View Full Version : The Long Journey

2013-08-05, 10:07 PM
The sun it at it's midday mark, shinning aboard the sea frigate on it's way to Oakhurst; a small and no name little town off the Sword coast. Few things take anyone out here it's only claim to fame are solstice festivals. Twice a year a peculiar sight takes place in the town square; the local goblin tribe comes to the town square to auction off an exotic fruit said to cure any ailment. The summer solstice falls upon the 20th day of Kythorn. It is currently the 18th and you should be reaching the town soon.

Balgruf Stormfist clutches in his hands a small parchment, he has read it several times since coming on board. He's also traveled a long way to reach the breezy shores of the western coast.

A letter to Brother Stormfist
Brother Stormfist
You don't know me but we share a mutual friend. My name is Orgrn Silverstar, my twin brother was Olin Silverstar he joined the Shining Hand Monastery some years ago, he was there the day they attacked... I have since been looking for those responsible with no luck, at least until last month. I have discovered news regarding at least one of those involved with the massacre at the Monastery.

Though Brother Stormfist I regret to say that I have one request I must first make. I'm not long for this world, I have an illness the the clerics of the city cannot even cure. I can't even promise you I'll last through your journey west. There's a city not far from me and on your way, they say at every midsummer there's an auction held by mysterious benefactors for a mystical fruit that is said to cure any ailment. I must ask that you go retrieve the fruit for me it is my only hope for a cure. Enclosed are 80 gold pieces for the purposes of buying the fruit.

I can say no more at this time, but you must come meet me in the city of Waterdeep. I will be where Olin says he leaned of his destiny.

The other members of the group stand around the ship looking out towards the white cliffs of the northern shore of the Sword Coast. You are north of the Trollbark forest and south of the Lizard Marsh in the distance about three miles away you can make out the small glimmer of the coastal town.