View Full Version : Redhurst Academy of Magic

2013-08-04, 06:35 AM
Hello, GitP, I am in need of help. Well, not help for me, but for my GM. She is trying to run, like the title says, Redhurst Academy of Magic in DnD 3.5. Not she has the Player's Handbook, and I did find a few web enhancements to gift her for the deed she is doing for our group (as in DMing for us), but what I would really want to give her is the DM's guide for Redhurst. That way she would not have as much trouble with gathering and preparing whilst having just as much fun running as we would playing. Problem is I cannot find even a glimpse of it anywhere, nor a proper title for the book to search for it. Would anyone here be kindly o direct me to where I could find it online, preferably for free (as I am nearly broke until I get a bill half from my roommate)? This would really mean a lot to her if I could find this for her, hardcopy even but then that would cost money as well. I have yet to say a word about me getting this for her, so I wanted to get it as a surprise

2013-08-04, 09:00 AM
Is this an official pathfinder module? If so, have you checked the Pazio store? You can download modules there as PDFs for a small fee. Like, 5 dollars. Otherwise, you could check websites like 4shared and other websites along those lines for PDFs. Hope I help!

2013-08-04, 02:35 PM
I believe so, but I also know it was a clone or ripoff of Harry Potter so maybe

EDIT: Found out what it is. It is a d20 publication, that isn't in distribution anymore. Can be made to fit Dnd3.5 and PF easily. I am just hoping that someone has a torrent, or a download link, somewhere that can provide for me the GM guide to this setting/adventure path book. Would mean the world to my GM. She is a good person

2013-08-07, 11:12 AM
bumping for posterity, and I apologize for the double post. Been a hard day on me, :(

2013-08-07, 11:15 AM
Pretty sure it's against forum rules to provide links to that sort of thing, sorry.

2013-08-07, 11:28 AM
thought I would ask, no worries. I am in the midst of searching (more like scouring, since I have nothing better to do until I an emergency sorted out, finances involved...stupid cell service). We still have the student (i.e. the player's) handbook, just will be a bit harder, unfortunately

2013-08-07, 11:35 AM
After poking around myself, I'm not sure there IS a gamemaster's guide-- the author's Amazon page only listed the Student's Handbook.

2013-08-07, 11:51 AM
that's what I am getting to, but a player of my group mentioned that he had a version that was different in the way that it already had maps and notes printed within the book to make it easier for those that DM this setting. I was hoping to find that.

2013-08-07, 04:09 PM
The Redhurst Academy student guide is the same book, only with all of the game rules stripped out.

Imagine reading the DMG without any game rules. It would be a pamphlet.

Anyway, I just bought a copy of the full thing here (http://www.amazon.com/Redhurst-Academy-Magic-Matt-Forbeck/dp/1932488006/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375909602&sr=8-1&keywords=redhurst+academy+of+magic). You can have one used for about eleven bucks.

Not too shabby for hardcover.

EDIT: I should say, the free, downloadable version called the Student Guide is the one without any game rules. But both the free pdf and the real, full version of this thing have 'Student Handbook' as part of the title. They are confusing that way. But the link I gave is to the full, 160 page, genuine article.

EDIT2: I got attracted to this thing when a teaser download (separate from the Student Guide pdf, yeah, they really get confusing that way) had a spell called Shrink Person, which reduces a person by four size categories - which sounded so useful I chased down the rest of this information and bought it.