View Full Version : Pokemon Sandstorm Season 1

The Unborne
2013-08-03, 12:28 AM
Episode 1: Trouble Comes to Azalea Town! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_bIqdFq0yw)


Last night... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMkIvjxONbU&feature=youtu.be&t=38s)

In one of Azalea Town's quaint, little homes, a restless teenager rolls inside his bed, his body shaking with pain. "No...get away!" the kid screams as he jolts awake with his arms shielding his face from some unseen and non-present danger. He pants heavily while wiping away cold sweat from his face.

Lightning crashes outside the window, revealing a face mixed with exhaustion and fear. Alf, one of the—if not, the—shortest boys of the town, frantically scans his bedroom before settling upon a lone pokeball standing on his bedside counter. He grabs it and runs out into the black-fogged town.

This morning, outside Azalea Town (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsTuNvrbHg4)

For a ranger, the Ilex Forest offers the best of wilderness for the Johto region with its sky-covering canopy of trees and abundance of forestry pokemon. As decent of a haven for pokemon, the Ilex Forest lacks plenty when it comes to humans, which is why rangers pass through the gate between the forest and Azalea Town to restock on supplies. For one of the younger rangers of the region, Sandy, a week of relocating pokemon to safer areas of the forest has left its toll in resources, leaving her with the mission of heading out of the forest.

As soon as she steps into the gatehouse between the forest and the town, she notices an odd sight: a dozen or so people are bunked up in sleeping bags. Walking becomes a challenge as Sandy has to maneuver her feet around the sprawled out bodies on the floor. A worn out service woman stands behind the main desk with her face resting on her hand. She makes minimal movement to follow Sandy with her eyes while discretely letting out a yawn.

2013-08-07, 11:07 PM

With a look of utter concentration Sandy delicately tiptoes her way through the small minefield of sleeping bags. By the time she reaches the main desk she's far from amused by all the people crowded in here. "Can you tell me what is going on here?" She asks the tired looking woman behind the desk.

The Unborne
2013-08-08, 12:36 AM

The reception lady looks at Sandy incredulously, unsure whether or not someone was in fact addressing her. Given a spare moment, however, the woman regains her composure and stands upright from her slouched over position. "Uh," she begins most helpfully, "outbreak of insomnia? I guess?" She fumbles over the formation of her sentence, trying to make out the meaning herself. "No one's had a decent night of sleep in town. So they sleep here now."

2013-08-08, 12:51 AM

"Oh," she replied in a dumb fashion that left no doubt that she hadn't actually understood anything. "So the gates aren't closed then?" She continued as dumbly as she'd began, assuming that this woman would understand the train of thought that had brought her to that initial assumption.

The Unborne
2013-08-08, 11:39 AM

The woman blinks, and then she blinks again. "Yeah. You came in, right? Should mean you can walk on through. Yeah." She looks ahead towards the entrance towards Azalea Town and notes the bodies bundled up in blankets and sleeping bags. "Here, I'll help out." The receptionist hobbles out from behind the desk and gently stirs awake a few people asking politely for them to move from entrance and exit ways. For obvious reasons, the Azaleans all move haggardly and mumble obscenities as they squish in with others making a clear path for Sandy to exit.

2013-08-10, 05:27 AM

"Thank you," she says timidly as she watches all the annoyed people shuffle out of her way. A little more boldly she makes her way through the gate and into Azalea Town.

The Unborne
2013-08-10, 03:50 PM
Azalea Town

With its log cabin homes and surrounding forestry, Azalea Town stands as the pinnacle of a cultivated land that continues a symbiosis with the natural world. Even the town's gym features wooden construction like its surrounding buildings; however, two buildings stood against the rest with their modern style and construction: the Pokemon Center and its neighboring Poke Mart. The latter of which Sandy finds herself entering for life's essentials.

Once the automated doors open, Sandy sees a uniformed woman handling the cash register. The woman appears to be in her early 40's, and she perks up as the doors open but quickly slouches in posture at the sight of Sandy. "Oh," she says with a note of disappointment, "how may I help you, miss?"