View Full Version : Villain Protagonists IC

2013-07-31, 04:37 PM
All of you are sitting in a jail cell. It's a small room, with hard metal benches lining the walls. You were all arrested within the last hour, and were just put in this cell together. There is no one else nearby, not even a guard.

You decide what you got arrested for.

Lightning Fast
2013-07-31, 08:46 PM
"Pfft... war crimes..." The orc stood in the corner looking especially angry, though at nobody in particular. His demeanor was highly intimidating, and he carried himself with a degree of superiority. "They aught to mind their own damned business: they've already got their nation, and it's my job to make sure that we can have ours!" Upon closer examination, it could be seen that this particular orc had patches of black scales on certain parts of his body, particularly his forearms and the sides of his face. He turns to another man in an officer's uniform: a painfully average-looking human with dark hair who was wearing an officer's cap. Perhaps the two were in some sort of military organization. "I swear, Lucius, once the boys back home catch wind of this, these putrid tree-huggers will pay!!"

"Calm down, Urzol," The comparatively smaller human responded, "You're going to make things worse for yourself."

2013-07-31, 09:12 PM
The elf leaning in the corner speaks up, saying "You're in here for war crimes? Do they only have one jail cell in this city?"

2013-07-31, 09:15 PM
A figure on the floor thrashes about in waking. The knotty haired man groans with a cracked throat and hacks dryly.

"Can't help but act out when I black out."

The groggy captive looks askance at the curious elf.

"I don't see any others, wise guy."

2013-07-31, 09:31 PM
Deruk went over the events of the past few days over and over again in his head. What had gone wrong? Had the wizard discovered the scrying sensor placed inside his cupboard? Possible. But if so, how had he found the location of their hideout? It was supposed to be warded against any spells that could have done so. Perhaps the spy had noticed that the documents he had placed inside his horses saddlebags had gone missing? He could have put together who had done it. Maybe. Perhaps.
His thoughts were cut short, as the simpletons he had to share his cell with began to ramble amongst themselves. "Stop talking. Ork. No one in here cares what pathetic justification you rhymed yourself together for the things you did, and the sound of your little rant echoes inside this small room. It is very annoying. Elf and Human. I assume that you are trying to amuse yourselves or the people surrounding you with your quaint attempts at sarcasm. It is not working. If it is not too much trouble, I'd like to ask you to try and help me find a way out of here. And if you are too stupid to do that, at least be quiet so I can think of one without distractions."

As he was speaking, the dwarf did not move. Unmovingly sitting there, clad in a purple robe that did not fit into his surroundings at all, one could have thought that he was dead had it not been for his words and upright posture. As he spat the words from his mouth, he did not even move his head to face the people he was speaking to, and one could not help but notice an aura of disdain surrounding him.

I assume that we are all unarmored and unarmed, but do I have my psycrystal with me?

Also, yay for roleplaying a charisma score of 4.

2013-07-31, 09:36 PM
I assume that we are all unarmored and unarmed, but do I have my psycrystal with me?

Unarmored, and Unarmed, yes. Psycrystals, Familiars and the like weren't taken. (Don't worry, You'll get all your stuff back.)

2013-07-31, 09:38 PM
"Actually, that was a serious question. I'm in here for public urination. You would think they would sort those they arrest by severity of their charge. And yet, I am sharing a cell with a war criminal? Thus leading to the question."

Lightning Fast
2013-07-31, 09:39 PM
"You know, now that you mention it, there are a lot of people in this cell..." Urzol scratched his chin before deciding to have a bit of fun with his new cellmates. "This is probably the 'prisoners for excecution' cell. Knowing the elves, polluting the precious sidewalks is probably worse than murd-" After getting a good look at the man he was talking to, he realized that he was indeed an elf. "... So, what's everyone ELSE in here for?

2013-07-31, 10:07 PM
Deruk ignored the ork. Whatever these people were talking about, it was unimportant. Didn't matter to the situation. Instead, he reached inside his pocket, pulling out a tiny, spherical crystal. His psycrystal.
"Can we tell whether this cell is warded against magic and psionic powers?"
"Of course not. But it most likely is. There's no way they would lock up someone like us without making sure that we can't just shift out of here."
"But on the off-chance that they did, we should goad the princess into trying to free us with a spell of hers."
"That we shall do."
Deruk now turned his head towards the princess. She hadn't said a word yet. Sometimes he was amazed by her patience with the morons surrounding them.

2013-08-01, 12:31 AM
"... So, what's everyone ELSE in here for?

"Mouthy gnome. Tripped it into an oven, jammed it shut. Worth it," Zitruk chimed up in his chihuahua's voice. He stayed motionless, examining the others curiously from his spot on the floor. He was actually standing, but he wasn't tall enough for that to matter. "I see scales, yet I see a warmflesh. What are you, Large One?"

The dwarf was even mouthier than that gnome had been. Less irritating, though. "The locks are one obstacle, ashskin. What will you do when the door is open?"

A description of the cell we're in? Specifically, any obvious magical defenses (runes on the door, things like that) or mechanical locks?

Lightning Fast
2013-08-01, 11:20 AM
Urzol smirked at the kobold. He'd always enjoyed their company despite their annoying voices, for they had proved staunch allies to the orcs during some conflicts, and excellent suppliers of metal for orcish weapons. Furthermore, they shared his draconic ancestry. "I'm glad you asked, actually. I happen to be the descendant of a powerful black dragon who once resided within the marshes of Izlea." The orc flexed the muscles in his hand, showing off his sharp claws. (Draconic)"Dead now, but he was a powerful ally many decades ago." The large orc spoke draconic with the same grace and commanding tone as the chromatic dragons themselves.

2013-08-01, 12:00 PM
A description of the cell we're in? Specifically, any obvious magical defenses (runes on the door, things like that) or mechanical locks?
It appears to be a ordanary non-magical cell. It is locked with a mechanical lock, and the bars are spaced in such a way that only a hand (or perhaps a tiny animal) could fit through.
When you were brought in here, you saw the guards put your stuff in a room down the hall. That goes for all of you.

2013-08-05, 04:37 PM
Zitruk bowed in admiration (a gesture that essentially made him stretch out horizontal like a tiny crocodile) but reserved judgement for now. Zitruk had been alone long enough that he wasn't inclined to be too trusting. "The lock should be little trouble, but what shall we do then? Scurry off and hide from the lawmen? Kill everything that threatens until we reach a border to cross? Surely we can do better than that. I see might and mind and quickness between us all."

He walks over to bars and clambers up to the lock, testing it with claws and teeth. "My name is Zitruk of the Ibrihn, a long gone clan. I hunt and I trap, and I care not how great the prey. Who else does what?"

2013-08-05, 05:06 PM
"Tyler. I mostly sneak around, that and rely on my luck."

2013-08-05, 06:15 PM
"Leon of Izlea. I kill."

Lightning Fast
2013-08-05, 08:42 PM
"The name's Urzol Grimrod, warlord extraordinaire and conquerer of the Izlea marshlands. From the way he spoke, it was apparent that his intelligence surpassed that of most orcs. "If there's anything I've learned, it's that fear is just as good a weapon as an ax or a bow. Perhaps we can scare the guards off without engaging with them, seeing as most of us are unarmed and I'm about as stealthy as an inebriated warthog. Of course, if it pans out differently, claws and spells are decent weapons as well.

The shorter, lankier man then spoke: "I do have a nice paralysis spell prepared... if something should go wrong, that is..."

2013-08-06, 12:44 AM
Had he been any other person than himself, Deruk might have laughed. These people were such amateurs! They wouldn't be able to fight their way out if a wet paperbag, much less a prison, if they were as pathtic as they sounded. By now, he had already devised fifteen different plans for escape, all of them with a less than 10% chance of failure. Still, he knew that he could not just run away immidiatly. There were two things he needed to find out first.
Firstly, how exactly he had been caught. Figuring that out would be essential in avoiding similar mistakes in the future. Secondly, this was an ordinary cell without any apparent wards whatsoever. Would anyone really have made the mistake of putting one of the most dangerous psions this world had to offer in here? Either the prison was undergoing heavy cuts of budget, or something was foul here.

Once again, he looked down to his psycrystal. Melding its matter with his thoughts, Deruk swiftly fashioned a pair of legs for the creature, before setting it on the ground. "Go and scout ahead a few corridors. I want to know whether there are guards in the immidiate surrounding area." Silently obeying, the small spiderlike being made its way through the bars, doing its best to follow its master's orders.

2013-08-06, 01:01 AM
Had he been any other person than himself, Deruk might have laughed. These people were such amateurs! They wouldn't be able to fight their way out if a wet paperbag, much less a prison, if they were as pathtic as they sounded. By now, he had already devised fifteen different plans for escape, all of them with a less than 10% chance of failure. Still, he knew that he could not just run away immidiatly. There were two things he needed to find out first.
Firstly, how exactly he had been caught. Figuring that out would be essential in avoiding similar mistakes in the future. Secondly, this was an ordinary cell without any apparent wards whatsoever. Would anyone really have made the mistake of putting one of the most dangerous psions this world had to offer in here? Either the prison was undergoing heavy cuts of budget, or something was foul here.

Once again, he looked down to his psycrystal. Melding its matter with his thoughts, Deruk swiftly fashioned a pair of legs for the creature, before setting it on the ground. "Go and scout ahead a few corridors. I want to know whether there are guards in the immidiate surrounding area." Silently obeying, the small spiderlike being made its way through the bars, doing its best to follow its master's orders.

The legs won't grow on your psycrystal. I did say it only appeared to be ordinary.

2013-08-06, 01:09 AM
The legs won't grow on your psycrystal. I did say it only appeared to be ordinary.

You should have said something like that when Deruk telepathically talked to it. :smalltongue:
Oh well, at least now we know about the anti-magic. Horray!

"As expected. Anti-magic." That reduced the amount of workable plans to 3. Still more than enough. And at least one question had been answered. "Very well. Since it seems that working together will be advantageous for the moment, I will give my aid in any attempts at escape. My name is Deruk of the Ironmind clan, and I am the most powerful seer that you will ever meet."

2013-08-06, 01:47 AM
The barbarian attempts to rip the bench from its fastens.
Rage, Strength:[roll0]

2013-08-06, 12:11 PM
The barbarian attempts to rip the bench from its fastens.
Rage, Strength:[roll0]

The metal creaks as you pull on it, and seems as if it's going to come up, but the bolts holding it to the floor hold.

2013-08-07, 07:22 AM
"Let me try something here." Tyler says, approaching the lock. "Little bit of skill and a whole lot of luck... and we're out."

as per the roll in the thread

2013-08-07, 07:26 AM
"Let me try something here." Tyler says, approaching the lock. "Little bit of skill and a whole lot of luck... and we're out."

as per the roll in the thread

The lock clicks, and the cell door swings open. No guard in sight.

Lightning Fast
2013-08-07, 08:58 AM
"Excellent work, Tyler," Urzol said, scratching the scales on his chin, "So, exactly how sneaky are you, Zitruk? Might be best to see how many guards there are."

2013-08-07, 09:50 AM
Deruk ignored the ork, walking out of the cell. It was a risk, sure. Chances were there was some kind of alarm spell on the doorstep. But even if there was, they would have had no way disabling it in any case. Not waiting to see whether his paranoia would turn out to be the truth, he positioned himself on the wall opposite to the small room. There, he once again attempted to activate the self-propulsion of his psycrystal.

"If what I am attempting right now works, we don't have to risk getting spotted at all. Should the corridors of this prison turn out not to be warded against magic, I should be able to scry out a safe route for us to take through here. One on which we would face minimal resistance."

Lightning Fast
2013-08-07, 01:08 PM
"Alright, but I'm getting my gear either way. Good magic weapons are hard to find in Izlea." Without further hesitation, Urzol walked towards the room where their gear was being kept, clawed fists at the ready.

2013-08-07, 02:08 PM
Tyler says "I too need my stuff back." while following.

2013-08-08, 11:05 PM
Zitruk, who is still hanging from the swinging door Tyler has just opened, stares at the back of the man's head for a moment as if it were something he didn't quite recognize. Finally, he hops down and scurries alongside the others. He's interested in what the Psion plans, but he needs his horde.

2013-08-09, 12:31 PM
Deruk ignored the ork, walking out of the cell. It was a risk, sure. Chances were there was some kind of alarm spell on the doorstep. But even if there was, they would have had no way disabling it in any case. Not waiting to see whether his paranoia would turn out to be the truth, he positioned himself on the wall opposite to the small room. There, he once again attempted to activate the self-propulsion of his psycrystal.

"If what I am attempting right now works, we don't have to risk getting spotted at all. Should the corridors of this prison turn out not to be warded against magic, I should be able to scry out a safe route for us to take through here. One on which we would face minimal resistance."
It still doesn't work.

"Alright, but I'm getting my gear either way. Good magic weapons are hard to find in Izlea." Without further hesitation, Urzol walked towards the room where their gear was being kept, clawed fists at the ready.

Tyler says "I too need my stuff back." while following.

Zitruk, who is still hanging from the swinging door Tyler has just opened, stares at the back of the man's head for a moment as if it were something he didn't quite recognize. Finally, he hops down and scurries alongside the others. He's interested in what the Psion plans, but he needs his horde.

The rooms is full of shelves and everything that's been confiscated from prisoners is neatly organized. (I would advise not taking anything that isn't yours. It wouldn't go well for you.)

Lightning Fast
2013-08-09, 01:12 PM
Urzol grabs his gear, puts on his armour, and gives an intimidating grin whilst his cohort does the same. "Alright, seeing as the magic crystal isn't helping much, I think we'd better have someone sneaky scout ahead a bit. That, or rush on out of here, killing everything that gets between us and the exit."

2013-08-09, 01:27 PM
Deruk gave the orb inside his an annoyed glance, before placing it back in his pocket. Uncaring about this dissappointing development, he made his way towards the storage room. His trained eyes easily picked out his possesions amongst the shelf. A headband, an amulet, one ring, a pair of boots, a backpack, and finally, his ornate chainmail, forged from mithral by Deruk's grandfather and handed down from generation to generation. A sentimental practice, sure, but so far this armor had not dissapointed in its ability to protect the bloodline.

"We will sneak, ork. I know how simple the brains of your kind are, so let me explain it like I would to an idiot. We are in a dead magic zone. Dead magic zones require a lot of resources to build. Someone who has that kind of resources, also likely has enough resources to guard the place with the best warriors the land has to offer, a multitude of golems, and possibly quite a lot of other things that will tear us apart easily, seeing as at least two of us are currently completly worthless in an actual battle. So we will try to avoid confrontation."

2013-08-09, 01:34 PM
I reclaim my bag and other things. "Yeah, stealth is likely the best plan here."

Lightning Fast
2013-08-09, 03:30 PM
Deruk gave the orb inside his an annoyed glance, before placing it back in his pocket. Uncaring about this dissappointing development, he made his way towards the storage room. His trained eyes easily picked out his possesions amongst the shelf. A headband, an amulet, one ring, a pair of boots, a backpack, and finally, his ornate chainmail, forged from mithral by Deruk's grandfather and handed down from generation to generation. A sentimental practice, sure, but so far this armor had not dissapointed in its ability to protect the bloodline.

"We will sneak, ork. I know how simple the brains of your kind are, so let me explain it like I would to an idiot. We are in a dead magic zone. Dead magic zones require a lot of resources to build. Someone who has that kind of resources, also likely has enough resources to guard the place with the best warriors the land has to offer, a multitude of golems, and possibly quite a lot of other things that will tear us apart easily, seeing as at least two of us are currently completly worthless in an actual battle. So we will try to avoid confrontation."

Urzol shot a glare at the dwarf. "Insult me or my people in that manner again and I will give you a head injury so severe that you will be mentally incapable of assessing someone's intelligence. I did not use my intellect to deliver my people from elven occupation only to have them spit upon. Keep in mind that without your powers, there is no way for you to prevent me from caving in your skull here and now."

2013-08-09, 03:59 PM
Leon snorts loudly at Deruk's pompous announcement.

"If I were short, ugly, and helpless as you I'd watch my tone around my betters."

2013-08-09, 04:26 PM
Whether it was out of stubornness or folly, Deruk did not seem to be in the least impressed by Urzol's retort. Instead, he simply returned the glare, staring into the orks eyes without blinking. "If you were to attack me you would needlessly risk attracting the guards, as I would undoubtedly defend myself. Even if you managed to kill me, it would make your freedom a sadly short-lived experience. Besides, I am only pointing out the glaring flaws in that pathetic idea you had. I suppose the human usually does that for you? Is he not quite as blunt about your foolishness? Show me some actual capability for thought if you want to be treated better."
He seemed to simply ignore Leon, not even acknowledging he had said anything at all.

2013-08-09, 04:39 PM
Leon fists the mouthy duergar's face.

2013-08-09, 04:41 PM
Attack 2:[roll]1d20+10[roll]
Attack 3:[roll]1d20+5[roll]

2013-08-09, 04:42 PM
Attack 2:[roll0]
Attack 3:[roll1]

2013-08-09, 05:05 PM
Leon towers over the pummeled pipsqueak.

"I'm strong. You're not. Remember."

2013-08-09, 05:10 PM
Deruk flinched back, falling over, as the three strikes hit him in rapid succession,. And although it was difficult to see amidst the blows, his face finally showed actual discomfort. For a second, he sat silently, his eyes seething with rage. When he finally spoke again his voice seemed to drip hatred with every word. "Do you often get tangled up in things that are not your business?"
He paused, picking his speech up anew with a slightly more feeble tone. "Fine. I shall be quiet and not save our continued existance from now on, if the big, strong men can't handle a few insults."

Also, all of those hit. Ouch. That's 35 HP left.

Not to say that Deruk isn't a colossal jerk who really was risking it.

2013-08-09, 05:30 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/Amara1_zps255ddb30.jpg Amara Tsung

Inside a nearby room

A muffled shriek compressed against closed lips as a slender femable bucked against the restraints apprehending her into an uncomfortable chair. Her eyes rolled up before wincing shut, her skin shuddered and the bandages gagging her mouth strained against the forces that threatened to tear their collective strength.

"It is futile to resist, I assure you." I a confident, deep voice rumbled across the walls. A figure as tall as he was gaunt slowly paced behind the seated woman, his skeletal figures masked in the gloom of the interrogation chamber - his only identification traceable to the uniform he wore that signified his membership amongst the secret police...as if that were not clear enough from his distinguished, pompous posture.

Against the wall opposite him was the sol entrance to this chamber. Flanking it were two guards, their faces framed by their leather helmets.

When the gagged woman had settled back upon the subsiding of her pain, her chest heaved as she struggled to draw in breath through her flaring nostrils. Sweat galvanised across her brow, ingratiating the grime that had collected into her usually soft and unblemished skin.

"You will be retained here until I am satisfied with your answers," the man continued, his speech slow and deliberate. Then he protruded one long arm from the gloom, its hand clasping the symbol House Tsung that had been torn from some fabric "as to how you came to be wearing the heraldry of a dynasty long dead and buried! Perhaps further encouragement for you to solidify your memory is in order?"

At the end of his sentence he slowly drew gloved fingers across the exposed neck and collar-bone of the bound woman. Traces of a crimson substance tumbled from the material covering his fingers to cake her bare flesh, each flaking touch to do so sending hot needles searing through her nerves. Her eyes winced shut as she hissed hot pain into her gag, bucking and thrashing uselessly against her bonds before settling back down into a panting heap.

Suddenly the sounds of rushed footwork from beyond the door caught the trio's attention.

Narrowing his eyes in the dark, the figure drew up his top lip in irritation as he walked past the interrogation chair to his two guards.

"What is that racket? I told that idiot warden we were not to be disturbed!"

Seated in the chair, her heart throbbing and pain chewing away at her neck, the lone woman fluttered open her eyes. Breathing heavily, she swallowed hard as she looked down at the bands encircling her wrists. They were strong, but rigid - designed for limbs that had grown thick from wielding a sword or working the fields. Flexing her fingers, she squeezed her own flesh and tugged quietly, finally slipping free her right hand after what felt like passing it through a ring of fire. Quickly she set about unfastening her other hand before launching herself out of her oppression.

"What!?" the tall male uttered as he turned to face his captive. Even in the gloom the pits of his eyes could be seen to widen in surprise.

He lunched forward with his gloved hand, fingers open and aimed for her throat while the two guards to his side converged upon their target.

Dextrously the woman brought up her right wrist in contact with the mans forearm, parrying his movement to the side and into the face of the guard next to him. A scream tore itself from his throat as the chemicals upon the glove seared into his flesh.

The other guard threw opened his arms and threw them around the woman from behind. Quickly, she pushed backwards with her legs, catching him off-guard as the combination of her momentum, strength and weight compounded at once into the mans stomach as the two smashed guard-first into the wall behind them. A loud, pained grunt from the guard announced the rush of air that left his lungs as he was winded heavily.

His eyes narrowing, the tall, gloved-man slunk away into the shadows, his hands uncovering a hidden door that slipped through to escape.

Wrenching herself free from her assailants grip, the woman moved forward, turned, kept one arm entwined around the guards to hold him in position then she swiftly brought her knee up into his face. The sickening crunch was followed by the weight of his body hitting the ground.

Darting one hand down to the mans scabbard, the woman quickly withdrew a knife and, in one fluid motion, pulled herself up and hurled the weapon at the guard who was just regaining the senses. The bladed end slammed deep into exposed flesh of his jugular, a wet garble escaping his throat as he pawed at the wound uselessly before toppling over into a broken heap.

Panting heavily, exhaling as she leaned up against the wall to regain her senses, the woman fought off the pain of her interrogation and made for the door.

"Deruk, enough." came a calm but haggard voice form behind.

Standing in the doorway was the missing member - pulling a cowl around her slender figure and brushing her short black hair off of her face.

"I've had enough of the hospitality here."

Lightning Fast
2013-08-09, 05:37 PM
After the punches had been thrown, Urzol lent a hand to the duegar, helping him off the ground. "Lucius? Heal him, please."

"Yes sir," Lucius' morningstar seemed to channel some sort of divine energy as he touched the dwarf with his other hand. Interestingly enough, Lucius' skin was cold. "I would advise against instigating them further."

Cure Light Wounds x2

Disguise Check

"Look," Urzol said, turning to face the other brute, The dwarf's got quite the mouth, but that mouth is attached to a powerful mind. He has a point, and as cathartic as it was watching him being clobbered, there is no point in continued hostility between group members: particularly with the possibility of detection." He then turned to the dwarf. "If you wish to judge my people, do so fairly, as next time, I may choose not to be the better man."

Urzol turned and nodded to acknowledge the woman's presence, silently agreeing with her, but said nothing.

2013-08-09, 05:56 PM
Cure Light Wounds x2

Disguise Check

The spell works. It seems that the room with the equipment isn't anti-magic, unlike the surrounding area. (On that subject, and having honestly for the first time looked over your cohorts character sheet, his disguise from the hat wouldn't have been functional until you stepped into the equipment room...)

2013-08-09, 06:21 PM
"Gangway," Leon grunts as he makes his way to the evidence locker. The Izlean barbarian roots through the chest for his gear and begins to arm himself.

2013-08-09, 06:26 PM
Zitruk has taken a very long time to get suited up. He appears to be luxuriating in the touch of his magic jewelry. He watches the exchange passively, taking note and waiting for them to finish before speaking up. "If magic will not work, some of my advantage is stripped away, but I am still quick, quiet, and small enough to get by most watchers." He's still fondling the Ring of Invisibility on his finger.

2013-08-09, 06:34 PM
"Hrrm. Good to see that there is some reason under those scales after all. And you were able to keep your temper, unlike the human. Perhaps I've misjudged you. Something of that draconic ancestry does seem to shine through, after all."
Arms crossed behind his back, Deruk turned around, making his way towards the Princess. He sunk into a deep bow before her, kneeling on his right leg and touching the floor with one hand.

"It is good to see you again, your majesty. After the attack on our camp I was uncertain of your fate, but unable to scry for your location. I hope the guards have not treated you too roughly." For once, his words seemed to be somewhat earnest and carried not even a hint of sarcasm. Deruk had nothing but respect for the princess, as she was one of the few who could equal his mind.

2013-08-09, 06:43 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/Amara1_zps255ddb30.jpg Amara Tsung

"Thank you Deruk," Amara replied, gripping the dwarfs shoulder firmly in a display kinship, encouraging him to stand.

"The guards serve as an example that in life every one gets what they deserve."

Looking up, Amara started to straighten herself as her vitality returned to her as she looked across the assembly that fondled through crates and chests for equipment.

"These are allies, I trust? Our captors have revealed great hubris in holding us all together."

2013-08-12, 11:17 PM
Around the corner you hear voices.
"Of course, M'lady. You're welcome anytime." A male voice says, sounding as if he doesn't want to bother the person he's talking to.
"Thank You, Guard. I think my companions and I can continue on our own." The second voice is softer, and distinctly female.

Listen check from everyone please.

2013-08-14, 10:24 PM
Those who passed, read this.

You hear a quiet chuckle from down the hall, in the direction of the cell you left. "Now, what do we have here...?" The feminine voice quietly whispers.

2013-08-15, 09:06 AM
Deruk raised his brow. For a second, he considered just trying to teleport away, but quickly concluded that even if these halls were not anti-magical, they still could have been loaded with wards against teleportation.
"They have learned of our escape. We need to get going now." he whispered towards his fellow inmates.
Not waiting for an answer, he started concentrating, swiftly hardening his body to reduce his vulnerability in the now inevitable confrontation with their jailers.

Manifesting Vigor for 10PP to get 50 temporary hitpoints. Also, I'll manifest the power without displays. I'm not going to bother rolling for that, seeing as I can make the check on a natural 1.

2013-08-15, 01:26 PM
From around the corner again;
"Wait... Do you hear voices, Lenaia?"
"Oh, please, Oliver. It's probably just prisoners talking to each other from their cells."
The first voice sounds quiet but with a slight edge to it, while the second voice sounds polite, and regal.
"Would you two quit bickering, I'm trying to figure out which way his cell is."

Lightning Fast
2013-08-15, 02:35 PM
Lucius looks on towards the place where he could've sworn he heard a voice coming from. Though he said nothing, he pointed towards his eyes, then into the hall where the mysterious woman's voice was coming from. He refocused on the approaching party.

Urzol looks towards Zitruk with his ring of invisibility. He nods, then gestures towards the group around the corner. He follows by putting a finger over his lips to signify the importance of silence.

2013-08-15, 02:52 PM
Lucius sees a navy-clothed drow, who has her hair tipped in black, and pulled into a ponytail, leaning against the wall next to the cell you escaped from, smirking, with a shortbow on her back and a smirk on her face.
(I have an OotS picture of her, if you want to see it.)

I was bored, so have a illustration of it.

2013-08-15, 03:48 PM
Zitruk subvocacalizes the command word to activate his ring, not really expecting it to work. Either way, he creeps along the far wall, his motions as fluid and compact as a cat's. With care and luck, he could get in a position behind those approaching.

Not sure what I need to roll, so I'll go ahead and roll both move silently and hide.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1] (+10, if my armor's enchantment actually works here)
This is ignoring the effects of the ring of invisibility, which I'm assuming isn't working.

2013-08-15, 05:13 PM
Zitruk subvocacalizes the command word to activate his ring, not really expecting it to work. Either way, he creeps along the far wall, his motions as fluid and compact as a cat's. With care and luck, he could get in a position behind those approaching.

Not sure what I need to roll, so I'll go ahead and roll both move silently and hide.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1] (+10, if my armor's enchantment actually works here)
This is ignoring the effects of the ring of invisibility, which I'm assuming isn't working.


The guy who had +5 also gets a racial +2. I forgot he was an elf for a moment.

You see 3 people.
A female with long blond hair pulled into a ponytail with a blue hair-tie. She's wearing golden-brown clothes and a pitch black cloak. You can't see her face, as she's holding a large piece of paper in front of it.
The second individual appears to be young male, with pale blond hair. He's wearing a brown t-shirt and green pants. He is also wearing a pitch black cloak.
Roll a spot check.
The final person is a finely dress elf, with curled purple hair and a quarter staff tipped with gem in his hands.
Roll an untrained Knowledge Check.
The 3rd person hears you approaching. He tilts his head to the side, puzzled.
"Lenaia, I do believe someone is watching us right now."

(I have pictures of them too.)

A second illustration as a result of boredom.

2013-08-16, 11:52 PM
Leon chuckles nervously. The black, chain-clad convict's laugh increases in volume as he picks up speed. Vaulting toward the apparent victims of his capricious ire, Leon roars in laughter over the whirl of viciously whipping steel.

Lightning Fast
2013-08-17, 12:31 AM
"... Well, looks like that settles it..." With Leon having charged in, Urzol and Lucius' reflexes activated, with the cleric launching a powerful spell at their foes as Urzol was sent flying into a frenzy of his own.

"I PROMISE I'LL KILL YOU QUICKLY IF YOU STAND STILL!", Urzol yelled, running towards their new enemies with falchion gripped in two hands.

2013-08-17, 09:53 AM
"And here I thought you guys were smart. I think I'm going back to the cell." Tyler starts walking to put his stuff back in the storage room.

2013-08-17, 10:13 AM
(I'm responding to the combat later. Right this moment I'm trying to calm down from my utter annoyance at you two Leroy Jenkins-ing. (Especially you, Lighting fast. Lucius saw your easy escape route!))
When Tyler moves to start putting his stuff back, the drow sighs and runs forward.
"Yeah, I thought they may be smart too, but since one of them looked right at me, and just ignored me and attacked them, they're clearly not, but you don't need to lock yourself back up." The drow says in elven to Tyler.
"Anyone who still has a drop of sanity left, follow me. I have a easy escape route."

2013-08-17, 10:15 AM
"Or that." Tyler says, following.

2013-08-17, 06:51 PM

Zitruk sees his allies prepare to attack, curses under his breath, and draws his sword, dashing through the approaching group and slashing at the legs of the female reading the map, never slowing as he slips to safety behind the charging barbarians.

Making a Spring Attack, moving my max speed, if the dimensions of the hall allow for it. This shouldn't provoke an attack of opportunity from the one I'm attacking, and I should have +4 AC from my mobility stunt against the other two. Since I'm moving this round, I have +2 to my AC in general. Finally, I'm declaring my Dodge bonus (additional +1 AC) against the elf who heard me.

My AC is, then, 26 for this round, and 27 against the elf, who I think is the only one who should be able to make an attack of opportunity anyway. I'm hoping to end my turn behind the barbarians, well out of the opponent's melee range, and hopefully beyond their immediate concern. (Also, coincidentally, closer to the Drow offering escape >.>)

Attack One: [roll1] Against a flat-footed opponent :D
Damage: [1d4+2d6] Taking advantage of my Skirmish class ability.

Attack Two: [roll2]
Damage: [roll]1d4+2d6

2013-08-17, 06:55 PM
((Let's try those damage rolls again.

Attack One (Damage): [roll0]+[roll1]+4 (15)
Attack Two (Damage): [roll2]+[roll3]+4 (12) ))

Edit: >.> Hey, he's built as a sneak-thief and battlefield controller, not a damage dealer.

2013-08-25, 08:50 AM
Deruk sighed as he watched the more moronic members of his party run towards the unknown adversaries. He turned towards the drow, uncertain of what to do. "And what exactly do you get out of this? The drow are not known for their selflessness."

However, even as he spoke, his mind made a concentrated effort towards reducing the current threat. Hoping that it would buy them time, he tried to send the group across the hallway a minute into the future.

[roll0] initiative

I'll use my move action to get to a point where I can see them, and then try to manifest an augmented Time Hop (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/timeHop.htm) on all of them for 9 PP. I'll need will saves from all three of them.

I'm really sorry it took so long. I had a few things to catch up with after I was disconnected for a week. I'll try to get back into my more regular posting schedule now.