View Full Version : Stormreach [3.5, Eberron] IC

Your Nemesis
2013-08-03, 05:32 PM
It’s a ruin.
This is your first thought as Stormreach comes into view: The city has
been destroyed by some terrible disaster. You see crumbling walls and squat,
shattered towers. Then a moment later, you realize how far you still are from
the city, and you notice the smaller structures clustered around those broken
foundations. These ruins must be the work of the giants, buildings that fell
long before humans came to this land.
It might not be a ruin, but Stormreach is a ramshackle city. As you draw
closer, you see that the buildings are an astonishing assortment of architectural
styles and materials. Some of the inhabitants have constructed their homes using
stone quarried from the ruins themselves; others are partially built from driftwood
or the hulls of broken ships. The Flamic architecture of Thrane stands next
to a thatched hut that would seem more at home in the Shadow Marches. The
city is a tapestry, hinting at the diverse range of people that have settled here.
From what you can see, Stormreach is spread over a wide area, flowing
down along a river valley. Barges and passenger skiffs drift between the
harbor and the depths of the city. Vegetation-covered cliffs surround the valley
with a curtain of lush green.
As a boomtown devoted to extracting Xen’drik’s riches, Stormreach
will never be mistaken for a capital city or a paragon of architectural splendor.
The climate seems agreeable, though (at least between storms), and the
place holds an air of ancient mystery. You can see why so many choose to stay
in Stormreach long after their expeditions have staggered out of Xen’drik’s
interior and returned to civilization.

As you stagger down the gangplank, the first things you notice are the various recruiting booths along the waterfront, each bearing the colors of a different faction, each trying to attract attention at the top of their lungs. Agents of the Dragonmarked Houses rub shoulders with recruiters working for the various adventuring guilds based in the city. Adding to the throng are the men (and women) who work the bum boats, all trying to get to their craft at once. It is utter chaos.

2013-08-05, 12:59 AM
Helena strides confidently down the gangplank pleased to be away from the dangers of the main land where her Father's agents may be well placed to interfere with her life.

Stopping on the dockside she gazes around the city rising from the jungle around her. The buildings - some sized for humanoids others for giants creating a stunning myriad of architecture that teems with exotic people and creatures. Sniffing the air the scents of the city and the heavy musk of the jungle hit her. "What now Bolts?" she asks her comrade?

Behind her the heavy Warforged crunches down the plank - the wood creaking beneath his weight as his glowing red orbs survey the scene and the Jungle beyond that may hold the answer to his entire race's creation beyond. Sniffing the air like his friend he meets her gaze levelly. "I smell nothing Helena Di'Deneith. You are better versed in cities such as these. Where would you suggest? Are there guilds of explorers like those found in Sharn?"

Helena considers of a second. "That'll be somewhere to start I guess. Or possibly House Tharashk. Grabbing a passing local she will flip a silver coin to them "Where are the guilds or dragonmakr enclaves?"

Sorry for the slow reposnes. My supsription didb't say you had posted.

2013-08-05, 08:49 AM
When Drago left the ship he and his companion Fellise used to travel from Principalities to Stormreach, he looked over city ruins without any special interest. He could feel hot and humid air of the tropical continent, but even though he donned his plate armor before their ship reached port, he haven't got any problem with it. Turning his head to half-elf, he thanked her "It looks like those armor crystals are worth their cost after all"

"Indeed, climate in Xen'drik is very different from Karrnath cold." replied Fellise, grateful for standing on solid ground and not on moving deck of the ship. She observed city with much greater interest then her companion. Even though they have both seen their share of ruins during their previous careers, places she explored were usualy long empty, not combined with new buildings and crowds of Stormreach. "We need to visit my contact, to announce we are here and to get some local informations." With those words, she started making her way through mix of sailors, dockworkers, merchants and beggars further inside the ancient city, silently followed by her protector.