View Full Version : IC - Romans Go Home!

2013-08-02, 09:21 AM
OOC Link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=295361)

A giant graybearded man strides into the clearing in which you have assembled.

"Good Morning. As you should know, I am Warleader Geryon, and your warband is one of those in my charge.

"In a week's time, the army will be ready to march. But in our way, there stands a Hobgoblin watchtower, manned by soldiers of the hated Empire. Of course, we could attack in force, but that would tip our hand too soon.

"This is where you come in. The towers are frequently attacked by bandits, so another such attack will cause little alarm. Of course, they will be prepared for such an attack, but I am sure you are up to the challenge!

"There are two things to watch for. First, when the tower comes under attack, they may sound a horn. This will alert neighbouring towers, and any patrols in the area, to send aid.

"Second, they may try to send off messenger hawks. So long as you appear as bandits, these needn't really concern you. Ideally, though, none would be allowed to escape to prevent the Empire from learning of the tower's destruction. Better still would be if you could capture one or two, to send off misleading messages.

"Remember, though, that that doesn't mean you should take stupid chances. Destroying the tower is your primary objective.

"Now, I know you're all enthusiastic to get stuck in, and today's your chance. None of you are blooded in combat yet, so this is where you prove yourselves. This is where you fight for honor, glory, and freedom!

The last few words are delivered in a bellow. After a brief pause for shouts and cheers to die down, he grows more solemn.

"The quartermaster will handle any requisitions. Other than that; any questions?"

2013-08-02, 10:02 AM
Hercules had risen early today, it was the first time he would be meeting the group of people under his command, and as such he would have to go on this first meeting to choose his advisers. Getting out of bed he walked outside and began working out, and if he could find someone to, sparring with him, following the ancient teachings of Kord.

With his morning routine was finished he reported to the clearing he was to meet Warleader Geryon and those under his care. Though he was early he could see that though he was here early, it would seem that did not mean he was the only one here.

As the last straggler came to the appointed area Hercules looked over his men as their Warleader spoke. For the most part being reserved until Warleader Geryon told them they were going to prove themselves for Honor, Freedom, and Glory. All things he held in high respect being born near one of these such towers not far from his home village where the inhabitants would often harasser his people. At this he let out a mighty battle cry screaming out By Kords Sword!

When once again all was silent and the Warleader asked them if they had any questions Hercules stepped forward. Warleader Geryon, do we happen to know the number of forces inside this tower, or if they ever leave for supplies? And what is our timeline to get this done, and return to when we have? he asks wanting to cover all the bases he could think of.

2013-08-02, 10:09 AM
"Supplies are delivered monthly, but attacking a caravan is out of the question. They are even more frequently targeted by bandits than the towers, and don't have walls around them, so their military escort is formidable.

"As for the tower's guards; despite years of planning, few of us have been accepted into the military of the Empire; and most of those are kept posted far from their homeland. The tower is defended by a mix of hobgolins and their goblin auxilaries. There might be as many as 40 enemy combatants in total.

"If the tower has not fallen by the time the army is prepared, we will storm it and dare the consequences. So you have until the week is out, but not much longer."

2013-08-02, 10:23 AM
Hearing mention of the walls, Rab's ear's prick. His voice trembling with a mixture of excitement and nervous energy
"A-about the tower, sir. I've, uh, never seen one myself." He takes a breath to steady his voice, "would it be a safe assumption that the tower is stone? What about the walls, are they made of wood? Is it a proper wall, or is it simply a palisade with a trench?" Seeing that he's asking a lot of questions, he gets a little nervous again, "And, uh, my last question sir. How long should the march to the tower take us?"

2013-08-02, 10:58 AM

I lounge to one side of the meeting in a loose group with the other scouts. My demeanour is casual, but I cheer just as loudly at the warleader's words as everyone else. I do have a question myself.

"What's their usual response to raiders, sir? Do they send out a patrol to deal with it?"

2013-08-02, 11:48 AM
Geryon smiles grimly.

"Why should they do anything about raiders? Let us kill each other. If the raiders attack them, it might be a different story. But - you've heard stories of the skills of the elves with bows? Hobgoblins are just as good.

"As for the tower: this thing is a serious fort. The outer wall is only maybe 15 feet high, but it is made of dressed stone. The tower might be twice that, and again is made of stone. Buildings in the courtyard are wooden, and a fire inside the tower should take out the floors and render it uninhabitable, but not much else will burn.

"To get there, just follow the main road towards the Empire. At most half-a-day's march should get you there."

2013-08-02, 11:54 AM
Hercules takes in all that is said thinking about how best to tackles what they have been asked to do. It did not sound like the task would be easy, and with that many forces perhaps an early morning attack would do best, during a change of ****s. He thinks looking over the group. It seemed dervish enough for him.

2013-08-02, 12:38 PM
Do we know where the bandits are? They could be useful if we could bribe them. Do we have a map of the area from a scouting trip? It could be useful to know the terrain before hand. Also who do we make our requests for items from? We might need some items to get into the tower. Particulary a divine scroll of the spell sleep and magic writing materials for me, a horn possibly if we can't find a patrol and a grappling hook with rope among other things that others might think of. Writing materials as well in case if we get a hawk and need to send a false message out quickly. Any specific false information you want us to feed them if we do end up having to send a message quickly? Also do we know when the last caravan came in? Pyrom said as he thought about the problem and it's possible solutions.

Princess Tari
2013-08-02, 12:50 PM
The frail girl that seems like she is to small and weak to be in the war slowly edges towards the group her long black hair moving slightly as she moves.

She saw her leader Hercules and said "Can I add I suggestion on how to take over the tower?" she asked him polietly.

2013-08-02, 01:03 PM
As the small girl comes over to Hercule's and asks him if she could make a suggestion he lets a loose smile come across his face. Of course you can, we are a team, and though I may be the leader, I do to know everyone's talents or abilities, as such I will be relying on all of you in that regard until I can assign my second as well as adviser. he says gently to her.

Princess Tari
2013-08-02, 01:15 PM
Luna smilies and explains her idea. As Warleader Geryon said there used to attacks in the area so I was thinking if we can send a small squad as a decoy and attack another tower so the tower were going to attack lose troops. Then we can send scouts over the wall and open it up and then we attack the front in a pincher attack...that all I thought of she bowed and backed up so she didnt stand out as much.

2013-08-02, 01:19 PM
Hercules listens to her suggestion and after a few moments looks at the spot she was standing in only to see she had stepped back. A wise move, but if I may ask what is your name. I can not say I know any of you so it may take some time. I am Hercules by the way. he says extending his hand to her.

Princess Tari
2013-08-02, 01:23 PM
Luna Starryn its a pleasure to meet you Hercules she puts her small hand in his and shakes with it delicately.

2013-08-02, 01:33 PM
Hercules bows as her small delicate hand is placed inside his own, The pleasure is all mine Luna Starryn Hercules says kissing her hand before rising up. With the insight and wisdom you have just shown I may have to make you my second. Hercules says looking at her and then the rest of the group waiting for them all to finish with their questions to move out.

Princess Tari
2013-08-02, 01:38 PM
Blushing Luna backs away from him.

2013-08-02, 01:50 PM
Flipping his dagger up and down, Jacoby, aka "Jack" can't keep the grin from his face. This sounds like the perfect way to start his legacy in the army.

We'll probably need transportation to get all our stuff there, he says. A mule to carry it all wouldn't go amiss, either.

2013-08-02, 02:01 PM
Rab nods, We should get over to the quartermaster, see what he has available for us. We're going to need a lot of gear for this mission.

2013-08-02, 02:29 PM
Hercules does not miss Luna blushing at he kisses her hand. But as matters are drawn else were he listens to the next two two speak. Perhaps we could get a carriage and a mule. Not one in good shape though on either account. Will help us blend in with the locals, with luck I may be able to find a church to Kord hidden inside a town near this tower and we can in list their aid in our plan. As the church of Kord has already pledged themselves to the cause. Hercules says with a smile. I think you are right, we should head over to the quatermaster. Perhaps some introductions though first? We all know who I am, but I do not know who you are.

2013-08-02, 02:43 PM
My parents gave me the name Jacoby, but I much prefer Jack, Jack says. Parents were farmers, but that life just didn't cut it for me, so I joined up as soon as I could. If you need something filched or someplace snuck into, I'm your man.

2013-08-02, 02:46 PM
I have a mule already. Anyways, my name is Pyrom. As you might guess by my interest in a divine scroll, I have the ability to cast spells. I also have a lot of knowledge stored up in my cranium plus I can speak 6 different languages if you count Drow Sign Language. Not sure how much languages will help but I figured I should point out. Pyrom said as he waited for the warleader to answer.

2013-08-02, 02:52 PM
Turning to face Hercules more directly, I'm Rab, I come from a hunting family. Like Jack, I'm adept at sneaking, though I am also a reasonably skilled archer. Turning his head to more look at the others in turn, Good to meet you all.

2013-08-02, 02:54 PM
As Jack explains where he came from and what it is he did Hercules nodded. I will remember that Jack, and your skills will be very useful in this mission it would seem. Hercules says before listening to Pyrom speak on how he can cast spells as well as speak many different languages. The mule will come in handy, as for divine spells I also do the same. Who is it that you worship and ask for strength? Hercules asks before pointing out I believe all of us had to go through the class to learn drow sign language.

Turning then to Rab Hercules says Is there a way you could perhaps shot the an arrow into their foundation for us to get over the walls?

2013-08-02, 03:02 PM

With the briefing adjourned, I stroll up to the rapidly forming huddle.

"A pleasure to meet you sir," I say to Hercules with a handshake.

"My name is River Glades - " I hold his eye and try to convey exactly how bad an idea commenting on that would be" - but you can call me River. You can count on me for all your scouting needs. Just keep me pointed at the Hobos and don't screw up and I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

I brush my long fringe out of my eyes as I survey the others in the group.

"Look, we can stand around and discuss strategy all week, but we're not going to be able to come up with any solid plans until we've seen the place and I've had a good look around. At a minimum we're going to need a means to set fire, some rope and grappling hooks, and some horses and mules for those who can't keep up. I'll go and see the quartermaster about that now."

I turn to leave, but I have one last comment to throw back over my shoulder.

"Oh, and I'd advise against shagging your subordinates. Sir."

With that I wander off to find the quartermaster.

2013-08-02, 03:03 PM
Rab takes out his shortbow, Shooting an arrow into stone is quite difficult, with a simple shortbow it is all but impossible I would think. If we're looking to scale the walls, it would be easier to get a grappling hook into place than shooting an arrow into the wall. Unless, that is, we're trying to get from the outside of the wall to the watchtower itself; in which case we may wish to re-evaluate the plan.

After listening to River, I like the cut of her jib. Her take charge attitude is quite admirable.

2013-08-02, 03:11 PM
The grizzled man looks over at Pyrom disapprovingly.

"I'm not sure as there will be any bandits around there. They'll probably have joined up with us. I don't know if you'll be able to find a map, but I can describe the terrain quick enough. There's a road running through a mucking great swamp, with the tower just to the side.

"If you get a hawk - if - we'll decide what to send in council.

"As for the other stuff, I don't intend to repeat myself. Briefing dismissed."

Just before he turns to leave, the old man sweeps his gaze across you once more, a slight sadness crossing his face.

"And may the Gods be with you."

2013-08-02, 03:15 PM
To Rab Hercules says Yes using the line as a distraction making them think the watchtower is being attacked and we are trying to get in, from say a tree that a convenient placed arrow with rope tied to it. Hercules says before a strong looking women walks up. It is a pleasure to meet you to River, if you have as much skill as you are showing I would like to set you in charge of the scouts. he says before adding As for shagging my subordinate, I look at all of you as equals until you prove otherwise.

2013-08-02, 03:27 PM

Hearing that I'm to be put in charge of the scouts raises my first smile so far, and I half-turn and salute casually before continuing my trip to see Q.

2013-08-02, 03:29 PM
Bowing slightly to the Warchief as he exits, Rab turns back to Hercules "In that case, what we may consider is attempting to arc an arrow with a grappling hook attached onto the roof; that's realistically the only way that we'll get a rope connected to the tower in any fashion. It's difficult, and even if done well there is no guarantee that the grappling hook will be properly affixed to the tower. It depends on how the tower was built."

2013-08-02, 04:21 PM
Worship? Ah, I should clarify. I am not a cleric of the normal sort. I get my powers through the study of my prayerbook. You see through intense study of scroll containing divine magic I am able to learn how it works and make my own copy of it. This allows me to get divine powers that the average cleric will never be able to attain at the cost of being limited to only knowing spells that I have copied down in my prayerbook. I am not quite sure where my powers come from, I kind of assume there is a Deity of Knowledge out there that rather likes those who study and learn. I take it your deity is Kord from your scream earlier and from your hopes of finding them. So anyways what types of plans does everyone have? I was thinking of using a horn similar to the one they are using to draw people out. Pyrom said smiling. Hercules was obviously trying...even if his choices seemed haphazard and random so far. Giving second in command to a person who hardly spoke and a girl who had little respect for her leader?

2013-08-02, 06:42 PM
Blowing their horn to draw them out? A wonderful plan! Can I suggest we try to lure them into the swamp our Warleader mentioned? I think we'd have a better chance against them in there, especially if we lay a few traps first.

Lin is jittery, almost bouncing up and down, and seems extremely enthusiastic.

2013-08-02, 09:46 PM
Hercules listens to everything and takes everything everyone has said into consideration. Rab I think I may have confused you. The decoy would be making it seem like we were trying to get to the tower. Perhaps even start a small fire on the gate if we can get some alchemist fire drawing them away. Hercules says hoping the scout understood him this time.

As Pyrom explains that his spells come to him,much the same way a wizards does he looks oddly at the man before nodding his head. Perhaps when we get back we can find you some useful spells then and let you look through them all. I myself can try to teach you some when we have free time if you wish. Hercules says hoping to help the group he was in charge of the best way he felt he could.

At Lins suggestion though Hercules gets a big old grin on his face. That may be a good idea, as it will weaken the forces inside, though we would have to find a way if we blew the horn to make sure no help could make it from any of the other towers that are nearby. Can anyone make traps? Perhaps we should get shovels to dig pits. Hercules says to Lins suggestion.

2013-08-02, 10:02 PM
Rab waves his hand, I wasn't confused, I knew the line would be there to serve as a distraction, but if we're going to bluff we should at least make it convincing. If the rope wasn't going to be firmly anchored and located at a place which would be beneficial for an invader, then the hobgoblins wouldn't have taken it seriously, it would serve as a momentary puzzle to them before they dismissed it.

Turning to Pyrom and Lin, On the other hand, I like this horn idea. Pyrom and Lin, right? I think it'll work especially well if you can also get your hands on that sleep spell. Unfortunately for the trap idea, I am not that manner of huntsman.

2013-08-02, 10:55 PM
Sleep spell? If we get our hands on a scroll I can cast that easily! Buuutttt...I'm not all that good at the whole sneaking-around thing...

Lin's enthusiasm abruptly fizzles out, replaced with slight embarrassment.

2013-08-02, 11:32 PM
Happy with what they had Hercules went over following after River to collect the supplies they needed. Its ok Lin, not everyone is meant to be a scout. I personally am to slow.

2013-08-03, 11:50 AM
My name is indeed Pyrom.

I, to, would make a horrible scout. I am pretty bad at spotting things and slow...I usually had all the time in the world when I was looking through the ruins. It looks like we will be split into at least two groups with mules for those of us that are quite slow. Anyways, are you a caster as well Lin? You mentioned that you could cast it easily if you had the scroll which hints some magical talent.

I have a few other ideas we could do. A pit in the swamp will probably fill with water so if we stick some razor wire across the bottom every time they try to kick their legs to swim they cut it up further. Eventually they would get caught and cut enough that they will drown. Another option is to dig a pit and stick boards pierced with nails on either side. When someone’s foot gets stuck in they get stabbed multiple times and will be forced to slow down. Pyrom explained as he followed along with Hercules. He didn’t bother mention his idea of dipping the nails into poops first. It would be more effective in the long run but most people seemed disgusted by the idea.

2013-08-03, 06:05 PM
Lin nods happily at Pyrom, clearly happy to brag about his abilities. I'm a bard, you see. I can't actually cast the spell itself yet, but I'll be able to soon and I can cast it from a scroll with no trouble.

2013-08-04, 09:21 AM

I wander back from the quartermaster having introduced myself and learnt a little about how the system works. I didn't leave a list, because I've already given my suggestions to Hercules and he'll need to make a trip anyway. Time to see who else will be scouting with me.

"Ok, so who thinks they have what it takes to be a scout? Gather round."

2013-08-04, 11:31 AM
Rab steps forward "I've been a hunter for several years, I'm confident in my abilities as a scout since they are nearly identical skill sets. In the end, a scout has simply switched from hunting animals to hunting enemy soldiers."

Remembering that River had been given command of the scouts, Rab salutes quickly and starts talking a little slower and more deliberately - attempting to keep himself from stammering from newly realized nervousness, "I'm sure that the scouts will find plenty of action this week. All the better to pr-prove our skills. You sound like you've been 'hunting' hobs for a while now, any advice for a re-relative rookie?"

Iron Warlord
2013-08-04, 04:48 PM
"I believe that would include me." Cal says from directly behind River's shoulder, having apparently just appeared there from nowhere.
Unless I specify otherwise always assume that Cal is using move silently and taking 10 to do so whenever possible. So in order to have heard him coming you would need to beat a 17.

2013-08-04, 05:17 PM
Rab hears the faint footsteps of someone approaching from behind River. He says nothing however, wanting to see if his leader is able to hear the interloper.

When the man speaks, Rab awaits River's response before extending his hand and introducing himself, "I'm Rab, always good to have another scout on board. I think that brings our count up to four members of the scout party, I seem to remember Jack saying something about being stealthy."

2013-08-04, 10:14 PM
Well Rivers it seems like you have your group under your command. Hercules says now that everyone is accounted for. Now lets go get what we need and move out, we are wasting daylight. and with that he heads towards the quatermasters with a list of things they would need.

3x Grappling hooks with 200ft. of rope.
1 Barrel full of oil
Everyone else post what I have forgotten please.

2013-08-05, 05:48 PM
One trip to the quartermaster's later, and the party sets forth towards the fortress, in a wagon laden with siege equipment. The scouts range ahead of the wagon in a loose skirmish formation, and have soon left it in the dust.

SCOUTS:After hours of walking, you crest a rise in the rose and can see the walls of the watchtower in the distance. It stands on a raised area of packed earth to the side of the road. The walls are just as they were described; stone stretching fifteen feet high, with the top of the tower reaching perhaps twice that.

Even from this distance, you can spot the glint of sunlight on the armor of a pair of soldiers patrolling the outer walls. At least one more stands atop the tower.

The swamp for around a hundred feet around the raised area has been roughly cleared, with no real cover remaining. An approach in the dark would let you get closer before being spotted, but navigating such treacherous terrain in the dark would be difficult at best.

Image (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1bPkYUzl9p9NmUNSqfdlSmFVrgJ2rUvYiONDMDM7t8fU/edit?usp=sharing)

WAGON:The wagon rolls along the road without incident, the mules placidly trotting along.

Princess Tari
2013-08-05, 08:13 PM
Luna sits at the back of the wagon bored of the trip she moves her legs back and forth over the edge of the wagon impatiently for what is to come.

2013-08-05, 10:09 PM
As the wagon makes it slow and steady march along, the scouts already under their squad leaders command he looks to all those with him. Well we may as well all get to know each other now. This is going to be a long ride after all. He says from the front seat steering the mules as they go wrapped in a travelers clothes. I myself come from one of the boreder towns on the very edge of that blasted empire. Was raised by the church of Kord, and when I was strong enough began helping my fellow members do all we could to keep the empire out of our home. When news came to us of a new warlord I was sent immediately to carry a message to him and let him know he had the church of Kord by his side.I am their representative here it would seem. I also am a bit slow, accident from a younger age. Got my legs run over by one of their things they use for horses and though they were healed the pain is always there when I try to move to quickly.

2013-08-06, 03:15 AM

(slightly in the past)

I heard Cal approach, but I don't want to ruin his fun. I might easily not have heard him, so I'm impressed. I'm careful not to react to his attempted surprise.

"No, I think there's just the three of us. Jack's stealthy, but scouting requires more than that."

I turn to more easily address both Cal and Rab together with my hands on my hips.

"Hercules has given me command of our little section. I have final say, but that doesn't mean I don't value initiative. Scouting for the others will require a certain amount of independent action. Take any opportunities you find yourself presented with, but don't be reckless. We're the most important part of this unit, and I can't afford to lose either of you."

"One last thing - you both know sign language? Good. We'll use that when in close contact with the foe. Now let's move out - Rab take the right flank, Cal the left. I've got the centre. We'll range ahead of the others to make sure the way is clear."

The journey goes well and without a hitch, letting me get to know the strengths of each of the scouts under my command. Later when we're in contact with the watchtower I summon them together again, deep enough into the swamp to be hidden from the tower and speaking in sign language.

<Ok, it's just as described. This is going to be a hard nut to crack.>

<We're going to need a campsite whilst we figure out a plan of attack. Somewhere we can hide the wagon and unlikely to be found by the hobos. Cal, can you handle that? Let the others know when you've found one.>

<Rab, you're on observation. Keep a lookout for any more sentries and see if you can spot a pattern. Note and avoid any patrols. I also want to know where they get their water from. If we don't see them bring any in then we can assume they have good stores or a well.>

<I'll make a preliminary report to Hercules. When Cal and I are done we'll come to help with the observation. Any questions?>

2013-08-06, 03:44 AM
Rab signs back <Got it, that's important information to get. I think since the fort is on raised ground that they probably draw water from a nearby source. It is a small fort though, so they probably have stores to last at least a week.> With that, Rab trudges as stealthily as he can manage along the uncleared portion of the swamp to observe the hobgoblin movements.

Since the roll doesn't change what I am attempting to do, just gonna put it down here for concision. Taking 10 on hide/move silently, both valued at 18.
Spot: [roll0] - on reflection, this should probably be Sean's roll, not mine based on the big 16. Gonna leave it there contingent upon what he decides about it since it is the active use of a passive skill.

Princess Tari
2013-08-06, 11:05 AM
Hercules...we should stop the wagon we have guests Luna says motioning to both sides of the wagon.

2013-08-06, 12:09 PM
Hercules looks at Luna confused as she says they should stop the wagon, something about guests,. Not doubting her he stops the wagon, and puts his hand on his blade that is hidden by his cloak.

2013-08-06, 01:35 PM
Seems tough. How deep is the water? If we make a snorkel thing we might be able wiggle close to wall through that. A Horn call or an "attack" on the other side of the tower might distract them long enough for a few people to get on the walls. We then start burning the wooden buildings and making a lot of noise. They will think they are surrounded and they will hopefully try to retreat to their main tower. Once they are stuck in the main tower they will have trouble getting out and we can make a new plan. Pyrom said as he thought about the problem. When he heard about the guests Pyrom drew his light crossbow.

2013-08-06, 03:19 PM
Lin has no idea where these 'guests' are, but he doesn't want to tip them off that we know they're here by stopping suddenly for no reason. He winks to Hercules, while speaking loudly enough to carry to the surroundings:

Didn't I TELL you? I TOLD you we should have turned LEFT back there, but NO, you just HAD to go right...

2013-08-06, 03:37 PM
The map said right to the trading post, its not my fault we bought it off your brother. Dam guy is blind as a bat and would screw his own goat, but you said he knew maps. Now where are we but in the middle of a dam swamp no less. We don't have enough food for this. Hercules shouts back at the voice playing along.

Iron Warlord
2013-08-06, 05:52 PM
<Affirmative. I'll report back when I find a spot. I'll signal if I run into any real trouble.> Cal signs back to River, showing her his signal whistle with the last sign so she'll know the signal. He then heads off quietly into the brush to look for a campsite, keeping a constant watch for enemy patrols the whole time.


And to find a camp site [roll4] [roll5]
Not sure which one would be needed to find a campsite, if it's survival then use the search roll to search the campsite after I find it.

2013-08-07, 08:55 AM
@The Scouts:Cal fades into the brush and starts searching the area for a campsite. In the swamp, it is difficult to find a suitable location, but at last you find one that might do; a small clearing not far to the west of the road, a few minutes south of the fortress. Surrounding tree cover will conceal the area fairly well from vision.

As Cal moves to search the clearing, and River continues traveling back up the road, a goblin horn sounds three sharp blasts, terrifyingly close... and in the direction Rab went to spy on the camp...

@The WagonA group of figures rises from the swamp in front of the wagon. Under the coatings of mud and leaves they camouflaged themselves in, you can make out the occasional glint of armor, and the unmistakable shapes of weapons.

"What have we here? A couple of poor, lost traders? Perhaps we can be of assistance."

The tone is light, but the meaning is anything but. The bandits begin to slowly advance. A quick count shows eight of them.

2013-08-07, 09:12 AM
As The Bandits slowly advance Hercules looks at them gauging them up. Oh my surly bandits would not attack members of their own race. How could you? Hercules says letting the others know they were humans, as his hand got ready to make quick work out of whichever one got close to him.

Ready action Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Diplomacy untrained [roll2]

2013-08-07, 09:24 AM
"Times are hard these days, my friend. But who ever said anything about attack? Such an ugly word. No, we are merely here to accept... donations. If you were to kindly gift us your wagon and mules, why, we would be happy to guide you to your destination.

"Of course, we wouldn't want to leave you without a livelihood. So perhaps there is some item of value you would be willing to trade for directions, and an escort on the road? These are dangerous times, after all..."

2013-08-07, 09:29 AM
As Hercules listens to the bandits he looks back to those with him. I am sorry but as you can see the most expensive things on us are this old wagon and my fathers mule. Giving you our food would surly get us killed in these unforgiving lands, especially saying we need to turn around and find that trading post we seemed to have missed. Could you happen to tell us where we are though and why it is so dangerous? Hercules acts trying to keep them focused on him so the others could do what they needed. Maybe even the scouts would get back in time.

[roll0] Diplomacy

2013-08-07, 11:03 AM
Sensing an unfortunate encounter brewing, Lin steps forward, hands raised, and acting extremely scared. His voice is nervous and quavery:

Now, uh, let's not do anything rash here. I'm sure my friends and I would be happy to leave these dangerous lands safely, uh, as soon as we work out what we might have of sufficient value for such generous folk as yourself.

Lin elbows Hercules sharply in the side, and in a whisper loud enough to carry adds ...so shut up before you get us killed!

In the meantime, ah, perhaps you'd like to wet your throats a little...? Lin produces a bottle of wine from his bag, takes a quick swig to show it's good, and tentatively offers it to the bandit leader. Thirsty men are angry men, I've always heard, heh...

Not sure what skill check, if any, would be involved here. I have a +6 in pretty much every interaction skill, so if one of them is appropriate my roll is:

2013-08-07, 11:07 AM
Ooh, saved an unfortunate encounter by the power of the ninja.The bandit who has been speaking looks confused at this last, and glances around at his companions before looking forwards again with a pitying expression.

"Son, maybe I should have made myself clearer. We are robbing you. What you want doesn't so much enter into it. Now, will you step away from the wagon, or does this have to get ugly?"

At this last word, he draws his sword; at that, the rest of his group also draws theirs.

The bandit leader takes the wine with a grin, and steps back to his group. Taking a swig, he passes the wine to one of his companions.

"See, I knew you'd see reason. Now, while we're talking, why don't you tell us who you are and where you are bound?"

He thinks for a second, then calls out loudly. "Ryll, Ssris, you can come out now. This could take a while."

From deeper pools to the sides of the path, a pair of lizardfolk emerge from where they had lain, completely submerged and invisible to you.

Princess Tari
2013-08-07, 11:47 AM
Luna steps foward testing her chances Excuse me but instead of robbing us how about we have a truce we on our way to take over a tower I sure they have better equipment then us if we team up it will go a lot more smoothly and you can fill your pockets full of gold not caring if the mission were to be secert. Luna smiles sweetly as she edges closer to stand closer to the bandit leader.

Diplomacy [roll0]
I tried maybe they see reasoning behind my words:smallsmile:

2013-08-07, 11:48 AM

I immediately reverse my course, heading back to determine the cause of the commotion.

Hide (moving half speed for no penalty): [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2013-08-07, 11:49 AM
Pyrom smiled and walked closer to Luna. If this got ugly still a poke from him would make it harder to attack her. He kept silent as his addition could only make it worse for everyone. At least, he could make everyone stronger if it became ugly. He cringed a bit when Luna straight out says they lied to the bandits but at least she did it in a charismatic way.

Moving towards Luna and ready action entropic shield if they attack

Iron Warlord
2013-08-07, 01:06 PM
When Cal hears the horn he immediately sets off in the direction he heard it from.


2013-08-07, 02:32 PM
Lin takes a deep breath and utters a silent prayer, beseeching the God of Stupid People to protect His most devoted worshippers. He keeps his hands in plain sight and away from his weapon as he talks:

We've heard there's some outpost of the Otmans around here, a tower or tradin' post or some-such. And, come a week or two from now, we've heard there's gonna be a tax collector stoppin' there with the takings from some nearby regions. So we figgered we'd stop by here, case the joint, and see if we couldn't take the tower afore he got here. That way, when he shows up, we can give'im a warm welcome and relieve him of all those ill-gotten taxes. Heh. Gotta be a lotta money, you know?

Lin crafts the story to appeal to the avarice of the bandits. He also puts the reward a few weeks in the future; hopefully, if we DO end up working together, by the time the bandits realize there's no tax collector and no money in it for them our army will have showed up and they won't be able to do much about it.

But, well, we dunno this border as well as we might. We don't actually know where this tower is, so we've got a couple scouts out searching, plus it seems we are muscling in on your turf, for which we do apologize.

Lin does his best to shush any more stupid comments from the rest of his compatriots.

If things start getting sour with the bandits, he pulls out his other bottle of wine and passes it around to try to defuse the situation.

Again, I don't know what skill check(s) would be used here, but if a CHA-based skill check is called for my roll is:

2013-08-07, 02:59 PM
@Scouts:Moving quickly and quietly as he can, Cal heads to where he heard the horn. By the time he gets there, unfortunately, there is noone to be seen. However, he can make out the tracks of some large creature - what it is, he could not say. They approach the tracks Rab made, then, upon reaching them, suddenly change direction.

River is still several minutes away at this point. When she reaches the appropriate area, she will easily be able to find all that. If Cal wants to just wait for her, for advice and additional information, say so ^^

@Wagon:The leader of the bandits, spirits seemingly much improved, looks over your motley band in disbelief..

"Hah! You are going to take a tower? I could point you straight at it, but I'll tell you now: you're wasting your time.

"How about this. We join forces and ambush this tax collector when he comes along, before he can reach the tower. I got some buddies I can call up if you're worried about his escort, or we could take him together."

He seems to take it for granted that you won't say no to this; after all, he still does have you surrounded and outnumbered.

2013-08-07, 03:06 PM
You think we haven't thought of ambushin' him outside the tower? We dunno where he's coming from, or which way he's heading off. All we know is he's stoppin' at the tower, and if we try to take'im with the tower standing we'll wind up fighting his guards and the tower's guards both at once. Besides, if you team up with us we can take the tower easily, right? We've got at least a full week, we can lure them out and pick off patrols before we actually attack, we have the element of surprise. How tough can it be?

As usual, if you decide you want a CHA-based skill check here is my roll. If you don't want one, just disregard this.

2013-08-07, 03:13 PM
The bandit leader stares at you kind of funny.

"You really are plum set on taking this tower, aren't you."

He looks around at his men, and calls out a question to them.

"Well, men, what'll it be? Are we willing to take a few risks for the sake of bloodying the nose of the invaders... and getting really rich?"

The cheer he gets in reply is all the answer you need.

Iron Warlord
2013-08-07, 03:41 PM
When Cal finds the tracks he decides that it is probably best to wait for River to come. After all unless she is in trouble she would probably be on her way there to investigate the horn.

Princess Tari
2013-08-07, 03:44 PM
Luna retreats to the backside of the wagon pleased that she helped in a way she sits back to where she was before waiting to be on the move again.

2013-08-07, 04:02 PM
Herculses relaxes as the bandits decide to join them. He was never much of a talker, being raised in a church that valued strength above all else. Speaking was for others they were taught and well this proved it as he eased up on his blade.

2013-08-07, 04:53 PM
@Scouts:River's expert gaze pinpoints the tracks as belonging to a pair of worgs. Following the tracks, your attention is caught by a dagger thrust into the side of a tree.

Under the dagger is hastily carved 'Worg Patrol - R'. At this point, the human tracks also break into a run, before briefly milling around and then, together with the tracks of the worgs, turning towards the fortress.

@Wagon:The bandits fall into step behind your wagon, and you continue up the road towards the tower.

Now I'm afraid you guys have to wait for the scout group to finish up.

2013-08-08, 07:45 AM
Lin passes his other bottle of wine around the bandits "to seal the deal, as it were," and while they're happily drinking he seizes the opportunity to quietly agree on a coherent story with the other party members at the wagon, so we don't tip the bandits off by contradicting one another.

Afterwards, he floats around the outside of the wagon, keeping an eye out for the scouts' return so that he can explain the situation to them before they say anything we don't want the bandits to hear.

2013-08-08, 08:05 AM

I curse silently at the message and the only interpretation of the tracks. Rab was good - if they could pick him up that easily then it's not worth trying to scout individually, we'll need to come back for a reconnaissance in force.

<We can't do anything for him now. We need to regroup with the others.> , I sign, before turning to lead the way back.

2013-08-08, 08:43 AM
The scouts head back up the road to the wagon. As they approach, Lin snares them and explains the situation with the bandits.

They then move to the wagon, and deliver their grim report to the rest of the team.

2013-08-08, 09:13 AM

I nod to Lin to indicate my understanding before continuing to report to Hercules, my expression grim. I manage to resist saluting, given the presence of the bandits, but I can't help being stiff and formal as I present my report.

"I regret to report that the mission has suffered a serious setback. After completing our preliminary assessment with no resistance, I assigned Cal to look for a staging ground and Rab to continue observation whilst I was to return with our findings. It is apparent that shortly thereafter Rab was detected by a patrol of worgs and captured. Cal and I both heard the commotion and attempted to regroup, but we arrived too late to intervene."

"If they break him then the mission - everything - will be compromised! I believe time has now become critical."

"Their position is good - the walls are 15ft, with the tower perhaps twice that. We spotted two sentries on the wall, and one on the tower. The fort is built on a raised, hard-packed mound that extends to about 50 feet from the walls. The swamp in all directions has been cleared out to 100ft, though the ground remains uneven and watery beyond the mound. They evidently have good patrols, and I would not recommend any further scouting missions not closely backed up with force. I would not recommend making camp within an hour's walk of the tower."

2013-08-08, 09:17 AM
Worgs? I remember something about them...particularly that they have a good sense of smell. We need to cover our scent up right now and the scent of the mules if we don't want to be attacked by them or tracked by them. Think the mud would help with it? Pyrom said as he tried to remember all he could about Worgs. Then he tried to think of some stinky plants or animals in the swamp lands to throw them off the track.

Making a knowledge (nature) check for what I mentioned [roll0]

2013-08-08, 10:49 AM
As Hercules gets the report he looks to all those assembled. River we are in your element right now, and as such I am trusting you when it comes to our safety. If that means we have to cover our scent as Pyrom says so then I suggest we do so. Until it comes a time where my skills are needed, or you seem incapable of leading us, I think you should lead the mission on the tower. he says looking at River, she may not like him now, but he respected her. As for our time scheduled, if there is anyone who could help me rig the ram to the carriage we could use it as a mobile siege engine to break down their gate. It will reveal to the tax collector the place was attacked, but with your eyes, and those of our new friends we should spot him from that tower before he spots the front door.

2013-08-08, 02:20 PM
"Do you know what Rab was doing when he was caught?" asks Lin.

"Humans can't be all that uncommon in the area, we've run into our friends here" (a quick gesture to the bandits)"and if they're hanging around here stealing stuff that must mean there are enough other humans to rob for it to be worth their while."

"If Rab was just wandering around in the area, that's not all that bad. The hobgoblins can't make a habit of imprisoning or executing everyone who comes by, and if he has a quick tongue he might be able to convince them he's, I dunno, a guard who was separated from his caravan during a bandit attack or something like that. But if they caught him doing something suspicious-looking, things might be a whole lot worse."

2013-08-09, 05:44 PM

"As far as I'm aware, Rab was merely observing the fort," I reassure Lin. I really can't tell her anything else, so I begin an impromptu briefing - Thankful that no-one except myself seems to be blaming me for the disaster that befell the scouting mission. I quickly take account of everything that has been said and lay out our next courses of action.

"First off, everyone into the mud, quickly! And get that cart offthe road! Hide it!", I command, matter of factly. I immediately roll in a puddle until I'm covered liberally with the stuff. "That should be enough, they're smart enough to take advantage of anything stronger we use."

"Secondly, we need to prepare. We need about twenty strips of oil-soaked cloth per ranged weapon, and at least six jars filled with oil and fuses. If anyone is willing to lend a shield to Cal and myself then that will prevent us needing to improvise, or we'll need to come up with something equivalent to a tower shield too."

"Here's the plan. We perfom a reconnaissance in force. Cal and I will lead the way. If we detect a patrol, we'll fall back and lead them into an ambush. If they get a signal out, that's good! We want them to send more reinforcements, and we'll deal with those too. If we can deal with what we send out, we'll ambush them by leading them into prepared tripwires or other traps we can manage at short notice. If the reinforcements are too much to handle, we have someone lead them away using a hobo horn."

"If no reinforcements are forthcoming, we will attempt to elicit some via use of a message written in goblin. If there is a captive we can force into signing said message at this point, so much the better."

"Once the reinforcements are dealt with and the fort is below strength, we will assault it with fire arrows from the cover of he swamp. Move and fire so they find it difficult to spot targets. You'll only need to hit their buildings, which should be much easier than their task of returning fire. Fighting the fires should also tie down some defenders and prevent them from engaging us."

"Whilst they are distracted, Cal and I will close from the opposite direction and lob fire grenades over their walls, using shields for cover."

"From that point on we improvise, depending on how the battle is going. At all times be aware of patrols we may not have noticed. We will take pains to make this look like a bandit attack. Our new allies should help there. If they do manage to get a message off, it should not then betray our purpose."

I turn and direct my final comments to our bandit allies as reassurance.

"We don't intend to raise their fort, but the fire threat should help keep them pinned down whilst we take it."

I turn back to the full group.

"Any questions?"

Princess Tari
2013-08-09, 08:20 PM
can we rub against other cloth and make them track that scent to minimize their forces? Luna asks on her face she clearly doesnt like the fact of getting mud in hair.

2013-08-09, 10:49 PM
Hercules looks at River rolling in the mud and raises his hand sup. You heard her get covered in mud or i'll make you swim in it. next he gets down and begins spreading it all over himself as well and then the donkey. Do you have any ideas as to where we should hide it? Hercules asks walking closer to River and whispering into her ear, The ram is under it after all and do not want it getting to damaged before we attack.

2013-08-09, 11:10 PM
Jack shrugs and goes to the pile of mud. Grabbing a handful, he smears it across every inch of bare skin he could.

2013-08-10, 08:26 AM
"I suppose this bit probably ought to be left out of the song."

2013-08-10, 09:11 AM
The bandits look askance at your group as you smear yourselves with mud.

"I don't know what you're getting so ruffled about. The patrols never come out this far, and besides, they never bother to stop humans on the roads.

"Me and my boys may be pretty grimy, but if you think we're going to paint ourselves with mud like that, you've got another thought coming."

2013-08-10, 11:04 AM
As Hercules is getting up he looks at them and smiles at River, Maybe they smell so bad the patrols stay away thinking it is a dead animal. That should help us get this tax collector who keeps taking our villages money. he says with a smile.

2013-08-10, 03:52 PM
Lin turns to the bandit leader.

You've been around here a while, right? How close have you managed to get to the tower?

If the bandit leader says he's successfully approached reasonably close to the tower without being caught, Lin tries to find out precisely how he's done it. If not, however, Lin tries to scare the bandits into obedience with tales of wargs.

They're running warg patrols around the area. Nasty beasts, they are. Ever met'em? They'll smell ya coming from 'undred feet away an' rip yer lungs out with their teeth! They'll creep up behind ye in dead-o-the-night an'CHOMP goes yer head. They'll...

Lin spends the next few minutes in a colorful description of the dangers of wargs, then finishes:

But dab a bit of mud on an'they can't tell ya from the swamp around ya. If you and yer boys don't feel like getting yer fancy-pants dirty feel free, but y'all will have to excuse us if we stand well away from ya.

Intimidate check: [roll0]

Princess Tari
2013-08-10, 04:26 PM
I dont think we need the mud then luna says smiling at the people covered in mud as she backs away to avoid it.

2013-08-10, 07:44 PM
Lin's description of the worgs, with all its blood and gore, holds the bandits in rapt attention. They look rather more amused than scared, though.

"You can walk right past that tower. They don't bother with people using the road. I will concede I can see the use if we're sneaking around these -ah- intimidating beasties, though. They could set the gobbos on us."

As Luna tries to back out of coating herself with mud, he turns to her with a leer.

"Oh come on girl, a little mud never hurt anyone. Besides, if we're going mud-bathing, you can bet your pretty face you're not getting away without the same treatment. Right, boys?"

Iron Warlord
2013-08-10, 11:44 PM
Cal sets about covering himself with mud without comment, though he is careful to avoid getting any on his bow or his other equipment. Once he is finished covering himself he looks Luna over "If she doesn't want to get covered in mud we could always use bait to draw the wargs into an ambush." he suggests good-naturedly.

2013-08-11, 10:00 AM
Once you are all coated in mud, the bandits lead you to their encampment. It is a rough thing at best, but is well-hidden from the road, while having a good view.

There, you begin to prepare for the assault. There are oil bombs and fire arrows to be made, and makeshift tower shields to be fashioned. The bandits help with what they can.

As you work, clouds gather overhead, and a few heavy drops fall before it begins to rain in earnest. The rain will make it harder for the worgs to detect you by scent, but will also prevent fire from taking hold.

2013-08-11, 10:24 AM
I nod at Hercules' comment. "Then you may wish to carry it by hand. The wagon will leave too strong a trail through the swamp, if it is even passable at all."

I shrug at those who don't wish to sully themselves. As long as they don't lead the worgs to me it's no skin off my back. As we proceed to the bandit camp I try to make sure people stick to the puddles and waterways, touching as little as possible on the way.

When it starts to rain I scowl darkly. Rain is not good news - our plan can't proceed whilst it's wet. I turn my attention to the skies and attempt to discern any pattern to the weather, but it has me baffled. I ask around the camp for second opinions from the others who have experience with such things.

I generally reassure people that our assault will not take place before it's both light and dry, so they should be taking whatever rest they can whilst they can in addition to fabricating the supplies.

Survival (predict weather): [roll0]

Princess Tari
2013-08-11, 04:37 PM
Luna looks up at the rain as it hits her I guess there was no point with the mud! she says towards the people who forced her to get covered up in mud as the mud starts to come off her body.

2013-08-12, 11:19 AM
An uneventful night later, the sun rises on blue skies.

So let's look. You made 40 arrows, turned some amount of your oil into fire bombs, and assembled makeshift tower shields. Anything else?

Note: you assembled tower shields from planks from the wagon. They function as normal tower shields, but give a -4 penalty rather than -2 due to being ill-made. Also, they might break under sustained fire (no metal bindings, etc.)

Princess Tari
2013-08-12, 11:55 AM
Luna yawns and begans to limber up going thru a series of light excercises to wake herself up and for the upcoming battle.

2013-08-12, 04:13 PM

I'm up bright and early, relieved that the forecasts the others put forth were accurate. With any luck the fort might actually be flammable by the afternoon!

I carefully cover myself in swamp water again, rinsing off my scent, though I don't suggest anyone else should do the same today. Today anyone tracking us will live to regret it.

I complete a quick patrol circuit of the camp boundary to get my eye in before returning to the centre of the camp, where I sketch a layout of the fort and wait for the others to arrive so I can brief everyone on the plan.

2013-08-12, 04:18 PM
As Alex rises in the morning he looks at all at the camp. Anyone care to help me get ready for the day? he says cracking his knuckles as he looks directly at River, as she covers herself in mud again.

As he prays to Kord wrestling and other feats of strength are how he prays. Thus the odd post.

2013-08-12, 04:23 PM
Jack shrugs at Hercules' question. Sure, cap. Whadda you need?

2013-08-12, 04:29 PM
Just a little spar is all, loosen up the muscles and show Kord why I should gain his blessing today. Hercules says happy someone had agreed. Hand to hand combat is preferred so neither gets hurt. We keep going till the other passes out, or gives in. Hercules says with a smile as he had not put his armor on for the day yet.

2013-08-12, 04:36 PM
Jack considers, looking between Hercules' biceps and his own before shrugging. I wrassled with my brothers more than a few times. Let's go at it, cap, he says, walking closer to the other man and crouching slightly.

Do we actually roll Strength checks?

2013-08-12, 04:39 PM
Only if you feel like wasting that one 20 we will need.

As the two go at it for an hour Hercules smiles enjoying himself.

2013-08-12, 04:41 PM
Pyrom walked up to Hercules to ask a few questions. Ummm...what spells should I prepare today and is the plan to attack or not? I have a spell that allows people to see in the dark, a spell that makes it harder to get hit, a spell that makes a slick of ice, a spell that makes it easier to endure the elements, a spell that makes people go quicker and a spell that makes it hard for a single enemy to move. I personally like the darkness one as it is quite long lasting but the spell that makes it harder for people to hit is quite nice if short lived. You have probably used these spells before and hopefully know what I am talking about. Pyrom said smiling.

2013-08-12, 04:46 PM
Yeah, good point.

After the hour passes, Jack slumps back onto his butt. He chuckles and says, That was great, cap. Though I think I pulled some muscles I didn't know I had. He gets back up and rubs his shoulders as if to illustrate his point. He then takes out one of his short swords and begins to flip it idly between hands.

So, what's the plan again? One group shoots at the fort from cover of the trees and the other infiltrates? Just to make sure I'm all caught up.

2013-08-12, 04:53 PM
Hercules looks to all of them before pointing at River once more. River is our leader in this not I. This is not something brute strength alone can overcome. Our friends also may be able to give us some useful information. As for spells. I think attacking in the dark would be bad, they will all have no problem seeing us while we will have a big problem. I myself prepared one which should make their arrows miss more often, and another to make them fear us.

2013-08-12, 05:27 PM
Jack nods and strides over to where River is sketching out what appears to be a layout of the fort they plan to attack. What's the plan, scout cap'n? he asks, squatting down next to her.

2013-08-13, 03:34 AM

I wait for everyone to arrive and get settled.

"There are four phases to the plan." I explain.

"In phase one we will attempt to thin their numbers.We assume the hobgoblins number at least 40 plus worgs. We won't be able to continue our assault unless we've done something about that. We'll start by attacking their patrols. This must be done quickly and quietly without revealing our true strength. Cal and I will lead the way at a short distance in order to guide our ambushes."

"Inevitably the watchtower will be alerted. This is phase 2. We will amplify that alert by blowing horns taken from the patrols. If they prove reluctant, we will send them a note saying they've broken us and requesting reinforcements to continue the pursuit. If we can 'persuade' a goblin to give us his signature and commander's name, so much the better. We want them outside of their walls."

"I was going to suggest leading them away if the pursuit force was too big to handle, but there's no way to guarantee they'd get far enough away or stay lead. We need to destroy it whatever its size. I suggest we lead them into a grove that's particularly difficult underfoot. We'll have daubed the foliage with oil and laid tripwires on three sides beforehand. We'll then lead them into this trap, set fire to the canopy and ambush them as they try to escape."

"Phase 3 is the beginning of the assault itself. Cal and I will get in position with the tower shields and the fire jars we created last night. We'll give our bows and any others we've recovered over to everyone else. Everyone else will attack from multiple directions using fire arrows touched off of Lanterns."

It's impossible to see very far through these trees, 40-100ft or so. So we'll attack from the furthest distance that we can just still see the fort. Once you've fired, retreat out of sight so they can't shoot back. Then sneak up in a different location. Shoot then move to keep safe! The distance and forest will be your friend! The courtyard will be pretty hard to miss, so if we have enough even those with no experience of archery should equip themselves a bow. We need to get as much fire on target in as short a time as possible to pin down defenders with firefighting duties. When you see the first fire arrow, that's the signal to attack! We're mostly attacking the fort, but if anyone has any spells of True Strike to pick off a goblin or two, now would be a good time to employ them!" I sketch arrows looping into the courtyard from the tree line to illustrate my point.

"Cal and I will then sprint for the walls up the road and across the hard packed mound using the shields as cover. We'll lob as many over the wall as we can before being forced to retreat." Two more arrows indicate the scout's path.

"We'll continue to pour fire into the fort for as long as that seems effective or until we run out of arrows."

"Then we assault the walls. We'll boost each other up or use ropes and grapples, whatever seems safest. That's phase 4."

"It's a high risk plan, but the payoff will be huge!" I suppose that last statement is not technically untrue, made for the benefit of our new allies. I address the bandit chief directly now.

"This plan is based on what we know of their numbers. If I'm significantly off then now would be a really good time to know about it. I'd also like to know everything you can tell me about their patrols - how many, what size, usual routes etc."

Princess Tari
2013-08-13, 01:18 PM
Luna sits close to river as she explains her plan clearly focusing on her words and nothing else.

2013-08-13, 05:48 PM
Lin hangs around near Hercules, listening with one ear while keeping an eye on the bandits. Strategic planning isn't really his forte, but he wants to make sure he spots any grumbling among the bandits so he can suppress it ASAP.

Sense Motive check: [roll0]

2013-08-13, 07:15 PM
The bandit leader drags his gaze away from Hercules to respond to River's question.

"Sorry, lass, but I can't tell you much. We stay well out of the way of the fortress. They may not mind bandits, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't kill us for fun if they happened across us.

"What I do know. The patrols consist of two worgs. They go out at random times of the day and night - at least, we've never figured out a pattern. They seem to wander pretty well randomly through the swamp. Unless you're following one, or lure it like you were suggesting, there is no way to know where it'll go.

"Also, the towers all down the line have patrols out, so as well as reinforcements from ours, you'll need to watch out for patrols from the others. And if you get too far from the fort you want to take, you'll have reinforcements from both directions. It's gonna be a compromise between how long the reinforcements take to reach us, and how many there are.

"Lastly, I think this is a bit chancy. We've never launched a large-scale assault like this, and wouldn't risk it unless we had a reason. They might figure we know about the taxman, and even if they don't they're bound to try to get out a message. And if it does get out, the plan is sunk.

"Basically, I reckon it's a far better bet to try to attack him outside the fort. If you say this is better, we'll try it your way, but it better not screw up. I'm risking my men's lives on this."

2013-08-13, 07:44 PM
So...what spells should I prepare for this? Also what about the possibility of other creatures they might have? They have already shown they have worgs and where there is worgs there is usually also goblins. Goblins tend to be natural riders and though they aren't the brightest they are still smarter than a worg. There might even be a worse surprise than a few weak goblins. Also we have to consider that they may not all be martial. They may very well have a cleric or a sorcerer up and it would worth it being at least a bit prepared for that. We may also want to watch how they get in and out of the tower. If they approach and come back in a particular way we may be able to better prepare an ambush plus it would hint if they have traps around the tower or not before we rush in. Pyrom said. He was still careful to avoid the bandits. He was not comfortable lying and he sure as heck wasn't going to give it away.

2013-08-13, 11:20 PM
At the first opportunity, Lin pulls Hercules aside and whispers in his ear.

Don't look now, but the bandit leader's been eyeing you all evening. Not quite sure why, so take this with a grain of salt, but if I had to guess I'd say he's a little impressed and maybe even a little insecure about your whole wrestling match earlier today. Try not to do anything that looks like you're recruiting his guys out from under him. And, if anything does happen, keep calm and ... uh ... please try not to start too big a fight...

2013-08-14, 12:07 AM
Hercules smiles and listens to the information told to him. I will keep that in mind, but if it seems he will not help us it may be wise for me to challenge him for leadership of his bandits. If he refuses he seems weak and they will leave him. If he accepts, well lets just say it will be an interesting day. Hercules says before adding, I will try to keep a lower profile though.

2013-08-14, 05:00 AM

"I had hoped there would be more of them outside the walls at any one time. Believe me, if you can think of a better way to take this fort I'm listening. I don't expect us all to come back from this and anyone who isn't up for that is welcome to part ways now with my blessing. I appreciate you're worried for your men, but they have one of mine as well and I won't be dissuaded."

2013-08-14, 09:01 AM
"Well, since we've never been stupid enough to attack a patrol, I can't say for sure you won't get your wish. Just offhand, what is your plan if a score of soldiers march out of that place and double time it towards us?"

Despite his griping, the bandit leader and his men seem willing to go along with the plan, despite the risk.

2013-08-14, 09:26 AM
At the bandits words Hercules looks up and smiles. Perhaps we could set spears up after making them, so if they do charge we can raise them only for them to impale themselves on. And with you and your bands knowledge of the area, they should be easy to hide until the right moment.

2013-08-14, 09:27 AM

"I'll jump for joy they've been so stupid, lead them into the grove we've prepared with traps and ambush them there. Really, it's better that we engage them outside the walls where they're not at so great an advantage.

If they send even more than that, then we have someone lead them off whilst everyone else storms the walls and takes the fort whilst they're off chasing ghosts."

2013-08-14, 12:19 PM
Moving carefully through the swamps, arms laden with materials, you find your way to a suitable clearing south of the fort and set to work, leaving some of the bandits to watch out for patrols. For the first few hours, your work is uninterrupted.

Suddenly you hear a shout and straighten up, hands on weapons. But rather than an incoming patrol, the lookout is pointing at a thin plume of smoke rising to the southeast.

Clearing (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhPSfbShTjmkdDVKSHFwblEwQjRmdGoxemp5Y2Vpe kE&usp=sharing)

Now, you should be able to pick a location to some degree.

River, you seem to be in charge. You can remove up to 6 trees, add up to 6 trees, remove the pool, add a pool, and shift the course of the river up to 2 squares. In addition, you may choose whether the area is clear or is covered in undergrowth; in the latter case, you may choose any number of squares to make heavy undergrowth instead. This (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/wilderness.htm#forestTerrain) may come in handy.

In addition, you should mark where you want to lay traps. The rest of the party should provide input, but I'm giving you the final say.

2013-08-15, 12:36 PM
Hercules looks to River then at the plume of smoke. You scouts may be quicker, but the bandits know the terrain better. Mind if those of us you don't need go and investigate? he asks volunteering himself.

2013-08-18, 07:33 AM

"Certainly. Take Cal with you and see if you can find out what that's all about. The rest of us will finish up with these traps."

2013-08-18, 07:46 AM
Hercules nods to River before looking to Cal. Do you want to take point? It will give you time to scout ahead and give me an idea of what to be ready for. Always stay within visual of each other though. Don't want what happened to our scout to happen to one of us now. If it seems like it will be close enough to the road, act normal. Otherwise cover ourselves in mud to hide our scent, agreed? Hercules says as he quickly begins falling behind due to his old leg injury.

Move silently [roll2]
Hide 1d20+1

2013-08-19, 07:06 AM
You proceed normally through the swamp, if slowly. For all your alertness, you see no sign of any enemy until you reach the smoke signal. To your surprise, Rab is waiting there, feeding a small fire with damp wood.

2013-08-19, 08:59 AM
As Hercules sees Rab making a moke signal he almost screams out before looking to his partner, as if asking if this was perhaps a trap using drow sign language.

2013-08-20, 12:33 PM
Jack had followed behind the large cleric, making sure to keep pace with the limping man. He knew that his eyes weren't the sharpest, but he could move as silent as a mouse when he needed to.

Take 10 move silently for a total of 18.

2013-08-21, 12:10 AM
Realizing that Rab was unable to actually see them, Jack takes it upon himself to move a little closer in order to get into contact. Moving as quickly as he can while remaining silent, he settles into a bush and picks up a small stone. Aiming a bit, he skips it near Rab, hoping to catch his attention. When Rab notices, he signs, Are you alone? Where've you been? Is it all clear?

Take 10 for move silently and hide, for 18 each.

2013-08-21, 12:43 AM
When a small stone lands nearby, Rab jumps slightly and takes a scan of where he thinks the stone came from. While not initially noticing anything, his eye catches someone signing to him, it's Jack!

Rab signs back Yes, I'm alone; this spot seems safe to me, I built the fire in the hopes that you guys would find me since I wouldn't blindly find you. I'll explain where I've been when we get back to camp. Is there a particular reason for signing, or is it just a general precaution?

2013-08-21, 12:46 AM
Just a general precaution; Herc tried it before, but you couldn't see him. Follow me, I'll lead you back to him and to camp.

He waits for Rab to move toward him before turning to head back to where Hercules was waiting.

2013-08-21, 12:51 AM
Rab extinguishes his signal fire and follows Jack. Smiling slightly to see that things are starting to look a bit less gloomy than the day before.

2013-08-21, 01:18 AM
As Rab and Jack find there way back Hercules looks proud at the young scout. Well this is going to make her happy as well as pissed at you. Good going Rab. LEts head back though, don't want to get caught anywhere near that fire you had going on, could see it quite a ways back.

2013-08-21, 01:41 AM
Rab shrugs slightly The fire was supposed to get attention. The hobgoblins and their underlings know I'm in the area and would expect me to have set a brief camp before heading back for home I should think. I don't expect a patrol to come out this far. Sensing a question that he'll likely have to answer more than once, I didn't tell them about you guys, so far as the folks in the tower are concerned I'm a hunter seeking revenge on bandits who take residence in the swamp. I expect River to be less than thrilled with all that happened, but I do have a little information to give about the interior of the fort once we get to camp; a small benefit to getting captured. Rab says ends his last sentence with a weak smile as his thoughts trail back to the torture he had endured earlier in the morning.

2013-08-21, 02:02 PM
Eager to bring the good news back to the rest of your group, you begin the long trek back to the glade. Once again, the journey passes completely without incident, and soon Rab is being welcomed with surprise and joy by his teammates.

The bandits, on the other hand, are less than pleased.

"So this is why you were so eager to storm the place; one of you was damn-fool enough to get hisself caught there. Well, seeing as he didn't give anything away, we're still willing to help, but now will you at least listen to reason and let us hit the taxman before he reaches the fort?"

Princess Tari
2013-08-21, 02:25 PM
Luna walks up to rab looking at him and asks Are you hurt? she says to rab only not showing any signs of seeing the other two enter camp.

2013-08-21, 03:00 PM

I hurry to see what the commotion is about and am glad to see Rab has returned safely. I ignore the bandit leader for now, though internally I admit he has a point. I've no more desire to assault the fort knowing the odds than anyone else.

"Rab! What happened? Were you followed?"

2013-08-21, 03:22 PM
Rab looks over at River and attempts to take her to the side somewhat. I'm fine, though my mind isn't terribly clear after this morning. So far as I know, we weren't followed. We do need to be somewhat careful though. Herc, Jack, and I weren't especially careful to cover our tracks on the way back; if a patrol happens upon them then a patrol may come to investigate. I would consider going to try and cover the scent and physical trail were it not dangerous to do so. I'm sorry, I should have been thinking more clearly.

You can pretty well guess what happened, while I was scouting the tower complex I noticed a worg patrol was about to catch my scent. I carved the message in a tree and intentionally tried to lure the worgs away from you all so that I would be more likely to be captured than killed if I was alone. They captured me, tossed me into a cell to stew overnight and tortured me in the morning. Eventually I told them a lie that was convincing enough to believe and they let me go. Once free I remembered that Cal was looking for a campground to the West, so I had hoped that you guys might be in that direction so I went SW a bit and lit that signal fire to try and get your attention.

I have a tiny bit of information to relay about the watchtower complex, since it may become pertinent through the course of this mission. There is a well in the center of the courtyard, it looks to be a fairly good source of water, and the buildings tend to be closer to the walls; though I don't know how much that second detail will be helpful.

Rab shakes his head slightly trying to clear his head, frowning inwardly and clearly annoyed with himself, I can't believe I didn't think to cover our path. Provided the opportunity, I won't make that mistake again. As it is, we'll either have to get ready for fight or move.

2013-08-21, 03:31 PM

"Well at least that's a relief. Tell me though - you've had the closest look at the place - what do you think the chances of an assault on that place working?"

The conversation is conducted in hushed tones to prevent anyone else hearing.

2013-08-21, 03:46 PM
I'm not optimistic about a head on assault, at least not yet. They outnumber us 2:1 and have the advantage of that stone wall. If I could have gotten a better look at their "stables" I could make a better judgement, those worgs are going to be formidable enemies in most any situation.

I think, particularly with the fact that you guys managed to rally so many bandits, we stand a chance if we can pull out a couple groups outside of the walls and stage an ambush... Rab looks at some of what's in the works, which it looks like you're already planning on.

2013-08-21, 04:21 PM

"We were going to do that, but out of desperation before they reported what they'd learned. If you managed to feed them a line then I don't see the need to take that risk. We should report that it's too heavily defended and work on a distraction instead."

2013-08-21, 05:40 PM
Sounds reasonable, any ideas about what that distraction ought to be? I'm struggling somewhat at the moment with a plan for that.

2013-08-21, 10:53 PM
Command already knows the tower is heavily defended. And told us to do what we could. Going back with no new information would be foolish and unwise. They will be coming this way within the week, perhaps on the last day before they arrive sending a message to them with what we know. But leaving now would be foolish. We can do much here in the now to weaken them. These worgs though will be our biggest problem and so we should finish this trap. Cutting down their numbers is a must at this time, we can not give up because of one small detail. Would you give up if your children were inside their getting tortured right now? Grow a backbone I am resuming command River. Hercules says staring down the both of them.

2013-08-22, 10:26 AM

I jumped slightly at Hercules' interjection into the conversation, I thought River and I were attempting to have a private conversation. When the last few words passed Hercules' lips, I froze a moment in disbelief.

Grow... A backbone? You think we need to "grow a backbone"? Do you have any idea what it's like to be tortured? Do you have the faintest idea of what it was like to be captured, knowing they could have killed me at a moment's notice?! I'm pretty sure I proved I have a backbone throughout that encounter. I didn't panic and lead the patrol back to the group, which, I will add, probably saved your lives! Nor did I break when they were torturing me! All whi- whi-

I started stammering and groping for words, it was getting harder to form a coherent thought. My face was warm from the yelling and simple rage. I had no idea when disbelief changed into anger, it felt pretty seamless in my head. There was still more to say however, and I wanted to do so while my tongue was slave to emotion.

All that while, River was out here trying to lead and develop a plan to hastily take the tower and save my skin. The gods only know how much she blamed herself for my capture since she gave the order! She stood there when the pressure was greatest and did her job - based on what I see in camp she made a damned good show of it too. Now, when the objective she had in mind was attained, she is expressing legitimate concern and you not only strip her of command but demand she "grow a backbone" in the process?!

I was starting to come down at this point, already emotionally tired. I turned back to River and said more quietly:

I'll... I'll finish this fight. H-he's right about us having orders. I cleared my throat Whether he assumes command or not though, you'll always have my respect... Commander.

Trying River's RP format, I like it a lot actually. Rab probably stammered a bit more than I typed in, talking like that to someone is difficult under the best circumstances. But, I was on a roll and didn't want to disrupt the flow too badly.

2013-08-22, 12:46 PM

I stiffen slightly as Hercules interrupts. I had thought I was holding a private conversation, and judging by his reaction so did Rab.

"Sir. A Backbone is worthless without a brain to guide it. Sir.

I radiate a forced calm - my displeasure at the way I'd just been addressed plain. Rising to the slight had been foolish though, and I manage to get myself enough under control to attempt to reason our course of action.

"When Rab was captured, we were facing a worst case scenario. If they'd learned our plans from him our only hope of redeeming ourselves was to take the fort before they reinforced it. That would have been a vain exercise, but I still volunteered to assault the walls myself. I do not lack for backbone, Sir!"

"The situation has now changed. We're no longer at imminent risk of discovery, and taking the fort is not a realistic prospect even if the bandits still decide to help us. If we attack and fail (as is likely), they will reinforce the tower and we will have achieved worse than nothing."

"If instead we attack patrols from nearby towers, or lightly defended settlements beyond the enemy border, then we can get them to draw down their defences hunting us. That would achieve much more."

"I will attack the tower if that is what you order. But as leader of the scouts I recommend against it."


Princess Tari
2013-08-22, 05:39 PM
Luna walks up behind hercules and grabs both of his shoulders having to stand on her toes to do so. She pulled herself up and puts her mouth close to his ears her hair draping acrossed the back off his neck as she whisper so quitely that only hercules had heard it.

Hercules it seems you made two of our group angry at you. I ask this of you say that your wary for the day and say I respect you choice and accept it. Then withdraw to your quarters please...better to be safe then sorry... Luna finshed still clinging onto him. Awaiting to see if he follows what she recommended.

2013-08-22, 06:12 PM
So are we going to continue trapping here or not? We still need to figure out what to do and I have yet to reprepare my spells. We better decide soon as our scent is probably all over here and it would take quite awhile whichever way we decide. It doesn't change the fact we still have to deal with this tower somehow though. I dislike the idea of not even attempting to take it just because it looks tough. We may be outnumbered and they have the high ground but we still have the element of surprise. It is our duty to at least attempt to take the tower. Besides I shudder to think of us raiding poor peasant settlements and killing the innocent, just because this tower looked hard to take.Pyrom said as he tried to diffuse the tension of the situation.

2013-08-22, 08:17 PM
As Rab spoke up of torture an old ace began to act up in Hercules leg, from an old wound done to him by goblin patrols that used to visit his village frequently.

So yea think yee be the only one ever suffered torture boy? I don't see you limb everyday. You want to see torture look at this. Alex says taking his leg guards off. Tied me to then end of four of their worgs and kept on pulling farther apart until I would tell them were me temple be. I passed out iting my tongue in pain. You want to see torture and speak to me off it you better have some malidy otherwise next time I will knock you out meself ya here. Hercules says before turning to River.

And Tell me Miss River, do we not have more information to go on now, and thus a better way to prepare an attack. Fleeing to our mothers like lost puppies wont be getting us no where. You've done good so far made this here near perfect, almost tripped it meself had I not known it was here. But to turn back now without even trying to weaken their forces would be foolish and unwise. We got thee advantage of knowing their numbers and them not even knowing we here. And with traps like this we can easily thin them out enough so that even if WE can not take it down, when our reinforcements come we can say we accomplished something. Not stood around like a bunch of drooling orges.

That is when he feels Luna's soft hands on him and her soft voice in his ear. Can't be doing that now beauty. They may be angry at me, but anger can be used, disrespect can not be. You know how are people be. any sign of weakness be enough to open the floodgates to trouble. We ain't be needing any chaos right now. he says to her kindly listening to Pyrom agree to an extent with him.

Listen Rab you said you did not cover our tracks well right? And that signal fire could be seen from here meaning we should be expecting company. I suggest we get ready for a fight with the enemy we can discuss this later in my tent if anyone has any further problems. he says looking directly to River and Rab to make it clear he would not be listening to any more arguing at this time.

2013-08-23, 04:41 AM

"As you wish, sir." I'm still seething, but it's clear arguing further won't do any good. I turn on my heel and start making for the perimeter of the ambush zone."Come on Scouts, we have a lookout to establish."

Princess Tari
2013-08-23, 11:39 PM
Luna a little flustered at Hercules says not as quietly as before At least leave now before you make it worse otherwise your commander will be weaken make a meeting later in the day or tomorrow back away from your subbordinates because if you continue you just weaken us just to help your ego if you do that your worse then even the bandits .

Luna drops down and leaves going to a different place in the camp.

2013-08-24, 10:04 AM
Hercules nods to Luna as he goes with his greatsword into a part of the trap area he could hide easily in, covering himself in mud.

2013-08-24, 04:27 PM
As you work on setting up the rest of the traps, or patrolling the perimeter, you suddenly hear River shout an alarm to the southeast, followed by a coughing roar and a truncated scream.

2013-08-24, 06:10 PM

As the alarm sounds, I can't help but think: <That's the direction that our tracks are in...> ****! River! I try to get a few bandits to follow me in the direction of the scream in the vain hope that River isn't dead yet and is only unconscious. We need to get down there now! It's the only hope we have of either stopping that patrol from reporting back or possibly saving River if she's not already dead.

I can't help but blame myself for this; I didn't cover the tracks that led that patrol here and I let River go patrol on her own. Praying as I start to run Pelor, if you can hear me, please let River still be alive...

If it's clear that others aren't moving in that direction, Rab isn't going to go in alone, that would lead to the party being down two members in short order and only make things worse.

Roll to try to persuade bandits if necessary:

2013-08-24, 06:40 PM
Shouting for the bandits to follow you, you crash through the thick brush towards the source of the noise.

After several panicked seconds, you stumble upon River, slumped facedown on the ground with blood pouring from a massive wound in her chest, her bow and arrows fallen nearby.

Along a path of crushed brush, you can see a fleeing worg, already out of range of your bow.

2013-08-24, 09:19 PM
As Alex hears the scream he looks to Rab. Go I will try to follow you and help when I catch up. He says looking to the others hoping they would have the trap ready.if they happened to be chased in.

Soon enough he gets to the downed River, with Rab already having been there. Should have taken someone ya dam fool. Hercules says as he turns one of his spells into one of healing, hoping to bring her back from the brink of death still covered in mud as the smell of apricots fills the air and a warm glow passes from his hand onto her wounds.

Cure light wounds [roll0]

2013-08-24, 09:19 PM
Ok, Hercules check her over and heal her if she needs it. A few people guard him while he does it. We need to pack up. That Worg might try hit and run but it might also be heading back to report it the tower. I wouldn't be surprised if they realized why so many people are here. We will have to be that much more careful...particularly of an ambush of some sort. Pyrom said frowning as he took charge. This was not going well so far and this mission cannot fail. The scouts just didn't seem to be able to fend for themselves though.

Princess Tari
2013-08-25, 04:24 PM
Luna seeing river becoming angry for not noticing anyone tells the bandits to set a guard around the whole camp not caring if they pay attention Luna walks over to assist helping river tearing some of the cloth of her off her arms and starts suggesting to wrap it around her chest.

2013-08-25, 08:05 PM
To the southeast, a howl rings out, quickly mirrored by another to the southwest. Back and forth they range, before abruptly cutting off...

None of your party can speak worg (I hope), but you are aware that they can communicate with each other in a language of their own.

2013-08-25, 08:30 PM
Jack looks around at the sound of worg chatter. Uh, maybe we should book it, he says nervously. I like a good fight as much as the next guy, but the odds aren't in our favor. Someone should grab River and we should go to another place they don't know about.

2013-08-25, 09:57 PM
Hercules quickly considers his options before looking to Luna. Can you warn the others quick. I will take River. He says covering both of them up with mud before lifting her up knowing she is stable as he ties the cloth around her wounds before covering them with mud so they did not get infected.

Heal check [roll0]

2013-08-26, 09:53 AM

River's still alive, thankfully. Though things may not stay this fortunate, did the goblins possibly plan this as an ambush, or is it a happy coincidence for them? Knocking an arrow, I turn to Hercules and say: Let's give 'em Hell, sir. With that, I start scanning the tree line where the howls came from.

Readied action to shoot a worg if it meets this condition: Worg enters single range increment distance in a hostile manner. Beyond that, I'll be keeping pace with Hercules as opposed to simply running back to camp. I'm worried that if someone breaks off they will be targeted by a worg in isolation which we can ill afford.

Should the readied action be triggered while I'm away:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Princess Tari
2013-08-26, 12:06 PM
Luna nodding at hercules runs back to the camp telling the bandits as quickly as she could.

2013-08-28, 05:14 PM
You make it back to the clearing without incident, and find the bandits already prepared for a fight. They have formed together in a knot in the centre of the clearing, and are scanning the treeline waiting for the first worg to emerge from it.

The howling sounds again, closer now and seeming to come from all directions.

2013-08-28, 06:31 PM
Jack takes out his crossbow, bolt in the nook already. He takes up a position next to Hercules and levels his crossbow. He readies himself to shoot at the first worg he sees break through the treeline.

Readied action to shoot the first worg Jack sees. Taking up a spot near a possible flanking buddy.

2013-08-28, 08:12 PM
Hercules takes out his falchino and readies one on his most powerful spells to protect his allies placing river in the middle of himself and Jack as to protect her body. It seemed they would be the bait, which was fine in his eyes as he would either become a war hero or go down in battle.

Ready action to cast Enalrge person on myself.

Princess Tari
2013-08-28, 09:20 PM
Luna adjust her self and begins to hone her senses for the fight.