View Full Version : YbN1197's Skull & Shackles

2013-08-01, 07:40 AM
Romgrah Squalo
You went to a tavern called the Formidably Maid, a notorious pirate hangout in Port Peril, eager to start to find your career father or learn of his whereabouts. While you were there, however, a dashing and flirtatious corsair caught your eye, and after a whirlwind night of booze and romance, you found yourself beaten senseless and stuffed in a sack, carried off to who knows where.

Rookda Nivalcar
You came to a tavern in Port Peril called the Formidably Maid in search of your fate. You’re not sure how many drinks you had, but they quickly went to your head and you passed out on the table before you found your destiny—unless it lay in the bottom of a bottle. Then again, maybe you found your destiny after all...

Krogahn Saltsteel
While drinking at a tavern called the Formidably Maid in Port Peril last night, you got into a brawl with some of the other patrons. You handled yourself well, but a group of rough-looking characters ganged up on you and overwhelmed you, knocking you unconscious.

Rorick "Rory" Pendergrass
You went to a tavern called the Formidably Maid, a notorious pirate hangout in Port Peril, eager to start your career as a buccaneer and follow in your family's tradition. While you were there, however, a dashing and flirtatious corsair caught your eye, and after a whirlwind night of booze and romance, you found yourself beaten senseless and stuffed in a sack, carried off to who knows where.

Grommet Pelky
You came to Port Peril in search of your destiny, and after a few drinks at a tavern called the Formidably Maid, you went down to the docks to take in a view of the sea. The last thing you remember is a blow to the back of your head and the waves rushing up to meet you.

Xavius Vordo
You found yourself spinning tales of heroes and pirates in the Formidably Maid. The group of men gathered around you seemed completely enthralled with your stories and would buy you flagons of ale to hear more. As the night drew on, your tales became wilder and more exaggerated, even by your standards. Fearing something was wrong, you finished your tale and excused yourself. As least that is what you think happened. The events are very hazy.

You all wake the next morning remembering the night before — the ringing laughter of a wild night, the heady joy of excess, the scents of rich stewed meat and perfume lingering in their nostrils. This is quickly replaced with the reality of the moment — a pounding headache, the sickly taste of cheap wine in your mouth, the hard floor, a rhythmic creaking noise, and the feeling of the room swaying, as if they were still drunk. Before you can do much more than sit up, however, several pairs of heavy footsteps enter the dark room, and the harsh light of a lantern painfully spears your eyes. The light reveals 7 men standing around you. 6 of them are armed with saps, someone of them casually hitting the palm of their hands with them impatiently. The last man wears an expression that might be mistaken for pain but which is clearly an attempt at a smile bruises his face as he cracks the whip in his hand and screams. “Still abed with the sun over the yardarm? On your feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap’n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!”

Baron Of Hell
2013-08-01, 09:34 AM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

Rookda's head was a haze. How did he end up here. Who were these people. Was there any more wine. He tried getting to his feet but fell back down. He was more successful on the second attempt and managed to keep his feet.

"Report to duty? The last thing I remember is drinking in the Formidably Maid.
" looking at the seven men that comes to greet him Rooka decides they don't have enough brains to know what is going on.
Aiee Captain Harrigan be waiting you say. "Hey, hey you lazy lot you heard him. Captain Harrigan be waiting. Thinking the captain would have answers Rookda heads for the deck.

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-08-01, 12:30 PM
Krogahn Saltsteel

W'ere be ah? thought Krogahn, his eyes fluttering open. He slowly started to pull himself to his feet when the whip crack behind made him jump. It felt like he had been dragged the length of Port Peril behind a horse, the way his head was hammering.

After a few seconds, he realized where he had ended up. The smell of dirty working men and salt spray mixed with the cracks of whips and the clangs of shackles were all to familiar to Krogahn.

"'arrigan, ye sey, nevah 'urd of 'im. Prahaps, ye fine gents should work 'ardah on yer repatations."

2013-08-01, 03:38 PM

Sitting up, his head was in his hands. His bandanna gone, the first thing that comes to his mind is..'I'm on a ship. I am not supposed to be on a ship'. Before he could try to surmise why he heard the footsteps and his eyes caught the light of that lantern. Just his luck. Press ganged.

He listened for a moment, hearing the name of the captain, not one that he recognized. He licked his lips and shook his head slowly.

"Sorry gents but we'll be having breakfast in our quarters today, if you could kindly tell the porter to bring things down to break our fast and then if the captain wants to come and tell us where our voyage is taking us we'll be happy to receive him."

Still able to maintain some cheeky humor. At least they couldn't take that away from him. He looked around the parts of the ship he could see in disdain. Poorly maintained. A travesty.

2013-08-01, 09:19 PM

"Yar har har, har-har!" Grommet picks himself up and laughs at the cheeky man's joke. "So this Cap'n Harrigan wanted me on 'is crew this bad did 'e? At least we know e's got guts an good taste! Yar har har!"

2013-08-02, 01:31 PM
Romgrah is still trying to recollect what was going on knowing that he hasn't set foot on a ship...yet...Piking up bits and pieces of what the other people were saying the half orc could only assume that he was being press ganged into a Captain Harrigan's crew. Realizing that he was in a precarious position, the half orc struggled to get back on his feet and get his bearings.

With only 3 other foolishly brave people deciding to stay against the wishes of the other seven armed men, Romgrah said "aye...reporting for duty" before following the first person headed to the deck.

The half orc had no intention of being flayed, hearing from other people that it is quite painful.

2013-08-03, 02:57 AM
Xavius wakes up, not understanding what is happening, but instinctively stands up at the sound of an order. He sees what's around him Oh, fu- he thinks to himself. The other people were being truly stupid, standing up or giving in to these people, he needed to make them look to him. "Oh, hello, I seem to have got the wrong ship, my own set off a few hours ago and I really should get back to it before my crew get... restless. And you wouldn't like that. I'll just be going then, or do you really need me expert skills? In which case I only require 5gp for every hour I'm working. Sound fair?"

Bluff Check: [roll0]

2013-08-06, 08:03 AM
"Beggin' the good sir's pardon, we be sorry for the mistake," the man with the whip says. "But while ye be waitin'... get yer sorry ass on deck!" His wrist flicks and the whip lashes out, cracking inches from the side of your cheek. "I be takin' no lolly-gaggin'! Get on deck now! Move it! Move it!"

The other six men ready their saps and press in closer.

2013-08-06, 03:48 PM
"This aint me first press-gangin' ye scallywag! I know the drill! I just hope yer cap'n can keep this rickety rat bucked of a sailing rig afloat long enough fer me ta see some plunder!"

2013-08-06, 04:05 PM

Finally standing he shouldered past the men with the saps, heaving a heavy sigh.

"No use swabbing decks with my face all busted up. I'm with you boys I suppose."

He grimaced and followed as they were taken above decks.

2013-08-07, 12:34 AM
Krogahn Saltsteel

Spitting out the taste of last night ale, Krogahn chuckles to himself as the men start to press in towards him and the others.

"Now, Ah don't wantah be makin' yer boys 'ere upset by puttin' a whuppin' on dem. Lead t'e way tah me post, Sir."

Krogahn brushes off his clothes and starts up after the group towards the deck.

2013-08-07, 01:00 PM
Making your way up the stairs, you see that you where held in the bottom hold of the ship, there being a level in between the hold and the upper deck. In short order, you arrive on the deck, the clear air soothing the headaches you all carry.

Grommet, Rookda and Romgrah all discerns the aftertaste of oily nutmeg on the tongue. Romgrah recognizes it as oil of taggit poisoning. The oil was likely added to your food or drink, and the spices hid the taste of the taggit oil.

In the light of the sun, you can better see the men accompanying you on deck and the man holding the whip comes to the forefront of everyone's mind. You all remember seeing him last night at the Formidably Maid.

When you reach the main deck, it’s quickly apparent that you are on a sizable ship in the middle of the ocean, far from any land. Port Peril and the mainland of the Shackles are just an ochre haze many miles astern. Figures cluster around the ship’s mainmast, looking up at the higher deck on the stern, where two figures stand. One of them is a broad, muscular Garundi man with a shaven head, a long beard bound with gold rings, and an eye patch — clearly the captain. The other is a younger, balding man with a long black ponytail, wearing a long coat and carrying a well-used cat-o’-nine-tails.

You also notice that you are not the only new recruits — four others are standing with you on the deck, set apart by their relative cleanliness and their apparent unease with their new-found situation. A dozen or so other pirates, clearly existing members of the crew, stand about on the deck or in the ship’s rigging.

"Glad you could join us at last! Welcome to the Wormwood! My thanks for ‘volunteering’ to join my crew. I’m Barnabas Harrigan. That’s Captain Barnabas Harrigan to you, not that you’ll ever need to address me. I have only one rule — don’t speak to me. I like talk, but I don’t like your talk. Follow that rule and we’ll all get along fine.
"Oh, and one more thing. Even with you new recruits, we’re still short-handed, and I aim to keep what crew I have. There’ll be a keelhaulin’ for anyone caught killin’ anyone. Mr. Plugg! If you’d be so kind as to make pirates out of these landlubbers, it’ll save me having to put them in the sweatbox for a year and a day before I make pies out of ’em."

At the end of his speech, the captain walks away, leaving behind the man with the cat-o’-nine-tails. He looks down at you and the other impressed captives and smiles unpleasantly.

"Ya heard the captain. It be my job to get the lot of ya in shape to crew this fine vessel and first thing I be needen' is a rigger. So to the lines with ya, ya scurvy lot! The first one to the crow's nest is me new rigger." He laughs sadistically.

OCC: Anyone climbing the rigging will need to give me 10 climb checks. I may not need to count all of them depending on the rolls so I will count them in order till the test is complete.

2013-08-07, 01:15 PM

Peering up towards the crow's nest... Thoughts of his childhood pass across Krogahn's mind. Also a thought of being far and away from the rest of the crew and the whip would be quite nice. He looks to either side, smiling at the other press ganged men around him.

"Lookin' tah be a race it seems. Well... Ah won't be t'e last one, t'at's for sure!"

Climb Check: [roll0]

Krogahn rushes to the rigging and start climbing in leaps and bounds, about halfway up he looks back and laughs, the sea breeze renergizing him!

OOC: Sorry about that.. I'll put the other 9 in the OOC thread then!

2013-08-07, 01:26 PM
Gorthok, I need 10 checks.

2013-08-07, 02:39 PM
Xavius flinches away from the whip cracking inches from his face and follows Plugg up the stairs with everyone else. When being spoken to by Cap'n Harrigan, Xavius stands there, coolly acknowledging him. Then he walks up to Mr. Plugg and sticks his hand out. "I don't think I introduced myself, Captain Xavius Vordo from the ship 'The Devil's Bastard' I assume you've heard of us. I may be stuck with you and I think it would be best if got acquainted with the higher ranking members of the crew. Not the scum on the rigging. I'm not asking to be an officer, but I think we both agree I'm higher ranking than those land lubbers. Who would I talk to about being assigned roles on board?" He says the whole speech with a convincing and charming smile.

Bluff: [roll0] Diplomacy: [roll1]

2013-08-07, 05:08 PM

Hearing the captain he basically tuned out. Harrigan, yeah right. Plugg too. He got it. He was going to make the most of this situation until he found a way to get out of it. For now...he'd rather not die the first time a storm battered this floating hunk of junk. Shorthanded as well. Terrible.

He approached Plug as well when Xavius speaks. The mans story is...questionable but he couldn't care less at this point. He simply waits for a time to speak and once given implores to Mr.Plugg.

"I had tools in my effects when I was..."recruited". I can get to working on the hull and cannon ports if I can get them back. Sorry I don't prefer to scurry up the rigging except when I have to repair sails. So can I get to work now?"

2013-08-08, 08:15 AM
The half orc smacked his lips remembering the night before and tasted the poison. He got careless after a little good luck but at least he would be smarter about it next time. On the bright side, he is also a pirate now. Overall it might turn out well except he didn't quite like these people and the way they were treating him.

After the captain's speech, Romgrah considered what he just learned. The ship was short on men and needed a new rigger. The rigger, Romgrah thought might be a pretty dangerous job since he would have to climb all the way up there and...and was there anything else bad about it? Except that it might be the reason why the captain wanted more crew.

That and working for Plugg whose laugh unnerved him. Giving a look over the man in question as well as the crow's nest, Romgrah tried to figure out if he should just let someone else take the job. Working for Plugg might not be the best thing around here.
Sense motive on Plugg to see of he is "nice": [roll0]
Lol that failed miserably.

2013-08-08, 08:52 PM
Grommet listened to the captain's speech, still unsure what his new boss would be like... Pretty typical it turns out. He also eyes the man with the cat-o-nine-tails. He's had enough run ins with the ole "captain's daughter" to know who not to anger.

As far as this old sea dog is concerned, the sooner they get to plundering the better. When the time comes, he'll show these bilge rats who's boss; but for now the best thing to do is keep his mouth shut and ride the waves.

As soon as the dwarf makes a break for the crow's nest, Grommet follows behind him. He makes no genuine attempt to beat him to the top, but climbs anyway so as not to incur the wrath of Mister Plugg.


2013-08-09, 09:55 AM
Xavius flinches away from the whip cracking inches from his face and follows Plugg up the stairs with everyone else. When being spoken to by Cap'n Harrigan, Xavius stands there, coolly acknowledging him. Then he walks up to Mr. Plugg and sticks his hand out. "I don't think I introduced myself, Captain Xavius Vordo from the ship 'The Devil's Bastard' I assume you've heard of us. I may be stuck with you and I think it would be best if got acquainted with the higher ranking members of the crew. Not the scum on the rigging. I'm not asking to be an officer, but I think we both agree I'm higher ranking than those land lubbers. Who would I talk to about being assigned roles on board?" He says the whole speech with a convincing and charming smile.

"An officer you say? 'The Devil's Bastard?" Plugg purses his lips together and gives a thoughtful 'hmmm' while scratching his chin. A second later his face turns tense and he thrusts it to within inches of yours, screaming, spittle flecking your face. "I don't care who you think you were before you came aboard. All that is gone. You're Cap'n Harrigan's now. Your mother ain't here ta suckle ya to 'er breast. Now get your worthless carcass up tha riggin' for I flay the living skin off yer bones."

He approached Plug as well when Xavius speaks. The mans story is...questionable but he couldn't care less at this point. He simply waits for a time to speak and once given implores to Mr.Plugg.

"I had tools in my effects when I was..."recruited". I can get to working on the hull and cannon ports if I can get them back. Sorry I don't prefer to scurry up the rigging except when I have to repair sails. So can I get to work now?"

"Do you lot think you are here on holiday? Do I need to start makin' examples of you to get me point across? The next landlubber who can't pull 'is weight and lissen to orders who get a lashin'! Am I clear?"

Baron Of Hell
2013-08-09, 10:26 AM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric
Rookda makes no move to climb the rigging. He looks around and spies a dozen pirates and four other poor slobs that must have been caught like them. He looks at Xavius trying to make eye contact and when he does he looks at Plugg and casually strokes his throat as if slicing it.

He pretends to be preparing to make the climb but he is positioning himself behind Plugg while Xavius talks to him. If anyone attacks Plugg Rooka will stab him in the back.

Rookda waits to see what Xavius does.

OOC - IF Action
If no one attacks Plugg Rookda will do the climb but will let anyone come in first since he has no interest in being a rigger.

If we don't have weapons Rookda will make no attempt to kill Plugg for now.
Also please add +3 to climb check if we don't have our gear.

Climb Check

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-08-09, 10:36 AM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric
Rookda makes no move to climb the rigging. He looks around and spies a dozen pirates and four other poor slobs that must have been caught like them.

OCC: Just a note, the four others that were press-ganged are making their way onto the rigging. They have no interest in being punished. The pirates on deck are watching the spectacle. As for equipment, you have nothing but the clothes on your back.

2013-08-09, 03:14 PM
"An officer you say? 'The Devil's Bastard?" Plugg purses his lips together and gives a thoughtful 'hmmm' while scratching his chin. A second later his face turns tense and he thrusts it to within inches of yours, screaming, spittle flecking your face. "I don't care who you think you were before you came aboard. All that is gone. You're Cap'n Harrigan's now. Your mother ain't here ta suckle ya to 'er breast. Now get your worthless carcass up tha riggin' for I flay the living skin off yer bones."

"Do you lot think you are here on holiday? Do I need to start makin' examples of you to get me point across? The next landlubber who can't pull 'is weight and lissen to orders who get a lashin'! Am I clear?"

Xavius doesn't move his face away, but speaks to Plugg coldly and calmly. "If you say so, but be warned, when my crew come on board and they ask who to spare and who to kill, I will spare everyone... but you who shall be whipped once for everyone who you have mistreated on this ship. I'm the devil's bastard and nothing you do can stop that." He opens up his shirt to reveal an Asmodean star in flame tattooed on his chest. Then turns and begins climbing.

Bluff: [roll0] Climb: [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9] [roll10]

2013-08-09, 08:18 PM

His mouth cracked into a grin and he let out a genuine laugh at how Plugg responded. It was indeed funny to see someone with interest only in banging his chest and commanding people to do menial tasks.

"Whatever you say Pluggie my boy. I now fully understand why this heap is hardly worth the nails to stick her together. If you want to make an example of someone go find the Chief Bosun and ask him why we're likely to sink if we come upon a bad bit o' weather."

With that he turned and headed fro the rigging, casually leaning nearby and not making a move to climb up...punishment or not he wasn't going to jump and run for someone who had no business being in charge in the first place.

2013-08-10, 04:34 AM
Romgrah was unable to get an idea about Plugg but the man's most recent actions told him everything he wanted to know. His yells and threats brought the half orc to the base of the crows nest and Romgrah began to climb. However the half orc had no intention of being subjected to this mistreatment on a daily basis just to risk falling down from a height and did his best to keep slightly behind the quickest man that got up there.
Romgrah is going to intentionally lag behind the quickest guy as well just like Rooka :P

2013-08-12, 11:37 AM

His mouth cracked into a grin and he let out a genuine laugh at how Plugg responded. It was indeed funny to see someone with interest only in banging his chest and commanding people to do menial tasks.

"Whatever you say Pluggie my boy. I now fully understand why this heap is hardly worth the nails to stick her together. If you want to make an example of someone go find the Chief Bosun and ask him why we're likely to sink if we come upon a bad bit o' weather."

With that he turned and headed fro the rigging, casually leaning nearby and not making a move to climb up...punishment or not he wasn't going to jump and run for someone who had no business being in charge in the first place.

Pugg's face turns red and the veins begin to stand out along his neck. "Lash 'im to the mast! A visit from the cat is in order." Four of the crew advance on Rory, arms out to grab him and haul him to the main mast.

2013-08-12, 05:58 PM

Hearing Pluggs remark, he grinned a little bit. Well, his back would burn to high hell but he was sure that eventually this little sight would play into his hands. He had learned a lot from his father, who had learned even more from his. Rory had always been filled with tales of press ganging and his Grandfather had known how to handle it. The line handed down to him had been: "Rory, if you've ever got to recruit from those unwilling, remember they out number you. Fear is one way to cow them, but discipline reinforced with a smattering of respect will go further to prevent Mutiny"

He grinned and watched as the men came, in fact he willingly slipped his arms about the mast. He just hoped the boys clambering up the mast would remember the sight of his whipped back when the time came to rebel. The time always came...

2013-08-14, 08:14 PM
The four crew men, though shocked by the ease in which Rory goes to the mast, do not falter in their duty. With one man holding each of his arms, Rory is stripped of his shirt, laying his back bare for the whip. He is then taken to the main mast, they bind his wrists together with his arms encircling the mast. With Rory suitably held fast, Pugg comes forward, unfurling his cat-o'-nine-tails. With a cruel snarl, he swings the whip around and gives Rory three brutal lashes. The pain is more than Rory can stand and he slips into unconsciousness, barely held up by the mast. Though most of the "recruits" are only half way to the crow's nest with Krogahn in the lead, all are able to see Rory's punishment at the hands of Mr. Plugg.

Rolls found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15823742#post15823742)

2013-08-16, 01:10 AM

Grommet looks down from the crow's nest as Rory is lashed into unconsciousness. The man talks as if he knows ships, but he can't tell much about the rest of the crew. Most of em were probably pressganged as well.

"Takes a brave man to greet the lash with a smile on 'is face! Har har har! This you fella's first time in a crows nest?"

2013-08-16, 02:23 AM

Hearing the commotion below, Krogahn looks down at the deck to see the slumed man against the mast. Spinning around and hooking his feet into the rigging, Krogahn replies to Grommet.

"W'ile t'is meh first time bein' press ganged... T'e Crow's Nest be'n meh friend for quiet sometime. Yew don't look too bad on t'e riggin' yerself, Chummy! W'at be yer name?"

2013-08-16, 02:45 PM

"Call me Grommet matey! An' what do I call you?"

2013-08-16, 04:08 PM

"T'e bahflies at the Formidably Maid called meh Krogahn t'h Fist, but j'st Krogahn 'ill work. Good on ye, Grommet! Per'aps we might find ah way out of t'is mess yet!

With a bellowing laugh, Krogahn swings himself back up onto the rigging and continues up to the crow's nest.

2013-08-18, 02:53 AM
The half orc was on his way to the top when he witnessed the lashing. "Brrrrr..." At least it wasn't him. "More like a crazy man" he said in reply to Grommet before continuing his way to the top. He'd rather have any conversation back on deck instead of this precarious position.

2013-08-19, 01:55 PM
Spurred on by the brutal lashing, the newly acquired crew makes a renewed effort to make it to the crow's nest and avoid a similar punishment as Rory. Though it is close, Krogahn is the first to make it to the top. The return to the ship's deck is quicker than the ascent, and for some, more relieving. Pugg turns to eye everyone as you step down onto the deck. "Good. You," he says pointing to Krogahn, "will be our newest rigger. You report to me for yer daily work. Now," he turns to look at the rest of you, "we be needin' a cook. Who here knows their way around a galley?"

Baron Of Hell
2013-08-20, 05:55 AM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric
I know how to boil water and that's about it. You look like a busy man so why don't I just tell you what I'm good at. If you need a healer I know my medicine and the great Besmara has gifted me the ability to heal. I worked on a few ships in my day any sailor job that doesn't require climbing I can do. I can learn to cook but it would be a waste of a good surgeon."

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-08-20, 09:11 PM

"Ill go wherever the hell ye want me, so long as when the plunderin' starts ye put a weapon in me hand."

2013-08-21, 11:20 AM
A cook, that sounded nice. The half orc started grinning a little about what he could do in the kitchen like maybe...eating but he didn't know how to cook. After some thought he decided that it was better that he doesn't say anything and kept quiet while the other press ganged volunteers tried to ask for the jobs they wanted to do.

2013-08-26, 01:22 PM
Mr. Plugg stops in front of Grommet as if to pick him but then turns to Rookda. "A sawbones eh? Not much call for one a them on this ship, seeing hows you either make it through a fight or you don't," he says with a sarcastic laugh. "An seeing hows you can boil water, that places you one step above our current cook. You'll report to Fishguts in the galley. But first you need to take this ungrateful cur," he kicks Rory's leg, "to the hold. Bandage his back and make sure he don't die. When you're done there, go see Fishguts. The rest of ye report to Mister Scourge for deck duty!"

Baron Of Hell
2013-08-26, 05:21 PM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

Rookda takes hold of Rory and throws one of the man's arms around his neck. He then grabs the man around the waist. Carefully he lifts the man up.

Aiee, cook it is then.

Rookda makes his way to the hold dragging Rory along. The man didn't appear to have any lethal damage. Rookda cleaned his wounds and bandaged the man. He took his time though, not because he cared for the man but he was a potential ally. "If I'm ever going to kill that guy I'll need strong allies", he said in a whisper.

Leaving Rory in the hold Rookda went off to report to Fishguts.

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-08-27, 02:58 AM
Xavius jumps down from the rigging, his shirt still undone, showing the Asmodean tattoo on his chest. He approaches Plugg once more a speaks to him again, "Are you really going to waste such talent on being a squab with the sum? I can do more for your ship if you just let me."

Diplomacy: [roll0] Bluff: [roll1]

2013-08-28, 12:04 AM

Climbing down from the crow's nest, Krogahn takes in the whole of the ship. It looks to be filled to the gunnels with men, most of whom were probably press ganged like himself.

"Looks t'e be all kinds 'f chances to git out 'f dis one. Just gotta find t'e right men!"

He finishes his climb from the rigging in time to hear that the black haired man will be the new cook. Jus' in time too... I been gettin' 'ungry! thinks Krogahn.

2013-08-28, 03:45 AM

Without any more words for Mr. Plugg Grommet heads towards the man who appears to be Mr. Scourge. "Where da ye want me?"

2013-08-29, 05:49 AM
Still a little bit disoriented at the entire days events since he was pressganged, Romgrah followed the rest of the group that were not chosen for either of the earlier jobs. Hopefully they knew who is this Scourge they were supposed to find.

2013-08-29, 06:54 AM
Xavius jumps down from the rigging, his shirt still undone, showing the Asmodean tattoo on his chest. He approaches Plugg once more a speaks to him again, "Are you really going to waste such talent on being a squab with the sum? I can do more for your ship if you just let me."

Plugg scowls at Xavius. "Even if ya be who ya say ya be, ya have to earn your way on this crew. Now quit ya grippin' and get to your post!" Without another word or thought to you, Plugg nods for Krogahn to follow him and heads towards another group of men, presumably the others riggers in the crew.

Plugg assigns you to line work for the day. Line work is hard work hoisting and lowering sails, requiring a DC 10 Profession (sailor) or Dexterity check. You must also make a DC 10 Constitution check to avoid being fatigued at the end of the shift.

Rory and Rookda
As Rookda rises from cleaning the man's wounds, Rory begins to stir and awaken from the punishment he received at Plugg's hands.

All others
Being assigned to the crew as swabs, you look about for this Master Scourge. Grinning from ear to ear, the man who awake you in the hold this morning steps forward. "You are all mine my puppets," he says in a low breath. "See tha mops an buckets there. The decks needs to be swabbed, now get to it!" Swab the Decks: Backbreaking work mopping the decks and scrubbing them with sandstone blocks called holystones, requiring a DC 10 Strength or Constitution check. Failing either check results in the PC being fatigued at the end of the shift.

Baron Of Hell
2013-08-29, 08:14 AM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric
Addressing Rory, "Oh you are awake. I was just about to leave. The name is Rookda Nivalcar" , he takes a look at the bandages that seem to be holding. "Apparently I'm the new cook. I'm also going to kill that Plugg guy", he looks in the man's eyes. "You want to help kill the bastard?"


Free Action: Talking
Standard Action:
Movement Action:

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-08-29, 08:31 AM

Finally coming to, Rory looked up at Rookda and gave him a bit of a grin. He felt the bandages and flexed his shoulders with a wince. He sat back as he looked around his new surroundings.

"The hold. Exciting."

He listened to Rookda and nodded in consent.

"Of course. He's one that could use killing. Keep your eyes out for any gun powder and a workable pistol. You never know if these louts will have such graceful weaponry."

2013-08-29, 09:24 AM

Following Plugg... Krogahn receives his orders with a grimace. He starts up the rigging and gets to work. During the day's work, Krogahn is very talkative to any other rigger that is willing to stir up a conversation. He tries to be friendly, but let people know that he's the best rigger now that he's on the crew.

Profession(sailor) Check: [roll0]
Constitution Check: [roll1]

Day Action: Work Dilengently - +4 added to Profession (Sailor) check already.

2013-08-29, 01:55 PM
Romgrah decides that it might be better for him to concentrate on working his best today if nothing else, to ensure that someone be labelled as the slacker of the new crew members that isn't him. The half orc was so focused with his work and the mistakes that came from it being his first time that he wasn't even quite aware of what was going on around him until he was done.
Swab the decks (work diligently): [roll0]

Ah crud forgot I had inspired. Oh well since its the first day I guess I can derp around a bit.

After he was done with the backbreaking work, he decided it was time to take a rest. Hopefully he would get used to this work soon.
Sleeping as a nighttime action to avoid getting fatigued.

I'm just doing it both at once since I'll be out of town for the weekend and I'm not bringing my laptop with me :P

2013-08-29, 04:05 PM
Xavius does the work as requested but while doing it, he is constantly talking to Scourge. "I can't believe that you are making me do this. I am captain of the Devil's Bastard and yet, you and Mr. Plugg have the audacity to make me work like a regular land lubber. Actually Master Scourge, I was wondering if you would like to help me. You see, I should rightfully be an officer on board and I was thought that once such as you would be able to help me. You will have my eternal gratitude and that of me crew. I will remember you when they attack..." He leaves it there, slightly threatening.

Attempt to influence: Bluff: [roll0] Diplomacy: [roll1] Work: [roll2]

Baron Of Hell
2013-08-29, 10:51 PM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

I'll keep my eye out for weapons, armor and like minded individuals

Rookda calls for the guard to let him out. He then goes to report for cook duty. He plans on working hard and sleeping through the night.


Standard Action: Talking
Movement Action: none
Ship Action Day: Work Diligently cooking
Ship Action Night: Sleep

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-08-30, 08:09 PM

Daytime Activity: Work Dillignently

Grommet gets to swabbing the deck as if hes done it a thousand times before. "Swabbin ain't no fun but its important work. Like it or nah' we be stuck aboard this stinkin' vessel for at least the next few months. We can swim together or sink together, an' if it be up to me I prefer not to trust me life t' a death trap. Ye may not like it, but we be pirates now mateys! If this cap'n or this Plug feller be bad at their jobs, it will be their own problem soon enough. Just be paitient and dun get yerselves killed."

strength: [roll0]

Nighttime Activity: Influence NPC

Once his watch is complete, Grommet seeks out Mr. Scourge. "This be a fine vessel. Were I not recruited by ye folk I might have signed up. I were lookin' fer a crew to join anyway. When it be time to board an' fight, I can only hope these landlubbers know who they be fightin' fer. As fer me, Im handy with a weapon and will watch yer back, an' the back of all these whelps."

this is an edit so ill post my check in ooc.

2013-09-05, 07:13 AM

Finally coming to, Rory looked up at Rookda and gave him a bit of a grin. He felt the bandages and flexed his shoulders with a wince. He sat back as he looked around his new surroundings.

"The hold. Exciting."

He listened to Rookda and nodded in consent.

"Of course. He's one that could use killing. Keep your eyes out for any gun powder and a workable pistol. You never know if these louts will have such graceful weaponry."

So, while I'm stationed in the Hold is there perhaps and NPC I could try and influence?

If not then I think my ship actions will be pretty easy to figure out.

Rory, Perception (Listen) check please.

2013-09-05, 09:07 AM

Following Plugg... Krogahn receives his orders with a grimace. He starts up the rigging and gets to work. During the day's work, Krogahn is very talkative to any other rigger that is willing to stir up a conversation. He tries to be friendly, but let people know that he's the best rigger now that he's on the crew.

True to his boasts, Krogahn puts on an impressive display in and among the rigging and other riggers. As the day wears on, you learn your fellow riggers are:

Conchobhar Shortstone (male gnome)
Barefoot Samms Toppin (female human)
“Ratline” Rattsberger (male halfling)
Maheem (male human)
Slippery Syl Lonegan (female human)
Tam “Narwhal” Tate (male dwarf)

Samms and "Ratline" are the most approachable of the bunch if you could call either approachable. They both answer questions when you talk to them and carry simple conversations but it is quite clear that they are rebuffing you simply as the new guy on the crew. Conchobhar, you find, is quite unfriendly towards you and answers your questions gruffly but does not converse for the most part. You do learn that he was recently press-ganged into the crew. The other three are downright hostile towards you and do not answer or converse with you.

2013-09-05, 09:53 AM
Xavius does the work as requested but while doing it, he is constantly talking to Scourge. "I can't believe that you are making me do this. I am captain of the Devil's Bastard and yet, you and Mr. Plugg have the audacity to make me work like a regular land lubber. Actually Master Scourge, I was wondering if you would like to help me. You see, I should rightfully be an officer on board and I was thought that once such as you would be able to help me. You will have my eternal gratitude and that of me crew. I will remember you when they attack..." He leaves it there, slightly threatening.

"Ya spend more time sqwakin than a woman," Master Scourge snarls at you. "A capt'n acts, he don't belly ache. I'm thinkin' maybe ya were the capt'n of the ship that ya says ya is. But I'm thinkin' the crew got tired of ya mouth and dumped ya off at port. Now it's our unluck to have yar filthy hide."

2013-09-05, 02:03 PM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

I'll keep my eye out for weapons, armor and like minded individuals

Rookda calls for the guard to let him out. He then goes to report for cook duty. He plans on working hard and sleeping through the night.

Reporting to the galley, you find a cramped and chaotic kitchen which holds two wooden worktables, several wooden cupboards, and two small stoves against the port wall, as well as virtually every cooking utensil imaginable and a frightening array of meat cleavers. A score of chickens and three goats wander freely throughout the chamber. A huge array of spices mingle with barrels of rainwater, two tuns of rum, cupboards full of ship’s biscuit and salted beef, barrels of sauerkraut, and a small supply of fresh vegetables picked up in Port Peril.

Ambrose Kroop is the ship’s cook, nicknamed “Fishguts” by the crew, though whether this refers to the contents of his soups or the stains on his apron is unclear. His job is to bring the ship’s biscuit on deck at dawn for the crew, and prepare and serve the evening meal. You find Kroop sitting on an upright barrel bracing himself against one of the worktables, an empty bottle of rum rolling back and forth on the worktable in time with the swaying of the ship. He opens one eye slowly and stares at you, waiting for the fog to clear his mind. "Go away," he slurs. "Dinner's not for a few more hours."

2013-09-05, 03:38 PM

Settling into his new quarters, such as it were, Rory took a look around the hold, making sure he knew his surroundings as best he could for future reference. You never knew what sort of knowledge might come in handy.

He made sure to keep his ears open though, in case anyone passed by, or any information could be gleaned.


[roll0] Perception check

Baron Of Hell
2013-09-05, 05:33 PM
Ambrose Kroop is the ship’s cook, nicknamed “Fishguts”
He opens one eye slowly and stares at you, waiting for the fog to clear his mind. "Go away," he slurs. "Dinner's not for a few more hours."

Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

"I'm not here for grub. Plugg sent me to help ye cook. I'm one of the new...recruits, Rookda Nivalcar", Rookda takes a look around not knowing what to do or where to begin. "What should I do".

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-09-11, 01:35 PM

Settling into his new quarters, such as it were, Rory took a look around the hold, making sure he knew his surroundings as best he could for future reference. You never knew what sort of knowledge might come in handy.

He made sure to keep his ears open though, in case anyone passed by, or any information could be gleaned.


(Only for reference. There are no crates in the hold at this time.)

Noise from the main deck blocks out any other sound that may be occurring. Located near the bow is the stairs that go up to the officers' quarters and out onto the main deck. Also towards the bow, but on the opposite side of a support mast is another flight of stairs, these to the lower deck. Towards the stern are two doors and another flight of stair going up. Taking stock of your surroundings, you see a number of small cages containing a supply of live pigs. You also see 2 ballistas and a disassembled catapult. There are also a number of sealed barrels.

2013-09-11, 01:41 PM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

"I'm not here for grub. Plugg sent me to help ye cook. I'm one of the new...recruits, Rookda Nivalcar", Rookda takes a look around not knowing what to do or where to begin. "What should I do".

"You will be assisting me in preparing the meals for the crew and acquiring the meat to fulfill that order. We have some goats for milk and chickens for eggs. There are some pigs in the hold for pork but we will use them sparingly. Tis better to use the bounty the sea provides us with."

Baron Of Hell
2013-09-11, 02:57 PM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

The bounty of the sea, so I guess I'll be doing some fishin. Where is the fishing gear?


Standard Action:
Movement Action:

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-09-12, 08:13 AM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

The bounty of the sea, so I guess I'll be doing some fishin. Where is the fishing gear?

Kroop takes another swig of rum. "On deck it be. As they know ya to be the cook's mate, no one will bother ya while ya fish. Fillin' their bellies is more important than botherin with ya.
"But this ship, it’s poison But don’t let anyone hear you say it aloud. The hull listens, see, and the cap’n hears it all. Poison the Wormwood is, though, rotten to the core. You’ll not meet a more nasty, sour piece of work than Cap’n Harrigan in all your days at sea, and his crew’s the same, ’specially the first mate, Mr. Plugg. Vicious little sod, he is. He’d take his own mother’s liver to the butcher to make pies with, he would. But they leave me alone, mostly. They know I can’t ’arm ’em."

2013-09-12, 08:36 AM

After taking stock of the hold Rory takes a seat nearby one of the doors and simply waits. He didn't dare mess with what cargo was down there. It might just invite more whipping.

He'd much rather just wait near the door, keep his ears open and see if they bring him dinner later.

Baron Of Hell
2013-09-16, 05:51 AM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

"I'll keep that in mind. Can't say that I'm to fond of Mr. Plugg but I guess I don't have to be to do my job".

If Fishguts is done talking Rookda will go find the fishing gear and try to catch something.

Take 20 survival to fish for 28


Standard Action:
Movement Action:

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-09-17, 02:16 PM
As dusk arrives and the work day aboard ship comes to an end, every gathers on the main deck. Rory is freed from the hold and allowed to join the others on deck. Some of the other pirates begin to clap their hands and yell "Bloody Hour!" while a few others agree though somberly. The captain appears on the top deck, a tankard of rum in hand and looks down upon his assembled crew. "Aye, the time be Bloody Hour, and I be takin' no relish in the time. But a crime on the ship is a crime to us all; and he that be doin' the crime must take the punishment."
With that, the door to the officers' cabin is kicked open and two of the crew drag a third man between them. He is hauled up to the foredeck where Mr. Plugg and Master Scourge join the two men in tying long ropes to their prisoner's hands and feet. With the man suitably tied, he is lowered down the front the ship, into the cold ocean. Then, with Plugg and one of the men on the port side and Scourge and the other on the starboard side, the man is slowly dragged along the bottom of the ship by the men pulling on the ropes. Once the four men reach the Poop Deck and haul the poor man out of the water, there is little left of the man.
Romgrah, Rookda, and Grommet all notice the glee and joy Mister Plugg show as he slowly pulls on the ropes and makes his way from the Foredeck to the Poop Deck.

2013-09-17, 04:31 PM

As he was released back to the crew he made sure to keep quiet until he was among those who were in the press gang group he had woken with. He smirked a little as he looked around and then softly made another joke, sure not to disturb the captains speech.

"Sorry I'm late boys I was just taking a nap while you swabbed the deck."

He grinned a little, but it was lost when they dragged a man forward. He grimaced, seeing them tie him up. He had heard of such things, and when finally he saw it happen...it was strange. It was almost nothing at first, seeing those ropes dragged down the length of the ship.

He could just imagine what would be left on those ropes when they came back up. It was worse than he thought. He let out a sigh and was more determined than ever to at the least wipe that gleeful grin off Pluggs face one of these days.

2013-09-19, 12:21 PM
Ensuring the man is dead, Plugg orders the ropes to be removed and the body tossed overboard for the sharks. As he walks down the stairwell to the main deck, Plugg makes sure he sees Rory and gives the man a smirk,

With the solemn punishment done, Kroop and Rookda bring the evening's meal and rum rations up to the main deck. The day's work is done and many wish nothing more than to forget the aches and pains of the day's labor.

Evening/Night Actions:
Rory: ?
Rookda: Sleep
Xavius: ?
Grommet: Influence NPC - Are you still seeking out Master Scourge?
Krogahn: ?
Romgrah: Sleep

Rookda, Grommet, and Romgrah, if you would like to change your night actions, you certainly can.

2013-09-19, 08:41 PM

Rory left the men to their grim business, and did as he was told until night fall.

After the dark fell he sought out some entertainment with the crew.

Night Action: Play/Gamble.

2013-09-19, 09:04 PM

Krogahn watched the punishment with a face of stone. He had heard of punishments like this before, but now he was watching it first hand. It sent a chill down his spine. His mind raced to thoughts of escape as soon as possible.

He calmed a bit, once the rum and food had been handed around. Filling himself, Krogahn looked around the ship for one of the riggers, Barefoot Samms. If he could possibly get on her decent side, there might be a way off this ship soon.

Night Action: Influence Barefoot Samms Toppin

2013-09-20, 03:26 PM
During the day, Xavius is working out the officers and decides which one to try to influence. During the night he then goes to visit them, attempting to make a good impression on the officers.

Can I have a list of officers please? And night action: influence.

Baron Of Hell
2013-09-23, 06:12 AM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric
Rookda slept soundly during the night. Seeing the man die weighed little on his mind. He already knew Plugg was a serious fellow. He'll just have to get more serious fellows on his side before making a move on Mr. Plugg.


Standard Action:
Movement Action:

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-09-24, 01:17 PM
Can I have a list of officers please? And night action: influence.

Barnabas Harrigan - Captain
Mister Plugg - First Mate
Master Scourge - Boatswain and master-at-arms
Abrose "Fishguts" Kroop - Cook
Cut-Throat Grok - Quartermaster
Peppery Longfarthing - Sailing master
Riaris Krine - master gunner
Habbly Quarne, the “Stitchman” - ship’s surgeon and carpenter
Kipper - gunner’s mate
Patch Patchsalt - boatswain’s mate
“Caulky” Tarroon - the captain’s cabin girl

Most of the officers spend the night in their quarters. The ones that do not are Mister Plugg, Master Scourge, and Cut-Throat Grok.

2013-09-24, 01:36 PM
Evening/Night Actions:
Rory: Play/Gamble
Rookda: Sleep
Xavius: Influence Officers
Grommet: Influence NPC
Krogahn: Influence Barefoot Samms Toppin
Romgrah: Sleep

As Rookda and Romgrah head to the hold to grab some sleep in preparation for the next day, Rory, Xavius, Grommet, and Krogahn stay on deck to experience the pirate's life and make connections with the crew. Rory seeks out some gambling being conducted by the crew and wanders into a small group gathered around a barrel. The top of the barrel is covered in small bits of broken glass, make-shift caltrops, and knives. A mountain of a man (Rahadoumi by his appearance) sees Rory and calls out. "If it is not the tough man. Come, tough man, I challenge you to sport." The scowl on his face betrays the friendly tone.

Krogahn seeks out Barefoot Samms and finds her with a few of the other riggers, still barefoot as her name. She sees Krogahn approaching and though she does not wave him over, she does ensure there is plenty of room for him to sit amongst the group. "Ya put in a good day's work. Where did you learn the ropes? Ya certainly seemed to catch on quickly."

Grommet and Xavius - Of the officers who stay on deck, Cut-Throat Grok appears to be the most easily approachable. The other two have a group of sycophants around them.

2013-09-24, 05:44 PM

Upon reaching the deck once again Rory looks out at the waves and lets out at least a small sigh of contentment. If nothing else he was happy to feel the spray on his face without being ordered around by these sorry excuses for officers.

Upon being addressed Rory approached the barrel casually. Looking over the sharp implements Rory then looked up at Rahadoumi.

"Sport you say? All right I'll play your game! I only have two requests. Tell me your name, and if I win you have to teach me the rules of the game. Sound fair?"

He grinned up at the bigger man, hoping that he'd appreciate Rorys carefree attitude.

Diplomacy at Rahadoumi, to try and get on his good side before we play this dangerous looking game.


2013-09-25, 08:18 AM
"My name is Maheem. And the sport is the wrestling of arms." Laughing, he looks around at the others with him. "Do you not know how it is played?" he says mockingly.

2013-09-25, 08:46 AM

"Well, I thought maybe we might be playing something more interesting, what with all the sharp bits about. Seems we'll just be attempting to impale each others hands? Sounds lovely."

Rory grinned wide.

"Try not to hurt me too much, I'll need my hands for the ladies when we get to port."

2013-09-25, 08:55 AM
Maheem's scowl quickly returns as he takes his place at the barrel, his elbow in one of the two clear spots, his hand in the air. He wiggles his fingers, stretching the muscles in his hand and waits for you to take your place.

((OCC: If you intend to arm wrestle him, I need a STR check for the game.))

2013-09-25, 04:23 PM

Settling in next to Barefoot Simms, Krogahn pulls long from his mug of grog before answering her.

"Aye... Ah 'as been riggin' since ah was a wee lad. Me dad shown me all ah known. Sadly, Ah saw 'im lose 'is life to a pirate ond day. Swak t'e Blade, Ah was told. Anyways... 'ow did you end up on dis ship?"

2013-09-25, 05:20 PM

Shrugging his shoulders, Rory wanted to make a decent impression with the crew. He didn't mind losing at arm wrestling...and did in fact mind losing face by refusing the game. He knew he'd probably lose, but he was willing to try!

Str check!

2013-09-30, 01:11 PM
"I used to be a fisherwoman in the Sodden Lands. But there 'twert no future in it. Too much competition, and many's the one who thought it wasn't a woman's job. Cleanin' 'em, yes. But not catchin' 'em. And the weather ain't much kinder than the people. So I hitched a ride to the nearest port and signed up with the first cap'n who would take me. And now here I am."

2013-09-30, 01:17 PM
Grasping Maheem's hand, you place your elbow in a clear spot on the barrel top and begin to wrestle the man. The contest is close to start and you are ever vigilant of the debris cluttering the barrel; debris that will easily impale your flesh should you lose this contest. Spurned on by the thought of defeat, you redouble your efforts and manage to take the Rahadoumi's arm down. He jerks his arm back, clutching it as he tries to remove the shards and slivers from the back of his hand and arm, scowling at you. The others gathered around however hoot and howl at his misfortune.

+100 XP for winning your first pirate game of chance.

2013-10-01, 06:09 AM

"Ah see! T'en lets drink long an' 'ard for t'e days w'en we can be fishin' again!" Krogahn pulls another long draw from his mug. He lets out a fulfilled sigh afterwards and continues, more of a whisper this time though, "Ah don't quite be knowin' w'en t'e time will come... But, if ye be lookin' to get off t'is ship, stick near meh." Krogahn gives Simms a small wink at the end of his whisper.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-10-01, 10:58 AM

Samms smiles and says, "I'll keep that in mind." Raising her flagon she toasts with you. "Ta fishin'"

You don't know if its the air or the drink or something entirely unrelated, but you detect a more friendly tone towards you in her voice than you did earlier in the day.

2013-10-07, 12:37 PM

After defeating such a person in a feat of strength Rory grinned and made sure to pal around with the crew for a while before heading to get some sleep. He felt he had more properly cemented his place among them by showing his prowess, even if Strength was normally not his best asset.

2013-10-08, 11:32 AM
The next morning, mere seconds after the bell tolls to summon the crew on deck, four pirates — Aretta Bansion, Fipps Chumlett, Jaundiced Jape, and Slippery Sy Lonegan — block your path. "In a hurry?" Fipps says, and laughs, pushing a Rory in the chest. Meanwhile, a handful of other sailors loiter on the stairs, watching and waiting for the outcome of what surely seems to be a fight in the making.

2013-10-08, 02:29 PM

Standing behind Rory, Krogahn pushes through the group and stands infront of the crewman.

"Oy, chummy... Ah prefer t'a be on deck before Ah receive sum lashins' for my tardiness. Now, if ye don't mind... " Krogahn cracks his knuckes, "Ah'll be askin' ye to move so we can get through."

Baron Of Hell
2013-10-09, 12:29 AM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

Get out 'o me way. If ye want a pounding I'll beat you after th' cap'n has talked to us.

He doesn't move only stares at the men waiting to see what they do.


Standard Action:
Movement Action:

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-10-09, 11:21 PM

Romgrah was feeling quite fresh having rested the night before and thought he should be able to do just about anything. While the four crewmen were busy arguing with the people pressganged with him, the half orc took the opportunity to try and slip by them and continue on to the deck.
Acrobatics: [roll0]

2013-10-10, 01:13 AM

Having only been roused from sleep not minutes before the man nearly lost his footing when he was so rudely shoved by Fipps. He gathered himself and watched the reactions of the others are he straightened his shirt.

"Well, mornin' boys. Best we all be gettin' above deck eh? If we're late we're sure to get a beating...and if you make us late you're sure to get two."

2013-10-11, 04:58 AM

Grommet watches in amusement as Rory tries to talk his way out of a bad fight.

2013-10-21, 12:23 PM

Standing behind Rory, Krogahn pushes through the group and stands in front of the crewman.

"Oy, chummy... Ah prefer t'a be on deck before Ah receive sum lashins' for my tardiness. Now, if ye don't mind... " Krogahn cracks his knuckles, "Ah'll be askin' ye to move so we can get through."

Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

Get out 'o me way. If ye want a pounding I'll beat you after th' cap'n has talked to us.

He doesn't move only stares at the men waiting to see what they do.


Having only been roused from sleep not minutes before the man nearly lost his footing when he was so rudely shoved by Fipps. He gathered himself and watched the reactions of the others are he straightened his shirt.

"Well, mornin' boys. Best we all be gettin' above deck eh? If we're late we're sure to get a beating...and if you make us late you're sure to get two."

"Ah be not afraid of the likes a you," Fipps spits. "And ah'll take the lashes just to see the smirk taken from ye faces. Ye all be needed to be taken down a peg or two since comin' aboard."


Romgrah was feeling quite fresh having rested the night before and thought he should be able to do just about anything. While the four crewmen were busy arguing with the people press-ganged with him, the half-orc took the opportunity to try and slip by them and continue on to the deck.

Romgrah tries to slip past the group only to have the ship run sidelong into a wave, throwing the half-orc back towards the morning's assailants. He crashes against Sly Lonegan, pushing the woman back towards her compatriots. Enraged by what she takes as an assault against her, Sly throws a punch at the half-orc but is too flustered to connect.


Grommet watches in amusement as Rory tries to talk his way out of a bad fight.

Baron Of Hell
2013-10-22, 12:33 AM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

Fools thy lot of ye

He snarls at them and raises his hand to fire a icicle at the nearest blocker.


Movement Action: Move within 30ft of nearest attacker
Standard Action: Attack nearest attacker.
Icicle (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/paizo---domains/water-domain)[roll0] DMG[roll1]

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-10-23, 07:50 AM
Aretta stumbles back as the sliver of ice penetrates her shoulder. She snarls and cusses at Rookda with words heard only in a bordello brawl.

Everyone roll initiative please.

2013-10-30, 12:36 PM
22. Pirate Crew
17. Romgrah
11. Rory
10. Krogahn
08. Grommet
04. Rookda

Sy, having been knocked back by Romgrah, throws a bunch at the half-orc but is too flustered to connect (taken from previous post as iniative action). Fipps swings at Rory, connecting with a well-aimed punch.
Damage: [roll0]
Jape likewise takes a jap at Krogahn, knocking the dwarf in the cheek.
Damage: [roll1]
Aretta launches herself at Rookda, grappling him about the waist and forcing him back towards the hammocks that serve as your beds.

2013-11-02, 04:30 AM

The stout dwarf takes the punch as if a fly had landed on him. He chuckles to himself hardily, taking in the feel of the punch he had just received, almost like it was a gift from the gods.

"Jape was et? Ha ha ah... Ah don't know w'at ye pirates," Krogahn spit more than spoke the word, "know of fightin', but Ah can tell ye t'at meh wet nurse 'its 'ardah t'en ye do. Let me show ye w'at a real fist feels like!"

Krogahn swings hard, putting his stocky body to bear behind his arm.

Krogahn Saltsteel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=615389)
Male CN Dwarf Monk, Level 1, Init +2, HP 11/11, Speed 20ft
AC 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 12, Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4
Melee Attack +2 (1d6 + 2, x2)
Flurry of Blows +1/+1 (1d6 + 2, x2)

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (Non-Leathal)

2013-11-02, 07:13 AM

Shaking off that punch Rory wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and then let swing at Fipps, not about to let getting socked in the face go lightly.


Swinging a punch at Fipps.



Baron Of Hell
2013-11-03, 06:40 PM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

Unhand me winch.

He tries to place whichever hand he can against the woman not to break the grapple but to send another shard of ice into her.

Standard Action: Attack Aretta
Icicle (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/paizo---domains/water-domain)[roll0] DMG[roll1]
Movement Action: N/A

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-11-04, 09:29 AM
Krogahn swings hard, putting his stocky body to bear behind his arm but Jape narrowly ducks out of the way. Fipps fairs even better as Rory attempts to return the blow but the rocking of the boat is unfamiliar to Rory and he completely fails to connect. Rookda grabs Aretta's arm, sending another ice shard directly into the woman's unprotected flesh. She flinches, letting go of Rookda, blood freely seeping out of her arm.

[Waiting for Romgrah's and Grommet's actions.]

2013-11-04, 01:05 PM
Romgrah moves towards Fipps and making use of Rory's own attack, sent his own at the man.

Going to flank with Fipps
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] [roll2]
The damage should all be non lethal. Tell me if I need anything else because I just rushed through this to avoid slowing things down. Been busy lately

2013-11-05, 02:46 AM

After watching the action for a moment Grommet decides that this is not going to end quickly. They will all be getting a few lashes, that is beyond certain, so he might as well make it worth it. He's taken a shine to Rory, maybe its time to lend him a hand.

"Alright ye scallywags, if ye want to tangle wit tha new meat, ye might find this cut a bit tough fer yer likin'." With that Grommet charges at the man who hit Rory, grabbing him by the waist...grapple: [roll0]

2013-11-05, 10:56 AM
Romgrah moves towards Fipps but the shifting of the boat thwarts Romgrah's efforts as well and Fipps remains untouched.

"Alright ye scallywags, if ye want to tangle wit tha new meat, ye might find this cut a bit tough fer yer likin'." With that Grommet charges at the man who hit Rory, grabbing him by the waist...

and forcing him back. Fipps lands a two-handed hammer-punch on Grommet's back for [roll0] non-lethal damage.
Fipps and Grommet have the Grappled (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Grappled) condition.

End of Round 1
Beginning of Round 2

Clutching her arm, Aretta backs away (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Withdraw) from Rookda and withdraws to the stairway, muscling her way past the onlookers.
Fipps, in a turn of events, reverses the grapple on Grommet.
Jape laughs at the stocky dwarf's attempt to land a punch and swings back at Kroghan but fails to connect as well.
Sy, frustrated at her failed attempts to slam Romgrah swings again only to miss him once more.

2013-11-05, 01:11 PM

Headslipping Jape's next swing, Krogahn attempts to counter with a couple punches of his own.

Attacking Jape with Flurry of Blows, the first attack will be a stunning blow as well.

To Hit Rolls: [roll0] [roll1]
Stunning Fist DC: 13

Damage: [roll2] [roll3]

2013-11-05, 07:10 PM

Seeing Grommet come in to his aid he follows suit when Fipps is able to gain control over Grommet. Rory jumps in and grabs at Fipps, attempting to aid Grommet in getting free so they can continue the fight on at least even odds.

Aid Another!
Aiding Grommet in breaking the grapple/gaining control of it.

Attack roll vs AC: 10

If successful, +2 to Grommets next Grapple check.

+2 to your next Grapple check vs Fipps.

2013-11-06, 07:08 AM

Grommet continues to wrestle with Flipps.
grapple: [roll0]

Baron Of Hell
2013-11-07, 12:38 PM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric


Rookda is raging now growling at the attackers. Seeing Fipps in a bad situation he moves to make it worse by running up to him and throwing a punch at his face while he struggles with the two men.


Movement Action: Move toward Fipps
Standard Action: Punch Fipps
DMG NL [1d3+2

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-11-11, 02:51 PM
22. Pirate Crew
17. Romgrah
11. Rory
10. Krogahn
08. Grommet
04. Rookda

Krogahn's first punch is blocked by Jape but the second connects with a "oomph" from Jape as he reals back. Rory jumps in and grabs at Fipps, attempting to aid Grommet in getting free so they can continue the fight on at least even odds but Fipps proves too flexible and his bulk too difficult to budge and force a release of Grommet. Rookda is raging now growling at the attackers. Seeing Fipps in a bad situation he moves to make it worse by running up to him and throwing a punch at his face while he struggles with the two men. But Fipps is able to flinch at the last moment and avoid Rookda's attack.

End of Round 2
Beginning of Round 3

Fipps continues to grapple Grommet and manages to pin (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Pinned) him on the floor.
Japes' laughing stops after Krogahn lands the last punch. Determined not to be outdone, Japes launches another punch at Krogahn, but once again fails to connect as the dwarf bobs away from the clumsy attack.
With Rookda's attention drawn elsewhere, Sy launches herself at him to keep the numbers more even. Connecting solidly with him, she pushes him away from Grommet and Rory.

2013-11-11, 07:30 PM

Seeing Grommet pushed down to the dirty boards that made up the sub deck he chose to lash out, aiming to give Fipps a nice punch to the face.


Punch Fipps, one attack.



Baron Of Hell
2013-11-11, 08:30 PM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

Ya wanting a piece of Rookda?

After being shoved back Rookda takes a swing at Sy. Whether he connects or not he'll take a step back.


Standard Action: Attack Sy
Punch [roll0]
DMG NL [roll1]
Movement Action: 5ft step back

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-11-12, 03:50 AM

Krogahn lets out a roaring laugh as he deftly steps away from Jape's next attempt at a punch.
"Cam'on ye ninny... Ah'm standin' reght 'ere! Ahre ye blind?!" Krogahn cackles at Jape, hoping to provoke his rage even more. He swings again as Jape pulls back his punch. It connects solidly, in the right side of his jaw. Krogahn sneers and spits out another insult about how his nanny fought better than Jape.

To Hit Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (Non-Lethal)

2013-11-12, 05:40 AM

Grommet bridges hard attempting to break the pingrapple: [roll0]

2013-11-13, 03:12 AM
Finding himself fighting and failing miserably, Romgrah decides to try another attempt at escaping.
Withdraw action to head towards the main deck. Tell me if I need to make any acrobatics besides the one I make here.
Acrobatics: [roll0]

2013-11-15, 12:39 PM
22. Pirate Crew
17. Romgrah
11. Rory
10. Krogahn
08. Grommet
04. Rookda

Romgrah is able to twist and turn himself out of the melee and make his way to the stairwell. The onlookers have begun to thin a little as Romgrah is able to see Aretta, still clutching her arm, exit the top of the stairs and make her way up to the deck.

Rory lashes out and connects with a solid punch to Fipps. With a trickle of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, Fipps lightens his grip on Grommet who is able to take advantage of the momentary weakness and free himself from Fipps's hold.

"Cam'on ye ninny... Ah'm standin' reght 'ere! Ahre ye blind?!" Krogahn cackles at Jape, hoping to provoke his rage even more. He swings again as Jape pulls back his punch. It connects solidly, in the right side of his jaw. Krogahn sneers and spits out another insult about how his nanny fought better than Jape.

Ya wanting a piece of Rookda? After being shoved back Rookda takes a swing at Sy. The more lithe woman dodges the punch and Rookda uses the oppurtunity to take a step back away from the woman.

End of Round 3
Beginning of Round 4

Aretta (7 lethal, left combat), Fipps (4 non-lethal), Jape (5 non-lethal), Sy

Fipps rubs his jaw and smiles at Rory. "So ya be wantin' a schoolin' then?" He throws another punch which Rory blocks without incident.

Jape shakes off the crushing punch Krogahn gave him and shouts back, "I met your nanny. She was beggin' for more when I walked out on her!" He then throws an upper cut which catches Krogahn off-guard. (3 points non-lethal)

With Rookda backing away, Sy steps forward in an attempt to clock him but misses completely as Rookda is just one step too far.


Fipps punches Rory: To hit: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Jape punches Krogahn: To hit: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Sy punches Rookda: To hit: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]

2013-11-18, 11:41 AM

Taking a step back after getting caught with that uppercut, Krogahn's vision goes red, No one talks about Nana like that!! Krogahn thought.

Krogahn jumps at Jape, attempting to grab the front of his shirt and throws a punch at his temple!

Grapple Check: [roll0]

If grapple succeeded:
To hit roll: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

If grapple failed:
To hit roll: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

2013-11-18, 01:39 PM
Krogahn grasps ineffectually at Japes's shirt but his punch lands true. As Krogahn stands there, he sees "the lights go out of the man's eyes" as he collapses onto the deck.

Aretta (7 lethal, left combat), Fipps (4 non-lethal), Jape (11 non-lethal, 7 lethal, unconscious), Sy

Baron Of Hell
2013-11-18, 07:26 PM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

You should run while you have legs to run with.

Rookda steps up to Sy and swings a punch at her. Sweat is running down the clerics brow. In all honesty he probably isn't the best of fighters but he will be damned if he doesn't give it his all.


Standard Action: Punch Sy
DMG NL[roll1]

Movement Action: Step to Sy

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-11-19, 12:17 AM

Grommet continues to wrestle with Flipps, attempting to once again turn the tide.grapple: [roll0]

2013-11-20, 05:06 PM

"Apparently they teach very poorly at schools you're used to."

Rory quips at Fipps before lashing out with another punch.

Giving Fipps the old chin music.



2013-11-25, 10:41 AM
Round 4
22. Pirate Crew
17. Romgrah - Removed himself from combat
11. Rory
10. Krogahn
08. Grommet
04. Rookda

Aretta (7 lethal, left combat), Fipps (4 non-lethal), Jape (10 non-lethal), Sy

Rory lashes out with a punch that catches Fipps unaware under the chin. The lashing pitches Fipps perfectly into Grommet awaiting ensnarement and Fipps is once again grappled by the man.

Krogahn grasps ineffectually at Japes's shirt but his punch lands true. As Krogahn stands there, he sees "the lights go out of the man's eyes" as he collapses onto the deck.

Rookda takes a step towards Sy and lashes out with a blow that just barely catches the woman, but a hit is still a hit and first the first time since the brawl started, Sy tastes blood.

End of Round 4
Beginning of Round 5
Aretta (7 lethal, left combat), Fipps (8 non-lethal, grappled), Jape (11 non-lethal, 7 lethal, unconscious), Sy (3 non-lethal)

Fipps strains against Grommet's hold but is unable to break free. Sy laughs maniacally and spits an glob of bright red blood on the floor before taking another swing at Rookda which just connects with the cleric. (3 points non-lethal).

2013-11-26, 04:48 AM

Seeing Fipps handled quite well once again, he lashes out seeking to put the man out and end his struggles against Grommet.

Punching Fipps once again.



2013-11-26, 04:56 AM

securing a bear hug, Grommet attempts to drive his forehead into the bridge of Fipps nose.grapple: [roll0]

Baron Of Hell
2013-11-27, 01:44 AM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

Rookda snarls after being hit. He wipes the spittle from his lips and starts to sing.

Muther always said neva hit a lady
Muther always said neva hit a lady

Thanks to the gods ye be no lady
Thanks to the gods ye be no lady

Rookda sways to the sound of his own song and swings again at Sy.

DMG NL[roll1]


Standard Action:
Movement Action:

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-12-02, 02:55 PM
Round 5
22. Pirate Crew
17. Romgrah - Removed himself from combat
11. Rory
10. Krogahn
08. Grommet
04. Rookda

Aretta (7 lethal, left combat), Fipps (8 non-lethal, grappled), Jape (11 non-lethal, 7 lethal, unconscious), Sy (3 non-lethal)

Seeing Fipps handled quite well once again, Rory lashes out, knocking the man out and ending his struggles against Grommet.

{OCC: Krogahn, need an action from you.}
{OCC: Grommet, your target is unconscious, please change your action.}

Rookda sways to the sound of his own song and swings again at Sy, connecting with her midsection and eliciting an explosion of air as she staggers back.

This would be the end of Round 5 but I need actions from 2 players. As it stands, the opposing group is:
Aretta (7 lethal, left combat), Fipps (11 non-lethal, unconscious), Jape (11 non-lethal, 7 lethal, unconscious), Sy (8 non-lethal)

2013-12-02, 05:18 PM

Seeing Jape fall from his last attack, Krogahn spits some blood out on the deck. He reaches down and grabs the collar of Jape's shirt, and begins to drag the unconscious man up to the main deck.

"C'ame on, ye idiot. Ah'm assumin' t'e Capt'in will be wantin' ah wurd wit'cha."

Dragging Jape to the deck, Krogahn leaves combat for the main deck. Looking for Mr. Plugg, Krogahn explains what happened below decks and hands over Jape to him.

2013-12-04, 08:29 AM
Round 6
22. Pirate Crew
17. Romgrah - Removed himself from combat
11. Rory
10. Krogahn - Removed himself from combat
08. Grommet
04. Rookda

Aretta (7 lethal, left combat), Fipps (11 non-lethal, unconscious), Jape (11 non-lethal, 7 lethal, unconscious), Sy (8 non-lethal)

Seeing herself greatly outnumbered and without allies, Sy withdraws from the melee and darts up the starts. As she rushes past, the onlookers hasten themselves up the stairs as well, leaving Rory, Grommet, and Rookda with the unconscious Fipps in the hold.

Baron Of Hell
2013-12-04, 02:51 PM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

Ye betta run.

Rookda takes a look around for any more attackers. Not seeing anyone with fight left in them he leaves to go above deck.


Standard Action:
Movement Action:

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-12-04, 08:36 PM

Seeing that their attackers were properly subdued, Rory grabs Fipps by the shirt and hauls him up the stairs. He finds Krogahn and tosses Fipps down next to the man that Krogahn carries.

"They been properly dealt with. Hope the talk with the captain goes well."

With a smile he withdrew back to where Rookda and he assumed Grommet(Once he made his way up the stairs) would be standing.

2013-12-05, 02:21 PM
The brawl was brief but it would have lasting effects. Though the five of you emerged relatively unscathed, your four assailants did not. One suffered serious wounds that she would feel for days. Two were dragged unconscious and left sprawled on the main deck. The last forced to retreat.

Dropping the two unconscious pirates on the deck, Mr. Plugg looks at Krogahn and Rory with a scowl. Once Krogahn explains the brawl, the scowl deepens. Plugg then motions a couple of the deckhands to come over and pick up the two men. Both are taken to the side rails where they are dunked in buckets of water used by the swabs to scrub the decks. They are dunked repeatedly till they come to their senses, sputtering water and flailing about. Neither of the two women say anything.

Mr. Plugg assigns the rigger to lookout duty for the day. Place make 6 x climb DC10 checks.

Master Scourge assigns the swabs to repair duty. Each swab make a DC10 Profession (sailor) or Dexterity check.

Everyone can make one daytime action if you so wish.

2013-12-06, 01:44 AM

Krogahn accepts his duties from Plugg with a face of stone. Better up in the Nest than getting whipped for ending what other people start, he thought.

Daytime action: Work Dillignently
[roll0] +4 from Daytime Action

Scaling the rigging with ease, Krogahn gets into the Crow's Nest without trouble. Once there, his watch begins!

Baron Of Hell
2013-12-06, 04:14 AM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

Rookda gets to work on the morning meal. As soon as Fishguts frees him he makes a search for Aretta.

I could heal ye wounds. Promise ye won't be attacken me again lass and I'll make the pain go away.

DayTime Activity: Influence Aretta

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-12-06, 08:35 AM

Not one to rock the boat, Rory goes about his daily work. He doesn't mind being a swab for these idiotic officers, they didn't really deserve a good crew with how they ran their ship anyhow. He of course kept that to himself for the time being.

Daily Action: Work Dilligently

Profession Sailor: [roll0] (+3 bonus, additional 4 from Work Dilligently)

2013-12-07, 03:27 AM

Grommet prepares to back up his fellow crewmen's claims with truthful testimony but it proves unnecesary. He spends the rest of the afternoon working diligently making repairs.profession (sailor): [roll0]

2013-12-12, 01:38 PM
Krogahn, Rory, and Grommet work diligently through the day and though they often see Scourge glaring at them, he does nothing to stop or interfere with your work.

Later in the morning, Rookda finds Aretta working on the deck. Though you approach her with friendly overtures, you see the seething hatred in her eyes that she has for you.

Baron Of Hell
2013-12-16, 09:01 PM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

Rookda takes a look around. A look of disappointment crosses his face when he notes the many people going about their business.

A ship can be a dangerous place Aretta. Be a shame if something were to happen to you and there was no one around to bind your wounds.

Rookda walks away from her without taking his eyes off the woman. Once he is a good distance from her he turns and walks off to find other activities.


Standard Action:
Movement Action:

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-12-17, 09:40 AM
The remainder of the day passes uneventfully and before long, Fish-guts and Rookda are serving the crew dinner and rum rations.

((OOC: Anyone taking a nighttime ship action?
Sleep: Go to bed early and sleep through the night (automatically recover from fatigue)
Gamble: Play or gamble on a game of chance or pirate entertainment
Entertain: Make one Perform check to entertain the crew
Influence: Attempt to influence a single NPC
Sneak: Take time exploring one area of the ship. The PC can take 20 on a single Perception check or other skill check, but must make a check to avoid being discovered
Steal: Attempt to open a locked door or locker. The PC must make a check to avoid being discovered))

2013-12-17, 07:27 PM

Considering the ruckus caused by the brawl this morn, Krogahn turns in shortly after downing his rum ration. Passing by Rory on his way to his cot, Krogahn nods and whispers, "Nice goin' t'is mornin', Rawry. Ah'd watch ye back 'nyday. Remembah t'at."

Nighttime Action: Sleep

2013-12-18, 01:02 AM

After completing his duties for the day he eats with the crew. As he passes Fipps he gives him a firm slap on the back. "Good show this morn, matey. Ye might not be the helpless whelp I took ye fer. Jess remember who's side yer on when we be fightin with steel. It aint no pissin contest when we be grapplin and boarding. If ye prove to be a craven after all I'll kill ye m'self." With that Grommet gives him a wide grin showing him a few missing teeth.

After making quick work of his meal and rum ration, Grommet looks for some other crewmen to dice with for the night.

Baron Of Hell
2013-12-18, 11:57 AM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric
After eating Rookda looks to see if anyone is playing any games to past the time.

Nighttime Activity: Gamble


Standard Action:
Movement Action:

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-12-18, 07:14 PM

Going about his work for the day, Rory just tried to focus on the salty air and the occasional feel of mist from the ship cutting the water. When their meager food was served he ate and swilled his rum ration, perking up an ear when Krogahn spoke to him.

He didn't want to seem to eager to get into trouble, but he was glad to have someone at least on his side for now. He nodded to Krogahn, letting him know silently that he was grateful, and would do the same.

He hung about his sleeping area for a while, then decided to go and find a bit of entertainment if there was any.

Night Action: Gamble

2013-12-24, 11:39 PM

After looking around the ship for a while Grommet finds it to be lacking for entertainment. He comes across a few crewmen arm wrestling and decides to try his hand at that.

Baron Of Hell
2013-12-26, 04:21 PM
Rookda Nivalcar - Cleric

Any of ye scum up for some drinking? Heave I believe ye call it.

Rookda slaps a gold piece down on the table and eyes the group for takers.



Standard Action:
Movement Action:

Rookda Nivalcar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=613769)
Male CN Human Cleric, Level 1, Init +0, HP 15/15, Speed
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Rapier 2 (1d6+2, 18-20x3)
Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20x2)
Chain Shirt, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition None

2013-12-27, 12:04 AM

Shrugging his shoulders Rory watched as Grommet set about the wrestling of arms, and Rookda went over to see if he could out drink the rest of the crew.

"Well, I already proved my brawn...maybe a little drink tonight....down the hatch boys lets see who can keep up!"

He tosses a gold coin down next to Rookdas and does his best to down as much of the stuff as he can.



2014-01-08, 03:04 PM
Krogahn: Sleep

Rookda and Rory: Heave!
Rookda and Rory find themselves in the company of Jack Scrimshaw (a young lad talented at scrimshaw), Tam Tate a.k.a. Narwhal (a right ugly dwarf with a large crooked nose), and Conchobhar Turlach Shortstone (a handsome, honey-tongued gnome who wears a foppish purple hat, an eye patch, and a white silk shirt, and carries a dandyish cane.)
Jack tentatively throws his gold coin in, presumably more interested in keeping up appearances than having any true feeling of being able to keep up. Conchobhar throws his coin in while trying to eye up a short female halfling on the other side of the ship. Narwhal slams his coin down, cackling the entire time. "Bottoms up hearty's. I'll be sure to be spending yer gold properly in our next port a call."

Jack: [roll0]
Conchobhar: [roll1]
Narwhal: [roll2]

Grommet: Arm Wrestling
Grommet seeks out some gambling being conducted by the crew and wanders into a small group gathered around a barrel. The top of the barrel is covered in small bits of broken glass, make-shift caltrops, and knives. A mountain of a man (Rahadoumi by his appearance) sees Grommet approach. "Come, friend of Rory. Let us see if you are as strong and brave as him." The scowl on his face betrays the friendly tone.

2014-01-08, 03:08 PM
Rookda and Rory: Heave!
Rory, Jack, Conchobhar, and Narwhal all fail. Everyone takes the following CON damage. All but Rookda takes an additional 1 point of CON damage for failing their rolls.

Damage: [roll0] CON damage
Alchemical Bonus to CHA: [roll1]

2014-01-08, 04:45 PM

Finding himself quite inadequate in the game of drink that night he found himself with one end...or the other over the rail of the ship at one point or another during the rest of night. He did indeed feel terrible, and had lost a bit of gold before turning in to sleep. Unfortunately the next days work would prove all the harder for his poor decision to drink until he was sick.

2014-01-08, 11:51 PM

Grommet approaches the burly man with a smile on his face. "Now this looks like me kind of game!" Grommet flips his gold piece on to the table and assumes the arm wrestling position.strength: [roll0]

2014-01-13, 02:49 PM
The man laughs at Grommet as he throws a gold on the table to match Grommet's wager. Locking hands, the two of you struggle back and forth to force the others hand and arm down onto the barrel top of detritus, all to the hoots and howls of on-lookers.


2014-01-13, 02:53 PM
The two of you are evenly matched and the competition goes on while the onlookers begin to form their own betting pool amongst themselves to see who will finally walk away from the table bloodied.

After a strenuous and hard fought challenge, Grommet forces the man's hand down onto the barrel top and into the foreign objects. The man lets out a shout and pulls his bloodied wrist back to the sounds of cheers from the gathered onlookers.