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View Full Version : Pathfinder Grab Bag Competition XVII Voting Thread

Tanuki Tales
2013-08-01, 06:48 AM
{table=head]Entry|Author|1st Place|2nd Place|3rd Place|Total|MLTSP Votes|MUE Votes

Dragonfire Champion (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15560339&postcount=8)|Stake A Vamp|0|0|1|1|0|0

Dragonblood Chymist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15561103&postcount=9)|malonkey1|0|3|2|5|0|2

Flameslinger (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15566184&postcount=10)|Ancient Hippo|0|3|0|3|2|2

Five-Scaled Initiate (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15569023&postcount=11)|Benly|42|0|0|42|2|0

Dragon Warrior (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15576883&postcount=12)|Razanir|0|0|0|0|0|0

Dragonmind (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15589219&postcount=13)|Dark.Revenant|7|6|1|14|2|1

Dragonclaw Monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15589443&postcount=14)|gr8artist|0|3|3|6|1|0

Pink Dragon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15626207&postcount=15)|DawnbringerSO|0|6|0|6|0|2

Welcome one and all to the Voting thread for the seventeenth Pathfinder Grab Bag Competition! We have eight wonderful entries for you to peruse over and only one will end up taking home the gold!

Now, the way the voting for this competition works is as follows:

You receive five votes to cast.
The first three votes are to be given to the entries that you believe should come in first, second and third place respectively. First place votes are worth seven points, second place three points and third place one point each. Keep in mind that such choices should go to the entries that you believe fit most closely to the given concept of the contest and not just the entries you like the most.
The fourth vote is to be given to the entry that you believe is "Most Likely to See Play". This vote is cast for the entry that you could see yourself allowing as a DM or you could see yourself wanting to and being allowed to play at an actual game session by your DM.
The fifth vote is to be given to the entry that you believe is the "Most Unique". This vote is cast for the entry that you least expected to see made for this competition and that stands out the most compared to it's peers.
You may apply all types of votes to the same entry (but you of course cannot select the same entry for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place), but doing this does not better the chances of that entry winning anymore than if you selected three separate entries.
Once you make your vote, that's final. You can not take it back or change it. The first vote I see and tally on the scoreboard is how it will be until the end of the voting period.
Entrants are allowed to vote and can vote for their own entries if they so wish.
Please give reasoning for why you selected an entry as the recipient of any of your votes.
Please Bold your choice for each vote.
In the case of any ties I will cast the tiebreaker vote.

The voting will remain open through August 17th and the winners will be declared August 18th.

2013-08-01, 12:17 PM
1st: Five-Scaled Initiate. I like the way the dragons were represented as stances, reflecting their attitudes and abilities as melee bonuses.
2nd: Dragonclaw Monk. I feel that it captures the fighting spirit of medieval fairy-tale dragons, if not the philosophical mentalities of the D&D dragons.
3rd: Dragonblood Chymist. Because it captures the essence of dragons mechanically, not just in build design.
MLTSP: Dragonmind. If I ever introduce Psionics, this is the route I'm taking.
MUE: Flameslinger. An ammo-specific class is interesting and unique.

I would have liked to see more unique and flavorful abilities for the Dragonmind and Dragonblood Chymist. I'm not sure why, but I get the feeling that their abilities are only slightly uncommon. Dragonfire Adept needs... more. More everything. Flameslinger has some confusing and erroneous text, but all things considered it's still interesting. 5-SI would have benefited from the ability to choose stances in any order, IMO. Dragon Warrior seems dull and simplistic, and the wording on their UAS/Swords interaction is confusing. Pink Dragon is hard to take seriously, but it's worth a good laugh.

2013-08-04, 09:18 AM
5-SI would have benefited from the ability to choose stances in any order, IMO.

Hopefully it's not a breach of protocol responding to this in the voting thread rather than the discussion thread: the reason I didn't do that is because it would've either constrained the abilities I could give each stance or required a lot of extra rules and text for each stance scaling up to its "final" version. At-will flight, Camouflage, and the combined SLAs from White Blizzard are all rather powerful to give at character level 7 if you compare them with existing classes and prestige classes. The lower-level stances can scale up numerically (Black Marsh's CMB bonus can just get a bigger number and Red Fury naturally gets more powerful as you get more attacks per round) but there's no elegant way to scale those later abilities down without a lot of added text. This way all the stances can be satisfyingly powerful when you get them, while the earlier stances are the ones that are simple to scale up to that level.

(Also, narratively the stances tie into a philosophical path of personal development, so it'd be odd to have the later stages come before the early ones. But that's a less compelling reason than the mechanical ones, from a design standpoint.)

Tanuki Tales
2013-08-06, 06:51 AM
Votes tallied to here.

And Benly, that is more appropriate for the discussion thread (or a PM for that matter) since we don't allow changing of votes once they've been recorded.

2013-08-06, 01:25 PM
Votes tallied to here.

And Benly, that is more appropriate for the discussion thread (or a PM for that matter) since we don't allow changing of votes once they've been recorded.

Got it. I wasn't trying to sway his vote, but it's generally easiest to respond to a question in the thread where it comes up. Should I leave it as-is or clear it out and move it to the discussion?

2013-08-06, 09:42 PM
1st: Five-Scaled Initiate. I love the presentation, and the unique abilities are awesome.
2nd: Flame Slinger. Very cool idea, and one that PF dropped the ball on with their Spell Slinger.
3rd: Dragonmind. You took psionics and gave it a very Dragon-y feel. Did the best at it, in my opinion.

Most Likely To See Play: Dragonclaw Monk.
Most Unique: Flame Slinger.

Tanuki Tales
2013-08-12, 10:11 AM
Votes tallied to here.

@Benly: I'm not saying you were, just pointing out why it's not appropriate for this thread. And leave it as is, but move the discussion concerning it to the discussion thread.

2013-08-12, 10:38 AM
Alright, my votes are as follows:

Dragonmind: I'm a sucker for Psionics, and the way that this class emulates dragons is really interesting.
Pink Dragon: A dragon with a rage power is interesting. Additionally, the color chosen amuses me.
Dragonfire Champion: An interesting class, but it feels liek it's trying to be three different classes. Also, the "Flame Within" ability could have stood to have been at-will.

MLTSP: Flameslinger: Not really seeing it as draconic, but it's certainly a novel idea.
MUE: Dragonmind: The only psionic entry, and an intriguing one.

2013-08-12, 10:42 PM
1st - Five Scaled Initiate: Really cool melding of draconic flavor and martial arts fun. Great flavor, fresh mechanics and is a great boost for the monk.
2nd - Dragonmind:A psionic gish class for my favorite psionic class. Great flavor and fun abilities for the more martially minded Wilder.
3rd - Dragonblood Chymist: I like the idea that Dragon blood is a powerful alchemical ingredient, it's flavor of being taught by dragons and it's abilities that add nifty things to do with the alchemist.
MLTSP: Flameslinger: I really like the focus on a relatively weak build, it's fun, balanced and seems like it would be cool for either a PC or a villainous lieutenant to the BBEG.
MUE: Pink Dragon: A fun dragon that's lighthearted and isn't too serious. Fun, unique mechanics and a strong array of entertaining abilities make this entry stand out.

Tanuki Tales
2013-08-16, 05:25 AM
Votes tallied to here.

Ancient Hippo
2013-08-17, 09:43 AM
Man, this is a hard one. But since this is the last day the voting is open...

1. Five-Scaled Initiate: I didn't really like this much at the first read, but it grew on me. Best of the "monkish" classes.

2. Pink Dragon: The idea of a CE dragon with barbarian abilities being pink is rather amusing. The fluff is kind of lacking, though.

3. Dragonclaw Monk: The second-best monk type in my opinion. The flavor is maybe just a tiny bit bland, but the mechanics are quite good.

MLTSP - Five-Scaled Initiate: As a GM, I'd allow many things from this competition, but this one I might even recommend.

MUE - Dragonblood Chymist: Many very interesting ideas, and the dragonblood brewery abilities are quite creative, though many of them really would need to be buffed.

2013-08-17, 03:41 PM
1st Place: Five-Scaled Initiate

2nd Place: Dragonmind

3rd Place: Dragonclaw Monk

Most Playable: Dragonmind (I'd say Five-Scaled Initiate and Dragonmind are about tied, so I went with the one I'm biased towards)

Most Unique: Dragonblood Chymist (Perhaps TOO unique...)

Dragonclaw Monk: Lots of interesting and useful abilities. Great fluff and roleplay potential. The naming could be improved, though; there are no less than seven "of the dragon" class features. [8.5/10]

Dragonfire Champion: Very skimpy on the abilities. Even a fighter has more filled lines on the features list. The abilities are also spread out very far with way too many levels in between. This would have been better as a prestige class or perhaps an archetype. [4/10]

Dragonmind: I specifically designed Dragonmind with playability in mind. I didn't go with anything outrageous or off-the-walls, but rather filled a rather gaping hole in the psionics lineup. Wilders really don't have many PrC options, but are a class that likes to gish, and Dragonmind fits in just right. It also grants a fairly unique mechanic requiring some thought to use, but a big payoff when executed correctly. Characters that involve player-skill-based features are rarer than I'd like. Dragonmind doesn't do anything truly unique, though; it's played safe, but for a reason. [9/10]

Dragon Warrior: Kind of cool, but not balanced. This is simply strictly better than the monk you're modifying and can even beat an optimized fighter in damage output, with the right build. [5/10]

Dragonblood Chymist: You've got some formatting glitches, but this has a lot of interesting content, and comes at a level where seeing and interacting with dragons is entirely feasible. It's got a great premise with many creative features and is unique by sheer virtue of being an alchemist prestige class that doesn't even require being an alchemist to enter, let alone the other cool stuff thrown in. Not sure how any of this stuff fits in, mechanically. My big complaint is that it seems that most of the abilities are of the "throw it at the wall and see what sticks" variety. [7.5/10]

Five-Scaled Initiate: Simple, clear, creative, and well-designed. Should have been in Ultimate Combat, but then that would mean Paizo would write it, which would honestly ruin this prestige class. This does almost everything right, so it's no surprise that it wins the first place. [10/10]

Flameslinger: An interesting expansion of an unusual ammunition type available to gunslingers. This is well-balanced and unusual: a good combination for an archetype. The misfire mechanic is very strange, however, and isn't modular at all. What if you hit multiple targets? For area effect abilities, some DMs decide to roll damage separately for each target (convenient when playing online, for example). If I were to change any part of the archetype, that part would be it. [8/10]

Pink Dragon: Some really bizarre fluff you've got there. A raging dragon is a relatively unique concept, however, and would be interesting to apply to other dragons, perhaps as part of a template. However, a raging dragon is far easier to kill than a normal dragon simply because normal dragons don't land and full attack unless they have no other choice. Rage Haze is a very well-designed ability in that regard, but comes at perhaps a too-late point; the PCs have a good chance of being able to use True Seeing at least once per day. [7/10]

2013-08-17, 04:29 PM
1: Five scaled initiate.

2: Dragonblood Chymist

3: Dragonclaw monk.

MLTSP: Five scaled initiate.

MUE: Pink dragon.

Tanuki Tales
2013-08-20, 06:14 AM
Voting is closed and congratulations to those who won!

1st Place - Five-Scaled Initiate

2nd Place - Dragonmind

3rd Place - Dragonclaw Monk

Runner Up - Pink Dragon

Most Likely to See Play - Five-Scaled Initiate
Most Unique Entry - Pink Dragon
Judge's Choice - Dragonclaw Monk