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Silver Swift
2013-08-03, 05:51 AM
I was wondering what the playground thought of this series, because I'm having seriously mixed feelings about it. It seems like half the time the characters are behaving like actual human beings put in a difficult situation and the other half of the time they are the complete morons that get themselves in those situations.

I really don't like it when shows like this have some bullcrap will they or won't they side plot going on for their main characters, so starting them of in an already established healthy relationship and having them act like sane adults is something I really appreciate. For instance:

When the dragon chick was flirting with Nick and Juliette found out, he just explained to her what was going on without digging himself in a deeper hole. And, when the investigation took them back to her, he first called her up to tell her what was going on and explained that he was going there as a police officer and that Hank would also be there.

I was just staring at the screen in disbelief. Fictional people doing the smart thing instead of the stupid thing that will obviously cause a lot of unnecessary drama? We can do that?
And then, of course, the amnesia arc happened and everyone was suddenly carrying planet size idiot balls glued to their hands. Seriously, I lost track of the number of plot points during that part of the series that could have been resolved if the main characters would just sit around a table for five minutes and exchanged notes. But then, after the mid season break, everyone (with the exception of Nick) started being sane again and the remainder of the season focused on the interesting (if completely absurd) wessen politics as well as cleaning up the fallout from the first half of the season. I think I actually cheered when

Munroe and Rosaly finally explained everything to Julliete.
I'm cautiously optimistic about the third season, but I'm not going through another amnesia arc so if the idiot balls come back I'm out. Which would be a shame, because the show has a lot of potential. So, anyone else watching this show, what do you guys think?

Also, the eisbiber really really has to go.

2013-08-03, 06:41 AM
I think the writers are, donkeys for using the same joke twice. But I'm quite optimistic for the third season. Especially since Nick'll probally be a zombie for part of the first ep, and I really want to know what the hell were the Royal's plans.

2013-08-03, 10:55 PM
Which joke?

I think the premise is great; it's a Changeling: the Lost game. You have these people with templates that need to choose the degree by which their title is descriptive or prescriptive. It's easy to be the category, hard to be an individual. Monroe is a Blutbad but not defined as such; the Jaegerbear(?) mother was defining herself by her wesen status, and was a traditional monster.

We see this with Nick as well, as he is pulled between being a good cop and being a good Grimm. Unfortunately, Grimm is winning. Nick was compelling because he stuck to his police ethics. Now... I am enjoying that he got a big head over being a Grimm and it blew up on him. I hope he returns to bein reasonable and can destroy the calcified politics that bind so many into pointless stratification

Congratulations on your conscription, Admiral! Much respect.

Silver Swift
2013-08-04, 12:54 AM
Which joke?

Maybe the apologetic to be continued screens? I thought those were great though.

I think the premise is great; it's a Changeling: the Lost game. You have these people with templates that need to choose the degree by which their title is descriptive or prescriptive. It's easy to be the category, hard to be an individual. Monroe is a Blutbad but not defined as such; the Jaegerbear(?) mother was defining herself by her wesen status, and was a traditional monster.

We see this with Nick as well, as he is pulled between being a good cop and being a good Grimm. Unfortunately, Grimm is winning. Nick was compelling because he stuck to his police ethics. Now... I am enjoying that he got a big head over being a Grimm and it blew up on him. I hope he returns to bein reasonable and can destroy the calcified politics that bind so many into pointless stratification.

Ooh, interesting analysis, and spot on I think.

2013-08-04, 07:23 AM
I'm only a conscript in the most technical sense.

Anyway, yeah, the apologetic to be continued screen, they used it twice. And also why do the eisbiber really really have to go? I thought they were kinda chuckle worthy.

Sgt. Cookie
2013-08-04, 07:28 AM
Stuff SiuiS said.

...I need to learn Changeling: The Lost for the express purpose of playing a Grimm game.

2013-08-04, 07:35 AM
...I need to learn Changeling: The Lost for the express purpose of playing a Grimm game.

Unless you want to play as a Grimm, then you just need Hunter and a custom conspiracy. Must not make crappy homebrew

Silver Swift
2013-08-04, 08:00 AM
Anyway, yeah, the apologetic to be continued screen, they used it twice. And also why do the eisbiber really really have to go? I thought they were kinda chuckle worthy.

I was talking specifically about that one eisbiber that hangs around the main cast a lot. I get that they wanted to show that Grimms are serious heavy hitters and that most wessen where scared excrement-less* by the idea that one was running around in their neighbourhood. But I thought the absurd levels that they take his cowardliness to are extremely annoying and immersion breaking, especially after he gets to know Nick and Juliette and should realize that they really aren't bad people.

I don't typically mind comic relief characters that much, but (at least to me) he wasn't so much funny as embarrassing.

Edit: *: Huh, apperently we are not allowed to use the word that I used here first.

Lord Seth
2013-08-04, 09:49 PM
I really like Grimm. I'll agree the amnesia thing wasn't very good and was really dragged out, though.