View Full Version : killing Asmodeus

2013-07-31, 12:54 PM
Pretty simple question.

If you have actually defeated the aspect of Asmodeus, how did you do it?

or, if you have not killed the ruler of the nine hells, how would you go about accomplishing this awe inspiring feat?

I guess as a rule I'll add no cheesy stuff in the same vein as Pun-Pun

sorry for the lack of clarity. I didn't mean for it to be a challenge, but I guess that's what its become.

so i guess ill post some rules

I'm referring to the aspect of asmodeus, from the fiendish codex 2, CR 27
to make this a real challenge, I guess make a character that could take him out at the lowest possible level, without cheesy stuff, cuz anyone can do that.

remember, the aspect of asmodeus is surrounded in minions and teleports away as soon as he takes damage.

Personally, I would appreciate a more creative story oriented method, perhaps involving the animosity between the other rulers of the nine hells.

as for whether or not he'll actually be there, I am referring to the actual monster, 'the aspect of asmodeus.' Of course it plays intelligently. =As I mentioned above, he teleports away as soon as he's dealt damage. That alone necessitates one of those dimensional lock spells, although that's not the most difficult part. In essence, if you are able to prevent his teleportation, you'll be fighting a LOT of minions before reaching him.

again, this wasn't meant to be a challenge, I more wanted to know if anyone had done it, but if you can take him out with some sort of new fancy combo at, like level 6, please post it.

2013-07-31, 02:13 PM
Which Asmodeus are you trying to kill, the one from BoVD? That one doesn't look too difficult; a barbarian ubercharger with a holy weapon, an item of mind blank, and a way to fly could probably do it in one round. Get a use-activated item of invisibility and have mind blank up for a while before you do it, and his divinations won't help. No special senses like blindsight, and his telepathy only extends 100 feet (and he doesn't have mindsight), so as long as you can charge from further away (e.g land or fly speed of 50+ feet) you'll get a surprise round.

A way to hit touch AC (get your incantatrix friend to persist wraithstrike on you) is helpful, as you can power attack for more damage. Otherwise, your standard ubercharger handbook will probably provide sufficient info.

2013-07-31, 02:34 PM
I'd think a .50 cal in the hands of a skilled marksman should bring him down pretty fast.

Tanuki Tales
2013-07-31, 02:44 PM
I'd think a .50 cal in the hands of a skilled marksman should bring him down pretty fast.

That'd only work on the one from Miniatures Handbook.

Lord Vukodlak
2013-07-31, 02:50 PM
Which Asmodeus are you trying to kill, the one from BoVD?

Probably the one from Tyrants of the Nine Hells being 3.5

2013-07-31, 03:00 PM
As a 27th level character or as something else? What are the limits of this challenge? If we're allowed to use anything, I'd roll up a 60th level fighter and take him out in one swing.

2013-07-31, 03:14 PM
A Barbarian/Paladin of freedom could also do the trick.

Tanuki Tales
2013-07-31, 03:17 PM
Are we also assuming Asmodeus won't be played intelligently? Because he is a 20th level caster amongst his other bells and whistles.

2013-07-31, 03:31 PM
Are we assuming Asmodeus will actually BE there to be killed? If so, that's a pretty big assumption.

Tanuki Tales
2013-07-31, 03:38 PM
Are we assuming Asmodeus will actually BE there to be killed? If so, that's a pretty big assumption.

Which was my point one post up.

He's a 20th level Cleric first and foremost. You need to out Tier 1 him if he's played to character, seeing as Xanatos Gambits are kind of his thing.

2013-07-31, 04:11 PM
sorry for the lack of clarity. I didn't mean for it to be a challenge, but I guess that's what its become.

so i guess ill post some rules

I'm referring to the aspect of asmodeus, from the fiendish codex 2, CR 27
to make this a real challenge, I guess make a character that could take him out at the lowest possible level, without cheesy stuff, cuz anyone can do that.

remember, the aspect of asmodeus is surrounded in minions and teleports away as soon as he takes damage.

Personally, I would appreciate a more creative story oriented method, perhaps involving the animosity between the other rulers of the nine hells.

as for whether or not he'll actually be there, I am referring to the actual monster, 'the aspect of asmodeus.' Of course it plays intelligently. =As I mentioned above, he teleports away as soon as he's dealt damage. That alone necessitates one of those dimensional lock spells, although that's not the most difficult part. In essence, if you are able to prevent his teleportation, you'll be fighting a LOT of minions before reaching him.

again, this wasn't meant to be a challenge, I more wanted to know if anyone had done it, but if you can take him out with some sort of new fancy combo at, like level 6, please post it.

2013-07-31, 04:16 PM
... Sounds like a game I'm planning for next September...

2013-07-31, 04:17 PM
Well, it's only an aspect you're taking out, as you said. The real prestige would be figuring out a way to kill his true form, perma-death style. I heard somewhere that Asmodeus is actually some sort of giant snake thing at the bottom of Nessus that bleeds pit fiends... ???

Of course, I recently finished the Savage Tide campaign, in which my group of players not only killed Demogorgon, but also Fierna and Belial (kind of a long story). The key to killing anything big and scary seems to be winning initiative, then doing an obscene amount of damage in a single round.

2013-07-31, 04:18 PM
The thing about Asmodeus is that your DM is entirely responcible for weather or not you can take him out. It becomes an exercise in "Who knows how to play T1 better".
Asmodeus' codex entry gives him cool items and minions, but PCs have cool items (and possibly minions) as well. A 20th level Wizard, for instance, can take out Asmodeus with the right feats and spell selection. If you know how to play a caster as well or better than your DM, it's not even very hard.

2013-07-31, 04:20 PM
... Sounds like a game I'm planning for next September...

If you're gonna do that, make it something like the PCs first have to find and liberate Levistus, who hates asmodeus, then use him to start an all out devil war. Maybe, i dunno.

2013-07-31, 04:22 PM
Well, it's only an aspect you're taking out, as you said. The real prestige would be figuring out a way to kill his true form, perma-death style. I heard somewhere that Asmodeus is actually some sort of giant snake thing at the bottom of Nessus that bleeds pit fiends... ???

Of course, I recently finished the Savage Tide campaign, in which my group of players not only killed Demogorgon, but also Fierna and Belial (kind of a long story). The key to killing anything big and scary seems to be winning initiative, then doing an obscene amount of damage in a single round.

That sounds like so much fun.

2013-07-31, 04:24 PM
The thing about Asmodeus is that your DM is entirely responcible for weather or not you can take him out. It becomes an exercise in "Who knows how to play T1 better".
Asmodeus' codex entry gives him cool items and minions, but PCs have cool items (and possibly minions) as well. A 20th level Wizard, for instance, can take out Asmodeus with the right feats and spell selection. If you know how to play a caster as well or better than your DM, it's not even very hard.

On the other hand, if your DM is either good at playing T1 or is wise enough to know the great secret that he isn't bound by the same rules players are, then it could be considerably harder. Ultimately, I think it matters what the DM thinks of Asmodeus. Ask the question: "CAN it be done?" The response will tell you everything. If your DM says "Sure!", it won't be too hard. If he inhales sharply through his teeth and says "In theory it COULD be..." you'll have a much harder time.

2013-07-31, 04:29 PM
I think, quite honestly, if they ever get to reach to the big A. I would do a combo of Timestop and some enchantment shenanigans to do a one on one discussion with each character. Case in point, the Devil's Advocate (http://youtu.be/7DMDscGOUpg).

2013-07-31, 04:38 PM
Interesting speech.

2013-07-31, 06:42 PM
I heard somewhere that Asmodeus is actually some sort of giant snake thing at the bottom of Nessus that bleeds pit fiends... ???Not sure about the giant snake part, but Fiendish Codex II says on page 74 that Asmodeus is constantly bleeding, and that each drop of his blood becomes a greater devil, usually a pit fiend with maximum hit points and all of whom are loyal to Asmodeus.

One only hopes that they don't instantaneously become devils.

I think, quite honestly, if they ever get to reach to the big A. I would do a combo of Timestop and some enchantment shenanigans to do a one on one discussion with each character. Case in point, the Devil's Advocate (http://youtu.be/7DMDscGOUpg).
And then they realize that he's actually the bard they met in a privy at the beginning of the campaign.

2013-07-31, 09:47 PM
Attacking Asmodeus in his hideout (Fortress Nessus) is a clever way for a person to perform suicide... Mostly because the location is so undefined. Hell, Asmodeus' lack of limitations in WBL is one of the greatest obstacles really. He can (and most likely does) line every centimeter in his Fortress with self-resetting traps that only trigger against his enemies (how do they know your an enemy? THEY DON'T! :smallbiggrin:).

And then you've got to account for curse of the fortress which can cripple your ability scores before you've even gotten there (DC Fort 40; 1d6 Wis, 1d4 Int, and 1d6 Cha). And then you've got to note that this is only an aspect (not the King of Hell himself, just a highly weakened duplicate of him).

This text right here makes attacking an aspect a suicide mission:

An archdevil and its aspect have separate bodies but share the same mind; what one knows, the other knows.

That ONE attack you make better be damn well worth it, because in the next couple seconds (6 to be exact) you're going to be locked in the darkest, bloodiest, torture chamber you can imagine.