View Full Version : Making a begginer star wars d20 character

2013-08-05, 10:52 PM
OK so at some point I will suggest star wars d20. Except I have never played it. But I have played other star wars games but I have never played anything other than a dark side character. And I want to make something that is intelligent, uses a blaster rifle, can use electronics like ships and tools and computers, and at some point use a light saber and the force. Also the only book I currently have is the revised core rulebook. :smallbiggrin:

2013-08-06, 12:19 AM
OK so at some point I will suggest star wars d20. Except I have never played it. But I have played other star wars games but I have never played anything other than a dark side character. And I want to make something that is intelligent, uses a blaster rifle, can use electronics like ships and tools and computers, and at some point use a light saber and the force. Also the only book I currently have is the revised core rulebook. :smallbiggrin:

So be a Jedi.

2013-08-06, 12:34 AM
So be a Jedi.

The problem with that is the 3 force users can't use blaster rifles and they also can't use repair.

2013-08-06, 03:48 PM
Human Soldier or Scout 1 with a high intelligence score for lots of skillpoints, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber) and Force Sensitive if you want all at level 1. Or just plain Soldier / Scout 1 + multiclassing into Jedi Guardian later.

2013-08-06, 03:49 PM
To clarify, are you planning on using Revised, or Saga Edition, to make this character?

2013-08-06, 04:58 PM
The problem with that is the 3 force users can't use blaster rifles and they also can't use repair.

This is actually my favorite RPG but I haven't played anything besides oneoffs with mkvie characters as PCs in about 10 years. Force users really can't use blaster rifles?

2013-08-06, 06:20 PM
Well, they gain no free proficiency in it. Nothing except maybe fluff reasons stops them from spending a feat to become proficient.

2013-08-06, 09:27 PM
Shouldn't even be fluff reasons. Luke used a blaster. I mean,sure,it's not their trademark weapon,but IRL a cop is ABLE to shoot a crossbow,even if it's not an official sidearm.

2013-08-06, 10:04 PM
I believe Obi Wan killed Grievous wirh a blaster, too.

More traditional jedi may give you a dirty look if you run around with a blaster rifle in your hands, a pistol on your hip, a second "just in case" pistol in your boot, a bandolier of thermal detonators on your chest and a rocket launcher strapped to your back, but you don't fall from grace or anything. And in my book, it would still be slightly less silly than the notion of "jedi snipers" that snipe from the rooftops by enhancing their senses via force and throwing their lightsabers really hard because this is somehow more honorable or humane or in touch with life or something than using a rifle.

I'd not expect a young jedi to be a good shot, tough. I don't believe you can learn this in the temple, you'd need some exposure to the real world, a more "renegade" master (like Obi Wan) or a nonstandard upbringing (like Luke).

2013-08-07, 01:54 PM
In fairness to the sniper, he's throwing it FORCE ASSIISTEDLY hard, which is like super duper hard.

2013-08-08, 12:50 AM
Shouldn't even be fluff reasons. Luke used a blaster. I mean,sure,it's not their trademark weapon,but IRL a cop is ABLE to shoot a crossbow,even if it's not an official sidearm.

Luke also wouldn't be a Jedi 7, though. He would be a Scout 2/Soldier 2/Jedi 3 or what-have-you. A character with only Jedi levels would be someone who studied just being a Jedi and lightsaber stuff their entire life to that point.

And even then, your example doesn't contradict the idea. Jedi can still fire blaster rifles without the proficiency, they're just worse at it than someone with it.

2013-08-08, 09:13 AM
Luke also wouldn't be a Jedi 7, though. He would be a Scout 2/Soldier 2/Jedi 3 or what-have-you. A character with only Jedi levels would be someone who studied just being a Jedi and lightsaber stuff their entire life to that point.

And even then, your example doesn't contradict the idea. Jedi can still fire blaster rifles without the proficiency, they're just worse at it than someone with it.

I think they are talking about Revised, not Saga. Though I admit to being mostly ignorant of Revised, I dropped it as soon as I learned the 'spend HP to use Force powers' setup.

2013-08-08, 05:37 PM
Revised has stats for canon characters, Darth Vader is a Fringer 1 / Jedi Guardian X / Sith Lord X and Luke Skywalker is a Fringer 2 / Jedi Guarding X / Jedi Master X (X depending on the episode). That is what I meant by "nonstandard upbringing" ("standard upbringing" is being raised in the temple from early childhood). There is also a rule that a new character can't start as a jedi after the destruction of the temple, you have to play a "common" class and find a master to multiclass into jedi.