View Full Version : Did Malack recover his original personality before death?

Roland Itiative
2013-08-01, 12:39 AM
Back in comic 874 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0874.html), Malack disclosed how his living self was very different, and killing-resurrecting him would effectively kill his current self.

Then, in comic 906 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0906.html), we see Malack die, but in his last moment something is different. His speech balloon is not black (and there was no reason for him to fake a mortal voice there), his eyes are not red nor pink, and his personality itself is a little different from usual, begging for his life to be spared by his god.

Is there any possibility that, when about to die, a vampire goes back to his mortal personality in the OotSverse? This could be quite a foreshadowing for a very emotional farewell, in case Durkon meets a similar fate eventually, never to come back.

2013-08-01, 12:47 AM
He probably didn't have the strength to speak in his full voice; he speaks in a white-background speech bubble before his final words too, after all. It's when he starts to catch fire as well, so that probably played a part in it. I don't believe that he reverted to his original personality, though I do agree that if it is true then a similar situation with Durkon would be quite touching.

2013-08-01, 12:52 AM
He actually uses white speech balloons most of the time. He uses black when he is angry or being intimidating. Just look at his track record. Even when everyone around knows he is a Vampire.

2013-08-01, 06:02 AM
I don't think you have to take his "resurrecting me is a complicated way of destroying the person that I am" comment literally. Being a vampire for a couple of centuries just drastically changes your perspective, that is all.

Killer Angel
2013-08-01, 06:21 AM
his personality itself is a little different from usual, begging for his life to be spared by his god.

Usually, he's not the one that dies.
As the Giant said:

Of course, he felt somewhat differently when he was actually being destroyed.

Bulldog Psion
2013-08-01, 06:29 AM
I think this is his original personality, plus 200 years of experience. That's it.