View Full Version : Brainstorm: How to singlehandedly defeat the Tarrasque at lowest level

2013-07-31, 01:48 AM
Basically, what is your method for a lowest level character to defeat the Tarrasque on his own. Using only the core books would be very interesting.

I came up with a level 7 wizard casting first fly and then summon undead IV for an allip. The Allip will WIS drain the tarrasque to make it helpless. The tarrasque cannot harm the Allip and cannot reach the wizard. So unless some idiot casts restoration on the tarrasque, it no longer is a problem and cannot respawn, because it is not destroyed. If it is edible you even have an infinite food source.

2013-07-31, 02:22 AM
Basically, what is your method for a lowest level character to defeat the Tarrasque on his own. Using only the core books would be very interesting.

I came up with a level 7 wizard casting first fly and then summon undead IV for an allip. The Allip will WIS drain the tarrasque to make it helpless. The tarrasque cannot harm the Allip and cannot reach the wizard. So unless some idiot casts restoration on the tarrasque, it no longer is a problem and cannot respawn, because it is not destroyed. If it is edible you even have an infinite food source.A second level wizard using WBL to buy a scroll of Summon Undead IV does this 5 levels earlier. Make it a whisper gnome for hiding.

2013-07-31, 02:33 AM
Level 1 Pun-pun method kinda makes that kind of question obsolete.

Without resorting to Pun-pun... Pazuzu for infinite wishes at level 1 still solves the problem.

Without cheezing wishes... lucky cleric 1 who took control of an allip would do the job.

Also are you asking about disabling Tarrasque or actually killing it?

2013-07-31, 03:05 AM
If my math is right, a level one Warlock with the Summon Swarm invocation and the Dark Speech feat (Fiendish Codex version) could turn a swarm of bats into an 89th level sorcerer... Granted, there'd only be a 5% chance of it rolling a nat 1 and failing the suggestion to obey, but I'm thinking that's probably enough firepower to get the job done.

Edit: forgot feat prereq of base save, make that say warlock1/sorc1/wiz1to get up to 5

2013-07-31, 03:10 AM
If my math is right, a level one Warlock with the Summon Swarm invocation and the Dark Speech feat (Fiendish Codex version) could turn a swarm of bats into an 89th level sorcerer... Granted, there'd only be a 5% chance of it rolling a nat 1 and failing the suggestion to obey, but I'm thinking that's probably enough firepower to get the job done.

Can you explain this? I'm intrigued.

2013-07-31, 03:16 AM
Can you explain this? I'm intrigued.

I'm assuming hivemind (http://web.archive.org/web/20070717231120/http://boards1.wizards.com/showthread.php?t=722608) is how he plans to do that.

2013-07-31, 08:55 AM
The warlock's swarm only lasts as long as he concentrates on it. Does that present a problem for using Dark Speech on it?

2013-07-31, 09:45 AM
The warlock's swarm only lasts as long as he concentrates on it. Does that present a problem for using Dark Speech on it?

You could pick up an item or scroll that would concentrate for you. Sonorous Hum comes to mind.

2013-07-31, 10:08 AM
My preferred method is a Blister Oil Bomb (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12138520&postcount=94), which has been mentioned before. However, I think my favorite method uses the Spur Mount (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=188302) rules.

The Blister Oil Bomb probably needs to be updated, though. I've been mucking around with the sacrifice rules in BoVD (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15634823&postcount=19), and that's probably a lower-level (and cheaper!) method to get a wish.

Lasso, 1 GP (BoED)
Goat, 1 GP (trade good, PHB)
Pulsch Brown Ale, 8 GP (A&EG)
Potion of guidance of the avatar (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a) (300 GP)
Wand of minor image, 750 GP (DMG)
78 vials of Blister Oil, 1170 GP (Races of Stone)
Sovereign Glue, 2400 GP (DMG)

Total: 4330 GP

1. Tie up goat and chant for an hour or so. Drink your potion of guidance of the avatar and sacrifice goat to an evilish deity that really hates goats. If you can make a Knowledge: Religion roll and hit a DC 30, you can get an evil outsider to serve you for one hour as per the planar binding spell. Use this to get the services of an efreet. Assuming a minimum roll of 1 + 20 (GotA) + 4 (skill ranks) + 4 (18 Int) + 1 (hour-long ritual), a 1st level PC can make this check without any risk of failure.

2. Wish #1: Wand of greater invisibility. Wish #2: Glove of Storing. Wish #3: Ring of Wishes, Luck Blade, Candle of Invocation, or Skull Talisman of wish, whatever you prefer.

3. Put on Glove of Storing, apply Blister Oil to lasso, then add Sovereign Glue. Before the glue sets, store the lasso in your Glove of Storing so it's held in stasis.

4. Find the Tarrasque. Use your wand of greater invisibility to get close, and use your wand of minor image to give the Tarrasque something more interesting to do other than use its Scent ability to locate you.

5. Get your lasso out of your Glove of Storing and throw the lasso. If you have at least Dex 16 or BAB +3, you have a 95% chance to hit the Tarrasque's touch AC of 5. If you miss... you may need to go get some more Sovereign Glue.

6. Once the lasso is attached and the glue sets, stay invisible and create more minor images to keep the Tarrasque occupied while you wait for it to fail a Fort save (hopefully in 20ish rounds or so).

7. On a failed Fort save, the Tarrasque takes untyped damage from the blister oil. 78 vials x 4.5 applications per vial = 351 applications or 351d4 damage = 877.5 damage on average.

8. Cast wish to make sure it goes from "mostly dead" to "all dead".

9. Drink Pulsch brown ale.

2013-07-31, 12:11 PM
If my math is right, a level one Warlock with the Summon Swarm invocation and the Dark Speech feat (Fiendish Codex version) could turn a swarm of bats into an 89th level sorcerer... Granted, there'd only be a 5% chance of it rolling a nat 1 and failing the suggestion to obey, but I'm thinking that's probably enough firepower to get the job done.

Edit: forgot feat prereq of base save, make that say warlock1/sorc1/wiz1to get up to 5

You need a base will save of +5 to use dark speech so its impossible at level 1.

Whoops sorry didnt notice you already said that :P