View Full Version : Chatots and Cutlasses: IC Thread

2013-07-30, 09:01 PM
The Syreni Islands, a land fraught with brigands and criminals, lechers and thieves. The stakes here are high, as are the rewards. A man might strike gold and live as a king, or he might die penniless and unmourned in a lonely alley. However, none of this comes as a surprise to any of you. For your own reasons, you've chosen to make these islands your home. Your past may haunt you, but it is your future which now beckons. In the twisting streets of Stormshire, where today's friend is tomorrow's prey, a change is brewing.

This morning, however, all that concerns you is the tap tap tap at your window...

2013-07-30, 09:19 PM
Ethan awoke wide eyed at the sound of tapping. On the window no less.X71, open the window. Ethan sat up, palming Thor's apricorn. His bunk wasn't terribly large, and the 3 of them it be pretty cramped, but he wanted to be sure. Mildly Annoyed: As you command.

2013-07-30, 09:56 PM
Morning found Sebastian absentmindedly flipping a knife through Glee's body. The ghost didn't seem to mind pure metal flipping through its body; the knife couldn't hurt her after all. Sebastian seemed entranced by the spinning metal.

tap tap tap

Did he want to keep it? Probably not. The blade wasn't particularly elegant, or powerful, or desirable in any way really. Still, there was something rather mesmerizing about how it flew through the air.

tap tap tap

Deciding that he didn't want the knife, Sebastian walked down a short hallway and jammed the knife into the woodwork of its owner's bunk. If he decided he did want it, he could take his knife from the man without too much difficulty. Without haste, he walked back to his bunk.

tap tap tap

That tapping was getting supremely annoying. Get the window Gratitude. The Gardevoir, still a bit sleepy, motioned its hand so the window opened seemingly of its own accord.

Meanwhile, Sebastian rifled through his things for something to wear for the day. Wrath offered him a loincloth and pants, while Pride brought him a light cotton shirt. When Sebastian had donned those, Gratitude floated his cloak onto his shoulders while he puts on soft shoes. When finished, Sebastian glanced at the window to see what the noise had been about.

2013-07-30, 10:38 PM
Marco was inspecting his apricorns before he noticed the tapping on his window. It had become part of his morning ritual since leaving his home and working aboard a number of ships before reaching port. His slowed reaction to the tapping was likely a sign of him not sleeping well last night. Sleeping in a ship's cabin agreed with him, it reminded him of how he shared sleeping huts with other tribesmen back home. So the feeling of sleeping alone made him feel a bit... vulnerable.

He finally pulled himself up to answer the tapping, palming Talon's apricorn before opening the window and allowing the sea air caress his bare tattoo covered chest. "Who is there?"

2013-07-31, 12:59 AM
Lyra wakes at the sound of the tapping, somewhat groggy and quite annoyed. The window slides open at her annoyed glance as she looks up, thinking, This had better be good...

2013-07-31, 02:14 PM
Sea Rats
In through the porthole hops a Chatot, one of the many commonly used by your captain's agents as messenger birds in the islands. In its beak, it holds an envelope bearing a familiar seal. Should you open it, inside you'll find:

Greetings and salutations,
You are hearby ordered to appear at the establishment known as The Emboar's Head at dusk with your personal belongings for reassignment. Your captain has need of your services in a matter of some delicacy.
Signed, Cpt. Minerva Azarov
*transcribed by Chief Secretary White

The Emboar's Head is one of the many local establishments owned and operated by your captain, although she's never used it so blatantly for her own purposes before. It's located near the harbor and is an easy walk from the docks.

The Landlubber
As you open your window, a Chatot, one of the many that seem to inhabit the southern part of Stormshire, quickly flutters inside and perches on your bedpost. It spits out the letter it was carrying with a croaking Tot! Before you can respond, its soared out again through the open window. Upon closer inspection you find a black seal bearing the image of crossed sabers under a tentacruel. Should you open it, inside you'll find:

Mr. Hietala,
Your presence has been requested at The Emboar's Head regarding the retainment of your skills in the employment of Cpt. Minerva Azarov. If you decide to accept this offer, as I would personally urge you to do, please present yourself at dusk with this invitation and any belongings you deem necessary for an extended absence.
Thaddeus White, First Secretary aboard The Lapsed Pacifist

2013-07-31, 05:33 PM
Marco was surprised with the bird's random appearance and how quickly it left after dropping off the letter. He open the letter and started to read through it slowly, taking his time to understand the written words. Once he finishes reading, the first thing that comes to his mind is curiosity. Who would want to see him and how did they even know he was here? He had only arrived last night.

The second thing that came to mind was caution. He knew enough about area to not wander some where blindly, but he still couldn't ignore that fact that they called for him specifically. So he decided to go find this 'Emboar's Head', after throwing on his vest and placing his flint lock at his waste.

He checks his pack to make sure he has everything before he heads outs to explore Stormshire before he had to go to the requested location at dusk.

2013-07-31, 08:07 PM
Sebastian carefully removes the scroll of parchment from the Chatot's leg and unfurls it. His eyes scan the letter quickly before letting the parchment roll itself back into a tube. He considered the offer for a second before coming to a decision. This was good, very good. He'd joined this merry gang in part to gain enough influence to be able to use his tattoos without interference. This offer was the sign he'd been waiting for, and he was going to take full advantage of it.

After making sure he had all of his most important belongings - not that there were many - Sebastian leaves the ship. He looked for someplace that would get him a bite to eat. It didn't have to be fancy, just hot.

2013-08-01, 12:48 AM
Lyra nods at the bird, mentally willing the scroll to float in front of her and unroll for her perusal. Reading the message, she smiles. Well, it seems she at least recognizes my value here... though she has my curiosity as well. Still... dusk is a ways away... I think I'll go for a walk, head out into the wilds for a bit... With a final nod she waves the bird off, saying, "I'll be there, then," as she turns back into the room, using her telekinetic prowess to gather her belongings into a rucksack and tossing it over her shoulder before walking off the ship and walking towards the wilderness outside Stormshire, wondering what she might find.

Wild Roll: [roll0]

2013-08-01, 06:47 PM
Ethan let a small smile pass his lips. So she requires me specifically. This is a good opportunity. Ethan folded the note and stowed it in his sack, which already contained his entire worth's of belongings. He liked to travel light when possible, even when the ship was his home.

Slinging the rucksack of her shoulders, he heads out of his bunk, X71 at his heels. Lets see if Lyra is up. Would be fun to rub it in her face, no? X71 just buzzes, sending a telepathic probe to the Navigator, seeing if she was still on the ship.

2013-08-01, 07:17 PM
Lyra blinks as she feels the familiar mental call tug at her, and responds with a thought sent out towards Ethan. You need something, Ethan?

2013-08-01, 07:22 PM
Oh good I see you are awake. I was curious to see if you would accompany me on some shore leave. Interested? Ethan climbs the steep stairs leading from below deck to the sunny deck above. His eyes adjust slowly, the tattoos over his eyes writhing as they adjust their magicks to protect his eyes.

2013-08-01, 07:32 PM
I was going to head out anyway, wander around outside town for a while and enjoy the fresh air. I wouldn't object to company, though, Lyra replies.

2013-08-01, 07:35 PM
Wonderful, would you like a ride?

2013-08-01, 07:39 PM
Why not? She turns and heads back up the gangplank of the ship to meet Ethan, a light smile on her face.

2013-08-01, 07:43 PM
Ethan greets her with his usual faux smile. We'll take Raptor, no need to dredge through the city squalor. He casually released the Aerodactyl, which he quick mounts, offering a hand to the girl.

[roll0] Wilds!

2013-08-01, 08:21 PM
Lyra takes the offered hand and climbs onto the ancient Pokémon's back, saying, "It is always nice to feel the wind, I suppose. A shame I haven't perfected my own flight yet - still far more draining than I'd like."

2013-08-01, 08:29 PM
As Raptor takes off with a swift beat of his wings, Ethan smirks. When you beat Raptor in a race, then I'll admit to your powers being superior.

2013-08-02, 12:05 AM
Lyra smirks and replies, "I have to beat him in a race, huh? Well, once I develop my flight more, perhaps..."

2013-08-03, 12:17 AM
The Lonely Munchlax
You flit through the well known streets with ease and quickly make your way to Sif's, a small Harenease tavern. It's largely uninhabited at this time of day, only a few rumpled and aged men slouch at their table in the corner. Behind the counter, the barmaid idly wipes a grimy mug with a marginally less grimy rag.

The High Flyers
The crisp ocean air caresses your faces as the aerodactyl soars towards the city proper. While Ethan stares intently forward, guiding his mount through well-practiced paces, a disturbance in a nearby cove catches Lyra's eye. Something large and bulky seems to be being dragged towards the sea, across the sand.

The New Kid on the Block
You quickly lose yourself in the warren of alleyways that makes up much of this unfamiliar city. You could almost certainly work your way home... hopefully. As you turn a corner, your elbow catches the hitherto unseen man who was leaning there. "Blast! Watch were yer goin' yeh dirty sand rat! Ain't your dam learned you manners?! His belly overhangs the cleared strained waistband of his pants. Stained with sweat and dirt, he glares at you from beneath a shapeless hat.

2013-08-03, 12:33 AM
Lyra raises an eyebrow as she sees whatever it is down there, and leans over the Aerodactyl's side to try and get a better look.

WIS: [roll0]

2013-08-03, 12:42 AM
Maybe if you squinted...
From what you can make out, the large shape seems to be some sort of pokemon, either dead or severely injured. Smaller figures dart in and out round it, dragging it closer and closer to the waves.

2013-08-03, 01:10 AM
Marco narrowed his eyes at the large man. He knew an insult when he heard one. "I had not seen you there." His hand instinctively reached for one of his apricorns. "You have my apology for bumping into you, but you take back what you called me."

2013-08-03, 01:19 AM
Oh no he didn't!
He leers at your apparent anger. Leaning forward, he grins at you with a spark of low-minded cruelty in his eyes. "I ain't gunna 'pologize to no whelp whose ma' spreads 'erself fer any sandshrew passin' by."

2013-08-03, 08:08 AM
Sebastian takes a seat at the bar. He'd heard about this place a bit, and he thought he remembered their eggs being pretty good compared to the rest of the menu.

I'd like two Sandile eggs over-easy with some of that sauce you guys make. Oh, and a side of pinapple. I'd also like a slice of ekans meat for my absol and a combined order of Carthaki fruits for two of my other pokemon.

2013-08-03, 01:26 PM
Getting Served
The barmaid nods before sauntering away to pass on your order."Sure thing, Sailor. Why don'tcha take a seat? I'll bring the plates 'round." After several minutes, she comes back with your food, the bangle on her wrists jangling as she sets down your plate and the 'mons dishes. "Y'know, I haven't seen you round here before. You new in town?" She glances at you out of the corner of her eye.

2013-08-03, 02:42 PM
Marcus furrowed his brows and gave a big huff. His mother was a particularly touchy subject, considering her fate was unknown to him when he left. "You will watch what you say, or I will make you take back your words!"

2013-08-03, 03:06 PM
Oh yes he did!
"I don't take no threats neither..." He palms an apricorn and curls his lip. "I'm in a mind t'give yeh a thrashin' meself!"

2013-08-03, 03:52 PM
"You can try!" Marco gripped his apricorn before throwing it up, releasing Talon the Pidgeotto flapping above his head.

Pidgeotto: 55/55:HP, 15 Def, 5 def, 16spd

2013-08-03, 04:04 PM
'dat blubber
"Hmph, Chubb's gunna knock 'im down t'size!" His apricorn flashes and a rotund blue pokemon with a spiral pattern on its chest appears. It plants its feet and lets out a watery bellow at Talon.

You are (much) faster.

2013-08-03, 04:26 PM
"Talon, strike true!" Talon swooped down with her claws and hawk eye'd aim.

Talon: 55/55:HP, 15 Def, 5 def, 16spd

Aerial ace- flying physical
[roll0] rolling for crit chance since it auto hit auto hit
[roll2] if crit

Shifted to O13

2013-08-03, 04:36 PM
It never rains
Talon's claws leave red gashes on the beast's chest but it stands firm. "C'mon Chubb, slap that bird down! With a grunt, Chubb spews out a powerful stream of water that slams into Talon's torso.

Talon takes 28 special water damage before reductions.

2013-08-03, 04:49 PM
"Take to the sky Talon!" The bird shook dry her feathers before soaring into the sky and circling above her target.

Talon: 32/55:HP, 15 Def, 5 def, 16spd

Fly- flying physical

if crit [roll2]

i'm rolling the damage and AC now and will apply it when the attack actually happends

Once you declare the use of Fly, the user is shifted 25-meters into the air and then the user’s turn ends. On your next turn, shift while in the air, lower the user back to the target’s level on the battlefield, then use Fly’s damage. For Pokemon users, the second turn is their Trainer’s Command Action, unless the Trainer is unconscious, in which case the Pokemon acts on its own, finishing Fly. *Grants: Sky +3

2013-08-03, 05:12 PM
But it pours
"Hey, git back down 'ere and fight!" Chubb, sharing his master's anger, stomps its feet in frustration and causes rain to fall and quickly drench the alley.

Quite obviously used rain dance

2013-08-03, 05:34 PM
Talon gives a cry before dive bombing down onto her prey. "Well done, Talon."

Talon: 32/55:HP, 15 Def, 5 def, 16spd

fly rolled in last post
if crit (3d12+14)[32]

2013-08-03, 05:41 PM
Sebastian considered the woman for a long second. As his black eyes bored into hers, the thought of hexing her crossed his mind. His hand drifted casually to the symbol of Mewtwo on his throat before he decided that it would be unnecessary, wholly unnecessary. Instead, he released his pokemon so they could begin eating the food laid out for them.

Not new, no. I've been around for about a year, just never came here. He scooped up a bite of eggs and ate it before adding some salt. Harenease food has never been something that I ate much, I usually go the the Achaemian restaurant down by the docks.

2013-08-03, 05:49 PM
the back alley brawler
Talon's vicious attack shreds into the poliwhirl, tearing into its flesh. It stumbles to its knees but clings to consciousness and struggles back to its feet with rage in its eyes. With a roar, it lets out another stream of water, this one far more powerful than the last, and swats Talon out of the sky.
"Heh, I knew it! Even your people's 'mons can't take a hit."
49 special water damage before reductions. PS, it has literally 1 hp left.

2013-08-03, 06:41 PM
"Not so fast. Talon now!" The bird quickly reacted before the torrent of water struck her.

Talon: 32/55:HP, 15 Def, 5 def, 16spd

Quick attack- physcial normal- interrupt
[roll0] vs 2

2013-08-03, 06:58 PM
Round 2!
The man's eyes bulge as his poliwhirl crumples under Talon's assault. "Wha... You little streak of piss! He fumbles for another apricorn after returning Chub.


The Dining Delinquent
"That dive? Word from me to you, that's the only joint with no rattata under the floors, and it ain't cuz they keep it clean." She crouches down and reaches out to scratch Wrath behind the horn.

2013-08-03, 07:17 PM
Sebastian quickly gives Wrath the symbol to not attack. After his first trainer, a ruthless lasher, he hated to be touched by anybody but Sebastian and often attacked on contact. Sebastian wasn't keen on having him kill the barmaid, and Wrath grudgingly allowed himself to be scratched.

Not a fan of competition eh? Still, none of my business. I'm rather partial to the wine there. I've always said that nothing can compare to Achaemian wine, not even the stuff that Sarn pumps out. And there's a lot to be said for not having vermin about. After a long week or two on deck, its nice to go somewhere without the same rodents that infest our ships. Sebastian didn't believe this lady, but he saw no need to offend her. She could be useful to him in the future.

2013-08-03, 11:53 PM
Lyra looks over for a moment before nudging Ethan mentally. There's something going on down there... looks like a larger Pokémon being attacked by some smaller ones. Feel like looking into it?

2013-08-03, 11:59 PM
Ethan didn't need to respond (and not only because she could read his mind) as he pulled gently on Raptors neck, angling him downwards, towards the group of pokemon. We might have a bit of a rough landing.

2013-08-05, 12:56 AM
A grin starts to form on Marco's. "You were saying?"

naw i'm not switching

2013-08-05, 12:59 AM
Lyra smirks and answers, "Should be fun."

2013-08-05, 04:55 PM
By this time, your fight has begun to attract a curious audience, After all, Stormshire loved nothing more than fresh blood in the streets. The sweat beading on his upper lip, your opponent glances back and forth, as if to reassure himself. "Right 'den, no holding back there Slurp! Show this sand-baby what an islander can do!" A bloated pink 'mon appears in a flash of light, eyeing talon hungrily with its beady eyes.

Again, you are faster.

The Beach Combers
Raptor dives towards the sands, and soon you're skimming the beach, causing passerby to curse and dive out of the way. As you draw closer, the beasts on the beach become clear. Ethan recognizes the smaller creatures as dwebble and their prey as a bloated and bloodied bibarel. Their minute claws tear into the beast and its flesh seems to vanish before your eyes into their tiny jaws.

The Patronizing Patron
At that, she throws back her head and lets out a throaty laugh before patting Wrath once more on the head and turning to walk back behind the bar. "You're an odd one, Mister, if you'd rather have them in your soup than under your feet. But to each their own, I suppose..."

2013-08-05, 07:13 PM
Ethan smirks at the Dwebble. The beaver is trash, but the crabs, Dwebble. They can be useful. Raptor, Ancientpower! Moving just into range, catching as many Dwebble as possible, Raptor summoned his ancient roots, blasting glowing rocks in a deadly spray. Ethan palmed another quartz, releasing Ollie in between Raptor and the Dwebble, as well as tossing an empty quartz at a Dwebble at random.

AC 2 Special Rock 11+ +1 in all stats
[roll1] that should have been +17, so its 30 damage.
[roll]1d100+ 21 in OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15763290&postcount=6)
I'm unsure if you do summoning sickness or no, so I held off commanding Ollie (plus I think I used 2 Trainers I believe).

2013-08-05, 09:30 PM
Marco pays little mind to the crowd gathering and focuses on the battle. "Talon, keep it up." The bird flies by with her talons aimed at the pink thing.

Talon: 32/55:HP, 15 Def, 5 def, 16spd

Aerial ace- flying physical
[roll0] crit chance

2013-08-08, 08:16 AM
Sebastian shrugged. It was of no business to him what she thought of him. He finished his food in silence before returning his pokemon and standing. He slapped some coins on the table as payment and walked out of the eatery.

When he reached the open air, Sebastian glanced towards the sky. He still had plenty of time left before his engagement. He walked out of town to do a bit of training with the wilds. Perhaps, if one looked useful, he might even try and capture it.

Wild Roll [roll0]

2013-08-08, 03:10 PM
Lyra watches for a moment before flinging a quartz of her own at one of the Dwebble, slipping out another quartz with her other hand to release Riptide. Riptide, go in and hit them with Bulldoze, she mentally commands. The Gyarados roars and dives at the center of the group of Pokémon, slamming its body down to create a powerful tremor that rattles them.

Ignore Riptide's attack if summoning sickness applies.
Capture Roll: [roll0]
Bulldoze(Burst 3, fired from approximate center of group(and just above if needed) - AC: [roll1] v 2 + Physical Evasion, [roll2] Ground Physical Damage plus [roll3] on Crit, -1 Speed Combat Stage to all affected targets.

2013-08-12, 03:29 PM
Waiting for the Shoe to Drop
The pokemon takes the hit surprising well, stumbling back only a few paces before charging forward, an immense tongue snaking from its mouth and slamming into Talon from above. "Atta boy, Slurp! Crush 'im!" The crowd cheers indiscriminately, urging both combatants on as the cloudburst fades.

47 normal physical damage

Something Smells Fishy...
As you approach the edge of the city, the stench of rotten fish grows stronger as the heat of the day beats down on your neck. Soon you reach the dumping grounds, a neighborhood on the east side of Stormshire where fishermen toss the gutted remains of their catches on their way to market. The desperate and the hungry lurk here, scavanging what they can from the piles of decaying trash. Beyond this stinking slum lies the city bounds and the marginally more lawless area beyond.

Those Poor Puny Pebbles
Yes, summoning sickness is a thing, also bear in mind that, unlike PMA, Aatos uses engraved apricorns instead of gems.
The glowing stones tear savagely through the closest crustaceans, blasting them into unconsciousness and ensuring the death of the already injured beast. Two more vanish in flashes of light. The remaining six dwebble chitter angrily and rush forward. Two heave nearby stones at Riptide and Raptor, both striking true and knocking them onto the the shore. Riptide roars in pain as a jagged stone tears into his underside. The rest swarm you and Ollie, slashing at you with their pincers. Ollie's thick hide serves him well as their claws glance harmlessly off but you are not so lucky. Two dwebble sink their claws into your legs, mandibles aquiver with anticipation.

Map: Sheet 2 (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkLxBg33Wi9TdEJ1aFJ4S3FuYm5rSnBQcHU4MmJna 0E#gid=1)

26 physical rock to Raptor
43 physical rock to Riptide (crit)
14 physical bug to Lyra
14 physical bug to Ethan

two level 18 Dwebble, roll for natures, genders, and abilities

2013-08-12, 06:19 PM
Ethan growls at the insects, forcing Raptor to the ground. He pulled himself ontop of the beast once more. Up. Raptor flew straight upwards in a steep climb, hovering 3m above the skirmish. Alright, Stealth Rocks and Seed Bomb. Execute. Ollie lobbed a fat seed from his trunk L11, exploding in a seedy maelstrom. Raptor summoned a pentetet of pointy rocks, which embed themselves in the ground. Now Raptor, swoop. Raptor shrieked, confused.

Seed Bomb, AC 2 Physical Grass, Blast 2 (AoE outlined on map)
Stealth Rocks- Denoted R on the map. Any enemy who moves triggers a Rock to fly at them, dealing 1/8th their max HP in damage, modified by their typing against Rock Moves (but not by defences). An enemy may only trigger Stealth Rocks once, until it is returned and then resent out in battle.
Tactical Maneuver Failed.

2013-08-12, 06:38 PM
Marco recalls Talon before she could fall and hit the ground. 'Rest now Talon...' He whispered before taking out another apricorn. "Your turn Turok!" He sends out a round stone golem, also known as a golett. The ghostly creature cracks it's knuckles before staring at it's opponent.

Turok: 64/64 HP, 15 def, 5 sdef, 2 spd
Has Iron fist ability

2013-08-12, 09:41 PM
Sebastian surveyed the trash, both animate and not, and disregarded the thought of anything interesting happened here. No, he wanted the prospect of a little danger rather than this sad excuse for humanity. No, he headed into the outskirts where there was a chance to really get a thrill.

2013-08-13, 12:53 AM
Lyra grimaces as the insect Pokémon slices into her legs, before raising a hand. With a gesture, she draws a blade of water from the shore, and another gesture sends it flying at one of the Dwebble. Riptide, move in and Bulldoze them. The Gyarados gives a roar and glides across the field, before slamming its tail down to create a powerful wave of sand that slams at the Dwebble there.

Lyra - Arms Attack(Hydrokinesis) at Dwebble(J9) - AC: [roll0] v 6 + Physical Evasion, [roll1] Water Physical Damage plus [roll2] on Crit.

Riptide - Bulldoze(Burst 3) - AC: [roll3] v 2 + Physical Evasion, [roll4] Ground Physical Damage plus [roll5] on Crit, All Legal Targets get -1 Speed Combat Stage.

Captured Dwebble:
[roll6] - 1 Male, 2 Female
[roll7] - Ability
[roll8] - Nature

2013-08-14, 02:22 PM
Mopping Up
The dwebble quite literaly crumble under your combined assault, their tiny bodies pummeled into the sand. Soon, the beach is almost completely silent save for your somewhat labored breathing, Raptor's wingbeats, and the gentle lapping of the waves now stained by the ichor draining from your prey.

2250 experience split evenly

Scavengers Scavengers, Barely Even Human
As you pick your way through the trash towards the marsh that lies beyond, a trash-stained hand grabs your ankle. A bent and twisted old woman grins up at you with a mouth that's almost entirely gum. "Spare a coin fer a bent old gran'mother, young master?" She proffers her other hand, palm upward, from under her torn and tattered shawl.

Taking A Licking
At the sight of your newly released golett, your oppent urges his 'mon forward. "Don't stop, Slurp! Let's send this dirty shrew and his 'mon back where they came from!" The lickitung dashes forward, running it massive tongue up and down turock's side but is defeated by the young gollet's tough hide.

2013-08-14, 04:03 PM
Sebastian almost vomited. This person wasn't even worthy of being in his sight, yet she dare interfere with him? He slowly retrieved Pride's pokeball. He released the ninjask, which promptly began to circle the two individuals. It's wings caused an eerie buzzing sound to permeate the space as Sebastian's pitch black eyes bored into the woman's. When he spoke, it was in his softest, silkiest voice: his most dangerous voice.

It would be in your best interest to let go of me before an accident happens. I would hate to be responsible for your death.

2013-08-14, 08:13 PM
nice Pocahontas reference

Turok just looks at the lickitung while he's being licked and makes a clicking sound when his hand forms a fist. "Strike with the fury of the storm!" The golem's fist started to crackle with lightning before he sent it flying towards his opponent.

Turok: 64/64 HP, 15 def, 5 sdef, 2 spd
Has Iron fist ability
Thunder punch

2013-08-14, 08:17 PM
Raptor descended, eyeing the corpses in front of them. Enjoy Raptor. With a roar, it scoops up some Dwebble, chewing on their crunchy bodies loudly. Ethan grabs his apricorn, eyeing it. Well that was fruitful.

2013-08-15, 02:43 AM
A mental nod to Riptide sends the Gyarados diving at the fallen Dwebble, intent on snacking on a few himself. Lyra, meanwhile, raises her hand, drawing her apricorn to her with a nod. "Most definitely... think we should look for anything else before heading back?"

Reminder, Mesi - they're apricorns, not quartz. :smallwink:

Also, Riptide leveled. Woo!

2013-08-16, 09:35 AM
At an Impasse
Turock's sparking fist rebound harmlessly from the beasts side. With a bemused look, the lickitung blows a noisy raspberry and the flashes of electricity that arced around Turock's fist suddenly go out.
Thunder punch is disabled.

The Bigger Fish
The old woman cringes back, flinching whenever Pride draws near to her. "Beggin' yer pardon young Master, I was only askin'..." She backs away towards a nearby alley. As you continue on your way, you notice that the trash pits have become eerily silent and now appear entirely uninhabited.

2013-08-16, 09:42 AM
I think X71 would like a bit of a work out. If we find something, we can take care of it. Ethan returned his two pokemon, releasing the Psychic. He wanted to give Raptor a rest. Do you have any other plans for the day?

2013-08-16, 09:50 AM
Sebastian continued walking through the trash. He didn't think he'd find anything interesting or exciting here in the trash pits. If he got out into the wilds proper however, there was a chance of having a bit of fun before the meeting today.

2013-08-16, 12:20 PM
Seconds after the electric sparks go out, Turok's fist quickly bursts into a flame as he goes in for another punch.

Turok: 64/64 HP, 15 def, 5 sdef, 2 spd
Has Iron fist ability

fire punch- physical fire

2013-08-18, 03:31 PM
Shaking her head, Lyra replies, "Not until that meeting later, no." Taking a moment to recall Riptide, she says, "So... shall we see what else we come across?"

2013-08-18, 03:39 PM
Lets. Ethan motioned, letting the woman go first. Never be the one in charge, that was her motto wasn't it?

2013-08-18, 03:45 PM
Lyra nods and begins walking inland a bit, enjoying the relative quiet and keeping her eyes open for anything that might be interesting to find.

Encounter Roll: [roll0]