with other Primal X spells

Interaction with Other Magic Systems
These spells enable interaction with alternative magic systems by those who are still casting from the classic Vancian paradigm. Whether it's psionics, Incarnum, or pact magic, there are a couple of good old fashioned spells that smoothing the way when dealing with them. Even the sad, inbred cousin of the magic systems, truenaming, can play a pretty good duet (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tqxzWdKKu8) with classic Vancian spells.

List of spells that interact with other magic systems
Sorc/Wiz 1stDetect Incarnum: Detect stuff from Magic of Incarnum's special magic system.
Protection from Incarnum: +2 deflection to AC and +2 resistance to saves vs. incarnum creatures' natural weapons or soulmeld attacks/effects.
Detect Vestige: Detect a bound vestige.
Sorc/Wiz 2ndChannel the Mishtai: Can randomly grant +1 insight to CL at a cost of 1 HP/HD. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping. Essentia investment extends duration by minutes.
Divest Essentia: All essentia invested by the target return to their 'default' assignment in their essentia pool. Swift action.
Soul Blight: Deal 1d4+ 1/3CL essentia damage, max 1d4+3, to a target.
Soul Boon: Grant a target 1 point of temporary essentia/3 CL, max 5. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping.
Suppress Magic: A single magic item or soulmeld stops functioning for 1 round/level with a CL check. Can invest essentia for a bonus on the check.
Mindburn: Target loses its highest-level remaining spell, spell slot, or infusion slot each round, duration 1r/3 CL, Will ends. Blows Khelben's Dweomerdoom out of the water so comprehensively it's not even funny.
Vestigewrack: Imposes penalties on incorporeal creatures, and makes binding checks for pact magic easier, in a 20-ft area.
Sorc/Wiz 3rdAdept Spirit: +1 insight to CL, +2 insight to Will saves, Concentration checks, Intelligence checks, Intelligence-based skill checks for 1 minute. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping, essentia investment can improve every benefit but the CL boost.
Wall of Incarnum: Create a barrier that deals Wisdom or essentia damage when crossed. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping.
Bane of the Archrival: Create a 20-ft radius area warded against a single named foe such that they can't enter it- with magical means of movement or otherwise. Those within it gain bonuses to AC and saves vs. them, and it blocks any attempt by them to possess or exercise mental control over anyone in the area. Requires you to speak their personal truename.
Sorc/Wiz 4thEssentia Lock: Makes target unable to shift essentia allocation or form soulmelds. No save.
Open Least Chakra: Target can open their crown, feet, or hands chakra, permitting them to either 'attune' to a magic item for bonuses related to its function or bind a soulmeld to it for same.
Rend Essentia: Deal 1d4+ 1/3 CLs Cha damage or damage to the target's essentia pool, get 1 point of temporary essentia for each point of damage. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping.
Unbind Chakra: Sever 1 chakra bind/4 CL from a soulmeld or magic item, deal 1d6 per bind severed. Can invest essentia to increase damage.
Unshape Soulmeld: Destroy a soulmeld shaped by a creature with a CL check: if it's chakra bound, deal damage as well.
Dweomer of Transferance: Cast spells at the subject to grant them temporary power points. A literal reading would seem to give the subject spell immunity for the duration ('For the duration of the spell, any spells cast at the subject don't have their usual effect...'), but this is almost certainly not RAI.
Warp Truename: Disables a creature's extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities, and renders them unable to cast spells...if you successfully pronounce their personal truename and they fail two different kinds of save. For 1 round/level.
Sorc/Wiz 5thPsychic Turmoil: All psionic creatures in a 40-ft emanation lose 1 pp/manifester level/round, Will save halves.
Spurn the Supernatural: Deactivate one or more supernatural abilities of the target. Concentration spell, permits a save, requires you to speak the personal truename of the target.
Lesser Truename Binding: Like Lesser Planar Binding, but its target is CR 6 or less instead of HD 6 or less, it's an opposed Truespeak check instead of an opposed Charisma check, it can't try to escape the binding after initially bound, beating their Truespeak check by greater margins increases the duration, and there's an XP cost. (whyyyyyyy)
Greater Channel the Mishtai: Can grant +1 insight to CL at a cost of 1 HP/HD. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping. Essentia investment extends duration by hours.
Wrathful Doom: Daze a target for 1 round/level, with a save each round: also damage them if they have an essentia pool. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping.
Sorc/Wiz 6thMental Pinnacle: Gain 3 pp/level, Mind Thrust, Ego Whip, Psionic Blast, Id Insinuation, Psychic Crush, ML = CL, and turn off your own spellcasting for 1 round/level.
Hidden Truename: The target gains +2 on saves vs. utterances, and anyone trying to research their personal truename takes a -8 penalty on the Knowledge check to do so. Must pronounce their personal truename to cast.
Sorc/Wiz 7thMass Adept Spirit: +1 insight to CL, +2 insight to Will saves, Concentration checks, Intelligence checks, Intelligence-based skill checks for 1 minute- to a crowd. Requires Incarnum Spellshaping, essentia investment can improve every benefit but the CL boost.
Open Lesser Chakra: Target can open their arms, brow, crown, feet, hands, or shoulders chakra, permitting them to either 'attune' to a magic item for bonuses related to its function or bind a soulmeld to it for same.
Greater Psychic Turmoil: All psionic creatures in a 40-ft emanation lose 1 pp/manifester level/round, Will save halves. For each pp so lost, gain a temporary hit point.
Truename Binding: Like Planar Binding, but it's a level higher, its target is CR 10 or less instead of HD 12 or less, it's an opposed Truespeak check instead of an opposed Charisma check, it can't try to escape the binding after initially bound, beating their Truespeak check by greater margins increases the duration, and there's an XP cost. (whyyyyyy)
Sorc/Wiz 8thSoulbanned Zone: No incarnum can be used in a 40 ft radius from a touched point.
Expunge the Supernatural: Permanently deny the target of this spell the use of one supernatural ability. Permits a save, requires you to speak the personal truename of the target, XP cost.
Ritual of Renaming: Gives the willing target a new personal truename: the old one doesn't work. Requires two Truespeak checks and an XP cost: fail either, and the XP is still down the drain.
Truename Dispel: As Dispel Magic, but requires the caster to speak the target's personal truename, it tells you what all of the ongoing magical effects on the target do, and you can dispel them or leave them alone selectively without actually requiring a check besides the Truename check you make to cast the spell.
Sorc/Wiz 9thOpen Greater Chakra: Target can open their arms, brow, crown, feet, hands, shoulders, throat, or waist chakra, permitting them to either 'attune' to a magic item for bonuses related to its function or bind a soulmeld to it for same.
Soulmeld Disjunction: Like Dispel Magic against all the soulmelds of one creature.
Unname: Erase a creature from reality: it can't be resurrected except with truename magic. Requires the pronunciation of the target's personal truename.

2013-07-30, 07:35 PM
Magic Item-Affecting
These spells are those which interact with magic by affecting magic items. Plenty of spells can interact with objects in general, of course: this list is for those which specifically interact with magic items' magicness- either facilitating their use or hamstringing them.

List of Magic Item-Affecting Spells
Sorc/Wiz 2nd
Suppress Magic: A single magic item or soulmeld stops functioning for 1 round/level with a CL check. Can invest essentia for a bonus on the check.
Sorc/Wiz 3rdDistilled Joy: Harvest ambrosia from a joyful creature, which can substitute for XP in magic item creation or increase the CL of a [Good] spell by 2 (stacks with nothing)
Siphon: Drain 5 charges from a wand or staff to regain a spell or spell slot equal or lower to the highest-level spell it holds. Can drain multiples of 5 for more.
Wand Modulation: Cast as a swift action: the spell you cast on a wand is the spell it casts for 1 minute/level. It must be a *lower* level than the wand usually casts, and each use expends 2 charges.
Least Revitalize Legacy: Regain a use of a legacy item's least ability.
Sorc/Wiz 4thRemove Curse: Removes Bestow Curse, some kinds of cursed items, many other spells on an individual basis
Open Least Chakra: Target can open their crown, feet, or hands chakra, permitting them to either 'attune' to a magic item for bonuses related to its function or bind a soulmeld to it for same.
Sorc/Wiz 5thMana Flux: Anyone in a 20' radius has a 20% chance of failing to cast a spell, use a spell completion item, activate a supernatural ability
Extract Gift: Can substitute for casting-ability and Spellcraft, Concentration items in low-item campaigns. Boosting CL may grant permanent enhancement bonuses of over +6 pre-epic: bonus spells, save DCs. XP, GP cost.
Lesser Revitalize Legacy: Regain a use of a legacy item's lesser ability.
Suppress Legacy: Temporarily suppress the bond between a legacy item and the creature it's bound to.
Sorc/Wiz 7thEnergy Transformation Field: Make a permanent 40-ft field that seems to totally auto-negate any spellcasting, magic items, or supernatural abilities within it, absorbs, transforms the energy into a single spell you can cast. XP component, costly material component.
Open Lesser Chakra: Target can open their arms, brow, crown, feet, hands, or shoulders chakra, permitting them to either 'attune' to a magic item for bonuses related to its function or bind a soulmeld to it for same.
Sorc/Wiz 8thPhantasmal Thief: Creates a stuff-stealing force that can steal 'any object a creature possesses but is not holding or wearing', including those in extradimensional storage spaces. (Stuff in their house? Stuff in their feudal vassals' houses?)
Sever Legacy: Sever the bond between the target and their legacy item.
Sorc/Wiz 9thWish: Duplicate non-prohibited sorc/wiz spells of 8th level or lower, prohibited or non-class spells of 7th level or lower, or prohibited non-class spells of 5th level or lower. Unique power to undo some magics. Create a magic item of 25,000 gp or less. Give a creature an inherent bonus to an ability score, including a casting stat for +DCs. Undo recent effects, including spell effects. Get screwed by the GM. Massive XP cost.
Open Greater Chakra: Target can open their arms, brow, crown, feet, hands, shoulders, throat, or waist chakra, permitting them to either 'attune' to a magic item for bonuses related to its function or bind a soulmeld to it for same.
Greater Revitalize Legacy: Regain a daily use of a greater legacy item ability.

Magical Creature-Affecting
These spells affect magic by affecting supernatural creatures.

Discussion questions:
Do these belong here at all?
Should attack spells that have some uninteresting, minor additional effect on a class of supernatural creatures, like the classic slight damage increase vs. undead or evil outsiders, be listed? I think probably not.
Should attack spells that can *only* attack a certain class of supernatural creatures, like Disrupt Undead, be listed?

Different Kinds of Magical Creature-Affecting Spells
Sorc/Wiz 2ndIncrease Virulence: Increase the DC of poison from a 'creature' you touch for 1 min/level. Will this boost spells like Poison?
Necrotic Cyst: Permanently implant a necrotic cyst in a target- rendering them vulnerable to other Necrotic X spells, giving them -2 to saves vs. necromancy spells, making them take extra damage from the natural weapons of undead, and making Protection from Evil no longer protect them from mental control. Requires a Mother Cyst (feat)
Undeniable Gravity/Earthbind: Negates magical or nonmagical flight on a failed save.
Shroud of Undeath: Mindless undead think you're undead, intelligent undead aren't sure. Inverts the effect of cure and inflict spells, gives you a temporary vulnerability to turning. 'You are treated as if you were undead for the purposes of all spells and effects that specifically affect undead.'
Lesser Construct Essence: Makes living constructs (a category which for practical purposes reduces to 'warforged') gain some of the benefits of the full construct type. 1 min/level.
Sorc/Wiz 3rdInvoke the Cerulean Sign: Confer negative status effects dependent on CL to all aberrations within a wide area.
Khyber Trap: Trap an extraplanar creature for 1 round/level. Needs a focus that is probably only available in Eberron.
Devil Blight: Lightly damages a creature with both the lawful and evil subtypes: confuses baatezu for 1d6 rounds, damaging each round. Baatezu SR doesn't apply.
Sorc/Wiz 4thLegion's Undeniable Gravity: Negates magical or nonmagical flight for creatures in a burst on a failed save.
Antidragon Aura: Luck bonus to AC and saves vs. dragons, incl. dragon spells, supernatural abilities, etc.
Abate Dracorage, Aggravate Dracorage: Make dragons affected by a special Forgotten Realms thing go HULK SMASH or chill out.
Demon Dirge: Lightly damages a creature with both the chaotic and evil subtypes: stuns a tanar'ri for 1d4 rounds, dealing damage in each round. Tanar'ri SR doesn't apply.
Sorc/Wiz 5thConstruct Essence: Makes living constructs (a category which for practical purposes reduces to 'warforged') gain many of the benefits of the construct type for min/CL.
Sorc/Wiz 6thQuickshift: The caster's Teleport or Greater Teleport spell-like ability is quickened for 1r/lvl.
Awaken Undead: Mindless undead aren't mindless any more, regain armor, weapon proficiencies, extraordinary abilities
Undeath to Death: Re-kill 20d4 HD of undead creatures in a 50-ft radius burst, Will negates. GP cost.
Sorc/Wiz 7thHide from Dragons: Multi-person invisibility vs. dragons, defeats blindsense.
Sorc/Wiz 8thDevastate Undead: Destroy one undead creature/level, take 5 HP damage per HD of destroyed undead- or heal that much, if you're undead yourself.
Golem Immunity: Grants a touched construct the magic immunity special quality of a particular type of golem for 1 min/level- including its weaknesses/limitations.
Sorc/Wiz 9thGreater Construct Essence: Makes living constructs (a category which for practical purposes reduces to 'warforged') lose that subtype and gain the construct type, with all attendant bonuses and penalties (no Con, no healing spells, no crits...) 1 min/level.
Awaken Construct: Raise a mindless construct to humanlike sentience. XP cost. Creepy material component.

Subcategory: Supernatural Ability-Affecting
These spells specifically affect supernatural abilities in some way- enhancing, degrading, or changing them. See also breath-weapon boosters.

Discussion questions:
Do spells that bypass or alter damage reduction belong here? DR *appears* to always be a supernatural ability, not possessed by any non-magical creature, but it's not really what I have in mind here.
Should these be separated into spells that enhance supernatural abilities and those which attack/negate them?

List of Supernatural Ability-Affecting Spells
Sorc/Wiz 1stEctoplasmic Armor: 5+ 1 per 4 CL armor bonus vs. incorporeal touch attacks only
Extend Shifting: Gives shifters (Eberron) an increased duration on their racial quasi-shapeshifting power.
Shifter Prowess: Gives shifters (Eberron) skill bonii while using their racial quasi-shapeshifting power.
Sorc/Wiz 2nd Discern Shapechanger: concentrate to see the true form of those disguised, polymorphed, trasmuted- but NOT illusion-disguised
Shadow Mask: +4 to saves vs. light or darkness spells, 50% chance to avoid gaze attacks
Ghost Touch Armor: Armor gains the Ghost Touch property
Spawn Screen: Target cannot rise as undead if killed by a special undead attack form that would normally mandate it. 1 hour/level.
Undeniable Gravity/Earthbind: Negates magical or nonmagical flight on a failed save.
Gaze Screen: Recipiant gains 50% miss chances vs. gaze attacks
Ethereal Alarm: As Alarm, but only detects ethereal creatures.
Vestigewrack: Imposes penalties on incorporeal creatures, and makes binding checks for pact magic easier, in a 20-ft area.
Sorc/Wiz 3rdAnticipate Teleportation: teleporters in an area are delayed for 1 round, you know they're coming
Corpse Candle: Thing from the Addams family appears holding a candle that shows ethereal and invisible creatures
Spell Vulnerability: Reduce SR by 1/CL, max 15: Fort negates
Ectoplasmic Feedback: Damage shield vs. incorporeal touch attacks only
Suppress Breath Weapon: Target cannot use their breath weapon unless 'forced' to do so by an enchantment (compulsion) spell of higher level
Adoration of the Frightful: Turns any fear spell/effect into a Charm Person analogue
Compel Breath: Target MUST use their breath weapon as soon as it is capable.
Amorphous Form: Renders its subject immune to polymorphing and prevents them from casting spells with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components, and turns off supernatural abilities and magic items, among other effects. And it's marked 'harmless'?
Ectoplasmic Web: As Web, but also affects incorporeal creatures.
Sorc/Wiz 4thForceward: 15-foot radius barrier negates all force effects, incoproreal creatures can't get through.
Condemnation: stun an outsider that fails a Will save, and lower its SR by 10
Antidragon Aura: Luck bonus to AC and saves vs. dragons, incl. dragon spells, supernatural abilities, etc.
Diminish Breath Weapon: Target's breath weapon loses 1 die of damage/CL: can't go below 1, duration 10 min. Special material component increases CL by 2.
Ebon Ray of Doom: 1 round/level, ray, single-target. Anyone using healing magic on the subject must make a CL check DC 15 + your CL or fail. May also disable fast healing or regeneration.
Sorc/Wiz 5thRefusal: Spellcasters or creatures with SLAs must make a Will save to enter an area
Symbol of Spell Loss: make spellcasters or creatures with spell-likes lose their highest-level spell/slot/ability use per round on a failed spell save
Zone of Respite: Teleportation, summoning, Gates don't work within 20' of the caster
Mana Flux: Anyone in a 20' radius has a 20% chance of failing to cast a spell, use a spell completion item, activate a supernatural ability
Telepathy Block: Blocks telepathic communication in an 80-ft radius
Burning Blood: Deal damage = CL of a type identical to your breath weapon when weapon damage is taken
Dispel Possession: Force a being possessing a creature out of the host's body, as if it had left them voluntarily: can also be used as a special-purpose Dispel Magic for 'charm, dominate, or similar [effects]' only.
Involuntary Shapeshifting: Force the target creature to shapeshift as much and as often as possible if they have a supernatural or extraordinary ability that lets them, and damages them when they do.
Spurn the Supernatural: Deactivate one or more supernatural abilities of the target. Concentration spell, permits a save, requires you to speak the personal truename of the target.
Sorc/Wiz 6thGreater Anticipate Teleportation: delay teleporters in a radius from you for 3 rounds, you know they're coming
Aura of Terror: affects existing frightful presence or fear aura: expands by 10', increases DC by 2, makes the shaken frightened and the frightened panicked
Subvert Planar Essence: reduce the SR (and DR) of outsiders in a radius
Incorporeal Nova: Outright destroy 1d4 HD/CL of incorporeal or gaseous creatures, 9 HD individual max
Aura of Evasion: Grants evasion vs. breath weapons
Fleshbound: When cast on a possessed creature, forces the possessor to control the possessee completely: any attack dealing HP or ability damage to the host creature deals the same damage to the possessor. The possessing spirit can't be killed in this way, but can be banished.
Control Elemental: Control an elemental with up to 2 * CL Hit Dice. Some special rules for elementals bound in special Eberron ways.
Sorc/Wiz 7thEnergy Transformation Field: Make a permanent 40-ft field that seems to totally auto-negate any spellcasting, magic items, or supernatural abilities within it, absorbs, transforms the energy into a single spell you can cast. XP component, costly material component.
Ghost Trap: 5 ft/CL field of energy negates incorporeality or etherealness
Lifebound: When cast on a possessed creature, forces the possessor to control the possessee completely and enables the possessor to use their spell-like, psi-like, or supernatural abilities, even those not normally usable when possessing someone: if the host dies, so does the possessor.
Sorc/Wiz 8thDimensional Lock: Prevent teleportation/dimensional travel in an area
Expunge the Supernatural: Permanently deny the target of this spell the use of one supernatural ability. Permits a save, requires you to speak the personal truename of the target, XP cost.
Sorcerer 1Strength of the True Form: Immediate action, duration 1 round. If altered 'due to the use of polymorph, alternate form, or a similar effect', use the best of your natural stats and the altered form's for natural armor, DR, or physical ability scores.
Wings of Swift Flying: Add 30 ft to the speed of an existing magical flight effect or power, 40 ft if you're a dragon or dragonblooded.
Sorcerer 2Essence of the Dragon: Touched creature gains the dragon type for 1 minute/level: they're treated as a dragon for purposes of spell effects, are immune to magic sleep and paralysis, ignore the frightful presence of dragons.
Sanctified 3Telepathy Tap: Overhear telepathic communications

Magic Environment-Affecting
These spells affect or are affected by specific magical environmental phenomena, like earth nodes, other planes, or dead magic zones.

List of Magic Environment-Affecting Spells

Sorc/Wiz 0thArcane Mark: Can key you into Boon Traps (Dungeonscape 135)
Sorc/Wiz 1stDispel Ward: special-purpose Dispel Magic against abjuration magic put on objects or areas only
Resist Planar Alignment: Dampen or completely protect from mental ability score check penalties imposed by aligned planes.
Sorc/Wiz 2ndPortal Well: Use a magical portal as a quasi-rope trick, see both sides blurrily. Portals are normally a FR thing, but they're enough of a fantasy trope that they show up lots of places.
Sorc/Wiz 3rdAnalyze Portal: Get information about a magical portal. Portals are traditionally a FR thing, but they're enough of a fantasy trope to show up elsewhere.
Node Door: Teleport between earth nodes, underground places of magical power in the FR setting. Requires the Node Spellcasting feat.
Analyze Touchstone: Detect and get info about planar touchstones, planar locations that give you superpowers if you take the Planar Touchstone feat and visit them.
Avoid Planar Effects: Negate harmful and negative environmental effects of a plane for 1m/level.
Sorc/Wiz 4thScramble Portal: Randomize a magic portal's destination
Portal View: Makes a portal transparent from your side only. Portals are traditionally a FR thing, but they're enough of a fantasy trope to show up elsewhere.
Attune Form: Negate harmful and negative environmental effects of a plane for 2h/level.
Perinarch: Manipulate a region of the Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo
Precipitate Breach: Create a planar breach or widen one that's already there: this can enhance spells with certain descriptors, make a dead magic or wild magic zone, or have other interestingly magical effects at random. GP cost.
Sorc/Wiz 6thSeal Portal/Gate Seal: Permanently seal a gate or magical portal. Portals are traditionally a FR thing, but they're enough of a fantasy trope to show up elsewhere.
Sorc/Wiz 7thPlanar Bubble: Creates an area around the target creature that emulates their native planar environment. This can include magic planar traits.
Sorc/Wiz 9thNode Genesis: Create a node, which can boost spellcasting in a variety of ways. Needs the Node Spellcasting feat. XP cost.
Planar Perinarch: Can manipulate the environment in any highly morphic or divinely morphic plane.
Precipitate Complete Breach: Create a total planar breach or widen one that's already there: this can enhance spells with certain descriptors, make a dead magic or wild magic zone, or have other interestingly magical effects at random. GP and XP cost.


Thus far I've only got Sorc/Wiz spells, because this whole idea started as a character concept and rapidly spiraled out of control, and the character in question was an Ultimate Magus: I am absolutely not discouraging the community from finding clerical and other metaspells. I suspect that Forgotten Realms material will be a rich vein of such spells, due to the central role of Mystra, god of magic, in that setting. Also, basically three-quarters of the artificer infusion list ought to qualify. Please help find me non-sorc/wiz stuff if you find the idea interesting.

Places I've Looked

Spell Compendium
Complete Arcane
Complete Mage
Eberron Campaign Setting
Book of Exalted Deeds
Champions of Valor
Complete Adventurer
Complete Psionic
Complete Scoundrel
Complete Champion
Complete Divine
Complete Warrior
Drow of the Underdark
Libris Mortis
Magic of Incarnum
Miniatures Handbook
Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords
Elder Evils
Dragon Compendium
Dragon Magic
Dragons of Eberron
Dragons of Faerun
Lost Empires of Faerun
Secrets of Sarlona
Expanded Psionics Handbook
Explorer's Handbook
Faiths of Eberron
Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss
Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells
City of Splendors: Waterdeep
Player's Guide to Faerun
Heroes of Battle
Heroes of Horror
Lords of Darkness
Lords of Madness
Magic Item Compendium
Magic of Eberron
Planar Handbook
Player's Guide to Eberron
Races of Destiny
Races of Eberron
Races of Faerun
Secrets of Xen'drik
Shining South
Oriental Adventures
I THINK that's all either native 3.5 stuff or stuff that's gotten an official or semiofficial 3.5 update document from WOTC. If not, let me know.

2013-07-30, 11:06 PM
I haven't checked all of the spoiler boxes, but do you have Mark of the Enlightened Soul (Dragon Magic)? It gives all of your spells the [good] descriptor, and makes low-level spells do an extra +50% damage against evil creatures.

2013-07-30, 11:36 PM
What about spells that allow you to reprepare spells?

2013-07-30, 11:47 PM
I haven't checked all of the spoiler boxes, but do you have Mark of the Enlightened Soul (Dragon Magic)? It gives all of your spells the [good] descriptor, and makes low-level spells do an extra +50% damage against evil creatures.

It's in Narrow Spell Boosters for the damage upgrade effect, as well as Spell Mutators for the descriptor-changing effect.

What about spells that allow you to reprepare spells?

I've put them in Spell Mutators. I've got Spell Engine, (Rary's) Mnemonic Enhancer, Mage's Lucubration, and Rary's Arcane Conversion: do you know any others?

2013-07-31, 10:43 AM
:smalleek: Holy criminy, I just read that whole thing. Well done. This is a magnificent organization of metaspells.

2013-07-31, 12:51 PM
:smalleek: Holy criminy, I just read that whole thing. Well done. This is a magnificent organization of metaspells.

Thanks, glad you like it! :smallbiggrin:

Any suggestions for things to improve- spells to add, category refinements, good pictures for section headings, anything like that?

2013-07-31, 01:48 PM
I approve of your image choices.:smallcool:

(Though who's that supposed to be in the third one?)

2013-07-31, 03:26 PM
I approve of your image choices.:smallcool:

(Though who's that supposed to be in the third one?)

Hayate, of course.

Any suggestions for images to use on other section headings? Getting an all-Nanoha theme going would be nice, so long as it ends up being clear for non Nanoha viewers. Maybe something of Yuuno for Anti-Magic, one of the Devices for Item-Affecting, one of the Familiars for Creature-Affecting...maybe Yuuno in the library again for magic analyzers...

Darth Stabber
2013-07-31, 06:36 PM
I would argue that any spell that only has meaning (or has a significant increase in efficacy) in reguards to other spells/ powers/ soulmelds/ spell-likes/ psi-likes/ supernaturals should probably be a classification of metaspells. Dispel magic, and it's derivatives, are useless without other magic/psionics with which to interact. Same with disjunction and AMF. Even though these are anti-magic magic, they are "meta" in that they are spells about spells.

I have a few other things I want to try to squeeze in here, but I am unsure as to how to state my points for, so I will post those if I figure out how to textually illustrate them.

2013-07-31, 06:47 PM
I would argue that any spell that only has meaning (or has a significant increase in efficacy) in regards to other spells/ powers/ soulmelds/ spell-likes/ psi-likes/ supernaturals should probably be a classification of metaspells. Dispel magic, and it's derivatives, are useless without other magic/psionics with which to interact. Same with disjunction and AMF.

That is the general idea, yes. Dispel and its cousins are in Anti-Magic/Dispel Variants: Disjunction is in Anti-Magic/Active Spellcasting Interference, AMF is in Anti-Magic/Passive Defenses vs. Magic.

I have a few other things I want to try to squeeze in here, but I am unsure as to how to state my points for, so I will post those if I figure out how to textually illustrate them.

Please try and struggle through and I'll help you as best I can- or, should you fear appearing incoherent in public, PM would be fine too.

2013-07-31, 08:13 PM
As a user, I would love book sources on these spells. This could become my 1st stop for every wizard I build.

I noted that you have eagle's splendor listed as a 1st level spell, but my recollection has it as a second level spell in the player's handbook,

2013-07-31, 10:27 PM
As a user, I would love book sources on these spells. This could become my 1st stop for every wizard I build.

I noted that you have eagle's splendor listed as a 1st level spell, but my recollection has it as a second level spell in the player's handbook,

The majority can be found by simply Googling '[Spell Name] spell', the vast majority by Googling '[Spell Name] d20 spell'. Adding spell-by-spell sources would be a bit of a Herculean effort for me to make at this point, though I'll consider it for a later draft.

And the basic ability buffs being displaced a level is a simple typo. Thanks for catching it. I'll fix it in the up-to-date version being kept on minmaxboards (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=10885.0) and give you an acknowledgement.

2013-08-01, 03:39 AM
Wow, absolutely amazing effort. I second the request for sources, especially the stuff that hits as MoT but I know got updated in other places.

I also would like to see a note (maybe I missed it?) regarding the limitations of conjuration (summoning).

Somebody can correect me if I'm wrong, but last time I looked into it, summoned creatures have some restrictions:
Conjuration summoning and teleportation cannot be used
Any spell or sp with an xp or gp cost is refused to be used
Spell durations end when the summons goes away

This means a lantern archon would refuse to cast continual flame, and if you somehow convinced it to do it, the spell would only last rounds per level.

2013-08-01, 10:09 AM
Wow, absolutely amazing effort. I second the request for sources, especially the stuff that hits as MoT but I know got updated in other places.

I also would like to see a note (maybe I missed it?) regarding the limitations of conjuration (summoning).

Somebody can correect me if I'm wrong, but last time I looked into it, summoned creatures have some restrictions:
Conjuration summoning and teleportation cannot be used
Any spell or sp with an xp or gp cost is refused to be used
Spell durations end when the summons goes away

This means a lantern archon would refuse to cast continual flame, and if you somehow convinced it to do it, the spell would only last rounds per level.

Really? I'd never heard of that before. I'd love a source on that.

2013-08-01, 10:21 AM
Really? I'd never heard of that before. I'd love a source on that.
It's under the rules for Conjuration spells (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm#conjuration), though a summoned creature can use its teleportation effects normally, as far as I can tell. EDIT: They can also use spell-like abilities that replicate spells with a gp cost, so long as said spells don't also have XP costs.

Another thing to note is that Calling subschool spells are not subject to the same limitations that Summoning spells are, which generally makes the former vastly more useful for getting free spells. Or, it would, if not for the fact that (Calling) effects are banned pretty often.

2013-08-01, 10:30 AM
It's under the rules for Conjuration spells (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm#conjuration), though a summoned creature can use its teleportation effects normally, as far as I can tell.
The teleportation prohibition is specific to the summon monster series:

A summoned monster cannot summon or otherwise conjure another creature, nor can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities.

2013-08-01, 02:54 PM
Wow, absolutely amazing effort. I second the request for sources, especially the stuff that hits as MoT but I know got updated in other places.

I'm sorry, but that acronym is just not ringing a bell. What spells are you referring to here?

I also would like to see a note (maybe I missed it?) regarding the limitations of conjuration (summoning).

Somebody can correect me if I'm wrong, but last time I looked into it, summoned creatures have some restrictions:
Conjuration summoning and teleportation cannot be used
Any spell or sp with an xp or gp cost is refused to be used
Spell durations end when the summons goes away

Oh, hey, would you look at that? I guess I need to think about summoners less and play them more. I'll update the guide with this info, and credit you with the correction, as well as Deophaun and possibly Karnith with the clarification.

2013-08-01, 03:45 PM
That was a typo, sorry. Magic of Faerun. MoF.

2013-08-01, 04:01 PM
The teleportation prohibition is specific to the summon monster series:
Summon Nature's Ally, too, though as far as I know you can't normally get creatures with access to teleportation effects with that spell. So I suppose that the only way to get access to teleportation effects through summoning would be to use a (Summoning) spell not based on either the Summon Monster or Summon Nature's Ally lines (and that also lacks such a clause).

2013-08-01, 06:25 PM
SNAIV gets unicorns, and I think they can teleport within their woodlands.

2013-08-01, 09:18 PM
SNAIV gets unicorns, and I think they can teleport within their woodlands.
They can (good catch!), but you have to start and end in their woodlands, which would limit their usefulness for teleportation even if you could use that ability.

On further research, similar spell lines like Summon Desert Ally, Conjure Ice Beast, or Halaster's Fetch all either contain that line against using teleportation effects or function as Summon Monster of Summon Nature's Ally. The only (creature) Summoning spells that I've found that don't have that restriction are Abyssal Army, Elemental Swarm, Heavenly Host, and Hellish Horde.

2013-08-01, 09:28 PM
That was a typo, sorry. Magic of Faerun. MoF.

The vast majority of the Magic of Faerun material ended up updated to 3.5 either in the Player's Guide to Faerun or the Spell Compendium. A lot of the Spell Compendium material changed names: look at the Renamed Spells section in the opening.

This re-check has caused me to discover that Greater Ironguard ended up getting a 3.5 reprint after all, as Ironguard, and it's a doozy. It'll be added to the Item-Affecting list, and I'll include some of the alternate 3.0 names for a number of spells.

2013-08-01, 09:50 PM
I was a little unclear with what I was trying to say- googling some of those spells hits MoF, and they were later reprinted and changed, some substantially.

Regardless, the work you've done here is amazing and I would just like to say thanks again for this resource!

2013-08-02, 03:48 AM
They can (good catch!), but you have to start and end in their woodlands, which would limit their usefulness for teleportation even if you could use that ability.

On further research, similar spell lines like Summon Desert Ally, Conjure Ice Beast, or Halaster's Fetch all either contain that line against using teleportation effects or function as Summon Monster of Summon Nature's Ally. The only (creature) Summoning spells that I've found that don't have that restriction are Abyssal Army, Elemental Swarm, Heavenly Host, and Hellish Horde.

I don't have Frostburn handy, but isn't Conjure Ice Beast (creation), rather than (summoning)? Does that make a difference at all, or does the template it applies make it lose abilities that would be affected by this change?

2013-08-02, 05:14 AM
Discussion question: Mirror Move allows you to reproduce any general feat with an obvious physical effect that you observed another perform within the past 10 rounds, providing you meet the prerequisites for that feat.' Many spells have obvious physical effects. Complete Arcane's Extra Spell is a [General] feat. How hard should I be smacked for coming up with this?

Let's discuss this! I do not believe this works.

Mirror move allows you to reproduce any general feat with an obvious physical effect that you observed another perform within the past 10 rounds, providing you meet the prerequisites for that feat.

The exact reference here is feat with a (obvious) physical effect.

Extra Spell

You learn one additional spell at any level up to one lower than the highest level of spell you can currently cast.

The effect of extra spell is not the effect of the spell you're granted by extra spell; or, if it is, you will have to construct a fairly robust argument about why it categorically must be so.

Indeed, the effect of the feat is specifically the granting of a spell. All of my assertions thus far have been categorically rigorous. Here's the most problematic assertion, one that could possibly be wrong:

The granting of a spell is not physically obvious.

You have to work through a two step process to determine if a spell cast was granted by extra spell.

The first step is to create a set of all spells known to this spellcaster previously.

The second is to note that the current spell cast does not belong in this set.

The third step, shared by all relevant processes, is to hope that the effect you noticed is linked to a feat.

This is now the point where you have the information that mirror move would need.

Whereas, take quick draw: the information that is needed for mirror move to take effect is the act of drawing as a free action. You don't need to create a set of all actions available to the warrior, and then rule out drawing as a free action. You need to do this with spells because having been granted a spell does not have any immediate physical properties that can be accessed without mental processing, whereas quick draw does.

Therefore, extra spell doesn't qualify for mirror move.

2013-08-02, 06:06 AM
I don't have Frostburn handy, but isn't Conjure Ice Beast (creation), rather than (summoning)? Does that make a difference at all, or does the template it applies make it lose abilities that would be affected by this change?
Conjure Ice Beast is Conjuration (Creation), but the Ice Beast template makes the base creature lose all of its special attacks and special qualities. Even if it didn't, it specifically says that "In all other ways, Conjure Ice Beast functions like Summon Monster I," meaning that it should be subject to all of the limitations that Summon Monster is.