View Full Version : Pathfinder Build - Jacques of Braids, The Grapplewitch

The Oni
2013-08-01, 03:58 AM
A very strange build. I actually decided to do this build specifically because one of the guys in my party insisted that his character was really unusual...:smallbiggrin: I was not to be outdone.

Jacques of Braids (Dual-Talented Human, Lawful Good)
L1 Sohei/L2 White-Haired Witch
Patron: Agility / Familiar: King Crab
CMB 8 / CMD 18 / BAB +1

HP 28 / AC 17

Str 7 (-2)
Dex 15 (+2)
Con 16 (+3)
Int 20 (+5)
Wis 7 (-2)
Cha 9 (-1)

Deflect + Snatch Arrows
Improved Unarmed
Flurry of Blows (basically never used)
White Hair (deals 1d4 + 5 damage), also Grab + Constrict
Light Armor Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency
Devoted Guardian (act in the surprise round always even if surprised)
Snake Style (Sense Motive currently gets +8 so this is often better than my AC but not always)

Scizore 1d10 (for extra AC in a pinch)
Bracers of Armor + 1
Mithril Shirt + 4 with armor spikes
Wand of Ray of Enfeeblement

So the way this works is that if I can't reach the opponent with a move action then I use spells. Anything with that deals STR damage lowers the damage they can do to me (if they're Melee) and also their CMD, so I can grab them more easily. This includes my Wand, of course.

If I can reach them then I hit them with my hair, which at present deals 1d4 + 5 and a free grapple attempt with no AoO. (NOTE: The hair means that my grapples use my glorious INT in place of my atrocious STR.) If the grapple attempt works (and it usually does) then I get another 1d4 + 5 damage, plus 1d6 damage from the armor spikes, this translates to a caster that can deal 11-24 damage and possibly immobilize an opponent in one round without spells.

Snatch Arrows lets me insta-block one projectile a round and throw it back, even if I'm in the middle of a grapple (hair-grapples are hands-free!)

So far this build has been very successful (it managed to take out a Darkstalker boss in Pathfinder Society; this particular module was said to be infamous for killing players, but we managed to save everyone including the newbie pregen.)

Now, I just hit 3rd level, so I could still change Snake Style to something else before I play again, but I think it's a good idea seeing how commonly Jacques is on the front lines. The more defensive options he has the better considering that his HP will be comparatively low for a character who sees the front lines as often as he does.

Why Mithril Shirt and not Mage Armor?

A) Mage Armor has to be renewed
B) I needed something to put my armor spikes on

I'm not thrilled about the 10% spell failure chance but it's not a killer, and I'm taking Arcane Armor Training @ 5th so it'll be nonexistent at that point. However, until then I could return the Mithril Shirt and go with the Haramaki instead - no ASF, still gets spikes, super cheap, and Mage Armor stacks over it but doesn't cancel the spikes. I'd lose spells, but the spells I do cast will be 100% reliable. (and at present, I have 10 of them, yay bonus spells for INT)

So what do you think, Snake Style or no Snake Style, and Mithril Chain or Haramaki Mage Armor?

The Oni
2013-08-01, 04:18 PM