View Full Version : Prison Break

2013-08-04, 02:39 PM
I am trapped in a prison. I am playing as a 2nd lvl. warlock in an anti magic field. My guards are vampires and my hands are concreted to the floor by my hands and a chain. I have started cutting the chains that bind me, using the concrete that is on my hands. What should I do after I have my hands free.

Please hurry in the reply as I am posting this mid session!

2013-08-04, 02:41 PM
...take your death like a person. Seriously though, you are outgunned and outmanned so most likely your DM is just setting up a plot hook or some deus ex machina.

2013-08-04, 02:42 PM
in anti magic field, vampires aren't that scary. sneak up on them, hit from behind and hope the huge LA is enough to keep them weak without their special abilitys

2013-08-04, 02:51 PM
in anti magic field, vampires aren't that scary. sneak up on them, hit from behind and hope the huge LA is enough to keep them weak without their special abilitys
Fast healing is an extraordinary ability...even with concrete fists I don't think a warlock can beat one down unless if they are really lucky or the vampires have 2 hp (unlikely with a hit dice of 12). Without the concrete fists the warlock will not be able to beat the vampires down at all. It's even worse considering the natural armor and the fact they assumedly have armor as well.

2013-08-04, 02:57 PM
you are right, i didn't notice the fast healing. yep, pretty much impossible without dm fiat

2013-08-04, 02:59 PM
Talk your way out of it.

2013-08-04, 03:04 PM
Fast healing is an extraordinary ability...even with concretete fists I don't think a warlock can beat one down unless if they are really lucky or the vampires have 2 hp (unlikely with a hit dice of 12). Without the concrete fists the warlock will not be able to beat the vampires down at all. It's even worse considering the natural armor and the fact they assumedly have armor as well.

I can also use the chain as a weapon, sadly I don't have improved improvised weapons.

Talk your way out of it.

I tried.

Also my chain and concrete deal a total of 3d6.

2013-08-04, 03:28 PM
O_O That is alot...make sure to keep it. The fighter of your group might want it for later.

Your chance to hit with it is horrible though. You have a BAB of 1 and I doubt your strength is maxed...you probably even dumped it. Take into account that you have a -4 from improvised weapons and that a vampire has +6 natural armor. That means an AC of atleast 16 (if they had a dex of 10) but from their bonus to dex it would go up to 18. Not even counting armor you probably hit only on a 20. Assuming you can kill them in one round if you hit then you will have to go through 40 rounds on average to kill those two (possibly more or less). Of course that assumes you can kill them in one attack. Critical strikes don't do extra damage against undead so this is not a given even if they are level one. If you don't then they will heal back up...most likely before you can get a second shot on them. While you spend 40 rounds wailing at them with a chain at them they are fighting back and tearing you a new one.

Of course this all assumes they are normal vampires. You DM might have nerfed them or you just failed a knowledge check on them so that you could actually fight. I still think this will end with a plothook or Deus Ex Machina though.

2013-08-04, 03:30 PM
ask your dm OOC "can i actually win here?" if the answer is yes, try to sneak on them and attack from behind. if the answer is no, well, there is nothing you can do. if the answer is "mayyyybe", there is only one tricky solution you will never be able to figure out that lets you win, but the dm won't feel bad when he kills you. good luck.

2013-08-04, 07:53 PM
Pray to what ever Dark Power you made a deal with to get you out of this Crap shoot you got yourself in...

2013-08-04, 07:57 PM
yeah... pretty garbage situation that, unless you got yourself into, it sounds like it is deus ex machina time for the dm and he planned it that way.

Winds of Nagual
2013-08-04, 09:16 PM
Got cigarettes?

2013-08-04, 09:22 PM
I Work for the Federal Prisons system most prisons don't allow smoking anymore. You need stamps, get some Stamps.

Got cigarettes?

2013-08-04, 09:36 PM
Got cigarettes?

Sir you are allowed in any campaign I run with that attitude. I'm serious if you ever want in on one of my games just bring this up and you're automatically in.

Alright so give us more information on this cell. We need to know about every asset. Do they bring you water do they intend to feed you. Every little bit helps.

2013-08-04, 09:45 PM
Got cigarettes?

I Work for the Federal Prisons system most prisons don't allow smoking anymore. You need stamps, get some Stamps.

Don't any of you watch cartoons? All kids know you trade raisins is prison. Seriously, a lot of cartoons these days are full of references twisted so that kids just can't get it.

captain fubar
2013-08-04, 10:13 PM
AMF is an emination if you can figure out where it is centered and get cover from that direction you will be able to use your spell like abilitys normaly (but not into the AMF). I hope the AMF isnt coming from your hand cuffs becuse then you are either scrued or waiting for your captors to send you on a quest in exchange for your freedom or somthing.

even if you can cast though its probibly better to try and sneak out or make some kind of deal rather than try and fight multiple vampires on their own home turf without any preperations at second level.

2013-08-04, 10:17 PM
Do your guards have magic, silver weapons? If it isn't a deus ex machina check your surroundings.

2013-08-05, 10:35 PM
I got out already and forgot to say that, they took me out to sacrifice me, and the rest of my party ( going after some stolen gear) happened to be there, sorry.