View Full Version : Diplomacy - Phoenix Rising

2013-08-05, 04:44 AM
The year is 1901, and the great powers of Europe are eyeing each other warily. Conflict is coming, but none know how things will fall out!

Welcome to the game! Since there are some newer players to the game, the first year I will contact players to clarify any possibly miswritten or ambiguous orders. Starting in 1902, you will be responsible for ensuring your orders are written correctly.

As mentioned in the recruitment thread, I will be giving 3 days for orders, and 1 day for retreats/builds. If anyone needs an extension, please ask. As long as it's reasonable I don't think anyone will object. Waiting to hear back from another player is NOT sufficient reason.

I will adjudicate the last set of orders sent in, so I recommend sending in one set of orders fairly quickly, then sending in another (if necessary) when you get closer to the deadline. This will ensure that you at least have SOME orders. Anyone who NMRs (no moves received) twice in a row or 3 times total will be out, and an alternate will take their place.

I'm not trying to be mean, but as I mentioned, player involvement is crucial towards keeping things moving. Most of the reason the last bunch of Dip games died was player apathy.

For the newer players, Diplomacy can't be won on your own. You must work with other players and, should you want to go for a solo win, choose the right moment to "stab", or betray, your ally. The rules for Diplomacy are fairly straightforward. The strategy and tactics, however, are always changing. Be ready!

So, without further ado:

Spring 1901


The Powers:

Murska - Germany
Maugan Ra - Russia (that's Russia)
GnomeGninjas - France
AmidusDrexel - Turkey
Zjoot - Austria
Exthalion - England
HedgehogRanger - Italy

Please confirm you are present and ready to play. You have 24 hours.
Deadline for confirmation: 11pm (est), August 5th

Welcome and have fun!