View Full Version : Aberration themed character

2013-08-02, 02:43 AM
I saw the aberration wild shape feat from Lords of Madness and it made me wonder what aberration-themed options there are available, besides the aberrant blooded feats from the same book.

I'm wondering about things that embrace aberrations as opposed to hunting them.

Anything that synergizes with a druid or wildshape ranger who has the aberrant wild shape feat?? Is there any way to get an aberrant animal companion?

2013-08-02, 04:28 AM
Beast Heart Adept (Dungeonscape, p.48) have a Monstrous Companion (Ex) which could be a magical beast or aberration.

Not sure that you are looking for this, but good synergies with abberation themed druid are ofc. Master of Many Forms(Complete Adventurer, p. 58) and maybe Nature's Warrior (Complete Warrior, p. 63) or Warshaper (Complete Warrior, p. 89)

captain fubar
2013-08-02, 04:53 AM

this is probibly op in most games but even toned down to just any spell caster with a single symbiont weather bought or gained through impure prince can be quite usefull.

also Daelkyr Half-Blood if your looking to be somthing a bit more abarent rather than just sharing your body with one.

and the choker is probibly one of the best aberants to become with aberrant wild shape.

2013-08-02, 05:00 AM
You could take a look at the Beast Totem, Beast Shape and Totem Companion feats from Eberron Campaign Setting.

Furthermore, dragon magazine #326 has the Savage Empathy and Monstrous Animal Companion feats.

2013-08-02, 05:06 AM
Rootwalker fits thematically

Lose woodland stride, resist nature's lure, and wild empathy. Gain wild empathy towards vermin, move over earth, stone, and rock debris and +4 bonus on saving throws against spell like abilities of abberations.

You should probably pick up assume supernatural ability too.

2013-08-02, 06:52 AM
If you're looking to go for the aberration theme, you can be an Elan (XPH, available in the SRD) or Synad (Complete Psionic). Playable races that, while they look exactly like humans, are Aberrations.
If your DM is permissive, this might let you take Aberrant feats as if you had the feat Aberration Blood. After all, all of your blood is that of an Aberration.

2013-08-02, 07:19 AM
and the choker is probibly one of the best aberants to become with aberrant wild shape.

If you're meaning for "Quickness", it's not, as you don't gain Su abilities. Aberrant Wild Shape, is different from Dragon Wild Shape (which does grant Ex and Su, IIRC).

However, if you have a Manifester Level of 5, (through Phrenic, say) you can use Metamorphic Transfer to gain the benefits of it; or Assume Su Ability if you take the more permissive reading of it.

2013-08-02, 08:45 AM
Elans are aberrations. Pretty nice racial abilities for LA 0 too.

2013-08-03, 02:54 AM
cool options, thanks. Like the beast totem feat line.

It's too bad that beast heart adept, and other classes that grant special animal companions like Verminkeeper, don't stack with normal animal companion progression. It'd make them much more viable.

2013-08-03, 03:03 AM
Abberant Aegis does the shape pretty well, even if it isn't actually Abberant..

Darth Stabber
2013-08-03, 03:14 AM
Flayer spawn psychic is a ton of fun, you become something similar to an illithid, tentacles and all.

2013-08-03, 06:07 AM
One of the dragon mags has a feat that lets you get a monster from a small list instead of an animal companion.

2013-08-03, 08:49 AM
Did everyone else just completely forget about Alienist from Complete Arcane? Your familiar becomes an aberration, you get immortality (for a terrible price), and you slowly go insane as you learn the secrets of the Old Ones. Makes an okay Sorcerer and a good Wizard prestige class with little effort for buy in.