View Full Version : Most frustratingly difficult games?

2013-08-02, 08:15 PM
We've all (or at least most) had those moments when you want to throw your controller at the screen. Some have, and have broken TV's to show for it. Personally I've been tempted but haven't followed through.

What game pisses you off the most?

I tried playing Solstice the other day, an NES game. And man oh man is that game friggin' hard. I ended up cheating so I didn't get that frustrated, but... so hard.

As far as frustration goes, I'm drawing a blank here. I've gotten pretty mad playing some of the Tony Hawk games. I recall the Omega Weapon of FFXIII being a tremendous pain.

2013-08-02, 09:15 PM
I Want To Be The Guy is pretty much the definition of frustration in a video game. Kaizo Mario is pretty much the same idea.

If we're talking about something that is not intended to simply aggravate people, then Milon's Secret Castle (NES) immediately comes to mind. Frustrating jump mechanics, frustrating attack mechanics, times rooms where you need to shoot random spots to locate the proper exit, and only a limited number of lives. Other big titles are the Castlevania games, especially the NES titles or most games as part of the "Classicvania" series. The jumping mechanics alone just make the game cringe-worthy.

2013-08-03, 03:52 PM
:smallfurious:Zelda II. Argh! I could never even make it to the first dungeon.

2013-08-03, 05:27 PM
While it was one of my favorite games as a child, FF3 is notrious for in the beginning being very annoying and frustruating as the game never tells you exactly where to go so you can become lost quite easily, if you dont save ASAP you'll have to start all over again (in the beginning), dungeons have no saves so if you die... However once you get used to it, its pretty fun imo.

2013-08-03, 05:45 PM
FF3, Zelda 2. There's a reason there's a trope called Nintendo Hard (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NintendoHard).

2013-08-03, 05:53 PM
Tedious frustrating? Armored Core for the PS2. Great concept, awful execution. Sure, you could build mechs and fight other mercenaries. In theory. In practice, the awkward control scheme left you helpless as the computer ran circles around you. Why couldn't it just let me use the joysticks like every other shooter?

Fun frustrating? Super Meat Boy. Nuff said.

2013-08-03, 06:15 PM
Most Hitman games, if you try to get the highest results on them (Professional/Silent Assassin). If you just play and accept whatever happens, it's all just fun, and you get to pull a gun at people when you screw up. If you, however, just want to get the best possible result, it can get absolutely irritating to supposedly have everything done perfectly and then screwing up at the very end... forcing to start over.
Codename 47 gets "frustratingly difficult" for being a weird installment that hasn't figured itself out yet and has some crazy hard missions with no save games.

Aside from that, most NES games qualify. Ninja Gaiden, definitely.

Early adventure games might have some rather crazy puzzles that are extremely hard to figure out without walkthroughs and once you do figure it out you just go "OH COME ON REALLY". Riddle of Master Lu was the one I remember the most for being like that.

2013-08-03, 07:52 PM
Oh the memories.

Ninja Gaiden was so hard. Never beat it.

Zelda 2 was so hard. Never beat it.

Same for lots of NES games.

2013-08-03, 08:05 PM
Ninja Gaiden was beyond tough. So were Double Dragon and Bionic Commando for me. The first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I couldn't get past the last level. Nor could I ever knock out Mike Tyson or even win Super Mario 3 (I won 1 and 2). So, overall, NES games were tough.

I actually didn't find Zelda 2 that hard. But then I played that a lot.

2013-08-03, 08:20 PM
The list I formed before clicking the thread has already been listed.

I Want To Be The Guy
Ninja Gaiden

2013-08-04, 02:27 AM
I make a point of not purchasing games I know will be frustratingly difficult, because I don't enjoy them and therefore the entire point of playing games is lost when I try them--which is why you'll never see me playing Dark Souls. However, the game which really confirmed this attitude for me was Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos--I've told the story of my massive ragequit of that game before, I'm sure I don't need to repeat it again!