View Full Version : ways to reduce LA or HD?

2013-08-02, 08:37 PM
I REALLY want to play as the yun-tai, but the LA+HD is REALLY high comparably, is their any templates or tricks to reduce it legally before I have to barter with my DM and try to figure a way down?

2013-08-02, 08:53 PM
The only one I know of is "Incarnate Construct" from Savage Species. It reduces your LA by two, making it an LA-2. So, one could play a Large (LA+1, according to Savage Species) Gnoll (LA+1 again, according to MM and Savage Species) for a Large Incarnate Construct Gnoll at LA+0. Lots of Strength, Consitution, and reach for basically nothing. Mix with races with Powerful Build for more shenanigans.

BUT, any method including the Incarnate Construct only works because of Rule 0. If the DM doesn't want you playing your yun-tai, you're not playing a yun-tai. It might make more sense to simply approach the yun-tai LA as actual levels in yun-tai, and build from there. (A theme that Savage Species pushes pretty hard.)

2013-08-02, 08:55 PM
Aside from buy off (which won't work anyways) you are stuck. Ask your DM and reconsidering if the LA is appropriate and then make a monster class from there.

2013-08-02, 09:20 PM
There's also the old "let a wight punch you HD-1 times, then fail all the saves" method to get rid of all but one of the RHD. But I doubt many DMs would let you start out having done that. And many DMs might rule that you have to take racial HD instead of class levels once you gain enough experience to level up again.

2013-08-03, 02:45 AM
...LA+HD is REALLY high comparably, is their any templates or tricks to reduce it legally before...
There's the: "Reducing Level Adjustments", from Unearthed Arcana.